virtual void TearDown() { ae->shutdown(); sc->shutdown(); delete bc; delete cc; delete uc; delete crc; delete ae->getIAlicaClock(); }
virtual void SetUp() { // determine the path to the test config string path = supplementary::FileSystem::getSelfPath(); int place = path.rfind("devel"); path = path.substr(0, place); path = path + "src/alica/alica_test/src/test"; // bring up the SystemConfig with the corresponding path sc = supplementary::SystemConfig::getInstance(); sc->setRootPath(path); sc->setConfigPath(path + "/etc"); // setup the engine bc = new alicaTests::TestBehaviourCreator(); cc = new alicaTests::TestConditionCreator(); uc = new alicaTests::TestUtilityFunctionCreator(); crc = new alicaTests::TestConstraintCreator(); }
virtual void SetUp() { // determine the path to the test config string path = supplementary::FileSystem::getSelfPath(); int place = path.rfind("devel"); path = path.substr(0, place); path = path + "src/symrock/alica_asp_test/src"; // bring up the SystemConfig with the corresponding path sc = supplementary::SystemConfig::getInstance(); sc->setRootPath(path); sc->setConfigPath(path + "/etc"); sc->setHostname("nase"); // setup the engine bc = new alica::BehaviourCreator(); cc = new alica::ConditionCreator(); uc = new alica::UtilityFunctionCreator(); crc = new alica::ConstraintCreator(); start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); // start time measurement }
virtual void SetUp() { // determine the path to the test config string path = supplementary::FileSystem::getSelfPath(); int place = path.rfind("devel"); path = path.substr(0, place); path = path + "src/alica/alica_test/src/test"; // bring up the SystemConfig with the corresponding path sc = supplementary::SystemConfig::getInstance(); sc->setRootPath(path); sc->setConfigPath(path + "/etc"); sc->setHostname("zwerg"); ae = new alica::AlicaEngine(); bc = new alica::BehaviourCreator(); cc = new alica::ConditionCreator(); uc = new alica::UtilityFunctionCreator(); crc = new alica::ConstraintCreator(); ae->setIAlicaClock(new alicaRosProxy::AlicaROSClock()); ae->init(bc, cc, uc, crc, "RolesetTA", "MasterPlanTaskAssignment", ".", false); }
virtual void SetUp() { // determine the path to the test config string path = supplementary::FileSystem::getSelfPath(); int place = path.rfind("devel"); path = path.substr(0, place); path = path + "src/alica/alica_test/src/test"; // bring up the SystemConfig with the corresponding path sc = supplementary::SystemConfig::getInstance(); sc->setRootPath(path); sc->setConfigPath(path + "/etc"); sc->setHostname("nase"); // setup the engine ae = new alica::AlicaEngine(); bc = new alica::BehaviourCreator(); cc = new alica::ConditionCreator(); uc = new alica::UtilityFunctionCreator(); crc = new alica::ConstraintCreator(); ae->setIAlicaClock(new alicaRosProxy::AlicaROSClock()); ae->setCommunicator(new alicaRosProxy::AlicaRosCommunication(ae)); }
virtual void TearDown() { // stop time measurement and report std::chrono::_V2::system_clock::time_point end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); cout << "Measured Time: " << std::chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(end - start).count() << " ms" << endl; ae->shutdown(); sc->shutdown(); delete ae->getIAlicaClock(); delete ae->getCommunicator(); delete cc; delete bc; delete uc; delete crc; }
virtual void TearDown() { ae->shutdown(); ae2->shutdown(); delete cace; delete ae->getCommunicator(); delete cace2; delete ae2->getCommunicator(); delete ae->getIAlicaClock(); delete ae2->getIAlicaClock(); sc->shutdown(); delete cc; delete bc; delete uc; delete crc; }