int wam_main(int argc, char** argv, ProductManager& pm, systems::Wam<DOF>& wam) { wam.gravityCompensate(); printMenu(); std::string line; bool going = true; while (going) { printf(">>> "); std::getline(std::cin, line); switch (line[0]) { case 'j': printf("Holding joint positions.\n"); wam.moveTo(wam.getJointPositions()); break; case 'p': printf("Holding tool position.\n"); wam.moveTo(wam.getToolPosition()); break; case 'o': printf("Holding tool orientation.\n"); wam.moveTo(wam.getToolOrientation()); break; case 'b': printf("Holding both tool position and orientation.\n"); wam.moveTo(wam.getToolPose()); break; case 'i': printf("WAM idled.\n"); // Note that this use of the word "idle" does not mean "Shift-idle". // Calling Wam::idle() will disable any of the controllers that may // be connected (joint position, tool position, tool orientation, // etc.) leaving only gravity compensation. (More specifically, // Wam::idle() disconnects any inputs that were connected using // Wam::trackReferenceSignal().) wam.idle(); break; case 'q': case 'x': printf("Quitting.\n"); wam.moveHome(); going = false; break; default: if (line.size() != 0) { printf("Unrecognized option.\n"); printMenu(); } break; } } // Release the WAM if we're holding. This is convenient because it allows // users to move the WAM back to some collapsed position before exiting, if // they want. wam.idle(); // Wait for the user to press Shift-idle pm.getSafetyModule()->waitForMode(SafetyModule::IDLE); return 0; }
int wam_main(int argc, char** argv, ProductManager& pm, systems::Wam<DOF>& wam) { BARRETT_UNITS_TEMPLATE_TYPEDEFS(DOF); cp_type cartSetPoint; wam.gravityCompensate(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add the following to our system to make our Cartesian controller much more robust. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set up singularity avoidance springs jp_type joint_center(0.0); // Initialize our joint centers to 0.0 on all joints std::vector<double> spring_constants(DOF); // create spring constants std::vector<double> damping_constants(DOF); // create damping constants joint_center[0] = 0.0; joint_center[1] = 0.0; joint_center[2] = 0.0; joint_center[3] = 1.1; // J4 Joint Range Center at 1.1 Radians spring_constants[0] = 15.0; spring_constants[1] = 5.0; spring_constants[2] = 5.0; spring_constants[3] = 5.0; damping_constants[0] = 10.0; damping_constants[1] = 20.0; damping_constants[2] = 10.0; damping_constants[3] = 6.0; if (DOF == 7) { joint_center[4] = -1.76; // J5 Joint Range Center at -1.76 Radians joint_center[5] = 0.0; joint_center[6] = 0.0; spring_constants[4] = 0.5; spring_constants[5] = 0.25; spring_constants[6] = 0.25; damping_constants[4] = 0.05; damping_constants[5] = 0.05; damping_constants[6] = 0.0; } printf("Press Enter to Turn on Haptic Singularity Avoidance.\n"); detail::waitForEnter(); //Initialization Move jp_type wam_init = wam.getHomePosition(); wam_init[3] -= .35; wam.moveTo(wam_init); // Adjust the elbow, moving the end-effector out of the haptic boundary and hold position for haptic force initialization. // Change decrease our tool position controller gains slightly cp_type cp_kp, cp_kd; for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cp_kp[i] = 1500; cp_kd[i] = 5.0; } wam.tpController.setKp(cp_kp); wam.tpController.setKd(cp_kd); //Torque Summer from our three systems systems::Summer<jt_type, 4> singJTSum(true); // Our singularity avoidance system SingularityAvoid<DOF> singularityAvoid(joint_center); systems::connect(wam.jpOutput, singularityAvoid.input); systems::connect(singularityAvoid.output, singJTSum.getInput(0)); // Attach our joint stop springs JointStopSprings<DOF> jointStopSprings(joint_center, spring_constants); systems::connect(wam.jpOutput, jointStopSprings.input); systems::connect(jointStopSprings.output, singJTSum.getInput(1)); // Joint velocity damper for kinematic solutions causing velocity faults JVDamper<DOF> jvDamper(damping_constants); systems::connect(wam.jvOutput, jvDamper.input); systems::connect(jvDamper.output, singJTSum.getInput(2)); // Haptic collision avoidance boundary portion HapticCollisionAvoid<DOF> hapticCollisionAvoid(2000); systems::ToolForceToJointTorques<DOF> tf2jt; systems::connect(wam.kinematicsBase.kinOutput, tf2jt.kinInput); systems::connect(wam.toolPosition.output, hapticCollisionAvoid.input); systems::connect(hapticCollisionAvoid.output, tf2jt.input); systems::connect(tf2jt.output, singJTSum.getInput(3)); systems::connect(singJTSum.output, wam.input); // New system watchdogs to monitor and stop trajectories if expecting a fault TorqueWatchdog<DOF> torqueWatchdog; VelocityWatchdog<DOF> velocityWatchdog; pm.getExecutionManager()->startManaging(torqueWatchdog); pm.getExecutionManager()->startManaging(velocityWatchdog); systems::connect(wam.jtSum.output, torqueWatchdog.input); systems::connect(wam.jvOutput, velocityWatchdog.input); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End of robust cartesian setup ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("Press Enter to start test.\n"); detail::waitForEnter(); int i; for (i = 1; i < 31; i++) //from { srand(time(NULL)); double x = -1 + 2 * ((double)rand()) / RAND_MAX; double y = -1 + 2 * (((double)rand()) / ((double)RAND_MAX)); double z = ((double)rand()) / ((double)RAND_MAX); cartSetPoint[0] = x; cartSetPoint[1] = y; cartSetPoint[2] = z; double reach = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); if (reach < 0.95) { std::cout << i << ": Moving to coordinate " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ".\n"; std::cout << reach << "\n"; wam.moveTo(cartSetPoint, false); torqueWatchdog.activate(); velocityWatchdog.activate(); // The situation here is interesting. A velocity fault can present itself from Cartesian end-effector or elbow velocities, // However, in its current capacity, we can only monitor joint velocities, or end-effector velocities. bool faulted = false; while (!wam.moveIsDone() && !faulted) { //Check our velocity and torque output to see if crossing threshold (approaching a fault situation) jt_type curJT = torqueWatchdog.getCurrentTorque(); jv_type curJV = velocityWatchdog.getCurrentVelocity(); for (size_t i = 0; i < DOF; i++) { if (curJT[i] > 30.0 || curJV[i] > 0.9) { wam.idle(); printf("Stopping Move - Fault presented on Joint %zu - Torque: %f, Velocity: %f\n", i, curJT[i], curJV[i]); faulted = true; wam.moveTo(wam.getJointPositions()); } } btsleep(0.01); } torqueWatchdog.deactivate(); velocityWatchdog.deactivate(); continue; } else i--; continue; } systems::disconnect(wam.input); wam.moveHome(); pm.getSafetyModule()->waitForMode(SafetyModule::IDLE); return 0; }
int wam_main(int argc, char** argv, ProductManager& pm, systems::Wam<DOF>& wam) { BARRETT_UNITS_TEMPLATE_TYPEDEFS(DOF); wam.gravityCompensate(); bool gComp = true; pm.getSafetyModule()->setVelocityLimit(0.3); jp_type jp; size_t joint = 0; systems::ExposedOutput<jp_type> setPoint; std::string line; bool going = true; while (going) { printf(">>> "); std::getline(std::cin, line); if (line.size() == 0) { wam.moveTo(jp); libconfig::Config config; config.readFile("tuning.conf"); systems::PIDController<jp_type, jt_type> jpc(config.lookup(pm.getWamDefaultConfigPath())["joint_position_control"]); systems::connect(setPoint.output, jpc.referenceInput); systems::connect(wam.jpOutput, jpc.feedbackInput); wam.idle(); usleep(100000); systems::connect(jpc.controlOutput, wam.input); printf("Controller updated.\n"); printf("Press enter for step.\n"); std::getline(std::cin, line); jp[joint] += 0.02; setPoint.setValue(jp); std::getline(std::cin, line); systems::disconnect(wam.input); wam.moveTo(jp); printf("Original controller now in use.\n"); continue; } switch (line[0]) { case 'h': printf("Set point updated.\n"); jp = wam.getJointPositions(); wam.moveTo(jp); setPoint.setValue(jp); break; case 'i': printf("WAM idled.\n"); wam.idle(); break; case 'j': joint = (joint + 1) % DOF; printf("Step joint %zu.\n", joint+1); break; case 'g': gComp = ! gComp; wam.gravityCompensate(gComp); break; case 'q': case 'x': printf("Quitting.\n"); going = false; break; default: printf("Unrecognized option.\n"); break; } } wam.idle(); pm.getSafetyModule()->waitForMode(SafetyModule::IDLE); return 0; }