/** \brief Display enode definitions #n := (f #i_1 ... #i_n), where #i_k is the root of the k-th argument of the enode #n. */ void context::display_normalized_enodes(std::ostream & out) const { out << "normalized enodes:\n"; ptr_vector<enode>::const_iterator it = m_enodes.begin(); ptr_vector<enode>::const_iterator end = m_enodes.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { enode * n = *it; out << "#"; out.width(5); out << std::left << n->get_owner_id() << " #"; out.width(5); out << n->get_root()->get_owner_id() << " := " << std::right; unsigned num = n->get_owner()->get_num_args(); if (num > 0) out << "("; out << n->get_decl()->get_name(); if (!n->get_decl()->private_parameters()) display_parameters(out, n->get_decl()->get_num_parameters(), n->get_decl()->get_parameters()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num; i++) { expr * arg = n->get_owner()->get_arg(i); if (e_internalized(arg)) { enode * n = get_enode(arg)->get_root(); out << " #" << n->get_owner_id(); } else { out << " #" << arg->get_id(); } } if (num > 0) out << ")"; if (is_relevant(n)) out << "\t*"; out << "\n"; } }
void hexDump(std::ostream &o,void const *v,uint cb,uint cbDone) { boost::io::ios_all_saver streamStateSaver(o); PConstBuffer b = (PConstBuffer) v; uint cbLine = 16, cbThis; o.fill('0'); for (; cb; cb -= cbThis, cbDone += cbThis) { cbThis = std::min(cbLine, cb); o << std::hex; o.width(4); o << cbDone << ": "; uint i; for (i = 0; i < cbThis; i++, b++) { o.width(2); o << (uint) *b << " "; } for (i = cbThis; i < cbLine; i++) { o << " "; } o << "| "; for (i = 0, b -= cbThis; i < cbThis; i++, b++) { if (isprint(*b)) { o << *b; } else { o << " "; } } o << std::endl; } }
void DataDisplay::output( std::ostream& os) { int rows = DataTable->numRows(); int cols = DataTable->numCols(); os << "! LEGEND:"<< std::endl; os << "! " << std::endl; int k = 0; for (int i=0; i<cols; i++) { if ( ! DataTable->isColumnHidden(i) ) { os << "! Column " << ++k << " : " << DataTable->horizontalHeader( )->label(i).replace('\n', ',') << std::endl; } } os << "!" << std::endl; k = 0 ; QString tmp_heading; for ( int i=0; i <cols; i++) { if ( ! DataTable->isColumnHidden(i) ) { tmp_heading = "Column " + QString::number(++k); if ( k == 1){ os.width(1); os <<"!"; os.width(17); os << tmp_heading; } else { os.width(18); os.setf(std::ios_base::right | std::ios_base::scientific); os << tmp_heading; } } } os << std::endl; os << "!" << std::endl; for (int i=0; i< rows; i++) { for (int j=0; j< cols; j++) { if ( !DataTable->isColumnHidden(j) ) { os.width(18); os.setf(std::ios_base::right | std::ios_base::scientific); os << DataTable->text(i,j); } } os << std::endl; } }
void Order::display(std::ostream & os) const { eanOrd.display(os); os.width(9); os << ordered; os.width(11); os << delivered; }
inline void arma_ostream::print(std::ostream& o, const subview_field<oT>& x) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const arma_ostream_state stream_state(o); const std::streamsize cell_width = o.width(); const uword x_n_rows = x.n_rows; const uword x_n_cols = x.n_cols; for(uword col=0; col<x_n_cols; ++col) { o << "[field column " << col << ']' << '\n'; for(uword row=0; row<x_n_rows; ++row) { o.width(cell_width); o << x.at(row,col) << '\n'; } o << '\n'; } o.flush(); stream_state.restore(o); }
/** Ouptut a bonmin.opt file with options default values and short descritpions.*/ void RegisteredOptions::writeBonminOpt(std::ostream &os, ExtraCategoriesInfo which){ std::list< Ipopt::RegisteredOption * > options; chooseOptions(which, options); //Create journalist to write to os Ipopt::Journalist jnlst; Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::StreamJournal> J = new Ipopt::StreamJournal("options_journal", Ipopt::J_ALL); J->SetOutputStream(&os); J->SetPrintLevel(Ipopt::J_DOCUMENTATION, Ipopt::J_SUMMARY); jnlst.AddJournal(GetRawPtr(J)); std::string registeringCategory = ""; for(std::list< Ipopt::RegisteredOption * >::iterator i = options.begin(); i != options.end() ; i++) { if((*i)->RegisteringCategory() != registeringCategory){ registeringCategory = (*i)->RegisteringCategory(); os<<std::endl<<"# registering category: "<<registeringCategory<<std::endl<<std::endl; } os<<"bonmin."; os.setf(std::ios::left); os.width(37); os<<(*i)->Name()<<" "; os.width(10); os<<makeNumber(defaultAsString(*i))<<"\t#"; os<<(*i)->ShortDescription(); os<<std::endl; } }
void Timing::print(std::ostream & out) { map_t & tagMap = instance().m_tagMap; //list_t & timers = instance().m_timers; out << "SM Timing\n"; out << "-----------\n"; map_t::iterator t = tagMap.begin(); for( ; t != tagMap.end(); t++) { size_t i = t->second; out.width((std::streamsize)instance().m_maxTagLength); out.setf(std::ios::left,std::ios::adjustfield); out << t->first << "\t"; out.width(7); out.setf(std::ios::right,std::ios::adjustfield); out << getNumSamples(i) << "\t"; if(getNumSamples(i) > 0) { out << secondsToTimeString(getTotalSeconds(i)) << "\t"; double meansec = getMeanSeconds(i); double stddev = sqrt(getVarianceSeconds(i)); out << "(" << secondsToTimeString(meansec) << " +- "; out << secondsToTimeString(stddev) << ")\t"; double minsec = getMinSeconds(i); double maxsec = getMaxSeconds(i); // The min or max are out of bounds. out << "[" << secondsToTimeString(minsec) << "," << secondsToTimeString(maxsec) << "]"; } out << std::endl; } }
void context::display_subexprs_info(std::ostream & out, expr * n) const { ptr_buffer<expr> todo; todo.push_back(n); while (!todo.empty()) { expr * n = todo.back(); todo.pop_back(); out << "#"; out.width(6); out << std::left << n->get_id(); out << ", relevant: " << is_relevant(n); if (m_manager.is_bool(n)) { out << ", val: "; out.width(7); out << std::right; if (lit_internalized(n)) out << get_assignment(n); else out << "l_undef"; } if (e_internalized(n)) { enode * e = get_enode(n); out << ", root: #" << e->get_root()->get_owner_id(); } out << "\n"; if (is_app(n)) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < to_app(n)->get_num_args(); i++) todo.push_back(to_app(n)->get_arg(i)); } } }
// Custom streaming for stacktraces. inline void stream_stacktrace(std::ostream &os, const stacktrace &st) { os << '\n'; const auto w = os.width(); const auto max_idx_width = std::to_string(st.size()).size(); // NOTE: the overflow check is because we will have to cast to std::streamsize // later, due to the iostreams API. // LCOV_EXCL_START if (unlikely(max_idx_width > static_cast<std::make_unsigned<std::streamsize>::type>( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max()))) { // Not much left to do here really. std::cerr << "Overflow in the size of a stacktrace, aborting now.\n"; std::abort(); } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP // We customize a bit the printing of the stacktrace, and we traverse // it backwards. auto i = st.size(); for (auto it = st.rbegin(); it != st.rend(); --i, ++it) { os << "#"; os.width(static_cast<std::streamsize>(max_idx_width)); os << i; os.width(w); os << "| " << *it << '\n'; } }
void Node1D::print(std::ostream &out) { out << " ID = "; out.width(4); out << _id; out << ", X = "; out.width(4); out.left; out << _x; out << std::endl; }
void printSyntaxTree (std::ostream & os, Nonterm const & nonterm) { LRRule const & rule = nonterm.getRule (); os << rule.str; // info->name is node name NontermInfo const * info = rule.nonterm_info; os << " [" << info->name << "]"; os << '\n'; typedef std::pair <Nonterm const *, int> ChildIter; std::deque <ChildIter> stack; stack.push_back (ChildIter (& nonterm, 1)); int indent = 1; for (;;) { ChildIter & iter = stack.back (); Nonterm const & nonterm = * iter.first; if (iter.second > nonterm.getNumChild ()) { stack.pop_back (); if (stack.empty ()) { break; } -- indent; } else { Node & node = nonterm.getChild (iter.second ++); Token const & token = node.getToken (); if (token.isSet ()) { os.width (indent * 2); os << ""; os << identToString (token.getLexeme ()) << '\n'; } Nonterm const & nonterm = node.getNonterm (); if (nonterm.isSet ()) { LRRule const & rule = nonterm.getRule (); os.width (indent * 2); os << ""; os << rule.str; // info->name is node name NontermInfo const * info = rule.nonterm_info; os << " [" << info->name << "]"; os << '\n'; stack.push_back (ChildIter (& nonterm, 1)); ++ indent; } } } }
void ILogger::WriteTag(std::ostream& theOstream, SeverityType theSeverity, const char* theSourceFile, int theSourceLine) { const struct std::tm* anTm; // Pointer to Time structure std::time_t anNow; // Get current time in seconds since Jan 1, 1970 anNow = std::time(NULL); // Convert current time value into local time (with help from OS) anTm = std::localtime(&anNow); // Output time in timestamp format theOstream << anTm->tm_year + 1900 << "-"; theOstream.fill('0'); theOstream.width(2); theOstream << anTm->tm_mon + 1 << "-"; theOstream.fill('0'); theOstream.width(2); theOstream << anTm->tm_mday << " "; theOstream.fill('0'); theOstream.width(2); theOstream << anTm->tm_hour + 1 << ":"; theOstream.fill('0'); theOstream.width(2); theOstream << anTm->tm_min << ":"; theOstream.fill('0'); theOstream.width(2); theOstream << anTm->tm_sec << " "; // Now print the log level as a single character switch(theSeverity) { case SeverityInfo: theOstream << "I"; break; case SeverityWarning: theOstream << "W"; break; case SeverityError: theOstream << "E"; break; case SeverityFatal: theOstream << "F"; break; default: theOstream << "U"; break; } theOstream << " " << theSourceFile << ":" << theSourceLine << " "; }
void DenseMatrix<T>::printOn(std::ostream& os) const { std::streamsize width = os.width(); os.width(0); for(size_t i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) { os << "[ "; for(size_t j = 0; j < numCols; ++j) { os << std::setw(width) << a(i, j) << ' '; } os << "]\n"; } }
// printAlignedFP - Simulate the printf "%A.Bf" format, where A is the // TotalWidth size, and B is the AfterDec size. // static void printAlignedFP(double Val, unsigned AfterDec, unsigned TotalWidth, std::ostream &OS) { assert(TotalWidth >= AfterDec+1 && "Bad FP Format!"); OS.width(TotalWidth-AfterDec-1); char OldFill = OS.fill(); OS.fill(' '); OS << (int)Val; // Integer part; OS << "."; OS.width(AfterDec); OS.fill('0'); unsigned ResultFieldSize = 1; while (AfterDec--) ResultFieldSize *= 10; OS << (int)(Val*ResultFieldSize) % ResultFieldSize; OS.fill(OldFill); }
void TridiagonalMatrix<T>::printOn(std::ostream& os) const { const std::streamsize width = os.width(); os.width(0); for(size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { os << "[ "; for(size_t j = 0; j < size; ++j) { os << std::setw(width) << getElement(i, j) << ' '; } os << "]\n"; } }
static inline void formatGdbmiChar(std::ostream &str, wchar_t c) { switch (c) { case L'\n': str << "\\n"; break; case L'\t': str << "\\t"; break; case L'\r': str << "\\r"; break; case L'\\': case L'"': str << '\\' << char(c); break; default: if (c < 128) { str << char(c); } else { // Always pad up to 3 digits in case a digit follows const char oldFill = str.fill('0'); str << '\\' << std::oct; str.width(3); str << unsigned(c) << std::dec; str.fill(oldFill); } break; } }
void print_in_readelf_style(std::ostream& s, const core::Cie& cie) { // first line is section-offset, length-not-including-length-field, zeroes, "CIE" s.width(8); s.fill('0'); s << setw(8) << setfill('0') << std::hex << cie.get_offset() << ' ' << setw(16) << setfill('0') << std::hex << cie.get_bytes_in_cie() << ' ' << setw(8) << setfill('0') << 0 << std::dec << " CIE" << endl; // cie fields come next s << " Version: " << (int) cie.get_version() << endl << " Augmentation: \"" << cie.get_augmenter() << "\"" << endl << " Code alignment factor: " << cie.get_code_alignment_factor() << endl << " Data alignment factor: " << cie.get_data_alignment_factor() << endl << " Return address column: " << cie.get_return_address_register_rule() << endl << " Augmentation data: "; auto augbytes = cie.get_augmentation_bytes(); for (auto i_byte = augbytes.begin(); i_byte != augbytes.end(); ++i_byte) { if (i_byte != augbytes.begin()) s << ' '; s << std::hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (unsigned) *i_byte; } s << std::dec << endl; s << endl; /* Now we need to print the "initial instructions". */ encap::frame_instrlist initial_instrs(cie, /* FIXME */ 8, cie.initial_instructions_seq()); print_in_readelf_style(s, initial_instrs, -1); }
void print_in_readelf_style(std::ostream& s, const Fde& fde) { // auto decoded = decode_fde(dbg, fde); // don't decode -- that's for -wF // first line is section-offset, length-not-including-length-field, id, "FDE" s.width(8); s.fill('0'); s << setw(8) << setfill('0') << std::hex << fde.get_fde_offset() << ' ' << setw(16) << setfill('0') << std::hex << fde.get_fde_byte_length() << ' ' << setw(8) << setfill('0') << fde.get_id() << std::dec << " FDE cie=" << setw(8) << setfill('0') << std::hex << fde.find_cie()->get_cie_offset() << " pc=" << setw(16) << setfill('0') << std::hex << fde.get_low_pc() << ".." << setw(16) << setfill('0') << std::hex << (fde.get_low_pc() + fde.get_func_length()) << endl; /* Now we need to print the "initial instructions" in decoded form. */ auto result = fde.decode(); result.add_unfinished_row(fde.get_low_pc() + fde.get_func_length()); print_in_readelf_style(s, result, *fde.find_cie()); }
void print_in_readelf_style(std::ostream& s, const Cie& cie) { // first line is section-offset, length-not-including-length-field, zeroes, "CIE" s.width(8); s.fill('0'); s << setw(8) << setfill('0') << std::hex << cie.get_offset() << ' ' << setw(16) << setfill('0') << std::hex << cie.get_bytes_in_cie() << ' ' << setw(8) << setfill('0') << 0 << std::dec << " CIE " << "\"" << cie.get_augmenter() << "\" cf=" << cie.get_code_alignment_factor() << " df=" << cie.get_data_alignment_factor() << " ra=" << cie.get_return_address_register_rule() << endl; /* Now we need to print the "initial instructions" in decoded form. */ auto result = cie.get_owner().interpret_instructions( cie, 0, cie.get_initial_instructions(), cie.get_initial_instructions_length() ); // encap::frame_instrlist initial_instrs(cie, /* FIXME */ 8, cie.initial_instructions_seq()); /* Add the unfinished row as if it were a real row. */ result.add_unfinished_row(/* HACK */ result.unfinished_row_addr + 1); print_in_readelf_style(s, result, cie); }
inline void arma_ostream::print(std::ostream& o, const Cube<eT>& x, const bool modify) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const arma_ostream_state stream_state(o); const std::streamsize cell_width = modify ? arma_ostream::modify_stream(o, x.memptr(), x.n_elem) : o.width(); if(x.is_empty() == false) { for(uword slice=0; slice < x.n_slices; ++slice) { o << "[cube slice " << slice << ']' << '\n'; o.width(cell_width); arma_ostream::print(o, x.slice(slice), false); o << '\n'; } } else { o << "[cube size: " << x.n_rows << 'x' << x.n_cols << 'x' << x.n_slices << "]\n"; } stream_state.restore(o); }
void SparsitySuperset::print(std::ostream& os) const { Tabs tabs; /* find the maximum size of the std::string reps of the derivatives. * We'll use this to set the field width for printing derivatives. */ int maxlen = 25; for (int i=0; i<derivs_.size(); i++) { int s = derivs_[i].toString().length(); if (s > maxlen) maxlen = s; } os << tabs << "SparsitySuperset" << std::endl; for (int i=0; i<derivs_.size(); i++) { os << tabs << i << "\tderiv=\t"; os.width(maxlen); os.setf(std::ios_base::left, std::ios_base::adjustfield); os << derivs_[i].toString() << "\tstate=\t" ; switch(states_[i]) { case ZeroDeriv: os << "Zero" << std::endl; break; case ConstantDeriv: os << "Constant" << std::endl; break; case VectorDeriv: os << "Vector" << std::endl; break; } } }
void dumpArray(std::ostream& file, const Array<T> table, const std::string& title = "", int indent = 0) { std::string indentString(indent, ' '); if (!title.empty()) { file << indentString << title << std::endl; } Array<std::string> txts(table.width(), table.height()); size_t maxlen = 0; for (Point p: arrayRange(table)) { txts[p] = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(table[p]); maxlen = std::max(maxlen, txts[p].size()); } // leave a space between characters ++maxlen; Point p; for (p.y = 0; p.y < static_cast<int>(table.height()); p.y++) { file << indentString; for (p.x = 0; p.x < static_cast<int>(table.width()); p.x++) { file.width(maxlen); file << txts[p]; } file << std::endl; } file << std::endl; }
size_t basic_fmt::check_command(std::ostream& formatter) { fmt_command cmd; ostream_string_output output(formatter); size_t cmd_pos = process_fmt(this->fmt_, this->pos_, cmd, output); if( cmd_pos == (size_t)-1 ) throw format_exception("basic_fmt: too many actual arguments"); if( cmd.fill ) formatter.fill(cmd.fill); if( cmd.width ) formatter.width(cmd.width); if( cmd.precision ) formatter.precision(cmd.precision); switch( cmd.command ) { case 's': case 'i': case 'd': std::dec(formatter); break; case 'x': std::hex(formatter); break; default: throw format_exception(fmt("basic_fmt: bad format command %s") % cmd.command); } return cmd_pos; }
void Utils::DisplayTime( const timespec& disp, std::ostream& Cout) { Cout << disp.tv_sec << "."; Cout.width(9); Cout.fill('0'); Cout << disp.tv_nsec << " second(s)"; }
void numMatrixBanded::print(std::ostream & out){ using std::ostream; using std::endl; using std::cout; using std::ios; for (int i = 0; i<_n_rows; i++){ out << "Row " << i << endl; for (int j = 0; j<_n_cols; j++){ out.setf(ios::scientific); out.precision(4); out.width(13); if (std::abs(j - i) > (_band_width / 2)) { out << 0.0; } else { out << _coeff[i][getBandIdx(i, j)]; } //if ((j + 1) % 6 == 0){ // out << endl; } out << endl; out << endl; } }
void printSym(std::ostream & s, unsigned sym) { if (sym > 256 ) { s << "INV"; } else if (sym == 256) { s << "EOF"; } else if (isprint(sym)) { char c = sym; s << "'" << c << "'"; } else { std::streamsize w = s.width(3); s << std::hex << sym << std::dec; s.width(w); } }
inline arma_ostream_state::arma_ostream_state(const std::ostream& o) : orig_flags (o.flags()) , orig_precision(o.precision()) , orig_width (o.width()) , orig_fill (o.fill()) { }
inline void field<oT>::print(std::ostream& user_stream, const std::string extra_text) const { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); if(extra_text.length() != 0) { const std::streamsize orig_width = user_stream.width(); user_stream << extra_text << '\n'; user_stream.width(orig_width); } arma_ostream::print(user_stream, *this); }
void setFloatFmt( std::ostream &_file, int _width, int _precision ) { _file.setf(ios::showpoint); // ensure the decimal point is set _file.setf(ios::right,ios::adjustfield); // ensure all is right aligned to the available width _file.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield); // ensure that the floating point representation _file.width(_width); // set the print width _file.precision(_precision); // set the number of decimal palaces }
void FileLogger::writeTag(std::ostream& outStream, SeverityType severity, const char* sourceFile, int sourceLine) { const struct std::tm* timeStruct; std::time_t now; now = std::time(nullptr); timeStruct = std::localtime(&now); outStream << timeStruct->tm_year + 1900 << "-"; outStream.fill('0'); outStream.width(2); outStream << timeStruct->tm_mon + 1 << "-"; outStream.fill('0'); outStream.width(2); outStream << timeStruct->tm_mday << " "; outStream.fill('0'); outStream.width(2); outStream << timeStruct->tm_hour + 1 << ":"; outStream.fill('0'); outStream.width(2); outStream << timeStruct->tm_min << ":"; outStream.fill('0'); outStream.width(2); outStream << timeStruct->tm_sec << " "; switch(severity) { case SeverityInfo: outStream << "Information :"; break; case SeverityWarning: outStream << "Warning :"; break; case SeverityError: outStream << "Error :"; break; case SeverityFatal: outStream << "Fatal error :"; break; default: outStream << "Unknown :"; break; } outStream << " " << sourceFile << " : line " << sourceLine << " "; }