예제 #1
 * Internal consistency check.
static void mmHyperHeapCheck(PMMHYPERHEAP pHeap)
    for (;;)
        if (MMHYPERCHUNK_ISUSED(&pCur->core))
            ASSERT_CHUNK_USED(pHeap, &pCur->core);
            ASSERT_CHUNK_FREE(pHeap, pCur);
        if (pPrev)
            AssertMsg((int32_t)pPrev->core.offNext == -MMHYPERCHUNK_GET_OFFPREV(&pCur->core),
                      ("pPrev->core.offNext=%d offPrev=%d\n", pPrev->core.offNext, MMHYPERCHUNK_GET_OFFPREV(&pCur->core)));

        uint32_t off = (uint8_t *)pCur - pHeap->CTX_SUFF(pbHeap);
        if (    MMHYPERCHUNK_ISUSED(&pCur->core)
            &&  off < pHeap->offPageAligned)
            uint32_t cbCur = pCur->core.offNext
                           ? pCur->core.offNext
                           : pHeap->cbHeap - off;
            uint32_t *pu32End = ((uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)pCur + cbCur));
            uint32_t cbFence = pu32End[-1];
            if (RT_UNLIKELY(    cbFence >= cbCur - sizeof(*pCur)
                            ||  cbFence < MMHYPER_HEAP_STRICT_FENCE_SIZE))
                mmHyperHeapDumpOne(pHeap, pCur);
                Assert(cbFence < cbCur - sizeof(*pCur));
                Assert(cbFence >= MMHYPER_HEAP_STRICT_FENCE_SIZE);

            uint32_t *pu32Bad = ASMMemIsAllU32((uint8_t *)pu32End - cbFence, cbFence - sizeof(uint32_t), MMHYPER_HEAP_STRICT_FENCE_U32);
            if (RT_UNLIKELY(pu32Bad))
                mmHyperHeapDumpOne(pHeap, pCur);
# endif

        /* next */
        if (!pCur->core.offNext)
        pPrev = pCur;
        pCur = (PMMHYPERCHUNKFREE)((char *)pCur + pCur->core.offNext);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0);

     * Parse arguments.
    static const RTGETOPTDEF    s_aOptions[] =
        { "--iterations",     'i', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 },
        { "--num-pages",      'n', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 },
        { "--page-at-a-time", 'c', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 },
        { "--page-file",      'f', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING },
        { "--offset",         'o', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT64 },

    const char     *pszPageFile = NULL;
    uint64_t        offPageFile = 0;
    uint32_t        cIterations = 1;
    uint32_t        cPagesAtATime = 1;
    int rc = RTGetOptInit(&State, argc, argv, &s_aOptions[0], RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOptions), 1, 0);
    AssertRCReturn(rc, 1);

    while ((rc = RTGetOpt(&State, &Val)))
        switch (rc)
            case 'n':
                g_cPages = Val.u32;
                if (g_cPages * PAGE_SIZE * 4 / (PAGE_SIZE * 4) != g_cPages)
                    return Error("The specified page count is too high: %#x (%#llx bytes)\n", g_cPages, (uint64_t)g_cPages * PAGE_SHIFT);
                if (g_cPages < 1)
                    return Error("The specified page count is too low: %#x\n", g_cPages);

            case 'i':
                cIterations = Val.u32;
                if (cIterations < 1)
                    return Error("The number of iterations must be 1 or higher\n");

            case 'c':
                cPagesAtATime = Val.u32;
                if (cPagesAtATime < 1 || cPagesAtATime > 10240)
                    return Error("The specified pages-at-a-time count is out of range: %#x\n", cPagesAtATime);

            case 'f':
                pszPageFile = Val.psz;

            case 'o':
                offPageFile = Val.u64;

            case 'O':
                offPageFile = Val.u64 * PAGE_SIZE;

            case 'h':
                RTPrintf("syntax: tstCompressionBenchmark [options]\n"
                         "  -h, --help\n"
                         "    Show this help page\n"
                         "  -i, --iterations <num>\n"
                         "    The number of iterations.\n"
                         "  -n, --num-pages <pages>\n"
                         "    The number of pages.\n"
                         "  -c, --pages-at-a-time <pages>\n"
                         "    Number of pages at a time.\n"
                         "  -f, --page-file <filename>\n"
                         "    File or device to read the page from. The default\n"
                         "    is to generate some garbage.\n"
                         "  -o, --offset <file-offset>\n"
                         "    Offset into the page file to start reading at.\n");
                return 0;

            case 'V':
                RTPrintf("%sr%s\n", RTBldCfgVersion(), RTBldCfgRevisionStr());
                return 0;

                return RTGetOptPrintError(rc, &Val);

    g_cbPages = g_cPages * PAGE_SIZE;
    uint64_t cbTotal = (uint64_t)g_cPages * PAGE_SIZE * cIterations;
    uint64_t cbTotalKB = cbTotal / _1K;
    if (cbTotal / cIterations != g_cbPages)
        return Error("cPages * cIterations -> overflow\n");

     * Gather the test memory.
    if (pszPageFile)
        size_t cbFile;
        rc = RTFileReadAllEx(pszPageFile, offPageFile, g_cbPages, RTFILE_RDALL_O_DENY_NONE, (void **)&g_pabSrc, &cbFile);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            return Error("Error reading %zu bytes from %s at %llu: %Rrc\n", g_cbPages, pszPageFile, offPageFile, rc);
        if (cbFile != g_cbPages)
            return Error("Error reading %zu bytes from %s at %llu: got %zu bytes\n", g_cbPages, pszPageFile, offPageFile, cbFile);
        g_pabSrc = (uint8_t *)RTMemAlloc(g_cbPages);
        if (g_pabSrc)
            /* Just fill it with something - warn about the low quality of the something. */
            RTPrintf("tstCompressionBenchmark: WARNING! No input file was specified so the source\n"
                     "buffer will be filled with generated data of questionable quality.\n");
#ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
            RTPrintf("To get real RAM on linux: sudo dd if=/dev/mem ... \n");
            uint8_t *pb    = g_pabSrc;
            uint8_t *pbEnd = &g_pabSrc[g_cbPages];
            for (; pb != pbEnd; pb += 16)
                char szTmp[17];
                RTStrPrintf(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), "aaaa%08Xzzzz", (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)pb);
                memcpy(pb, szTmp, 16);

    g_pabDecompr = (uint8_t *)RTMemAlloc(g_cbPages);
    g_cbComprAlloc = RT_MAX(g_cbPages * 2, 256 * PAGE_SIZE);
    g_pabCompr   = (uint8_t *)RTMemAlloc(g_cbComprAlloc);
    if (!g_pabSrc || !g_pabDecompr || !g_pabCompr)
        return Error("failed to allocate memory buffers (g_cPages=%#x)\n", g_cPages);

     * Double loop compressing and uncompressing the data, where the outer does
     * the specified number of iterations while the inner applies the different
     * compression algorithms.
        /** The time spent decompressing. */
        uint64_t    cNanoDecompr;
        /** The time spent compressing. */
        uint64_t    cNanoCompr;
        /** The size of the compressed data. */
        uint64_t    cbCompr;
        /** First error. */
        int         rc;
        /** The compression style: block or stream. */
        bool        fBlock;
        /** Compression type.  */
        RTZIPTYPE   enmType;
        /** Compression level.  */
        RTZIPLEVEL  enmLevel;
        /** Method name. */
        const char *pszName;
    } aTests[] =
        { 0, 0, 0, VINF_SUCCESS, false, RTZIPTYPE_STORE, RTZIPLEVEL_DEFAULT, "RTZip/Store"      },
        { 0, 0, 0, VINF_SUCCESS, false, RTZIPTYPE_LZF,   RTZIPLEVEL_DEFAULT, "RTZip/LZF"        },
/*      { 0, 0, 0, VINF_SUCCESS, false, RTZIPTYPE_ZLIB,  RTZIPLEVEL_DEFAULT, "RTZip/zlib"       }, - slow plus it randomly hits VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE atm. */
        { 0, 0, 0, VINF_SUCCESS, true,  RTZIPTYPE_STORE, RTZIPLEVEL_DEFAULT, "RTZipBlock/Store" },
        { 0, 0, 0, VINF_SUCCESS, true,  RTZIPTYPE_LZF,   RTZIPLEVEL_DEFAULT, "RTZipBlock/LZF"   },
        { 0, 0, 0, VINF_SUCCESS, true,  RTZIPTYPE_LZJB,  RTZIPLEVEL_DEFAULT, "RTZipBlock/LZJB"  },
        { 0, 0, 0, VINF_SUCCESS, true,  RTZIPTYPE_LZO,   RTZIPLEVEL_DEFAULT, "RTZipBlock/LZO"   },
    RTPrintf("tstCompressionBenchmark: TESTING..");
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cIterations; i++)
        for (uint32_t j = 0; j < RT_ELEMENTS(aTests); j++)
            if (RT_FAILURE(aTests[j].rc))
            memset(g_pabCompr,   0xaa, g_cbComprAlloc);
            memset(g_pabDecompr, 0xcc, g_cbPages);
            g_cbCompr = 0;
            g_offComprIn = 0;
            RTPrintf("."); RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut);

             * Compress it.
            uint64_t NanoTS = RTTimeNanoTS();
            if (aTests[j].fBlock)
                size_t          cbLeft    = g_cbComprAlloc;
                uint8_t const  *pbSrcPage = g_pabSrc;
                uint8_t        *pbDstPage = g_pabCompr;
                for (size_t iPage = 0; iPage < g_cPages; iPage += cPagesAtATime)
                    AssertBreakStmt(cbLeft > PAGE_SIZE * 4, aTests[j].rc = rc = VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);
                    uint32_t *pcb = (uint32_t *)pbDstPage;
                    pbDstPage    += sizeof(uint32_t);
                    cbLeft       -= sizeof(uint32_t);
                    size_t  cbSrc = RT_MIN(g_cPages - iPage, cPagesAtATime) * PAGE_SIZE;
                    size_t  cbDst;
                    rc = RTZipBlockCompress(aTests[j].enmType, aTests[j].enmLevel, 0 /*fFlags*/,
                                            pbSrcPage, cbSrc,
                                            pbDstPage, cbLeft, &cbDst);
                    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                        Error("RTZipBlockCompress failed for '%s' (#%u): %Rrc\n", aTests[j].pszName, j, rc);
                        aTests[j].rc = rc;
                    *pcb       = (uint32_t)cbDst;
                    cbLeft    -= cbDst;
                    pbDstPage += cbDst;
                    pbSrcPage += cbSrc;
                if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                g_cbCompr = pbDstPage - g_pabCompr;
                PRTZIPCOMP pZipComp;
                rc = RTZipCompCreate(&pZipComp, NULL, ComprOutCallback, aTests[j].enmType, aTests[j].enmLevel);
                if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                    Error("Failed to create the compressor for '%s' (#%u): %Rrc\n", aTests[j].pszName, j, rc);
                    aTests[j].rc = rc;

                uint8_t const  *pbSrcPage = g_pabSrc;
                for (size_t iPage = 0; iPage < g_cPages; iPage += cPagesAtATime)
                    size_t cb = RT_MIN(g_cPages - iPage, cPagesAtATime) * PAGE_SIZE;
                    rc = RTZipCompress(pZipComp, pbSrcPage, cb);
                    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                        Error("RTZipCompress failed for '%s' (#%u): %Rrc\n", aTests[j].pszName, j, rc);
                        aTests[j].rc = rc;
                    pbSrcPage += cb;
                if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                rc = RTZipCompFinish(pZipComp);
                if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                    Error("RTZipCompFinish failed for '%s' (#%u): %Rrc\n", aTests[j].pszName, j, rc);
                    aTests[j].rc = rc;
            NanoTS = RTTimeNanoTS() - NanoTS;
            aTests[j].cbCompr    += g_cbCompr;
            aTests[j].cNanoCompr += NanoTS;

             * Decompress it.
            NanoTS = RTTimeNanoTS();
            if (aTests[j].fBlock)
                uint8_t const  *pbSrcPage = g_pabCompr;
                size_t          cbLeft    = g_cbCompr;
                uint8_t        *pbDstPage = g_pabDecompr;
                for (size_t iPage = 0; iPage < g_cPages; iPage += cPagesAtATime)
                    size_t   cbDst = RT_MIN(g_cPages - iPage, cPagesAtATime) * PAGE_SIZE;
                    size_t   cbSrc = *(uint32_t *)pbSrcPage;
                    pbSrcPage     += sizeof(uint32_t);
                    cbLeft        -= sizeof(uint32_t);
                    rc = RTZipBlockDecompress(aTests[j].enmType, 0 /*fFlags*/,
                                              pbSrcPage, cbSrc, &cbSrc,
                                              pbDstPage, cbDst, &cbDst);
                    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                        Error("RTZipBlockDecompress failed for '%s' (#%u): %Rrc\n", aTests[j].pszName, j, rc);
                        aTests[j].rc = rc;
                    pbDstPage += cbDst;
                    cbLeft    -= cbSrc;
                    pbSrcPage += cbSrc;
                if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                PRTZIPDECOMP pZipDecomp;
                rc = RTZipDecompCreate(&pZipDecomp, NULL, DecomprInCallback);
                if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                    Error("Failed to create the decompressor for '%s' (#%u): %Rrc\n", aTests[j].pszName, j, rc);
                    aTests[j].rc = rc;

                uint8_t *pbDstPage = g_pabDecompr;
                for (size_t iPage = 0; iPage < g_cPages; iPage += cPagesAtATime)
                    size_t cb = RT_MIN(g_cPages - iPage, cPagesAtATime) * PAGE_SIZE;
                    rc = RTZipDecompress(pZipDecomp, pbDstPage, cb, NULL);
                    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                        Error("RTZipDecompress failed for '%s' (#%u): %Rrc\n", aTests[j].pszName, j, rc);
                        aTests[j].rc = rc;
                    pbDstPage += cb;
                if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            NanoTS = RTTimeNanoTS() - NanoTS;
            aTests[j].cNanoDecompr += NanoTS;

            if (memcmp(g_pabDecompr, g_pabSrc, g_cbPages))
                Error("The compressed data doesn't match the source for '%s' (%#u)\n", aTests[j].pszName, j);
                aTests[j].rc = VERR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT;
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))

     * Report the results.
    rc = 0;
    RTPrintf("tstCompressionBenchmark: BEGIN RESULTS\n");
    RTPrintf("%-20s           Compression                                             Decompression\n", "");
    RTPrintf("%-20s        In             Out      Ratio         Size                In             Out\n", "Method");
    RTPrintf("%.20s-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n", "---------------------------------------------");
    for (uint32_t j = 0; j < RT_ELEMENTS(aTests); j++)
        if (RT_SUCCESS(aTests[j].rc))
            unsigned uComprSpeedIn    = (unsigned)(cbTotalKB         / (long double)aTests[j].cNanoCompr   * 1000000000.0);
            unsigned uComprSpeedOut   = (unsigned)(aTests[j].cbCompr / (long double)aTests[j].cNanoCompr   * 1000000000.0 / 1024);
            unsigned uRatio           = (unsigned)(aTests[j].cbCompr / cIterations * 100 / g_cbPages);
            unsigned uDecomprSpeedIn  = (unsigned)(aTests[j].cbCompr / (long double)aTests[j].cNanoDecompr * 1000000000.0 / 1024);
            unsigned uDecomprSpeedOut = (unsigned)(cbTotalKB         / (long double)aTests[j].cNanoDecompr * 1000000000.0);
            RTPrintf("%-20s %'9u KB/s  %'9u KB/s  %3u%%  %'11llu bytes   %'9u KB/s  %'9u KB/s",
                     uComprSpeedIn,   uComprSpeedOut, uRatio, aTests[j].cbCompr / cIterations,
                     uDecomprSpeedIn, uDecomprSpeedOut);
#if 0
            RTPrintf("  [%'14llu / %'14llu ns]\n",
                     aTests[j].cNanoCompr / cIterations,
                     aTests[j].cNanoDecompr / cIterations);
            RTPrintf("%-20s: %Rrc\n", aTests[j].pszName, aTests[j].rc);
            rc = 1;
    if (pszPageFile)
        RTPrintf("Input: %'10zu pages from '%s' starting at offset %'lld (%#llx)\n"
                 "                                                           %'11zu bytes\n",
                 g_cPages, pszPageFile, offPageFile, offPageFile, g_cbPages);
        RTPrintf("Input: %'10zu pages of generated rubbish               %'11zu bytes\n",
                 g_cPages, g_cbPages);

     * Count zero pages in the data set.
    size_t cZeroPages = 0;
    for (size_t iPage = 0; iPage < g_cPages; iPage++)
        if (!ASMMemIsAllU32(&g_pabSrc[iPage * PAGE_SIZE], PAGE_SIZE, 0))
    RTPrintf("       %'10zu zero pages (%u %%)\n", cZeroPages, cZeroPages * 100 / g_cPages);

     * A little extension to the test, benchmark relevant CRCs.
             "tstCompressionBenchmark: Hash/CRC - All In One\n");
    tstBenchmarkCRCsAllInOne(g_pabSrc, g_cbPages);

             "tstCompressionBenchmark: Hash/CRC - Page by Page\n");
    tstBenchmarkCRCsPageByPage(g_pabSrc, g_cbPages);

             "tstCompressionBenchmark: Hash/CRC - Zero Page Digest\n");
    static uint8_t s_abZeroPg[PAGE_SIZE];
    tstBenchmarkCRCsAllInOne(s_abZeroPg, PAGE_SIZE);

             "tstCompressionBenchmark: Hash/CRC - Zero Half Page Digest\n");
    tstBenchmarkCRCsAllInOne(s_abZeroPg, PAGE_SIZE / 2);

    RTPrintf("tstCompressionBenchmark: END RESULTS\n");

    return rc;
예제 #3
 * Parses and validates a TAR header.
 * @returns IPRT status code.
 * @param   pThis               The TAR reader stat.
 * @param   pTar                The TAR header that has been read.
static int rtZipTarReaderParseHeader(PRTZIPTARREADER pThis, PCRTZIPTARHDR pHdr)
    switch (pThis->enmState)
         * The first record for a file/directory/whatever.
            pThis->Hdr.Common.typeflag  = 0x7f;
            pThis->enmPrevType          = pThis->enmType;
            pThis->enmType              = RTZIPTARTYPE_INVALID;
            pThis->offGnuLongCur        = 0;
            pThis->cbGnuLongExpect      = 0;
            pThis->szName[0]            = '\0';
            pThis->szTarget[0]          = '\0';
            return rtZipTarReaderParseNextHeader(pThis, pHdr, true /*fFirst*/);

         * There should only be so many zero headers at the end of the file as
         * it is a function of the block size used when writing.  Don't go on
         * reading them forever in case someone points us to /dev/zero.
            if (ASMMemIsAllU32(pHdr, sizeof(*pHdr), 0) != NULL)
                return VERR_TAR_ZERO_HEADER;
            if (pThis->cZeroHdrs <= _64K / 512 + 2)
                return VINF_SUCCESS;
            return VERR_TAR_ZERO_HEADER;

            size_t cbIncoming = RTStrNLen((const char *)pHdr->ab, sizeof(*pHdr));
            if (cbIncoming < sizeof(*pHdr))
                cbIncoming += 1;

            if (cbIncoming + pThis->offGnuLongCur > pThis->cbGnuLongExpect)
                return VERR_TAR_MALFORMED_GNU_LONGXXXX;
            if (   cbIncoming < sizeof(*pHdr)
                && cbIncoming + pThis->offGnuLongCur != pThis->cbGnuLongExpect)
                return VERR_TAR_MALFORMED_GNU_LONGXXXX;

            char *pszDst = pThis->enmState == RTZIPTARREADERSTATE_GNU_LONGNAME ? pThis->szName : pThis->szTarget;
            pszDst += pThis->offGnuLongCur;
            memcpy(pszDst, pHdr->ab, cbIncoming);

            pThis->offGnuLongCur += (uint32_t)cbIncoming;
            if (pThis->offGnuLongCur == pThis->cbGnuLongExpect)
                pThis->enmState = RTZIPTARREADERSTATE_GNU_NEXT;
            return VINF_SUCCESS;

            pThis->enmState = RTZIPTARREADERSTATE_FIRST;
            return rtZipTarReaderParseNextHeader(pThis, pHdr, false /*fFirst*/);

            return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_5;
예제 #4
 * Basic API checks.
 * We'll return if any of these fails.
static void tst1(RTMEMPOOL hMemPool)
    void *pv;

    /* Normal alloc. */
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(pv = RTMemPoolAlloc(hMemPool, 1));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTMemPoolRelease(hMemPool, pv) == 0);

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(pv = RTMemPoolAlloc(hMemPool, 0));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTMemPoolRelease(hMemPool, pv) == 0);

    /* Zeroed allocation. */
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 512; i++)
        RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(pv = RTMemPoolAllocZ(hMemPool, 1024));
        RTTESTI_CHECK(ASMMemIsAllU32(pv, 1024, 0) == NULL);
        memset(pv, 'a', 1024);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTMemPoolRefCount(pv) == 1);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTMemPoolRelease(hMemPool, pv) == 0);

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(pv = RTMemPoolAllocZ(hMemPool, 0));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTMemPoolRelease(hMemPool, pv) == 0);

    /* Duped allocation. */
    static const char szTest[] = "test string abcdef";
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(pv = RTMemPoolDup(hMemPool, szTest, sizeof(szTest)));
    RTTESTI_CHECK(memcmp(pv, szTest, sizeof(szTest)) == 0);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTMemPoolRelease(hMemPool, pv) == 0);

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 512; i++)
        size_t const cb = 256 - sizeof(szTest);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(pv = RTMemPoolDupEx(hMemPool, szTest, sizeof(szTest), cb));
        RTTESTI_CHECK(memcmp(pv, szTest, sizeof(szTest)) == 0);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(ASMMemIsAll8((uint8_t *)pv + sizeof(szTest), cb, 0) == NULL);
        memset(pv, 'b', sizeof(szTest) + cb);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTMemPoolRefCount(pv) == 1);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTMemPoolRelease(hMemPool, pv) == 0);

    /* Reallocation */
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(pv = RTMemPoolRealloc(hMemPool, NULL, 1));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(pv = RTMemPoolRealloc(hMemPool, pv, 2));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTMemPoolRelease(hMemPool, pv) == 0);

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(pv = RTMemPoolAlloc(hMemPool, 42));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(pv = RTMemPoolRealloc(hMemPool, pv, 32));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTMemPoolRelease(hMemPool, pv) == 0);

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(pv = RTMemPoolRealloc(hMemPool, NULL, 128));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(pv = RTMemPoolRealloc(hMemPool, pv, 256));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTMemPoolRealloc(hMemPool, pv, 0) == NULL);

    /* Free (a bit hard to test) */
    RTMemPoolFree(hMemPool, NULL);
    RTMemPoolFree(hMemPool, RTMemPoolAlloc(hMemPool, 42));

    /* Memory referencing. */
    for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= 4096; i *= 3)
        void *pv2;
        RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(pv = RTMemPoolAlloc(hMemPool, i));
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRefCount(pv) == 1);
        memset(pv, 'a', i);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_RETV((pv2 = ASMMemIsAll8(pv, i, 'a')) == NULL, ("i=%#x pv=%p off=%#x\n", i, pv, (uintptr_t)pv2 - (uintptr_t)pv));
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRetain(pv) == 2);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRefCount(pv) == 2);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRetain(pv) == 3);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRefCount(pv) == 3);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRetain(pv) == 4);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRefCount(pv) == 4);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_RETV((pv2 = ASMMemIsAll8(pv, i, 'a')) == NULL, ("i=%#x pv=%p off=%#x\n", i, pv, (uintptr_t)pv2 - (uintptr_t)pv));
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRelease(hMemPool, pv) == 3);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRefCount(pv) == 3);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_RETV((pv2 = ASMMemIsAll8(pv, i, 'a')) == NULL, ("i=%#x pv=%p off=%#x\n", i, pv, (uintptr_t)pv2 - (uintptr_t)pv));
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRetain(pv) == 4);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRefCount(pv) == 4);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRetain(pv) == 5);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRefCount(pv) == 5);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRetain(pv) == 6);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRefCount(pv) == 6);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRelease(NIL_RTMEMPOOL, pv) == 5);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRelease(NIL_RTMEMPOOL, pv) == 4);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_RETV((pv2 = ASMMemIsAll8(pv, i, 'a')) == NULL, ("i=%#x pv=%p off=%#x\n", i, pv, (uintptr_t)pv2 - (uintptr_t)pv));

        for (uint32_t cRefs = 3;; cRefs--)
            RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRelease(hMemPool, pv) == cRefs);
            if (cRefs == 0)
            RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRefCount(pv) == cRefs);
            RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_RETV((pv2 = ASMMemIsAll8(pv, i, 'a')) == NULL, ("i=%#x pv=%p off=%#x cRefs=%d\n", i, pv, (uintptr_t)pv2 - (uintptr_t)pv, cRefs));
            for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 42; j++)
                RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(pv2 = RTMemPoolAlloc(hMemPool, i));
                RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(pv2 != pv);
                memset(pv2, 'f', i);
                RTTESTI_CHECK(RTMemPoolRelease(hMemPool, pv2) == 0);
                RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_RETV((pv2 = ASMMemIsAll8(pv, i, 'a')) == NULL, ("i=%#x pv=%p off=%#x cRefs=%d\n", i, pv, (uintptr_t)pv2 - (uintptr_t)pv, cRefs));