jlong Java_com_mcxiaoke_ndk_Native_open( JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jstring fileName) { avi_t* avi = 0; // Get the file name as a C string const char* cFileName = env->GetStringUTFChars(fileName, 0); if (0 == cFileName) { goto exit; } // Open the AVI file avi = AVI_open_input_file(cFileName, 1); // Release the file name env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(fileName, cFileName); // If AVI file cannot be opened throw an exception if (0 == avi) { ThrowException(env, "java/io/IOException", AVI_strerror()); } exit: return (jlong) avi; }
int main(int argc, char *argv []){ //====================================================================================================================================================== // VARIABLES //====================================================================================================================================================== // counters int i; int frames_processed; // parameters public_struct public; private_struct private[ALL_POINTS]; //====================================================================================================================================================== // FRAMES //====================================================================================================================================================== if(argc!=4){ printf("ERROR: usage: heartwall <inputfile> <num of frames> <num of threads>\n"); exit(1); } char* video_file_name; video_file_name = argv[1]; avi_t* d_frames = (avi_t*)AVI_open_input_file(video_file_name, 1); // added casting if (d_frames == NULL) { AVI_print_error((char *) "Error with AVI_open_input_file"); return -1; } public.d_frames = d_frames;
void avi_reader_c::read_headers() { try { if (!avi_reader_c::probe_file(m_in.get(), m_size)) throw mtx::input::invalid_format_x(); } catch (mtx::mm_io::exception &) { throw mtx::input::open_x(); } show_demuxer_info(); if (!(m_avi = AVI_open_input_file(m_in.get(), 1))) throw mtx::input::invalid_format_x(); m_fps = AVI_frame_rate(m_avi); m_max_video_frames = AVI_video_frames(m_avi); m_video_width = std::abs(AVI_video_width(m_avi)); m_video_height = std::abs(AVI_video_height(m_avi)); verify_video_track(); parse_subtitle_chunks(); if (debugging_c::requested("avi_dump_video_index")) debug_dump_video_index(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct common_struct rtf; struct AVIStreamHeader ash, vsh; avi_t *avifile; int err, fd, id = 0, track_num = 0, n, ch, debug = TC_FALSE; int brate = 0, val1 = 0, val2 = 1, a_rate, a_chan, a_bits; long ah_off = 0, af_off = 0, vh_off = 0, vf_off = 0; char codec[5], *str = NULL, *filename = NULL; uint32_t change = CHANGE_NOTHING; ac_init(AC_ALL); if (argc==1) usage(EXIT_FAILURE); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "df:i:N:F:vb:e:a:?h")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'N': VALIDATE_OPTION; id = strtol(optarg, NULL, 16); if (id < 0) { tc_log_error(EXE, "invalid parameter set for option -N"); } else { change |= CHANGE_AUDIO_FMT; } break; case 'a': VALIDATE_OPTION; track_num = atoi(optarg); if (track_num < 0) usage(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case 'f': VALIDATE_OPTION; n = sscanf(optarg,"%d,%d", &val1, &val2); if (n != 2 || val1 < 0 || val2 < 0) { tc_log_error(EXE, "invalid parameter set for option -f"); } else { change |= CHANGE_VIDEO_FPS; } break; case 'F': VALIDATE_OPTION; str = optarg; if(strlen(str) > 4 || strlen(str) == 0) { tc_log_error(EXE, "invalid parameter set for option -F"); } else { change |= CHANGE_VIDEO_FOURCC; } break; case 'i': VALIDATE_OPTION; filename = optarg; break; case 'b': VALIDATE_OPTION; brate = atoi(optarg); change |= CHANGE_AUDIO_BR; break; case 'v': version(); exit(0); case 'e': VALIDATE_OPTION; n = sscanf(optarg,"%d,%d,%d", &a_rate, &a_bits, &a_chan); switch (n) { case 3: change |= CHANGE_AUDIO_RATE; case 2: change |= CHANGE_AUDIO_BITS; case 1: change |= CHANGE_AUDIO_CHANS; break; default: tc_log_error(EXE, "invalid parameter set for option -e"); } break; case 'd': debug = TC_TRUE; break; case 'h': usage(EXIT_SUCCESS); default: usage(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (!filename) usage(EXIT_FAILURE); tc_log_info(EXE, "scanning AVI-file %s for header information", filename); avifile = AVI_open_input_file(filename, 1); if (!avifile) { AVI_print_error("AVI open"); exit(1); } AVI_info(avifile); if (AVI_set_audio_track(avifile, track_num) < 0) { tc_log_error(EXE, "invalid audio track"); } ah_off = AVI_audio_codech_offset(avifile); af_off = AVI_audio_codecf_offset(avifile); vh_off = AVI_video_codech_offset(avifile); vf_off = AVI_video_codecf_offset(avifile); if (debug) { tc_log_info(EXE, "offsets: ah=%li af=%li vh=%li vf=%li", ah_off, af_off, vh_off, vf_off); } AVI_close(avifile); fd = open(filename, O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) { perror("open"); exit(1); } lseek(fd, vh_off, SEEK_SET); hdr_read("video codec [h]", fd, codec, 4); codec[4] = 0; lseek(fd, vf_off, SEEK_SET); hdr_read("video codec [f]", fd, codec, 4); codec[4] = 0; if (change & CHANGE_VIDEO_FPS) { lseek(fd, vh_off-4, SEEK_SET); hdr_read("video fps", fd, &vsh, sizeof(vsh)); vsh.dwRate = (long)val1; vsh.dwScale = (long)val2; lseek(fd, vh_off-4, SEEK_SET); hdr_write("video fps", fd, &vsh, sizeof(vsh)); } if (change & CHANGE_VIDEO_FOURCC) { lseek(fd,vh_off,SEEK_SET); if (strncmp(str,"RGB",3) == 0) { hdr_write("video 4cc", fd, codec, 4); } else { hdr_write("video 4cc", fd, str, 4); } lseek(fd,vf_off,SEEK_SET); if(strncmp(str,"RGB",3)==0) { memset(codec, 0, 4); hdr_write("video 4cc", fd, codec, 4); } else { hdr_write("video 4cc", fd, str, 4); } } if (NEED_AUDIO_CHANGE(change)) { lseek(fd, ah_off, SEEK_SET); hdr_read("audio header [h]", fd, &ash, sizeof(ash)); lseek(fd, af_off, SEEK_SET); hdr_read("audio header [f]", fd, &rtf, sizeof(rtf)); if (change & CHANGE_AUDIO_FMT) { rtf.wFormatTag = (unsigned short) id; } if (change & CHANGE_AUDIO_BR) { rtf.dwAvgBytesPerSec = (long) 1000*brate/8; ash.dwRate = (long) 1000*brate/8; ash.dwScale = 1; } if (change & CHANGE_AUDIO_CHANS) { rtf.wChannels = (short) a_chan; } if (change & CHANGE_AUDIO_BITS) { rtf.wBitsPerSample = (short) a_bits; } if (change & CHANGE_AUDIO_RATE) { rtf.dwSamplesPerSec = (long) a_rate; } lseek(fd, ah_off ,SEEK_SET); hdr_write("audio header [h]", fd, &ash, sizeof(ash)); lseek(fd, af_off ,SEEK_SET); hdr_write("audio header [f]", fd, &rtf, sizeof(rtf)); } err = close(fd); if (err) { perror("close"); exit(1); } avifile = AVI_open_input_file(filename, 1); if (!avifile) { AVI_print_error("AVI open"); exit(1); } tc_log_info(EXE, "updated AVI file %s", filename); AVI_info(avifile); AVI_close(avifile); return 0; }
// Main int main(int argc, char ** argv) { // Choose the best GPU in case there are multiple available choose_GPU(); // Keep track of the start time of the program long long program_start_time = get_time(); if (argc !=3){ fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <input file> <number of frames to process>", argv[0]); exit(1); } // Let the user specify the number of frames to process int num_frames = atoi(argv[2]); // Open video file char *video_file_name = argv[1]; avi_t *cell_file = AVI_open_input_file(video_file_name, 1); if (cell_file == NULL) { AVI_print_error("Error with AVI_open_input_file"); return -1; } int i, j, *crow, *ccol, pair_counter = 0, x_result_len = 0, Iter = 20, ns = 4, k_count = 0, n; MAT *cellx, *celly, *A; double *GICOV_spots, *t, *G, *x_result, *y_result, *V, *QAX_CENTERS, *QAY_CENTERS; double threshold = 1.8, radius = 10.0, delta = 3.0, dt = 0.01, b = 5.0; // Extract a cropped version of the first frame from the video file MAT *image_chopped = get_frame(cell_file, 0, 1, 0); printf("Detecting cells in frame 0\n"); // Get gradient matrices in x and y directions MAT *grad_x = gradient_x(image_chopped); MAT *grad_y = gradient_y(image_chopped); // Allocate for gicov_mem and strel gicov_mem = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * grad_x->m * grad_y->n); strel = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * strel_m * strel_n); m_free(image_chopped); int grad_m = grad_x->m; int grad_n = grad_y->n; #pragma acc data create(sin_angle,cos_angle,theta,tX,tY) \ create(gicov_mem[0:grad_x->m*grad_y->n]) { // Precomputed constants on GPU compute_constants(); // Get GICOV matrices corresponding to image gradients long long GICOV_start_time = get_time(); MAT *gicov = GICOV(grad_x, grad_y); long long GICOV_end_time = get_time(); // Dilate the GICOV matrices long long dilate_start_time = get_time(); MAT *img_dilated = dilate(gicov); long long dilate_end_time = get_time(); } /* end acc data */ // Find possible matches for cell centers based on GICOV and record the rows/columns in which they are found pair_counter = 0; crow = (int *) malloc(gicov->m * gicov->n * sizeof(int)); ccol = (int *) malloc(gicov->m * gicov->n * sizeof(int)); for(i = 0; i < gicov->m; i++) { for(j = 0; j < gicov->n; j++) { if(!double_eq(m_get_val(gicov,i,j), 0.0) && double_eq(m_get_val(img_dilated,i,j), m_get_val(gicov,i,j))) { crow[pair_counter]=i; ccol[pair_counter]=j; pair_counter++; } } } GICOV_spots = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * pair_counter); for(i = 0; i < pair_counter; i++) GICOV_spots[i] = sqrt(m_get_val(gicov, crow[i], ccol[i])); G = (double *) calloc(pair_counter, sizeof(double)); x_result = (double *) calloc(pair_counter, sizeof(double)); y_result = (double *) calloc(pair_counter, sizeof(double)); x_result_len = 0; for (i = 0; i < pair_counter; i++) { if ((crow[i] > 29) && (crow[i] < BOTTOM - TOP + 39)) { x_result[x_result_len] = ccol[i]; y_result[x_result_len] = crow[i] - 40; G[x_result_len] = GICOV_spots[i]; x_result_len++; } } // Make an array t which holds each "time step" for the possible cells t = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * 36); for (i = 0; i < 36; i++) { t[i] = (double)i * 2.0 * PI / 36.0; } // Store cell boundaries (as simple circles) for all cells cellx = m_get(x_result_len, 36); celly = m_get(x_result_len, 36); for(i = 0; i < x_result_len; i++) { for(j = 0; j < 36; j++) { m_set_val(cellx, i, j, x_result[i] + radius * cos(t[j])); m_set_val(celly, i, j, y_result[i] + radius * sin(t[j])); } } A = TMatrix(9,4); V = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * pair_counter); QAX_CENTERS = (double * )malloc(sizeof(double) * pair_counter); QAY_CENTERS = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * pair_counter); memset(V, 0, sizeof(double) * pair_counter); memset(QAX_CENTERS, 0, sizeof(double) * pair_counter); memset(QAY_CENTERS, 0, sizeof(double) * pair_counter); // For all possible results, find the ones that are feasibly leukocytes and store their centers k_count = 0; for (n = 0; n < x_result_len; n++) { if ((G[n] < -1 * threshold) || G[n] > threshold) { MAT * x, *y; VEC * x_row, * y_row; x = m_get(1, 36); y = m_get(1, 36); x_row = v_get(36); y_row = v_get(36); // Get current values of possible cells from cellx/celly matrices x_row = get_row(cellx, n, x_row); y_row = get_row(celly, n, y_row); uniformseg(x_row, y_row, x, y); // Make sure that the possible leukocytes are not too close to the edge of the frame if ((m_min(x) > b) && (m_min(y) > b) && (m_max(x) < cell_file->width - b) && (m_max(y) < cell_file->height - b)) { MAT * Cx, * Cy, *Cy_temp, * Ix1, * Iy1; VEC *Xs, *Ys, *W, *Nx, *Ny, *X, *Y; Cx = m_get(1, 36); Cy = m_get(1, 36); Cx = mmtr_mlt(A, x, Cx); Cy = mmtr_mlt(A, y, Cy); Cy_temp = m_get(Cy->m, Cy->n); for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) m_set_val(Cy, i, 0, m_get_val(Cy, i, 0) + 40.0); // Iteratively refine the snake/spline for (i = 0; i < Iter; i++) { int typeofcell; if(G[n] > 0.0) typeofcell = 0; else typeofcell = 1; splineenergyform01(Cx, Cy, grad_x, grad_y, ns, delta, 2.0 * dt, typeofcell); } X = getsampling(Cx, ns); for (i = 0; i < Cy->m; i++) m_set_val(Cy_temp, i, 0, m_get_val(Cy, i, 0) - 40.0); Y = getsampling(Cy_temp, ns); Ix1 = linear_interp2(grad_x, X, Y); Iy1 = linear_interp2(grad_x, X, Y); Xs = getfdriv(Cx, ns); Ys = getfdriv(Cy, ns); Nx = v_get(Ys->dim); for (i = 0; i < Ys->dim; i++) v_set_val(Nx, i, v_get_val(Ys, i) / sqrt(v_get_val(Xs, i)*v_get_val(Xs, i) + v_get_val(Ys, i)*v_get_val(Ys, i))); Ny = v_get(Xs->dim); for (i = 0; i < Xs->dim; i++) v_set_val(Ny, i, -1.0 * v_get_val(Xs, i) / sqrt(v_get_val(Xs, i)*v_get_val(Xs, i) + v_get_val(Ys, i)*v_get_val(Ys, i))); W = v_get(Nx->dim); for (i = 0; i < Nx->dim; i++) v_set_val(W, i, m_get_val(Ix1, 0, i) * v_get_val(Nx, i) + m_get_val(Iy1, 0, i) * v_get_val(Ny, i)); V[n] = mean(W) / std_dev(W); // Find the cell centers by computing the means of X and Y values for all snaxels of the spline contour QAX_CENTERS[k_count] = mean(X); QAY_CENTERS[k_count] = mean(Y) + TOP; k_count++; // Free memory v_free(W); v_free(Ny); v_free(Nx); v_free(Ys); v_free(Xs); m_free(Iy1); m_free(Ix1); v_free(Y); v_free(X); m_free(Cy_temp); m_free(Cy); m_free(Cx); } // Free memory v_free(y_row); v_free(x_row); m_free(y); m_free(x); } } // Free memory free(gicov_mem); free(strel); free(V); free(ccol); free(crow); free(GICOV_spots); free(t); free(G); free(x_result); free(y_result); m_free(A); m_free(celly); m_free(cellx); m_free(img_dilated); m_free(gicov); m_free(grad_y); m_free(grad_x); // Report the total number of cells detected printf("Cells detected: %d\n\n", k_count); // Report the breakdown of the detection runtime printf("Detection runtime\n"); printf("-----------------\n"); printf("GICOV computation: %.5f seconds\n", ((float) (GICOV_end_time - GICOV_start_time)) / (1000*1000)); printf(" GICOV dilation: %.5f seconds\n", ((float) (dilate_end_time - dilate_start_time)) / (1000*1000)); printf(" Total: %.5f seconds\n", ((float) (get_time() - program_start_time)) / (1000*1000)); // Now that the cells have been detected in the first frame, // track the ellipses through subsequent frames if (num_frames > 1) printf("\nTracking cells across %d frames\n", num_frames); else printf("\nTracking cells across 1 frame\n"); long long tracking_start_time = get_time(); int num_snaxels = 20; ellipsetrack(cell_file, QAX_CENTERS, QAY_CENTERS, k_count, radius, num_snaxels, num_frames); printf(" Total: %.5f seconds\n", ((float) (get_time() - tracking_start_time)) / (float) (1000*1000*num_frames)); // Report total program execution time printf("\nTotal application run time: %.5f seconds\n", ((float) (get_time() - program_start_time)) / (1000*1000)); return 0; }
/* * avi2raw * required arg1 should be the input AVI file * required arg2 should be the output RAW file */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { /* configurable variables from command line */ bool extractVideo = TRUE; /* FALSE implies extract audio */ u_int32_t start = 0; /* secs, start offset */ u_int32_t duration = 0; /* secs, 0 implies entire file */ bool quiet = FALSE; /* internal variables */ char* aviFileName = NULL; char* rawFileName = NULL; avi_t* aviFile = NULL; FILE* rawFile = NULL; int verbose = FALSE; u_int32_t numBytes, totBytes = 0; bool eliminate_short_frames = FALSE; uint32_t short_frames_len; /* begin process command line */ progName = argv[0]; while (1) { int c = -1; int option_index = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { { "audio", 0, 0, 'a' }, { "eliminate-short-frames", optional_argument, 0, 'e'}, { "length", 1, 0, 'l' }, { "quiet", 0, 0, 'q' }, { "start", 1, 0, 's' }, { "video", 0, 0, 'v' }, { "version", 0, 0, 'V'}, { "verbose", 0, 0, 'R'}, { "help", 0, 0, 'h'}, { NULL, 0, 0, 0 } }; c = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, "ael:qs:vVh", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'h': fprintf(stderr, "%s - %s version %s\n", progName, MPEG4IP_PACKAGE, MPEG4IP_VERSION); fprintf(stderr, "options:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --audio - extract audio track\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --length <length> - extract <length> secs\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --quiet - quiet mode\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --start <time> - extract from <start> time\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --video - extract video track\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --eliminate-short-frames <bytes> - eliminate short frames of bytes or less - default 4\n"); return 0; case 'a': { extractVideo = FALSE; break; } case 'e': eliminate_short_frames = TRUE; if (optarg) { if (optarg[0] == '=') optarg[0] = ' '; if (sscanf(optarg, "%u", &short_frames_len) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:bad eliminate length %s\n", progName, optarg); } } else { short_frames_len = 4; } break; case 'l': { /* --length=<secs> */ u_int i; if (sscanf(optarg, "%u", &i) < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad length specified: %s\n", progName, optarg); } else { duration = i; } break; } case 'q': { quiet = TRUE; break; } case 's': { /* --start=<secs> */ u_int i; if (sscanf(optarg, "%u", &i) < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad start specified: %s\n", progName, optarg); } else { start = i; } break; } case 'v': { extractVideo = TRUE; break; } case '?': break; case 'R': verbose = TRUE; quiet = FALSE; break; case 'V': fprintf(stderr, "%s - %s version %s\n", progName, MPEG4IP_PACKAGE, MPEG4IP_VERSION); return(0); default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option specified, ignoring: %c\n", progName, c); } } /* check that we have at least two non-option arguments */ if ((argc - optind) < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <avi-file> <raw-file>\n", progName); exit(1); } /* point to the specified file names */ aviFileName = argv[optind++]; rawFileName = argv[optind++]; /* warn about extraneous non-option arguments */ if (optind < argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown options specified, ignoring: ", progName); while (optind < argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s ", argv[optind++]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } /* end processing of command line */ /* open the AVI file */ aviFile = AVI_open_input_file(aviFileName, TRUE); if (aviFile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error %s: %s\n", progName, aviFileName, AVI_strerror()); exit(4); } if (!quiet) { fprintf(stderr, "%s - %s version %s\n", progName, MPEG4IP_PACKAGE, MPEG4IP_VERSION); } /* open the RAW file */ rawFile = fopen(rawFileName, "wb"); if (rawFile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error opening %s: %s\n", progName, rawFileName, strerror(errno)); exit(5); } if (extractVideo) { double videoFrameRate = AVI_video_frame_rate(aviFile); u_int32_t numVideoFrames = AVI_video_frames(aviFile); u_int32_t fileDuration = ceil(numVideoFrames / videoFrameRate); u_int32_t numDesiredVideoFrames; u_int32_t videoFramesRead = 0; u_int32_t emptyFramesRead = 0; /* get a buffer large enough to handle a frame of raw SDTV */ u_char* buf = (u_char*)malloc(768 * 576 * 4); if (duration) { numDesiredVideoFrames = duration * videoFrameRate; } else { numDesiredVideoFrames = numVideoFrames; } if (buf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error allocating memory: %s\n", progName, strerror(errno)); exit(6); } /* check that start offset is valid */ if (start > fileDuration) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: specified start is past the end of the file\n", progName); exit(7); } if (AVI_seek_start(aviFile)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad seek: %s\n", progName, AVI_strerror()); exit(8); } if (AVI_set_video_position(aviFile, (long) ROUND(start * videoFrameRate), NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad seek: %s\n", progName, AVI_strerror()); exit(9); } #ifdef DEBUG_H264 h264_decode_t dec; #endif while (TRUE) { numBytes = AVI_read_frame(aviFile, (char *)buf); /* read error */ if (numBytes < 0) { break; } totBytes += numBytes; videoFramesRead++; if (verbose) { printf("frame %d - len %u total %u\n", videoFramesRead, numBytes, totBytes); } /* * note some capture programs * insert a zero length frame occasionally * hence numBytes == 0, but we're not a EOF */ if ((eliminate_short_frames && numBytes > short_frames_len) || (eliminate_short_frames == FALSE && numBytes)) { // test #ifdef DEBUG_H264 uint32_t offset = 0, read; do { if (h264_is_start_code(buf + offset)) { int ret = h264_detect_boundary(buf + offset, numBytes - offset, &dec); printf(" frame offset %d nal type %d slice %d %d\n", offset, dec.nal_unit_type, dec.slice_type, ret); } read = h264_find_next_start_code(buf + offset, numBytes - offset); offset += read; } while (read != 0 && offset < numBytes); #endif if (fwrite(buf, 1, numBytes, rawFile) != numBytes) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing %s: %s\n", progName, rawFileName, strerror(errno)); break; } } else { emptyFramesRead++; } if (videoFramesRead >= numDesiredVideoFrames) { break; } } if (verbose) { printf("read %u video bytes\n", totBytes); } if (numBytes < 0) { printf("%s: error reading %s, frame %d, %s\n", progName, aviFileName, videoFramesRead + 1, AVI_strerror()); } if (videoFramesRead < numDesiredVideoFrames) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: could only extract %u seconds of video (%u of %u frames)\n", progName, (unsigned int)ceil(videoFramesRead / videoFrameRate), videoFramesRead, numDesiredVideoFrames); } if (emptyFramesRead) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: %u zero length frames ignored\n", progName, emptyFramesRead); } if (!quiet) { printf("%u video frames written\n", videoFramesRead - emptyFramesRead); } /* cleanup */ free(buf); } else { /* extract audio */ u_int32_t audioBytesRead = 0; u_char *buf = (u_char*) malloc(8*1024); u_int32_t numDesiredAudioBytes = AVI_audio_bytes(aviFile); u_int32_t audioBytesPerSec = 0; if (start != 0) { u_int32_t numAudioBytes = numDesiredAudioBytes; u_int32_t fileDuration; audioBytesPerSec = AVI_audio_rate(aviFile) * ((AVI_audio_bits(aviFile) + 7) / 8) * AVI_audio_channels(aviFile); fileDuration = ceil(numAudioBytes / audioBytesPerSec); numDesiredAudioBytes = duration * audioBytesPerSec; /* check that start offset is valid */ if (start > fileDuration) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: specified start is past the end of the file\n", progName); exit(7); } if (AVI_seek_start(aviFile)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad seek: %s\n", progName, AVI_strerror()); exit(8); } if (AVI_set_audio_position(aviFile, start * audioBytesPerSec)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad seek: %s\n", progName, AVI_strerror()); exit(9); } } else { if (AVI_seek_start(aviFile)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad seek: %s\n", progName, AVI_strerror()); exit(8); } if (AVI_set_audio_position(aviFile, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad seek: %s\n", progName, AVI_strerror()); exit(9); } } while ((numBytes = AVI_read_audio(aviFile, (char *)buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { if (fwrite(buf, 1, numBytes, rawFile) != numBytes) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing %s: %s\n", progName, rawFileName, strerror(errno)); break; } audioBytesRead += numBytes; if (numDesiredAudioBytes && audioBytesRead >= numDesiredAudioBytes) { break; } } if (verbose) { printf("read %u audio bytes\n", audioBytesRead); } if (duration && audioBytesRead < numDesiredAudioBytes) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: could only extract %u seconds of audio\n", progName, audioBytesPerSec == 0 ? audioBytesRead : audioBytesRead / audioBytesPerSec); } if (!quiet && AVI_audio_bits(aviFile) != 0) { printf("%u audio samples written\n", audioBytesRead / ((AVI_audio_bits(aviFile) + 7) / 8)); } } /* cleanup */ AVI_close(aviFile); fclose(rawFile); return(0); }
static int merger(avi_t *out, char *file) { avi_t *in; long frames, n, bytes; int key, j, aud_tracks; static int init = 0; static int vid_chunks = 0; double fps; static double vid_ms; static double aud_ms[AVI_MAX_TRACKS]; int have_printed=0; int do_drop_video=0; if (!init) { for (j=0; j<AVI_MAX_TRACKS; j++) aud_ms[j] = 0.0; vid_ms = 0; vid_chunks = 0; init = 1; } if(indexfile) { if (NULL == (in = AVI_open_input_indexfile(file, 0, indexfile))) { AVI_print_error("AVI open with indexfile"); return(-1); } } else if(NULL == (in = AVI_open_input_file(file,1))) { AVI_print_error("AVI open"); return(-1); } AVI_seek_start(in); fps = AVI_frame_rate(in); frames = AVI_video_frames(in); aud_tracks = AVI_audio_tracks(in); for (n=0; n<frames; ++n) { ++vid_chunks; vid_ms = vid_chunks*1000.0/fps; // audio for(j=0; j<aud_tracks; ++j) { int ret; double old_ms = aud_ms[j]; AVI_set_audio_track(in, j); AVI_set_audio_track(out, j); ret = sync_audio_video_avi2avi (vid_ms, &aud_ms[j], in, out); if (ret<0) { if (ret==-2) { if (aud_ms[j] == old_ms) { do_drop_video = 1; if (!have_printed) { fprintf(stderr, "\nNo audiodata left for track %d->%d (%.2f=%.2f) %s ..\n", AVI_get_audio_track(in), AVI_get_audio_track(out), old_ms, aud_ms[j], (do_drop_video && drop_video)?"breaking (-c)":"continuing"); have_printed++; } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "\nAn error happend at frame %ld track %d\n", n, j); } } } if (do_drop_video && drop_video) { fprintf(stderr, "\n[avimerge] Dropping %ld frames\n", frames-n-1); goto out; } // video bytes = AVI_read_frame(in, data, &key); if(bytes < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI read video frame"); return(-1); } if(AVI_write_frame(out, data, bytes, key)<0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write video frame"); return(-1); } // progress fprintf(stderr, "[%s] (%06ld-%06ld) (%.2f <-> %.2f)\r", file, sum_frames, sum_frames + n, vid_ms, aud_ms[0]); } out: fprintf(stderr, "\n"); AVI_close(in); sum_frames += n; return(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { avi_t *avifile, *avifile1, *avifile2; char *outfile=NULL, *infile=NULL, *audfile=NULL; long rate, mp3rate; int j, ch, cc=0, track_num=0, out_track_num=-1; int width, height, format=0, format_add, chan, bits, aud_error=0; double fps; char *codec; long offset, frames, n, bytes, aud_offset=0; int key; int aud_tracks; // for mp3 audio FILE *f=NULL; int len, headlen, chan_i, rate_i, mp3rate_i; unsigned long vid_chunks=0; char head[8]; off_t pos; double aud_ms = 0.0, vid_ms = 0.0; double aud_ms_w[AVI_MAX_TRACKS]; ac_init(AC_ALL); if(argc==1) usage(EXIT_FAILURE); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "A:a:b:ci:o:p:f:x:?hv")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'i': if(optarg[0]=='-') usage(EXIT_FAILURE); infile = optarg; break; case 'A': if(optarg[0]=='-') usage(EXIT_FAILURE); out_track_num = atoi(optarg); if(out_track_num<-1) usage(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case 'a': if(optarg[0]=='-') usage(EXIT_FAILURE); track_num = atoi(optarg); if(track_num<0) usage(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case 'b': if(optarg[0]=='-') usage(EXIT_FAILURE); is_vbr = atoi(optarg); if(is_vbr<0) usage(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case 'c': drop_video = 1; break; case 'o': if(optarg[0]=='-') usage(EXIT_FAILURE); outfile = optarg; break; case 'p': if(optarg[0]=='-') usage(EXIT_FAILURE); audfile = optarg; break; case 'f': if(optarg[0]=='-') usage(EXIT_FAILURE); comfile = optarg; break; case 'x': if(optarg[0]=='-') usage(EXIT_FAILURE); indexfile = optarg; break; case 'v': version(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'h': usage(EXIT_SUCCESS); default: usage(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if(outfile == NULL || infile == NULL) usage(EXIT_FAILURE); printf("scanning file %s for video/audio parameter\n", infile); // open first file for video/audio info read only if(indexfile) { if (NULL == (avifile1 = AVI_open_input_indexfile(infile,0,indexfile))) { AVI_print_error("AVI open with index file"); } } else if(NULL == (avifile1 = AVI_open_input_file(infile,1))) { AVI_print_error("AVI open"); exit(1); } AVI_info(avifile1); // safety checks if(strcmp(infile, outfile)==0) { printf("error: output filename conflicts with input filename\n"); exit(1); } ch = optind; while (ch < argc) { if(tc_file_check(argv[ch]) != 0) { printf("error: file not found\n"); exit(1); } if(strcmp(argv[ch++], outfile)==0) { printf("error: output filename conflicts with input filename\n"); exit(1); } } // open output file if(NULL == (avifile = AVI_open_output_file(outfile))) { AVI_print_error("AVI open"); exit(1); } // read video info; width = AVI_video_width(avifile1); height = AVI_video_height(avifile1); fps = AVI_frame_rate(avifile1); codec = AVI_video_compressor(avifile1); //set video in outputfile AVI_set_video(avifile, width, height, fps, codec); if (comfile!=NULL) AVI_set_comment_fd(avifile, open(comfile, O_RDONLY)); //multi audio tracks? aud_tracks = AVI_audio_tracks(avifile1); if (out_track_num < 0) out_track_num = aud_tracks; for(j=0; j<aud_tracks; ++j) { if (out_track_num == j) continue; AVI_set_audio_track(avifile1, j); rate = AVI_audio_rate(avifile1); chan = AVI_audio_channels(avifile1); bits = AVI_audio_bits(avifile1); format = AVI_audio_format(avifile1); mp3rate= AVI_audio_mp3rate(avifile1); //printf("TRACK %d MP3RATE %ld VBR %ld\n", j, mp3rate, AVI_get_audio_vbr(avifile1)); //set next track of output file AVI_set_audio_track(avifile, j); AVI_set_audio(avifile, chan, rate, bits, format, mp3rate); AVI_set_audio_vbr(avifile, AVI_get_audio_vbr(avifile1)); } if(audfile!=NULL) goto audio_merge; // close reopen in merger function AVI_close(avifile1); //------------------------------------------------------------- printf("merging multiple AVI-files (concatenating) ...\n"); // extract and write to new files printf ("file %02d %s\n", ++cc, infile); merger(avifile, infile); while (optind < argc) { printf ("file %02d %s\n", ++cc, argv[optind]); merger(avifile, argv[optind++]); } // close new AVI file AVI_close(avifile); printf("... done merging %d file(s) in %s\n", cc, outfile); // reopen file for video/audio info if(NULL == (avifile = AVI_open_input_file(outfile,1))) { AVI_print_error("AVI open"); exit(1); } AVI_info(avifile); return(0); //------------------------------------------------------------- // ************************************************* // Merge the audio track of an additional AVI file // ************************************************* audio_merge: printf("merging audio %s track %d (multiplexing) into %d ...\n", audfile, track_num, out_track_num); // open audio file read only if(NULL == (avifile2 = AVI_open_input_file(audfile,1))) { int f=open(audfile, O_RDONLY), ret=0; char head[1024], *c; c = head; if (f>0 && (1024 == read(f, head, 1024)) ) { while ((c-head<1024-8) && (ret = tc_probe_audio_header(c, 8))<=0 ) { c++; } close(f); if (ret > 0) { aud_offset = c-head; //printf("found atrack 0x%x off=%ld\n", ret, aud_offset); goto merge_mp3; } } AVI_print_error("AVI open"); exit(1); } AVI_info(avifile2); //switch to requested track if(AVI_set_audio_track(avifile2, track_num)<0) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid audio track\n"); } rate = AVI_audio_rate(avifile2); chan = AVI_audio_channels(avifile2); bits = AVI_audio_bits(avifile2); format = AVI_audio_format(avifile2); mp3rate= AVI_audio_mp3rate(avifile2); //set next track AVI_set_audio_track(avifile, out_track_num); AVI_set_audio(avifile, chan, rate, bits, format, mp3rate); AVI_set_audio_vbr(avifile, AVI_get_audio_vbr(avifile2)); AVI_seek_start(avifile1); frames = AVI_video_frames(avifile1); offset = 0; printf ("file %02d %s\n", ++cc, infile); for (n=0; n<AVI_MAX_TRACKS; n++) aud_ms_w[n] = 0.0; vid_chunks=0; for (n=0; n<frames; ++n) { // video bytes = AVI_read_frame(avifile1, data, &key); if(bytes < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI read video frame"); return(-1); } if(AVI_write_frame(avifile, data, bytes, key)<0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write video frame"); return(-1); } ++vid_chunks; vid_ms = vid_chunks*1000.0/fps; for(j=0; j<aud_tracks; ++j) { if (j == out_track_num) continue; AVI_set_audio_track(avifile1, j); AVI_set_audio_track(avifile, j); chan = AVI_audio_channels(avifile1); // audio chan = AVI_audio_channels(avifile1); if(chan) { sync_audio_video_avi2avi(vid_ms, &aud_ms_w[j], avifile1, avifile); } } // merge additional track // audio chan = AVI_audio_channels(avifile2); AVI_set_audio_track(avifile, out_track_num); if(chan) { sync_audio_video_avi2avi(vid_ms, &aud_ms, avifile2, avifile); } // progress fprintf(stderr, "[%s] (%06ld-%06ld)\r", outfile, offset, offset + n); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); offset = frames; //more files to merge? AVI_close(avifile1); while (optind < argc) { printf ("file %02d %s\n", ++cc, argv[optind]); if(NULL == ( avifile1 = AVI_open_input_file(argv[optind++],1))) { AVI_print_error("AVI open"); goto finish; } AVI_seek_start(avifile1); frames = AVI_video_frames(avifile1); for (n=0; n<frames; ++n) { // video bytes = AVI_read_frame(avifile1, data, &key); if(bytes < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI read video frame"); return(-1); } if(AVI_write_frame(avifile, data, bytes, key)<0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write video frame"); return(-1); } ++vid_chunks; vid_ms = vid_chunks*1000.0/fps; // audio for(j=0; j<aud_tracks; ++j) { if (j == out_track_num) continue; AVI_set_audio_track(avifile1, j); AVI_set_audio_track(avifile, j); chan = AVI_audio_channels(avifile1); if(chan) { sync_audio_video_avi2avi(vid_ms, &aud_ms_w[j], avifile1, avifile); } } // merge additional track chan = AVI_audio_channels(avifile2); AVI_set_audio_track(avifile, out_track_num); if(chan) { sync_audio_video_avi2avi(vid_ms, &aud_ms, avifile2, avifile); } // chan // progress fprintf(stderr, "[%s] (%06ld-%06ld)\r", outfile, offset, offset + n); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); offset += frames; AVI_close(avifile1); } finish: // close new AVI file printf("... done multiplexing in %s\n", outfile); AVI_info(avifile); AVI_close(avifile); return(0); // ************************************************* // Merge a raw audio file which is either MP3 or AC3 // ************************************************* merge_mp3: f = fopen(audfile,"rb"); if (!f) { perror ("fopen"); exit(1); } fseek(f, aud_offset, SEEK_SET); len = fread(head, 1, 8, f); format_add = tc_probe_audio_header(head, len); headlen = tc_get_audio_header(head, len, format_add, &chan_i, &rate_i, &mp3rate_i); fprintf(stderr, "... this looks like a %s track ...\n", (format_add==0x55)?"MP3":"AC3"); fseek(f, aud_offset, SEEK_SET); //set next track AVI_set_audio_track(avifile, out_track_num); AVI_set_audio(avifile, chan_i, rate_i, 16, format_add, mp3rate_i); AVI_set_audio_vbr(avifile, is_vbr); AVI_seek_start(avifile1); frames = AVI_video_frames(avifile1); offset = 0; for (n=0; n<AVI_MAX_TRACKS; ++n) aud_ms_w[n] = 0.0; for (n=0; n<frames; ++n) { // video bytes = AVI_read_frame(avifile1, data, &key); if(bytes < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI read video frame"); return(-1); } if(AVI_write_frame(avifile, data, bytes, key)<0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write video frame"); return(-1); } vid_chunks++; vid_ms = vid_chunks*1000.0/fps; for(j=0; j<aud_tracks; ++j) { if (j == out_track_num) continue; AVI_set_audio_track(avifile1, j); AVI_set_audio_track(avifile, j); chan = AVI_audio_channels(avifile1); if(chan) { sync_audio_video_avi2avi(vid_ms, &aud_ms_w[j], avifile1, avifile); } } // merge additional track if(headlen>4 && !aud_error) { while (aud_ms < vid_ms) { //printf("reading Audio Chunk ch(%ld) vms(%lf) ams(%lf)\n", vid_chunks, vid_ms, aud_ms); pos = ftell(f); len = fread (head, 1, 8, f); if (len<=0) { //eof fprintf(stderr, "EOF in %s; continuing ..\n", audfile); aud_error=1; break; } if ( (headlen = tc_get_audio_header(head, len, format_add, NULL, NULL, &mp3rate_i))<0) { fprintf(stderr, "Broken %s track #(%d)? skipping\n", (format_add==0x55?"MP3":"AC3"), aud_tracks); aud_ms = vid_ms; aud_error=1; } else { // look in import/tcscan.c for explanation aud_ms += (headlen*8.0)/(mp3rate_i); } fseek (f, pos, SEEK_SET); len = fread (data, headlen, 1, f); if (len<=0) { //eof fprintf(stderr, "EOF in %s; continuing ..\n", audfile); aud_error=1; break; } AVI_set_audio_track(avifile, out_track_num); if(AVI_write_audio(avifile, data, headlen)<0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write audio frame"); return(-1); } } } // progress fprintf(stderr, "[%s] (%06ld-%06ld)\r", outfile, offset, offset + n); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); offset = frames; // more files? while (optind < argc) { printf ("file %02d %s\n", ++cc, argv[optind]); if(NULL == ( avifile1 = AVI_open_input_file(argv[optind++],1))) { AVI_print_error("AVI open"); goto finish; } AVI_seek_start(avifile1); frames = AVI_video_frames(avifile1); for (n=0; n<frames; ++n) { // video bytes = AVI_read_frame(avifile1, data, &key); if(bytes < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI read video frame"); return(-1); } if(AVI_write_frame(avifile, data, bytes, key)<0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write video frame"); return(-1); } vid_chunks++; vid_ms = vid_chunks*1000.0/fps; for(j=0; j<aud_tracks; ++j) { if (j == out_track_num) continue; AVI_set_audio_track(avifile1, j); AVI_set_audio_track(avifile, j); chan = AVI_audio_channels(avifile1); if(chan) { sync_audio_video_avi2avi(vid_ms, &aud_ms_w[j], avifile1, avifile); } } // merge additional track // audio if(headlen>4 && !aud_error) { while (aud_ms < vid_ms) { //printf("reading Audio Chunk ch(%ld) vms(%lf) ams(%lf)\n", vid_chunks, vid_ms, aud_ms); pos = ftell(f); len = fread (head, 8, 1, f); if (len<=0) { //eof fprintf(stderr, "EOF in %s; continuing ..\n", audfile); aud_error=1; break; } if ( (headlen = tc_get_audio_header(head, len, format_add, NULL, NULL, &mp3rate_i))<0) { fprintf(stderr, "Broken %s track #(%d)?\n", (format_add==0x55?"MP3":"AC3"), aud_tracks); aud_ms = vid_ms; aud_error=1; } else { // look in import/tcscan.c for explanation aud_ms += (headlen*8.0)/(mp3rate_i); } fseek (f, pos, SEEK_SET); len = fread (data, headlen, 1, f); if (len<=0) { //eof fprintf(stderr, "EOF in %s; continuing ..\n", audfile); aud_error=1; break; } AVI_set_audio_track(avifile, out_track_num); if(AVI_write_audio(avifile, data, headlen)<0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write audio frame"); return(-1); } } } // progress fprintf(stderr, "[%s] (%06ld-%06ld)\r", outfile, offset, offset + n); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); offset += frames; AVI_close(avifile1); } if (f) fclose(f); printf("... done multiplexing in %s\n", outfile); AVI_close(avifile); return(0); }
/* * Create the media for the quicktime file, and set up some session stuff. */ int create_media_for_avi_file (CPlayerSession *psptr, const char *name, char *errmsg, uint32_t errlen, int have_audio_driver, control_callback_vft_t *cc_vft) { CAviFile *Avifile1 = NULL; avi_t *avi; CPlayerMedia *mptr; avi = AVI_open_input_file(name, 1); if (avi == NULL) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "%s", AVI_strerror()); player_error_message("%s", AVI_strerror()); return (-1); } int video_count = 1; codec_plugin_t *plugin; video_query_t vq; const char *codec_name = AVI_video_compressor(avi); player_debug_message("Trying avi video codec %s", codec_name); plugin = check_for_video_codec(STREAM_TYPE_AVI_FILE, codec_name, NULL, -1, -1, NULL, 0, &config); if (plugin == NULL) { video_count = 0; } else { vq.track_id = 1; vq.stream_type = STREAM_TYPE_AVI_FILE; vq.compressor = codec_name; vq.type = -1; vq.profile = -1; vq.fptr = NULL; vq.h = AVI_video_height(avi); vq.w = AVI_video_width(avi); vq.frame_rate = AVI_video_frame_rate(avi); vq.config = NULL; vq.config_len = 0; vq.enabled = 0; vq.reference = NULL; } int have_audio = 0; int audio_count = 0; audio_query_t aq; if (AVI_audio_bytes(avi) != 0) { have_audio = 1; plugin = check_for_audio_codec(STREAM_TYPE_AVI_FILE, NULL, NULL, AVI_audio_format(avi), -1, NULL, 0, &config); if (plugin != NULL) { audio_count = 1; aq.track_id = 1; aq.stream_type = STREAM_TYPE_AVI_FILE; aq.compressor = NULL; aq.type = AVI_audio_format(avi); aq.profile = -1; aq.fptr = NULL; aq.sampling_freq = AVI_audio_rate(avi); aq.chans = AVI_audio_channels(avi); aq.config = NULL; aq.config_len = 0; aq.enabled = 0; aq.reference = NULL; } } if (cc_vft != NULL && cc_vft->media_list_query != NULL) { (cc_vft->media_list_query)(psptr, video_count, &vq, audio_count, &aq); } else { if (video_count != 0) vq.enabled = 1; if (audio_count != 0) aq.enabled = 1; } if ((video_count == 0 || vq.enabled == 0) && (audio_count == 0 || aq.enabled == 0)) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "No audio or video tracks enabled or playable"); AVI_close(avi); return -1; } Avifile1 = new CAviFile(name, avi, vq.enabled, audio_count); psptr->set_media_close_callback(close_avi_file, Avifile1); if (video_count != 0 && vq.enabled) { mptr = new CPlayerMedia(psptr); if (mptr == NULL) { return (-1); } video_info_t *vinfo = MALLOC_STRUCTURE(video_info_t); if (vinfo == NULL) return (-1); vinfo->height = vq.h; vinfo->width = vq.w; player_debug_message("avi file h %d w %d frame rate %g", vinfo->height, vinfo->width, vq.frame_rate); plugin = check_for_video_codec(STREAM_TYPE_AVI_FILE, codec_name, NULL, -1, -1, NULL, 0, &config); int ret; ret = mptr->create_video_plugin(plugin, STREAM_TYPE_AVI_FILE, codec_name, -1, -1, NULL, vinfo, NULL, 0); if (ret < 0) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Failed to create video plugin %s", codec_name); player_error_message("Failed to create plugin data"); delete mptr; return -1; } CAviVideoByteStream *vbyte = new CAviVideoByteStream(Avifile1); if (vbyte == NULL) { delete mptr; return (-1); } vbyte->config(AVI_video_frames(avi), vq.frame_rate); ret = mptr->create(vbyte, TRUE, errmsg, errlen); if (ret != 0) { return (-1); } } int seekable = 1; if (have_audio_driver > 0 && audio_count > 0 && aq.enabled != 0) { plugin = check_for_audio_codec(STREAM_TYPE_AVI_FILE, NULL, NULL, aq.type, -1, NULL, 0, &config); CAviAudioByteStream *abyte; mptr = new CPlayerMedia(psptr); if (mptr == NULL) { return (-1); } audio_info_t *ainfo; ainfo = MALLOC_STRUCTURE(audio_info_t); ainfo->freq = aq.sampling_freq; ainfo->chans = aq.chans; ainfo->bitspersample = AVI_audio_bits(avi); int ret; ret = mptr->create_audio_plugin(plugin, aq.stream_type, aq.compressor, aq.type, aq.profile, NULL, ainfo, NULL, 0); if (ret < 0) { delete mptr; player_error_message("Couldn't create audio from plugin %s", plugin->c_name); return -1; } abyte = new CAviAudioByteStream(Avifile1); ret = mptr->create(abyte, FALSE, errmsg, errlen); if (ret != 0) { return (-1); } seekable = 0; } psptr->session_set_seekable(seekable); if (audio_count == 0 && have_audio != 0) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Unknown Audio Codec in avi file "); return (1); } if (video_count != 1) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Unknown Video Codec %s in avi file", codec_name); return (1); } return (0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { avi_t *avifile1=NULL; avi_t *avifile2=NULL; avi_t *avifile3=NULL; char *in_file=NULL, *out_file=NULL; long frames, bytes; double fps; char *codec; int track_num=0, aud_tracks; int encode_null=0; int i, j, n, key, shift=0; int ch, preload=0; long rate, mp3rate; int width, height, format, chan, bits; int be_quiet = 0; FILE *status_fd = stderr; /* for null frame encoding */ char nulls[32000]; long nullbytes=0; char tmp0[] = "/tmp/nullfile.00.avi"; /* XXX: use mktemp*() */ buffer_list_t *ptr; double vid_ms = 0.0, shift_ms = 0.0, one_vid_ms = 0.0; double aud_ms [ AVI_MAX_TRACKS ]; int aud_bitrate = 0; int aud_chunks = 0; ac_init(AC_ALL); if(argc==1) usage(EXIT_FAILURE); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "a:b:vi:o:n:Nq?h")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'i': if(optarg[0]=='-') usage(EXIT_FAILURE); in_file=optarg; break; case 'a': if(optarg[0]=='-') usage(EXIT_FAILURE); track_num = atoi(optarg); if(track_num<0) usage(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case 'b': if(optarg[0]=='-') usage(EXIT_FAILURE); is_vbr = atoi(optarg); if(is_vbr<0) usage(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case 'o': if(optarg[0]=='-') usage(EXIT_FAILURE); out_file=optarg; break; case 'f': if(optarg[0]=='-') usage(EXIT_FAILURE); comfile = optarg; break; case 'n': if(sscanf(optarg,"%d", &shift)!=1) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid parameter for option -n\n"); usage(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'N': encode_null=1; break; case 'q': be_quiet = 1; break; case 'v': version(); exit(0); break; case 'h': usage(EXIT_SUCCESS); default: usage(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // check if(in_file==NULL || out_file == NULL) usage(EXIT_FAILURE); if(shift == 0) fprintf(stderr, "no sync requested - exit"); memset (nulls, 0, sizeof(nulls)); // open file if(NULL == (avifile1 = AVI_open_input_file(in_file,1))) { AVI_print_error("AVI open"); exit(1); } if(strcmp(in_file, out_file)==0) { printf("error: output filename conflicts with input filename\n"); exit(1); } if(NULL == (avifile2 = AVI_open_output_file(out_file))) { AVI_print_error("AVI open"); exit(1); } if (be_quiet) { if (!(status_fd = fopen("/dev/null", "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open /dev/null\n"); exit(1); } } // read video info; AVI_info(avifile1); // read video info; frames = AVI_video_frames(avifile1); width = AVI_video_width(avifile1); height = AVI_video_height(avifile1); fps = AVI_frame_rate(avifile1); codec = AVI_video_compressor(avifile1); //set video in outputfile AVI_set_video(avifile2, width, height, fps, codec); if (comfile!=NULL) AVI_set_comment_fd(avifile2, open(comfile, O_RDONLY)); aud_tracks = AVI_audio_tracks(avifile1); for(j=0; j<aud_tracks; ++j) { AVI_set_audio_track(avifile1, j); rate = AVI_audio_rate(avifile1); chan = AVI_audio_channels(avifile1); bits = AVI_audio_bits(avifile1); format = AVI_audio_format(avifile1); mp3rate= AVI_audio_mp3rate(avifile1); //set next track of output file AVI_set_audio_track(avifile2, j); AVI_set_audio(avifile2, chan, rate, bits, format, mp3rate); AVI_set_audio_vbr(avifile2, is_vbr); } //switch to requested audio_channel if(AVI_set_audio_track(avifile1, track_num)<0) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid auto track\n"); } AVI_set_audio_track(avifile2, track_num); if (encode_null) { char cmd[1024]; rate = AVI_audio_rate(avifile2); chan = AVI_audio_channels(avifile2); bits = AVI_audio_bits(avifile2); format = AVI_audio_format(avifile2); mp3rate= AVI_audio_mp3rate(avifile2); if (bits==0) bits=16; if (mp3rate%2) mp3rate++; fprintf(status_fd, "Creating silent mp3 frame with current parameter\n"); memset (cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); tc_snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "transcode -i /dev/zero -o %s -x raw,raw" " -n 0x1 -g 16x16 -y raw,raw -c 0-5 -e %ld,%d,%d -b %ld -q0", tmp0, rate,bits,chan, mp3rate); printf(cmd); system(cmd); if(NULL == (avifile3 = AVI_open_input_file(tmp0,1))) { AVI_print_error("AVI open"); exit(1); } nullbytes = AVI_audio_size(avifile3, 3); /* just read a few frames */ if(AVI_read_audio(avifile3, nulls, nullbytes) < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI audio read frame"); return(-1); } memset (nulls, 0, sizeof(nulls)); if(AVI_read_audio(avifile3, nulls, nullbytes) < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI audio read frame"); return(-1); } memset (nulls, 0, sizeof(nulls)); if(AVI_read_audio(avifile3, nulls, nullbytes) < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI audio read frame"); return(-1); } /* printf("\nBytes (%ld): \n", nullbytes); { int asd=0; for (asd=0; asd<nullbytes; asd++){ printf("%x ",(unsigned char)nulls[asd]); } printf("\n"); } */ } vid_ms = 0.0; shift_ms = 0.0; for (n=0; n<AVI_MAX_TRACKS; ++n) aud_ms[n] = 0.0; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- for (n=0; n<frames; ++n) { // video unchanged bytes = AVI_read_frame(avifile1, data, &key); if(bytes < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI read video frame"); return(-1); } if(AVI_write_frame(avifile2, data, bytes, key)<0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write video frame"); return(-1); } vid_ms = (n+1)*1000.0/fps; // Pass-through all other audio tracks. for(j=0; j<aud_tracks; ++j) { // skip track we want to modify if (j == track_num) continue; // switch to track AVI_set_audio_track(avifile1, j); AVI_set_audio_track(avifile2, j); sync_audio_video_avi2avi(vid_ms, &aud_ms[j], avifile1, avifile2); } //switch to requested audio_channel if(AVI_set_audio_track(avifile1, track_num)<0) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid auto track\n"); } AVI_set_audio_track(avifile2, track_num); shift_ms = (double)shift*1000.0/fps; one_vid_ms = 1000.0/fps; format = AVI_audio_format(avifile1); rate = AVI_audio_rate(avifile1); chan = AVI_audio_channels(avifile1); bits = AVI_audio_bits(avifile1); bits = bits==0?16:bits; mp3rate= AVI_audio_mp3rate(avifile1); if(shift>0) { // for n < shift, shift audio frames are discarded if(!preload) { if (tc_format_ms_supported(format)) { for(i=0;i<shift;++i) { //fprintf (stderr, "shift (%d) i (%d) n (%d) a (%d)\n", shift, i, n, aud_chunks); while (aud_ms[track_num] < vid_ms + one_vid_ms*(double)i) { aud_bitrate = (format==0x1||format==0x2000)?1:0; aud_chunks++; if( (bytes = AVI_read_audio_chunk(avifile1, data)) <= 0) { aud_ms[track_num] = vid_ms + one_vid_ms*i; if (bytes == 0) continue; AVI_print_error("AVI 2 audio read frame"); break; } if ( !aud_bitrate && tc_get_audio_header(data, bytes, format, NULL, NULL, &aud_bitrate)<0) { // if this is the last frame of the file, slurp in audio chunks if (n == frames-1) continue; aud_ms[track_num] = vid_ms + one_vid_ms*i; } else aud_ms[track_num] += (bytes*8.0)/(format==0x1?((double)(rate*chan*bits)/1000.0): (format==0x2000?(double)(mp3rate):aud_bitrate)); } } } else { // fallback bytes=0; for(i=0;i<shift;++i) { do { if( (bytes = AVI_read_audio_chunk(avifile1, data)) < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI audio read frame"); return(-1); } } while (AVI_can_read_audio(avifile1)); } } preload=1; } // copy rest of the track if(n<frames-shift) { if (tc_format_ms_supported(format)) { while (aud_ms[track_num] < vid_ms + shift_ms) { aud_chunks++; aud_bitrate = (format==0x1||format==0x2000)?1:0; if( (bytes = AVI_read_audio_chunk(avifile1, data)) < 0) { aud_ms[track_num] = vid_ms + shift_ms; AVI_print_error("AVI 3 audio read frame"); break; } if(AVI_write_audio(avifile2, data, bytes) < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI 3 write audio frame"); return(-1); } fprintf(status_fd, "V [%05d][%08.2f] | A [%05d][%08.2f] [%05ld]\r", n, vid_ms, aud_chunks, aud_ms[track_num], bytes); if (bytes == 0) { aud_ms[track_num] = vid_ms + shift_ms; continue; } if(n>=frames-2*shift) { // save audio frame for later ptr = buffer_register(n); if(ptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"buffer allocation failed\n"); break; } ac_memcpy(ptr->data, data, bytes); ptr->size = bytes; ptr->status = BUFFER_READY; } if ( !aud_bitrate && tc_get_audio_header(data, bytes, format, NULL, NULL, &aud_bitrate)<0) { if (n == frames-1) continue; aud_ms[track_num] = vid_ms + shift_ms; } else aud_ms[track_num] += (bytes*8.0)/(format==0x1?((double)(rate*chan*bits)/1000.0): (format==0x2000?(double)(mp3rate):aud_bitrate)); } } else { // fallback bytes = AVI_audio_size(avifile1, n+shift-1); do { if( (bytes = AVI_read_audio_chunk(avifile1, data)) < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI audio read frame"); return(-1); } if(AVI_write_audio(avifile2, data, bytes) < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write audio frame"); return(-1); } fprintf(status_fd, "V [%05d] | A [%05d] [%05ld]\r", n, n+shift, bytes); if(n>=frames-2*shift) { // save audio frame for later ptr = buffer_register(n); if(ptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"buffer allocation failed\n"); break; } ac_memcpy(ptr->data, data, bytes); ptr->size = bytes; ptr->status = BUFFER_READY; } } while (AVI_can_read_audio(avifile1)); } } // padding at the end if(n>=frames-shift) { if (!ptrlen) { ptr = buffer_retrieve(); ac_memcpy (ptrdata, ptr->data, ptr->size); ptrlen = ptr->size; } if (tc_format_ms_supported(format)) { while (aud_ms[track_num] < vid_ms + shift_ms) { aud_bitrate = (format==0x1||format==0x2000)?1:0; // mute this -- check if can mute (valid A header)! if (tc_probe_audio_header(ptrdata, ptrlen) > 0) tc_format_mute(ptrdata, ptrlen, format); if(AVI_write_audio(avifile2, ptrdata, ptrlen) < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write audio frame"); return(-1); } fprintf(status_fd, " V [%05d][%08.2f] | A [%05d][%08.2f] [%05ld]\r", n, vid_ms, n+shift, aud_ms[track_num], bytes); if ( !aud_bitrate && tc_get_audio_header(ptrdata, ptrlen, format, NULL, NULL, &aud_bitrate)<0) { //if (n == frames-1) continue; aud_ms[track_num] = vid_ms + shift_ms; } else aud_ms[track_num] += (ptrlen*8.0)/(format==0x1?((double)(rate*chan*bits)/1000.0): (format==0x2000?(double)(mp3rate):aud_bitrate)); } } else { // fallback // get next audio frame ptr = buffer_retrieve(); while (1) { printf("ptr->id (%d) ptr->size (%d)\n", ptr->id, ptr->size); if(ptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"no buffer found\n"); break; } if (encode_null) { if(AVI_write_audio(avifile2, nulls, nullbytes)<0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write audio frame"); return(-1); } } else { // simple keep old frames to force exact time delay if(AVI_write_audio(avifile2, ptr->data, ptr->size)<0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write audio frame"); return(-1); } } fprintf(status_fd, "V [%05d] | padding\r", n); if (ptr->next && ptr->next->id == ptr->id) { buffer_remove(ptr); ptr = buffer_retrieve(); continue; } buffer_remove(ptr); break; } // 1 } } // ************************************* // negative shift (pad audio at start) // ************************************* } else { if (tc_format_ms_supported(format)) { /* fprintf(status_fd, "n(%d) -shift(%d) shift_ms (%.2lf) vid_ms(%.2lf) aud_ms[%d](%.2lf) v-s(%.2lf)\n", n, -shift, shift_ms, vid_ms, track_num, aud_ms[track_num], vid_ms + shift_ms); */ // shift<0 -> shift_ms<0 ! while (aud_ms[track_num] < vid_ms) { /* fprintf(stderr, " 1 (%02d) %s frame_read len=%4ld (A/V) (%8.2f/%8.2f)\n", n, format==0x55?"MP3":"AC3", bytes, aud_ms[track_num], vid_ms); */ aud_bitrate = (format==0x1||format==0x2000)?1:0; if( (bytes = AVI_read_audio_chunk(avifile1, data)) < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI 2 audio read frame"); aud_ms[track_num] = vid_ms; break; //return(-1); } // save audio frame for later ptr = buffer_register(n); if(ptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"buffer allocation failed\n"); break; } ac_memcpy(ptr->data, data, bytes); ptr->size = bytes; ptr->status = BUFFER_READY; if(n<-shift) { // mute this -- check if can mute! if (tc_probe_audio_header(data, bytes) > 0) tc_format_mute(data, bytes, format); // simple keep old frames to force exact time delay if(AVI_write_audio(avifile2, data, bytes)<0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write audio frame"); return(-1); } fprintf(status_fd, "V [%05d] | padding\r", n); } else { if (n==-shift) fprintf(status_fd, "\n"); // get next audio frame ptr = buffer_retrieve(); if(ptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"no buffer found\n"); break; } if(AVI_write_audio(avifile2, ptr->data, ptr->size)<0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write audio frame"); return(-1); } bytes = ptr->size; ac_memcpy (data, ptr->data, bytes); fprintf(status_fd, "V [%05d] | A [%05d]\r", n, ptr->id); buffer_remove(ptr); } if ( !aud_bitrate && tc_get_audio_header(data, bytes, format, NULL, NULL, &aud_bitrate)<0) { if (n == frames-1) continue; aud_ms[track_num] = vid_ms; } else aud_ms[track_num] += (bytes*8.0)/(format==0x1?((double)(rate*chan*bits)/1000.0): (format==0x2000?(double)(mp3rate):aud_bitrate)); /* fprintf(stderr, " 1 (%02d) %s frame_read len=%4ld (A/V) (%8.2f/%8.2f)\n", n, format==0x55?"MP3":"AC3", bytes, aud_ms[track_num], vid_ms); */ } } else { // no supported format bytes = AVI_audio_size(avifile1, n); if(bytes > SIZE_RGB_FRAME) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid frame size\n"); return(-1); } if(AVI_read_audio(avifile1, data, bytes) < 0) { AVI_print_error("AVI audio read frame"); return(-1); } // save audio frame for later ptr = buffer_register(n); if(ptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"buffer allocation failed\n"); break; } ac_memcpy(ptr->data, data, bytes); ptr->size = bytes; ptr->status = BUFFER_READY; if(n<-shift) { if (encode_null) { if(AVI_write_audio(avifile2, nulls, nullbytes)<0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write audio frame"); return(-1); } } else { // simple keep old frames to force exact time delay if(AVI_write_audio(avifile2, data, bytes)<0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write audio frame"); return(-1); } } fprintf(status_fd, "V [%05d] | padding\r", n); } else { // get next audio frame ptr = buffer_retrieve(); if(ptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"no buffer found\n"); break; } if(AVI_write_audio(avifile2, ptr->data, ptr->size)<0) { AVI_print_error("AVI write audio frame"); return(-1); } fprintf(status_fd, "V [%05d] | A [%05d]\r", n, ptr->id); buffer_remove(ptr); } } } } fprintf(status_fd, "\n"); if (be_quiet) { fclose(status_fd); } AVI_close(avifile1); AVI_close(avifile2); if (avifile3) { memset(nulls, 0, sizeof(nulls)); tc_snprintf(nulls, sizeof(nulls), "rm -f %s", tmp0); system(nulls); AVI_close(avifile3); } return(0); }