예제 #1
void AINodeGuard::Init()

	// Get the guarded nodes.
	// Guarded nodes will be owned by this guard node.  Nodes that are
	// owned may only be used by the AI assigned to this guard node.

	HSTRING hstrNodeName;
	HSTRING_LIST::iterator it;
	for ( it = m_lstGuardedNodeNames.begin(); it != m_lstGuardedNodeNames.end(); ++it )
		hstrNodeName = *it;
		AINode* pNode = g_pAINodeMgr->GetNode( hstrNodeName );

		if ( pNode )
			m_lstGuardedNodes.push_back( pNode->m_hObject );
			pNode->SetNodeOwner( m_hObject );
			AIASSERT1( 0, m_hObject, "AINodeGuard::Init: Cannot find guarded node \"%s\"", ::ToString( hstrNodeName ));

		FREE_HSTRING( hstrNodeName );
예제 #2
//	ROUTINE:	ConvertAlignmentNameToEnum()
//	PURPOSE:	Converts the name of a Alignment to a alignment.
CharacterAlignment ConvertAlignmentNameToEnum(const char* const szName)
    if ( szName != NULL )
        if ( 0 == strcmp(szName, "LIKE") )
            return LIKE;
        else if ( 0 == strcmp(szName, "HATE") )
            return HATE;
        else if ( 0 == strcmp(szName, "TOLERATE") )
            return TOLERATE;
        else if ( 0 == strcmp(szName, "UNDETERMINED") )
            return UNDETERMINED;
            AIASSERT1( 0, NULL, "Invalid Alignment Name: %s", szName );

    return INVALID;
예제 #3
LTBOOL CAIGoalPatrol::HandleNameValuePair(const char *szName, const char *szValue)
	ASSERT(szName && szValue);

	if ( !_stricmp(szName, "NODE") )
		AINode* pNode = g_pAINodeMgr->GetNode(szValue);
		AIASSERT1( pNode && (pNode->GetType() == kNode_Patrol), m_pAI->m_hObject, "CAIGoalPatrol::HandleNameValuePair: Could not find patrol node: %s", szValue );
		if( pNode )
			SetPatrolNode( (AINodePatrol*)pNode );
		return LTTRUE;

	else if ( !_stricmp(szName, "AWARENESS") )
		m_eAwareness = CAnimationMgrList::GetPropFromName( szValue );
		AIASSERT( m_eAwareness != kAP_Invalid, m_pAI->m_hObject, "CAIGoalPatrol::HandleNameValuePair: Awareness is None" );

		if( m_pAI->GetState()->GetStateType() == kState_HumanPatrol )
			CAIHumanStatePatrol* pStatePatrol = (CAIHumanStatePatrol*)(m_pAI->GetState());
			pStatePatrol->SetAwareness( m_eAwareness );

	return LTFALSE;
bool CAIActionDeathOnVehicleUnanimated::ValidateContextPreconditions( CAI* pAI, CAIWorldState& wsWorldStateGoal, bool bIsPlanning )
	// Action is only valid if AI is riding a Vehicle.

	SAIWORLDSTATE_PROP* pProp = pAI->GetAIWorldState()->GetWSProp( kWSK_RidingVehicle, pAI->m_hObject );
	if( ( !pProp ) ||
		( pProp->eAnimPropWSValue == kAP_None ) )
		return false;
	EnumAnimProp eVehicle = pProp->eAnimPropWSValue;

	// Action is only valid if AI is dead!

	if( !pAI->GetDestructible()->IsDead() )
		return false;

	// Assert if the AI does not have the required weightset.

#if !defined(_FINAL) && !defined(_DEMO)
	if ( g_pModelLT->FindPhysicsWeightSet( pAI->GetHOBJECT(), g_szPhysicsWeightSet, hSet) != LT_OK )
		AIASSERT1( 0, pAI->GetHOBJECT(), "Failed to find the required physics weightset.  To die while on a vehicle, AIs must have a physics weightset named %s.", g_szPhysicsWeightSet );
		return false;

	// Do not die.

	return true;
void CAIGoalDisappearReappear::UpdateGoal()
	CAIState* pState = m_pAI->GetState();

		case kState_HumanDisappearReappear:

		// Unexpected State.
		default: AIASSERT1(0, m_pAI->m_hObject, "CAIGoalDisappearReappear::UpdateGoal: Unexpected State: %s.", s_aszStateTypes[pState->GetStateType()] );
예제 #6
CAIGoalAbstract* CAIGoalMgr::AddGoal(EnumAIGoalType eGoalType, double fTime)
	CAIGoalAbstract* pGoal = NULL;
	AIDB_GoalRecord* pRecord;

	ASSERT(eGoalType != kGoal_InvalidType && eGoalType < kGoal_Count);
	if( eGoalType != kGoal_InvalidType && eGoalType < kGoal_Count)
		// Check if AI already has this goal.
		AIGOAL_LIST::iterator it;
		for(it = m_lstGoals.begin(); it != m_lstGoals.end(); ++it)
			pGoal = *it;

			// If AI has the goal, return it.
			if(pGoal->GetGoalType() == eGoalType)

		if( it == m_lstGoals.end() )
			pRecord = g_pAIDB->GetAIGoalRecord( eGoalType );
			if( pRecord && ( pRecord->eGoalClass != kGoal_InvalidType ) )
				// Add goal to list of goals.
				pGoal = NULL;
				pGoal = AI_FACTORY_NEW_Goal( pRecord->eGoalClass );
				if( pGoal == NULL )
					AIASSERT( 0, m_pAI->m_hObject, "CAIGoalMgr::AddGoal: Failed to create goal.");
					return NULL;


				// Initialize goal.

				pGoal->InitGoal( m_pAI, eGoalType, pRecord );
			else {
				AIASSERT1( 0, m_pAI->m_hObject, "CAIGoalMgr::AddGoal: Unable to create goal '%s'", s_aszGoalTypes[eGoalType] );

	return pGoal;
예제 #7
void CAIGoalButeMgr::ReadGoalTemplate(uint32 iTemplate)
	sprintf(s_aTagName, "Goal%d", iTemplate);
	char szName[128];
	CButeTools::GetValidatedString(m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "Name",szName,sizeof(szName));

	uint32 iGoal = ConvertToGoalTypeEnum(szName);

	// Make sure that the selected goal is in range before we access it!
	if ( iGoal == kGoal_InvalidType || iGoal == kGoal_Count )
		AIASSERT1( 0, NULL, "Goal name and enumerations out of sync for goal: %s", szName );

	AIGBM_GoalTemplate& Template = m_aTemplates[iGoal];

	// Get values.

	Template.fImportance			= (LTFLOAT)CButeTools::GetValidatedDouble(m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "Importance");
	Template.fDecayTime				= (LTFLOAT)CButeTools::GetValidatedDouble(m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "DecayTime");
	Template.bFreezeDecay			= CButeTools::GetValidatedBool(m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "FreezeDecay", LTFALSE);
	Template.bLockedAnimIsInterruptable= CButeTools::GetValidatedBool(m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "LockedAnimIsInterruptable", LTTRUE);
	Template.bForceAnimInterrupt	= CButeTools::GetValidatedBool(m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "ForceAnimInterrupt", LTFALSE);
	Template.fUpdateRate			= (LTFLOAT)CButeTools::GetValidatedDouble(m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "UpdateRate");
	Template.bDeleteOnDeactivation	= CButeTools::GetValidatedBool(m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "DeleteWhenDone", LTFALSE);
	Template.fChanceToActivate		= (LTFLOAT)CButeTools::GetValidatedDouble(m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "ChanceToActivate", 1.f);
	Template.fFrequencyMin			= (LTFLOAT)CButeTools::GetValidatedRange(m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "Frequency", CARange(0.f, 0.f)).GetMin();
	Template.fFrequencyMax			= (LTFLOAT)CButeTools::GetValidatedRange(m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "Frequency", CARange(0.f, 0.f)).GetMax();
	Template.nDamagePriority		= CButeTools::GetValidatedInt(m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "DamagePriority", 0);

	// Get SenseTriggers. (SenseTypes are bitflags)

	GetBitFlagItems( &(Template.flagSenseTriggers), "SenseTrigger", 
					 kSense_Count, s_aszSenseTypes);

	// Get Attractors. (AttractorTypes are enums)
	Template.cAttractors = 0;
	Template.aAttractors = LTNULL;
	GetEnumItems( (uint32*&)(Template.aAttractors), Template.cAttractors, 
					"Attractor", kNode_Count, s_aszAINodeTypes);

	// Get AttractorDist, if there are attractors.
	if(Template.aAttractors != LTNULL)
		Template.fAttractorDistSqr = (LTFLOAT)CButeTools::GetValidatedDouble(m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "AttractorDist");
		Template.fAttractorDistSqr *= Template.fAttractorDistSqr;
예제 #8
LTBOOL CAIGoalGoto::HandleNameValuePair(const char *szName, const char *szValue)
	ASSERT(szName && szValue);

	if ( !_stricmp(szName, "NODE") )
		AITRACE( AIShowGoals, ( m_pAI->m_hObject, "GOTO setting node=%s", szValue ) );
		AINode* pNode = g_pAINodeMgr->GetNode( szValue );
		if( pNode )
			m_hDestNode = pNode->m_hObject;

			// If Goal was already active (walking to previous goto node)
			// Reset the goal.

			if( m_pGoalMgr->IsCurGoal( this ) && ( m_pAI->GetState()->GetStateType() == kState_HumanGoto ) )
				CAIHumanStateGoto* pGoto = (CAIHumanStateGoto*)m_pAI->GetState();
				pGoto->SetDestNode( m_hDestNode );
			AIASSERT1( 0, m_pAI->m_hObject, "CAIGoalGoto::HandleNameValuePair: Cannot find node '%s'", szValue );
		return LTTRUE;

	else if ( !_stricmp(szName, "MOVEMENT") )
		m_eMovement = CAnimationMgrList::GetPropFromName( szValue );
		return LTTRUE;

	else if ( !_stricmp(szName, "AWARENESS") )
		m_eAwareness = CAnimationMgrList::GetPropFromName( szValue );
		return LTTRUE;

	return LTFALSE;
예제 #9
bool CAIActionDeathAnimated::ValidateContextPreconditions( CAI* pAI, CAIWorldState& wsWorldStateGoal, bool bIsPlanning )
	if ( !super::ValidateContextPreconditions( pAI, wsWorldStateGoal, bIsPlanning ) )
		return false;

	// Verify we have a smartobject.  If we don't, this action cannot be used.

	if ( NULL == GetActionSmartObject(this) )
			"CAIActionDeathAnimated::ValidateContextPreconditions: AI action '%s' requires a SmartObject to specify animations.  No SmartObject was specified.", 
			s_aszActionTypes[GetActionRecord()->eActionType] );
		return false;

	// AI must actually be dead

	if( !pAI->GetDestructible()->IsDead() )
		return false;

	// Death animation does not exist.

	CAnimationProps	animProps;
	GetAnimationProps( pAI, GetActionSmartObject(this), &animProps );
	uint32 cAnimations = pAI->GetAnimationContext()->CountAnimations( animProps );
	if( 0 == cAnimations )
		return false;

	return true;
예제 #10
LTBOOL CAIGoalButeMgr::Init(const char* szAttributeFile)
    if (g_pAIGoalButeMgr || !szAttributeFile) return LTFALSE;
    if (!Parse(szAttributeFile))
		AIASSERT1( 0, NULL, "CAIGoalButeMgr::Init: Failed to parse %s", szAttributeFile );
		return LTFALSE;

	// Set up global pointer

	g_pAIGoalButeMgr = this;

	// Read Goal Sets.
	uint32 iGoalSet = 0;
	sprintf(s_aTagName, "%s%d", "GoalSet", iGoalSet);
	while (m_buteMgr.Exist(s_aTagName))
		sprintf(s_aTagName, "%s%d", "GoalSet", iGoalSet);

	// Create an array as big as the goal type enum list.
	m_aTemplates = debug_newa(AIGBM_GoalTemplate, kGoal_Count);

	// See how many goal templates there are

	uint32 cTemplates = 0;
	sprintf(s_aTagName, "%s%d", "Goal", cTemplates);

	while (m_buteMgr.Exist(s_aTagName))
		sprintf(s_aTagName, "%s%d", "Goal", cTemplates);

	// Read the goal templates.

	for ( uint32 iTemplate = 0 ; iTemplate < cTemplates ; ++iTemplate )

	// Read SmartObject templates.
	uint32 iSmartObject = 0;
	sprintf(s_aTagName, "%s%d", "SmartObject", iSmartObject);
	while (m_buteMgr.Exist(s_aTagName))
		sprintf(s_aTagName, "%s%d", "SmartObject", iSmartObject);


    return LTTRUE;
예제 #11
void CAIGoalButeMgr::ReadGoalSet()
	// Create new goal set and add it to list.

	AIGBM_GoalSet* pGoalSet = debug_new(AIGBM_GoalSet);

	// Read name.
	CButeTools::GetValidatedString(m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "Name", pGoalSet->szName, sizeof(pGoalSet->szName) );

	char szGoalString[64];

	// Read included goalsets.

	uint32 iGoalSet = 0;

	while ( true )
		szGoalString[0] = '\0';
		sprintf(s_aAttName, "IncludeGoalSet%d", iGoalSet);
		m_buteMgr.GetString(s_aTagName, s_aAttName, "", szGoalString, sizeof(szGoalString) );
		if( !m_buteMgr.Success( ))

		// Find a goalset with a matching name, and add it to the list of
		// included goalsets.  Included goalsets must be listed first.

		if( szGoalString[0] )
			AIGOAL_SET_LIST::iterator it;
			for( it = m_lstGoalSets.begin(); it != m_lstGoalSets.end(); ++it )
				if( stricmp( szGoalString, (*it)->szName ) == 0 )
					pGoalSet->lstIncludeGoalSets.push_back( *it );

			if( it == m_lstGoalSets.end() )
				AIASSERT1( 0, NULL, "CAIGoalButeMgr::ReadGoalSet: Failed to find included goalset named %s", szGoalString );


	// Read required brains.

	uint32 iBrain = 0;
	int nBrainID;

	while ( true )
		szGoalString[0] = '\0';
		sprintf(s_aAttName, "RequiredBrain%d", iBrain);
		m_buteMgr.GetString(s_aTagName, s_aAttName, "", szGoalString, sizeof(szGoalString) );
		if( !m_buteMgr.Success( ))

		// Find a brain with a matching name, and add it to the list of
		// required brains.  

		if( szGoalString[0] )
			nBrainID = g_pAIButeMgr->GetBrainIDByName( szGoalString );
			if( nBrainID != -1 )
				pGoalSet->lstRequiredBrains.push_back( nBrainID );
			else {
				AIASSERT1( 0, NULL, "CAIGoalButeMgr::ReadGoalSet: Failed to find Brain named %s", szGoalString );


	// Read flags.

	if( CButeTools::GetValidatedBool( m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "Permanent", LTFALSE ) )
		pGoalSet->dwGoalSetFlags |= AIGBM_GoalSet::kGS_Permanent;

	if( CButeTools::GetValidatedBool( m_buteMgr, s_aTagName, "Hidden", LTFALSE ) )
		pGoalSet->dwGoalSetFlags |= AIGBM_GoalSet::kGS_Hidden;

	// Read goal importances.

	uint32 iGoal = 0;
	char* tok;
	EnumAIGoalType eGoalType;
	SGoalSetData gsd;
	while ( true )
		// Read entire goal string.
		sprintf(s_aAttName, "Goal%d", iGoal);
		m_buteMgr.GetString(s_aTagName, s_aAttName, "", szGoalString, sizeof(szGoalString) );
		if( !m_buteMgr.Success( ))

		// First token is AIGoalType.
		tok = strtok(szGoalString, " ");
		eGoalType = ConvertToGoalTypeEnum(tok);

		// All following tokens are parameters.
		gsd.hstrParams = LTNULL;
		if( g_pLTServer != LTNULL )
			tok = strtok(LTNULL, "");
			if(tok != LTNULL)
				gsd.hstrParams = g_pLTServer->CreateString( tok );

		// Add goal to map.
		pGoalSet->mapGoalSet.insert( AIGOAL_DATA_MAP::value_type(eGoalType, gsd) );
