void AH_User_AddTanMethod(AB_USER *u, int method) { AH_USER *ue; assert(u); ue=GWEN_INHERIT_GETDATA(AB_USER, AH_USER, u); assert(ue); if (!AH_User_HasTanMethod(u, method)) { if (ue->tanMethodCount<AH_USER_MAX_TANMETHODS) { ue->tanMethodList[ue->tanMethodCount++]=method; ue->tanMethodList[ue->tanMethodCount]=-1; } } }
int listItanModes(AB_BANKING *ab, GWEN_DB_NODE *dbArgs, int argc, char **argv) { GWEN_DB_NODE *db; AB_PROVIDER *pro; AB_USER_LIST2 *ul; AB_USER *u=0; int rv; const char *bankId; const char *userId; const char *customerId; const GWEN_ARGS args[]={ { GWEN_ARGS_FLAGS_HAS_ARGUMENT, /* flags */ GWEN_ArgsType_Char, /* type */ "bankId", /* name */ 0, /* minnum */ 1, /* maxnum */ "b", /* short option */ "bank", /* long option */ "Specify the bank code", /* short description */ "Specify the bank code" /* long description */ }, { GWEN_ARGS_FLAGS_HAS_ARGUMENT, /* flags */ GWEN_ArgsType_Char, /* type */ "userId", /* name */ 0, /* minnum */ 1, /* maxnum */ "u", /* short option */ "user", /* long option */ "Specify the user id (Benutzerkennung)", /* short description */ "Specify the user id (Benutzerkennung)" /* long description */ }, { GWEN_ARGS_FLAGS_HAS_ARGUMENT, /* flags */ GWEN_ArgsType_Char, /* type */ "customerId", /* name */ 0, /* minnum */ 1, /* maxnum */ "c", /* short option */ "customer", /* long option */ "Specify the customer id (Kundennummer)", /* short description */ "Specify the customer id (Kundennummer)" /* long description */ }, { GWEN_ARGS_FLAGS_HELP | GWEN_ARGS_FLAGS_LAST, /* flags */ GWEN_ArgsType_Int, /* type */ "help", /* name */ 0, /* minnum */ 0, /* maxnum */ "h", /* short option */ "help", /* long option */ "Show this help screen", /* short description */ "Show this help screen" /* long description */ } }; db=GWEN_DB_GetGroup(dbArgs, GWEN_DB_FLAGS_DEFAULT, "local"); rv=GWEN_Args_Check(argc, argv, 1, 0 /*GWEN_ARGS_MODE_ALLOW_FREEPARAM*/, args, db); if (rv==GWEN_ARGS_RESULT_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not parse arguments\n"); return 1; } else if (rv==GWEN_ARGS_RESULT_HELP) { GWEN_BUFFER *ubuf; ubuf=GWEN_Buffer_new(0, 1024, 0, 1); if (GWEN_Args_Usage(args, ubuf, GWEN_ArgsOutType_Txt)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not create help string\n"); return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", GWEN_Buffer_GetStart(ubuf)); GWEN_Buffer_free(ubuf); return 0; } rv=AB_Banking_Init(ab); if (rv) { DBG_ERROR(0, "Error on init (%d)", rv); return 2; } rv=AB_Banking_OnlineInit(ab); if (rv) { DBG_ERROR(0, "Error on init (%d)", rv); return 2; } pro=AB_Banking_GetProvider(ab, "aqhbci"); assert(pro); bankId=GWEN_DB_GetCharValue(db, "bankId", 0, "*"); userId=GWEN_DB_GetCharValue(db, "userId", 0, "*"); customerId=GWEN_DB_GetCharValue(db, "customerId", 0, "*"); ul=AB_Banking_FindUsers(ab, AH_PROVIDER_NAME, "de", bankId, userId, customerId); if (ul) { if (AB_User_List2_GetSize(ul)!=1) { DBG_ERROR(0, "Ambiguous customer specification"); return 3; } else { AB_USER_LIST2_ITERATOR *uit; uit=AB_User_List2_First(ul); assert(uit); u=AB_User_List2Iterator_Data(uit); AB_User_List2Iterator_free(uit); } AB_User_List2_free(ul); } if (!u) { DBG_ERROR(0, "No matching customer"); return 3; } else { const AH_TAN_METHOD_LIST *tl; tl=AH_User_GetTanMethodDescriptions(u); if (tl) { const AH_TAN_METHOD *tm; tm=AH_TanMethod_List_First(tl); fprintf(stdout, "TAN Methods\n"); while(tm) { const char *mid; const char *mname; int combinedVersion; combinedVersion=AH_TanMethod_GetFunction(tm)+(AH_TanMethod_GetGvVersion(tm)*1000); fprintf(stdout, "- %4d (F%3d/V%1d/P%1d)", combinedVersion, AH_TanMethod_GetFunction(tm), AH_TanMethod_GetGvVersion(tm), AH_TanMethod_GetProcess(tm)); mid=AH_TanMethod_GetMethodId(tm); mname=AH_TanMethod_GetMethodName(tm); if (mid && mname) { fprintf(stdout, ": %s (%s)", mid, mname); } else if (mid && !mname) { fprintf(stdout, ": %s", mid); } else if (!mid && mname) { fprintf(stdout, ": %s", mname); } if (AH_User_HasTanMethod(u, AH_TanMethod_GetFunction(tm))) { if (AH_User_GetSelectedTanMethod(u)==combinedVersion) fprintf(stdout, " [available and selected]"); else fprintf(stdout, " [available]"); } else fprintf(stdout, " [not available]"); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); tm=AH_TanMethod_List_Next(tm); } } } rv=AB_Banking_OnlineFini(ab); if (rv) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Error on deinit (%d)\n", rv); return 5; } rv=AB_Banking_Fini(ab); if (rv) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Error on deinit (%d)\n", rv); return 5; } return 0; }
int AH_Control_ListItanModes(AB_PROVIDER *pro, GWEN_DB_NODE *dbArgs, int argc, char **argv) { GWEN_DB_NODE *db; uint32_t uid; AB_USER *u=NULL; int rv; const GWEN_ARGS args[]= { { GWEN_ARGS_FLAGS_HAS_ARGUMENT, /* flags */ GWEN_ArgsType_Int, /* type */ "userId", /* name */ 0, /* minnum */ 1, /* maxnum */ "u", /* short option */ "user", /* long option */ "Specify the unique user id", /* short description */ "Specify the unique user id" /* long description */ }, { GWEN_ARGS_FLAGS_HELP | GWEN_ARGS_FLAGS_LAST, /* flags */ GWEN_ArgsType_Int, /* type */ "help", /* name */ 0, /* minnum */ 0, /* maxnum */ "h", /* short option */ "help", /* long option */ "Show this help screen", /* short description */ "Show this help screen" /* long description */ } }; db=GWEN_DB_GetGroup(dbArgs, GWEN_DB_FLAGS_DEFAULT, "local"); rv=GWEN_Args_Check(argc, argv, 1, 0 /*GWEN_ARGS_MODE_ALLOW_FREEPARAM*/, args, db); if (rv==GWEN_ARGS_RESULT_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not parse arguments\n"); return 1; } else if (rv==GWEN_ARGS_RESULT_HELP) { GWEN_BUFFER *ubuf; ubuf=GWEN_Buffer_new(0, 1024, 0, 1); if (GWEN_Args_Usage(args, ubuf, GWEN_ArgsOutType_Txt)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not create help string\n"); return 1; } fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", GWEN_Buffer_GetStart(ubuf)); GWEN_Buffer_free(ubuf); return 0; } /* doit */ uid=(uint32_t) GWEN_DB_GetIntValue(db, "userId", 0, 0); if (uid==0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid or missing unique user id\n"); return 1; } rv=AB_Provider_HasUser(pro, uid); if (rv<0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: User with id %lu not found\n", (unsigned long int) uid); return 2; } rv=AB_Provider_GetUser(pro, uid, 1, 1, &u); if (rv<0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: User with id %lu not found\n", (unsigned long int) uid); return 2; } else { const AH_TAN_METHOD_LIST *tl; tl=AH_User_GetTanMethodDescriptions(u); if (tl) { const AH_TAN_METHOD *tm; tm=AH_TanMethod_List_First(tl); fprintf(stdout, "TAN Methods\n"); while (tm) { const char *mid; const char *mname; int combinedVersion; combinedVersion=AH_TanMethod_GetFunction(tm)+(AH_TanMethod_GetGvVersion(tm)*1000); fprintf(stdout, "- %4d (F%3d/V%1d/P%1d)", combinedVersion, AH_TanMethod_GetFunction(tm), AH_TanMethod_GetGvVersion(tm), AH_TanMethod_GetProcess(tm)); mid=AH_TanMethod_GetMethodId(tm); mname=AH_TanMethod_GetMethodName(tm); if (mid && mname) { fprintf(stdout, ": %s (%s)", mid, mname); } else if (mid && !mname) { fprintf(stdout, ": %s", mid); } else if (!mid && mname) { fprintf(stdout, ": %s", mname); } if (AH_User_HasTanMethod(u, AH_TanMethod_GetFunction(tm))) { if (AH_User_GetSelectedTanMethod(u)==combinedVersion) fprintf(stdout, " [available and selected]"); else fprintf(stdout, " [available]"); } else fprintf(stdout, " [not available]"); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); tm=AH_TanMethod_List_Next(tm); } } } AB_User_free(u); return 0; }