std::string makeFormattedString( const char* aFormat, const A1& a1 = A1(), const A2& a2 = A2(), const A3& a3 = A3(), const A4& a4 = A4(), const A5& a5 = A5(), const A6& a6 = A6(), const A7& a7 = A7(), const A8& a8 = A8(), const A9& a9 = A9(), const A10& a10 = A10(), const A11& a11 = A11(), const A12& a12 = A12(), const A13& a13 = A13(), const A14& a14 = A14(), const A15& a15 = A15(), const A16& a16 = A16(), const A17& a17 = A17(), const A18& a18 = A18(), const A19& a19 = A19(), const A20& a20 = A20() ) { return makeStringByPrintf(aFormat, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20 ); }
void testQLDSolver() { BaseVariable xy("xy",2); BaseVariable z("z",1); CompositeVariable T("T", xy, z); MatrixXd A1(1,1); A1 << 1; VectorXd b1(1); b1 << -3; LinearFunction lf1(z, A1, b1); LinearConstraint c1(&lf1, true); MatrixXd A2(1,2); A2 << 3,1 ; VectorXd b2(1); b2 << 0; LinearFunction lf2(xy, A2, b2); LinearConstraint c2(&lf2, true); MatrixXd A3(2,2); A3 << 2,1,-0.5,1 ; VectorXd b3(2); b3 << 0, 1; LinearFunction lf3(xy, A3, b3); LinearConstraint c3(&lf3, false); QuadraticFunction objFunc(T, Matrix3d::Identity(), Vector3d::Zero(), 0); QuadraticObjective obj(&objFunc); QLDSolver solver; solver.addConstraint(c1); solver.addConstraint(c2); solver.addConstraint(c3); solver.addObjective(obj); std::cout << "sol = " << std::endl << solver.solve().solution << std::endl << std::endl; ocra_assert(solver.getLastResult().info == 0); solver.removeConstraint(c1); IdentityFunction id(z); VectorXd lz(1); lz << 1; VectorXd uz(1); uz << 2; IdentityConstraint bnd1(&id, lz, uz); solver.addBounds(bnd1); std::cout << "sol = " << std::endl << solver.solve().solution << std::endl << std::endl; ocra_assert(solver.getLastResult().info == 0); BaseVariable t("t", 2); VectorXd ut(2); ut << -4,-1; BoundFunction bf(t, ut, BOUND_TYPE_SUPERIOR); BoundConstraint bnd2(&bf, false); solver.addBounds(bnd2); QuadraticFunction objFunc2(t, Matrix2d::Identity(), Vector2d::Constant(2.71828),0); QuadraticObjective obj2(&objFunc2); solver.addObjective(obj2); std::cout << "sol = " << std::endl << solver.solve().solution << std::endl << std::endl; ocra_assert(solver.getLastResult().info == 0); Vector2d c3l(-1,-1); c3.setL(c3l); std::cout << "sol = " << std::endl << solver.solve().solution << std::endl << std::endl; ocra_assert(solver.getLastResult().info == 0); }
/*! \fn Real vecpot2b1i(Real (*A2)(Real,Real,Real), Real (*A3)(Real,Real,Real), * const GridS *pG, const int i, const int j, const int k) * \brief Compute B-field components from a vector potential. * * THESE FUNCTIONS COMPUTE MAGNETIC FIELD COMPONENTS FROM COMPONENTS OF A * SPECIFIED VECTOR POTENTIAL USING STOKES' THEOREM AND SIMPSON'S QUADRATURE. * NOTE: THIS IS ONLY GUARANTEED TO WORK IF THE POTENTIAL IS OF CLASS C^1. * WRITTEN BY AARON SKINNER. */ Real vecpot2b1i(Real (*A2)(Real,Real,Real), Real (*A3)(Real,Real,Real), const GridS *pG, const int i, const int j, const int k) { Real x1,x2,x3,b1i=0.0,lsf=1.0,rsf=1.0,dx2=pG->dx2; Real f2(Real y); Real f3(Real z); a2func = A2; a3func = A3; cc_pos(pG,i,j,k,&x1,&x2,&x3); xmin = x1 - 0.5*pG->dx1; xmax = x1 + 0.5*pG->dx1; ymin = x2 - 0.5*pG->dx2; ymax = x2 + 0.5*pG->dx2; zmin = x3 - 0.5*pG->dx3; zmax = x3 + 0.5*pG->dx3; xsav = xmin; #ifdef CYLINDRICAL lsf = xmin; rsf = xmin; dx2 = xmin*pG->dx2; #endif if (A2 != NULL) { if (ymin == ymax) b1i += rsf*A2(xmin,ymin,zmin) - lsf*A2(xmin,ymin,zmax); else { zsav = zmin; b1i += rsf*qsimp(f2,ymin,ymax); zsav = zmax; b1i -= lsf*qsimp(f2,ymin,ymax); } } if (A3 != NULL) { if (zmin == zmax) b1i += A3(xmin,ymax,zmin) - A3(xmin,ymin,zmin); else { ysav = ymax; b1i += qsimp(f3,zmin,zmax); ysav = ymin; b1i -= qsimp(f3,zmin,zmax); } } if (pG->dx2 > 0.0) b1i /= dx2; if (pG->dx3 > 0.0) b1i /= pG->dx3; return b1i; }
Tensor::Tensor() : A1(3,3), A2(3,3), A3(3,3) { int i, j; for (i=1; i<=3; i++) for (j=1; j<=3; j++) { A1(i, j) = 0.0; A2(i, j) = 0.0; A3(i, j) = 0.0; } }
/*! \fn Real vecpot2b2i(Real (*A1)(Real,Real,Real), Real (*A3)(Real,Real,Real), * const GridS *pG, const int i, const int j, const int k) * \brief Compute B-field components from a vector potential. * * THESE FUNCTIONS COMPUTE MAGNETIC FIELD COMPONENTS FROM COMPONENTS OF A * SPECIFIED VECTOR POTENTIAL USING STOKES' THEOREM AND SIMPSON'S QUADRATURE. * NOTE: THIS IS ONLY GUARANTEED TO WORK IF THE POTENTIAL IS OF CLASS C^1. * WRITTEN BY AARON SKINNER. */ Real vecpot2b2i(Real (*A1)(Real,Real,Real), Real (*A3)(Real,Real,Real), const GridS *pG, const int i, const int j, const int k) { Real x1,x2,x3,b2i=0.0; Real f1(Real x); Real f3(Real z); a1func = A1; a3func = A3; cc_pos(pG,i,j,k,&x1,&x2,&x3); xmin = x1 - 0.5*pG->dx1; xmax = x1 + 0.5*pG->dx1; ymin = x2 - 0.5*pG->dx2; ymax = x2 + 0.5*pG->dx2; zmin = x3 - 0.5*pG->dx3; zmax = x3 + 0.5*pG->dx3; ysav = ymin; if (A1 != NULL) { if (xmin == xmax) b2i += A1(xmin,ymin,zmax) - A1(xmin,ymin,zmin); else { zsav = zmax; b2i += qsimp(f1,xmin,xmax); zsav = zmin; b2i -= qsimp(f1,xmin,xmax); } } if (A3 != NULL) { if (zmin == zmax) b2i += A3(xmin,ymin,zmin) - A3(xmax,ymin,zmin); else { xsav = xmin; b2i += qsimp(f3,zmin,zmax); xsav = xmax; b2i -= qsimp(f3,zmin,zmax); } } if (pG->dx1 > 0.0) b2i /= pG->dx1; if (pG->dx3 > 0.0) b2i /= pG->dx3; return b2i; }
int main(void){ Marray<double,3> A3(3,3,3); Marray<double,1> B1(3); Marray<double,2> C2Test(3,3); Marray<double,2> C2(3,3); A3.sucesion(0,1); B1.sucesion(0,1); Index<'i'> iG; Index<'j'> jG; Index<'k'> kG; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { for (int j=0;j<3;j++){ for(int k=0;k<3;k++){ C2(i,j)+=A3(i,j,k)*B1(k); } } } C2Test(iG,jG)=A3(iG,jG,kG)*B1(kG); assert(C2==C2Test); C2=0; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { for (int j=0;j<3;j++){ for(int k=0;k<3;k++){ C2(i,j)+=A3(i,k,j)*B1(k); } } } C2Test(iG,jG)=A3(iG,kG,jG)*B1(kG); assert(C2==C2Test); C2=0; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { for (int j=0;j<3;j++){ for(int k=0;k<3;k++){ C2(i,j)+=A3(k,i,j)*B1(k); } } } C2Test(iG,jG)=A3(kG,iG,jG)*B1(kG); assert(C2==C2Test); C2=0; }
int hpx_main(boost::program_options::variables_map& vm) { { orthotope<double> A0({3, 3}) , A1({3, 3}) , A2({3, 3}) , A3({3, 3}) , A4({3, 3}) , A5({4, 4}) ; // QR {{1, 3, 6}, {3, 5, 7}, {6, 7, 4}} A0.row(0, 1, 3, 6 ); A0.row(1, 3, 5, 7 ); A0.row(2, 6, 7, 4 ); // QR {{12, -51, 4}, {6, 167, -68}, {-4, 24, -41}} A1.row(0, 12, -51, 4 ); A1.row(1, 6, 167, -68 ); A1.row(2, -4, 24, -41 ); // QR {{2, -2, 18}, {2, 1, 0}, {1, 2, 0}} A2.row(0, 2, -2, 18 ); A2.row(1, 2, 1, 0 ); A2.row(2, 1, 2, 0 ); // QR {{0, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 2}, {0, 0, 3}} A3.row(0, 0, 1, 1 ); A3.row(1, 1, 1, 2 ); A3.row(2, 0, 0, 3 ); // QR {{1, 1, -1}, {1, 2, 1}, {1, 2, -1}} A4.row(0, 1, 1, -1 ); A4.row(1, 1, 2, 1 ); A4.row(2, 1, 2, -1 ); // QR {{4, -2, 2, 8}, {-2, 6, 2, 4}, {2, 2, 10, -6}, {8, 4, -6, 12}} A5.row(0, 4, -2, 2, 8 ); A5.row(1, -2, 6, 2, 4 ); A5.row(2, 2, 2, 10, -6 ); A5.row(3, 8, 4, -6, 12 ); householders(A0); householders(A1); householders(A2); householders(A3); householders(A4); householders(A5); } return hpx::finalize(); }
void Tensor::set(int i, int j, int k, double f) { switch(i) { case 1: A1(j, k) = f; break; case 2: A2(j, k) = f; break; case 3: A3(j, k) = f; break; default: ostringstream ii; ii << "Tensor index out of range: " << i << "\n"; throw ii.str(); break; } }
double & Tensor::operator() (int i, int j, int k) { switch(i) { case 1: return A1(j, k); break; case 2: return A2(j, k); break; case 3: return A3(j, k); break; default: ostringstream ii; ii << "Trying to access " << i << j << k << "th element of tensor"; ii << *this; throw ii.str(); break; } }
int main() { int n = 0, a1 = 0, a2 = 0, a3 = 0, a4 = 0, a5 = 0, num = 0; int count_a1 = 0, count_a2 = 0, count_a3 = 0, count_a4 = 0, count_a5 = 0; int flag_A2 = 1; scanf("%d", &n); for (; n > 0; n--) { scanf("%d", &num); A1(num, &a1, &count_a1); A2(num, &a2, &count_a2, &flag_A2); A3(num, &a3, &count_a3); A4(num, &a4, &count_a4); A5(num, &a5, &count_a5); } if (count_a1 > 0) printf("%d ", a1); else printf("N "); if (count_a2 > 0) printf("%d ", a2); else printf("N "); if (count_a3 > 0) printf("%d ", a3); else printf("N "); if (count_a4 > 0) printf("%.1lf ", (double)a4 / count_a4); else printf("N "); if (count_a5 > 0) printf("%d", a5); else printf("N"); return 0; }
static Float A3inv(Float y, Float guess) { Float x = guess; int it = 1; while (true) { Float residual = A3(x)-y, deriv = dA3(x); x -= residual/deriv; if (++it > 20) { SLog(EWarn, "VanMisesFisherDistr::convolve(): Newton's method " " did not converge!"); return guess; } if (std::abs(residual) < 1e-5f) break; } return x; }
TYPED_TEST(Intesection_TEST, intersection_ray_triangle) { using Scalar = typename cgogn::geometry::vector_traits<TypeParam>::Scalar; TypeParam p0(Scalar(1), Scalar(1), Scalar(96.1)); TypeParam p1(Scalar(5), Scalar(1), Scalar(92.3)); TypeParam p2(Scalar(3), Scalar(5), Scalar(94.2)); TypeParam A0(Scalar(3), Scalar(3), Scalar(0)); TypeParam D0(Scalar(0.001), Scalar(0.001), Scalar(1.0)); TypeParam A1(Scalar(3), Scalar(1), Scalar(0)); TypeParam D1(Scalar(0), Scalar(0), Scalar(1.0)); TypeParam A2(Scalar(5), Scalar(1), Scalar(0)); TypeParam A3(Scalar(9), Scalar(5), Scalar(0)); EXPECT_TRUE(cgogn::geometry::intersection_ray_triangle(A0,D0,p0,p1,p2)); EXPECT_TRUE(cgogn::geometry::intersection_ray_triangle(A1,D1,p0,p1,p2)); EXPECT_TRUE(cgogn::geometry::intersection_ray_triangle(A2,D1,p0,p1,p2)); EXPECT_FALSE(cgogn::geometry::intersection_ray_triangle(A3,D0,p0,p1,p2)); }
MxQuadric::MxQuadric(const MxQuadric3& Q3, unsigned int N) : A(N), b(N) { unsigned int i, j; clear(); Mat3 A3 = Q3.tensor(); Vec3 b3 = Q3.vector(); for(i=0; i<3; i++) { for(j=0; j<3; j++) A(i,j) = A3(i,j); b[i] = b3[i]; } c = Q3.offset(); r = Q3.area(); }
void PDESolver::CrankNicolson(vec *v){ double a,a2,a3; vec A1 = zeros<vec>(Nx), A2 = zeros<vec>(Nx), A3 = zeros<vec>(Nx), vtilde, vnew; a = dt / dx / dx; a2 = 2 - 2*a; a3 = 2 + 2*a; ofstream myfile;"CrankNicolson_movie.txt"); // Setting the diagonals on of the LHS-matrix. for (int i=0; i<Nx; i++){ A1(i) = -a; A2(i) = a3; A3(i) = -a; } vnew = *v; vtilde = vnew; for (int j=1; j<Nt; j++){ // Chaning the RHS vector v_old into vtilde. for (int i=1; i<Nx-1; i++){ vtilde(i) = a*vnew(i-1) + a2*vnew(i) + a*vnew(i+1); } vnew = PDESolver::tridiagonal(A1,A2,A3,vtilde); for (int i=0; i<Nx; i++){myfile << vnew(i) + 1 - i*dx << " ";}; myfile << endl; } myfile.close(); for (int i=0; i<Nx; i++){vnew(i) += 1 - i*dx;} *v = vnew; }
Float VonMisesFisherDistr::convolve(Float kappa1, Float kappa2) { return A3inv(A3(kappa1) * A3(kappa2), std::min(kappa1, kappa2)); }
KJG_GENO_UNPACK(p + 3) #define U2(p) U1(p), U1(p + 4), U1(p + 8), U1(p + 12) #define U3(p) U2(p), U2(p + 16), U2(p + 32), U2(p + 48) const uint8_t KJG_GENO_UNPACK_LOOKUP[256][4] = { U3(0), U3(64), U3(128), U3(192) }; #define A1(p) \ KJG_GENO_SUM_ALT(p), \ KJG_GENO_SUM_ALT(p + 1), \ KJG_GENO_SUM_ALT(p + 2), \ KJG_GENO_SUM_ALT(p + 3) #define A2(p) A1(p), A1(p + 4), A1(p + 8), A1(p + 12) #define A3(p) A2(p), A2(p + 16), A2(p + 32), A2(p + 48) const uint8_t KJG_GENO_SUM_ALT_LOOKUP[256] = { A3(0), A3(64), A3(128), A3(192) }; #define C1(p) \ KJG_GENO_COUNT(p), \ KJG_GENO_COUNT(p + 1), \ KJG_GENO_COUNT(p + 2), \ KJG_GENO_COUNT(p + 3) #define C2(p) C1(p), C1(p + 4), C1(p + 8), C1(p + 12) #define C3(p) C2(p), C2(p + 16), C2(p + 32), C2(p + 48) const uint8_t KJG_GENO_COUNT_LOOKUP[256] = { C3(0), C3(64), C3(128), C3(192) }; // Functional interface void kjg_geno_pack (const size_t n, const uint8_t* u, uint8_t* p)
blit(muertebmp,enemigom,0,0,0,0,33,33);//carga la imagen sobre el buffer pacman draw_sprite(buffer,enemigom,_x,_y); blit(buffer, screen ,0,0,0,0,1280,600); rest(80); _x = 0; _y = 0; vidaenemigo--; } } int main() { allegro_init(); install_keyboard(); set_color_depth(32); set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED,1280, 600 , 0, 0); //inicializa la musica en allegro if (install_sound(DIGI_AUTODETECT, MIDI_AUTODETECT, NULL) != 0) { allegro_message("Error: inicializando sistema de sonido\n%s\n", allegro_error); return 1; } // ajuste de volumen set_volume(70, 70);//cuanto se oye a la izquierdsa y a la derecha intro = load_wav("music/start.wav"); sirenafantasma = load_wav("music/sirene.wav"); muertes = load_wav("music/muerte.wav"); buffer = create_bitmap(1280,600); //870 570 pacman = create_bitmap(33,33); complemento = create_bitmap(400,600); vid =create_bitmap(33,33); ataqueb = create_bitmap(33,33); atabmp = load_bitmap("images/ataque.bmp",NULL); roca = load_bitmap("images/tile2.bmp",NULL); pacbmp =load_bitmap("images/tank2.bmp", NULL); comida = load_bitmap("images/Comida.bmp",NULL); muertebmp = load_bitmap("images/muerte1.bmp",NULL); combmp =load_bitmap("images/complemento.bmp",NULL); vidas = load_bitmap("images/vidas.bmp",NULL); mapa1 mapa; enemigo A1(30*1,30*18) ; enemigo A2(30*27,30*1) ; enemigo A3(30*14,30*11) ; enemigo A4(30*27,30*18) ; enemigo A5(30*27,30*18); personaje1 personaje; personaje2 personaje3; play_sample(intro,200,150,1000,0); // volumen,sonido,,velocidad a la que se reproduce,distribucion 1000 es punto medio,para que no se repita rest(4000); play_sample(sirenafantasma,150,150,1000,1); while (!key[KEY_ESC] && mapa.game_over()) { if(A1.getvida()==0 && A2.getvida()==0 && A3.getvida()==0 && A4.getvida()==0) return false; personaje.mover_personaje(); mapa.dibujar_mapa(); personaje.dibujar_personaje(); personaje.ataque(); personaje.ataque1(); personaje3.dibujar_personaje(); personaje3.mover_personaje(); A1.mover_enemigo(); A2.mover_enemigo(); A4.mover_enemigo(); A3.mover_enemigo(); personaje3.ataque(); personaje3.ataque1(); A1.ataque2(); A1.ataque_enemigo(); A2.ataque2(); A2.ataque_enemigo(); A4.ataque2(); A4.ataque_enemigo(); A3.ataque2(); A3.ataque_enemigo(); A1.muerte_enemigo(); A2.muerte_enemigo();
//TODO Must make sure we always use 32F or 64F. void PCAMerge::computeAdd() { // Add checks for errors, Exceptions // TODO : Add checks against model, number of observations. Create eigenVals and eigenVecs accordingly. Refer Matlab code for possible checks to be implemented // // From here, going forward assuming no other errors possible // float eps = 1e-3; // New number of Observations nObs = N + M; // TODO add check for nObs being zero // New model's mean. mean = ( (N * m1.mean) + (M * m2.mean) ) / nObs; // Vector joining the centres cv::Mat dorg = m1.mean - m2.mean; // Note: // dorg : n x 1 // m1.eigenvectors : n x p // m2.eigenvectors : n x q // G : p x q // H : n x q // g : p x 1 // h : n x 1 //Note Eigenvectors from cv::PCA are stored as rows. We need to transpose them. //Note We should probably put the transposed vectors in other matrices, in order to leave the original models untouched (Luca) m1.eigenvectors = m1.eigenvectors.t(); m2.eigenvectors = m2.eigenvectors.t(); //New Basis cv::Mat G = m1.eigenvectors.t() * m2.eigenvectors; cv::Mat H = m2.eigenvectors - ( m1.eigenvectors * G );// H is orthogonal to m1.eigenvectors cv::Mat g = m1.eigenvectors.t() * dorg; cv::Mat h = dorg - (m1.eigenvectors * g); // h is orthogonal to dorg //Some vectors in H can be zero vectors. Must be removed cv::Mat sumH = cv::Mat::zeros( 1, H.cols, CV_64FC1 ); cv::reduce( H.mul(H), sumH, 0, cv::REDUCE_SUM ); // Even h can be a zero vector. Must not be used if so double sumh = 0; sumh =; // // Get indices of sumH > eps. use it to construct vector nu cv::Mat newH; for( int i=0; i < sumH.cols; i++ ) { if(<double>(i) > eps ) newH.push_back( H.col(i).t() ); } if (sumh > eps) newH.push_back( h.t() ); newH = newH.t(); // Dimension of newH must be n x t std::cout << newH.size() << std::endl; //TODO : Implement Gram Schmidt Orthonormalization. DONE cv::Mat nu = orth( newH ); //TODO : Forgetting about residues at the moment. //Residues are the eigenvalues which were not used in the model m1 / m2. //The following was used in matlab for including residues //resn1 = size( m1.vct, 1) - size(m1.vct,2 ); /* if resn1 > 0 rpern1 = m1.residue / resn1; else rpern1 = 0; end resn2 = size( m2.vct, 1) - size(m2.vct,2 ); if resn2 > 0 rpern2 = m2.residue / resn2; else rpern2 = 0; end */ //First part of the matrix in equation (20) in paper - Correlation of m1 // int n,p,t,q; n = m1.eigenvectors.rows; // = m2.eigenvectors.rows t = nu.cols; // p = m1.eigenvalues.rows; q = m2.eigenvalues.rows; cv::Mat tempeval = cv::Mat::zeros( (p + t) , 1, m1.eigenvalues.type() ); m1.eigenvalues.copyTo( tempeval.rowRange(0,m1.eigenvalues.rows) ); cv::Mat A1 = ( N / nObs ) * cv::Mat::diag(tempeval); // Correlation of m2 cv::Mat Gamma = nu.t() * m2.eigenvectors; cv::Mat D = G * cv::Mat::diag( m2.eigenvalues ); cv::Mat E = Gamma * cv::Mat::diag( m2.eigenvalues); cv::Mat A2 = cv::Mat::zeros( A1.size(), A1.type() ); A2( cv::Range(0,p), cv::Range(0, p) ) = D * G.t(); A2( cv::Range(0,p), cv::Range(p, A1.cols) ) = D * Gamma.t(); A2( cv::Range(p, A1.rows), cv::Range(0,p) ) = E * G.t(); A2( cv::Range(p, A1.rows), cv::Range(p, A1.cols) ) = E * Gamma.t(); A2 = A2 * ( M / nObs ); //Third Part : term for diff between means cv::Mat gamma = nu.t() * dorg; cv::Mat A3 = cv::Mat( A1.size(), A1.type() ); A3( cv::Range(0,p), cv::Range(0,p) ) = g * g.t(); A3( cv::Range(0,p), cv::Range(p, A1.cols) ) = g * gamma.t(); A3( cv::Range(p, A1.rows), cv::Range(0,p) ) = gamma * g.t(); A3( cv::Range(p, A1.rows), cv::Range(p, A1.cols) ) = gamma * gamma.t(); A3 = ( N * M / (nObs*nObs) ) * A3; // Guard against rounding errors cv::Mat A = A1 + A2 + A3; A = ( A + A.t() ) / 2.0; /* (Luca) Is this step right? Because PCA expects A to have samples inside, not correlation matrices. We should probably call cv::eigen instead [m3.vct m3.val] = eig( A ); % the eigen-solution m3.vct = [m1.vct nu]* m3.vct; % rotate the basis set into place - can fail for v.high dim data m3.val = diag(m3.val); % keep only the diagonal */ m3 = cv::PCA( A, cv::noArray(), cv::PCA::DATA_AS_ROW ); eigenVals = m3.eigenvalues; m3.eigenvectors = m3.eigenvectors.t(); cv::Mat m3Temp = cv::Mat::zeros( n, A.cols, A.type() ); m3Temp( cv::Range::all(), cv::Range(0,p)) = m1.eigenvectors; m3Temp( cv::Range::all(), cv::Range(p, A.cols)) = nu; eigenVecs = m3Temp * m3.eigenvectors; //Look at how many eigenvalues must be returned. Call that function as required. //Calling the function like the matlab code. //I'd try not to transpose the eigenvectors in order to be more OpenCV friendly. int nValsToKeep = keepVals(KEEP_T,eigenVals,eps); eigenVals = eigenVals(cv::Range(0,nValsToKeep),cv::Range::all()).clone(); eigenVecs = eigenVecs(cv::Range::all(),cv::Range(0,nValsToKeep)).clone(); }
USING_NAMESPACE_ACADO int main( ){ // Define variables, functions and constants: // ---------------------------------------------------------- DifferentialState dT1; DifferentialState dT2; DifferentialState dT3; DifferentialState dT4; DifferentialState T1; DifferentialState T2; DifferentialState T3; DifferentialState T4; DifferentialState W1; DifferentialState W2; DifferentialState W3; DifferentialState W4; DifferentialState q1; DifferentialState q2; DifferentialState q3; DifferentialState q4; DifferentialState Omega1; DifferentialState Omega2; DifferentialState Omega3; DifferentialState V1; DifferentialState V2; DifferentialState V3; DifferentialState P1; // x DifferentialState P2; // y DifferentialState P3; // z DifferentialState IP1; DifferentialState IP2; DifferentialState IP3; Control U1; Control U2; Control U3; Control U4; DifferentialEquation f1, f2; const double rho = 1.23; const double A = 0.1; const double Cl = 0.25; const double Cd = 0.3*Cl; const double m = 10; const double g = 9.81; const double L = 0.5; const double Jp = 1e-2; const double xi = 1e-2; const double J1 = 0.25; const double J2 = 0.25; const double J3 = 1; const double gain = 1e-4; const double alpha = 0.0; // Define the quadcopter ODE model in fully nonlinear form: // ---------------------------------------------------------- f1 << U1*gain; f1 << U2*gain; f1 << U3*gain; f1 << U4*gain; f1 << dT1; f1 << dT2; f1 << dT3; f1 << dT4; f1 << (T1 - W1*xi)/Jp; f1 << (T2 - W2*xi)/Jp; f1 << (T3 - W3*xi)/Jp; f1 << (T4 - W4*xi)/Jp; f1 << - (Omega1*q2)/2 - (Omega2*q3)/2 - (Omega3*q4)/2 - (alpha*q1*(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4 - 1))/(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4); f1 << (Omega1*q1)/2 - (Omega3*q3)/2 + (Omega2*q4)/2 - (alpha*q2*(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4 - 1))/(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4); f1 << (Omega2*q1)/2 + (Omega3*q2)/2 - (Omega1*q4)/2 - (alpha*q3*(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4 - 1))/(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4); f1 << (Omega3*q1)/2 - (Omega2*q2)/2 + (Omega1*q3)/2 - (alpha*q4*(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4 - 1))/(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4); f1 << (J3*Omega2*Omega3 - J2*Omega2*Omega3 + (A*Cl*L*rho*(W2*W2 - W4*W4))/2)/J1; f1 << -(J3*Omega1*Omega3 - J1*Omega1*Omega3 + (A*Cl*L*rho*(W1*W1 - W3*W3))/2)/J2; f1 << (J2*Omega1*Omega2 - J1*Omega1*Omega2 + (A*Cd*rho*(W1*W1 - W2*W2 + W3*W3 - W4*W4))/2)/J3; f1 << (A*Cl*rho*(2*q1*q3 + 2*q2*q4)*(W1*W1 + W2*W2 + W3*W3 + W4*W4))/(2*m); f1 << -(A*Cl*rho*(2*q1*q2 - 2*q3*q4)*(W1*W1 + W2*W2 + W3*W3 + W4*W4))/(2*m); f1 << (A*Cl*rho*(W1*W1 + W2*W2 + W3*W3 + W4*W4)*(q1*q1 - q2*q2 - q3*q3 + q4*q4))/(2*m) - g; f1 << V1; f1 << V2; f1 << V3; f1 << P1; f1 << P2; f1 << P3; // Define the quadcopter ODE model in 3-stage format: // ---------------------------------------------------------- // LINEAR INPUT SYSTEM (STAGE 1): Matrix M1, A1, B1; M1 = eye(12); A1 = zeros(12,12); B1 = zeros(12,4); A1(4,0) = 1.0; A1(5,1) = 1.0; A1(6,2) = 1.0; A1(7,3) = 1.0; A1(8,4) = 1.0/Jp; A1(8,8) = -xi/Jp; A1(9,5) = 1.0/Jp; A1(9,9) = -xi/Jp; A1(10,6) = 1.0/Jp; A1(10,10) = -xi/Jp; A1(11,7) = 1.0/Jp; A1(11,11) = -xi/Jp; B1(0,0) = gain; B1(1,1) = gain; B1(2,2) = gain; B1(3,3) = gain; // NONLINEAR SYSTEM (STAGE 2): f2 << - (Omega1*q2)/2 - (Omega2*q3)/2 - (Omega3*q4)/2 - (alpha*q1*(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4 - 1))/(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4); f2 << (Omega1*q1)/2 - (Omega3*q3)/2 + (Omega2*q4)/2 - (alpha*q2*(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4 - 1))/(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4); f2 << (Omega2*q1)/2 + (Omega3*q2)/2 - (Omega1*q4)/2 - (alpha*q3*(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4 - 1))/(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4); f2 << (Omega3*q1)/2 - (Omega2*q2)/2 + (Omega1*q3)/2 - (alpha*q4*(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4 - 1))/(q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3 + q4*q4); f2 << (J3*Omega2*Omega3 - J2*Omega2*Omega3 + (A*Cl*L*rho*(W2*W2 - W4*W4))/2)/J1; f2 << -(J3*Omega1*Omega3 - J1*Omega1*Omega3 + (A*Cl*L*rho*(W1*W1 - W3*W3))/2)/J2; f2 << (J2*Omega1*Omega2 - J1*Omega1*Omega2 + (A*Cd*rho*(W1*W1 - W2*W2 + W3*W3 - W4*W4))/2)/J3; f2 << (A*Cl*rho*(2*q1*q3 + 2*q2*q4)*(W1*W1 + W2*W2 + W3*W3 + W4*W4))/(2*m); f2 << -(A*Cl*rho*(2*q1*q2 - 2*q3*q4)*(W1*W1 + W2*W2 + W3*W3 + W4*W4))/(2*m); f2 << (A*Cl*rho*(W1*W1 + W2*W2 + W3*W3 + W4*W4)*(q1*q1 - q2*q2 - q3*q3 + q4*q4))/(2*m) - g; // LINEAR OUTPUT SYSTEM (STAGE 3): Matrix M3, A3; M3 = eye(6); A3 = zeros(6,6); A3(3,0) = 1.0; A3(4,1) = 1.0; A3(5,2) = 1.0; OutputFcn f3; f3 << V1; f3 << V2; f3 << V3; f3 << 0.0; f3 << 0.0; f3 << 0.0; // ---------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------- SIMexport sim1( 10, 1.0 ); sim1.setModel( f1 ); sim1.set( INTEGRATOR_TYPE, INT_IRK_GL4 ); sim1.set( NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS, 50 ); sim1.setTimingSteps( 10000 ); acadoPrintf( "-----------------------------------------------------------\n Using a QuadCopter ODE model in fully nonlinear form:\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n" ); sim1.exportAndRun( "quadcopter_export", "init_quadcopter.txt", "controls_quadcopter.txt" ); // ---------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------- SIMexport sim2( 10, 1.0 ); sim2.setLinearInput( M1, A1, B1 ); sim2.setModel( f2 ); sim2.setLinearOutput( M3, A3, f3 ); sim2.set( INTEGRATOR_TYPE, INT_IRK_GL4 ); sim2.set( NUM_INTEGRATOR_STEPS, 50 ); sim2.setTimingSteps( 10000 ); acadoPrintf( "-----------------------------------------------------------\n Using a QuadCopter ODE model in 3-stage format:\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n" ); sim2.exportAndRun( "quadcopter_export", "init_quadcopter.txt", "controls_quadcopter.txt" ); return 0; }
int main(void){ Marray<double,3> A3(3,3,3); Marray<double,2> B2(3,3); Marray<double,1> C1Test(3); Marray<double,1> C1(3); A3.sucesion(0,1); B2.sucesion(0,1); Index<'i'> iG; Index<'j'> jG; Index<'k'> kG; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { for (int j=0;j<3;j++){ for(int k=0;k<3;k++){ C1(i)+=A3(i,j,k)*B2(j,k); } } } C1Test(iG)=A3(iG,jG,kG)*B2(jG,kG); assert(C1==C1Test); C1=0; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { for (int j=0;j<3;j++){ for(int k=0;k<3;k++){ C1(i)+=A3(i,j,k)*B2(k,j); } } } C1Test(iG)=A3(iG,jG,kG)*B2(kG,jG); assert(C1==C1Test); C1=0; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { for (int j=0;j<3;j++){ for(int k=0;k<3;k++){ C1(i)+=A3(j,i,k)*B2(j,k); } } } C1Test(iG)=A3(jG,iG,kG)*B2(jG,kG); assert(C1==C1Test); C1=0; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { for (int j=0;j<3;j++){ for(int k=0;k<3;k++){ C1(i)+=A3(j,i,k)*B2(k,j); } } } C1Test(iG)=A3(jG,iG,kG)*B2(kG,jG); assert(C1==C1Test); C1=0; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { for (int j=0;j<3;j++){ for(int k=0;k<3;k++){ C1(i)+=A3(j,k,i)*B2(j,k); } } } C1Test(iG)=A3(jG,kG,iG)*B2(jG,kG); assert(C1==C1Test); C1=0; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { for (int j=0;j<3;j++){ for(int k=0;k<3;k++){ C1(i)+=A3(j,k,i)*B2(k,j); } } } C1Test(iG)=A3(jG,kG,iG)*B2(kG,jG); assert(C1==C1Test); C1=0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ierr = 0, forierr = 0; bool debug = false; #ifdef EPETRA_MPI // Initialize MPI MPI_Init(&argc,&argv); int rank; // My process ID MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); Epetra_MpiComm Comm( MPI_COMM_WORLD ); #else int rank = 0; Epetra_SerialComm Comm; #endif bool verbose = false; // Check if we should print results to standard out if (argc>1) if (argv[1][0]=='-' && argv[1][1]=='v') verbose = true; int verbose_int = verbose ? 1 : 0; Comm.Broadcast(&verbose_int, 1, 0); verbose = verbose_int==1 ? true : false; // char tmp; // if (rank==0) cout << "Press any key to continue..."<< std::endl; // if (rank==0) cin >> tmp; // Comm.Barrier(); Comm.SetTracebackMode(0); // This should shut down any error traceback reporting int MyPID = Comm.MyPID(); int NumProc = Comm.NumProc(); if(verbose && MyPID==0) cout << Epetra_Version() << std::endl << std::endl; if (verbose) cout << "Processor "<<MyPID<<" of "<< NumProc << " is alive."<<endl; bool verbose1 = verbose; // Redefine verbose to only print on PE 0 if(verbose && rank!=0) verbose = false; int NumMyEquations = 10000; int NumGlobalEquations = (NumMyEquations * NumProc) + EPETRA_MIN(NumProc,3); if(MyPID < 3) NumMyEquations++; // Construct a Map that puts approximately the same Number of equations on each processor Epetra_Map Map(NumGlobalEquations, NumMyEquations, 0, Comm); // Get update list and number of local equations from newly created Map int* MyGlobalElements = new int[Map.NumMyElements()]; Map.MyGlobalElements(MyGlobalElements); // Create an integer vector NumNz that is used to build the Petra Matrix. // NumNz[i] is the Number of OFF-DIAGONAL term for the ith global equation on this processor int* NumNz = new int[NumMyEquations]; // We are building a tridiagonal matrix where each row has (-1 2 -1) // So we need 2 off-diagonal terms (except for the first and last equation) for (int i = 0; i < NumMyEquations; i++) if((MyGlobalElements[i] == 0) || (MyGlobalElements[i] == NumGlobalEquations - 1)) NumNz[i] = 1; else NumNz[i] = 2; // Create a Epetra_Matrix Epetra_CrsMatrix A(Copy, Map, NumNz); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A.IndicesAreGlobal(),ierr); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A.IndicesAreLocal(),ierr); // Add rows one-at-a-time // Need some vectors to help // Off diagonal Values will always be -1 double* Values = new double[2]; Values[0] = -1.0; Values[1] = -1.0; int* Indices = new int[2]; double two = 2.0; int NumEntries; forierr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NumMyEquations; i++) { if(MyGlobalElements[i] == 0) { Indices[0] = 1; NumEntries = 1; } else if (MyGlobalElements[i] == NumGlobalEquations-1) { Indices[0] = NumGlobalEquations-2; NumEntries = 1; } else { Indices[0] = MyGlobalElements[i]-1; Indices[1] = MyGlobalElements[i]+1; NumEntries = 2; } forierr += !(A.InsertGlobalValues(MyGlobalElements[i], NumEntries, Values, Indices)==0); forierr += !(A.InsertGlobalValues(MyGlobalElements[i], 1, &two, MyGlobalElements+i)>0); // Put in the diagonal entry } EPETRA_TEST_ERR(forierr,ierr); int * indexOffsetTmp; int * indicesTmp; double * valuesTmp; // Finish up EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A.IndicesAreGlobal()),ierr); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A.ExtractCrsDataPointers(indexOffsetTmp, indicesTmp, valuesTmp)==-1),ierr); // Should fail EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A.FillComplete(false)==0),ierr); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A.ExtractCrsDataPointers(indexOffsetTmp, indicesTmp, valuesTmp)==-1),ierr); // Should fail EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A.IndicesAreLocal()),ierr); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A.StorageOptimized(),ierr); A.OptimizeStorage(); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A.StorageOptimized()),ierr); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A.ExtractCrsDataPointers(indexOffsetTmp, indicesTmp, valuesTmp)==0),ierr); // Should succeed const Epetra_CrsGraph & GofA = A.Graph(); EPETRA_TEST_ERR((indicesTmp!=GofA[0] || valuesTmp!=A[0]),ierr); // Extra check to see if operator[] is consistent EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A.UpperTriangular(),ierr); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A.LowerTriangular(),ierr); int NumMyNonzeros = 3 * NumMyEquations; if(A.LRID(0) >= 0) NumMyNonzeros--; // If I own first global row, then there is one less nonzero if(A.LRID(NumGlobalEquations-1) >= 0) NumMyNonzeros--; // If I own last global row, then there is one less nonzero EPETRA_TEST_ERR(check(A, NumMyEquations, NumGlobalEquations, NumMyNonzeros, 3*NumGlobalEquations-2, MyGlobalElements, verbose),ierr); forierr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NumMyEquations; i++) forierr += !(A.NumGlobalEntries(MyGlobalElements[i])==NumNz[i]+1); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(forierr,ierr); forierr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NumMyEquations; i++) forierr += !(A.NumMyEntries(i)==NumNz[i]+1); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(forierr,ierr); if (verbose) cout << "\n\nNumEntries function check OK" << std::endl<< std::endl; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(check_graph_sharing(Comm),ierr); // Create vectors for Power method Epetra_Vector q(Map); Epetra_Vector z(Map); Epetra_Vector resid(Map); // variable needed for iteration double lambda = 0.0; // int niters = 10000; int niters = 200; double tolerance = 1.0e-1; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Iterate Epetra_Flops flopcounter; A.SetFlopCounter(flopcounter); q.SetFlopCounter(A); z.SetFlopCounter(A); resid.SetFlopCounter(A); Epetra_Time timer(Comm); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(power_method(false, A, q, z, resid, &lambda, niters, tolerance, verbose),ierr); double elapsed_time = timer.ElapsedTime(); double total_flops = A.Flops() + q.Flops() + z.Flops() + resid.Flops(); double MFLOPs = total_flops/elapsed_time/1000000.0; if (verbose) cout << "\n\nTotal MFLOPs for first solve = " << MFLOPs << std::endl<< std::endl; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Solve transpose problem if (verbose) cout << "\n\nUsing transpose of matrix and solving again (should give same result).\n\n" << std::endl; // Iterate lambda = 0.0; flopcounter.ResetFlops(); timer.ResetStartTime(); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(power_method(true, A, q, z, resid, &lambda, niters, tolerance, verbose),ierr); elapsed_time = timer.ElapsedTime(); total_flops = A.Flops() + q.Flops() + z.Flops() + resid.Flops(); MFLOPs = total_flops/elapsed_time/1000000.0; if (verbose) cout << "\n\nTotal MFLOPs for transpose solve = " << MFLOPs << std::endl<< endl; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Increase diagonal dominance if (verbose) cout << "\n\nIncreasing the magnitude of first diagonal term and solving again\n\n" << endl; if (A.MyGlobalRow(0)) { int numvals = A.NumGlobalEntries(0); double * Rowvals = new double [numvals]; int * Rowinds = new int [numvals]; A.ExtractGlobalRowCopy(0, numvals, numvals, Rowvals, Rowinds); // Get A[0,0] for (int i=0; i<numvals; i++) if (Rowinds[i] == 0) Rowvals[i] *= 10.0; A.ReplaceGlobalValues(0, numvals, Rowvals, Rowinds); delete [] Rowvals; delete [] Rowinds; } // Iterate (again) lambda = 0.0; flopcounter.ResetFlops(); timer.ResetStartTime(); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(power_method(false, A, q, z, resid, &lambda, niters, tolerance, verbose),ierr); elapsed_time = timer.ElapsedTime(); total_flops = A.Flops() + q.Flops() + z.Flops() + resid.Flops(); MFLOPs = total_flops/elapsed_time/1000000.0; if (verbose) cout << "\n\nTotal MFLOPs for second solve = " << MFLOPs << endl<< endl; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Solve transpose problem if (verbose) cout << "\n\nUsing transpose of matrix and solving again (should give same result).\n\n" << endl; // Iterate (again) lambda = 0.0; flopcounter.ResetFlops(); timer.ResetStartTime(); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(power_method(true, A, q, z, resid, &lambda, niters, tolerance, verbose),ierr); elapsed_time = timer.ElapsedTime(); total_flops = A.Flops() + q.Flops() + z.Flops() + resid.Flops(); MFLOPs = total_flops/elapsed_time/1000000.0; if (verbose) cout << "\n\nTotal MFLOPs for tranpose of second solve = " << MFLOPs << endl<< endl; if (verbose) cout << "\n\n*****Testing constant entry constructor" << endl<< endl; Epetra_CrsMatrix AA(Copy, Map, 5); if (debug) Comm.Barrier(); double dble_one = 1.0; for (int i=0; i< NumMyEquations; i++) AA.InsertGlobalValues(MyGlobalElements[i], 1, &dble_one, MyGlobalElements+i); // Note: All processors will call the following Insert routines, but only the processor // that owns it will actually do anything int One = 1; if (AA.MyGlobalRow(0)) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(AA.InsertGlobalValues(0, 0, &dble_one, &One)==0),ierr); } else EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(AA.InsertGlobalValues(0, 1, &dble_one, &One)==-1),ierr); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(AA.FillComplete(false)==0),ierr); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(AA.StorageOptimized(),ierr); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(AA.UpperTriangular()),ierr); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(AA.LowerTriangular()),ierr); if (debug) Comm.Barrier(); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(check(AA, NumMyEquations, NumGlobalEquations, NumMyEquations, NumGlobalEquations, MyGlobalElements, verbose),ierr); if (debug) Comm.Barrier(); forierr = 0; for (int i=0; i<NumMyEquations; i++) forierr += !(AA.NumGlobalEntries(MyGlobalElements[i])==1); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(forierr,ierr); if (verbose) cout << "\n\nNumEntries function check OK" << endl<< endl; if (debug) Comm.Barrier(); if (verbose) cout << "\n\n*****Testing copy constructor" << endl<< endl; Epetra_CrsMatrix B(AA); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(check(B, NumMyEquations, NumGlobalEquations, NumMyEquations, NumGlobalEquations, MyGlobalElements, verbose),ierr); forierr = 0; for (int i=0; i<NumMyEquations; i++) forierr += !(B.NumGlobalEntries(MyGlobalElements[i])==1); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(forierr,ierr); if (verbose) cout << "\n\nNumEntries function check OK" << endl<< endl; if (debug) Comm.Barrier(); if (verbose) cout << "\n\n*****Testing local view constructor" << endl<< endl; Epetra_CrsMatrix BV(View, AA.RowMap(), AA.ColMap(), 0); forierr = 0; int* Inds; double* Vals; for (int i = 0; i < NumMyEquations; i++) { forierr += !(AA.ExtractMyRowView(i, NumEntries, Vals, Inds)==0); forierr += !(BV.InsertMyValues(i, NumEntries, Vals, Inds)==0); } BV.FillComplete(false); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(check(BV, NumMyEquations, NumGlobalEquations, NumMyEquations, NumGlobalEquations, MyGlobalElements, verbose),ierr); forierr = 0; for (int i=0; i<NumMyEquations; i++) forierr += !(BV.NumGlobalEntries(MyGlobalElements[i])==1); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(forierr,ierr); if (verbose) cout << "\n\nNumEntries function check OK" << endl<< endl; if (debug) Comm.Barrier(); if (verbose) cout << "\n\n*****Testing post construction modifications" << endl<< endl; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(B.InsertGlobalValues(0, 1, &dble_one, &One)==-2),ierr); // Release all objects delete [] NumNz; delete [] Values; delete [] Indices; delete [] MyGlobalElements; if (verbose1) { // Test ostream << operator (if verbose1) // Construct a Map that puts 2 equations on each PE int NumMyElements1 = 2; int NumMyEquations1 = NumMyElements1; int NumGlobalEquations1 = NumMyEquations1*NumProc; Epetra_Map Map1(-1, NumMyElements1, 0, Comm); // Get update list and number of local equations from newly created Map int * MyGlobalElements1 = new int[Map1.NumMyElements()]; Map1.MyGlobalElements(MyGlobalElements1); // Create an integer vector NumNz that is used to build the Petra Matrix. // NumNz[i] is the Number of OFF-DIAGONAL term for the ith global equation on this processor int * NumNz1 = new int[NumMyEquations1]; // We are building a tridiagonal matrix where each row has (-1 2 -1) // So we need 2 off-diagonal terms (except for the first and last equation) for (int i=0; i<NumMyEquations1; i++) if (MyGlobalElements1[i]==0 || MyGlobalElements1[i] == NumGlobalEquations1-1) NumNz1[i] = 1; else NumNz1[i] = 2; // Create a Epetra_Matrix Epetra_CrsMatrix A1(Copy, Map1, NumNz1); // Add rows one-at-a-time // Need some vectors to help // Off diagonal Values will always be -1 double *Values1 = new double[2]; Values1[0] = -1.0; Values1[1] = -1.0; int *Indices1 = new int[2]; double two1 = 2.0; int NumEntries1; forierr = 0; for (int i=0; i<NumMyEquations1; i++) { if (MyGlobalElements1[i]==0) { Indices1[0] = 1; NumEntries1 = 1; } else if (MyGlobalElements1[i] == NumGlobalEquations1-1) { Indices1[0] = NumGlobalEquations1-2; NumEntries1 = 1; } else { Indices1[0] = MyGlobalElements1[i]-1; Indices1[1] = MyGlobalElements1[i]+1; NumEntries1 = 2; } forierr += !(A1.InsertGlobalValues(MyGlobalElements1[i], NumEntries1, Values1, Indices1)==0); forierr += !(A1.InsertGlobalValues(MyGlobalElements1[i], 1, &two1, MyGlobalElements1+i)>0); // Put in the diagonal entry } EPETRA_TEST_ERR(forierr,ierr); delete [] Indices1; delete [] Values1; // Finish up EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A1.FillComplete(false)==0),ierr); // Test diagonal extraction function Epetra_Vector checkDiag(Map1); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A1.ExtractDiagonalCopy(checkDiag)==0),ierr); forierr = 0; for (int i=0; i<NumMyEquations1; i++) forierr += !(checkDiag[i]==two1); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(forierr,ierr); // Test diagonal replacement method forierr = 0; for (int i=0; i<NumMyEquations1; i++) checkDiag[i]=two1*two1; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(forierr,ierr); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A1.ReplaceDiagonalValues(checkDiag)==0),ierr); Epetra_Vector checkDiag1(Map1); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A1.ExtractDiagonalCopy(checkDiag1)==0),ierr); forierr = 0; for (int i=0; i<NumMyEquations1; i++) forierr += !(checkDiag[i]==checkDiag1[i]); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(forierr,ierr); if (verbose) cout << "\n\nDiagonal extraction and replacement OK.\n\n" << endl; double orignorm = A1.NormOne(); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A1.Scale(4.0)==0),ierr); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A1.NormOne()!=orignorm),ierr); if (verbose) cout << "\n\nMatrix scale OK.\n\n" << endl; if (verbose) cout << "\n\nPrint out tridiagonal matrix, each part on each processor.\n\n" << endl; cout << A1 << endl; // Release all objects delete [] NumNz1; delete [] MyGlobalElements1; } if (verbose) cout << "\n\n*****Testing LeftScale and RightScale" << endl << endl; int NumMyElements2 = 7; int NumMyRows2 = 1;//This value should not be changed without editing the // code below. Epetra_Map RowMap(-1,NumMyRows2,0,Comm); Epetra_Map ColMap(NumMyElements2,NumMyElements2,0,Comm); // The DomainMap needs to be different from the ColMap for the test to // be meaningful. Epetra_Map DomainMap(NumMyElements2,0,Comm); int NumMyRangeElements2 = 0; // We need to distribute the elements differently for the range map also. if (MyPID % 2 == 0) NumMyRangeElements2 = NumMyRows2*2; //put elements on even number procs if (NumProc % 2 == 1 && MyPID == NumProc-1) NumMyRangeElements2 = NumMyRows2; //If number of procs is odd, put // the last NumMyElements2 elements on the last proc Epetra_Map RangeMap(-1,NumMyRangeElements2,0,Comm); Epetra_CrsMatrix A2(Copy,RowMap,ColMap,NumMyElements2); double * Values2 = new double[NumMyElements2]; int * Indices2 = new int[NumMyElements2]; for (int i=0; i<NumMyElements2; i++) { Values2[i] = i+MyPID; Indices2[i]=i; } A2.InsertMyValues(0,NumMyElements2,Values2,Indices2); A2.FillComplete(DomainMap,RangeMap,false); Epetra_CrsMatrix A2copy(A2); double * RowLeftScaleValues = new double[NumMyRows2]; double * ColRightScaleValues = new double[NumMyElements2]; int RowLoopLength = RowMap.MaxMyGID()-RowMap.MinMyGID()+1; for (int i=0; i<RowLoopLength; i++) RowLeftScaleValues[i] = (i + RowMap.MinMyGID() ) % 2 + 1; // For the column map, all procs own all elements for (int i=0; i<NumMyElements2;i++) ColRightScaleValues[i] = i % 2 + 1; int RangeLoopLength = RangeMap.MaxMyGID()-RangeMap.MinMyGID()+1; double * RangeLeftScaleValues = new double[RangeLoopLength]; int DomainLoopLength = DomainMap.MaxMyGID()-DomainMap.MinMyGID()+1; double * DomainRightScaleValues = new double[DomainLoopLength]; for (int i=0; i<RangeLoopLength; i++) RangeLeftScaleValues[i] = 1.0/((i + RangeMap.MinMyGID() ) % 2 + 1); for (int i=0; i<DomainLoopLength;i++) DomainRightScaleValues[i] = 1.0/((i + DomainMap.MinMyGID() ) % 2 + 1); Epetra_Vector xRow(View,RowMap,RowLeftScaleValues); Epetra_Vector xCol(View,ColMap,ColRightScaleValues); Epetra_Vector xRange(View,RangeMap,RangeLeftScaleValues); Epetra_Vector xDomain(View,DomainMap,DomainRightScaleValues); double A2infNorm = A2.NormInf(); double A2oneNorm = A2.NormOne(); if (verbose1) cout << A2; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A2.LeftScale(xRow),ierr); double A2infNorm1 = A2.NormInf(); double A2oneNorm1 = A2.NormOne(); bool ScalingBroke = false; if (A2infNorm1>2*A2infNorm||A2infNorm1<A2infNorm) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-31,ierr); ScalingBroke = true; } if (A2oneNorm1>2*A2oneNorm||A2oneNorm1<A2oneNorm) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-32,ierr); ScalingBroke = true; } if (verbose1) cout << A2; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A2.RightScale(xCol),ierr); double A2infNorm2 = A2.NormInf(); double A2oneNorm2 = A2.NormOne(); if (A2infNorm2>=2*A2infNorm1||A2infNorm2<=A2infNorm1) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-33,ierr); ScalingBroke = true; } if (A2oneNorm2>2*A2oneNorm1||A2oneNorm2<=A2oneNorm1) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-34,ierr); ScalingBroke = true; } if (verbose1) cout << A2; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A2.RightScale(xDomain),ierr); double A2infNorm3 = A2.NormInf(); double A2oneNorm3 = A2.NormOne(); // The last two scaling ops cancel each other out if (A2infNorm3!=A2infNorm1) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-35,ierr) ScalingBroke = true; } if (A2oneNorm3!=A2oneNorm1) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-36,ierr) ScalingBroke = true; } if (verbose1) cout << A2; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A2.LeftScale(xRange),ierr); double A2infNorm4 = A2.NormInf(); double A2oneNorm4 = A2.NormOne(); // The 4 scaling ops all cancel out if (A2infNorm4!=A2infNorm) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-37,ierr) ScalingBroke = true; } if (A2oneNorm4!=A2oneNorm) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-38,ierr) ScalingBroke = true; } // // Now try changing the values underneath and make sure that // telling one process about the change causes NormInf() and // NormOne() to recompute the norm on all processes. // double *values; int num_my_rows = A2.NumMyRows() ; int num_entries; for ( int i=0 ; i< num_my_rows; i++ ) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR( A2.ExtractMyRowView( i, num_entries, values ), ierr ); for ( int j = 0 ; j <num_entries; j++ ) { values[j] *= 2.0; } } if ( MyPID == 0 ) A2.SumIntoGlobalValues( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ; double A2infNorm5 = A2.NormInf(); double A2oneNorm5 = A2.NormOne(); if (A2infNorm5!=2.0 * A2infNorm4) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-39,ierr) ScalingBroke = true; } if (A2oneNorm5!= 2.0 * A2oneNorm4) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-40,ierr) ScalingBroke = true; } // // Restore the values underneath // for ( int i=0 ; i< num_my_rows; i++ ) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR( A2.ExtractMyRowView( i, num_entries, values ), ierr ); for ( int j = 0 ; j <num_entries; j++ ) { values[j] /= 2.0; } } if (verbose1) cout << A2; if (ScalingBroke) { if (verbose) cout << endl << "LeftScale and RightScale tests FAILED" << endl << endl; } else { if (verbose) cout << endl << "LeftScale and RightScale tests PASSED" << endl << endl; } Comm.Barrier(); if (verbose) cout << "\n\n*****Testing InvRowMaxs and InvColMaxs" << endl << endl; if (verbose1) cout << A2 << endl; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A2.InvRowMaxs(xRow),ierr); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A2.InvRowMaxs(xRange),ierr); if (verbose1) cout << xRow << endl << xRange << endl; if (verbose) cout << "\n\n*****Testing InvRowSums and InvColSums" << endl << endl; bool InvSumsBroke = false; // Works! EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A2.InvRowSums(xRow),ierr); if (verbose1) cout << xRow; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A2.LeftScale(xRow),ierr); float A2infNormFloat = A2.NormInf(); if (verbose1) cout << A2 << endl; if (fabs(1.0-A2infNormFloat) > 1.e-5) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-41,ierr); InvSumsBroke = true; } // Works int expectedcode = 1; if (Comm.NumProc()>1) expectedcode = 0; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A2.InvColSums(xDomain)==expectedcode),ierr); // This matrix has a single row, the first column has a zero, so a warning is issued. if (verbose1) cout << xDomain << endl; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A2.RightScale(xDomain),ierr); float A2oneNormFloat2 = A2.NormOne(); if (verbose1) cout << A2; if (fabs(1.0-A2oneNormFloat2)>1.e-5) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-42,ierr) InvSumsBroke = true; } // Works! EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A2.InvRowSums(xRange),ierr); if (verbose1) cout << xRange; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A2.LeftScale(xRange),ierr); float A2infNormFloat2 = A2.NormInf(); // We use a float so that rounding error // will not prevent the sum from being 1.0. if (verbose1) cout << A2; if (fabs(1.0-A2infNormFloat2)>1.e-5) { cout << "InfNorm should be = 1, but InfNorm = " << A2infNormFloat2 << endl; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-43,ierr); InvSumsBroke = true; } // Doesn't work - may not need this test because column ownership is not unique /* EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A2.InvColSums(xCol),ierr); cout << xCol; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A2.RightScale(xCol),ierr); float A2oneNormFloat = A2.NormOne(); cout << A2; if (fabs(1.0-A2oneNormFloat)>1.e-5) { EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-44,ierr); InvSumsBroke = true; } */ delete [] ColRightScaleValues; delete [] DomainRightScaleValues; if (verbose) cout << "Begin partial sum testing." << endl; // Test with a matrix that has partial sums for a subset of the rows // on multiple processors. (Except for the serial case, of course.) int NumMyRows3 = 2; // Changing this requires further changes below int * myGlobalElements = new int[NumMyRows3]; for (int i=0; i<NumMyRows3; i++) myGlobalElements[i] = MyPID+i; Epetra_Map RowMap3(NumProc*2, NumMyRows3, myGlobalElements, 0, Comm); int NumMyElements3 = 5; Epetra_CrsMatrix A3(Copy, RowMap3, NumMyElements3); double * Values3 = new double[NumMyElements3]; int * Indices3 = new int[NumMyElements3]; for (int i=0; i < NumMyElements3; i++) { Values3[i] = (int) (MyPID + (i+1)); Indices3[i]=i; } for (int i=0; i<NumMyRows3; i++) { A3.InsertGlobalValues(myGlobalElements[i],NumMyElements3,Values3,Indices3); } Epetra_Map RangeMap3(NumProc+1, 0, Comm); Epetra_Map DomainMap3(NumMyElements3, 0, Comm); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A3.FillComplete(DomainMap3, RangeMap3,false),ierr); if (verbose1) cout << A3; Epetra_Vector xRange3(RangeMap3,false); Epetra_Vector xDomain3(DomainMap3,false); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A3.InvRowSums(xRange3),ierr); if (verbose1) cout << xRange3; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A3.LeftScale(xRange3),ierr); float A3infNormFloat = A3.NormInf(); if (verbose1) cout << A3; if (1.0!=A3infNormFloat) { cout << "InfNorm should be = 1, but InfNorm = " << A3infNormFloat <<endl; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-61,ierr); InvSumsBroke = true; } // we want to take the transpose of our matrix and fill in different values. int NumMyColumns3 = NumMyRows3; Epetra_Map ColMap3cm(RowMap3); Epetra_Map RowMap3cm(A3.ColMap()); Epetra_CrsMatrix A3cm(Copy,RowMap3cm,ColMap3cm,NumProc+1); double *Values3cm = new double[NumMyColumns3]; int * Indices3cm = new int[NumMyColumns3]; for (int i=0; i<NumMyColumns3; i++) { Values3cm[i] = MyPID + i + 1; Indices3cm[i]= i + MyPID; } for (int ii=0; ii<NumMyElements3; ii++) { A3cm.InsertGlobalValues(ii, NumMyColumns3, Values3cm, Indices3cm); } // The DomainMap and the RangeMap from the last test will work fine for // the RangeMap and DomainMap, respectively, but I will make copies to // avaoid confusion when passing what looks like a DomainMap where we // need a RangeMap and vice vera. Epetra_Map RangeMap3cm(DomainMap3); Epetra_Map DomainMap3cm(RangeMap3); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A3cm.FillComplete(DomainMap3cm,RangeMap3cm),ierr); if (verbose1) cout << A3cm << endl; // Again, we can copy objects from the last example. //Epetra_Vector xRange3cm(xDomain3); //Don't use at this time Epetra_Vector xDomain3cm(DomainMap3cm,false); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A3cm.InvColSums(xDomain3cm),ierr); if (verbose1) cout << xDomain3cm << endl; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A3cm.RightScale(xDomain3cm),ierr); float A3cmOneNormFloat = A3cm.NormOne(); if (verbose1) cout << A3cm << endl; if (1.0!=A3cmOneNormFloat) { cout << "OneNorm should be = 1, but OneNorm = " << A3cmOneNormFloat << endl; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-62,ierr); InvSumsBroke = true; } if (verbose) cout << "End partial sum testing" << endl; if (verbose) cout << "Begin replicated testing" << endl; // We will now view the shared row as a repliated row, rather than one // that has partial sums of its entries on mulitple processors. // We will reuse much of the data used for the partial sum tesitng. Epetra_Vector xRow3(RowMap3,false); Epetra_CrsMatrix A4(Copy, RowMap3, NumMyElements3); for (int ii=0; ii < NumMyElements3; ii++) { Values3[ii] = (int)((ii*.6)+1.0); } for (int ii=0; ii<NumMyRows3; ii++) { A4.InsertGlobalValues(myGlobalElements[ii],NumMyElements3,Values3,Indices3); } EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A4.FillComplete(DomainMap3, RangeMap3,false),ierr); if (verbose1) cout << A4 << endl; // The next two lines should be expanded into a verifiable test. EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A4.InvRowMaxs(xRow3),ierr); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A4.InvRowMaxs(xRange3),ierr); if (verbose1) cout << xRow3 << xRange3; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A4.InvRowSums(xRow3),ierr); if (verbose1) cout << xRow3; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A4.LeftScale(xRow3),ierr); float A4infNormFloat = A4.NormInf(); if (verbose1) cout << A4; if (2.0!=A4infNormFloat && NumProc != 1) { if (verbose1) cout << "InfNorm should be = 2 (because one column is replicated on two processors and NormOne() does not handle replication), but InfNorm = " << A4infNormFloat <<endl; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-63,ierr); InvSumsBroke = true; } else if (1.0!=A4infNormFloat && NumProc == 1) { if (verbose1) cout << "InfNorm should be = 1, but InfNorm = " << A4infNormFloat <<endl; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-63,ierr); InvSumsBroke = true; } Epetra_Vector xCol3cm(ColMap3cm,false); Epetra_CrsMatrix A4cm(Copy, RowMap3cm, ColMap3cm, NumProc+1); //Use values from A3cm for (int ii=0; ii<NumMyElements3; ii++) { A4cm.InsertGlobalValues(ii,NumMyColumns3,Values3cm,Indices3cm); } EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A4cm.FillComplete(DomainMap3cm, RangeMap3cm,false),ierr); if (verbose1) cout << A4cm << endl; // The next two lines should be expanded into a verifiable test. EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A4cm.InvColMaxs(xCol3cm),ierr); EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A4cm.InvColMaxs(xDomain3cm),ierr); if (verbose1) cout << xCol3cm << xDomain3cm; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A4cm.InvColSums(xCol3cm),ierr); if (verbose1) cout << xCol3cm << endl; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A4cm.RightScale(xCol3cm),ierr); float A4cmOneNormFloat = A4cm.NormOne(); if (verbose1) cout << A4cm << endl; if (2.0!=A4cmOneNormFloat && NumProc != 1) { if (verbose1) cout << "OneNorm should be = 2 (because one column is replicated on two processors and NormOne() does not handle replication), but OneNorm = " << A4cmOneNormFloat << endl; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-64,ierr); InvSumsBroke = true; } else if (1.0!=A4cmOneNormFloat && NumProc == 1) { if (verbose1) cout << "OneNorm should be = 1, but OneNorm = " << A4infNormFloat <<endl; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-64,ierr); InvSumsBroke = true; } if (verbose) cout << "End replicated testing" << endl; if (InvSumsBroke) { if (verbose) cout << endl << "InvRowSums tests FAILED" << endl << endl; } else if (verbose) cout << endl << "InvRowSums tests PASSED" << endl << endl; A3cm.PutScalar(2.0); int nnz_A3cm = A3cm.Graph().NumGlobalNonzeros(); double check_frobnorm = sqrt(nnz_A3cm*4.0); double frobnorm = A3cm.NormFrobenius(); bool frobnorm_test_failed = false; if (fabs(check_frobnorm-frobnorm) > 5.e-5) { frobnorm_test_failed = true; } if (frobnorm_test_failed) { if (verbose) std::cout << "Frobenius-norm test FAILED."<<std::endl; EPETRA_TEST_ERR(-65, ierr); } delete [] Values2; delete [] Indices2; delete [] myGlobalElements; delete [] Values3; delete [] Indices3; delete [] Values3cm; delete [] Indices3cm; delete [] RangeLeftScaleValues; delete [] RowLeftScaleValues; #ifdef EPETRA_MPI MPI_Finalize() ; #endif /* end main */ return ierr ; }
SolidesP ConstruireNormale (FacesP Face) // Construit un solide symbolisant la normale à la face. // Le solide est placé sur le barycentre de la face et peut donc // être hors de la face. // Sa longueur est égale à 5% de la dimension du solide à laquelle la // face appartient s'il existe. Sinon, c'est 10 % de la dimension de la face. { SolidesP Sol = Face.Solide () ; double HauteurTot ; Englobants3D EnglobantFace = Face.Englobant () ; if (Sol.EstInitialise ()) { Englobants3D E = Sol.Englobant () ; Vecteurs3D V (E.BasGauche (),E.HautDroit ()) ; HauteurTot = 0.05*V.Norme () ; ; } else { Vecteurs3D V (EnglobantFace.BasGauche (),EnglobantFace.HautDroit ()) ; HauteurTot = 0.1*V.Norme () ; ; } double LargeurPied = HauteurTot / 24, LargeurTete = HauteurTot / 4, HauteurPied = (7./8.)*HauteurTot ; // Construction d'un repère centré sur le "barycentre" de la face, dont // le (xOy) correspond au plan de la face et dont le z est la normale à // la face. Points3D Origine = 0.5*(EnglobantFace.BasGauche ()+EnglobantFace.HautDroit ()) ; Vecteurs3D K = Face.VecteurNormal ().VecteurNorme (), U (Face.ContourExterieur ().IemeAreteOrientee (0).Origine ().Point3D (), Face.ContourExterieur ().IemeAreteOrientee (0).Extremite ().Point3D ()), I = (K & U).VecteurNorme (), J = (K & I).VecteurNorme () ; SommetsP S1 (Origine-LargeurPied/2*I - LargeurPied/2*J) ; SommetsP S2 (Origine-LargeurPied/2*I + LargeurPied/2*J) ; SommetsP S3 (Origine+LargeurPied/2*I + LargeurPied/2*J) ; SommetsP S4 (Origine+LargeurPied/2*I - LargeurPied/2*J) ; SommetsP S5 (Origine-LargeurPied/2*I - LargeurPied/2*J + HauteurPied*K) ; SommetsP S6 (Origine-LargeurPied/2*I + LargeurPied/2*J + HauteurPied*K) ; SommetsP S7 (Origine+LargeurPied/2*I + LargeurPied/2*J + HauteurPied*K) ; SommetsP S8 (Origine+LargeurPied/2*I - LargeurPied/2*J + HauteurPied*K) ; SommetsP S9 (Origine-LargeurTete/2*I - LargeurTete/2*J + HauteurPied*K) ; SommetsP S10 (Origine-LargeurTete/2*I + LargeurTete/2*J + HauteurPied*K) ; SommetsP S11 (Origine+LargeurTete/2*I + LargeurTete/2*J + HauteurPied*K) ; SommetsP S12 (Origine+LargeurTete/2*I - LargeurTete/2*J + HauteurPied*K) ; SommetsP S13 (Origine+HauteurTot*K) ; AretesP A1 (S1,S2) ; AretesP A2 (S2,S3) ; AretesP A3 (S3,S4) ; AretesP A4 (S4,S1) ; AretesP A5 (S5,S6) ; AretesP A6 (S6,S7) ; AretesP A7 (S7,S8) ; AretesP A8 (S8,S5) ; AretesP A9 (S9,S10) ; AretesP A10 (S10,S11) ; AretesP A11 (S11,S12) ; AretesP A12 (S12,S9) ; AretesP A13 (S1,S5) ; AretesP A14 (S2,S6) ; AretesP A15 (S3,S7) ; AretesP A16 (S4,S8) ; AretesP A17 (S9,S13) ; AretesP A18 (S10,S13) ; AretesP A19 (S11,S13) ; AretesP A20 (S12,S13) ; Listes <AretesP> L1 ; L1.InsertionEnQueue (A1) ; L1.InsertionEnQueue (A2) ; L1.InsertionEnQueue (A3) ; L1.InsertionEnQueue (A4) ; Listes <AretesP> L2 ; L2.InsertionEnQueue (A1) ; L2.InsertionEnQueue (A13) ; L2.InsertionEnQueue (A5) ; L2.InsertionEnQueue (A14) ; Listes <AretesP> L3 ; L3.InsertionEnQueue (A2) ; L3.InsertionEnQueue (A14) ; L3.InsertionEnQueue (A6) ; L3.InsertionEnQueue (A15) ; Listes <AretesP> L4 ; L4.InsertionEnQueue (A3) ; L4.InsertionEnQueue (A15) ; L4.InsertionEnQueue (A7) ; L4.InsertionEnQueue (A16) ; Listes <AretesP> L5 ; L5.InsertionEnQueue (A4) ; L5.InsertionEnQueue (A16) ; L5.InsertionEnQueue (A8) ; L5.InsertionEnQueue (A13) ; Listes <AretesP> L6 ; L6.InsertionEnQueue (A9) ; L6.InsertionEnQueue (A10) ; L6.InsertionEnQueue (A11) ; L6.InsertionEnQueue (A12) ; Listes <AretesP> L7 ; L7.InsertionEnQueue (A8) ; L7.InsertionEnQueue (A7) ; L7.InsertionEnQueue (A6) ; L7.InsertionEnQueue (A5) ; Listes <AretesP> L8 ; L8.InsertionEnQueue (A9) ; L8.InsertionEnQueue (A17) ; L8.InsertionEnQueue (A18) ; Listes <AretesP> L9 ; L9.InsertionEnQueue (A10) ; L9.InsertionEnQueue (A18) ; L9.InsertionEnQueue (A19) ; Listes <AretesP> L10 ; L10.InsertionEnQueue (A11) ; L10.InsertionEnQueue (A19) ; L10.InsertionEnQueue (A20) ; Listes <AretesP> L11 ; L11.InsertionEnQueue (A12) ; L11.InsertionEnQueue (A20) ; L11.InsertionEnQueue (A17) ; Listes <FacesP> ListeFaces ; AttributsFaces *PAF = new AttributsFaces (PMateriauRouge) ; FacesP F1 (ContoursP (L1),PAF) ; ListeFaces.InsertionEnQueue (F1) ; ListeFaces.InsertionEnQueue (FacesP (ContoursP (L2),PAF)) ; ListeFaces.InsertionEnQueue (FacesP (ContoursP (L3),PAF)) ; ListeFaces.InsertionEnQueue (FacesP (ContoursP (L4),PAF)) ; ListeFaces.InsertionEnQueue (FacesP (ContoursP (L5),PAF)) ; ContoursP C (L6) ; FacesP F (C,PAF) ; F.AjouterContourInterieur (ContoursP (L7)) ; ListeFaces.InsertionEnQueue (F) ; ListeFaces.InsertionEnQueue (FacesP (ContoursP (L8),PAF)) ; ListeFaces.InsertionEnQueue (FacesP (ContoursP (L9),PAF)) ; ListeFaces.InsertionEnQueue (FacesP (ContoursP (L10),PAF)) ; ListeFaces.InsertionEnQueue (FacesP (ContoursP (L11),PAF)) ; return SolidesP (ListeFaces) ; }
/* * handle commands after CSI (ESC[) */ void wsemul_vt100_handle_csi(struct wsemul_vt100_emuldata *edp, u_char c) { int n, help, flags, fgcol, bgcol; long attr, bkgdattr; #define A3(a, b, c) (((a) << 16) | ((b) << 8) | (c)) switch (A3(edp->modif1, edp->modif2, c)) { case A3('>', '\0', 'c'): /* DA secondary */ wsdisplay_emulinput(edp->cbcookie, WSEMUL_VT_ID2, sizeof(WSEMUL_VT_ID2)); break; case A3('\0', '\0', 'J'): /* ED selective erase in display */ case A3('?', '\0', 'J'): /* DECSED selective erase in display */ wsemul_vt100_ed(edp, ARG(0)); break; case A3('\0', '\0', 'K'): /* EL selective erase in line */ case A3('?', '\0', 'K'): /* DECSEL selective erase in line */ wsemul_vt100_el(edp, ARG(0)); break; case A3('\0', '\0', 'h'): /* SM */ for (n = 0; n < edp->nargs; n++) vt100_ansimode(edp, ARG(n), VTMODE_SET); break; case A3('?', '\0', 'h'): /* DECSM */ for (n = 0; n < edp->nargs; n++) vt100_decmode(edp, ARG(n), VTMODE_SET); break; case A3('\0', '\0', 'l'): /* RM */ for (n = 0; n < edp->nargs; n++) vt100_ansimode(edp, ARG(n), VTMODE_RESET); break; case A3('?', '\0', 'l'): /* DECRM */ for (n = 0; n < edp->nargs; n++) vt100_decmode(edp, ARG(n), VTMODE_RESET); break; case A3('\0', '$', 'p'): /* DECRQM request mode ANSI */ vt100_ansimode(edp, ARG(0), VTMODE_REPORT); break; case A3('?', '$', 'p'): /* DECRQM request mode DEC */ vt100_decmode(edp, ARG(0), VTMODE_REPORT); break; case A3('\0', '\0', 'i'): /* MC printer controller mode */ case A3('?', '\0', 'i'): /* MC printer controller mode */ switch (ARG(0)) { case 0: /* print screen */ case 1: /* print cursor line */ case 4: /* off */ case 5: /* on */ #ifdef VT100_PRINTNOTIMPL printf("CSI%di ignored\n", ARG(0)); #endif break; default: #ifdef VT100_PRINTUNKNOWN printf("CSI%di unknown\n", ARG(0)); #endif break; } break; #define A2(a, b) (((a) << 8) | (b)) case A2('!', 'p'): /* DECSTR soft reset VT300 only */ wsemul_vt100_reset(edp); break; case A2('"', 'p'): /* DECSCL */ switch (ARG(0)) { case 61: /* VT100 mode (no further arguments!) */ break; case 62: case 63: /* VT300 mode */ break; default: #ifdef VT100_PRINTUNKNOWN printf("CSI%d\"p unknown\n", ARG(0)); #endif break; } switch (ARG(1)) { case 0: case 2: /* 8-bit controls */ #ifdef VT100_PRINTNOTIMPL printf("CSI%d;%d\"p ignored\n", ARG(0), ARG(1)); #endif break; case 1: /* 7-bit controls */ break; default: #ifdef VT100_PRINTUNKNOWN printf("CSI%d;%d\"p unknown\n", ARG(0), ARG(1)); #endif break; } break; case A2('"', 'q'): /* DECSCA select character attribute VT300 */ switch (ARG(0)) { case 0: case 1: /* erasable */ break; case 2: /* not erasable */ #ifdef VT100_PRINTNOTIMPL printf("CSI2\"q ignored\n"); #endif break; default: #ifdef VT100_PRINTUNKNOWN printf("CSI%d\"q unknown\n", ARG(0)); #endif break; } break; case A2('$', 'u'): /* DECRQTSR request terminal status report */ switch (ARG(0)) { case 0: /* ignored */ break; case 1: /* terminal state report */ #ifdef VT100_PRINTNOTIMPL printf("CSI1$u ignored\n"); #endif break; default: #ifdef VT100_PRINTUNKNOWN printf("CSI%d$u unknown\n", ARG(0)); #endif break; } break; case A2('$', 'w'): /* DECRQPSR request presentation status report (VT300 only) */ switch (ARG(0)) { case 0: /* error */ break; case 1: /* cursor information report */ #ifdef VT100_PRINTNOTIMPL printf("CSI1$w ignored\n"); #endif break; case 2: /* tab stop report */ { int i, j, ps = 0; char buf[20]; KASSERT(edp->tabs != 0); wsdisplay_emulinput(edp->cbcookie, "\033P2$u", 5); for (i = 0; i < edp->ncols; i++) if (edp->tabs[i]) { j = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%d", (ps ? "/" : ""), i + 1); wsdisplay_emulinput(edp->cbcookie, buf, j); ps = 1; } } wsdisplay_emulinput(edp->cbcookie, "\033\\", 2); break; default: #ifdef VT100_PRINTUNKNOWN printf("CSI%d$w unknown\n", ARG(0)); #endif break; } break; case A2('$', '}'): /* DECSASD select active status display */ switch (ARG(0)) { case 0: /* main display */ case 1: /* status line */ #ifdef VT100_PRINTNOTIMPL printf("CSI%d$} ignored\n", ARG(0)); #endif break; default: #ifdef VT100_PRINTUNKNOWN printf("CSI%d$} unknown\n", ARG(0)); #endif break; } break; case A2('$', '~'): /* DECSSDD select status line type */ switch (ARG(0)) { case 0: /* none */ case 1: /* indicator */ case 2: /* host-writable */ #ifdef VT100_PRINTNOTIMPL printf("CSI%d$~ ignored\n", ARG(0)); #endif break; default: #ifdef VT100_PRINTUNKNOWN printf("CSI%d$~ unknown\n", ARG(0)); #endif break; } break; case A2('&', 'u'): /* DECRQUPSS request user preferred supplemental set */ wsdisplay_emulinput(edp->cbcookie, "\033P0!u%5\033\\", 9); break; case '@': /* ICH insert character VT300 only */ n = min(DEF1_ARG(0), COLS_LEFT + 1); help = NCOLS - (edp->ccol + n); if (help > 0) COPYCOLS(edp->ccol, edp->ccol + n, help); ERASECOLS(edp->ccol, n, edp->bkgdattr); break; case 'A': /* CUU */ edp->crow -= min(DEF1_ARG(0), ROWS_ABOVE); CHECK_DW; break; case 'B': /* CUD */ edp->crow += min(DEF1_ARG(0), ROWS_BELOW); CHECK_DW; break; case 'C': /* CUF */ edp->ccol += min(DEF1_ARG(0), COLS_LEFT); break; case 'D': /* CUB */ edp->ccol -= min(DEF1_ARG(0), edp->ccol); edp->flags &= ~VTFL_LASTCHAR; break; case 'H': /* CUP */ case 'f': /* HVP */ if (edp->flags & VTFL_DECOM) edp->crow = edp->scrreg_startrow + min(DEF1_ARG(0), edp->scrreg_nrows) - 1; else edp->crow = min(DEF1_ARG(0), edp->nrows) - 1; CHECK_DW; edp->ccol = min(DEF1_ARG(1), NCOLS) - 1; edp->flags &= ~VTFL_LASTCHAR; break; case 'L': /* IL insert line */ case 'M': /* DL delete line */ n = min(DEF1_ARG(0), ROWS_BELOW + 1); { int savscrstartrow, savscrnrows; savscrstartrow = edp->scrreg_startrow; savscrnrows = edp->scrreg_nrows; edp->scrreg_nrows -= ROWS_ABOVE; edp->scrreg_startrow = edp->crow; if (c == 'L') wsemul_vt100_scrolldown(edp, n); else wsemul_vt100_scrollup(edp, n); edp->scrreg_startrow = savscrstartrow; edp->scrreg_nrows = savscrnrows; } break; case 'P': /* DCH delete character */ n = min(DEF1_ARG(0), COLS_LEFT + 1); help = NCOLS - (edp->ccol + n); if (help > 0) COPYCOLS(edp->ccol + n, edp->ccol, help); ERASECOLS(NCOLS - n, n, edp->bkgdattr); break; case 'X': /* ECH erase character */ n = min(DEF1_ARG(0), COLS_LEFT + 1); ERASECOLS(edp->ccol, n, edp->bkgdattr); break; case 'c': /* DA primary */ if (ARG(0) == 0) wsdisplay_emulinput(edp->cbcookie, WSEMUL_VT_ID1, sizeof(WSEMUL_VT_ID1)); break; case 'g': /* TBC */ KASSERT(edp->tabs != 0); switch (ARG(0)) { case 0: edp->tabs[edp->ccol] = 0; break; case 3: memset(edp->tabs, 0, edp->ncols); break; default: #ifdef VT100_PRINTUNKNOWN printf("CSI%dg unknown\n", ARG(0)); #endif break; } break; case 'm': /* SGR select graphic rendition */ flags = edp->attrflags; fgcol = edp->fgcol; bgcol = edp->bgcol; for (n = 0; n < edp->nargs; n++) { switch (ARG(n)) { case 0: /* reset */ if (n == edp->nargs - 1) { edp->bkgdattr = edp->curattr = edp->defattr; edp->attrflags = edp->msgattrs.default_attrs; edp->fgcol = edp->msgattrs.default_fg; edp->bgcol = edp->msgattrs.default_bg; return; } flags = edp->msgattrs.default_attrs; fgcol = edp->msgattrs.default_fg; bgcol = edp->msgattrs.default_bg; break; case 1: /* bold */ flags |= WSATTR_HILIT; break; case 4: /* underline */ flags |= WSATTR_UNDERLINE; break; case 5: /* blink */ flags |= WSATTR_BLINK; break; case 7: /* reverse */ flags |= WSATTR_REVERSE; break; case 22: /* ~bold VT300 only */ flags &= ~WSATTR_HILIT; break; case 24: /* ~underline VT300 only */ flags &= ~WSATTR_UNDERLINE; break; case 25: /* ~blink VT300 only */ flags &= ~WSATTR_BLINK; break; case 27: /* ~reverse VT300 only */ flags &= ~WSATTR_REVERSE; break; case 30: case 31: case 32: case 33: case 34: case 35: case 36: case 37: /* fg color */ flags |= WSATTR_WSCOLORS; fgcol = ARG(n) - 30; break; case 40: case 41: case 42: case 43: case 44: case 45: case 46: case 47: /* bg color */ flags |= WSATTR_WSCOLORS; bgcol = ARG(n) - 40; break; default: #ifdef VT100_PRINTUNKNOWN printf("CSI%dm unknown\n", ARG(n)); #endif break; } } if (vt100_selectattribute(edp, flags, fgcol, bgcol, &attr, &bkgdattr)) { #ifdef VT100_DEBUG printf("error allocating attr %d/%d/%x\n", fgcol, bgcol, flags); #endif } else { edp->curattr = attr; edp->bkgdattr = bkgdattr; edp->attrflags = flags; edp->fgcol = fgcol; edp->bgcol = bgcol; } break; case 'n': /* reports */ switch (ARG(0)) { case 5: /* DSR operating status */ /* 0 = OK, 3 = malfunction */ wsdisplay_emulinput(edp->cbcookie, "\033[0n", 4); break; case 6: { /* DSR cursor position report */ char buf[20]; int row; if (edp->flags & VTFL_DECOM) row = ROWS_ABOVE; else row = edp->crow; n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[%d;%dR", row + 1, edp->ccol + 1); wsdisplay_emulinput(edp->cbcookie, buf, n); } break; case 15: /* DSR printer status */ /* 13 = no printer, 10 = ready, 11 = not ready */ wsdisplay_emulinput(edp->cbcookie, "\033[?13n", 6); break; case 25: /* UDK status - VT300 only */ /* 20 = locked, 21 = unlocked */ wsdisplay_emulinput(edp->cbcookie, "\033[?21n", 6); break; case 26: /* keyboard dialect */ /* 1 = north american , 7 = german */ wsdisplay_emulinput(edp->cbcookie, "\033[?27;1n", 8); break; default: #ifdef VT100_PRINTUNKNOWN printf("CSI%dn unknown\n", ARG(0)); #endif break; } break; case 'r': /* DECSTBM set top/bottom margins */ help = min(DEF1_ARG(0), edp->nrows) - 1; n = min(DEFx_ARG(1, edp->nrows), edp->nrows) - help; if (n < 2) { /* minimal scrolling region has 2 lines */ return; } else { edp->scrreg_startrow = help; edp->scrreg_nrows = n; } edp->crow = ((edp->flags & VTFL_DECOM) ? edp->scrreg_startrow : 0); edp->ccol = 0; break; case 'y': switch (ARG(0)) { case 4: /* DECTST invoke confidence test */ /* ignore */ break; default: #ifdef VT100_PRINTUNKNOWN printf("CSI%dy unknown\n", ARG(0)); #endif break; } break; default: #ifdef VT100_PRINTUNKNOWN printf("CSI%c (%d, %d) unknown\n", c, ARG(0), ARG(1)); #endif break; } }
Vector3d cross2d(const Vector2d &A, const Vector2d &B, double z) { Vector3d A3(A.x(),A.y(),z), B3(B.x(),B.y(),z); return A3.cross(B3); }
void ConstructA_CG2(const mesh& Mesh, FullMatrix& A) { const int NumPhysElems = Mesh.get_NumPhysElems(); const int NumBndNodes = Mesh.get_SubNumBndNodes(); const int Asize = Mesh.get_SubNumPhysNodes(); assert_eq(Asize,A.get_NumRows()); assert_eq(Asize,A.get_NumCols()); dTensor1 A1(6); dTensor1 A2(6); dTensor1 A3(6); dTensor1 A4(6); dTensor1 A5(6); dTensor1 A6(6); A1.set(1, -oneninth ); A1.set(2, 4.0*oneninth ); A1.set(3, -oneninth ); A1.set(4, 4.0*oneninth ); A1.set(5, 4.0*oneninth ); A1.set(6, -oneninth ); A2.set(1, -onethird ); A2.set(2, 0.0 ); A2.set(3, onethird ); A2.set(4, -4.0*onethird ); A2.set(5, 4.0*onethird ); A2.set(6, 0.0 ); A3.set(1, -onethird ); A3.set(2, -4.0*onethird ); A3.set(3, 0.0 ); A3.set(4, 0.0 ); A3.set(5, 4.0*onethird ); A3.set(6, onethird ); A4.set(1, 4.0 ); A4.set(2, -4.0 ); A4.set(3, 0.0 ); A4.set(4, -4.0 ); A4.set(5, 4.0 ); A4.set(6, 0.0 ); A5.set(1, 2.0 ); A5.set(2, -4.0 ); A5.set(3, 2.0 ); A5.set(4, 0.0 ); A5.set(5, 0.0 ); A5.set(6, 0.0 ); A6.set(1, 2.0 ); A6.set(2, 0.0 ); A6.set(3, 0.0 ); A6.set(4, -4.0 ); A6.set(5, 0.0 ); A6.set(6, 2.0 ); dTensor2 spts(3,2); spts.set(1,1, 1.0/3.0 ); spts.set(1,2, -1.0/6.0 ); spts.set(2,1, -1.0/6.0 ); spts.set(2,2, -1.0/6.0 ); spts.set(3,1, -1.0/6.0 ); spts.set(3,2, 1.0/3.0 ); dTensor1 wgts(3); wgts.set(1, 1.0/6.0 ); wgts.set(2, 1.0/6.0 ); wgts.set(3, 1.0/6.0 ); // Loop over all elements in the mesh for (int i=1; i<=NumPhysElems; i++) { // Information for element i iTensor1 tt(6); for (int k=1; k<=6; k++) { tt.set(k, Mesh.get_node_subs(i,k) ); } // Evaluate gradients of the Lagrange polynomials on Gauss quadrature points dTensor2 gpx(6,3); dTensor2 gpy(6,3); for (int m=1; m<=3; m++) { double xi = spts.get(m,1); double eta = spts.get(m,2); for (int k=1; k<=6; k++) { double gp_xi = A2.get(k) + 2.0*A5.get(k)*xi + A4.get(k)*eta; double gp_eta = A3.get(k) + A4.get(k)*xi + 2.0*A6.get(k)*eta; gpx.set(k,m, Mesh.get_jmat(i,1,1)*gp_xi + Mesh.get_jmat(i,1,2)*gp_eta ); gpy.set(k,m, Mesh.get_jmat(i,2,1)*gp_xi + Mesh.get_jmat(i,2,2)*gp_eta ); } } // Entries of the stiffness matrix A double Area = Mesh.get_area_prim(i); for (int j=1; j<=6; j++) for (int k=1; k<=6; k++) { double tmp = A.get(tt.get(j),tt.get(k)); for (int m=1; m<=3; m++) { tmp = tmp + 2.0*Area*wgts.get(m)*(gpx.get(j,m)*gpx.get(k,m)+gpy.get(j,m)*gpy.get(k,m)); } A.set(tt.get(j),tt.get(k), tmp ); } } // Replace boundary node equations by Dirichlet boundary condition enforcement for (int i=1; i<=NumBndNodes; i++) { const int j=Mesh.get_sub_bnd_node(i); for (int k=1; k<=A.get_NumCols(); k++) { A.set(j,k, 0.0 ); } for (int k=1; k<=A.get_NumRows(); k++) { A.set(k,j, 0.0 ); } A.set(j,j, 1.0 ); } // Get sparse structure representation A.Sparsify(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { const int TARIFFA = 2; Autovettura A1("bj066mx", "benzina", "suv", 6); Autovettura A2("kt887gg", "gpl", "monovolume", 5); Autovettura A3("dh572xc", "metano", "berlina", 5); Autovettura A4("mq111nd", "diesel", "utilitaria", 4); Autobus A5("cc789oi", "benzina", "bus", 50, "Milano", 200); Autobus A6("st230ks", "gpl", "bus", 50, "Roma", 300); Autobus A7("vv234sd", "metano", "bus", 25, "Napoli", 100); Autobus A8("we785ss", "diesel", "bus", 60, "Parma", 400); Autoveicolo * v[8]; v[0] = &A1; v[1] = &A2; v[2] = &A3; v[3] = &A4; v[4] = &A5; v[5] = &A6; v[6] = &A7; v[7] = &A8; cout<<"Polimorfismo:\n"; for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { v[i]->stampaDati(); cout << "\n"; } Coda C1, C2, C3; C1.append(&A1); C1.append(&A2); C1.append(&A3); C1.append(&A4); C1.append(&A5); C1.append(&A6); C1.append(&A7); C1.append(&A8); C2.append(&A1); C2.append(&A2); C2.append(&A3); C2.append(&A4); C2.append(&A5); C2.append(&A6); C2.append(&A7); C3.append(&A1); C3.append(&A2); C3.append(&A3); C3.append(&A4); C3.append(&A5); C3.append(&A6); cout<<"\n\n\nCoda1:\n"; cout<<C1; cout<<"\n\n\nCoda2:\n"; cout<<C2; cout<<"\n\n\nCoda3:\n"; cout<<C3; cout<<"\n\n\n"; int e1, e2, e3; e1 = C1.getNelem(); e2 = C2.getNelem(); e3 = C3.getNelem(); for(int i = 0; i<e1; i++) { Autoveicolo * elem; C1.pop(elem, TARIFFA); cout<<"Elemento rimosso -> "; elem->stampaDati(); cout<<endl; } cout<<"\n\n\n"; for(int i = 0; i<e2; i++) { Autoveicolo * elem; C2.pop(elem, TARIFFA); cout<<"Elemento rimosso -> "; elem->stampaDati(); cout<<endl; } cout<<"\n\n\n"; for(int i = 0; i<e3; i++) { Autoveicolo * elem; C3.pop(elem, TARIFFA); cout<<"Elemento rimosso -> "; elem->stampaDati(); cout<<endl; } if(C1.getIncasso()>100) { cout<<"\n\n\nIncasso totale: "<<C1.getIncasso()<< " bombe!"; } else { cout<<"\n\n\nIncasso totale: "<<C1.getIncasso()<<" frecce!"; } return 0; }
void problem(DomainS *pDomain) { GridS *pGrid = pDomain->Grid; ConsS **Soln; int i, is = pGrid->is, ie = pGrid->ie; int j, js = pGrid->js, je = pGrid->je; int k, ks = pGrid->ks, ke = pGrid->ke; int nx1, nx2; int dir; Real angle; /* Angle the wave direction makes with the x1-direction */ Real x1size,x2size,x1,x2,x3,cs,sn; Real v_par, v_perp, den, pres; Real lambda; /* Wavelength */ #ifdef RESISTIVITY Real v_A, kva, omega_h, omega_l, omega_r; #endif nx1 = (ie - is + 1) + 2*nghost; nx2 = (je - js + 1) + 2*nghost; if (pGrid->Nx[1] == 1) { ath_error("[problem] Grid must be 2D"); } if ((Soln = (ConsS**)calloc_2d_array(nx2,nx1,sizeof(ConsS))) == NULL) ath_error("[problem]: Error allocating memory for Soln\n"); if (pDomain->Level == 0){ if ((RootSoln =(ConsS**)calloc_2d_array(nx2,nx1,sizeof(ConsS)))==NULL) ath_error("[problem]: Error allocating memory for RootSoln\n"); } /* An angle = 0.0 is a wave aligned with the x1-direction. */ /* An angle = 90.0 is a wave aligned with the x2-direction. */ angle = par_getd("problem","angle"); x1size = pDomain->RootMaxX[0] - pDomain->RootMinX[0]; x2size = pDomain->RootMaxX[1] - pDomain->RootMinX[1]; /* Compute the sin and cos of the angle and the wavelength. */ /* Put one wavelength in the grid */ if (angle == 0.0) { sin_a = 0.0; cos_a = 1.0; lambda = x1size; } else if (angle == 90.0) { sin_a = 1.0; cos_a = 0.0; lambda = x2size; } else { /* We put 1 wavelength in each direction. Hence the wavelength * lambda = (pDomain->RootMaxX[0] - pDomain->RootMinX[0])*cos_a * AND lambda = (pDomain->RootMaxX[1] - pDomain->RootMinX[1])*sin_a; * are both satisfied. */ if(x1size == x2size){ cos_a = sin_a = sqrt(0.5); } else{ angle = atan((double)(x1size/x2size)); sin_a = sin(angle); cos_a = cos(angle); } /* Use the larger angle to determine the wavelength */ if (cos_a >= sin_a) { lambda = x1size*cos_a; } else { lambda = x2size*sin_a; } } /* Initialize k_parallel */ k_par = 2.0*PI/lambda; b_par = par_getd("problem","b_par"); den = 1.0; ath_pout(0,"va_parallel = %g\nlambda = %g\n",b_par/sqrt(den),lambda); b_perp = par_getd("problem","b_perp"); v_perp = b_perp/sqrt((double)den); dir = par_geti_def("problem","dir",1); /* right(1)/left(2) polarization */ if (dir == 1) /* right polarization */ fac = 1.0; else /* left polarization */ fac = -1.0; #ifdef RESISTIVITY Q_Hall = par_getd("problem","Q_H"); d_ind = 0.0; v_A = b_par/sqrt((double)den); if (Q_Hall > 0.0) { kva = k_par*v_A; omega_h = 1.0/Q_Hall; omega_r = 0.5*SQR(kva)/omega_h*(sqrt(1.0+SQR(2.0*omega_h/kva)) + 1.0); omega_l = 0.5*SQR(kva)/omega_h*(sqrt(1.0+SQR(2.0*omega_h/kva)) - 1.0); if (dir == 1) /* right polarization (whistler wave) */ v_perp = v_perp * kva / omega_r; else /* left polarization */ v_perp = v_perp * kva / omega_l; } #endif /* The gas pressure and parallel velocity are free parameters. */ pres = par_getd("problem","pres"); v_par = par_getd("problem","v_par"); /* Use the vector potential to initialize the interface magnetic fields * The iterface fields are located at the left grid cell face normal */ for (k=ks; k<=ke; k++) { for (j=js; j<=je+1; j++) { for (i=is; i<=ie+1; i++) { cc_pos(pGrid,i,j,k,&x1,&x2,&x3); cs = cos(k_par*(x1*cos_a + x2*sin_a)); x1 -= 0.5*pGrid->dx1; x2 -= 0.5*pGrid->dx2; pGrid->B1i[k][j][i] = -(A3(x1,(x2+pGrid->dx2)) - A3(x1,x2))/pGrid->dx2; pGrid->B2i[k][j][i] = (A3((x1+pGrid->dx1),x2) - A3(x1,x2))/pGrid->dx1; pGrid->B3i[k][j][i] = b_perp*cs; } } } if (pGrid->Nx[2] > 1) { for (j=js; j<=je+1; j++) { for (i=is; i<=ie+1; i++) { cc_pos(pGrid,i,j,k,&x1,&x2,&x3); cs = cos(k_par*(x1*cos_a + x2*sin_a)); pGrid->B3i[ke+1][j][i] = b_perp*cs; } } } /* Now initialize the cell centered quantities */ for (k=ks; k<=ke; k++) { for (j=js; j<=je; j++) { for (i=is; i<=ie; i++) { cc_pos(pGrid,i,j,k,&x1,&x2,&x3); sn = sin(k_par*(x1*cos_a + x2*sin_a)) * fac; cs = cos(k_par*(x1*cos_a + x2*sin_a)); Soln[j][i].d = den; Soln[j][i].M1 = den*(v_par*cos_a + v_perp*sn*sin_a); Soln[j][i].M2 = den*(v_par*sin_a - v_perp*sn*cos_a); Soln[j][i].M3 = -den*v_perp*cs; pGrid->U[k][j][i].d = Soln[j][i].d; pGrid->U[k][j][i].M1 = Soln[j][i].M1; pGrid->U[k][j][i].M2 = Soln[j][i].M2; pGrid->U[k][j][i].M3 = Soln[j][i].M3; Soln[j][i].B1c = 0.5*(pGrid->B1i[k][j][i] + pGrid->B1i[k][j][i+1]); Soln[j][i].B2c = 0.5*(pGrid->B2i[k][j][i] + pGrid->B2i[k][j+1][i]); Soln[j][i].B3c = b_perp*cs; pGrid->U[k][j][i].B1c = Soln[j][i].B1c; pGrid->U[k][j][i].B2c = Soln[j][i].B2c; pGrid->U[k][j][i].B3c = Soln[j][i].B3c; #ifndef ISOTHERMAL Soln[j][i].E = pres/Gamma_1 + 0.5*(SQR(pGrid->U[k][j][i].B1c) + SQR(pGrid->U[k][j][i].B2c) + SQR(pGrid->U[k][j][i].B3c) ) + 0.5*(SQR(pGrid->U[k][j][i].M1) + SQR(pGrid->U[k][j][i].M2) + SQR(pGrid->U[k][j][i].M3) )/den; pGrid->U[k][j][i].E = Soln[j][i].E; #endif } } } /* save solution on root grid */ if (pDomain->Level == 0) { for (j=js; j<=je; j++) { for (i=is; i<=ie; i++) { RootSoln[j][i].d = Soln[j][i].d ; RootSoln[j][i].M1 = Soln[j][i].M1; RootSoln[j][i].M2 = Soln[j][i].M2; RootSoln[j][i].M3 = Soln[j][i].M3; #ifndef ISOTHERMAL RootSoln[j][i].E = Soln[j][i].E ; #endif /* ISOTHERMAL */ #ifdef MHD RootSoln[j][i].B1c = Soln[j][i].B1c; RootSoln[j][i].B2c = Soln[j][i].B2c; RootSoln[j][i].B3c = Soln[j][i].B3c; #endif #if (NSCALARS > 0) for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++) RootSoln[j][i].s[n] = Soln[j][i].s[n]; #endif }} } return; }
int test() { int Error(0); { float A0(3.0); float B0(2.0f); float C0 = glm::fmod(A0, B0); Error += glm::abs(C0 - 1.0f) < 0.00001f ? 0 : 1; glm::vec4 A1(3.0); float B1(2.0f); glm::vec4 C1 = glm::fmod(A1, B1); Error += glm::all(glm::epsilonEqual(C1, glm::vec4(1.0f), 0.00001f)) ? 0 : 1; glm::vec4 A2(3.0); glm::vec4 B2(2.0f); glm::vec4 C2 = glm::fmod(A2, B2); Error += glm::all(glm::epsilonEqual(C2, glm::vec4(1.0f), 0.00001f)) ? 0 : 1; glm::ivec4 A3(3); int B3(2); glm::ivec4 C3 = glm::fmod(A3, B3); Error += glm::all(glm::equal(C3, glm::ivec4(1))) ? 0 : 1; glm::ivec4 A4(3); glm::ivec4 B4(2); glm::ivec4 C4 = glm::fmod(A4, B4); Error += glm::all(glm::equal(C4, glm::ivec4(1))) ? 0 : 1; } { float A0(22.0); float B0(-10.0f); float C0 = glm::fmod(A0, B0); Error += glm::abs(C0 - 2.0f) < 0.00001f ? 0 : 1; glm::vec4 A1(22.0); float B1(-10.0f); glm::vec4 C1 = glm::fmod(A1, B1); Error += glm::all(glm::epsilonEqual(C1, glm::vec4(2.0f), 0.00001f)) ? 0 : 1; glm::vec4 A2(22.0); glm::vec4 B2(-10.0f); glm::vec4 C2 = glm::fmod(A2, B2); Error += glm::all(glm::epsilonEqual(C2, glm::vec4(2.0f), 0.00001f)) ? 0 : 1; glm::ivec4 A3(22); int B3(-10); glm::ivec4 C3 = glm::fmod(A3, B3); Error += glm::all(glm::equal(C3, glm::ivec4(2))) ? 0 : 1; glm::ivec4 A4(22); glm::ivec4 B4(-10); glm::ivec4 C4 = glm::fmod(A4, B4); Error += glm::all(glm::equal(C4, glm::ivec4(2))) ? 0 : 1; } // { for (float y = -10.0f; y < 10.0f; y += 0.1f) for (float x = -10.0f; x < 10.0f; x += 0.1f) { float const A(std::fmod(x, y)); //float const B(std::remainder(x, y)); float const C(glm::fmod(x, y)); float const D(modTrunc(x, y)); //Error += glm::epsilonEqual(A, B, 0.0001f) ? 0 : 1; //assert(!Error); Error += glm::epsilonEqual(A, C, 0.0001f) ? 0 : 1; assert(!Error); Error += glm::epsilonEqual(A, D, 0.00001f) ? 0 : 1; assert(!Error); } } return Error; }
operator A3 () { return A3(); }