예제 #1
// Helper function to keep code base small
void fec_test_codec(fec_scheme _fs, unsigned int _n, void * _opts)
    if ( _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V27    ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V29    ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V39    ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V615   ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V27P23 ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V27P34 ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V27P45 ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V27P56 ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V27P67 ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V27P78 ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V29P23 ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V29P34 ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V29P45 ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V29P56 ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V29P67 ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_CONV_V29P78 ||
         _fs == LIQUID_FEC_RS_M8)
        AUTOTEST_WARN("convolutional, Reed-Solomon codes unavailable (install libfec)\n");

    // generate fec object
    fec q = fec_create(_fs,_opts);

    // create arrays
    unsigned int n_enc = fec_get_enc_msg_length(_fs,_n);
    unsigned char msg[_n];          // original message
    unsigned char msg_enc[n_enc];   // encoded message
    unsigned char msg_dec[_n];      // decoded message

    // initialze message
    unsigned int i;
    for (i=0; i<_n; i++) {
        msg[i] = rand() & 0xff;
        msg_dec[i] = 0;

    // encode message

    // channel: add single error
    msg_enc[0] ^= 0x01;

    // decode message

    // validate output

    // clean up objects
예제 #2
// Helper function to keep code base small
void modem_test_demodstats(modulation_scheme _ms)
    // generate mod/demod
    modem mod   = modem_create(_ms);
    modem demod = modem_create(_ms);

    // run the test
    unsigned int i, s, M = 1 << modem_get_bps(mod);
    float complex x;
    float complex x_hat;    // rotated symbol
    float demodstats;
    float phi = 0.01f;

    for (i=0; i<M; i++) {
        // reset modem objects

        // modulate symbol
        modem_modulate(mod, i, &x);

        // ignore rare condition where modulated symbol is (0,0)
        // (e.g. APSK-8)
        if (cabsf(x) < 1e-3f) continue;

        // add phase offsets
        x_hat = x * cexpf( phi*_Complex_I);

        // demod positive phase signal, and ensure demodulator
        // maps to appropriate symbol
        modem_demodulate(demod, x_hat, &s);
        if (s != i)
            AUTOTEST_WARN("modem_test_demodstats(), output symbol does not match");

        demodstats = modem_get_demodulator_phase_error(demod);
        CONTEND_EXPRESSION(demodstats > 0.0f);

    // repeat with negative phase error
    for (i=0; i<M; i++) {
        // reset modem objects

        // modulate symbol
        modem_modulate(mod, i, &x);

        // ignore rare condition where modulated symbol is (0,0)
        // (e.g. APSK-8)
        if (cabsf(x) < 1e-3f) continue;

        // add phase offsets
        x_hat = x * cexpf(-phi*_Complex_I);

        // demod positive phase signal, and ensure demodulator
        // maps to appropriate symbol
        modem_demodulate(demod, x_hat, &s);
        if (s != i)
            AUTOTEST_WARN("modem_test_demodstats(), output symbol does not match");

        demodstats = modem_get_demodulator_phase_error(demod);
        CONTEND_EXPRESSION(demodstats < 0.0f);

    // clean up allocated objects up