コード例 #1
ファイル: team.cpp プロジェクト: BobrDobr69/mechcommander2
Stuff::Vector3D Team::calcEscapeVector(MoverPtr mover, float threatRange)
	static float distance[100];
	static Stuff::Vector3D delta[100];
	Stuff::Vector3D escapeVector;
	// Get the initial delta info...
	int32_t shortest = 0;
	int32_t longest = 0;
	for(size_t i = 0; i < rosterSize; i++)
		GameObjectPtr obj = ObjectManager->getByWatchID(roster[i]);
			float distanceToObj = mover->distanceFrom(obj->getPosition());
			if(distanceToObj <= threatRange)
				delta[i].Subtract(mover->getPosition(), obj->getPosition());
				distance[i] = distanceToObj;
				if(distance[i] > longest)
					longest = i;
				if(distance[i] < shortest)
					shortest = i;
				distance[i] = -999.0;
			distance[i] = -999.0;
	// Now, find the furthest enemy and scale the deltas accordingly...
	for(i = 0; i < rosterSize; i++)
		if(distance[i] >= 0.0)
			float scale = distance[longest] / distance[i];
			delta[i] *= scale;
			escapeVector += delta[i];
	// We don't care about the length, just the direction (we assume you want to go as
	// FAR as necessary)...
コード例 #2
void Clouds::update (void)
	renderClouds = false;
	scrollU += frameLength * SCROLL_U_FACTOR;
	scrollV += frameLength * SCROLL_V_FACTOR;

	if (scrollU > 1.0f)
		scrollU -= 1.0f;
	if (scrollV > 1.0f)
		scrollV -= 1.0f;
	if (scrollU < -1.0f)
		scrollU += 1.0f;
	if (scrollV < -1.0f)
		scrollV += 1.0f;
	// If projectionAngle is less then some magic number, draw the clouds.
	// Otherwise, do not do anything!
	if (eye->active && eye->usePerspective && (eye->getProjectionAngle() < MAX_CLOUDS_ANGLE))
		//renderClouds = true;
		// Create the cloud grid based on camera CENTER position.
		Stuff::Vector3D centerPosition(eye->getPosition());
		// Create a topLeft vertex
		float tLeftX = centerPosition.x + MAX_CLOUDS_SIZE;
		float tLeftY = centerPosition.y + MAX_CLOUDS_SIZE;
		// Create the grid.
		long cloudInc = float2long(MAX_CLOUDS_SIZE * 2.0f / gridSize);
		float uvInc = MAX_UV_REPEAT / float(gridSize);
		for (long y=0;y<gridSize;y++)
			for (long x=0;x<gridSize;x++)
				cloudVertices[x + (y*gridSize)].vx = tLeftX - (cloudInc * x);
				cloudVertices[x + (y*gridSize)].vy = tLeftY - (cloudInc * y);
				cloudVertices[x + (y*gridSize)].pu = CLOUD_START_U + (uvInc * x);
				cloudVertices[x + (y*gridSize)].pv = CLOUD_START_V + (uvInc * y);
		// Transform Grid
		long gridTotal = gridSize * gridSize;
		for (long i=0;i<gridTotal;i++)
			// Figure out if we are in front of camera or not.  Should be faster then actual project!
			// Should weed out VAST overwhelming majority of vertices!
			bool onScreen = true;
			// Find angle between lookVector of Camera and vector from camPos
			// to Target.  If angle is less then halfFOV, object is visible.
			// Then figure out if FarClipped.  Should weed out a boatload more!
			float hazeFactor = 0.0f;
			Stuff::Point3D Distance;
			Stuff::Point3D vPosition;
			Stuff::Point3D eyePosition(eye->getPosition());
			vPosition.x = cloudVertices[i].vx;;
			vPosition.y = cloudVertices[i].vy;
			vPosition.z = centerPosition.z;
			float eyeDistance = Distance.GetApproximateLength();
			if (eyeDistance > Camera::MaxClipDistance)
				hazeFactor = 1.0f;
				//onScreen = false;
			else if (eyeDistance > Camera::MinHazeDistance)
				hazeFactor = (eyeDistance - Camera::MinHazeDistance) * Camera::DistanceFactor;
				hazeFactor = 0.0f;
			// Calculate the HazeDWORD here
			if (hazeFactor != 0.0f)
				float fogFactor = 1.0 - hazeFactor;
				DWORD distFog = float2long(fogFactor * 255.0f);
				cloudVertices[i].fogRGB = (distFog<<24) + (0xffffff);
				cloudVertices[i].fogRGB = 0xffffffff;
			if (onScreen)
				Stuff::Vector3D Distance;
				Stuff::Point3D objPosition;
				Stuff::Point3D eyePosition(eye->getCameraOrigin());
				objPosition.x = -cloudVertices[i].vx;
				objPosition.y = CLOUD_ALTITUDE;
				objPosition.z = cloudVertices[i].vy;
				float cosine = Distance * eye->getLookVector();
				if (cosine > eye->cosHalfFOV)
					onScreen = true;
					onScreen = false;
				hazeFactor = 1.0f;
			Stuff::Vector3D vertex3D(cloudVertices[i].vx,cloudVertices[i].vy,(CLOUD_ALTITUDE+eye->getCameraOrigin().y));
			Stuff::Vector4D screenPos;
			bool inView = eye->projectZ(vertex3D,screenPos);
			cloudVertices[i].px = screenPos.x;
			cloudVertices[i].py = screenPos.y;
			cloudVertices[i].pz = screenPos.z;
			cloudVertices[i].pw = screenPos.w;
			// Fix clip.  Vertices can all be off screen and triangle
			// still needs to be drawn!
			cloudVertices[i].clipInfo = onScreen && inView;
			// Still need to scrollUVs here!
			cloudVertices[i].pu += scrollU;
			cloudVertices[i].pv += scrollV;
		for (y=0;y<(gridSize-1);y++)
			for (long x=0;x<(gridSize-1);x++)
				CloudVertexPtr cloudVertex0 = &(cloudVertices[x     + (y    *gridSize)]);
				CloudVertexPtr cloudVertex1 = &(cloudVertices[(x+1) + (y    *gridSize)]); 
				CloudVertexPtr cloudVertex2 = &(cloudVertices[(x+1) + ((y+1)*gridSize)]); 
				CloudVertexPtr cloudVertex3 = &(cloudVertices[x     + ((y+1)*gridSize)]); 
				bool clipCheck = (cloudVertex0->clipInfo || cloudVertex1->clipInfo || cloudVertex2->clipInfo);
				if (clipCheck && ((cloudVertex0->pz < 1.0f) && (cloudVertex0->pz > 0.0f) &&
									(cloudVertex1->pz < 1.0f) && (cloudVertex1->pz > 0.0f) && 
									(cloudVertex2->pz < 1.0f) && (cloudVertex2->pz > 0.0f)))
				clipCheck = (cloudVertex0->clipInfo || cloudVertex2->clipInfo || cloudVertex3->clipInfo);
				if (clipCheck && ((cloudVertex0->pz < 1.0f) && (cloudVertex0->pz > 0.0f) &&
									(cloudVertex2->pz < 1.0f) && (cloudVertex2->pz > 0.0f) && 
									(cloudVertex3->pz < 1.0f) && (cloudVertex3->pz > 0.0f)))