예제 #1
void SolverOperator::setPreconditioner ( operatorPtr_Type _prec )
    ASSERT_PRE ( _prec.get() != this, "Self Assignment is forbidden" );
    ASSERT_PRE ( _prec.get() != 0, "Can't assign a null pointer" );
    M_prec = _prec;
예제 #2
int SolverOperator::Apply ( const vector_Type& X, vector_Type& Y ) const
    ASSERT_PRE ( X.Map().SameAs ( M_oper->OperatorDomainMap() ), "X and domain map do no coincide \n" );
    ASSERT_PRE ( Y.Map().SameAs ( M_oper->OperatorRangeMap() ) , "Y and range map do no coincide \n" );

    return M_oper->Apply ( X, Y );
예제 #3
void SolverOperator::setOperator ( operatorPtr_Type _oper )
    ASSERT_PRE ( _oper.get() != this, "Can't self assign" );
    ASSERT_PRE ( _oper.get() != 0, "Can't assign a null pointer" );
    M_oper = _oper;
예제 #4
파일: BCBase.cpp 프로젝트: nuraiman/lifev
const BCIdentifierBase*
BCBase::operator[] ( const ID& i ) const
    ASSERT_PRE( M_finalized, "BC List should be finalized before being accessed" );
    ASSERT_BD( i < M_idVector.size() );
    return M_idVector[ i ].get();
예제 #5
OneDFSIBC::solveLinearSystem ( const container2D_Type& line1,
                               const container2D_Type& line2,
                               const container2D_Type& rhs ) const
    ASSERT_PRE ( line1.size() == 2 && line2.size() == 2 && rhs.size() == 2,
                 "OneDFSIBC::solveLinearSystem works only for 2D vectors");

    Real determinant = line1[0] * line2[1] - line1[1] * line2[0];

    ASSERT ( determinant != 0,
             "Error: the 2x2 system on the boundary is not invertible."
             "\nCheck the boundary conditions.");

    container2D_Type solution;

    solution[0] = (   line2[1] * rhs[0] - line1[1] * rhs[1] ) / determinant;
    solution[1] = ( - line2[0] * rhs[0] + line1[0] * rhs[1] ) / determinant;

    return solution;
WallTensionEstimatorCylindricalCoordinates<Mesh >::analyzeTensionsRecoveryCauchyStressesCylindrical ( void )

    LifeChrono chrono;

    UInt dim = this->M_FESpace->dim();


    for ( UInt iDOF = 0; iDOF < ( UInt ) this->M_FESpace->dof().numTotalDof(); iDOF++ )

        if ( this->M_displacement->blockMap().LID ( static_cast<EpetraInt_Type> (iDOF) ) != -1 ) // The Global ID is on the calling processors

            (* (this->M_sigma) ).Scale (0.0);

            //Extracting the gradient of U on the current DOF
            for ( UInt iComp = 0; iComp < this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(); ++iComp )
                Int LIDid = this->M_displacement->blockMap().LID ( static_cast<EpetraInt_Type> (iDOF + iComp * dim + this->M_offset ) );
                Int GIDid = this->M_displacement->blockMap().GID (static_cast<EpetraInt_Type> (LIDid) );
                (* (this->M_sigma) ) (iComp, 0) = (*this->M_sigmaX) (GIDid); // (d_xX,d_yX,d_zX)
                (* (this->M_sigma) ) (iComp, 1) = (*this->M_sigmaY) (GIDid); // (d_xY,d_yY,d_zY)
                (* (this->M_sigma) ) (iComp, 2) = (*this->M_sigmaZ) (GIDid); // (d_xZ,d_yZ,d_zZ)

            //Compute the eigenvalue
            AssemblyElementalStructure::computeEigenvalues (* (this->M_sigma), this->M_eigenvaluesR, this->M_eigenvaluesI);

            //The Cauchy tensor is symmetric and therefore, the eigenvalues are real
            //Check on the imaginary part of eigen values given by the Lapack method
            Real sum (0);
            for ( int i = 0; i < this->M_eigenvaluesI.size(); i++ )
                sum += std::abs (this->M_eigenvaluesI[i]);
            ASSERT_PRE ( sum < 1e-6 , "The eigenvalues of the Cauchy stress tensors have to be real!" );

            std::sort ( this->M_eigenvaluesR.begin(), this->M_eigenvaluesR.end() );

            //Save the eigenvalues in the global vector
            for ( UInt icoor = 0; icoor < this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(); ++icoor )
                Int LIDid = this->M_displacement->blockMap().LID ( static_cast<EpetraInt_Type> (iDOF + icoor * dim + this->M_offset) );
                Int GIDid = this->M_displacement->blockMap().GID (static_cast<EpetraInt_Type> (LIDid) );
                (* (this->M_globalEigenvalues) ) (GIDid) = this->M_eigenvaluesR[icoor];


    this->M_displayer->leaderPrint ("Analysis done in: ", chrono.diff() );

예제 #7
MeshElementMarked<1, 2, GeoShape, MC>::MeshElementMarked ( ID identity ) :
    MeshElement<geoShape_Type, MeshElementMarked<0, 2, GeoShape, MC> > ( identity ),
    M_firstAdjacentElementIdentity   ( NotAnId ),
    M_secondAdjacentElementIdentity  ( NotAnId ),
    M_firstAdjacentElementPosition   ( NotAnId ),
    M_secondAdjacentElementPosition  ( NotAnId )
    ASSERT_PRE ( geoShape_Type::S_nDimensions == 1 , "geoElement1D in 2D geometry with incorrect GeoShape" ) ;
예제 #8
int SolverOperator::ApplyInverse( const vector_Type& X, vector_Type& Y ) const
	ASSERT_PRE( Y.Map().SameAs( M_oper->OperatorDomainMap() ), "Y and domain map do no coincide \n" );
	ASSERT_PRE( X.Map().SameAs( M_oper->OperatorRangeMap() ) , "X and range map do no coincide \n" );

	if ( M_useTranspose )
		return -1;
	int result = doApplyInverse( X, Y );

	M_numCumulIterations += M_numIterations;

    if( M_comm->MyPID() == 0 && M_printSubiterationCount )
	    std::cout << "> " << numIterations() << " subiterations" << std::endl;

	return result;
예제 #9
MeshElementMarked<1, 2, GeoShape, MC>::MeshElementMarked ( const MeshElementMarked<1, 2, GeoShape, MC>& Element ) :
    MeshElement<geoShape_Type, MeshElementMarked<0, 2, GeoShape, MC> > ( Element ),
    MC::faceMarker_Type               ( Element ),
    M_firstAdjacentElementIdentity    ( Element.M_firstAdjacentElementIdentity),
    M_secondAdjacentElementIdentity   ( Element.M_secondAdjacentElementIdentity),
    M_firstAdjacentElementPosition    ( Element.M_firstAdjacentElementPosition ),
    M_secondAdjacentElementPosition   ( Element.M_secondAdjacentElementPosition )
    ASSERT_PRE ( geoShape_Type::S_nDimensions == 1 , "geoElement1D in 2D Geometry with incorrect GeoShape" ) ;
예제 #10
ID DOFInterface3Dto2D::vertex3Dto2D ( const ID& idpoint3D ) const
    ASSERT_PRE ( M_finalized, "The list of vertices must be finalized before accessing to the interface vertices." );
    for ( std::list< std::pair<ID, ID> >::const_iterator it = M_vertexList.begin(); it != M_vertexList.end(); ++it )
        if ( it->first == idpoint3D )
            return it->second;
    ERROR_MSG ( "There is no such 3D index of vertex in the M_vertexList." );

    return ID();
예제 #11
MeshElementMarked<1, 3, GeoShape, MC>::MeshElementMarked ( const MeshElementMarked<1, 3, GeoShape, MC>& Element ) :
    MeshElement<geoShape_Type, MeshElementMarked<0, 3, GeoShape, MC> > ( Element ),
    MC::edgeMarker_Type                   ( Element )
    ASSERT_PRE ( geoShape_Type::S_nDimensions == 1 , "geoElement1D with incorrect GeoShape" ) ;
예제 #12
MeshElementMarked<1, 3, GeoShape, MC>::MeshElementMarked ( ID identity ) :
    MeshElement<geoShape_Type, MeshElementMarked<0, 3, GeoShape, MC> > ( identity )
    ASSERT_PRE ( geoShape_Type::S_nDimensions == 1 , "geoElement1D with incorrect GeoShape" ) ;
예제 #13
HyperbolicSolver<Mesh, SolverType>::
setup ()
    // LAPACK wrapper of Epetra
    Epetra_LAPACK lapack;

    // Flags for LAPACK routines.
    Int INFO[1]  = {0};
    Int NB = M_FESpace.refFE().nbDof();

    // Parameter that indicate the Lower storage of matrices.
    char param_L = 'L';

    // Total number of elements.
    UInt meshNumberOfElements = M_FESpace.mesh()->numElements();

    // Vector of interpolation of the mass function
    vector_Type vectorMass ( M_FESpace.map(), Repeated );

    // If the mass function is given take it, otherwise use one as a value.
    if ( M_mass != NULL )
        // Interpolate the mass function on the finite element space.
        M_FESpace.interpolate ( M_mass, vectorMass );
        vectorMass = 1.;

    // For each element it creates the mass matrix and factorize it using Cholesky.
    for ( UInt iElem (0); iElem < meshNumberOfElements; ++iElem )

        // Update the element.
        M_FESpace.fe().update ( M_FESpace.mesh()->element ( iElem),
                                UPDATE_QUAD_NODES | UPDATE_WDET );

        // Local mass matrix
        MatrixElemental matElem (M_FESpace.refFE().nbDof(), 1, 1);

        // Compute the mass matrix for the current element
        VectorElemental massValue  ( M_FESpace.refFE().nbDof(), 1 );
        extract_vec ( vectorMass, massValue, M_FESpace.refFE(), M_FESpace.dof(), iElem, 0 );
        // TODO: this works only for P0
        mass ( massValue[ 0 ], matElem, M_FESpace.fe(), 0, 0);

        /* Put in M the matrix L and L^T, where L and L^T is the Cholesky factorization of M.
           For more details see http://www.netlib.org/lapack/double/dpotrf.f */
        lapack.POTRF ( param_L, NB, matElem.mat(), NB, INFO );
        ASSERT_PRE ( !INFO[0], "Lapack factorization of M is not achieved." );

        // Save the local mass matrix in the global vector of mass matrices
        M_elmatMass.push_back ( matElem );


    //make sure mesh facets are updated
    if (! M_FESpace.mesh()->hasLocalFacets() )

} // setup
void NeoHookeanMaterialNonLinear<Mesh>::computeKinematicsVariables ( const VectorElemental& dk_loc )
    Real s;

    //! loop on quadrature points (ig)
    for ( UInt ig = 0; ig < this->M_FESpace->fe().nbQuadPt(); ig++ )
        //! loop on space coordinates (icoor)
        for ( UInt icoor = 0; icoor < nDimensions; icoor++ )
            //! loop  on space coordinates (jcoor)
            for ( UInt jcoor = 0; jcoor < nDimensions; jcoor++ )
                s = 0.0;
                for ( UInt i = 0; i < this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(); i++ )
                    //! \grad u^k at a quadrature point
                    s += this->M_FESpace->fe().phiDer ( i, jcoor, ig ) *
                         dk_loc[ i + icoor * this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof() ];
                //! gradient of displacement
                (*M_Fk) [ icoor ][ jcoor ][ig ] = s;

    //! loop on quadrature points (ig)
    for ( UInt ig = 0; ig < this->M_FESpace->fe().nbQuadPt(); ig++ )
        //! loop on space coordinates (icoor)
        for ( UInt  icoor = 0; icoor < nDimensions; icoor++ )
            //! deformation gradient Fk
            (*M_Fk) [ icoor ][ icoor ][ ig ] +=  1.0;

    Real a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i;

    for ( UInt ig = 0; ig < this->M_FESpace->fe().nbQuadPt(); ig++ )
        a = (*M_Fk) [ 0 ][ 0 ][ ig ];
        b = (*M_Fk) [ 0 ][ 1 ][ ig ];
        c = (*M_Fk) [ 0 ][ 2 ][ ig ];
        d = (*M_Fk) [ 1 ][ 0 ][ ig ];
        e = (*M_Fk) [ 1 ][ 1 ][ ig ];
        f = (*M_Fk) [ 1 ][ 2 ][ ig ];
        g = (*M_Fk) [ 2 ][ 0 ][ ig ];
        h = (*M_Fk) [ 2 ][ 1 ][ ig ];
        i = (*M_Fk) [ 2 ][ 2 ][ ig ];

        //! determinant of deformation gradient Fk
        (*M_Jack) [ig] = a * ( e * i - f * h ) - b * ( d * i - f * g ) + c * ( d * h - e * g );

        ASSERT_PRE ( (*M_Jack) [ig] > 0, "Negative Jacobian. Error!" );

        (*M_CofFk) [ 0 ][ 0 ][ ig ] =   ( e * i - f * h );
        (*M_CofFk) [ 0 ][ 1 ][ ig ] = - ( d * i - g * f );
        (*M_CofFk) [ 0 ][ 2 ][ ig ] =   ( d * h - e * g );
        (*M_CofFk) [ 1 ][ 0 ][ ig ] = - ( b * i - c * h );
        (*M_CofFk) [ 1 ][ 1 ][ ig ] =   ( a * i - c * g );
        (*M_CofFk) [ 1 ][ 2 ][ ig ] = - ( a * h - g * b );
        (*M_CofFk) [ 2 ][ 0 ][ ig ] =   ( b * f - c * e );
        (*M_CofFk) [ 2 ][ 1 ][ ig ] = - ( a * f - c * d );
        (*M_CofFk) [ 2 ][ 2 ][ ig ] =   ( a * e - d * b );

    //! loop on quadrature points
    for ( UInt ig = 0; ig < this->M_FESpace->fe().nbQuadPt(); ig++ )
        s = 0.0;
        for ( UInt i = 0; i < nDimensions; i++)
            for ( UInt j = 0; j < nDimensions; j++)
                //! trace of  C1 = (F1k^t F1k)
                s +=  (*M_Fk) [ i ][ j ][ ig ] * (*M_Fk) [ i ][ j ][ ig ];
        (*M_trCk) [ ig ] = s;

    for ( UInt ig = 0; ig <  this->M_FESpace->fe().nbQuadPt(); ig++ )
        //! trace of deviatoric C
        (*M_trCisok) [ ig ] =  pow ( (*M_Jack) [ ig ], -2. / 3.) * (*M_trCk) [ ig ];
WallTensionEstimatorCylindricalCoordinates<Mesh >::analyzeTensionsRecoveryEigenvaluesCylindrical ( void )

    LifeChrono chrono;

    this->M_displayer->leaderPrint (" \n*********************************\n  ");
    this->M_displayer->leaderPrint ("   Performing the analysis recovering the tensions..., ", this->M_dataMaterial->solidType() );
    this->M_displayer->leaderPrint (" \n*********************************\n  ");

    solutionVect_Type patchArea (* (this->M_displacement), Unique, Add);
    patchArea *= 0.0;

    super::constructPatchAreaVector ( patchArea );

    //Before assembling the reconstruction process is done
    solutionVect_Type patchAreaR (patchArea, Repeated);

    QuadratureRule fakeQuadratureRule;

    Real refElemArea (0); //area of reference element
    //compute the area of reference element
    for (UInt iq = 0; iq < this->M_FESpace->qr().nbQuadPt(); iq++)
        refElemArea += this->M_FESpace->qr().weight (iq);

    Real wQuad (refElemArea / this->M_FESpace->refFE().nbDof() );

    //Setting the quadrature Points = DOFs of the element and weight = 1
    std::vector<GeoVector> coords = this->M_FESpace->refFE().refCoor();
    std::vector<Real> weights (this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(), wQuad);
    fakeQuadratureRule.setDimensionShape ( shapeDimension (this->M_FESpace->refFE().shape() ), this->M_FESpace->refFE().shape() );
    fakeQuadratureRule.setPoints (coords, weights);

    //Set the new quadrature rule
    this->M_FESpace->setQuadRule (fakeQuadratureRule);

    UInt totalDof = this->M_FESpace->dof().numTotalDof();
    VectorElemental dk_loc (this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(), this->M_FESpace->fieldDim() );

    //Vectors for the deformation tensor
    std::vector<matrix_Type> vectorDeformationF (this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(), * (this->M_deformationF) );
    //Copying the displacement field into a vector with repeated map for parallel computations
    solutionVect_Type dRep (* (this->M_displacement), Repeated);

    VectorElemental elVecTens (this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(), this->M_FESpace->fieldDim() );


    //Loop on each volume
    for ( UInt i = 0; i < this->M_FESpace->mesh()->numVolumes(); ++i )
        this->M_FESpace->fe().updateFirstDerivQuadPt ( this->M_FESpace->mesh()->volumeList ( i ) );

        this->M_marker = this->M_FESpace->mesh()->volumeList ( i ).markerID();

        UInt eleID = this->M_FESpace->fe().currentLocalId();

        //Extracting the local displacement
        for ( UInt iNode = 0; iNode < ( UInt ) this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(); iNode++ )
            UInt  iloc = this->M_FESpace->fe().patternFirst ( iNode );

            for ( UInt iComp = 0; iComp < this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(); ++iComp )
                UInt ig = this->M_FESpace->dof().localToGlobalMap ( eleID, iloc ) + iComp * this->M_FESpace->dim() + this->M_offset;
                dk_loc[iloc + iComp * this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof()] = dRep[ig];

        //Compute the element tensor F
        AssemblyElementalStructure::computeLocalDeformationGradientWithoutIdentity ( dk_loc, vectorDeformationF, this->M_FESpace->fe() );

        //Compute the local vector of the principal stresses
        for ( UInt nDOF = 0; nDOF < ( UInt ) this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(); nDOF++ )
            UInt  iloc = this->M_FESpace->fe().patternFirst ( nDOF );
            vector_Type localDisplacement (this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(), 0.0);

            for ( UInt coor = 0; coor < this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(); coor++ )
                localDisplacement[coor] = iloc + coor * this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof();

            this->M_sigma->Scale (0.0);
            this->M_firstPiola->Scale (0.0);
            this->M_cofactorF->Scale (0.0);
            M_deformationCylindricalF->Scale (0.0);

            moveToCylindricalCoordinates (vectorDeformationF[nDOF], iloc, *M_deformationCylindricalF);

            //Compute the rightCauchyC tensor
            AssemblyElementalStructure::computeInvariantsRightCauchyGreenTensor (this->M_invariants, *M_deformationCylindricalF, * (this->M_cofactorF) );

            //Compute the first Piola-Kirchhoff tensor
            this->M_material->computeLocalFirstPiolaKirchhoffTensor (* (this->M_firstPiola), *M_deformationCylindricalF, * (this->M_cofactorF), this->M_invariants, this->M_marker);

            //Compute the Cauchy tensor
            AssemblyElementalStructure::computeCauchyStressTensor (* (this->M_sigma), * (this->M_firstPiola), this->M_invariants[3], *M_deformationCylindricalF);

            //Compute the eigenvalue
            AssemblyElementalStructure::computeEigenvalues (* (this->M_sigma), this->M_eigenvaluesR, this->M_eigenvaluesI);

            //The Cauchy tensor is symmetric and therefore, the eigenvalues are real
            //Check on the imaginary part of eigen values given by the Lapack method
            Real sum (0);
            for ( int i = 0; i < this->M_eigenvaluesI.size(); i++ )
                sum += std::abs (this->M_eigenvaluesI[i]);
            ASSERT_PRE ( sum < 1e-6 , "The eigenvalues of the Cauchy stress tensors have to be real!" );

            std::sort ( this->M_eigenvaluesR.begin(), this->M_eigenvaluesR.end() );

            //Assembling the local vector
            for ( int coor = 0; coor < this->M_eigenvaluesR.size(); coor++ )
                elVecTens[iloc + coor * this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof()] = this->M_eigenvaluesR[coor];

        super::reconstructElementaryVector ( elVecTens, patchAreaR, *this->M_FESpace );

        //Assembling the local into global vector
        for ( UInt ic = 0; ic < this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(); ++ic )
            assembleVector (* (this->M_globalEigenvalues), elVecTens, this->M_FESpace->fe(), this->M_FESpace->dof(), ic, this->M_offset +  ic * totalDof );


    this->M_displayer->leaderPrint ("Analysis done in: ", chrono.diff() );
예제 #16
HyperbolicSolver< Mesh, SolverType >::
localEvolve ( const UInt& iElem )

    // LAPACK wrapper of Epetra
    Epetra_LAPACK lapack;

    // Flags for LAPACK routines.
    Int INFO[1]  = { 0 };
    Int NB = M_FESpace.refFE().nbDof();

    // Parameter that indicate the Lower storage of matrices.
    char param_L = 'L';
    char param_N = 'N';

    // Paramater that indicate the Transpose of matrices.
    char param_T = 'T';

    // Numbers of columns of the right hand side := 1.
    Int NBRHS = 1;

    // Clean the local flux

    // Loop on the faces of the element iElem and compute the local contribution
    for ( UInt iFace (0); iFace < M_FESpace.mesh()->numLocalFaces(); ++iFace )
        // Id mapping
        const UInt iGlobalFace ( M_FESpace.mesh()->localFacetId ( iElem, iFace ) );

        // Take the left element to the face, see regionMesh for the meaning of left element
        const UInt leftElement ( M_FESpace.mesh()->faceElement ( iGlobalFace, 0 ) );

        // Take the right element to the face, see regionMesh for the meaning of right element
        const UInt rightElement ( M_FESpace.mesh()->faceElement ( iGlobalFace, 1 ) );

        // Update the normal vector of the current face in each quadrature point
        M_FESpace.feBd().updateMeasNormalQuadPt ( M_FESpace.mesh()->boundaryFacet ( iGlobalFace ) );

        // Local flux of a face times the integration weight
        VectorElemental localFaceFluxWeight ( M_FESpace.refFE().nbDof(), 1 );

        // Solution in the left element
        VectorElemental leftValue  ( M_FESpace.refFE().nbDof(), 1 );

        // Solution in the right element
        VectorElemental rightValue ( M_FESpace.refFE().nbDof(), 1 );

        // Extract the solution in the current element, now is the leftElement
        extract_vec ( *M_uOld,
                      leftElement , 0 );

        // Check if the current face is a boundary face, that is rightElement == NotAnId
        if ( !Flag::testOneSet ( M_FESpace.mesh()->face ( iGlobalFace ).flag(), EntityFlags::PHYSICAL_BOUNDARY | EntityFlags::SUBDOMAIN_INTERFACE ) )
            // Extract the solution in the current element, now is the leftElement
            extract_vec ( *M_uOld,
                          rightElement , 0 );
        else if ( Flag::testOneSet ( M_FESpace.mesh()->face ( iGlobalFace ).flag(), EntityFlags::SUBDOMAIN_INTERFACE ) )
            // TODO: this works only for P0 elements
            rightValue[ 0 ] = M_ghostDataMap[ iGlobalFace ];
        else // Flag::testOneSet ( M_FESpace.mesh()->face ( iGlobalFace ).flag(), PHYSICAL_BOUNDARY )

            // Clean the value of the right element

            // Check if the boundary conditions were updated.
            if ( !M_BCh->bcUpdateDone() )
                // Update the boundary conditions handler. We use the finite element of the boundary of the dual variable.
                M_BCh->bcUpdate ( *M_FESpace.mesh(), M_FESpace.feBd(), M_FESpace.dof() );

            // Take the boundary marker for the current boundary face
            const ID faceMarker ( M_FESpace.mesh()->boundaryFacet ( iGlobalFace ).markerID() );

            // Take the corrispective boundary function
            const BCBase& bcBase ( M_BCh->findBCWithFlag ( faceMarker ) );

            // Check if the bounday condition is of type Essential, useful for operator splitting strategies
            if ( bcBase.type() == Essential )

                // Loop on all the quadrature points
                for ( UInt ig (0); ig < M_FESpace.feBd().nbQuadPt(); ++ig)

                    // Current quadrature point
                    KN<Real> quadPoint (3);

                    // normal vector
                    KN<Real> normal (3);

                    for (UInt icoor (0); icoor < 3; ++icoor)
                        quadPoint (icoor) = M_FESpace.feBd().quadPt ( ig, icoor );
                        normal (icoor)    = M_FESpace.feBd().normal ( icoor, ig ) ;

                    // Compute the boundary contribution
                    rightValue[0] = bcBase ( M_data.dataTime()->time(), quadPoint (0), quadPoint (1), quadPoint (2), 0 );

                    const Real localFaceFlux = M_numericalFlux->firstDerivativePhysicalFluxDotNormal ( normal,
                                               quadPoint (0),
                                               quadPoint (1),
                                               quadPoint (2),
                                               rightValue[ 0 ] );
                    // Update the local flux of the current face with the quadrature weight
                    localFaceFluxWeight[0] += localFaceFlux * M_FESpace.feBd().weightMeas ( ig );

                /* If the boundary flag is not Essential then is automatically an outflow boundary.
                   We impose to localFaceFluxWeight a positive value. */
                localFaceFluxWeight[0] = 1.;

            // It is an outflow face, we use a ghost cell
            if ( localFaceFluxWeight[0] > 1e-4 )
                rightValue = leftValue;

            // Clean the localFaceFluxWeight


        // Clean the localFaceFluxWeight

        // Loop on all the quadrature points
        for ( UInt ig (0); ig < M_FESpace.feBd().nbQuadPt(); ++ig )

            // Current quadrature point
            KN<Real> quadPoint (3);

            // normal vector
            KN<Real> normal (3);

            for (UInt icoor (0); icoor < 3; ++icoor)
                quadPoint (icoor) = M_FESpace.feBd().quadPt ( ig, icoor );
                normal (icoor)    = M_FESpace.feBd().normal ( icoor, ig ) ;

            // If the normal is orientated inward, we change its sign and swap the left and value of the solution
            if ( iElem == rightElement )
                normal *= -1.;
                std::swap ( leftValue, rightValue );

            const Real localFaceFlux = (*M_numericalFlux) ( leftValue[ 0 ],
                                                            rightValue[ 0 ],
                                                            quadPoint (0),
                                                            quadPoint (1),
                                                            quadPoint (2) );

            // Update the local flux of the current face with the quadrature weight
            localFaceFluxWeight[0] += localFaceFlux * M_FESpace.feBd().weightMeas ( ig );


        /* Put in localFlux the vector L^{-1} * localFlux
           For more details see http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lapack-3.1.1/SRC/dtrtrs.f */
        lapack.TRTRS ( param_L, param_N, param_N, NB, NBRHS, M_elmatMass[ iElem ].mat(), NB, localFaceFluxWeight, NB, INFO);
        ASSERT_PRE ( !INFO[0], "Lapack Computation M_elvecSource = LB^{-1} rhs is not achieved." );

        /* Put in localFlux the vector L^{-T} * localFlux
           For more details see http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lapack-3.1.1/SRC/dtrtrs.f */
        lapack.TRTRS ( param_L, param_T, param_N, NB, NBRHS, M_elmatMass[ iElem ].mat(), NB, localFaceFluxWeight, NB, INFO);
        ASSERT_PRE ( !INFO[0], "Lapack Computation M_elvecSource = LB^{-1} rhs is not achieved." );

        // Add to the local flux the local flux of the current face
        M_localFlux += localFaceFluxWeight;


} // localEvolve
예제 #17
ID DOFInterface3Dto2D::operator[] ( const UInt& i ) const
    ASSERT_PRE ( M_finalized, "The face List should be finalised before being accessed" );
    ASSERT_BD ( i < M_faceList.size() );
    return M_faceList[ i ].first;  // M_faceList must be a vector!