void ToolManager::addJSTool(UserCore::Item::ItemInfo* item, uint32 branchId, gcString name, gcString exe, gcString args, gcString res) { if (!item) return; UserCore::Item::BranchInfoI* branch = item->getBranchById(branchId); if (!branch) return; UserCore::Item::BranchInfo* realBranch = dynamic_cast<UserCore::Item::BranchInfo*>(branch); if (!realBranch) return; bool found = false; JSToolInfo* jsinfo = nullptr; BaseManager<ToolInfo>::for_each([&](ToolInfo* info) { auto temp = dynamic_cast<JSToolInfo*>(info); if (!temp) return; if (item->getId() == temp->getItemId() && name == info->getName() && temp->getBranchId() == branchId) { jsinfo = temp; found = true; } }); if (found) { if (!jsinfo->isRealyInstalled()) jsinfo->setExePath(exe.c_str()); return; } DesuraId toolId(m_iLastCustomToolId, DesuraId::TYPE_TOOL); m_iLastCustomToolId--; JSToolInfo* tool = new JSToolInfo(item->getId(), realBranch->getBranchId(), toolId, name, exe, args, res); realBranch->addJSTool(toolId); addItem(tool); }
void ToolManager::addJSTool(UserCore::Item::ItemInfo* item, uint32 branchId, gcString name, gcString exe, gcString args, gcString res) { if (!item) return; UserCore::Item::BranchInfoI* branch = item->getBranchById(branchId); if (!branch) return; UserCore::Item::BranchInfo* realBranch = dynamic_cast<UserCore::Item::BranchInfo*>(branch); if (!realBranch) return; bool found = false; BaseManager<ToolInfo>::for_each([&](ToolInfo* info) { JSToolInfo* jsinfo = dynamic_cast<JSToolInfo*>(info); if (!jsinfo) return; if (item->getId() == jsinfo->getItemId() && name == info->getName() && jsinfo->getBranchId() == branchId) found = true; }); if (found) return; DesuraId toolId(m_iLastCustomToolId, DesuraId::TYPE_TOOL); m_iLastCustomToolId--; JSToolInfo* tool = new JSToolInfo(item->getId(), realBranch->getBranchId(), toolId, name, exe, args, res); realBranch->addJSTool(toolId); addItem(tool); }
void CreateMCFThread::compareBranches(std::vector<UserCore::Item::BranchInfo*> &vBranchList) { uint64 lastSize = 0; //uint32 lastIndex = 0; unused variable McfHandle lastMcf; m_hMCFile->setHeader(getItemId(), MCFBranch(), MCFBuild()); m_hMCFile->getHeader()->setParent(0); for (size_t x=0; x<vBranchList.size(); x++) { if (isStopped()) return; UserCore::Item::BranchInfo* bi = vBranchList[x]; McfHandle tempMcf; tempMcf->setHeader(getItemId(), bi->getBranchId(), MCFBuild()); tempMcf->getErrorEvent() += delegate(&onErrorEvent); try { MCFCore::Misc::UserCookies uc; getWebCore()->setMCFCookies(&uc); tempMcf->getDownloadProviders(getWebCore()->getMCFDownloadUrl(), &uc); } catch (gcException &except) { Warning(gcString("CreateMCF: Failed to get download providers for mcf: {0}\n", except)); continue; } if (tempMcf->getHeader()->getBuild() > 0) { try { tempMcf->dlHeaderFromWeb(); } catch (gcException &except) { Warning(gcString("CreateMCF: Failed to get dlHeaderFromWeb for mcf: {0}\n", except)); continue; } uint64 totalSize = 0; uint32 fileCount = 0; m_hMCFile->getPatchStats(tempMcf.handle(), &totalSize, &fileCount); if (lastSize == 0 || totalSize < lastSize) { lastSize = totalSize; //lastIndex = x; lastMcf.setHandle(tempMcf.releaseHandle()); // if there are no files just use this one if (fileCount == 0) break; } } } MCFBuild build = lastMcf->getHeader()->getBuild(); MCFBranch branch = lastMcf->getHeader()->getBranch(); m_hMCFile->setHeader(getItemId(), branch, build); if (build > 0) m_hMCFile->getHeader()->addFlags( MCFCore::MCFHeaderI::FLAG_PARTFILE ); else m_hMCFile->getHeader()->delFlags( MCFCore::MCFHeaderI::FLAG_PARTFILE ); m_hMCFile->getHeader()->setParent(lastMcf->getHeader()->getBuild()); m_hMCFile->makePatch(lastMcf.handle()); }