コード例 #1
	void EditText::doRender()
		if (nullptr == mFont || !mVisible || mEmptyView)

		if (mRenderItem->getCurrentUpdate() || mTextOutDate)

		Vertex* vertex = mRenderItem->getCurrentVertexBuffer();

		const RenderTargetInfo& renderTargetInfo = mRenderItem->getRenderTarget()->getInfo();

		// колличество отрисованных вершин
		size_t vertexCount = 0;

		// текущие цвета
		uint32 colour = mCurrentColourNative;
		uint32 inverseColour = mInverseColourNative;
		uint32 selectedColour = mInvertSelect ? inverseColour : mSelectionBgColor;

		const VectorLineInfo& textViewData = mTextView.getData();

		float top = (float)(-mViewOffset.top + mCoord.top);

		FloatRect vertexRect;

		const FloatRect& selectedUVRect = mFont->getGlyphInfo(mBackgroundNormal ? FontCodeType::Selected : FontCodeType::SelectedBack)->uvRect;

		size_t index = 0;

		for (VectorLineInfo::const_iterator line = textViewData.begin(); line != textViewData.end(); ++line)
			float left = (float)(line->offset - mViewOffset.left + mCoord.left);

			for (VectorCharInfo::const_iterator sim = line->simbols.begin(); sim != line->simbols.end(); ++sim)
				if (sim->isColour())
					colour = sim->getColour() | (colour & 0xFF000000);
					inverseColour = colour ^ 0x00FFFFFF;
					selectedColour = mInvertSelect ? inverseColour : mSelectionBgColor;

				// смещение текстуры для фона
				bool select = index >= mStartSelect && index < mEndSelect;

				float fullAdvance = sim->getBearingX() + sim->getAdvance();

				// Render the selection, if any, first.
				if (select)
					vertexRect.set(left, top, left + fullAdvance, top + (float)mFontHeight);

					drawGlyph(renderTargetInfo, vertex, vertexCount, vertexRect, selectedUVRect, selectedColour);

				// Render the glyph shadow, if any.
				if (mShadow)
					vertexRect.left = left + sim->getBearingX() + 1.0f;
					vertexRect.top = top + sim->getBearingY() + 1.0f;
					vertexRect.right = vertexRect.left + sim->getWidth();
					vertexRect.bottom = vertexRect.top + sim->getHeight();

					drawGlyph(renderTargetInfo, vertex, vertexCount, vertexRect, sim->getUVRect(), mShadowColourNative);

				// Render the glyph itself.
				vertexRect.left = left + sim->getBearingX();
				vertexRect.top = top + sim->getBearingY();
				vertexRect.right = vertexRect.left + sim->getWidth();
				vertexRect.bottom = vertexRect.top + sim->getHeight();

				drawGlyph(renderTargetInfo, vertex, vertexCount, vertexRect, sim->getUVRect(), (!select || !mInvertSelect) ? colour : inverseColour);

				left += fullAdvance;

			top += mFontHeight;

		// Render the cursor, if any, last.
		if (mVisibleCursor)
			IntPoint point = mTextView.getCursorPoint(mCursorPosition) - mViewOffset + mCoord.point();
			GlyphInfo* cursorGlyph = mFont->getGlyphInfo(static_cast<Char>(FontCodeType::Cursor));
			vertexRect.set((float)point.left, (float)point.top, (float)point.left + cursorGlyph->width, (float)(point.top + mFontHeight));

			drawGlyph(renderTargetInfo, vertex, vertexCount, vertexRect, cursorGlyph->uvRect, mCurrentColourNative | 0x00FFFFFF);

		// колличество реально отрисованных вершин