void tf2::lookupTransform(const tf2_ros::Buffer& tf_buffer, const std::string& targetFrame, const std::string& sourceFrame, const ros::Time& time, tf2::Transform& sourceToTarget) { // First try to transform the data at the requested time try { tf2::fromMsg(tf_buffer.lookupTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame, time).transform, sourceToTarget); } catch (tf2::TransformException& ex) { // The issue might be that the transforms that are available are not close // enough temporally to be used. In that case, just use the latest available // transform and warn the user. // If this also fails, then just throw an exception. geometry_msgs::TransformStamped transformStamped = tf_buffer.lookupTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame, ros::Time(0)); tf2::fromMsg(transformStamped.transform, sourceToTarget); ROS_WARN_STREAM_THROTTLE(2.0, "Transform from " << sourceFrame << " to " << targetFrame << " was unavailable for the time requested (" << time << "). " << "Using nearest at time " << transformStamped.header.stamp << " instead (" << transformStamped.header.stamp - time << ")."); } }
bool tf2::lookupTransformSafe(const tf2_ros::Buffer& tf_buffer, const std::string& targetFrame, const std::string& sourceFrame, const ros::Time& time, tf2::Transform& sourceToTarget) { bool retVal = true; // First try to transform the data at the requested time try { tf2::fromMsg(tf_buffer.lookupTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame, time).transform, sourceToTarget); } catch (tf2::TransformException& ex) { // The issue might be that the transforms that are available are not close // enough temporally to be used. In that case, just use the latest available // transform and warn the user. try { geometry_msgs::TransformStamped transformStamped = tf_buffer.lookupTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame, ros::Time(0)); tf2::fromMsg(transformStamped.transform, sourceToTarget); ROS_WARN_STREAM_THROTTLE(2.0, "Transform from " << sourceFrame << " to " << targetFrame << " was unavailable for the time requested (" << time << "). " << "Using nearest at time " << transformStamped.header.stamp << " instead (" << transformStamped.header.stamp - time << ")."); } catch(tf2::TransformException& ex) { ROS_WARN_STREAM_THROTTLE(2.0, "Could not obtain transform from " << sourceFrame << " to " << targetFrame << ". Error was " << ex.what() << "\n"); retVal = false; } } // Transforming from a frame id to itself can fail when the tf tree isn't // being broadcast (e.g., for some bag files). This is the only failure that // would throw an exception, so check for this situation before giving up. if (not retVal) { if (targetFrame == sourceFrame) { sourceToTarget.setIdentity(); retVal = true; } } return retVal; }
void tf2::waitForTransform(const tf2_ros::Buffer& tf_buffer, const std::string& targetFrame, const std::string& sourceFrame, const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& timeout, tf2::Transform& sourceToTarget) { // First try to transform the data at the requested time try { tf2::fromMsg(tf_buffer.lookupTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame, time, timeout).transform, sourceToTarget); } catch(tf2::LookupException& ex) { ROS_WARN_STREAM_THROTTLE(2.0, "Frames " << sourceFrame << " or " << targetFrame << " doesn't currently exist, waiting and retrying.."); waitUntilCanTransform(tf_buffer, targetFrame, sourceFrame, time, timeout); tf2::fromMsg(tf_buffer.lookupTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame, time).transform, sourceToTarget); } catch(tf2::ConnectivityException& ex) { ROS_WARN_STREAM_THROTTLE(2.0, "Frames " << sourceFrame << " or " << targetFrame << " aren't connected on the tf tree, waiting and retrying.."); waitUntilCanTransform(tf_buffer, targetFrame, sourceFrame, time, timeout); tf2::fromMsg(tf_buffer.lookupTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame, time).transform, sourceToTarget); } catch (tf2::TransformException& ex) { // The issue might be that the transforms that are available are not close // enough temporally to be used. In that case, just use the latest available // transform and warn the user. // If this also fails, then just throw an exception. geometry_msgs::TransformStamped transformStamped = tf_buffer.lookupTransform(targetFrame, sourceFrame, ros::Time(0)); tf2::fromMsg(transformStamped.transform, sourceToTarget); ROS_WARN_STREAM_THROTTLE(2.0, "Transform from " << sourceFrame << " to " << targetFrame << " was unavailable for the time requested (" << time << "). " << "Using nearest at time " << transformStamped.header.stamp << " instead (" << transformStamped.header.stamp - time << ")."); } }
tuple<bool, geometry_msgs::TransformStamped> maybe_get_transform(string const &parent_frame, string const &child_frame, const tf2_ros::Buffer &buffer) { bool got_transform = false; geometry_msgs::TransformStamped current_transformation; try { current_transformation = buffer.lookupTransform(parent_frame, child_frame, ros::Time::now(), ros::Duration(1.0)); got_transform = true; } catch (tf2::TransformException &ex) { ROS_WARN("error: %s", ex.what()); } return tuple<bool, geometry_msgs::TransformStamped>(got_transform, current_transformation); }
void FiducialsNode::location_cb(int id, double x, double y, double z, double bearing) { ROS_INFO("location_announce:id=%d x=%f y=%f bearing=%f", id, x, y, bearing * 180. / 3.1415926); visualization_msgs::Marker marker = createMarker(position_namespace, id); ros::Time now = marker.header.stamp; marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW; marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; marker.pose = scale_position(x, y, z, bearing); marker.scale.x = 0.2 / scale; marker.scale.y = 0.05 / scale; marker.scale.z = 0.05 / scale; marker.color = position_color; marker.lifetime = ros::Duration(); marker_pub->publish(marker); // TODO: subtract out odometry position, and publish transform from // map to odom double tf_x = marker.pose.position.x; double tf_y = marker.pose.position.y; double tf_yaw = bearing; // publish a transform based on the position if( use_odom ) { // if we're using odometry, look up the odom transform and subtract it // from our position so that we can publish a map->odom transform // such that map->odom->base_link reports the correct position std::string tf_err; if( tf_buffer.canTransform(pose_frame, odom_frame, now, ros::Duration(0.1), &tf_err ) ) { // get odometry position from TF tf2::Quaternion tf_quat; tf_quat.setRPY(0.0, 0.0, tf_yaw); tf2::Transform pose(tf_quat, tf2::Vector3(tf_x, tf_y, 0)); // look up camera transform if we can if( last_camera_frame.length() > 0 ) { if( tf_buffer.canTransform(pose_frame, last_camera_frame, now, ros::Duration(0.1), &tf_err) ) { geometry_msgs::TransformStamped camera_tf; camera_tf = tf_buffer.lookupTransform(pose_frame, last_camera_frame, now); tf2::Transform camera = msg_to_tf(camera_tf); pose = pose * camera.inverse(); } else { ROS_ERROR("Cannot look up transform from %s to %s: %s", pose_frame.c_str(), last_camera_frame.c_str(), tf_err.c_str()); } } geometry_msgs::TransformStamped odom; odom = tf_buffer.lookupTransform(odom_frame, pose_frame, now); tf2::Transform odom_tf = msg_to_tf(odom); // M = C * O // C^-1 * M = O // C^-1 = O * M-1 tf2::Transform odom_correction = (odom_tf * pose.inverse()).inverse(); geometry_msgs::TransformStamped transform; tf2::Vector3 odom_correction_v = odom_correction.getOrigin(); transform.transform.translation.x = odom_correction_v.getX(); transform.transform.translation.y = odom_correction_v.getY(); transform.transform.translation.z = odom_correction_v.getZ(); tf2::Quaternion odom_correction_q = odom_correction.getRotation(); transform.transform.rotation.x = odom_correction_q.getX(); transform.transform.rotation.y = odom_correction_q.getY(); transform.transform.rotation.z = odom_correction_q.getZ(); transform.transform.rotation.w = odom_correction_q.getW(); transform.header.stamp = now; transform.header.frame_id = world_frame; transform.child_frame_id = odom_frame; //tf2::transformTF2ToMsg(odom_correction, transform, now, world_frame, //odom_frame); if (publish_tf) tf_pub.sendTransform(transform); } else { ROS_ERROR("Can't look up base transform from %s to %s: %s", pose_frame.c_str(), odom_frame.c_str(), tf_err.c_str()); } } else { // we're publishing absolute position geometry_msgs::TransformStamped transform; transform.header.stamp = now; transform.header.frame_id = world_frame; transform.child_frame_id = pose_frame; transform.transform.translation.x = tf_x; transform.transform.translation.y = tf_y; transform.transform.translation.z = 0.0; transform.transform.rotation = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(tf_yaw); if (publish_tf) tf_pub.sendTransform(transform); } }