예제 #1
AMControlInfoList REIXSXESCalibration::computeSpectrometerPosition(int gratingIndex, double eV, double focusOffsetMm, double tiltOffsetDeg) const
	qDebug() << "Spectrometer Geometry calculations for: " << gratingNames().at(gratingIndex) << eV << "eV," << focusOffsetMm << "mm defocus," << tiltOffsetDeg << "deg tilt offset:";

	AMControlInfoList rv;

	double hexU = hexapodU(gratingIndex);
	QVector3D hexXYZ = hexapodXYZ(gratingIndex);
	QVector3D hexRST = hexapodRST(gratingIndex);

	QVector3D detPos = detectorPos(eV, gratingIndex);
	double theta = spectrometerTheta(detPos);
	double translation = detectorTranslation(detPos, theta, focusOffsetMm);
	double spectrometerRotation = spectrometerRotationDrive(theta);
	double tilt = tiltStageDrive(eV, gratingIndex, theta, tiltOffsetDeg);

	rv.append(AMControlInfo("spectrometerRotationDrive", spectrometerRotation, 0,0, "mm", 0.1, "Linear drive motor for spectrometer angle"));
	rv.append(AMControlInfo("detectorTranslation", translation, 0,0, "mm", 0.1, "Detector translation"));
	rv.append(AMControlInfo("detectorTiltDrive", tilt, 0.0, 0.0, "mm", 0.1, "Linear drive motor for detector tilt"));
	rv.append(AMControlInfo("hexapodX", hexXYZ.x(), 0, 0, "mm", 0.1, "Hexapod X position"));
	rv.append(AMControlInfo("hexapodY", hexXYZ.y(), 0, 0, "mm", 0.1, "Hexapod Y position"));
	rv.append(AMControlInfo("hexapodZ", hexXYZ.z(), 0, 0, "mm", 0.1, "Hexapod Z position"));
	rv.append(AMControlInfo("hexapodU", hexU, 0,0, "deg", 0.1, "Hexapod Tilt around X axis"));
	rv.append(AMControlInfo("hexapodR", hexRST.x(), 0,0, "mm", 0.1, "Hexapod rotation point R"));
	rv.append(AMControlInfo("hexapodS", hexRST.y(), 0,0, "mm", 0.1, "Hexapod rotation point S"));
	rv.append(AMControlInfo("hexapodT", hexRST.z(), 0,0, "mm", 0.1, "Hexapod rotation point T"));

	qDebug() << "   Alpha required for rowland condition (deg):" << r2d(alpha(gratingIndex));
	qDebug() << "   Beta using that alpha, at " << eV << "eV:" << r2d(beta(eV, gratingIndex));
	qDebug() << "   Angle of slit-origin ray above y axis (deg)" << r2d(sTheta(gratingIndex));
	qDebug() << "   Grating tilt to achieve required alpha (deg):" << hexU;
	qDebug() << "   r (mm):" << r(gratingIndex);
	qDebug() << "   r-prime (mm):" << rPrime(eV, gratingIndex);
	qDebug() << "   Spectrometer dTheta: angle up from y axis to center of detector (deg):" << r2d(dTheta(eV, gratingIndex));
	qDebug() << "   Detector position:" << detPos;
	qDebug() << "   Spectrometer theta: (deg)" << r2d(theta);
	qDebug() << "   Translation: (mm)" << translation;
	qDebug() << "   Spectrometer rotation stage translation: (mm)" << spectrometerRotation;
	qDebug() << "   Detector tilt phi (detector angle down to positive y axis) (deg):" << r2d(detectorPhi(eV, gratingIndex));
	qDebug() << "   Extra tilt on top of spectrometer angle" <<  r2d(detectorPhi(eV, gratingIndex) - theta);
	qDebug() << "   Tilt stage translation: (mm)" << tilt;

	return rv;
AMInternalControlMoveAction::AMInternalControlMoveAction(AMControl *control, double setpoint, QObject *parent)
	: AMControlMoveAction(new AMControlMoveActionInfo(
							  AMControlInfo(control ? control->name() : "internalControl",
											control ? control->minimumValue() : 0,
											control ? control->maximumValue() : 0,
											control ? control->units() : "",
											control ? control->tolerance() : 0,
											control ? control->description() : "[Internal Use Only]")),
						  parent) {
	internalControl_ = control;