예제 #1
/** Retrieves the file size of a file on an iPhone.
  * @param iphone The iPhone on which to locate the file.
  * @param path   The UNIX style path to the file on the iPhone.
  * @return The size of the file.
long iPhone_GetFileSize(iPhone *iphone, char *path)
        void *data = NULL;
        int ret = AFCFileInfoOpen(iphone->hAFC, path, &data);
        if(ret == 0 && data != NULL)
            void *name, *val;
            while(AFCKeyValueRead(data, &name, &val) == 0 && name != NULL && val != NULL)
                if(strcmp(name, "st_size") == 0)
                    return atol(val);
    return 0;
예제 #2
/** Retrieves the type of the file.
  * @param iphone The iPhone on which to locate the file.
  * @param path   The UNIX style path to the file on the iPhone.
  * @return AMD_FILE for regular file, AMD_DIR for directory, and AMD_LINK for hard or symbolic links.
int iPhone_GetFileType(iPhone *iphone, char *path)
        void *data = NULL;
        int ret = AFCFileInfoOpen(iphone->hAFC, path, &data);
        if(ret == 0 && data != NULL)
            void *name, *val;
            while(AFCKeyValueRead(data, &name, &val) == 0 && name != NULL && val != NULL)
                if(strcmp(name, "st_ifmt") == 0)
                    if(strcmp(val, "S_IFREG") == 0) return AMD_FILE;
                    else if(strcmp(val, "S_IFDIR") == 0) return AMD_DIR;
                    else if(strcmp(val, "S_IFLNK") == 0) return AMD_LINK;
                    else return AMD_UNKNOWN;
    return AMD_UNKNOWN;
예제 #3
// Puts the information on a particular file in the pInfo structure.
// Returns:
//		MDERR_OK				when successful
//		MDERR_AFC_NOT_FOUND		if the file couldn't be found (or is a broken link)
t_MachError CiPoTApi::GetFileInfo(char *remotePath, t_iPodFileInfo *pInfo, t_iPodExtraInfo *pExtra)
	t_MachError ret;
	struct afc_dictionary *pDict;
	char *pKey, *pVal;
	CString filename;
	CMacPath MacPath;

	if (!remotePath) {
		// If remotePath is not specified, then create it
		if (filename.Right(1).Compare("\\")) //[0] == '\\'
			filename += "\\";
		filename += pInfo->findData.cFileName;
		remotePath = filename.GetBuffer();
	memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(FILETIME)*3 + sizeof(DWORD)*3);
	if (pExtra)
		memset(pExtra, 0, sizeof(t_iPodExtraInfo));
//	if (pInfo->findData.cFileName[0] == '.')
//		pInfo->findData.dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN;
	if ((ret = AFCFileInfoOpen(m_iPodConnection, MacPath.GetBuffer(), &pDict)) != MDERR_OK)
		return ret;
	AFCKeyValueRead(pDict, &pKey, &pVal);
	while(pKey || pVal) {
		if (!strcmp(pKey, "st_ifmt")) {
			if (!strcmp(pVal, "S_IFIFO")) {				// pipe
				pInfo->findData.dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM;
				if (pExtra) pExtra->iType = IPOD_IFIFO;
			} else if (!strcmp(pVal, "S_IFCHR")) {		// character special
				pInfo->findData.dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM;
				if (pExtra) pExtra->iType = IPOD_IFCHR;
			} else if (!strcmp(pVal, "S_IFBLK")) {		// block special
				pInfo->findData.dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM;
				if (pExtra) pExtra->iType = IPOD_IFBLK;
			} else if (!strcmp(pVal, "S_IFSOCK")) {		// socket
				pInfo->findData.dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM;
				if (pExtra) pExtra->iType = IPOD_IFSOCK;
			} else if (!strcmp(pVal, "S_IFLNK")) {		// symbolic link
				pInfo->findData.dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM;
				if (pExtra) pExtra->iType = IPOD_IFLNK;
			} else if (!strcmp(pVal, "S_IFDIR")) {		// directory
				pInfo->findData.dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY;
				if (pExtra) pExtra->iType = IPOD_IFDIR;
			} else if (!strcmp(pVal, "S_IFREG")) {		// regular
				pInfo->findData.dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
				if (pExtra) pExtra->iType = IPOD_IFREG;
		} else if (!strcmp(pKey, "st_size")) {
			pInfo->findData.nFileSizeLow = strtol(pVal, NULL, 10);
			if (pExtra) pExtra->iSize = pInfo->findData.nFileSizeLow;
		} else if (!strcmp(pKey, "st_blocks")) {
			if (pExtra) pExtra->iBlocks = atoi(pVal);
		} else if (!strcmp(pKey, "st_nlink")) {
			if (pExtra) pExtra->iLinks = atoi(pVal);
		} else if (!strcmp(pKey, "LinkTarget")) {
			if (pExtra) strcpy(pExtra->LinkTarget, pVal);
			// Acquire info about the link target. pExtra will contain link info, so leave it alone
			char cFullPath[MAX_PATH];
			GetLinkTargetPath(remotePath, pVal, cFullPath);
			int iRet = GetFileInfo(cFullPath, pInfo, 0);
			pInfo->findData.dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM;
			if (iRet == MDERR_OK)
			else if (pExtra)
				pExtra->iType = IPOD_IFBLNK;
		AFCKeyValueRead(pDict, &pKey, &pVal);
	if (pInfo->findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
		pInfo->findData.nFileSizeLow = 0;
	return MDERR_OK;
예제 #4
static void device_notification_callback(am_device_notification_callback_info *info, void *thing) {
	if (info->msg != ADNCI_MSG_CONNECTED) return;
	puts("Opened device connection.");
	am_device *dev = info->dev;
	assert(AMDeviceValidatePairing(dev) == 0);
	assert(AMDeviceStartSession(dev) == 0);
	struct afc_connection *afc;
	service_conn_t afc_conn;
	assert(AMDeviceStartService(dev, CFSTR("com.apple.afc2"), &afc_conn, NULL) == 0);
	assert(AFCConnectionOpen(afc_conn, 0, &afc) == 0);
	char cachepath[63];
	const char *caches[3] = {"dyld_shared_cache_armv7s", "dyld_shared_cache_armv7", "dyld_shared_cache_armv6"};
	struct afc_dictionary *dict;
	unsigned int cache_index;
	char *fullpath;
	size_t cachesize;
	for (cache_index=0; cache_index<3; cache_index++) {
		strcpy(cachepath, "/System/Library/Caches/com.apple.dyld/");
		fullpath = strcat(cachepath, caches[cache_index]);
		if (AFCFileInfoOpen(afc, fullpath, &dict) == 0) {
			char *key, *value;
			while (1) {
				assert(AFCKeyValueRead(dict, &key, &value) == 0);
				if (key == NULL) break;
				if (strcmp(key, "st_size") == 0) {
					cachesize = strtol(value, NULL, 0);
			printf("Found cache %s with size %lu\n", fullpath, cachesize);
			assert(AFCKeyValueClose(dict) == 0);
			goto _label_hasfile;
	fprintf(stderr, "Could not find cache file.\n");
	afc_file_ref cache;
	assert(AFCFileRefOpen(afc, fullpath, 1, &cache) == 0);
	if (is_cwd) {
		strcat(outputfile, "/");
		strcat(outputfile, caches[cache_index]);
		gen_path = 1;
	FILE *output = fopen(outputfile, "w");
	assert(output != NULL);
	printf("Writing cache to %s\n", outputfile);
	size_t total_bytes = 0;
	char buffer[65536];
	while (1) {
		unsigned int length = 65536;
		assert(AFCFileRefRead(afc, cache, buffer, &length) == 0);
		fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), length, output);
		total_bytes += length;
		float progress = (float)total_bytes/cachesize*100;
		printf("Progress: %f%%\n\033[F\033[J", progress);
		if (length < sizeof(buffer)) break;
	printf("Successfully wrote cache to %s\n", outputfile);
	assert(AFCFileRefClose(afc, cache) == 0);