コード例 #1
ファイル: Relaxation.C プロジェクト: BarisCumhur/OpenFOAM-dev
Foam::vector Foam::DampingModels::Relaxation<CloudType>::velocityCorrection
    typename CloudType::parcelType& p,
    const scalar deltaT
) const
    const tetIndices
        tetIs(p.cell(), p.tetFace(), p.tetPt(), this->owner().mesh());

    const scalar x =
        deltaT*oneByTimeScaleAverage_->interpolate(p.position(), tetIs);

    const vector u = uAverage_->interpolate(p.position(), tetIs);

    return (u - p.U())*x/(x + 2.0);
コード例 #2
ファイル: LambertWall.C プロジェクト: miyazakiKoki/OpenFoam
void Foam::LambertWall<CloudType>::evaluatePendularWall
    typename CloudType::parcelType& p,
    const point& site,
    const WallSiteData<vector>& data,
    scalar pREff
) const
    const scalar& st = this->surfaceTension();
    const scalar& ca = this->contactAngle();
    const scalar& lf = this->liqFrac();
    const scalar& vis = this->viscosity();
    const scalar& ms = this->minSep();

    scalar Vtot = lf*(p.Vliq());

    vector r_PW = p.position() - site;

    vector U_PW = p.U() - data.wallData();

    scalar r_PW_mag = mag(r_PW);

    scalar normalOverlapMag = pREff - r_PW_mag;

    scalar S = -normalOverlapMag;

    vector rHat_PW = r_PW/(r_PW_mag + VSMALL);

    // Normal force
    scalar capMag =
        (1+max(S, 0)*sqrt(mathematical::pi*pREff/Vtot));

    //Info << "the value of capMag is " << capMag << endl;
    //Info << " the value of overlapMag S is " << S << endl;
    //Info << " the volume of Vtot is " << Vtot << endl;

    scalar Svis = max(pREff*ms, S);

    scalar etaN = 6*mathematical::pi*vis*pREff*pREff/Svis;

    vector fN_PW = (-capMag - etaN*(U_PW & rHat_PW)) * rHat_PW;

    p.f() += fN_PW;

    vector UT_PW = U_PW - (U_PW & rHat_PW)*rHat_PW
                  - ((pREff*p.omega()) ^ rHat_PW);

    scalar etaT =
        6*mathematical::pi*vis*pREff*(8./15.*log(pREff/Svis) + 0.9588);

    vector fT_PW = -etaT * UT_PW;

    p.f() += fT_PW;

    p.torque() += (pREff*-rHat_PW) ^ fT_PW;

コード例 #3
Foam::forceSuSp Foam::PressureGradientForce<CloudType>::calcCoupled
    const typename CloudType::parcelType& p,
    const scalar dt,
    const scalar mass,
    const scalar Re,
    const scalar muc
) const
    forceSuSp value(Zero, 0.0);

    vector DUcDt =
        DUcDtInterp().interpolate(p.position(), p.currentTetIndices());

    value.Su() = mass*p.rhoc()/p.rho()*DUcDt;

    return value;
コード例 #4
ファイル: LiftForce.C プロジェクト: ADGlassby/OpenFOAM-2.2.x
Foam::forceSuSp Foam::LiftForce<CloudType>::calcCoupled
    const typename CloudType::parcelType& p,
    const scalar dt,
    const scalar mass,
    const scalar Re,
    const scalar muc
) const
    forceSuSp value(vector::zero, 0.0);

    vector curlUc =
        curlUcInterp().interpolate(p.position(), p.currentTetIndices());

    scalar Cl = this->Cl(p, curlUc, Re, muc);

    value.Su() = mass/p.rho()*p.d()/2.0*p.rhoc()*Cl*((p.Uc() - p.U())^curlUc);

    return value;
コード例 #5
Foam::forceSuSp Foam::NonInertialFrameForce<CloudType>::calcNonCoupled
    const typename CloudType::parcelType& p,
    const scalar dt,
    const scalar mass,
    const scalar Re,
    const scalar muc
) const
    forceSuSp value(vector::zero, 0.0);

    const vector r = p.position() - centreOfRotation_;

    value.Su() =
          + (r ^ omegaDot_)
          + 2.0*(p.U() ^ omega_)
          + (omega_ ^ (r ^ omega_))

    return value;
コード例 #6
ファイル: SRFForce.C プロジェクト: EricAlex/OpenFOAM-dev
Foam::forceSuSp Foam::SRFForce<CloudType>::calcNonCoupled
    const typename CloudType::parcelType& p,
    const scalar dt,
    const scalar mass,
    const scalar Re,
    const scalar muc
) const
    forceSuSp value(Zero, 0.0);

    const typename SRF::SRFModel& srf = *srfPtr_;

    const vector& omega = srf.omega().value();

    const vector& r = p.position();

    // Coriolis and centrifugal acceleration terms
    value.Su() =
        mass*(1.0 - p.rhoc()/p.rho())
       *(2.0*(p.U() ^ omega) + (omega ^ (r ^ omega)));

    return value;
コード例 #7
void Foam::PairSpringSliderDashpot<CloudType>::evaluatePair
    typename CloudType::parcelType& pA,
    typename CloudType::parcelType& pB
) const
    vector r_AB = (pA.position() - pB.position());

    scalar dAEff = pA.d();

    if (useEquivalentSize_)
        dAEff *= cbrt(pA.nParticle()*volumeFactor_);

    scalar dBEff = pB.d();

    if (useEquivalentSize_)
        dBEff *= cbrt(pB.nParticle()*volumeFactor_);

    scalar r_AB_mag = mag(r_AB);

    scalar normalOverlapMag = 0.5*(dAEff + dBEff) - r_AB_mag;

    if (normalOverlapMag > 0)
        //Particles in collision

        vector rHat_AB = r_AB/(r_AB_mag + VSMALL);

        vector U_AB = pA.U() - pB.U();

        // Effective radius
        scalar R = 0.5*dAEff*dBEff/(dAEff + dBEff);

        // Effective mass
        scalar M = pA.mass()*pB.mass()/(pA.mass() + pB.mass());

        scalar kN = (4.0/3.0)*sqrt(R)*Estar_;

        scalar etaN = alpha_*sqrt(M*kN)*pow025(normalOverlapMag);

        // Normal force
        vector fN_AB =
           *(kN*pow(normalOverlapMag, b_) - etaN*(U_AB & rHat_AB));

        // Cohesion force
        if (cohesion_)
            fN_AB +=
                *overlapArea(dAEff/2.0, dBEff/2.0, r_AB_mag)

        pA.f() += fN_AB;
        pB.f() += -fN_AB;

        vector USlip_AB =
            U_AB - (U_AB & rHat_AB)*rHat_AB
          + (pA.omega() ^ (dAEff/2*-rHat_AB))
          - (pB.omega() ^ (dBEff/2*rHat_AB));

        scalar deltaT = this->owner().mesh().time().deltaTValue();

        vector& tangentialOverlap_AB =

        vector& tangentialOverlap_BA =

        vector deltaTangentialOverlap_AB = USlip_AB*deltaT;

        tangentialOverlap_AB += deltaTangentialOverlap_AB;
        tangentialOverlap_BA += -deltaTangentialOverlap_AB;

        scalar tangentialOverlapMag = mag(tangentialOverlap_AB);

        if (tangentialOverlapMag > VSMALL)
            scalar kT = 8.0*sqrt(R*normalOverlapMag)*Gstar_;

            scalar etaT = etaN;

            // Tangential force
            vector fT_AB;

            if (kT*tangentialOverlapMag > mu_*mag(fN_AB))
                // Tangential force greater than sliding friction,
                // particle slips

                fT_AB = -mu_*mag(fN_AB)*USlip_AB/mag(USlip_AB);

                tangentialOverlap_AB = vector::zero;
                tangentialOverlap_BA = vector::zero;
                fT_AB =
                  - etaT*USlip_AB;

            pA.f() += fT_AB;
            pB.f() += -fT_AB;

            pA.torque() += (dAEff/2*-rHat_AB) ^ fT_AB;
            pB.torque() += (dBEff/2*rHat_AB) ^ -fT_AB;
コード例 #8
void Foam::WallLocalSpringSliderDashpot<CloudType>::evaluateWall
    typename CloudType::parcelType& p,
    const point& site,
    const WallSiteData<vector>& data,
    scalar pREff
) const
    // wall patch index
    label wPI = patchMap_[data.patchIndex()];

    // data for this patch
    scalar Estar = Estar_[wPI];
    scalar Gstar = Gstar_[wPI];
    scalar alpha = alpha_[wPI];
    scalar b = b_[wPI];
    scalar mu = mu_[wPI];

    vector r_PW = p.position() - site;

    vector U_PW = p.U() - data.wallData();

    scalar normalOverlapMag = max(pREff - mag(r_PW), 0.0);

    vector rHat_PW = r_PW/(mag(r_PW) + VSMALL);

    scalar kN = (4.0/3.0)*sqrt(pREff)*Estar;

    scalar etaN = alpha*sqrt(p.mass()*kN)*pow025(normalOverlapMag);

    vector fN_PW =
       *(kN*pow(normalOverlapMag, b) - etaN*(U_PW & rHat_PW));

    p.f() += fN_PW;

    vector USlip_PW =
        U_PW - (U_PW & rHat_PW)*rHat_PW
      + (p.omega() ^ (pREff*-rHat_PW));

    scalar deltaT = this->owner().mesh().time().deltaTValue();

    vector& tangentialOverlap_PW =
        p.collisionRecords().matchWallRecord(-r_PW, pREff).collisionData();

    tangentialOverlap_PW += USlip_PW*deltaT;

    scalar tangentialOverlapMag = mag(tangentialOverlap_PW);

    if (tangentialOverlapMag > VSMALL)
        scalar kT = 8.0*sqrt(pREff*normalOverlapMag)*Gstar;

        scalar etaT = etaN;

        // Tangential force
        vector fT_PW;

        if (kT*tangentialOverlapMag > mu*mag(fN_PW))
            // Tangential force greater than sliding friction,
            // particle slips

            fT_PW = -mu*mag(fN_PW)*USlip_PW/mag(USlip_PW);

            tangentialOverlap_PW = vector::zero;
            fT_PW =
              - etaT*USlip_PW;

        p.f() += fT_PW;

        p.torque() += (pREff*-rHat_PW) ^ fT_PW;
コード例 #9
void Foam::PatchInteractionModel<CloudType>::patchData
    typename CloudType::parcelType& p,
    const polyPatch& pp,
    const scalar trackFraction,
    const tetIndices& tetIs,
    vector& nw,
    vector& Up
) const
    const fvMesh& mesh = this->owner().mesh();

    const volVectorField& Ufield =

    label patchI = pp.index();
    label patchFaceI = pp.whichFace(p.face());

    vector n = tetIs.faceTri(mesh).normal();
    n /= mag(n);

    vector U = Ufield.boundaryField()[patchI][patchFaceI];

    // Unless the face is rotating, the required normal is n;
    nw = n;

    if (!mesh.moving())
        // Only wall patches may have a non-zero wall velocity from
        // the velocity field when the mesh is not moving.

        if (isA<wallPolyPatch>(pp))
            Up = U;
            Up = vector::zero;
        vector U00 = Ufield.oldTime().boundaryField()[patchI][patchFaceI];

        vector n00 = tetIs.oldFaceTri(mesh).normal();

        // Difference in normal over timestep
        vector dn = vector::zero;

        if (mag(n00) > SMALL)
            // If the old normal is zero (for example in layer
            // addition) then use the current normal, meaning that the
            // motion can only be translational, and dn remains zero,
            // otherwise, calculate dn:

            n00 /= mag(n00);

            dn = n - n00;

        // Total fraction thought the timestep of the motion,
        // including stepFraction before the current tracking step
        // and the current trackFraction
        // i.e.
        // let s = stepFraction, t = trackFraction
        // Motion of x in time:
        // |-----------------|---------|---------|
        // x00               x0        xi        x
        // where xi is the correct value of x at the required
        // tracking instant.
        // x0 = x00 + s*(x - x00) = s*x + (1 - s)*x00
        // i.e. the motion covered by previous tracking portions
        // within this timestep, and
        // xi = x0 + t*(x - x0)
        //    = t*x + (1 - t)*x0
        //    = t*x + (1 - t)*(s*x + (1 - s)*x00)
        //    = (s + t - s*t)*x + (1 - (s + t - s*t))*x00
        // let m = (s + t - s*t)
        // xi = m*x + (1 - m)*x00 = x00 + m*(x - x00);
        // In the same form as before.

        scalar m =
          + trackFraction
          - (p.stepFraction()*trackFraction);

        // When the mesh is moving, the velocity field on wall patches
        // will contain the velocity associated with the motion of the
        // mesh, in which case it is interpolated in time using m.
        // For other patches the face velocity will need to be
        // reconstructed from the face centre motion.

        const vector& Cf = mesh.faceCentres()[p.face()];

        vector Cf00 = mesh.faces()[p.face()].centre(mesh.oldPoints());

        if (isA<wallPolyPatch>(pp))
            Up = U00 + m*(U - U00);
            Up = (Cf - Cf00)/this->owner().time().deltaTValue();

        if (mag(dn) > SMALL)
            // Rotational motion, nw requires interpolation and a
            // rotational velocity around face centre correction to Up
            // is required.

            nw = n00 + m*dn;

            // Cf at tracking instant
            vector Cfi = Cf00 + m*(Cf - Cf00);

            // Normal vector cross product
            vector omega = (n00 ^ n);

            scalar magOmega = mag(omega);

            // magOmega = sin(angle between unit normals)
            // Normalise omega vector by magOmega, then multiply by
            // angle/dt to give the correct angular velocity vector.
            omega *=

            // Project position onto face and calculate this position
            // relative to the face centre.
            vector facePos =
              - ((p.position() - Cfi) & nw)*nw
              - Cfi;

            Up += (omega ^ facePos);

        // No further action is required if the motion is
        // translational only, nw and Up have already been set.