コード例 #1
Z3i::DigitalSet linkTwoPointsWithTangents(const Z3i::Point& start,
										  const Z3i::Point& end,
										  const Z3i::RealPoint& tStart,
										  const Z3i::RealPoint& tEnd,
										  const Domain& domain) {
	Z3i::DigitalSet aSet(domain);
	Z3i::RealPoint vector = tStart;
	Z3i::RealPoint current = start;
	double initialDistance = Z3i::l2Metric(start, end)/2;
	while (Z3i::l2Metric(current, end) > sqrt(3) && Z3i::l2Metric(current, end) <= Z3i::l2Metric(start, end)) {		
	    current += vector;
		double distanceToStart = std::abs(start.norm()- current.norm()) - initialDistance;
		if (distanceToStart < 0)
			distanceToStart = 1;
		double distanceToEnd = -std::abs(end.norm()- current.norm()) +  initialDistance;
		double weightStart = 1/distanceToStart;
		double weightEnd;
		if (distanceToEnd < 0)
			weightEnd = 0;
			weightEnd = 1/distanceToEnd;
		vector = ((weightStart * tStart + weightEnd * tEnd) / (weightStart + weightEnd)).getNormalized();
	return aSet;	
コード例 #2
computerBasicNormalsFromHeightField(const TImage &anHeightMap, TImageVector &vectorField)
  for(typename TImage::Domain::ConstIterator it = anHeightMap.domain().begin(); 
      it != anHeightMap.domain().end(); it++){
      double dx = (anHeightMap(*it-Z2i::Point(1,0))-anHeightMap(*it+Z2i::Point(1,0)))/2.0;
      double dy = (anHeightMap(*it-Z2i::Point(0,1))-anHeightMap(*it+Z2i::Point(0,1)))/2.0;
      Z3i::RealPoint n (dx, dy, 1);
      n /= n.norm();
コード例 #3
int main( int argc, char** argv )
	const double h = 1;
	const double radiusBall = 12.0;
	const double radiusII = 6;
	const double trueAreaSurface = 4.0*M_PI*radiusBall*radiusBall;

	trace.beginBlock( "Make parametric shape..." );

	typedef Ball3D< Z3i::Space > Shape;

	Z3i::RealPoint center( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
	Shape ball( center, radiusBall );


	trace.beginBlock( "Make digital shape..." );

	typedef GaussDigitizer< Z3i::Space, Shape > DigitalShape;
	typedef DigitalShape::Domain Domain;

	DigitalShape digitalBall;
	digitalBall.attach( ball );
	digitalBall.init( ball.getLowerBound() - Z3i::RealPoint( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ), 
					  ball.getUpperBound() + Z3i::RealPoint( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ),
					  h );
	Domain domain = digitalBall.getDomain();
	Z3i::KSpace kspace;
	kspace.init( domain.lowerBound(), domain.upperBound(), true );


	trace.beginBlock( "Make digital surface..." );

	typedef LightImplicitDigitalSurface< Z3i::KSpace, DigitalShape > LightDigitalSurface;
	typedef DigitalSurface< LightDigitalSurface > DigitalSurface;
	typedef DepthFirstVisitor< DigitalSurface > DepthFirstVisitor;
	typedef GraphVisitorRange< DepthFirstVisitor > GraphVisitorRange;
	typedef GraphVisitorRange::ConstIterator SurfelConstIterator;
	typedef Z3i::KSpace::Surfel Surfel;

	Surfel bel = Surfaces< Z3i::KSpace >::findABel( kspace, digitalBall, 500 );
	SurfelAdjacency< Z3i::KSpace::dimension > surfelAdjacency( true );
	LightDigitalSurface lightDigitalSurface( kspace, digitalBall, surfelAdjacency, bel );
	DigitalSurface digitalSurface( lightDigitalSurface );

	GraphVisitorRange graphVisitorRange( new DepthFirstVisitor( digitalSurface, *digitalSurface.begin() ) );
	SurfelConstIterator sbegin = graphVisitorRange.begin();
    SurfelConstIterator send = graphVisitorRange.end();
    std::vector< Surfel > v_border;
    while( sbegin != send )
    	v_border.push_back( *sbegin );


	trace.beginBlock( "Computation with normal estimation ..." );

	typedef IIGeometricFunctors::IINormalDirectionFunctor< Z3i::Space > NormalFunctor;
	typedef IntegralInvariantCovarianceEstimator< Z3i::KSpace, DigitalShape, NormalFunctor > IINormalEstimator;

	NormalFunctor normalFunctor;
	IINormalEstimator normalEstimator( normalFunctor );
	normalEstimator.attach( kspace, digitalBall );
	normalEstimator.setParams( radiusII / h );
	normalEstimator.init( h, v_border.begin(), v_border.end() );

	double areaSurfaceEstimated = 0.0;

	for( unsigned int i_position = 0; i_position < v_border.size(); ++i_position )
		Z3i::RealPoint normalEstimated = normalEstimator.eval( &(v_border[i_position]) );
		Z3i::RealPoint normalSurfel = kspace.sKCoords( kspace.sDirectIncident( v_border[i_position], kspace.sOrthDir( v_border[i_position] ))) - kspace.sKCoords( v_border[i_position] ); 
		normalEstimated = normalEstimated.getNormalized();
		areaSurfaceEstimated += std::abs( normalEstimated.dot( normalSurfel )) * h * h;


	trace.info() << "Area Surface estimated : " << areaSurfaceEstimated << std::endl;
	trace.info() << "True areaSurface : " << trueAreaSurface << std::endl;
	trace.info() << "Ratio : " << areaSurfaceEstimated / trueAreaSurface << std::endl;

	return 0;
コード例 #4
int main( int  argc, char**  argv )
	QApplication application(argc,argv);
	Viewer3D<> viewer;
	typedef Z3i::Space Space;
	typedef Z3i::Point Point;
	typedef Z3i::RealPoint RealPoint;
	typedef Z3i::RealVector RealVector;
	typedef HyperRectDomain<Space> Domain;
	typedef ExactPredicateLpSeparableMetric<Space, 2> Metric; // L2-metric
	typedef EigenDecomposition<3,double> LinearAlgebraTool;
	typedef LinearAlgebraTool::Matrix Matrix;
	typedef ImageSelector<Domain, unsigned char>::Type Image;
	typedef VoronoiCovarianceMeasure<Space,Metric> VCM;
	typedef functors::HatPointFunction<Point,double> KernelFunction;
	typedef MSTTangent<Point> Tangent;
	typedef Pencil<Point, Tangent, RealPoint> Pencil;
	typedef DGtal::ConstImageAdapter<Image,Z2i::Domain,DGtal::functors::Point2DEmbedderIn3D<DGtal::Z3i::Domain>, Image::Value, DGtal::functors::Identity> ImageAdapterExtractor;
	typedef WeightedPoint<Z3i::Point> WeightedPoint;
	typedef WeightedPointCount<Z3i::Point> WeightedPointCount;
	typedef Z3i::KSpace KSpace;
	typedef functors::NotPointPredicate<Z3i::DigitalSet> NotPointPredicate;
	typedef functors::IntervalForegroundPredicate<Image> ThresholdedImage;
	typedef DGtal::functors::NotPointPredicate<ThresholdedImage> BackgroundPredicate;
	typedef ImplicitDigitalSurface< KSpace, BackgroundPredicate > DigitalSurfaceContainer;
	typedef DGtal::DistanceTransformation<Space, ThresholdedImage, Z3i::L2Metric> DTL2;
	typedef VoronoiCovarianceMeasureOnDigitalSurface< DigitalSurfaceContainer, Metric, KernelFunction, DTL2 > VCMOnSurface;
	typedef KSpace::Surfel Surfel;
	typedef Eigen::MatrixXd MatrixXd;

	po::options_description general_opt("Allowed options are: ");
		("help,h", "display this message")
		("input,i", po::value<std::string>(), "vol file (corresponding volume)")
		("volume,v", po::value<std::string>(), "vol file (corresponding volume)")
		("delta,d", po::value<int>()->default_value(1), "delta")
		("radius,R", po::value<int>()->default_value(5), "big radius")
		("output,o", po::value<std::string>(), "output skeleton filename")
		("thresholdMin,m", po::value<int>()->default_value(0), "minimum threshold for binarization")
		("thresholdMax,M", po::value<int>()->default_value(255), "maximum threshold for binarization")
		("thresholdFeature,T",po::value<double>()->default_value(0.1), "threshold feature")

	bool parseOK=true;
	po::variables_map vm;
		po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, general_opt), vm);  
	} catch(const std::exception& ex){
		trace.info()<< "Error checking program options: "<< ex.what()<< endl;
	if( !parseOK || vm.count("help")||argc<=1)
		std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [input]\n"
				  << "Display volume file as a voxel set by using QGLviewer"<< endl
				  << general_opt << "\n";
		return 0;
		trace.error() << " The file name was not defined" << endl;      
		return 0;
	string outFilename = vm["output"].as<std::string>();
	string inputFilename = vm["input"].as<std::string>();
	int thresholdMin = vm["thresholdMin"].as<int>();
	int thresholdMax = vm["thresholdMax"].as<int>();
	int R = vm["radius"].as<int>();
	int delta = vm["delta"].as<int>();
	string volumeFilename = vm["volume"].as<std::string>();
	double thresholdFeature = vm["thresholdFeature"].as<double>();
	Image skeleton = VolReader<Image>::importVol(inputFilename);
	Image volume = VolReader<Image>::importVol(volumeFilename);
	Z3i::DigitalSet setVolume(volume.domain());
	Z3i::Domain domainVolume = setVolume.domain();
	SetFromImage<Z3i::DigitalSet>::append<Image> (setVolume, volume, 
												  thresholdMin-1, thresholdMax);
	Z3i::Object26_6 object(Z3i::dt26_6, setVolume);
	Z3i::DigitalSet setSurface = SurfaceUtils::extractSurfaceVoxels(volume, thresholdMin, thresholdMax);
	set<WeightedPointCount*, WeightedPointCountComparator<WeightedPointCount> > setVolumeWeighted;
	Image volumeBinary(volume.domain());
	for (auto it = volume.domain().begin(), ite = volume.domain().end(); it != ite; ++it) {
		if (volume(*it) >= thresholdMin && volume(*it) <= thresholdMax) 
			volumeBinary.setValue(*it, 255);
			volumeBinary.setValue(*it, 0);

	Z3i::DigitalSet skeletonPoints(domainVolume);
	SetFromImage<Z3i::DigitalSet>::append<Image>(skeletonPoints, skeleton,
												 thresholdMin-1, thresholdMax);

	ThresholdedImage binarizer(volume, thresholdMin-1, thresholdMax);
	DTL2 dt(&volume.domain(), &binarizer, &Z3i::l2Metric);
	BackgroundPredicate backgroundPredicate(binarizer);

	Metric l2;
	VCM vcm( R, 1, l2, true );
	vcm.init( setVolume.begin(), setVolume.end() );
	Domain domain = vcm.domain();
	KernelFunction chi( 1.0, 1 );

	DTL2::Domain domainDT = dt.domain();
	for (auto it = domainDT.begin(), ite = domainDT.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
		double value = dt(*it);
		if (value > 0) {
			setVolumeWeighted.insert(new WeightedPointCount(*it, value));

	double distanceMax = (*setVolumeWeighted.begin())->myWeight;
	Z3i::DigitalSet cleanSkeletonPoints = ensureConnexity(skeletonPoints);
	vector<Z3i::Point> v = findEndPoints(cleanSkeletonPoints);
// 	set<Z3i::Point> setV(v.begin(), v.end());

// 	Z3i::RealPoint normal;
// 	Z3i::Object26_6  objSkeleton(Z3i::dt26_6, cleanSkeletonPoints);
// 	map<Z3i::Point, Z3i::RealPoint> mapPointToNormal;
// 	for (auto it = setV.begin(), ite = setV.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
// 		Z3i::Point current = *it;
// 		double radius = dt(current);
// 		Z3i::DigitalSet set = VCMUtil::computeDiscretePlane(vcm, chi, domainVolume, setVolumeWeighted, current, normal, 0,  radius, 100, true);
// 		vector<Z3i::Point> neighborsCurrent;
// 		back_insert_iterator<vector<Z3i::Point>> inserter(neighborsCurrent);
// 		objSkeleton.writeNeighbors(inserter, current);
// 		if (neighborsCurrent.size() > 0) {
// 			Z3i::RealPoint dirVector = (current - neighborsCurrent[0]).getNormalized();
// 			if (dirVector.dot(normal) < 0)
// 				normal = -normal;
// 		}
// 		mapPointToNormal[current] = normal;
// 	}

// 	Z3i::DigitalSet junctions(setVolume.domain());
// 	map<Z3i::Point, Z3i::Point> pairToLink;

// 	for (auto it = mapPointToNormal.begin(), ite = mapPointToNormal.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
// 		Z3i::Point point = it->first;
// 		Z3i::RealPoint normal = it->second;
// 		Z3i::DigitalSet initialSet(setVolume.domain());
// 		for (auto itS = setVolume.begin(), itSe = setVolume.end(); itS != itSe; ++itS) {
// 			if (VCMUtil::abovePlane(*itS, normal, point))
// 				initialSet.insert(*itS);
// 		}
// 		Z3i::DigitalSet currentSet = initialSet;
// 		for (auto itO = mapPointToNormal.begin(), itOe = mapPointToNormal.end(); itO != itOe; ++itO) {
// 			Z3i::Point otherPoint = itO->first;
// 			if (otherPoint == point) continue;
// 			Z3i::RealPoint otherNormal = itO->second;
// 			if (VCMUtil::abovePlane(point, otherNormal, otherPoint)) {
// 				Z3i::DigitalSet newSet(initialSet.domain());
// 				for (auto itS = currentSet.begin(), itSe = currentSet.end(); itS != itSe; ++itS) {
// 					if (VCMUtil::abovePlane(*itS, otherNormal, otherPoint))
// 						newSet.insert(*itS);
// 				}
// 				if (newSet.size() < currentSet.size()) {
// 					currentSet = newSet;
// 					pairToLink[point] = otherPoint;
// 				}
// 			}
// 		}
// 		junctions.insert(currentSet.begin(), currentSet.end());

// //		viewer << CustomColors3D(Color::Green, Color::Green) << currentSet;
// 	}

// 	// for (const auto& pair : pairToLink) {
// 	// 	Z3i::Point initial = pair.first;
// 	// 	Z3i::Point toLink = pair.second;
// 	// 	Z3i::DigitalSet candidates(setVolume.domain());
// 	// 	do {
// 	// 		candidates.insert(toLink);
// 	// 		toLink = pairToLink[toLink];
// 	// 	} while (candidates.find(toLink) == candidates.end());
// 	// 	for (const auto& sEP : candidates) {
// 	// 		for (const auto& sOEP : candidates) {
// 	// 			vector<Z3i::Point> link = PointUtil::linkTwoPoints(sEP, sOEP);
// 	// 			for (const auto& l : link)
// 	// 				viewer << l;
// 	// 		}
// 	// 	}
// 	// }

// 	Z3i::Object26_6 objJunctions(Z3i::dt26_6, junctions);
// 	vector<Z3i::Object26_6> objectsJunctions;
// 	back_insert_iterator< std::vector<Z3i::Object26_6> > inserterJ( objectsJunctions );
//     objJunctions.writeComponents(inserterJ);
// 	for (const auto& objJunction : objectsJunctions) {
// 		Z3i::DigitalSet setJunction = objJunction.pointSet();
// 		int r = rand() % 256, g = rand() % 256, b = rand() % 256;
// 		Color c(r,g,b);
// 		set<Z3i::Point> sameEndPoint;
// 		for (const auto & p : setV) {
// 			if (setJunction.find(p) != setJunction.end()){
// 				viewer << CustomColors3D(c,c) << p;
// 				sameEndPoint.insert(p);
// 			}
// 		}
// 		if (sameEndPoint.size() == 1) {
// 			vector<Z3i::DigitalSet> v;
// 			for (const auto& objOther : objectsJunctions) {
// 				v.push_back(objOther.pointSet());
// 			}
// 			Z3i::DigitalSet closest = closestSet(setJunction, v);
// 			for (const auto & p : setV) {
// 				if (closest.find(p) != closest.end()){
// 					sameEndPoint.insert(p);
// 				}
// 			}
// 		}
// 		for (const auto& sEP : sameEndPoint) {
// 			for (const auto& sOEP : sameEndPoint) {
// 				vector<Z3i::Point> link = PointUtil::linkTwoPoints(sEP, sOEP);
// 				for (const auto& l : link)
// 					viewer << l;
// 			}
// 		}
// 	}
// 	for (auto it = cleanSkeletonPoints.begin(), ite = cleanSkeletonPoints.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
// 		viewer << CustomColors3D(Color::Red, Color::Red) << *it;
// 	}

// 	viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay;
// 	application.exec();
// 	return 0;
	KSpace ks;	
	ks.init( volume.domain().lowerBound(),
			 volume.domain().upperBound(), true );
	SurfelAdjacency<KSpace::dimension> surfAdj( true ); // interior in all directions.
	Surfel bel = Surfaces<KSpace>::findABel( ks, backgroundPredicate, 1000000 );
	DigitalSurfaceContainer* container =
		new DigitalSurfaceContainer( ks, backgroundPredicate, surfAdj, bel, false  );
	DigitalSurface< DigitalSurfaceContainer > surface( container ); //acquired
	//! [DVCM3D-instantiation]
	Surfel2PointEmbedding embType = Pointels; // Could be Pointels|InnerSpel|OuterSpel;
	KernelFunction chiSurface( 1.0, R );             // hat function with support of radius r
	VCMOnSurface* vcm_surface = new VCMOnSurface( surface, embType, R, 1, chiSurface, dt, delta, l2, true);
	Z3i::DigitalSet branchingPoints = computeBranchingPartsWithVCMFeature(*vcm_surface, domainVolume, thresholdFeature);
	Z3i::Object26_6 obj(Z3i::dt26_6, branchingPoints);
	vector<Z3i::Object26_6> objectsBranching;
	back_insert_iterator< std::vector<Z3i::Object26_6> > inserterBranching( objectsBranching );
	Z3i::DigitalSet maxCurvaturePoints(domainVolume);
	for (auto it = objectsBranching.begin(), ite = objectsBranching.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
		double ratioMax = 0;
		Point maximizingCurvaturePoint;
		for (auto itPoint = it->pointSet().begin(), itPointE = it->pointSet().end(); itPoint != itPointE; ++itPoint) {
			auto lambda = (vcm_surface->mapPoint2ChiVCM()).at(*itPoint).values;
			double ratio = lambda[0] / (lambda[0] + lambda[1] + lambda[2]); 
			if (ratio > ratioMax) {
				ratioMax = ratio;
				maximizingCurvaturePoint = *itPoint;

	typedef Z3i::Object26_6 ObjectType;

	set<Z3i::Point> pointsToProcess;

	ObjectType objectImage(Z3i::dt26_6, skeletonPoints);
	vector<ObjectType> objects;
	back_insert_iterator< std::vector<ObjectType> > inserter( objects );
	unsigned int nbConnectedComponents = objectImage.writeComponents(inserter);
	trace.info() << nbConnectedComponents << endl;
	sort(objects.begin(), objects.end(), [&](ObjectType a, ObjectType b)->bool {
			double maxa = 0, maxb = 0;
			for (auto it = a.begin(), ite = a.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
				if (dt(*it) > maxa)
					maxa = dt(*it);
			for (auto it = b.begin(), ite = b.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
				if (dt(*it) > maxb)
					maxb = dt(*it);
			return maxa > maxb;
	ObjectType reference = *(objects.begin());

	Point closestBranchingCurrent;
	trace.beginBlock("Connecting disconnected components");
	while (objects.size() > 0) {
		trace.progressBar(nbConnectedComponents-objects.size(), nbConnectedComponents);
		vector<ObjectType>::iterator minimizingObjectToReference = objects.end();
		double distanceMin = numeric_limits<double>::max();
		vector<Z3i::Point> points;
		Z3i::Point belongingToCurrentObject, belongingToReference;
//		for (auto it = objects.begin(), ite = objects.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
		ObjectType currentObject = *(objects.begin());
		for (auto itCurrentObject = currentObject.pointSet().begin(),
				 itCurrentObjectE = currentObject.pointSet().end(); itCurrentObject != itCurrentObjectE; ++itCurrentObject) {

			for (auto itReference = reference.pointSet().begin(), itReferenceE = reference.pointSet().end(); itReference != itReferenceE; ++itReference) {
				Point closestBranchingPoint = *min_element(maxCurvaturePoints.begin(), maxCurvaturePoints.end(), [&](const Point& one, const Point& two) {
						return Z3i::l2Metric(one, *itCurrentObject) < Z3i::l2Metric(two, *itCurrentObject);
				vector<Point> points = PointUtil::linkTwoPoints(*itReference, *itCurrentObject);
				bool add = true;
				double distanceDT = min(dt(*itCurrentObject), dt(*itReference));
				for (auto itP = points.begin(), itPe = points.end(); itP != itPe; ++itP) {
					if (Z3i::l2Metric(*itP, closestBranchingPoint)+1 < distanceDT ||
						dt(*itP) == 0) {
						add = false;
				double distance = Z3i::l2Metric(*itCurrentObject, *itReference);
				if (distance < distanceMin && add) {
					minimizingObjectToReference = objects.begin();
					distanceMin = distance;
					belongingToCurrentObject = *itCurrentObject;
					belongingToReference = *itReference;
					closestBranchingCurrent = closestBranchingPoint;
		if (minimizingObjectToReference == objects.end()) {
			minimizingObjectToReference = objects.begin();
		else {
			// vector<Point> newPoints = PointUtil::linkTwoPoints(belongingToCurrentObject, belongingToReference);
			// Z3i::RealPoint normal = (belongingToReference - belongingToCurrentObject).getNormalized();
			// Point current = belongingToCurrentObject;
			// Z3i::DigitalSet curve(domain);
			// do { 
			// 	vector<Point> neighbors;
			// 	back_insert_iterator<vector<Point>> inserter(neighbors);
			// 	MetricAdjacency<Space, 3>::writeNeighbors(inserter, current);
			// 	Z3i::DigitalSet setNeighbors(domain);
			// 	for (auto it = neighbors.begin(), ite = neighbors.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
			// 		if (VCMUtil::abovePlane(*it, normal, current) && curve.find(*it) == curve.end())
			// 			setNeighbors.insert(*it);
			// 	}
			// 	Z3i::Point p = findMaxDTInSet(setNeighbors, dt, current);
			// 	viewer << CustomColors3D(Color::Blue, Color::Blue) << p;
			// 	current = p;
			// 	curve.insert(current);
			// } while (VCMUtil::abovePlane(belongingToReference, normal, current));
			// viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay;
			// qApp->processEvents();
			for (auto it = minimizingObjectToReference->pointSet().begin(), ite = minimizingObjectToReference->pointSet().end();
 				 it != ite; ++it) {
			double radiusCurrentObject = dt(belongingToCurrentObject) ;
			chi = KernelFunction( 1.0, radiusCurrentObject );
			Z3i::RealPoint normalCurrentObject;
			VCMUtil::computeDiscretePlane(vcm, chi, domainVolume, setVolumeWeighted,
										  belongingToCurrentObject, normalCurrentObject,
										  0, radiusCurrentObject, distanceMax, true);

			double radiusReference = dt(belongingToReference);
			chi = KernelFunction( 1.0, radiusReference );
			Z3i::RealPoint normalReference;
			VCMUtil::computeDiscretePlane(vcm, chi, domainVolume, setVolumeWeighted,
										  belongingToReference, normalReference,
										  0, radiusReference, distanceMax, true);
			Z3i::RealPoint dirVectorCurrent = (belongingToReference - belongingToCurrentObject).getNormalized();
			if (normalCurrentObject.dot(dirVectorCurrent) < 0)
				normalCurrentObject = -normalCurrentObject;

			Z3i::RealPoint dirVectorReference = (belongingToCurrentObject - belongingToReference).getNormalized();
			if (normalReference.dot(dirVectorReference) < 0)
				normalReference = -normalReference;
			vector<Point> newPoints;

//			if (Z3i::l2Metric(belongingToReference, belongingToCurrentObject) <= 2 * sqrt(3))
			newPoints = PointUtil::linkTwoPoints(belongingToCurrentObject, belongingToReference);
//			else	
//				newPoints = PointUtil::bezierCurve(belongingToCurrentObject, belongingToReference, controlCurrent, controlReference);

			vector<Point> computationPoints = newPoints;
			extendSubVolume(newPoints, reference.pointSet(), belongingToReference, -normalReference, dt(belongingToReference));		   
			extendSubVolume(newPoints, reference.pointSet(), belongingToCurrentObject, -normalCurrentObject, dt(belongingToCurrentObject));
			Z3i::DigitalSet newPointsSet(setVolume.domain());
			newPointsSet.insert(newPoints.begin(), newPoints.end());

			Z3i::DigitalSet computationVolume = computeBallAroundVector(newPoints, setVolume, dt);
			Z3i::DigitalSet restrictedComputationVolume = computeBallAroundVector(computationPoints, setVolume, dt);
			int r = rand() % 256, g = rand() % 256, b = rand() % 256;
			Color c(r,g,b);
//			viewer << CustomColors3D(c,c) << computationVolume;
			set<WeightedPointCount*, WeightedPointCountComparator<WeightedPointCount> > subVolumeWeighted;
			for (auto it = computationVolume.begin(), ite = computationVolume.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
				auto itW = find_if(setVolumeWeighted.begin(), setVolumeWeighted.end(), [&](WeightedPointCount* wpc) {
						return (wpc->myPoint == *it);
				if (itW != setVolumeWeighted.end()) {
					subVolumeWeighted.insert(new WeightedPointCount(*(*itW)));

			set<WeightedPointCount*, WeightedPointCountComparator<WeightedPointCount> > subVolumeWeightedComputation;
			for (auto it = restrictedComputationVolume.begin(), ite = restrictedComputationVolume.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
				auto itW = find_if(setVolumeWeighted.begin(), setVolumeWeighted.end(), [&](WeightedPointCount* wpc) {
						return (wpc->myPoint == *it);
				if (itW != setVolumeWeighted.end()) {
					subVolumeWeightedComputation.insert(new WeightedPointCount(*(*itW)));
			Z3i::DigitalSet connectedComponent3D(setVolume.domain());
			Z3i::RealPoint realCenter, normalSub;
			WeightedPointCount* currentWPC;
			double distance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
			for (auto it = subVolumeWeightedComputation.begin(), ite = subVolumeWeightedComputation.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
				double currentDistance = Z3i::l2Metric((*it)->myPoint, belongingToCurrentObject);				
				if (currentDistance < distance) {
					distance = currentDistance;
					currentWPC = *it;
			int numberLeft = subVolumeWeightedComputation.size();
			while (numberLeft > 0 && (VCMUtil::abovePlane(belongingToReference, normalSub, realCenter))) {
//			for (auto it = newPointsSet.begin(), ite = newPointsSet.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
				// auto currentPoint = find_if(subVolumeWeighted.begin(), subVolumeWeighted.end(), [&](WeightedPointCount* wpc) {
				// 		return wpc->myPoint == *it;
				// 	});
				// if (currentPoint == subVolumeWeighted.end()) continue;
				// currentWPC = *currentPoint;
				currentWPC->myProcessed = true;
				double radius = dt(currentWPC->myPoint);
				connectedComponent3D = VCMUtil::computeDiscretePlane(vcm, chi, domainVolume, subVolumeWeighted, currentWPC->myPoint, normalSub, 0,  radius, 100, true);
				realCenter = Statistics::extractCenterOfMass3D(connectedComponent3D);
				Z3i::Point centerOfMass = extractNearestNeighborInSetFromPoint(connectedComponent3D, realCenter);
				viewer << CustomColors3D(Color::Blue, Color::Blue) << centerOfMass;
				viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay;
				bool processed = false;
				for (auto it = connectedComponent3D.begin(), ite = connectedComponent3D.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
					for (auto itS = skeletonPoints.begin(), itSe = skeletonPoints.end(); itS != itSe; ++itS)  {
						if (*itS == *it)
							processed = true;
				if (!processed &&  Z3i::l2Metric(currentWPC->myPoint, centerOfMass) <= sqrt(3))

				if (normalSub.dot(dirVectorCurrent) < 0)
					normalSub = -normalSub;
				VCMUtil::markConnectedComponent3D(subVolumeWeightedComputation, connectedComponent3D, 0);
				VCMUtil::trackNextPoint(currentWPC, subVolumeWeightedComputation, connectedComponent3D, centerOfMass, normalSub);
				numberLeft = count_if(subVolumeWeightedComputation.begin(), subVolumeWeightedComputation.end(),
									  [&](WeightedPointCount* wpc) {
										  return (!wpc->myProcessed);
				if (currentWPC == (*subVolumeWeightedComputation.end()))

	delete vcm_surface;
	for (auto it = skeletonPoints.begin(), ite = skeletonPoints.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
		viewer << CustomColors3D(Color::Red, Color::Red) << *it;
	for (auto it = setVolume.begin(), ite = setVolume.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
		viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(0,0,255,30), Color(0,0,255,30)) << *it;
	Image outImage(volume.domain());
	DGtal::imageFromRangeAndValue(skeletonPoints.begin(), skeletonPoints.end(), outImage, 10);
	VolWriter<Image>::exportVol(outFilename, outImage);

	viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay;
	return 0;