예제 #1
void CAI_Enemies::RefreshMemories(void)

	// -------------------
	// Check each record
	// -------------------
	CMemMap::IndexType_t i = m_Map.FirstInorder();
	while ( i != m_Map.InvalidIndex() )
		AI_EnemyInfo_t *pMemory = m_Map[i];
		CBaseEntity *pEnemy = pMemory->hEnemy;
		CMemMap::IndexType_t iNext = m_Map.NextInorder( i ); // save so can remove
		if ( !pEnemy || 
			 ( pEnemy->MyNPCPointer() != NULL && pEnemy->MyNPCPointer()->GetState() == NPC_STATE_DEAD ) ||
			 gpGlobals->curtime > pMemory->flLastTimeSeen + ENEMY_DISCARD_TIME )
			delete pMemory;
			if ( gpGlobals->curtime <= pMemory->flLastTimeSeen + m_flFreeKnowledgeDuration )
				pMemory->vLastKnownLocation = pMemory->hEnemy->GetAbsOrigin();
		i = iNext;
bool CAI_TacticalServices::FindCoverPos( const Vector &vNearPos, const Vector &vThreatPos, const Vector &vThreatEyePos, float flMinDist, float flMaxDist, Vector *pResult )
	AI_PROFILE_SCOPE( CAI_TacticalServices_FindCoverPos );


	int node = FindCoverNode( vNearPos, vThreatPos, vThreatEyePos, flMinDist, flMaxDist );
	if (node == NO_NODE)
		return false;

	*pResult = GetNodePos( node );
	return true;
예제 #3
void CAI_Senses::PerformSensing( void )
	AI_PROFILE_SCOPE	(CAI_BaseNPC_PerformSensing);
	// -----------------
	//  Look	
	// -----------------
	if( !HasSensingFlags(SENSING_FLAGS_DONT_LOOK) )
		Look( m_LookDist );
	// ------------------
	//  Listen
	// ------------------
	if( !HasSensingFlags(SENSING_FLAGS_DONT_LISTEN) )
bool CAI_TacticalServices::FindLos(const Vector &threatPos, const Vector &threatEyePos, float minThreatDist, float maxThreatDist, float blockTime, FlankType_t eFlankType, const Vector &vecFlankRefPos, float flFlankParam, Vector *pResult)
	AI_PROFILE_SCOPE( CAI_TacticalServices_FindLos );


	int node = FindLosNode( threatPos, threatEyePos, 
											 minThreatDist, maxThreatDist, 
											 blockTime, eFlankType, vecFlankRefPos, flFlankParam );
	if (node == NO_NODE)
		return false;

	*pResult = GetNodePos( node );
	return true;
예제 #5
bool CAI_PlaneSolver::MoveLimit( Navigation_t navType, const Vector &target, bool ignoreTransients, bool fCheckStep, int contents, AIMoveTrace_t *pMoveTrace )
	AI_PROFILE_SCOPE( CAI_PlaneSolver_MoveLimit );

	int flags = ( navType == NAV_GROUND ) ? AIMLF_2D : AIMLF_DEFAULT;

	if ( ignoreTransients )
		Assert( !ProbeForNpcs() );

	CAI_MoveProbe *pProbe = m_pNpc->GetMoveProbe();
	return pProbe->MoveLimit( navType, GetLocalOrigin(), target, contents, 
		m_pNpc->GetNavTargetEntity(), (fCheckStep) ? 100 : 0, 
							  pMoveTrace );
예제 #6
void CAI_Enemies::RefreshMemories(void)

	if ( m_flFreeKnowledgeDuration >= m_flEnemyDiscardTime )
		m_flFreeKnowledgeDuration = m_flEnemyDiscardTime - .1;

	// -------------------
	// Check each record
	// -------------------
	CMemMap::IndexType_t i = m_Map.FirstInorder();
	while ( i != m_Map.InvalidIndex() )
		AI_EnemyInfo_t *pMemory = m_Map[i];
		CMemMap::IndexType_t iNext = m_Map.NextInorder( i ); // save so can remove
		if ( ShouldDiscardMemory( pMemory ) )
			delete pMemory;
		else if ( pMemory->hEnemy )
			if ( gpGlobals->curtime <= pMemory->timeLastSeen + m_flFreeKnowledgeDuration )
				// Free knowledge is ignored if the target has notarget on
				if ( !(pMemory->hEnemy->GetFlags() & FL_NOTARGET) )
					pMemory->vLastKnownLocation = pMemory->hEnemy->GetAbsOrigin();

			if ( gpGlobals->curtime <= pMemory->timeLastSeen )
				pMemory->vLastSeenLocation = pMemory->hEnemy->GetAbsOrigin();
		i = iNext;
예제 #7
bool CAI_LocalNavigator::MoveCalcSteer( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult )
	if ( (pMoveGoal->flags & AILMG_NO_STEER) )
		return false;

	if ( ai_no_steer.GetBool() )
		return false;

	if ( GetOuter()->IsFlaggedEfficient() )
		return false;

	Vector moveSolution;
	if ( m_pPlaneSolver->Solve( *pMoveGoal, distClear, &moveSolution ) )
		if ( moveSolution != pMoveGoal->dir )
			float dot = moveSolution.AsVector2D().Dot( pMoveGoal->dir.AsVector2D() );

			const float COS_HALF_30 = 0.966;
			if ( dot > COS_HALF_30 )
				float probeDist = m_pPlaneSolver->CalcProbeDist( pMoveGoal->speed );
				if ( pMoveGoal->maxDist < probeDist * 0.33333 && distClear > probeDist * 0.6666)
					// A waypoint is coming up, but there's probably time to steer
					// away after hitting it
					*pResult = AIMR_OK;
					return true;

			pMoveGoal->facing = pMoveGoal->dir = moveSolution;
		*pResult = AIMR_OK;
		return true;
	return false;
예제 #8
AIMoveResult_t CAI_Motor::MoveNormalExecute( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &move )
	// --------------------------------

	AIMotorMoveResult_t fMotorResult;
	AIMoveTrace_t 		moveTrace;
	if ( move.navType == NAV_GROUND )
		fMotorResult = MoveGroundExecute( move, &moveTrace );
		Assert( move.navType == NAV_FLY );
		fMotorResult = MoveFlyExecute( move, &moveTrace );

	static AIMoveResult_t moveResults[] = 
		AIMR_ILLEGAL,	                         // AIM_FAILED
		AIMR_OK,                                 // AIM_SUCCESS
	Assert( ARRAYSIZE( moveResults ) == AIM_NUM_RESULTS && fMotorResult >= 0 && fMotorResult <= ARRAYSIZE( moveResults ) );
	AIMoveResult_t result = moveResults[fMotorResult];
	if ( result != AIMR_OK )
		OnMoveExecuteFailed( move, moveTrace, fMotorResult, &result );
		SetMoveInterval( 0 ); // always consume interval on failure, even if overridden by OnMoveExecuteFailed()
	return DbgResult( result );
bool CAI_TacticalServices::FindLateralLos( const Vector &vecThreat, Vector *pResult )
	AI_PROFILE_SCOPE( CAI_TacticalServices_FindLateralLos );

	if( !m_bAllowFindLateralLos )
		return false;


	Vector	vecLeftTest;
	Vector	vecRightTest;
	Vector	vecStepRight;
	Vector  vecCheckStart;
	bool	bLookingForEnemy = GetEnemy() && VectorsAreEqual(vecThreat, GetEnemy()->EyePosition(), 0.1f);
	int		i;

	if(  !bLookingForEnemy || GetOuter()->HasCondition(COND_SEE_ENEMY) || GetOuter()->HasCondition(COND_HAVE_ENEMY_LOS) || 
		 GetOuter()->GetTimeScheduleStarted() == gpGlobals->curtime ) // Conditions get nuked before tasks run, assume should try
		// My current position might already be valid.
		if ( TestLateralLos(vecThreat, GetLocalOrigin()) )
			*pResult = GetLocalOrigin();
			return true;

	if( !ai_find_lateral_los.GetBool() )
		// Allows us to turn off lateral LOS at the console. Allow the above code to run 
		// just in case the NPC has line of sight to begin with.
		return false;

	int iChecks = COVER_CHECKS;
	int iDelta = COVER_DELTA;

	// If we're limited in how far we're allowed to move laterally, don't bother checking past it
	int iMaxLateralDelta = GetOuter()->GetMaxTacticalLateralMovement();
	if ( iMaxLateralDelta != MAXTACLAT_IGNORE && iMaxLateralDelta < iDelta )
		iChecks = 1;
		iDelta = iMaxLateralDelta;

	Vector right;
	AngleVectors( GetLocalAngles(), NULL, &right, NULL );
	vecStepRight = right * iDelta;
	vecStepRight.z = 0;

	vecLeftTest = vecRightTest = GetLocalOrigin();
 	vecCheckStart = vecThreat;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < iChecks; i++ )
		vecLeftTest = vecLeftTest - vecStepRight;
		vecRightTest = vecRightTest + vecStepRight;

		if (TestLateralLos( vecCheckStart, vecLeftTest ))
			*pResult = vecLeftTest;
			return true;

		if (TestLateralLos( vecCheckStart, vecRightTest ))
			*pResult = vecRightTest;
			return true;

	return false;
int CAI_TacticalServices::FindLosNode(const Vector &vThreatPos, const Vector &vThreatEyePos, float flMinThreatDist, float flMaxThreatDist, float flBlockTime, FlankType_t eFlankType, const Vector &vecFlankRefPos, float flFlankParam )
	if ( !CAI_NetworkManager::NetworksLoaded() )
		return NO_NODE;

	AI_PROFILE_SCOPE( CAI_TacticalServices_FindLosNode );


	int iMyNode	= GetPathfinder()->NearestNodeToNPC();
	if ( iMyNode == NO_NODE )
		Vector pos = GetOuter()->GetAbsOrigin();
		DevWarning( 2, "FindCover() - %s has no nearest node! (Check near %f %f %f)\n", GetEntClassname(), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
		return NO_NODE;

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// We're going to search for a shoot node by expanding to our current node's neighbors
	// and then their neighbors, until a shooting position is found, or all nodes are beyond MaxDist
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	AI_NearNode_t *pBuffer = (AI_NearNode_t *)stackalloc( sizeof(AI_NearNode_t) * GetNetwork()->NumNodes() );
	CNodeList list( pBuffer, GetNetwork()->NumNodes() );
	CVarBitVec wasVisited(GetNetwork()->NumNodes());	// Nodes visited

	// mark start as visited
	wasVisited.Set( iMyNode );
	list.Insert( AI_NearNode_t(iMyNode, 0) );

	static int nSearchRandomizer = 0;		// tries to ensure the links are searched in a different order each time;

	while ( list.Count() )
		int nodeIndex = list.ElementAtHead().nodeIndex;
		// remove this item from the list

		const Vector &nodeOrigin = GetNetwork()->GetNode(nodeIndex)->GetPosition(GetHullType());

		// HACKHACK: Can't we rework this loop and get rid of this?
		// skip the starting node, or we probably wouldn't have called this function.
		if ( nodeIndex != iMyNode )
			bool skip = false;

			// See if the node satisfies the flanking criteria.
			switch ( eFlankType )
					Vector vecDist = nodeOrigin - vecFlankRefPos;
					if ( vecDist.Length() < flFlankParam )
						skip = true;
					Vector vecEnemyToRef = vecFlankRefPos - vThreatPos;
					VectorNormalize( vecEnemyToRef );

					Vector vecEnemyToNode = nodeOrigin - vThreatPos;
					VectorNormalize( vecEnemyToNode );
					float flDot = DotProduct( vecEnemyToRef, vecEnemyToNode );
					if ( RAD2DEG( acos( flDot ) ) < flFlankParam )
						skip = true;

			// Don't accept climb nodes, and assume my nearest node isn't valid because
			// we decided to make this check in the first place.  Keep moving
			if ( !skip && !GetNetwork()->GetNode(nodeIndex)->IsLocked() &&
				GetNetwork()->GetNode(nodeIndex)->GetType() != NODE_CLIMB )
				// Now check its distance and only accept if in range
				float flThreatDist = ( nodeOrigin - vThreatPos ).Length();

				if ( flThreatDist < flMaxThreatDist &&
					 flThreatDist > flMinThreatDist )
					CAI_Node *pNode = GetNetwork()->GetNode(nodeIndex);
					if ( GetOuter()->IsValidShootPosition( nodeOrigin, pNode, pNode->GetHint() ) )
						if (GetOuter()->TestShootPosition(nodeOrigin,vThreatEyePos))
							// Note when this node was used, so we don't try 
							// to use it again right away.
							GetNetwork()->GetNode(nodeIndex)->Lock( flBlockTime );

#if 0
							if ( GetOuter()->GetHintNode() )
								GetOuter()->SetHintNode( NULL );

							// This used to not be set, why? (kenb)
							// @Note (toml 05-19-04): I think because stomping  the hint can lead to
							// unintended side effects. The hint node is primarily a high level
							// tool, and certain NPCs break if it gets slammed here. If we need
							// this, we should propagate it out and let the schedule selector
							// or task decide to set the hint node
							GetOuter()->SetHintNode( GetNetwork()->GetNode(nodeIndex)->GetHint() );
							if ( ShouldDebugLos( nodeIndex ) )
								NDebugOverlay::Text( nodeOrigin, CFmtStr( "%d:los!", nodeIndex), false, 1 );

							// The next NPC who searches should use a slight different pattern
							nSearchRandomizer = nodeIndex;
							return nodeIndex;
							if ( ShouldDebugLos( nodeIndex ) )
								NDebugOverlay::Text( nodeOrigin, CFmtStr( "%d:!shoot", nodeIndex), false, 1 );
						if ( ShouldDebugLos( nodeIndex ) )
							NDebugOverlay::Text( nodeOrigin, CFmtStr( "%d:!valid", nodeIndex), false, 1 );
					if ( ShouldDebugLos( nodeIndex ) )
						CFmtStr msg( "%d:%s", nodeIndex, ( flThreatDist < flMaxThreatDist ) ? "too close" : "too far" );
						NDebugOverlay::Text( nodeOrigin, msg, false, 1 );

		// Go through each link and add connected nodes to the list
		for (int link=0; link < GetNetwork()->GetNode(nodeIndex)->NumLinks();link++) 
			int index = (link + nSearchRandomizer) % GetNetwork()->GetNode(nodeIndex)->NumLinks();
			CAI_Link *nodeLink = GetNetwork()->GetNode(nodeIndex)->GetLinkByIndex(index);

			if ( !m_pPathfinder->IsLinkUsable( nodeLink, iMyNode ) )

			int newID = nodeLink->DestNodeID(nodeIndex);

			// If not already visited, add to the list
			if (!wasVisited.IsBitSet(newID))
				float dist = (GetLocalOrigin() - GetNetwork()->GetNode(newID)->GetPosition(GetHullType())).LengthSqr();
				list.Insert( AI_NearNode_t(newID, dist) );
				wasVisited.Set( newID );
	// We failed.  No range attack node node was found
	return NO_NODE;
int CAI_TacticalServices::FindCoverNode(const Vector &vNearPos, const Vector &vThreatPos, const Vector &vThreatEyePos, float flMinDist, float flMaxDist )
	if ( !CAI_NetworkManager::NetworksLoaded() )
		return NO_NODE;

	AI_PROFILE_SCOPE( CAI_TacticalServices_FindCoverNode );


	DebugFindCover( NO_NODE, GetOuter()->EyePosition(), vThreatEyePos, 0, 255, 255 );

	int iMyNode = GetPathfinder()->NearestNodeToPoint( vNearPos );

	if ( iMyNode == NO_NODE )
		Vector pos = GetOuter()->GetAbsOrigin();
		DevWarning( 2, "FindCover() - %s has no nearest node! (Check near %f %f %f)\n", GetEntClassname(), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
		return NO_NODE;

	if ( !flMaxDist )
		// user didn't supply a MaxDist, so work up a crazy one.
		flMaxDist = 784;

	if ( flMinDist > 0.5 * flMaxDist)
		flMinDist = 0.5 * flMaxDist;

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// We're going to search for a cover node by expanding to our current node's neighbors
	// and then their neighbors, until cover is found, or all nodes are beyond MaxDist
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	AI_NearNode_t *pBuffer = (AI_NearNode_t *)stackalloc( sizeof(AI_NearNode_t) * GetNetwork()->NumNodes() );
	CNodeList list( pBuffer, GetNetwork()->NumNodes() );
	CVarBitVec wasVisited(GetNetwork()->NumNodes());	// Nodes visited

	// mark start as visited
	list.Insert( AI_NearNode_t(iMyNode, 0) ); 
	wasVisited.Set( iMyNode );
	float flMinDistSqr = flMinDist*flMinDist;
	float flMaxDistSqr = flMaxDist*flMaxDist;

	static int nSearchRandomizer = 0;		// tries to ensure the links are searched in a different order each time;

	// Search until the list is empty
	while( list.Count() )
		// Get the node that is closest in the number of steps and remove from the list
		int nodeIndex = list.ElementAtHead().nodeIndex;

		CAI_Node *pNode = GetNetwork()->GetNode(nodeIndex);
		Vector nodeOrigin = pNode->GetPosition(GetHullType());

		float dist = (vNearPos - nodeOrigin).LengthSqr();
		if (dist >= flMinDistSqr && dist < flMaxDistSqr)
			Activity nCoverActivity = GetOuter()->GetCoverActivity( pNode->GetHint() );
			Vector vEyePos = nodeOrigin + GetOuter()->EyeOffset(nCoverActivity);

			if ( GetOuter()->IsValidCover( nodeOrigin, pNode->GetHint() ) )
				// Check if this location will block the threat's line of sight to me
				if (GetOuter()->IsCoverPosition(vThreatEyePos, vEyePos))
					// --------------------------------------------------------
					// Don't let anyone else use this node for a while
					// --------------------------------------------------------
					pNode->Lock( 1.0 );

					if ( pNode->GetHint() && ( pNode->GetHint()->HintType() == HINT_TACTICAL_COVER_MED || pNode->GetHint()->HintType() == HINT_TACTICAL_COVER_LOW ) )
						if ( GetOuter()->GetHintNode() )
							GetOuter()->SetHintNode( NULL );

						GetOuter()->SetHintNode( pNode->GetHint() );

					// The next NPC who searches should use a slight different pattern
					nSearchRandomizer = nodeIndex;
					DebugFindCover( pNode->GetId(), vEyePos, vThreatEyePos, 0, 255, 0 );
					return nodeIndex;
					DebugFindCover( pNode->GetId(), vEyePos, vThreatEyePos, 255, 0, 0 );
				DebugFindCover( pNode->GetId(), vEyePos, vThreatEyePos, 0, 0, 255 );

		// Add its children to the search list
		// Go through each link
		// UNDONE: Pass in a cost function to measure each link?
		for ( int link = 0; link < GetNetwork()->GetNode(nodeIndex)->NumLinks(); link++ ) 
			int index = (link + nSearchRandomizer) % GetNetwork()->GetNode(nodeIndex)->NumLinks();
			CAI_Link *nodeLink = GetNetwork()->GetNode(nodeIndex)->GetLinkByIndex(index);

			if ( !m_pPathfinder->IsLinkUsable( nodeLink, iMyNode ) )

			int newID = nodeLink->DestNodeID(nodeIndex);

			// If not already on the closed list, add to it and set its distance
			if (!wasVisited.IsBitSet(newID))
				// Don't accept climb nodes or nodes that aren't ready to use yet
				if ( GetNetwork()->GetNode(newID)->GetType() != NODE_CLIMB && !GetNetwork()->GetNode(newID)->IsLocked() )
					// UNDONE: Shouldn't we really accumulate the distance by path rather than
					// absolute distance.  After all, we are performing essentially an A* here.
					nodeOrigin = GetNetwork()->GetNode(newID)->GetPosition(GetHullType());
					dist = (vNearPos - nodeOrigin).LengthSqr();

					// use distance to threat as a heuristic to keep AIs from running toward
					// the threat in order to take cover from it.
					float threatDist = (vThreatPos - nodeOrigin).LengthSqr();

					// Now check this node is not too close towards the threat
					if ( dist < threatDist * 1.5 )
						list.Insert( AI_NearNode_t(newID, dist) );
				// mark visited

	// We failed.  Not cover node was found
	// Clear hint node used to set ducking
	return NO_NODE;
bool CAI_TacticalServices::FindLateralCover( const Vector &vNearPos, const Vector &vecThreat, float flMinDist, float distToCheck, int numChecksPerDir, Vector *pResult )
	AI_PROFILE_SCOPE( CAI_TacticalServices_FindLateralCover );


	Vector	vecLeftTest;
	Vector	vecRightTest;
	Vector	vecStepRight;
	Vector  vecCheckStart;
	int		i;

	if ( TestLateralCover( vecThreat, vNearPos, flMinDist ) )
		*pResult = GetLocalOrigin();
		return true;

	if( !ai_find_lateral_cover.GetBool() )
		// Force the NPC to use the nodegraph to find cover. NOTE: We let the above code run
		// to detect the case where the NPC may already be standing in cover, but we don't 
		// make any additional lateral checks.
		return false;

	Vector right =  vecThreat - vNearPos;
	float temp;

	right.z = 0;
	VectorNormalize( right );
	temp = right.x;
	right.x = -right.y;
	right.y = temp;

	vecStepRight = right * (distToCheck / (float)numChecksPerDir);
	vecStepRight.z = 0;

	vecLeftTest = vecRightTest = vNearPos;
 	vecCheckStart = vecThreat;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < numChecksPerDir ; i++ )
		vecLeftTest = vecLeftTest - vecStepRight;
		vecRightTest = vecRightTest + vecStepRight;

		if (TestLateralCover( vecCheckStart, vecLeftTest, flMinDist ))
			*pResult = vecLeftTest;
			return true;

		if (TestLateralCover( vecCheckStart, vecRightTest, flMinDist ))
			*pResult = vecRightTest;
			return true;

	return false;
예제 #13
AIMoveResult_t CAI_LocalNavigator::MoveCalcRaw( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, bool bOnlyCurThink )
	AIMoveResult_t result = AIMR_OK; // Assume success
	AIMoveTrace_t  directTrace;
	float	   	   distClear;
	// --------------------------------------------------

	bool bDirectClear = MoveCalcDirect( pMoveGoal, bOnlyCurThink, &distClear, &result);
	if ( OnCalcBaseMove( pMoveGoal, distClear, &result ) )
		return DbgResult( result );

	bool bShouldSteer = ( !(pMoveGoal->flags & AILMG_NO_STEER) && ( !bDirectClear || HaveObstacles() ) );

	if ( bDirectClear && !bShouldSteer )
		return DbgResult( result );
	// --------------------------------------------------

	if ( bShouldSteer )
		if ( !bDirectClear )
			if ( OnObstructionPreSteer( pMoveGoal, distClear, &result ) )
				return DbgResult( result );

		if ( MoveCalcSteer( pMoveGoal, distClear, &result ) )
			return DbgResult( result );			

	if ( OnFailedSteer( pMoveGoal, distClear, &result ) )
		return DbgResult( result );

	// --------------------------------------------------
	if ( OnFailedLocalNavigation( pMoveGoal, distClear, &result ) )
		return DbgResult( result );

	if ( distClear < GetOuter()->GetMotor()->MinStoppingDist() )
		if ( OnInsufficientStopDist( pMoveGoal, distClear, &result ) )
			return DbgResult( result );

		if ( MoveCalcStop( pMoveGoal, distClear, &result) )
			return DbgResult( result );

	// A hopeful result... may get in trouble at next waypoint and obstruction is still there
	if ( distClear > pMoveGoal->curExpectedDist )
		return DbgResult( AIMR_OK );

	// --------------------------------------------------

	return DbgResult( IsMoveBlocked( pMoveGoal->directTrace.fStatus ) ? pMoveGoal->directTrace.fStatus : AIMR_ILLEGAL );
예제 #14
bool CAI_LocalNavigator::MoveCalcDirect( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, bool bOnlyCurThink, float *pDistClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult )

	bool bRetVal = false;
	if ( pMoveGoal->speed )
		CAI_Motor *pMotor = GetOuter()->GetMotor();
		float  minCheckDist = pMotor->MinCheckDist();
		float  probeDist	= m_pPlaneSolver->CalcProbeDist( pMoveGoal->speed ); // having this match steering allows one fewer traces
		float  checkDist	= MAX( minCheckDist, probeDist );
		float  checkStepDist = MAX( 16.0, probeDist * 0.5 );

			// clamp checkDist to be no farther than MAX distance to goal
			checkDist = MIN( checkDist, pMoveGoal->maxDist );

		if ( checkDist <= 0.0 )
			*pResult = AIMR_OK;
			return true;

		float moveThisInterval = pMotor->CalcIntervalMove();
		bool bExpectingArrival = (moveThisInterval >= checkDist);

		if ( !m_FullDirectTimer.Expired() )
			if ( !m_fLastWasClear || 
				 ( !VectorsAreEqual(pMoveGoal->target, m_LastMoveGoal.target, 0.1) || 
				   !VectorsAreEqual(pMoveGoal->dir, m_LastMoveGoal.dir, 0.1) ) ||
				 bExpectingArrival )

		if ( bOnlyCurThink ) // Outer code claims to have done a validation (probably a simplify operation)
			m_FullDirectTimer.Set( TIME_DELAY_FULL_DIRECT_PROBE[AIStrongOpt()] );

		// First, check the probable move for this cycle
		bool bTraceClear = true;
		Vector testPos;

		if ( !bExpectingArrival )
			testPos = GetLocalOrigin() + pMoveGoal->dir * moveThisInterval;
			bTraceClear = GetMoveProbe()->MoveLimit( pMoveGoal->navType, GetLocalOrigin(), testPos, 
													 GetOuter()->GetAITraceMask(), pMoveGoal->pMoveTarget, 
													 ( pMoveGoal->navType == NAV_GROUND ) ? AIMLF_2D : AIMLF_DEFAULT, 
													 &pMoveGoal->directTrace );

			if ( !bTraceClear )
				// Adjust probe top match expected probe dist (relied on later in process)
				pMoveGoal->directTrace.flDistObstructed = (checkDist - moveThisInterval) + pMoveGoal->directTrace.flDistObstructed;


			if ( !IsRetail() && ai_debug_directnavprobe.GetBool() )
				if ( !bTraceClear )
					DevMsg( GetOuter(), "Close obstruction %f\n", checkDist - pMoveGoal->directTrace.flDistObstructed );
					NDebugOverlay::Line( WorldSpaceCenter(), Vector( testPos.x, testPos.y, WorldSpaceCenter().z ), 255, 0, 0, false, 0.1 );
					if ( pMoveGoal->directTrace.pObstruction )
						NDebugOverlay::Line( WorldSpaceCenter(), pMoveGoal->directTrace.pObstruction->WorldSpaceCenter(), 255, 0, 255, false, 0.1 );

					NDebugOverlay::Line( WorldSpaceCenter(), Vector( testPos.x, testPos.y, WorldSpaceCenter().z ), 0, 255, 0, false, 0.1 );

			pMoveGoal->thinkTrace = pMoveGoal->directTrace;

		// Now project out for future obstructions
		if ( bTraceClear )
			if ( m_FullDirectTimer.Expired() )
				testPos = GetLocalOrigin() + pMoveGoal->dir * checkDist;
				float checkStepPct = (checkStepDist / checkDist) * 100.0;
				if ( checkStepPct > 100.0 )
					checkStepPct = 100.0;
				bTraceClear = GetMoveProbe()->MoveLimit( pMoveGoal->navType, GetLocalOrigin(), testPos, 
														 GetOuter()->GetAITraceMask(), pMoveGoal->pMoveTarget, 
														 ( pMoveGoal->navType == NAV_GROUND ) ? AIMLF_2D : AIMLF_DEFAULT, 
														 &pMoveGoal->directTrace );
				if ( bExpectingArrival )
					pMoveGoal->thinkTrace = pMoveGoal->directTrace;

				if (ai_debug_directnavprobe.GetBool() )
					if ( !bTraceClear )
						NDebugOverlay::Line( GetOuter()->EyePosition(), Vector( testPos.x, testPos.y, GetOuter()->EyePosition().z ), 255, 0, 0, false, 0.1 );
						DevMsg( GetOuter(), "Obstruction %f\n", checkDist - pMoveGoal->directTrace.flDistObstructed );
						NDebugOverlay::Line( GetOuter()->EyePosition(), Vector( testPos.x, testPos.y, GetOuter()->EyePosition().z ), 0, 255, 0, false, 0.1 );
						DevMsg( GetOuter(), "No obstruction\n" );
				if ( ai_debug_directnavprobe.GetBool() )
					DevMsg( GetOuter(), "No obstruction (Near probe only)\n" );

		pMoveGoal->bHasTraced = true;
		float distClear = checkDist - pMoveGoal->directTrace.flDistObstructed;
		if (distClear < 0.001)
			distClear = 0;
		if ( bTraceClear )
			*pResult = AIMR_OK;
			bRetVal = true;
			m_fLastWasClear = true;
		else if ( ( pMoveGoal->flags & ( AILMG_TARGET_IS_TRANSITION | AILMG_TARGET_IS_GOAL ) ) && 
			 pMoveGoal->maxDist < distClear )
			*pResult = AIMR_OK;
			bRetVal = true;
			m_fLastWasClear = true;
			*pDistClear = distClear;
			m_fLastWasClear = false;
		// Should never end up in this function with speed of zero. Probably an activity problem.
		*pResult = AIMR_ILLEGAL;
		bRetVal = true;

	m_LastMoveGoal = *pMoveGoal;
	if ( bRetVal && m_FullDirectTimer.Expired() )
		m_FullDirectTimer.Set( TIME_DELAY_FULL_DIRECT_PROBE[AIStrongOpt()] );

	return bRetVal;
예제 #15
// Purpose: Return true if pTestHint passes the criteria specified in hintCriteria
bool CAI_Hint::HintMatchesCriteria( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC, const CHintCriteria &hintCriteria, const Vector &position, float *flNearestDistance, bool bIgnoreLock, bool bIgnoreHintType )
	// Cannot be locked
	if ( !bIgnoreLock && IsLocked() )
		REPORTFAILURE( "Node is locked." );
		return false;

	if ( !bIgnoreHintType && !hintCriteria.MatchesHintType( HintType() ) )
		return false;

	if ( GetMinState() > NPC_STATE_IDLE || GetMaxState() < NPC_STATE_COMBAT )
		if ( pNPC && ( pNPC->GetState() < GetMinState() || pNPC->GetState() > GetMaxState() ) )
			REPORTFAILURE( "NPC not in correct state." );
			return false;

	// See if we're filtering by group name
	if ( hintCriteria.GetGroup() != NULL_STRING )
		AssertIsValidString( GetGroup() );
		AssertIsValidString( hintCriteria.GetGroup() );
		if ( GetGroup() == NULL_STRING || GetGroup() != hintCriteria.GetGroup() )
			Assert(GetGroup() == NULL_STRING || strcmp( STRING(GetGroup()), STRING(hintCriteria.GetGroup())) != 0 );
			REPORTFAILURE( "Doesn't match NPC hint group." );
			return false;

	// If we're watching for include zones, test it
	if ( ( hintCriteria.HasIncludeZones() ) && ( hintCriteria.InIncludedZone( GetAbsOrigin() ) == false ) )
		REPORTFAILURE( "Not inside include zones." );
		return false;

	// If we're watching for exclude zones, test it
	if ( ( hintCriteria.HasExcludeZones() ) && ( hintCriteria.InExcludedZone( GetAbsOrigin() ) ) )
		REPORTFAILURE( "Inside exclude zones." );
		return false;

	// See if the class handles this hint type
	if ( ( pNPC != NULL ) && ( pNPC->FValidateHintType( this ) == false ) )
		REPORTFAILURE( "NPC doesn't know how to handle that type." );
		return false;

	if ( hintCriteria.HasFlag(bits_HINT_NPC_IN_NODE_FOV) )
		if ( pNPC == NULL )
			AssertMsg(0,"Hint node attempted to verify NPC in node FOV without NPC!\n");
			if( !IsInNodeFOV(pNPC) )
				REPORTFAILURE( "NPC Not in hint's FOV" );
				return false;

	if ( hintCriteria.HasFlag( bits_HINT_NODE_IN_AIMCONE ) )
		if ( pNPC == NULL )
			AssertMsg( 0, "Hint node attempted to find node in aimcone without specifying NPC!\n" );
			if( !pNPC->FInAimCone( GetAbsOrigin() ) )
				REPORTFAILURE( "Hint isn't in NPC's aimcone" );
				return false;

	if ( hintCriteria.HasFlag( bits_HINT_NODE_IN_VIEWCONE ) )
		if ( pNPC == NULL )
			AssertMsg( 0, "Hint node attempted to find node in viewcone without specifying NPC!\n" );
			if( !pNPC->FInViewCone( this ) )
				REPORTFAILURE( "Hint isn't in NPC's viewcone" );
				return false;

		// See if we're requesting a visible node
		if ( hintCriteria.HasFlag( bits_HINT_NODE_VISIBLE ) )
			if ( pNPC == NULL )
				//NOTENOTE: If you're hitting this, you've asked for a visible node without specifing an NPC!
				AssertMsg( 0, "Hint node attempted to find visible node without specifying NPC!\n" );
				if( m_NodeData.nNodeID == NO_NODE )
					// This is just an info_hint, not a node.
					if( !pNPC->FVisible( this ) )
						REPORTFAILURE( "Hint isn't visible to NPC." );
						return false;
					// This hint associated with a node.
					trace_t tr;
					Vector vHintPos;
					AI_TraceLine ( pNPC->EyePosition(), vHintPos + pNPC->GetViewOffset(), MASK_NPCSOLID_BRUSHONLY, pNPC, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
					if ( tr.fraction != 1.0f )
						REPORTFAILURE( "Node isn't visible to NPC." );
						return false;

	// Check for clear if requested
	if ( hintCriteria.HasFlag( bits_HINT_NODE_CLEAR ) )
		if ( pNPC == NULL )
			//NOTENOTE: If you're hitting this, you've asked for a clear node without specifing an NPC!
			AssertMsg( 0, "Hint node attempted to find clear node without specifying NPC!\n" );
			trace_t tr;
			// Can my bounding box fit there?
			AI_TraceHull ( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin(), pNPC->WorldAlignMins(), pNPC->WorldAlignMaxs(), 

			if ( tr.fraction != 1.0 )
				REPORTFAILURE( "Node isn't clear." );
				return false;

	// See if this is our next, closest node
	if ( hintCriteria.HasFlag( bits_HINT_NODE_NEAREST ) )
		Assert( flNearestDistance );

		// Calculate our distance
		float distance = (GetAbsOrigin() - position).Length();

		// Must be closer than the current best
		if ( distance > *flNearestDistance )
			REPORTFAILURE( "Not the nearest node." );
			return false;

		// Remember the distance
		*flNearestDistance = distance;

	// Must either be visible or not if requested
		bool bWasSeen = false;
		// Test all potential seers
		for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
			CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i);
			if ( pPlayer )
				// Only spawn if the player's looking away from me
				Vector vLookDir = pPlayer->EyeDirection3D();
				Vector vTargetDir = GetAbsOrigin() - pPlayer->EyePosition();

				float fDotPr = DotProduct(vLookDir,vTargetDir);
				if ( fDotPr > 0 )
					trace_t tr;
					UTIL_TraceLine( pPlayer->EyePosition(), GetAbsOrigin(), MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, pPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr);
					if ( tr.fraction == 1.0 )
						if ( hintCriteria.HasFlag( bits_HINT_NODE_NOT_VISIBLE_TO_PLAYER ) )
							REPORTFAILURE( "Node is visible to player." );
							return false;
						bWasSeen = true;

		if ( !bWasSeen && hintCriteria.HasFlag( bits_HINT_NODE_VISIBLE_TO_PLAYER ) )
			REPORTFAILURE( "Node isn't visible to player." );
			return false;

	return true;