예제 #1
bool openavbAdpOpenSocket(const char* ifname, U16 vlanID, U8 vlanPCP)

	hdr_info_t hdr;

#ifndef UBUNTU
	// This is the normal case for most of our supported platforms
	rxSock = openavbRawsockOpen(ifname, TRUE, FALSE, ETHERTYPE_8021Q, ADP_FRAME_LEN, ADP_NUM_BUFFERS);
	rxSock = openavbRawsockOpen(ifname, TRUE, FALSE, ETHERTYPE_AVTP, ADP_FRAME_LEN, ADP_NUM_BUFFERS);
	txSock = openavbRawsockOpen(ifname, FALSE, TRUE, ETHERTYPE_AVTP, ADP_FRAME_LEN, ADP_NUM_BUFFERS);

	if (txSock && rxSock
		&& openavbRawsockGetAddr(txSock, ADDR_PTR(&intfAddr))
		&& ether_aton_r(ADP_PROTOCOL_ADDR, &adpAddr)
		&& openavbRawsockRxMulticast(rxSock, TRUE, ADDR_PTR(&adpAddr)))
		if (!openavbRawsockRxAVTPSubtype(rxSock, OPENAVB_ADP_AVTP_SUBTYPE | 0x80)) {
			AVB_LOG_DEBUG("RX AVTP Subtype not supported");

		memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(hdr_info_t));
		hdr.shost = ADDR_PTR(&intfAddr);
		hdr.dhost = ADDR_PTR(&adpAddr);
		hdr.ethertype = ETHERTYPE_AVTP;
		if (vlanID != 0 || vlanPCP != 0) {
			hdr.vlan = TRUE;
			hdr.vlan_pcp = vlanPCP;
			hdr.vlan_vid = vlanID;
			AVB_LOGF_DEBUG("VLAN pcp=%d vid=%d", hdr.vlan_pcp, hdr.vlan_vid);
		if (!openavbRawsockTxSetHdr(txSock, &hdr)) {
			AVB_LOG_ERROR("TX socket Header Failure");
			return false;

		return true;

	AVB_LOG_ERROR("Invalid socket");

	return false;
예제 #2
Res SACFill(Addr *p_o, SAC sac, Size size, Bool hasReservoirPermit)
  Index i;
  Count blockCount, j;
  Size blockSize;
  Addr p, fl;
  Res res = ResOK; /* stop compiler complaining */
  mps_sac_t esac;

  AVER(p_o != NULL);
  AVERT(SAC, sac);
  AVER(size != 0);
  AVERT(Bool, hasReservoirPermit);
  esac = ExternalSACOfSAC(sac);

  sacFind(&i, &blockSize, sac, size);
  /* Check it's empty (in the future, there will be other cases). */
  AVER(esac->_freelists[i]._count == 0);

  /* Fill 1/3 of the cache for this class. */
  blockCount = esac->_freelists[i]._count_max / 3;
  /* Adjust size for the overlarge class. */
  if (blockSize == SizeMAX)
    /* .align: align 'cause some classes don't accept unaligned. */
    blockSize = SizeAlignUp(size, PoolAlignment(sac->pool));
  for (j = 0, fl = esac->_freelists[i]._blocks;
       j <= blockCount; ++j) {
    res = PoolAlloc(&p, sac->pool, blockSize, hasReservoirPermit);
    if (res != ResOK)
    /* @@@@ ignoring shields for now */
    *ADDR_PTR(Addr, p) = fl; fl = p;
  /* If didn't get any, just return. */
  if (j == 0) {
    AVER(res != ResOK);
    return res;

  /* Take the last one off, and return it. */
  esac->_freelists[i]._count = j - 1;
  *p_o = fl;
  /* @@@@ ignoring shields for now */
  esac->_freelists[i]._blocks = *ADDR_PTR(Addr, fl);
  return ResOK;
예제 #3
static void openavbAdpMessageRxFrameReceive(U32 timeoutUsec)

	hdr_info_t hdrInfo;
	unsigned int offset, len;
	U8 *pBuf, *pFrame;

	memset(&hdrInfo, 0, sizeof(hdr_info_t));

	pBuf = (U8 *)openavbRawsockGetRxFrame(rxSock, timeoutUsec, &offset, &len);
	if (pBuf) {
		pFrame = pBuf + offset;

		offset = openavbRawsockRxParseHdr(rxSock, pBuf, &hdrInfo);
#ifndef UBUNTU
			if (hdrInfo.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_8021Q) {
				// Oh!  Need to look past the VLAN tag
				U16 vlan_bits = ntohs(*(U16 *)(pFrame + offset));
				hdrInfo.vlan = TRUE;
				hdrInfo.vlan_vid = vlan_bits & 0x0FFF;
				hdrInfo.vlan_pcp = (vlan_bits >> 13) & 0x0007;
				offset += 2;
				hdrInfo.ethertype = ntohs(*(U16 *)(pFrame + offset));
				offset += 2;

			// Make sure that this is an AVTP packet
			// (Should always be AVTP if it's to our AVTP-specific multicast address)
			if (hdrInfo.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_AVTP) {
				// parse the PDU only for ADP messages
				if (*(pFrame + offset) == (0x80 | OPENAVB_ADP_AVTP_SUBTYPE)) {
					if (memcmp(hdrInfo.shost, ADDR_PTR(&intfAddr), 6) != 0) { // Not from us!
						openavbAdpMessageRxFrameParse(pFrame + offset, len - offset, &hdrInfo);
			else {
				AVB_LOG_WARNING("Received non-AVTP frame!");
				AVB_LOGF_DEBUG("Unexpected packet data (length %d):", len);

		// Release the frame
		openavbRawsockRelRxFrame(rxSock, pBuf);
예제 #4
static Bool sacFreeListBlockCheck(SACFreeListBlock fb)
  Count j;
  Addr cb;

  /* nothing to check about size */
  CHECKL(fb->_count <= fb->_count_max);
  /* check the freelist has the right number of blocks */
  for (j = 0, cb = fb->_blocks; j < fb->_count; ++j) {
    CHECKL(cb != NULL);
    /* @@@@ ignoring shields for now */
    cb = *ADDR_PTR(Addr, cb);
  CHECKL(cb == NULL);
  return TRUE;
예제 #5
static void sacClassFlush(SAC sac, Index i, Size blockSize,
                          Count blockCount)
  Addr cb, fl;
  Count j;
  mps_sac_t esac;
  esac = ExternalSACOfSAC(sac);
  for (j = 0, fl = esac->_freelists[i]._blocks;
       j < blockCount; ++j) {
    /* @@@@ ignoring shields for now */
    cb = fl; fl = *ADDR_PTR(Addr, cb);
    PoolFree(sac->pool, cb, blockSize);
  esac->_freelists[i]._count -= blockCount;
  esac->_freelists[i]._blocks = fl;
예제 #6
void SACEmpty(SAC sac, Addr p, Size size)
  Index i;
  Size blockSize;
  mps_sac_t esac;
  AVERT(SAC, sac);
  AVER(p != NULL);
  AVER(PoolHasAddr(sac->pool, p));
  AVER(size > 0);
  esac = ExternalSACOfSAC(sac);

  sacFind(&i, &blockSize, sac, size);
  /* Check it's full (in the future, there will be other cases). */
       == esac->_freelists[i]._count_max);

  /* Adjust size for the overlarge class. */
  if (blockSize == SizeMAX)
    /* see .align */
    blockSize = SizeAlignUp(size, PoolAlignment(sac->pool));
  if (esac->_freelists[i]._count_max > 0) {
    Count blockCount;

    /* Flush 2/3 of the cache for this class. */
    /* Computed as count - count/3, so that the rounding works out right. */
    blockCount = esac->_freelists[i]._count;
    blockCount -= esac->_freelists[i]._count / 3;
    sacClassFlush(sac, i, blockSize, (blockCount > 0) ? blockCount : 1);
    /* Leave the current one in the cache. */
    esac->_freelists[i]._count += 1;
    /* @@@@ ignoring shields for now */
    *ADDR_PTR(Addr, p) = esac->_freelists[i]._blocks;
    esac->_freelists[i]._blocks = p;
  } else {
    /* Free even the current one. */
    PoolFree(sac->pool, p, blockSize);