예제 #1
u8 aes_128_cbc_decrypt(u32* key, u32* iv, u8 *data, u16 data_len)
	u8 *pos = data;
	u32 data_tmp[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
	u16 data_size = 0;
	int i, j, blocks;

	// Decryption key scheduling, to be done once 
	data_size = AES_BLOCK_SIZE*4;
	memcpy(cbc, iv, data_size);
	blocks = (data_len/data_size);
	for (i = 0; i < blocks; i++) 
		memcpy(data_tmp, pos, data_size);
		for(j = 0;j<AES_BLOCK_SIZE;j++)
			tmp[j] = littleToBig(data_tmp[j]);
		AES_decrypt(tmp, data_tmp, exp_key);		
		for (j = 0; j < AES_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
		        data_tmp[j] ^= cbc[j];		
		memcpy(cbc, tmp, data_size);
		for(j = 0;j<AES_BLOCK_SIZE;j++)
			tmp[j] = bigToLittle(data_tmp[j]);		
		memcpy(pos, tmp, data_size);
		pos += data_size;
	return 0;
* Function Name  : WMBus_AppliDecrypt
* Description    : Does key expension before decryption starts
*                  and put the data stream back into payload buffer
* Input          : - input_pointer: input payload address
*                  - input pointer: encryption key 
*                  - int: length
* Output         : None
* Return         : None
void WMBus_AppliDecrypt(u8 *key, unsigned char *payload, int length)
  /*                   AES CTR DECRYPTION                */
  /* Decryption key scheduling, to be done once */
  /* decryption */
예제 #3
ot_int network_route_ff(m2session* session) {
    ot_int route_val;

    /// Strip CRC (-2 bytes)
    rxq.front[0] -= 2;
    /// Acquire Flags and Protocol from the Frame Info Field
    rxq.getcursor       = &rxq.front[3];
    session->protocol   = (*rxq.getcursor & M2FI_FRTYPEMASK);
    session->flags      = *rxq.getcursor & 0xC0;
    m2np.header.fr_info = *rxq.getcursor++;
    /// Treat Non-Mode-2 Protocols
    /// @note Non-Mode-2 protocols not supported at this time
    if (m2np.header.fr_info & M2FI_NM2) {
        return -1;
    /// Data Link Layer Security
    if (m2np.header.fr_info & M2FI_DLLS) {
        ///@todo experimental
        AES_load_static_key(ISF_ID(user_authentication_key), (ot_u32*)txq.front);
        AES_keyschedule_dec((ot_u32*)txq.front, (ot_u32*)(txq.front+16));
        AES_decrypt(rxq.getcursor, rxq.getcursor, (ot_u32*)(txq.front+16));
#   else
        return -1;
#   endif
    /// Address Control Header (Present in M2NP)
    /// Session Connection and Dialog Filtering:
    /// - if unassociated, connect now
    /// - if already connected, make sure the dialog IDs are equal
    if (m2np.header.fr_info & M2FI_ENADDR) {
        if (session->netstate & M2_NETSTATE_CONNECTED) {
            if (session->dialog_id != q_readbyte(&rxq)) {
                return -1;
        else {
            session->netstate  |= M2_NETSTATE_CONNECTED;
            session->subnet     = rxq.front[2];
            session->dialog_id  = q_readbyte(&rxq);
        /// Grab global flags from Address Control
        m2np.header.addr_ctl    = q_readbyte(&rxq);
        session->flags         |= m2np.header.addr_ctl & 0x3F;
        /// Grab Source Address from this packet (dialog address), which is 
        /// converted to the target address in the response.
        m2np.rt.dlog.length = (m2np.header.addr_ctl & M2_FLAG_VID) ? 2 : 8;
        m2np.rt.dlog.value  = q_markbyte(&rxq, m2np.rt.dlog.length);
        /// Network Layer Security
        /// @note Network Layer Security not supported at this time
        if (m2np.header.addr_ctl & M2_FLAG_NLS) {
#       else
            return -1;
#       endif
        /// If unicasting, the next data is the target address, which will have
        /// the same length as the source address, and it needs to match this
        /// device's device ID (VID or UID)
        if ((m2np.header.addr_ctl & 0xC0) == 0) {
            session->netstate |= M2_NETFLAG_FIRSTRX;
            if ( !m2np_idcmp(m2np.rt.dlog.length, q_markbyte(&rxq, m2np.rt.dlog.length)) ) {
                return -1;

    /// Vector to the appropriate Network Layer Protocol Parser
    /// Most network protocols don't do anything except broadcast.  M2NP is the
    /// exception, and it manages various types of routing at the network layer.
    route_val = -1;
    switch (session->protocol & M2FI_FRTYPEMASK) {
    	case M2FI_FRDIALOG:
        case M2FI_FRNACK: {
            // Reset routing template
            m2np.rt.hop_code    = 0;
            m2np.rt.hop_ext     = 0;
            m2np.rt.orig.value  = NULL;
            m2np.rt.dest.value  = NULL;
            /// Unicast and Anycast Requests have a routing template
            /// (Not currently supported, so just move the cursor ahead)
            if ((m2np.header.addr_ctl & 0x40) == 0) {
                m2np.rt.hop_code    = q_readbyte(&rxq);
                m2np.rt.orig.length = ((m2np.rt.hop_code & M2HC_VID) != 0) ? 2 : 8;                       
                m2np.rt.dest.length = m2np.rt.orig.length;
                if ((m2np.rt.hop_code & M2HC_EXT) != 0) {
                    m2np.rt.hop_ext = q_readbyte(&rxq);
                if ((m2np.rt.hop_code & M2HC_ORIG) != 0) {
                    m2np.rt.orig.value = q_markbyte(&rxq, m2np.rt.orig.length);
                if ((m2np.rt.hop_code & M2HC_DEST) != 0) {
                    m2np.rt.dest.value = q_markbyte(&rxq, m2np.rt.dest.length);
        } // Note case fall-through
        case M2FI_STREAM: {
            /// M2DP gets parsed just like M2NP, but it uses the Network data
        	/// stored from the last M2NP frame
            route_val = m2qp_parse_frame(session);
        case M2FI_RFU: break;
    /// Attach footer to response, if necessary
    if (route_val >= 0) {

        m2np.signal.route(route_val, session->protocol);
#   elif defined(EXTF_network_sig_route)
        network_sig_route(route_val, session->protocol);
#   endif
    return route_val;