コード例 #1
ファイル: MeshMergeOp.cpp プロジェクト: AtomicFiction/cortex
	ReturnType operator()( const T *data )
		PrimitiveVariableMap::iterator it = m_mesh->variables.find( m_name );
		if ( it == m_mesh->variables.end() && !m_remove )
			typename T::Ptr data2 = 0;

			std::map<ConstDataPtr, DataPtr>::iterator dataIt = m_visitedData.find( data );
			if ( dataIt != m_visitedData.end() )
				data2 = runTimeCast<T>( dataIt->second );
			if ( !data2 )
				typedef typename T::ValueType::value_type ValueType;
				ValueType defaultValue = DefaultValue<ValueType>()();
				size_t size = m_mesh->variableSize( m_interpolation ) - data->readable().size();
				data2 = new T();
				data2->writable().insert( data2->writable().end(), size, defaultValue );
				data2->writable().insert( data2->writable().end(), data->readable().begin(), data->readable().end() );
			m_mesh->variables[m_name] = PrimitiveVariable( m_interpolation, data2 );
			m_visitedData[data] = data2;
コード例 #2
ファイル: CurveExtrudeOp.cpp プロジェクト: Shockspot/cortex
	DataPtr operator() ( T * data ) const
		assert( data );
		typedef typename T::ValueType::value_type Value;

		const unsigned vPoints = m_resolution.y;
		const unsigned uPoints = m_resolution.x;

		typename T::Ptr newData = new T();
		newData->writable().reserve( ( vPoints + 2 ) * uPoints );

		for ( unsigned int v = 0; v < vPoints; v++ )
			size_t iSeg;
			float fSeg;

			if ( v == vPoints - 1 )
				iSeg = m_curves->numSegments( m_curveIndex ) - 1;
				fSeg = 0.9999f;
				float curveParam = float(v) / ( vPoints - 1 );
				fSeg = curveParam * m_curves->numSegments( m_curveIndex );
				iSeg = (size_t)floor( fSeg );
				fSeg = fSeg - iSeg;

			const int num = v == 0 || v == vPoints - 1 ? 2 : 1;

			const size_t i0 = iSeg;
			const size_t i1 = std::min( iSeg + 1, m_curves->variableSize( PrimitiveVariable::Varying, m_curveIndex ) );

			for ( int x = 0; x < num; x++)
				for ( unsigned u = 0; u < uPoints ; u ++)
					Value value;
						data->readable()[ m_varyingOffset + i0 ],
						data->readable()[ m_varyingOffset + i1],
					newData->writable().push_back( value );

		return newData;
コード例 #3
FromHoudiniCurvesConverter::DuplicateEnds::ReturnType FromHoudiniCurvesConverter::DuplicateEnds::operator()( typename T::Ptr data ) const
	assert( data );

	typedef typename T::ValueType::value_type ValueType;

	std::vector<ValueType> newValues;
	const std::vector<ValueType> &origValues = data->readable();
	size_t index = 0;
	for ( size_t i=0; i < m_vertsPerCurve.size(); i++ )
		for ( size_t j=0; j < (size_t)m_vertsPerCurve[i]; j++, index++ )
			newValues.push_back( origValues[index] );
			if ( j == 0 || j == (size_t)m_vertsPerCurve[i]-1 )
				newValues.push_back( origValues[index] );
				newValues.push_back( origValues[index] );
	data->writable().swap( newValues );
コード例 #4
ファイル: OSLRenderer.cpp プロジェクト: mor-vfx/gaffer
typename T::Ptr vectorDataFromTypeDesc( TypeDesc type, void *&basePointer )
    typename T::Ptr result = new T();
    result->writable().resize( type.arraylen, typename T::ValueType::value_type( 0 ) );
    basePointer = result->baseWritable();
    return result;
コード例 #5
		IECore::DataPtr operator()( typename T::Ptr inData )
			assert( inData );

			const typename T::Ptr outData = new T();
			outData->writable().resize( m_vertIds->readable().size() );

			typename T::ValueType::iterator outIt = outData->writable().begin();

			for ( typename T::ValueType::size_type i = 0; i <  m_vertIds->readable().size(); i++ )
				*outIt++ = inData->readable()[ m_vertIds->readable()[ i ] ];

			return outData;
コード例 #6
ToHoudiniCurvesConverter::RemoveDuplicateEnds::ReturnType ToHoudiniCurvesConverter::RemoveDuplicateEnds::operator()( typename T::ConstPtr data ) const
	assert( data );

	typedef typename T::ValueType::value_type ValueType;

	const std::vector<ValueType> &origValues = data->readable();

	typename T::Ptr result = new T();
	std::vector<ValueType> &newValues = result->writable();
	size_t index = 0;
	for ( size_t i=0; i < m_vertsPerCurve.size(); i++ )
		for ( size_t j=0; j < (size_t)m_vertsPerCurve[i]; j++, index++ )
			if ( j > 1 && j < (size_t)m_vertsPerCurve[i]-2 )
				newValues.push_back( origValues[index] );
	return result;
コード例 #7
	ReturnType operator()( T * data )
		typedef typename T::ValueType VecContainer;
		typedef typename VecContainer::value_type Vec;

		const VecContainer &points = data->readable();
		unsigned numElements = points.size();
		typename T::Ptr vD = new T();
		vTangentsData = vD;
		VecContainer &vTangents = vD->writable();
		vTangents.resize( numElements );
		PrimitiveEvaluator::ResultPtr result = m_evaluator->createResult();
		unsigned pIndex = 0;
		for( size_t curveIndex = 0; curveIndex < m_vertsPerCurve.size() ; curveIndex++ )
			float v;
			float vStep = 1.0f / m_vertsPerCurve[curveIndex];
			for( int i = 0; i < m_vertsPerCurve[curveIndex]; i++ ) 
				v = min( 1.0f, i * vStep );			
				m_evaluator->pointAtV( curveIndex, v, result );
				vTangents[ pIndex + i ] = result->vTangent().normalized();
			pIndex += m_vertsPerCurve[curveIndex];
コード例 #8
ファイル: CurveExtrudeOp.cpp プロジェクト: Shockspot/cortex
	DataPtr operator() ( typename T::Ptr data ) const
		assert( data );
		typedef typename T::ValueType::value_type Value;

		const unsigned vPoints = m_resolution.y;
		const unsigned uPoints = m_resolution.x;

		typename T::Ptr newData = new T();
		newData->writable().reserve( ( vPoints ) * uPoints );

		for ( unsigned int v = 0; v < vPoints; v++ )
			int iSeg;
			float fSeg;

			if ( v == vPoints - 1 )
				iSeg = m_curves->numSegments( m_curveIndex ) - 1;
				fSeg = 0.9999f;
				float curveParam = float(v) / ( vPoints - 1 );
				fSeg = curveParam * m_curves->numSegments( m_curveIndex );
				iSeg = (int)floor( fSeg );
				fSeg = fSeg - iSeg;

			for ( unsigned u = 0; u < uPoints ; u ++)
				Value value;
					data->readable()[ m_varyingOffset + iSeg ],
					data->readable()[ m_varyingOffset + iSeg + 1],
				newData->writable().push_back( value );

		return newData;
コード例 #9
static DataPtr evaluatePrimitiveVariable( std::vector<GxSurfacePoint> &points, const std::string &primVarName )
	typename T::Ptr result = new T;
	result->writable().resize( points.size() );
	if( points.size() )
		GxEvaluateSurface( points.size(), &(points[0]), primVarName.c_str(), result->baseSize() / points.size(), result->baseWritable() );
	return result;
コード例 #10
		IECore::DataPtr operator()( const T *inData )
			const typename T::Ptr outData = new T();
			typename T::ValueType &out = outData->writable();
			out.resize( m_numVertices );

			size_t inIndex = 0;
			size_t outIndex = 0;
			const typename T::ValueType &in = inData->readable();
			for( vector<int>::const_iterator it = m_vertsPerCurve.begin(), eIt = m_vertsPerCurve.end(); it != eIt; it++ )
				for( int i=0; i<*it; i++ )
					out[outIndex++] = in[inIndex];
				inIndex += m_step;

			return outData;
コード例 #11
IECore::ObjectPtr FromMayaArrayDataConverter<F,T>::doConversion( const MObject &object, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr operands ) const
    typename MArrayTraits<F>::DataFn fnArrayData( object );
    if( !fnArrayData.hasObj( object ) )
        return 0;

    F array = fnArrayData.array();
    typename T::Ptr resultData = new T;
    typename T::ValueType &resultArray = resultData->writable();

    resultArray.resize( array.length() );
    for( unsigned int i=0; i<resultArray.size(); i++ )
        resultArray[i] = IECore::convert<typename T::ValueType::value_type, typename MArrayTraits<F>::ValueType>( array[i] );

    return resultData;
コード例 #12
	ReturnType operator()( typename T::Ptr data )
		typedef typename T::ValueType Container;
		typedef typename Container::value_type V;

		Container &output = data->writable();
		V2i paddedSize = m_size + V2i( 2 );

		V *op = &(output[0]);
		const char *ip = &(m_input[0]) + paddedSize.x + 1;
		for( int y=0; y<m_size.y; y++ )
			for( int x=0; x<m_size.x; x++ )
				*op++ = *ip++;
			ip +=2; // skip padding on right and left of next row
コード例 #13
static typename T::Ptr hexToDecVector( const char *s )
	typename T::Ptr result = new T;
	IECore::hexToDec<typename T::ValueType::value_type>( s, s + strlen( s ), std::back_insert_iterator<typename T::ValueType>( result->writable() ) );
	return result;
コード例 #14
	ReturnType operator()( T * data )
		typedef typename T::ValueType VecContainer;
		typedef typename VecContainer::value_type Vec;

		const VecContainer &points = data->readable();
		// the uvIndices array is indexed as with any other facevarying data. the values in the
		// array specify the connectivity of the uvs - where two facevertices have the same index
		// they are known to be sharing a uv. for each one of these unique indices we compute
		// the tangents and normal, by accumulating all the tangents and normals for the faces
		// that reference them. we then take this data and shuffle it back into facevarying
		// primvars for the mesh.
		int numUniqueTangents = 1 + *max_element( m_uvIds.begin(), m_uvIds.end() );
		VecContainer uTangents( numUniqueTangents, Vec( 0 ) );
		VecContainer vTangents( numUniqueTangents, Vec( 0 ) );
		VecContainer normals( numUniqueTangents, Vec( 0 ) );
		for( size_t faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < m_vertsPerFace.size() ; faceIndex++ )
			assert( m_vertsPerFace[faceIndex] == 3 );

			// indices into the facevarying data for this face 
			size_t fvi0 = faceIndex * 3;
			size_t fvi1 = fvi0 + 1;
			size_t fvi2 = fvi1 + 1;
			assert( fvi2 < m_vertIds.size() );
			assert( fvi2 < m_u.size() );
			assert( fvi2 < m_v.size() );
			// positions for each vertex of this face
			const Vec &p0 = points[ m_vertIds[ fvi0 ] ];
			const Vec &p1 = points[ m_vertIds[ fvi1 ] ];
			const Vec &p2 = points[ m_vertIds[ fvi2 ] ];

			// uv coordinates for each vertex of this face
			const Imath::V2f uv0( m_u[ fvi0 ], m_v[ fvi0 ] );
			const Imath::V2f uv1( m_u[ fvi1 ], m_v[ fvi1 ] );
			const Imath::V2f uv2( m_u[ fvi2 ], m_v[ fvi2 ] );

			// compute tangents and normal for this face
			const Vec e0 = p1 - p0;
			const Vec e1 = p2 - p0;

			const Imath::V2f e0uv = uv1 - uv0;
			const Imath::V2f e1uv = uv2 - uv0;

			Vec tangent   = ( e0 * -e1uv.y + e1 * e0uv.y ).normalized();
			Vec bitangent = ( e0 * -e1uv.x + e1 * e0uv.x ).normalized();

			Vec normal = (p2-p1).cross(p0-p1);

			// and accumlate them into the computation so far
			uTangents[ m_uvIds[fvi0] ] += tangent;
			uTangents[ m_uvIds[fvi1] ] += tangent;
			uTangents[ m_uvIds[fvi2] ] += tangent;
			vTangents[ m_uvIds[fvi0] ] += bitangent;
			vTangents[ m_uvIds[fvi1] ] += bitangent;
			vTangents[ m_uvIds[fvi2] ] += bitangent;
			normals[ m_uvIds[fvi0] ] += normal;
			normals[ m_uvIds[fvi1] ] += normal;
			normals[ m_uvIds[fvi2] ] += normal;

		// normalize and orthogonalize everything
		for( size_t i = 0; i < uTangents.size(); i++ )


			// Make uTangent/vTangent orthogonal to normal
			uTangents[i] -= normals[i] * uTangents[i].dot( normals[i] );
			vTangents[i] -= normals[i] * vTangents[i].dot( normals[i] );


			if ( m_orthoTangents )
				vTangents[i] -= uTangents[i] * vTangents[i].dot( uTangents[i] );
			// make things less sinister
			if( uTangents[i].cross( vTangents[i] ).dot( normals[i] ) < 0.0f )
				uTangents[i] *= -1.0f;
		// convert the tangents back to facevarying data and add that to the mesh
		typename T::Ptr fvUD = new T();
		typename T::Ptr fvVD = new T();
		fvUTangentsData = fvUD;
		fvVTangentsData = fvVD;
		VecContainer &fvUTangents = fvUD->writable();
		VecContainer &fvVTangents = fvVD->writable();
		fvUTangents.resize( m_uvIds.size() );
		fvVTangents.resize( m_uvIds.size() );
		for( unsigned i=0; i<m_uvIds.size(); i++ )
			fvUTangents[i] = uTangents[m_uvIds[i]];
			fvVTangents[i] = vTangents[m_uvIds[i]];
