static bool HandleGMListIngameCommand(ChatHandler* handler, char const* /*args*/) { bool first = true; bool footer = false; TRINITY_READ_GUARD(HashMapHolder<Player>::LockType, *HashMapHolder<Player>::GetLock()); HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType const& m = sObjectAccessor->GetPlayers(); for (HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType::const_iterator itr = m.begin(); itr != m.end(); ++itr) { AccountTypes itrSec = itr->second->GetSession()->GetSecurity(); if ((itr->second->isGameMaster() || (itrSec > SEC_MODERATOR && itrSec <= AccountTypes(sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_GM_LEVEL_IN_GM_LIST)))) && (!handler->GetSession() || itr->second->IsVisibleGloballyFor(handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer()))) { if (first) { first = false; footer = true; handler->SendSysMessage(LANG_GMS_ON_SRV); handler->SendSysMessage("========================"); } char const* name = itr->second->GetName(); uint8 security = itrSec; if (security == 0) continue; uint8 max = ((16 - strlen(name)) / 2); uint8 max2 = max; if ((max + max2 + strlen(name)) == 16) max2 = max - 1; if (handler->GetSession()) handler->PSendSysMessage("| %s GMLevel %u", name, security); else handler->PSendSysMessage("|%*s%s%*s| %u |", max, " ", name, max2, " ", security); } } if (footer) handler->SendSysMessage("========================"); if (first) handler->SendSysMessage(LANG_GMS_NOT_LOGGED); return true; }
void SocialMgr::GetFriendInfo(Player *player, uint32 friendGUID, FriendInfo &friendInfo) { if (!player) return; friendInfo.Status = FRIEND_STATUS_OFFLINE; friendInfo.Area = 0; friendInfo.Level = 0; friendInfo.Class = 0; Player *pFriend = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(friendGUID); if (!pFriend) return; uint32 team = player->GetTeam(); AccountTypes security = player->GetSession()->GetSecurity(); bool allowTwoSideWhoList = sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_WHO_LIST); AccountTypes gmLevelInWhoList = AccountTypes (sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_GM_LEVEL_IN_WHO_LIST)); PlayerSocialMap::iterator itr = player->GetSocial()->m_playerSocialMap.find(friendGUID); if (itr != player->GetSocial()->m_playerSocialMap.end()) friendInfo.Note = itr->second.Note; // PLAYER see his team only and PLAYER can't see MODERATOR, GAME MASTER, ADMINISTRATOR characters // MODERATOR, GAME MASTER, ADMINISTRATOR can see all if (pFriend && pFriend->GetName() && (security > SEC_PLAYER || ((pFriend->GetTeam() == team || allowTwoSideWhoList) && (pFriend->GetSession()->GetSecurity() <= gmLevelInWhoList))) && pFriend->IsVisibleGloballyFor(player)) { friendInfo.Status = FRIEND_STATUS_ONLINE; if (pFriend->isAFK()) friendInfo.Status = FRIEND_STATUS_AFK; if (pFriend->isDND()) friendInfo.Status = FRIEND_STATUS_DND; friendInfo.Area = pFriend->GetZoneId(); friendInfo.Level = pFriend->getLevel(); friendInfo.Class = pFriend->getClass(); } }
void Channel::List(Player const* player) { ObjectGuid const& guid = player->GetGUID(); if (!IsOn(guid)) { NotMemberAppend appender; ChannelNameBuilder<NotMemberAppend> builder(this, appender); SendToOne(builder, guid); return; } std::string channelName = GetName(player->GetSession()->GetSessionDbcLocale()); TC_LOG_DEBUG("chat.system", "SMSG_CHANNEL_LIST %s Channel: %s", player->GetSession()->GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), channelName.c_str()); WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelListResponse list; list._Display = true; /// always true? list._Channel = channelName; list._ChannelFlags = GetFlags(); uint32 gmLevelInWhoList = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_GM_LEVEL_IN_WHO_LIST); list._Members.reserve(_playersStore.size()); for (PlayerContainer::value_type const& i : _playersStore) { Player* member = ObjectAccessor::FindConnectedPlayer(i.first); // PLAYER can't see MODERATOR, GAME MASTER, ADMINISTRATOR characters // MODERATOR, GAME MASTER, ADMINISTRATOR can see all if (member && (player->GetSession()->HasPermission(rbac::RBAC_PERM_WHO_SEE_ALL_SEC_LEVELS) || member->GetSession()->GetSecurity() <= AccountTypes(gmLevelInWhoList)) && member->IsVisibleGloballyFor(player)) { list._Members.emplace_back(i.first, GetVirtualRealmAddress(), i.second.GetFlags()); } } player->SendDirectMessage(list.Write()); }
void RealmList::UpdateRealms(bool init) { sLog->outDetail("Updating Realm List..."); PreparedStatement *stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement( LOGIN_GET_REALMLIST); PreparedQueryResult result = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt); // Circle through results and add them to the realm map if (result) { do { Field *fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 realmId = fields[0].GetUInt32(); const std::string& name = fields[1].GetString(); const std::string& address = fields[2].GetString(); uint32 port = fields[3].GetUInt32(); uint8 icon = fields[4].GetUInt8(); uint8 color = fields[5].GetUInt8(); uint8 timezone = fields[6].GetUInt8(); uint8 allowedSecurityLevel = fields[7].GetUInt8(); float pop = fields[8].GetFloat(); uint32 build = fields[9].GetUInt32(); UpdateRealm( realmId, name, address, port, icon, color, timezone, (allowedSecurityLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(allowedSecurityLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR), pop, build); if (init) sLog->outString("Added realm \"%s\".", fields[1].GetCString()); } while (result->NextRow()); } }
static bool HandleGMListIngameCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* /*args*/) { bool first = true; bool footer = false; ACE_GUARD_RETURN(ACE_Thread_Mutex, guard, *HashMapHolder<Player>::GetLock(), true); HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType &m = sObjectAccessor->GetPlayers(); for (HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType::const_iterator itr = m.begin(); itr != m.end(); ++itr) { AccountTypes itr_sec = itr->second->GetSession()->GetSecurity(); if ((itr->second->isGameMaster() || (itr_sec > SEC_PLAYER && itr_sec <= AccountTypes(sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_GM_LEVEL_IN_GM_LIST)))) && (!handler->GetSession() || itr->second->IsVisibleGloballyFor(handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer()))) { if (first) { first = false; footer = true; handler->SendSysMessage(LANG_GMS_ON_SRV); handler->SendSysMessage("========================"); } const char* name = itr->second->GetName(); uint8 security = itr_sec; uint8 max = ((16 - strlen(name)) / 2); uint8 max2 = max; if (((max)+(max2)+(strlen(name))) == 16) max2 = ((max)-1); if (handler->GetSession()) handler->PSendSysMessage("| %s GMLevel %u", name, security); else handler->PSendSysMessage("|%*s%s%*s| %u |", max, " ", name, max2, " ", security); } } if (footer) handler->SendSysMessage("========================"); if (first) handler->SendSysMessage(LANG_GMS_NOT_LOGGED); return true; }
void PlayerBot::InitializeSession(uint32 accountId) { QueryResult* result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT " "gmlevel, " //1 "expansion, " //7 "mutetime, " //8 "locale " //9 "FROM account " "WHERE id = '%u'", accountId); // Stop if the account is not found if (!result) { return; } Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 security = fields[0].GetUInt16(); uint8 expansion = fields[1].GetUInt8(); time_t mutetime = time_t(fields[2].GetUInt64()); LocaleConstant locale = LocaleConstant(fields[3].GetUInt8()); WorldSocket* sock = nullptr; WorldSession* session = new WorldSession(accountId, sock, AccountTypes(security), expansion, mutetime, locale); if (!session) { return; } session->SetPlayerBot(true); session->SetPlayerBotActive(true); sWorld.AddSession(session); m_session = session; }
bool ChatHandler::isAvailable(ChatCommand const& cmd) const { uint32 permission = 0; ///@Workaround:: Fast adaptation to RBAC system till all commands are moved to permissions switch (AccountTypes(cmd.SecurityLevel)) { case SEC_ADMINISTRATOR: permission = RBAC_PERM_ADMINISTRATOR_COMMANDS; break; case SEC_GAMEMASTER: permission = RBAC_PERM_GAMEMASTER_COMMANDS; break; case SEC_MODERATOR: permission = RBAC_PERM_MODERATOR_COMMANDS; break; case SEC_PLAYER: default: permission = RBAC_PERM_PLAYER_COMMANDS; break; } return m_session->HasPermission(permission); }
void Channel::List(Player* player) { uint64 p = player->GetGUID(); if (!IsOn(p)) { WorldPacket data; MakeNotMember(&data); SendToOne(&data, p); } else { WorldPacket data(SMSG_CHANNEL_LIST, 1+(GetName().size()+1)+1+4+players.size()*(8+1)); data << uint8(1); // channel type? data << GetName(); // channel name data << uint8(GetFlags()); // channel flags? size_t pos = data.wpos(); data << uint32(0); // size of list, placeholder uint32 gmLevelInWhoList = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_GM_LEVEL_IN_WHO_LIST); uint32 count = 0; for (PlayerList::const_iterator i = players.begin(); i != players.end(); ++i) { Player *plr = sObjectMgr->GetPlayer(i->first); // PLAYER can't see MODERATOR, GAME MASTER, ADMINISTRATOR characters // MODERATOR, GAME MASTER, ADMINISTRATOR can see all if (plr && (player->GetSession()->GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER || plr->GetSession()->GetSecurity() <= AccountTypes(gmLevelInWhoList)) && plr->IsVisibleGloballyFor(player)) { data << uint64(i->first); data << uint8(i->second.flags); // flags seems to be changed... ++count; } } data.put<uint32>(pos, count); SendToOne(&data, p); } }
// Reconnect Challenge command handler bool AuthSocket::_HandleReconnectChallenge() { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Entering _HandleReconnectChallenge"); if (socket().recv_len() < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C)) return false; // Read the first 4 bytes (header) to get the length of the remaining of the packet std::vector<uint8> buf; buf.resize(4); socket().recv((char *)&buf[0], 4); #if TRINITY_ENDIAN == TRINITY_BIGENDIAN EndianConvert(*((uint16*)(buf[0]))); #endif uint16 remaining = ((sAuthLogonChallenge_C *)&buf[0])->size; sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[ReconnectChallenge] got header, body is %#04x bytes", remaining); if ((remaining < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C) - buf.size()) || (socket().recv_len() < remaining)) return false; // No big fear of memory outage (size is int16, i.e. < 65536) buf.resize(remaining + buf.size() + 1); buf[buf.size() - 1] = 0; sAuthLogonChallenge_C *ch = (sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0]; // Read the remaining of the packet socket().recv((char *)&buf[4], remaining); sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[ReconnectChallenge] got full packet, %#04x bytes", ch->size); sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[ReconnectChallenge] name(%d): '%s'", ch->I_len, ch->I); _login = (const char*)ch->I; PreparedStatement* stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_SESSIONKEY); stmt->setString(0, _login); PreparedQueryResult result = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt); // Stop if the account is not found if (!result) { sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "'%s:%d' [ERROR] user %s tried to login and we cannot find his session key in the database.", socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort(), _login.c_str()); socket().shutdown(); return false; } // Reinitialize build, expansion and the account securitylevel _build = ch->build; _os = (const char*)ch->os; if (_os.size() > 4) return false; // Restore string order as its byte order is reversed std::reverse(_os.begin(), _os.end()); Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint8 secLevel = fields[2].GetUInt8(); _accountSecurityLevel = secLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(secLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR; K.SetHexStr ((*result)[0].GetCString()); // Sending response ByteBuffer pkt; pkt << uint8(AUTH_RECONNECT_CHALLENGE); pkt << uint8(0x00); _reconnectProof.SetRand(16 * 8); pkt.append(_reconnectProof.AsByteArray(16), 16); // 16 bytes random pkt << uint64(0x00) << uint64(0x00); // 16 bytes zeros socket().send((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size()); return true; }
bool ChatHandler::isAvailable(ChatCommand const& cmd) const { // check security level only for simple command (without child commands) return m_session->GetSecurity() >= AccountTypes(cmd.SecurityLevel); }
// Reconnect Challenge command handler bool AuthSocket::_HandleReconnectChallenge() { sLog->outStaticDebug("Entering _HandleReconnectChallenge"); if (socket().recv_len() < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C)) return false; // Read the first 4 bytes (header) to get the length of the remaining of the packet std::vector<uint8> buf; buf.resize(4); socket().recv((char *)&buf[0], 4); #if STRAWBERRY_ENDIAN == STRAWBERRY_BIGENDIAN EndianConvert(*((uint16*)(buf[0]))); #endif uint16 remaining = ((sAuthLogonChallenge_C *)&buf[0])->size; sLog->outStaticDebug("[ReconnectChallenge] got header, body is %#04x bytes", remaining); if ((remaining < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C) - buf.size()) || (socket().recv_len() < remaining)) return false; // No big fear of memory outage (size is int16, i.e. < 65536) buf.resize(remaining + buf.size() + 1); buf[buf.size() - 1] = 0; sAuthLogonChallenge_C *ch = (sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0]; // Read the remaining of the packet socket().recv((char *)&buf[4], remaining); sLog->outStaticDebug("[ReconnectChallenge] got full packet, %#04x bytes", ch->size); sLog->outStaticDebug("[ReconnectChallenge] name(%d): '%s'", ch->I_len, ch->I); _login = (const char*)ch->I; PreparedStatement* stmt = RealmDB.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_GET_SESSIONKEY); stmt->setString(0, _login); PreparedQueryResult result = RealmDB.Query(stmt); // Stop if the account is not found if (!result) { sLog->outError("[ERROR] user %s tried to login and we cannot find his session key in the database.", _login.c_str()); socket().shutdown(); return false; } // Reinitialize build, expansion and the account securitylevel _build = ch->build; _expversion = (AuthHelper::GetAcceptedClientBuilds(_build) ? LK_EXPANSION_FLAG : CL_EXPANSION_FLAG) | (AuthHelper::GetAcceptedClientBuilds(_build) ? BC_EXPANSION_FLAG : CL_EXPANSION_FLAG); Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint8 secLevel = fields[2].GetUInt8(); _accountSecurityLevel = secLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(secLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR; K.SetHexStr ((*result)[0].GetCString()); // Sending response ByteBuffer pkt; pkt << (uint8)AUTH_RECONNECT_CHALLENGE; pkt << (uint8)0x00; _reconnectProof.SetRand(16 * 8); pkt.append(_reconnectProof.AsByteArray(16), 16); // 16 bytes random pkt << (uint64)0x00 << (uint64)0x00; // 16 bytes zeros socket().send((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size()); return true; }
void RealmList::UpdateRealms(bool init) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "Updating Realm List..."); PreparedStatement* stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_REALMLIST); PreparedQueryResult result = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt); // Circle through results and add them to the realm map if (result) { do { try { boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator end; Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 realmId = fields[0].GetUInt32(); std::string name = fields[1].GetString(); boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query externalAddressQuery(ip::tcp::v4(), fields[2].GetString(), ""); boost::system::error_code ec; boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator endPoint = _resolver->resolve(externalAddressQuery, ec); if (endPoint == end || ec) { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "Could not resolve address %s", fields[2].GetString().c_str()); return; } ip::address externalAddress = (*endPoint).endpoint().address(); boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query localAddressQuery(ip::tcp::v4(), fields[3].GetString(), ""); endPoint = _resolver->resolve(localAddressQuery, ec); if (endPoint == end || ec) { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "Could not resolve address %s", fields[3].GetString().c_str()); return; } ip::address localAddress = (*endPoint).endpoint().address(); boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query localSubmaskQuery(ip::tcp::v4(), fields[4].GetString(), ""); endPoint = _resolver->resolve(localSubmaskQuery, ec); if (endPoint == end || ec) { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "Could not resolve address %s", fields[4].GetString().c_str()); return; } ip::address localSubmask = (*endPoint).endpoint().address(); uint16 port = fields[5].GetUInt16(); uint8 icon = fields[6].GetUInt8(); RealmFlags flag = RealmFlags(fields[7].GetUInt8()); uint8 timezone = fields[8].GetUInt8(); uint8 allowedSecurityLevel = fields[9].GetUInt8(); float pop = fields[10].GetFloat(); uint32 build = fields[11].GetUInt32(); UpdateRealm(realmId, name, externalAddress, localAddress, localSubmask, port, icon, flag, timezone, (allowedSecurityLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(allowedSecurityLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR), pop, build); if (init) TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "Added realm \"%s\" at %s:%u.", name.c_str(), m_realms[name].ExternalAddress.to_string().c_str(), port); } catch (std::exception& ex) { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "Realmlist::UpdateRealms has thrown an exception: %s", ex.what()); ASSERT(false); } } while (result->NextRow()); } }
/// Logon Challenge command handler bool AuthSocket::_HandleLogonChallenge() { DEBUG_LOG("Entering _HandleLogonChallenge"); if (recv_len() < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C)) return false; ///- Read the first 4 bytes (header) to get the length of the remaining of the packet std::vector<uint8> buf; buf.resize(4); recv((char *)&buf[0], 4); EndianConvert(*((uint16*)(buf[0]))); uint16 remaining = ((sAuthLogonChallenge_C *)&buf[0])->size; DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] got header, body is %#04x bytes", remaining); if ((remaining < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C) - buf.size()) || (recv_len() < remaining)) return false; //No big fear of memory outage (size is int16, i.e. < 65536) buf.resize(remaining + buf.size() + 1); buf[buf.size() - 1] = 0; sAuthLogonChallenge_C *ch = (sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0]; ///- Read the remaining of the packet recv((char *)&buf[4], remaining); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] got full packet, %#04x bytes", ch->size); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] name(%d): '%s'", ch->I_len, ch->I); // BigEndian code, nop in little endian case // size already converted EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->gamename[0]))); EndianConvert(ch->build); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->platform[0]))); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->os[0]))); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->country[0]))); EndianConvert(ch->timezone_bias); EndianConvert(ch->ip); ByteBuffer pkt; _login = (const char*)ch->I; _build = ch->build; _os = (const char*)ch->os; if(_os.size() > 4) return false; ///- Normalize account name //utf8ToUpperOnlyLatin(_login); -- client already send account in expected form //Escape the user login to avoid further SQL injection //Memory will be freed on AuthSocket object destruction _safelogin = _login; LoginDatabase.escape_string(_safelogin); // Starting CMD_AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE AuthResult result = WOW_FAIL_UNKNOWN0; ///- Verify that this IP is not in the ip_banned table // No SQL injection possible (paste the IP address as passed by the socket) std::string address = get_remote_address(); LoginDatabase.escape_string(address); QueryResult* qresult = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT unbandate FROM ip_banned WHERE " // permanent still banned "(unbandate = bandate OR unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AND ip = '%s'", address.c_str()); if (qresult) { result = WOW_FAIL_BANNED; BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Banned ip %s tries to login!", get_remote_address().c_str()); delete qresult; } else { ///- Get the account details from the account table // No SQL injection (escaped user name) //qresult = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT sha_pass_hash,id,locked,last_ip,gmlevel,v,s FROM account WHERE username = '******'",_safelogin.c_str()); qresult = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT a.sha_pass_hash,,a.locked,a.last_ip,aa.gmlevel,a.v,a.s FROM account a LEFT JOIN account_access aa ON ( = WHERE username = '******'", _safelogin.c_str()); if (qresult) { std::string rI = (*qresult)[0].GetCppString(); uint32 accountId = (*qresult)[1].GetUInt32(); uint8 locked = (*qresult)[2].GetUInt8(); std::string lastIP = (*qresult)[3].GetString(); uint8 secLevel = (*qresult)[4].GetUInt8(); std::string databaseV = (*qresult)[5].GetCppString(); std::string databaseS = (*qresult)[6].GetCppString(); bool blockLogin = false; if (sConfig.GetBoolDefault("MultiIPCheck", false)) { int32 iplimit = sConfig.GetIntDefault("MultiIPLimit", 10); int32 multiIPdelay = sConfig.GetIntDefault("MultiIPPeriodInHours", 48); // If a GM account login ignore MultiIP QueryResult* ipcheck = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT id FROM account WHERE last_ip = '%s' AND id != %u AND last_login > NOW() - INTERVAL %u HOUR ORDER BY last_login DESC;", get_remote_address().c_str(), accountId, multiIPdelay); if (ipcheck) { // build whitelist std::list<uint32> accountsInWhitelist; accountsInWhitelist.clear(); QueryResult* IDsinwhite = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT whitelist FROM multi_IP_whitelist WHERE whitelist LIKE '%|%u|%'", accountId); if (IDsinwhite) { Tokens whitelistaccounts((*IDsinwhite)[0].GetCppString(),'|'); bool isInWhite = false; for (Tokens::const_iterator itr = whitelistaccounts.begin(); itr != whitelistaccounts.end(); ++itr) accountsInWhitelist.push_back(atoi(*itr)); delete IDsinwhite; } do { Field* pFields =ipcheck->Fetch(); uint32 MultiAccountID = pFields[0].GetUInt32(); bool isInWhite = false; for (std::list<uint32>::const_iterator itr = accountsInWhitelist.begin(); itr != accountsInWhitelist.end(); ++itr) { if (*itr == MultiAccountID) isInWhite = true; } if (!isInWhite) { --iplimit; } } while (ipcheck->NextRow()); delete ipcheck; } /* * default case 10 allowed account with same last_ip * we found 9 account with current ip. NOTE: actual account is not in list * 10 - 9 - 1 * ^ current account * ^ account in list * ^ allowed */ if (iplimit < 1) { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is multi IP - '%s'", _login.c_str(), lastIP.c_str()); result = WOW_FAIL_PARENTCONTROL; blockLogin = true; } } ///- If the IP is 'locked', check that the player comes indeed from the correct IP address if (locked == 1) // if ip is locked { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is locked to IP - '%s'", _login.c_str(), lastIP.c_str()); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Player address is '%s'", get_remote_address().c_str()); if (strcmp(lastIP.c_str(),get_remote_address().c_str()) ) { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account IP differs"); result = WOW_FAIL_SUSPENDED; blockLogin = true; } else { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account IP matches"); } } else { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is not locked to ip", _login.c_str()); } if (!blockLogin) { ///- If the account is banned, reject the logon attempt QueryResult* banresult = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT bandate,unbandate FROM account_banned WHERE " "id = %u AND active = 1 AND (unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR unbandate = bandate)", accountId); if (banresult) { if ((*banresult)[0].GetUInt64() == (*banresult)[1].GetUInt64()) { result = WOW_FAIL_BANNED; BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Banned account %s (Id: %u) tries to login!", _login.c_str(), accountId); } else { result = WOW_FAIL_SUSPENDED; BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Temporarily banned account %s (Id: %u) tries to login!",_login.c_str(), accountId); } delete banresult; } else { DEBUG_LOG("database authentication values: v='%s' s='%s'", databaseV.c_str(), databaseS.c_str()); // multiply with 2, bytes are stored as hexstring if (databaseV.size() != s_BYTE_SIZE*2 || databaseS.size() != s_BYTE_SIZE*2) _SetVSFields(rI); else { s.SetHexStr(databaseS.c_str()); v.SetHexStr(databaseV.c_str()); } result = WOW_SUCCESS; _accountSecurityLevel = secLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(secLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR; _localizationName.resize(4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) _localizationName[i] = ch->country[4-i-1]; BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] account %s (Id: %u) is using '%c%c%c%c' locale (%u)", _login.c_str (), accountId, ch->country[3], ch->country[2], ch->country[1], ch->country[0], GetLocaleByName(_localizationName)); } } delete qresult; } else if (sConfig.GetBoolDefault("AutoRegistration", false)) { if (_safelogin.find_first_of("\t\v\b\f\a\n\r\\\"\'\? <>[](){}_=+-|/!@#$%^&*~`.,\0") == _safelogin.npos && _safelogin.length() > 3) { QueryResult* checkIPresult = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT COUNT(last_ip) FROM account WHERE last_ip = '%s'",get_remote_address().c_str()); int32 regCount = checkIPresult ? (*checkIPresult)[0].GetUInt32() : 0; if (regCount >= sConfig.GetIntDefault("AutoRegistration.Amount", 1)) { BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Impossible auto-register account %s, number of auto-registered accouts is %u, but allowed only %u", _safelogin.c_str(),regCount, sConfig.GetIntDefault("AutoRegistration.Amount", 1)); // result = WOW_FAIL_DB_BUSY; result = WOW_FAIL_DISCONNECTED; } else { std::transform(_safelogin.begin(), _safelogin.end(), _safelogin.begin(), std::towupper); Sha1Hash sha; sha.Initialize(); sha.UpdateData(_safelogin); sha.UpdateData(":"); sha.UpdateData(_safelogin); sha.Finalize(); std::string encoded; hexEncodeByteArray(sha.GetDigest(), sha.GetLength(), encoded); LoginDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO account(username,sha_pass_hash,joindate) VALUES('%s','%s',NOW())", _safelogin.c_str(), encoded.c_str()); _SetVSFields(encoded); BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] account %s auto-registered (count %u)!",_safelogin.c_str(), ++regCount); result = WOW_SUCCESS; _accountSecurityLevel = SEC_PLAYER; _localizationName.resize(4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) _localizationName[i] = ch->country[4-i-1]; } if (checkIPresult) delete checkIPresult; } } else result = WOW_FAIL_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT; } pkt << uint8(CMD_AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE); pkt << uint8(0x00); pkt << uint8(result); switch (result) { case WOW_SUCCESS: { b.SetRand(19 * 8); BigNumber gmod = g.ModExp(b, N); B = ((v * 3) + gmod) % N; MANGOS_ASSERT(gmod.GetNumBytes() <= 32); BigNumber unk3; unk3.SetRand(16 * 8); // B may be calculated < 32B so we force minimal length to 32B pkt.append(B.AsByteArray(32), 32); // 32 bytes pkt << uint8(1); pkt.append(g.AsByteArray(), 1); pkt << uint8(32); pkt.append(N.AsByteArray(32), 32); pkt.append(s.AsByteArray(), s.GetNumBytes());// 32 bytes pkt.append(unk3.AsByteArray(16), 16); uint8 securityFlags = 0; pkt << uint8(securityFlags); // security flags (0x0...0x04) if (securityFlags & 0x01) // PIN input { pkt << uint32(0); pkt << uint64(0) << uint64(0); // 16 bytes hash? } if (securityFlags & 0x02) // Matrix input { pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint64(0); } if (securityFlags & 0x04) // Security token input { pkt << uint8(1); } break; } case WOW_FAIL_UNKNOWN0: case WOW_FAIL_UNKNOWN1: case WOW_FAIL_SUSPENDED: case WOW_FAIL_BANNED: case WOW_FAIL_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT: case WOW_FAIL_INCORRECT_PASSWORD: case WOW_FAIL_ALREADY_ONLINE: case WOW_FAIL_NO_TIME: case WOW_FAIL_DB_BUSY: case WOW_FAIL_VERSION_INVALID: case WOW_FAIL_VERSION_UPDATE: case WOW_FAIL_INVALID_SERVER: case WOW_FAIL_FAIL_NOACCESS: case WOW_SUCCESS_SURVEY: case WOW_FAIL_PARENTCONTROL: case WOW_FAIL_LOCKED_ENFORCED: case WOW_FAIL_TRIAL_ENDED: case WOW_FAIL_USE_BATTLENET: case WOW_FAIL_TOO_FAST: case WOW_FAIL_CHARGEBACK: case WOW_FAIL_GAME_ACCOUNT_LOCKED: case WOW_FAIL_INTERNET_GAME_ROOM_WITHOUT_BNET: case WOW_FAIL_UNLOCKABLE_LOCK: case WOW_FAIL_DISCONNECTED: break; default: BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] unknown CMD_AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE execution result %u!", result); break; } send((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size()); return true; }
int WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession (WorldPacket& recvPacket) { // NOTE: ATM the socket is singlethread, have this in mind ... uint8 digest[20]; uint32 clientSeed; uint32 unk2; uint32 BuiltNumberClient; uint32 id, security; //uint8 expansion = 0; LocaleConstant locale; std::string account; Sha1Hash sha1; BigNumber v, s, g, N; WorldPacket packet, SendAddonPacked; BigNumber K; // Read the content of the packet recvPacket >> BuiltNumberClient; recvPacket >> unk2; recvPacket >> account; recvPacket >> clientSeed; (digest, 20); DEBUG_LOG ("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: client %u, unk2 %u, account %s, clientseed %u", BuiltNumberClient, unk2, account.c_str (), clientSeed); // Check the version of client trying to connect if (!IsAcceptableClientBuild(BuiltNumberClient)) { packet.Initialize (SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 1); packet << uint8 (AUTH_VERSION_MISMATCH); SendPacket (packet); sLog.outError ("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (version mismatch)."); return -1; } // Get the account information from the realmd database std::string safe_account = account; // Duplicate, else will screw the SHA hash verification below LoginDatabase.escape_string (safe_account); // No SQL injection, username escaped. QueryResult_AutoPtr result = LoginDatabase.PQuery ("SELECT " "id, " //0 "gmlevel, " //1 "sessionkey, " //2 "last_ip, " //3 "locked, " //4 "v, " //5 "s, " //6 "expansion, " //7 "mutetime, " //8 "locale " //9 "FROM account " "WHERE username = '******'", safe_account.c_str ()); // Stop if the account is not found if (!result) { packet.Initialize (SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 1); packet << uint8 (AUTH_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT); SendPacket (packet); sLog.outError ("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (unknown account)."); return -1; } Field* fields = result->Fetch (); uint8 expansion = fields[7].GetUInt8(); uint32 world_expansion = sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_EXPANSION); if (expansion > world_expansion) expansion = world_expansion; //expansion = ((sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_EXPANSION) > fields[7].GetUInt8()) ? fields[7].GetUInt8() : sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_EXPANSION)); N.SetHexStr ("894B645E89E1535BBDAD5B8B290650530801B18EBFBF5E8FAB3C82872A3E9BB7"); g.SetDword (7); v.SetHexStr(fields[5].GetString()); s.SetHexStr (fields[6].GetString ()); const char* sStr = s.AsHexStr (); //Must be freed by OPENSSL_free() const char* vStr = v.AsHexStr (); //Must be freed by OPENSSL_free() DEBUG_LOG ("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: (s,v) check s: %s v: %s", sStr, vStr); OPENSSL_free ((void*) sStr); OPENSSL_free ((void*) vStr); // Re-check ip locking (same check as in realmd). if (fields[4].GetUInt8 () == 1) // if ip is locked { if (strcmp (fields[3].GetString (), GetRemoteAddress ().c_str ())) { packet.Initialize (SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 1); packet << uint8 (AUTH_FAILED); SendPacket (packet); sLog.outBasic ("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (Account IP differs)."); return -1; } } id = fields[0].GetUInt32 (); security = fields[1].GetUInt16 (); K.SetHexStr (fields[2].GetString ()); time_t mutetime = time_t (fields[8].GetUInt64 ()); locale = LocaleConstant (fields[9].GetUInt8 ()); if (locale >= MAX_LOCALE) locale = LOCALE_enUS; // Re-check account ban (same check as in realmd) QueryResult_AutoPtr banresult = LoginDatabase.PQuery ("SELECT " "bandate, " "unbandate " "FROM account_banned " "WHERE id = '%u' " "AND active = 1", id); if (banresult) // if account banned { packet.Initialize (SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 1); packet << uint8 (AUTH_BANNED); SendPacket (packet); sLog.outError ("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (Account banned)."); return -1; } // Check locked state for server sWorld.UpdateAllowedSecurity(); AccountTypes allowedAccountType = sWorld.GetPlayerSecurityLimit (); sLog.outDebug("Allowed Level: %u Player Level %u", allowedAccountType, AccountTypes(security)); if (allowedAccountType > SEC_PLAYER && security < allowedAccountType) { WorldPacket Packet (SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 1); Packet << uint8 (AUTH_UNAVAILABLE); SendPacket (packet); sLog.outDetail ("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: User tries to login but his security level is not enough"); return -1; } // Check that Key and account name are the same on client and server Sha1Hash sha; uint32 t = 0; uint32 seed = m_Seed; sha.UpdateData (account); sha.UpdateData ((uint8 *) & t, 4); sha.UpdateData ((uint8 *) & clientSeed, 4); sha.UpdateData ((uint8 *) & seed, 4); sha.UpdateBigNumbers (&K, NULL); sha.Finalize (); if (memcmp (sha.GetDigest (), digest, 20)) { packet.Initialize (SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 1); packet << uint8 (AUTH_FAILED); SendPacket (packet); sLog.outError ("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (authentification failed)."); return -1; } std::string address = GetRemoteAddress(); DEBUG_LOG ("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Client '%s' authenticated successfully from %s.", account.c_str(), address.c_str()); // Update the last_ip in the database // No SQL injection, username escaped. LoginDatabase.escape_string (address); LoginDatabase.PExecute ("UPDATE account " "SET last_ip = '%s' " "WHERE username = '******'", address.c_str(), safe_account.c_str()); // NOTE ATM the socket is single-threaded, have this in mind ... ACE_NEW_RETURN (m_Session, WorldSession (id, this, security, expansion, mutetime, locale), -1); m_Crypt.SetKey(&K); m_Crypt.Init(); // Sleep this Network thread for uint32 sleepTime = sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_SESSION_ADD_DELAY); ACE_OS::sleep(ACE_Time_Value (0, sleepTime)); sWorld.AddSession (m_Session); // Create and send the Addon packet if (sAddOnHandler.BuildAddonPacket (&recvPacket, &SendAddonPacked)) SendPacket(SendAddonPacked); return 0; }
// Reconnect Challenge command handler bool AuthSocket::_HandleReconnectChallenge() { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Entering _HandleReconnectChallenge"); if (socket().recv_len() < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C)) return false; // Read the first 4 bytes (header) to get the length of the remaining of the packet char buffer[0x100]; socket().recv(buffer, 4); #if TRINITY_ENDIAN == TRINITY_BIGENDIAN EndianConvert(*((uint16*)(buf[0]))); #endif uint16 remaining = ((sAuthLogonChallenge_C *)buffer)->size; sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[ReconnectChallenge] got header, body is %#04x bytes", remaining); if (remaining < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C) - 4 || socket().recv_len() < remaining || remaining + 4 >= sizeof(buffer)) return false; sAuthLogonChallenge_C *ch = (sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)buffer; // Read the remaining of the packet socket().recv(buffer + 4, remaining); if (ch->I_len > 32) return false; sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[ReconnectChallenge] got full packet, %#04x bytes", ch->size); sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[ReconnectChallenge] name: '%*s'", ch->I_len, ch->I); _login.assign((const char*)ch->I, ch->I_len); PreparedStatement* stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_SESSIONKEY); stmt->setString(0, _login); PreparedQueryResult result = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt); // Stop if the account is not found if (!result) { sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "'%s:%d' [ERROR] user %s tried to login and we cannot find his session key in the database.", socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort(), _login.c_str()); socket().shutdown(); return false; } // Reinitialize build, expansion and the account securitylevel _build = ch->build; _expversion = uint8(AuthHelper::IsPostBCAcceptedClientBuild(_build) ? POST_BC_EXP_FLAG : (AuthHelper::IsPreBCAcceptedClientBuild(_build) ? PRE_BC_EXP_FLAG : NO_VALID_EXP_FLAG)); _os = (const char*)ch->os; if (_os.size() > 4) return false; // Restore string order as its byte order is reversed std::reverse(_os.begin(), _os.end()); Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint8 secLevel = fields[2].GetUInt8(); _accountSecurityLevel = secLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(secLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR; K.SetHexStr ((*result)[0].GetCString()); // Sending response ByteBuffer pkt; pkt << uint8(AUTH_RECONNECT_CHALLENGE); pkt << uint8(0x00); _reconnectProof.SetRand(16 * 8); pkt.append(_reconnectProof.AsByteArray(16).get(), 16); // 16 bytes random pkt << uint64(0x00) << uint64(0x00); // 16 bytes zeros socket().send((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size()); return true; }
// Reconnect Challenge command handler bool AuthSocket::_HandleReconnectChallenge() { sLog->outStaticDebug("Entering _HandleReconnectChallenge"); if (socket().recv_len() < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C)) return false; // Read the first 4 bytes (header) to get the length of the remaining of the packet std::vector<uint8> buf; buf.resize(4); socket().recv((char *)&buf[0], 4); #if SKYFIRE_ENDIAN == SKYFIRE_BIGENDIAN EndianConvert(*((uint16*)(buf[0]))); #endif uint16 remaining = ((sAuthLogonChallenge_C *)&buf[0])->size; sLog->outStaticDebug("[ReconnectChallenge] got header, body is %#04x bytes", remaining); if ((remaining < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C) - buf.size()) || (socket().recv_len() < remaining)) return false; // No big fear of memory outage (size is int16, i.e. < 65536) buf.resize(remaining + buf.size() + 1); buf[buf.size() - 1] = 0; sAuthLogonChallenge_C *ch = (sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0]; // Read the remaining of the packet socket().recv((char *)&buf[4], remaining); sLog->outStaticDebug("[ReconnectChallenge] got full packet, %#04x bytes", ch->size); sLog->outStaticDebug("[ReconnectChallenge] name(%d): '%s'", ch->I_len, ch->I); _login = (const char*)ch->I; QueryResult_AutoPtr result = LoginDatabase.PQuery ("SELECT sessionkey FROM account WHERE username = '******'", _login.c_str ()); // Stop if the account is not found if (!result) { sLog->outError("'%s:%d' [ERROR] user %s tried to login and we cannot find his session key in the database.", socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort(), _login.c_str()); socket().shutdown(); return false; } // Reinitialize build, expansion and the account securitylevel _build = ch->build; _expversion = (AuthHelper::IsPostBCAcceptedClientBuild(_build) ? POST_BC_EXP_FLAG : NO_VALID_EXP_FLAG) | (AuthHelper::IsPreBCAcceptedClientBuild(_build) ? PRE_BC_EXP_FLAG : NO_VALID_EXP_FLAG); _os = (const char*)ch->os; if (_os.size() > 4) return false; // Restore string order as its byte order is reversed std::reverse(_os.begin(), _os.end()); Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint8 secLevel = fields[2].GetUInt8(); _accountSecurityLevel = secLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(secLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR; K.SetHexStr (fields[0].GetString ()); // Sending response ByteBuffer pkt; pkt << (uint8)AUTH_RECONNECT_CHALLENGE; pkt << (uint8)0x00; _reconnectProof.SetRand(16 * 8); pkt.append(_reconnectProof.AsByteArray(16), 16); // 16 bytes random pkt << (uint64)0x00 << (uint64)0x00; // 16 bytes zeros socket().send((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size()); return true; }
void RealmList::UpdateRealms(bool init, boost::system::error_code const& error) { if (error) return; TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "Updating Realm List..."); PreparedStatement* stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_REALMLIST); PreparedQueryResult result = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt); // Circle through results and add them to the realm map if (result) { do { try { boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator end; Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 realmId = fields[0].GetUInt32(); std::string name = fields[1].GetString(); boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query externalAddressQuery(ip::tcp::v4(), fields[2].GetString(), ""); boost::system::error_code ec; boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator endPoint = _resolver->resolve(externalAddressQuery, ec); if (endPoint == end || ec) { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "Could not resolve address %s", fields[2].GetString().c_str()); return; } ip::address externalAddress = (*endPoint).endpoint().address(); boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query localAddressQuery(ip::tcp::v4(), fields[3].GetString(), ""); endPoint = _resolver->resolve(localAddressQuery, ec); if (endPoint == end || ec) { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "Could not resolve address %s", fields[3].GetString().c_str()); return; } ip::address localAddress = (*endPoint).endpoint().address(); boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query localSubmaskQuery(ip::tcp::v4(), fields[4].GetString(), ""); endPoint = _resolver->resolve(localSubmaskQuery, ec); if (endPoint == end || ec) { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "Could not resolve address %s", fields[4].GetString().c_str()); return; } ip::address localSubmask = (*endPoint).endpoint().address(); uint16 port = fields[5].GetUInt16(); uint8 icon = fields[6].GetUInt8(); if (icon == REALM_TYPE_FFA_PVP) icon = REALM_TYPE_PVP; if (icon >= MAX_CLIENT_REALM_TYPE) icon = REALM_TYPE_NORMAL; RealmFlags flag = RealmFlags(fields[7].GetUInt8()); uint8 timezone = fields[8].GetUInt8(); uint8 allowedSecurityLevel = fields[9].GetUInt8(); float pop = fields[10].GetFloat(); uint32 build = fields[11].GetUInt32(); RealmHandle id{ realmId }; UpdateRealm(id, build, name, externalAddress, localAddress, localSubmask, port, icon, flag, timezone, (allowedSecurityLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(allowedSecurityLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR), pop); if (init) TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "Added realm \"%s\" at %s:%u.", name.c_str(), externalAddress.to_string().c_str(), port); } catch (std::exception& ex) { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "Realmlist::UpdateRealms has thrown an exception: %s", ex.what()); ABORT(); } } while (result->NextRow()); } if (_updateInterval) { _updateTimer->expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(_updateInterval)); _updateTimer->async_wait(std::bind(&RealmList::UpdateRealms, this, false, std::placeholders::_1)); } }
/// Logon Challenge command handler bool AuthSocket::_HandleLogonChallenge() { DEBUG_LOG("Entering _HandleLogonChallenge"); if (ibuf.GetLength() < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C)) return false; ///- Read the first 4 bytes (header) to get the length of the remaining of the packet std::vector<uint8> buf; buf.resize(4); ibuf.Read((char *)&buf[0], 4); EndianConvert(*((uint16*)(buf[0]))); uint16 remaining = ((sAuthLogonChallenge_C *)&buf[0])->size; DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] got header, body is %#04x bytes", remaining); if ((remaining < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C) - buf.size()) || (ibuf.GetLength() < remaining)) return false; //No big fear of memory outage (size is int16, i.e. < 65536) buf.resize(remaining + buf.size() + 1); buf[buf.size() - 1] = 0; sAuthLogonChallenge_C *ch = (sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0]; // BigEndian code, nop in little endian case // size already converted EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->gamename[0]))); EndianConvert(ch->build); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->platform[0]))); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->os[0]))); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->country[0]))); EndianConvert(ch->timezone_bias); EndianConvert(ch->ip); ///- Read the remaining of the packet ibuf.Read((char *)&buf[4], remaining); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] got full packet, %#04x bytes", ch->size); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] name(%d): '%s'", ch->I_len, ch->I); ByteBuffer pkt; _login = (const char*)ch->I; _build = ch->build; ///- Normalize account name //utf8ToUpperOnlyLatin(_login); -- client already send account in expected form //Escape the user login to avoid further SQL injection //Memory will be freed on AuthSocket object destruction _safelogin=_login; dbRealmServer.escape_string(_safelogin); pkt << (uint8) AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE; pkt << (uint8) 0x00; ///- Verify that this IP is not in the ip_banned table // No SQL injection possible (paste the IP address as passed by the socket) dbRealmServer.Execute("DELETE FROM ip_banned WHERE unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND unbandate<>bandate"); std::string address = GetRemoteAddress(); dbRealmServer.escape_string(address); QueryResult *result = dbRealmServer.PQuery( "SELECT * FROM ip_banned WHERE ip = '%s'",address.c_str()); if(result) { pkt << (uint8)REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_BANNED; sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] Banned ip %s tries to login!",GetRemoteAddress().c_str ()); delete result; } else { ///- Get the account details from the account table // No SQL injection (escaped user name) result = dbRealmServer.PQuery("SELECT sha_pass_hash,id,locked,last_ip,gmlevel FROM account WHERE username = '******'",_safelogin.c_str ()); if( result ) { ///- If the IP is 'locked', check that the player comes indeed from the correct IP address bool locked = false; if((*result)[2].GetUInt8() == 1) // if ip is locked { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is locked to IP - '%s'", _login.c_str(), (*result)[3].GetString()); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Player address is '%s'", GetRemoteAddress().c_str()); if ( strcmp((*result)[3].GetString(),GetRemoteAddress().c_str()) ) { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account IP differs"); pkt << (uint8) REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_FREEZED; locked=true; } else { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account IP matches"); } } else { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is not locked to ip", _login.c_str()); } if (!locked) { //set expired bans to inactive dbRealmServer.Execute("UPDATE account_banned SET active = 0 WHERE unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND unbandate<>bandate"); ///- If the account is banned, reject the logon attempt QueryResult *banresult = dbRealmServer.PQuery("SELECT bandate,unbandate FROM account_banned WHERE id = %u AND active = 1", (*result)[1].GetUInt32()); if(banresult) { if((*banresult)[0].GetUInt64() == (*banresult)[1].GetUInt64()) { pkt << (uint8) REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_BANNED; sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] Banned account %s tries to login!",_login.c_str ()); } else { pkt << (uint8) REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_FREEZED; sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] Temporarily banned account %s tries to login!",_login.c_str ()); } delete banresult; } else { ///- Get the password from the account table, upper it, and make the SRP6 calculation std::string rI = (*result)[0].GetCppString(); _SetVSFields(rI); b.SetRand(19 * 8); BigNumber gmod=g.ModExp(b, N); B = ((v * 3) + gmod) % N; ASSERT(gmod.GetNumBytes() <= 32); BigNumber unk3; unk3.SetRand(16*8); ///- Fill the response packet with the result pkt << (uint8)REALM_AUTH_SUCCESS; // B may be calculated < 32B so we force minnimal length to 32B pkt.append(B.AsByteArray(32), 32); // 32 bytes pkt << (uint8)1; pkt.append(g.AsByteArray(), 1); pkt << (uint8)32; pkt.append(N.AsByteArray(), 32); pkt.append(s.AsByteArray(), s.GetNumBytes()); // 32 bytes pkt.append(unk3.AsByteArray(), 16); pkt << (uint8)0; // Added in 1.12.x client branch uint8 secLevel = (*result)[4].GetUInt8(); _accountSecurityLevel = secLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(secLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR; _localizationName.resize(4); for(int i = 0; i <4; ++i) _localizationName[i] = ch->country[4-i-1]; sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] account %s is using '%c%c%c%c' locale (%u)", _login.c_str (), ch->country[3],ch->country[2],ch->country[1],ch->country[0], GetLocaleByName(_localizationName)); } } delete result; } else //no account { pkt<< (uint8) REALM_AUTH_NO_MATCH; } } SendBuf((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size()); return true; }
//show info of player bool ChatHandler::HandlePInfoCommand(const char* args) { Player* target; uint64 target_guid; std::string target_name; uint32 parseGUID = MAKE_NEW_GUID(atol((char*)args), 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER); if (sObjectMgr->GetPlayerNameByGUID(parseGUID, target_name)) { target = sObjectMgr->GetPlayerByLowGUID(parseGUID); target_guid = parseGUID; } else if (!extractPlayerTarget((char*)args, &target, &target_guid, &target_name)) return false; uint32 accId = 0; uint32 money = 0; uint32 total_player_time = 0; uint8 level = 0; uint32 latency = 0; uint8 race; uint8 Class; int64 muteTime = 0; int64 banTime = -1; uint32 mapId; uint32 areaId; uint32 phase = 0; bool p_jail_isjailed; uint32 p_jail_guid; std::string p_jail_char; uint32 p_jail_release; bool p_jail_amnestietime; std::string p_jail_reason; uint32 p_jail_times; uint32 p_jail_gmacc; std::string p_jail_gmchar; std::string p_jail_lasttime; uint32 p_jail_duration; std::string gmname; // get additional information from Player object if (target) { // check online security if (HasLowerSecurity(target, 0)) return false; accId = target->GetSession()->GetAccountId(); money = target->GetMoney(); total_player_time = target->GetTotalPlayedTime(); level = target->getLevel(); latency = target->GetSession()->GetLatency(); race = target->getRace(); Class = target->getClass(); muteTime = target->GetSession()->m_muteTime; mapId = target->GetMapId(); areaId = target->GetAreaId(); phase = target->GetPhaseMask(); p_jail_isjailed = target->m_jail_isjailed; p_jail_guid = target->m_jail_guid; p_jail_char = target->m_jail_char; p_jail_release = target->m_jail_release; p_jail_amnestietime = target->m_jail_amnestietime; p_jail_reason = target->m_jail_reason; p_jail_times = target->m_jail_times; p_jail_gmacc = target->m_jail_gmacc; p_jail_gmchar = target->m_jail_gmchar; p_jail_lasttime = target->m_jail_lasttime; p_jail_duration = target->m_jail_duration; gmname = target->GetName(); } // get additional information from DB else { // check offline security if (HasLowerSecurity(NULL, target_guid)) return false; // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT totaltime, level, money, account, race, class, map, zone FROM characters " "WHERE guid = '%u'", GUID_LOPART(target_guid)); if (!result) { return false; } else { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); total_player_time = fields[0].GetUInt32(); level = fields[1].GetUInt32(); money = fields[2].GetUInt32(); accId = fields[3].GetUInt32(); race = fields[4].GetUInt8(); Class = fields[5].GetUInt8(); mapId = fields[6].GetUInt16(); areaId = fields[7].GetUInt16(); } QueryResult row = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT * FROM `jail` WHERE `guid`='%u' LIMIT 1", GUID_LOPART(target_guid)); if (!row) { p_jail_isjailed = false; } else { Field *data = row->Fetch(); p_jail_isjailed = true; p_jail_guid = data[0].GetUInt32(); p_jail_char = data[1].GetString(); p_jail_release = data[2].GetUInt32(); p_jail_amnestietime = data[3].GetUInt32(); p_jail_reason = data[4].GetString(); p_jail_times = data[5].GetUInt32(); p_jail_gmacc = data[6].GetUInt32(); p_jail_gmchar = data[7].GetString(); p_jail_lasttime = data[8].GetString(); p_jail_duration = data[9].GetUInt32(); gmname = ""; } } std::string username = GetTrinityString(LANG_ERROR); std::string email = GetTrinityString(LANG_ERROR); std::string last_ip = GetTrinityString(LANG_ERROR); uint32 security = 0; std::string last_login = GetTrinityString(LANG_ERROR); QueryResult result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT a.username, aa.gmlevel,, a.last_ip, a.last_login, a.mutetime " "FROM account a " "LEFT JOIN account_access aa " "ON ( = AND (aa.RealmID = -1 OR aa.RealmID = %u)) " "WHERE = '%u'", realmID, accId); if (result) { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); username = fields[0].GetString(); security = fields[1].GetUInt32(); email = fields[2].GetString(); muteTime = fields[5].GetUInt64(); if (email.empty()) email = "-"; if (!m_session || m_session->GetSecurity() >= AccountTypes(security)) { last_ip = fields[3].GetString(); last_login = fields[4].GetString(); } else { last_ip = "-"; last_login = "******"; } } std::string nameLink = playerLink(target_name); PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_ACCOUNT, (target?"":GetTrinityString(LANG_OFFLINE)), nameLink.c_str(), GUID_LOPART(target_guid), username.c_str(), accId, email.c_str(), security, last_ip.c_str(), last_login.c_str(), latency); std::string bannedby = "unknown"; std::string banreason = ""; if (QueryResult result2 = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT unbandate, bandate = unbandate, bannedby, banreason FROM account_banned " "WHERE id = '%u' AND active ORDER BY bandate ASC LIMIT 1", accId)) { Field* fields = result2->Fetch(); banTime = fields[1].GetBool() ? 0 : fields[0].GetUInt64(); bannedby = fields[2].GetString(); banreason = fields[3].GetString(); } else if (QueryResult result3 = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT unbandate, bandate = unbandate, bannedby, banreason FROM character_banned " "WHERE guid = '%u' AND active ORDER BY bandate ASC LIMIT 1", GUID_LOPART(target_guid))) { Field* fields = result3->Fetch(); banTime = fields[1].GetBool() ? 0 : fields[0].GetUInt64(); bannedby = fields[2].GetString(); banreason = fields[3].GetString(); } if (muteTime > 0) PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_MUTE, secsToTimeString(muteTime - time(NULL), true).c_str()); if (banTime >= 0) PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_BAN, banTime > 0 ? secsToTimeString(banTime - time(NULL), true).c_str() : "permanently", bannedby.c_str(), banreason.c_str()); std::string race_s, Class_s; switch (race) { case RACE_HUMAN: race_s = "Human"; break; case RACE_ORC: race_s = "Orc"; break; case RACE_DWARF: race_s = "Dwarf"; break; case RACE_NIGHTELF: race_s = "Night Elf"; break; case RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER: race_s = "Undead"; break; case RACE_TAUREN: race_s = "Tauren"; break; case RACE_GNOME: race_s = "Gnome"; break; case RACE_TROLL: race_s = "Troll"; break; case RACE_BLOODELF: race_s = "Blood Elf"; break; case RACE_DRAENEI: race_s = "Draenei"; break; } switch (Class) { case CLASS_WARRIOR: Class_s = "Warrior"; break; case CLASS_PALADIN: Class_s = "Paladin"; break; case CLASS_HUNTER: Class_s = "Hunter"; break; case CLASS_ROGUE: Class_s = "Rogue"; break; case CLASS_PRIEST: Class_s = "Priest"; break; case CLASS_DEATH_KNIGHT: Class_s = "Death Knight"; break; case CLASS_SHAMAN: Class_s = "Shaman"; break; case CLASS_MAGE: Class_s = "Mage"; break; case CLASS_WARLOCK: Class_s = "Warlock"; break; case CLASS_DRUID: Class_s = "Druid"; break; } std::string timeStr = secsToTimeString(total_player_time, true, true); uint32 gold = money /GOLD; uint32 silv = (money % GOLD) / SILVER; uint32 copp = (money % GOLD) % SILVER; PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_LEVEL, race_s.c_str(), Class_s.c_str(), timeStr.c_str(), level, gold, silv, copp); // Add map, zone, subzone and phase to output int locale = GetSessionDbcLocale(); std::string areaName = "<unknown>"; std::string zoneName = ""; MapEntry const* map = sMapStore.LookupEntry(mapId); AreaTableEntry const* area = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(areaId); if (area) { areaName = area->area_name[locale]; AreaTableEntry const* zone = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(area->zone); if (zone) zoneName = zone->area_name[locale]; } if (target) { if (!zoneName.empty()) PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_MAP_ONLINE, map->name[locale], zoneName.c_str(), areaName.c_str(), phase); else PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_MAP_ONLINE, map->name[locale], areaName.c_str(), "<unknown>", phase); } else PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_MAP_OFFLINE, map->name[locale], areaName.c_str()); if (p_jail_times > 0) { if (p_jail_release > 0) { time_t localtime; localtime = time(NULL); uint32 min_left = (uint32)floor(float(p_jail_release - localtime) / 60); if (min_left <= 0) { p_jail_release = 0; CharacterDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE `jail` SET `release`='%u' WHERE `guid`='%u' LIMIT 1", p_jail_release, p_jail_guid); PSendSysMessage(LANG_JAIL_GM_INFO, p_jail_char.c_str(), p_jail_times, 0, p_jail_gmchar.c_str(), p_jail_reason.c_str()); return true; } else { PSendSysMessage(LANG_JAIL_GM_INFO, p_jail_char.c_str(), p_jail_times, min_left, p_jail_gmchar.c_str(), p_jail_reason.c_str()); return true; } } else { PSendSysMessage(LANG_JAIL_GM_INFO, p_jail_char.c_str(), p_jail_times, 0, p_jail_gmchar.c_str(), p_jail_reason.c_str()); return true; } } else { PSendSysMessage(LANG_JAIL_GM_NOINFO, gmname.c_str()); return true; } return true; }
void WorldSession::HandleWhoOpcode(WorldPackets::Who::WhoRequestPkt& whoRequest) { WorldPackets::Who::WhoRequest& request = whoRequest.Request; TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WorldSession::HandleWhoOpcode: MinLevel: %u, MaxLevel: %u, Name: %s (VirtualRealmName: %s), Guild: %s (GuildVirtualRealmName: %s), RaceFilter: %d, ClassFilter: %d, Areas: " SZFMTD ", Words: " SZFMTD ".", request.MinLevel, request.MaxLevel, request.Name.c_str(), request.VirtualRealmName.c_str(), request.Guild.c_str(), request.GuildVirtualRealmName.c_str(), request.RaceFilter, request.ClassFilter, whoRequest.Areas.size(), request.Words.size()); // zones count, client limit = 10 (2.0.10) // can't be received from real client or broken packet if (whoRequest.Areas.size() > 10) return; // user entered strings count, client limit=4 (checked on 2.0.10) // can't be received from real client or broken packet if (request.Words.size() > 4) return; /// @todo: handle following packet values /// VirtualRealmNames /// ShowEnemies /// ShowArenaPlayers /// ExactName /// ServerInfo std::vector<std::wstring> wWords; wWords.resize(request.Words.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < request.Words.size(); ++i) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WorldSession::HandleWhoOpcode: Word: %s", request.Words[i].Word.c_str()); // user entered string, it used as universal search pattern(guild+player name)? if (!Utf8toWStr(request.Words[i].Word, wWords[i])) continue; wstrToLower(wWords[i]); } std::wstring wPlayerName; std::wstring wGuildName; if (!(Utf8toWStr(request.Name, wPlayerName) && Utf8toWStr(request.Guild, wGuildName))) return; wstrToLower(wPlayerName); wstrToLower(wGuildName); // client send in case not set max level value 100 but Trinity supports 255 max level, // update it to show GMs with characters after 100 level if (whoRequest.Request.MaxLevel >= MAX_LEVEL) whoRequest.Request.MaxLevel = STRONG_MAX_LEVEL; uint32 team = _player->GetTeam(); uint32 gmLevelInWhoList = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_GM_LEVEL_IN_WHO_LIST); WorldPackets::Who::WhoResponsePkt response; boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*HashMapHolder<Player>::GetLock()); HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType const& m = ObjectAccessor::GetPlayers(); for (HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType::const_iterator itr = m.begin(); itr != m.end(); ++itr) { Player* target = itr->second; // player can see member of other team only if has RBAC_PERM_TWO_SIDE_WHO_LIST if (target->GetTeam() != team && !HasPermission(rbac::RBAC_PERM_TWO_SIDE_WHO_LIST)) continue; // player can see MODERATOR, GAME MASTER, ADMINISTRATOR only if has RBAC_PERM_WHO_SEE_ALL_SEC_LEVELS if (target->GetSession()->GetSecurity() > AccountTypes(gmLevelInWhoList) && !HasPermission(rbac::RBAC_PERM_WHO_SEE_ALL_SEC_LEVELS)) continue; // do not process players which are not in world if (!target->IsInWorld()) continue; // check if target is globally visible for player if (!target->IsVisibleGloballyFor(_player)) continue; // check if target's level is in level range uint8 lvl = target->getLevel(); if (lvl < request.MinLevel || lvl > request.MaxLevel) continue; // check if class matches classmask if (request.ClassFilter >= 0 && !(request.ClassFilter & (1 << target->getClass()))) continue; // check if race matches racemask if (request.RaceFilter >= 0 && !(request.RaceFilter & (1 << target->getRace()))) continue; if (!whoRequest.Areas.empty()) { if (std::find(whoRequest.Areas.begin(), whoRequest.Areas.end(), target->GetZoneId()) == whoRequest.Areas.end()) continue; } std::wstring wTargetName; if (!Utf8toWStr(target->GetName(), wTargetName)) continue; wstrToLower(wTargetName); if (!wPlayerName.empty() && wTargetName.find(wPlayerName) == std::wstring::npos) continue; Guild* targetGuild = target->GetGuild(); std::wstring wTargetGuildName; if (!Utf8toWStr(targetGuild ? targetGuild->GetName() : "", wTargetGuildName)) continue; wstrToLower(wTargetGuildName); if (!wGuildName.empty() && wTargetGuildName.find(wGuildName) == std::wstring::npos) continue; if (!wWords.empty()) { std::string aName; if (AreaTableEntry const* areaEntry = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(target->GetZoneId())) aName = areaEntry->AreaName_lang; bool show = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < wWords.size(); ++i) { if (!wWords[i].empty()) { if (wTargetName.find(wWords[i]) != std::wstring::npos || wTargetGuildName.find(wWords[i]) != std::wstring::npos || Utf8FitTo(aName, wWords[i])) { show = true; break; } } } if (!show) continue; } WorldPackets::Who::WhoEntry whoEntry; if (!whoEntry.PlayerData.Initialize(target->GetGUID(), target)) continue; if (targetGuild) { whoEntry.GuildGUID = targetGuild->GetGUID(); whoEntry.GuildVirtualRealmAddress = GetVirtualRealmAddress(); whoEntry.GuildName = targetGuild->GetName(); } whoEntry.AreaID = target->GetZoneId(); whoEntry.IsGM = target->IsGameMaster(); response.Response.Entries.push_back(whoEntry); // 50 is maximum player count sent to client - can be overridden // through config, but is unstable if (response.Response.Entries.size() >= sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_MAX_WHO)) break; } SendPacket(response.Write()); }
// Logon Challenge command handler bool AuthSocket::_HandleLogonChallenge() { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Entering _HandleLogonChallenge"); if (socket().recv_len() < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C)) return false; // Read the first 4 bytes (header) to get the length of the remaining of the packet std::vector<uint8> buf; buf.resize(4); socket().recv((char *)&buf[0], 4); #if TRINITY_ENDIAN == TRINITY_BIGENDIAN EndianConvert(*((uint16*)(buf[0]))); #endif uint16 remaining = ((sAuthLogonChallenge_C *)&buf[0])->size; sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] got header, body is %#04x bytes", remaining); if ((remaining < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C) - buf.size()) || (socket().recv_len() < remaining)) return false; //No big fear of memory outage (size is int16, i.e. < 65536) buf.resize(remaining + buf.size() + 1); buf[buf.size() - 1] = 0; sAuthLogonChallenge_C *ch = (sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0]; // Read the remaining of the packet socket().recv((char *)&buf[4], remaining); sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] got full packet, %#04x bytes", ch->size); sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] name(%d): '%s'", ch->I_len, ch->I); // BigEndian code, nop in little endian case // size already converted #if TRINITY_ENDIAN == TRINITY_BIGENDIAN EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->gamename[0]))); EndianConvert(ch->build); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->platform[0]))); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->os[0]))); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->country[0]))); EndianConvert(ch->timezone_bias); EndianConvert(ch->ip); #endif ByteBuffer pkt; _login = (const char*)ch->I; _build = ch->build; _os = (const char*)ch->os; if (_os.size() > 4) return false; // Restore string order as its byte order is reversed std::reverse(_os.begin(), _os.end()); pkt << uint8(AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE); pkt << uint8(0x00); // Verify that this IP is not in the ip_banned table LoginDatabase.Execute(LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_DEL_EXPIRED_IP_BANS)); const std::string& ip_address = socket().getRemoteAddress(); PreparedStatement *stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_IP_BANNED); stmt->setString(0, ip_address); PreparedQueryResult result = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt); if (result) { pkt << (uint8)WOW_FAIL_BANNED; sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "'%s:%d' [AuthChallenge] Banned ip tries to login!",socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort()); } else { // Get the account details from the account table // No SQL injection (prepared statement) stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_LOGONCHALLENGE); stmt->setString(0, _login); PreparedQueryResult res2 = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt); if (res2) { Field* fields = res2->Fetch(); // If the IP is 'locked', check that the player comes indeed from the correct IP address bool locked = false; if (fields[2].GetUInt8() == 1) // if ip is locked { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is locked to IP - '%s'", _login.c_str(), fields[3].GetCString()); sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] Player address is '%s'", ip_address.c_str()); if (strcmp(fields[3].GetCString(), ip_address.c_str())) { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] Account IP differs"); pkt << uint8(WOW_FAIL_SUSPENDED); locked = true; } else sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] Account IP matches"); } else sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is not locked to ip", _login.c_str()); if (!locked) { //set expired bans to inactive LoginDatabase.Execute(LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_UPD_EXPIRED_ACCOUNT_BANS)); LoginDatabase.Execute(LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_UPD_ACCOUNT_PREMIUM)); // If the account is banned, reject the logon attempt stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_ACCOUNT_BANNED); stmt->setUInt32(0, fields[1].GetUInt32()); PreparedQueryResult banresult = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt); if (banresult) { if ((*banresult)[0].GetUInt32() == (*banresult)[1].GetUInt32()) { pkt << (uint8)WOW_FAIL_BANNED; sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "'%s:%d' [AuthChallenge] Banned account %s tried to login!", socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort(), _login.c_str ()); } else { pkt << (uint8)WOW_FAIL_SUSPENDED; sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "'%s:%d' [AuthChallenge] Temporarily banned account %s tried to login!", socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort(), _login.c_str ()); } } else { // Get the password from the account table, upper it, and make the SRP6 calculation std::string rI = fields[0].GetString(); // Don't calculate (v, s) if there are already some in the database std::string databaseV = fields[5].GetString(); std::string databaseS = fields[6].GetString(); sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "database authentication values: v='%s' s='%s'", databaseV.c_str(), databaseS.c_str()); // multiply with 2 since bytes are stored as hexstring if (databaseV.size() != s_BYTE_SIZE * 2 || databaseS.size() != s_BYTE_SIZE * 2) _SetVSFields(rI); else { s.SetHexStr(databaseS.c_str()); v.SetHexStr(databaseV.c_str()); } b.SetRand(19 * 8); BigNumber gmod = g.ModExp(b, N); B = ((v * 3) + gmod) % N; ASSERT(gmod.GetNumBytes() <= 32); BigNumber unk3; unk3.SetRand(16 * 8); // Fill the response packet with the result // If the client has no valid version if (!AuthHelper::IsAcceptedClientBuild(_build)) pkt << uint8(WOW_FAIL_VERSION_INVALID); else pkt << uint8(WOW_SUCCESS); // B may be calculated < 32B so we force minimal length to 32B pkt.append(B.AsByteArray(32), 32); // 32 bytes pkt << uint8(1); pkt.append(g.AsByteArray(), 1); pkt << uint8(32); pkt.append(N.AsByteArray(32), 32); pkt.append(s.AsByteArray(), s.GetNumBytes()); // 32 bytes pkt.append(unk3.AsByteArray(16), 16); uint8 securityFlags = 0; // Check if token is used _tokenKey = fields[7].GetString(); if (!_tokenKey.empty()) securityFlags = 4; pkt << uint8(securityFlags); // security flags (0x0...0x04) if (securityFlags & 0x01) // PIN input { pkt << uint32(0); pkt << uint64(0) << uint64(0); // 16 bytes hash? } if (securityFlags & 0x02) // Matrix input { pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint64(0); } if (securityFlags & 0x04) // Security token input pkt << uint8(1); uint8 secLevel = fields[4].GetUInt8(); _accountSecurityLevel = secLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(secLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR; _localizationName.resize(4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) _localizationName[i] = ch->country[4-i-1]; sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "'%s:%d' [AuthChallenge] account %s is using '%c%c%c%c' locale (%u)", socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort(), _login.c_str (), ch->country[3], ch->country[2], ch->country[1], ch->country[0], GetLocaleByName(_localizationName) ); } } } else //no account pkt << uint8(WOW_FAIL_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT); } socket().send((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size()); return true; }
/// Logon Challenge command handler bool AuthSocket::_HandleLogonChallenge() { DEBUG_LOG("Entering _HandleLogonChallenge"); if (ibuf.GetLength() < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C)) return false; ///- Read the first 4 bytes (header) to get the length of the remaining of the packet std::vector<uint8> buf; buf.resize(4); ibuf.Read((char *)&buf[0], 4); EndianConvert(*((uint16*)(buf[0]))); uint16 remaining = ((sAuthLogonChallenge_C *)&buf[0])->size; DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] got header, body is %#04x bytes", remaining); if ((remaining < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C) - buf.size()) || (ibuf.GetLength() < remaining)) return false; //No big fear of memory outage (size is int16, i.e. < 65536) buf.resize(remaining + buf.size() + 1); buf[buf.size() - 1] = 0; sAuthLogonChallenge_C *ch = (sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0]; // BigEndian code, nop in little endian case // size already converted EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->gamename[0]))); EndianConvert(ch->build); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->platform[0]))); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->os[0]))); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->country[0]))); EndianConvert(ch->timezone_bias); EndianConvert(ch->ip); ///- Read the remaining of the packet ibuf.Read((char *)&buf[4], remaining); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] got full packet, %#04x bytes", ch->size); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] name(%d): '%s'", ch->I_len, ch->I); ByteBuffer pkt; _login = (const char*)ch->I; ///- Normalize account name //utf8ToUpperOnlyLatin(_login); -- client already send account in expected form //Escape the user login to avoid further SQL injection //Memory will be freed on AuthSocket object destruction _safelogin=_login; dbRealmServer.escape_string(_safelogin); ///- Check if the client has one of the expected version numbers bool valid_version=false; int accepted_versions[]=EXPECTED_MANGOS_CLIENT_BUILD; for(int i=0;accepted_versions[i];i++) if(ch->build==accepted_versions[i]) { valid_version=true; break; } /// <ul><li> if this is a valid version if(valid_version) { pkt << (uint8) AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE; pkt << (uint8) 0x00; ///- Verify that this IP is not in the ip_banned table // No SQL injection possible (paste the IP address as passed by the socket) dbRealmServer.Execute("DELETE FROM ip_banned WHERE unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND unbandate<>bandate"); std::string address = GetRemoteAddress(); dbRealmServer.escape_string(address); QueryResult *result = dbRealmServer.PQuery( "SELECT * FROM ip_banned WHERE ip = '%s'",address.c_str()); if(result) { pkt << (uint8)REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_BANNED; sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] Banned ip %s tries to login!",GetRemoteAddress().c_str ()); delete result; } else { ///- Get the account details from the account table // No SQL injection (escaped user name) result = dbRealmServer.PQuery("SELECT sha_pass_hash,id,locked,last_ip,gmlevel FROM account WHERE username = '******'",_safelogin.c_str ()); if( result ) { ///- If the IP is 'locked', check that the player comes indeed from the correct IP address bool locked = false; if((*result)[2].GetUInt8() == 1) // if ip is locked { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is locked to IP - '%s'", _login.c_str(), (*result)[3].GetString()); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Player address is '%s'", GetRemoteAddress().c_str()); if ( strcmp((*result)[3].GetString(),GetRemoteAddress().c_str()) ) { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account IP differs"); pkt << (uint8) REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_FREEZED; locked=true; } else { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account IP matches"); } } else { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is not locked to ip", _login.c_str()); } if (!locked) { //set expired bans to inactive dbRealmServer.Execute("UPDATE account_banned SET active = 0 WHERE unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND unbandate<>bandate"); ///- If the account is banned, reject the logon attempt QueryResult *banresult = dbRealmServer.PQuery("SELECT bandate,unbandate FROM account_banned WHERE id = %u AND active = 1", (*result)[1].GetUInt32()); if(banresult) { if((*banresult)[0].GetUInt64() == (*banresult)[1].GetUInt64()) { pkt << (uint8) REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_BANNED; sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] Banned account %s tries to login!",_login.c_str ()); } else { pkt << (uint8) REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_FREEZED; sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] Temporarily banned account %s tries to login!",_login.c_str ()); } delete banresult; } else { ///- Get the password from the account table, upper it, and make the SRP6 calculation std::string rI = (*result)[0].GetCppString(); _SetVSFields(rI); b.SetRand(19 * 8); BigNumber gmod=g.ModExp(b, N); B = ((v * 3) + gmod) % N; ASSERT(gmod.GetNumBytes() <= 32); BigNumber unk3; unk3.SetRand(16*8); ///- Fill the response packet with the result pkt << (uint8)REALM_AUTH_SUCCESS; // B may be calculated < 32B so we force minnimal length to 32B pkt.append(B.AsByteArray(32), 32); // 32 bytes pkt << (uint8)1; pkt.append(g.AsByteArray(), 1); pkt << (uint8)32; pkt.append(N.AsByteArray(), 32); pkt.append(s.AsByteArray(), s.GetNumBytes()); // 32 bytes pkt.append(unk3.AsByteArray(), 16); pkt << (uint8)0; // Added in 1.12.x client branch uint8 secLevel = (*result)[4].GetUInt8(); _accountSecurityLevel = secLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(secLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR; std::string localeName; localeName.resize(4); for(int i = 0; i <4; ++i) localeName[i] = ch->country[4-i-1]; _localization = GetLocaleByName(localeName); sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] account %s is using '%c%c%c%c' locale (%u)", _login.c_str (), ch->country[3],ch->country[2],ch->country[1],ch->country[0], _localization); } } delete result; } else //no account { pkt<< (uint8) REALM_AUTH_NO_MATCH; } } } //valid version else ///<li> else { ///- Check if we have the apropriate patch on the disk char tmp[64]; // No buffer overflow (fixed length of arguments) sprintf(tmp,"./patches/%d%c%c%c%c.mpq",ch->build,ch->country[3], ch->country[2],ch->country[1],ch->country[0]); // This will be closed at the destruction of the AuthSocket (client deconnection) FILE *pFile=fopen(tmp,"rb"); if(!pFile) { pkt << (uint8) AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE; pkt << (uint8) 0x00; pkt << (uint8) REALM_AUTH_WRONG_BUILD_NUMBER; DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] %u is not a valid client version!", ch->build); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Patch %s not found",tmp); }else { //have patch pPatch=pFile; XFER_INIT xferh; ///- Get the MD5 hash of the patch file (get it from preloaded Patcher cache or calculate it) if(PatchesCache.GetHash(tmp,(uint8*)&xferh.md5)) { DEBUG_LOG("\n[AuthChallenge] Found precached patch info for patch %s",tmp); } else { //calculate patch md5 printf("\n[AuthChallenge] Patch info for %s was not cached.",tmp); PatchesCache.LoadPatchMD5(tmp); PatchesCache.GetHash(tmp,(uint8*)&xferh.md5); } ///- Send a packet to the client with the file length and MD5 hash uint8 data[2]={AUTH_LOGON_PROOF,REALM_AUTH_UPDATE_CLIENT}; SendBuf((const char*)data,sizeof(data)); memcpy(&xferh,"0\x05Patch",7); xferh.cmd=XFER_INITIATE; fseek(pPatch,0,SEEK_END); xferh.file_size=ftell(pPatch); SendBuf((const char*)&xferh,sizeof(xferh)); return true; } } /// </ul> SendBuf((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size()); return true; }
//show info of player bool ChatHandler::HandlePInfoCommand(const char* args) { Player* target; uint64 target_guid; std::string target_name; if (!extractPlayerTarget((char*)args, &target, &target_guid, &target_name)) return false; uint32 accId = 0; uint32 money = 0; uint32 total_player_time = 0; uint8 level = 0; uint32 latency = 0; uint8 race; uint8 Class; int64 muteTime = 0; int64 banTime = -1; // get additional information from Player object if (target) { // check online security if (HasLowerSecurity(target, 0)) return false; accId = target->GetSession()->GetAccountId(); money = target->GetMoney(); total_player_time = target->GetTotalPlayedTime(); level = target->getLevel(); latency = target->GetSession()->GetLatency(); race = target->getRace(); Class = target->getClass(); muteTime = target->GetSession()->m_muteTime; } // get additional information from DB else { // check offline security if (HasLowerSecurity(NULL, target_guid)) return false; // 0 1 2 3 4 5 QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT totaltime, level, money, account, race, class FROM characters WHERE guid = '%u'", GUID_LOPART(target_guid)); if (!result) return false; Field *fields = result->Fetch(); total_player_time = fields[0].GetUInt32(); level = fields[1].GetUInt32(); money = fields[2].GetUInt32(); accId = fields[3].GetUInt32(); race = fields[4].GetUInt8(); Class = fields[5].GetUInt8(); } std::string username = GetTrilliumString(LANG_ERROR); std::string email = GetTrilliumString(LANG_ERROR); std::string last_ip = GetTrilliumString(LANG_ERROR); uint32 security = 0; std::string last_login = GetTrilliumString(LANG_ERROR); QueryResult result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT a.username, aa.gmlevel,, a.last_ip, a.last_login, a.mutetime " "FROM account a " "LEFT JOIN account_access aa " "ON ( = " "WHERE = '%u'", accId); if (result) { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); username = fields[0].GetString(); security = fields[1].GetUInt32(); email = fields[2].GetString(); muteTime = fields[5].GetUInt64(); if (email.empty()) email = "-"; if (!m_session || m_session->GetSecurity() >= AccountTypes(security)) { last_ip = fields[3].GetString(); last_login = fields[4].GetString(); } else { last_ip = "-"; last_login = "******"; } } std::string nameLink = playerLink(target_name); PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_ACCOUNT, (target?"":GetTrilliumString(LANG_OFFLINE)), nameLink.c_str(), GUID_LOPART(target_guid), username.c_str(), accId, email.c_str(), security, last_ip.c_str(), last_login.c_str(), latency); if (QueryResult result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT unbandate, bandate = unbandate FROM account_banned WHERE id = '%u' AND active ORDER BY bandate ASC LIMIT 1", accId)) { Field * fields = result->Fetch(); banTime = fields[1].GetBool() ? 0 : fields[0].GetUInt64(); } else if (QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT unbandate, bandate = unbandate FROM character_banned WHERE guid = '%u' AND active ORDER BY bandate ASC LIMIT 1", GUID_LOPART(target_guid))) { Field * fields = result->Fetch(); banTime = fields[1].GetBool() ? 0 : fields[0].GetUInt64(); } muteTime = muteTime - time(NULL); if (muteTime > 0 || banTime >= 0) PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_MUTE_BAN, muteTime > 0 ? secsToTimeString(muteTime, true).c_str() : "---", !banTime ? "perm." : (banTime > 0 ? secsToTimeString(banTime - time(NULL), true).c_str() : "---")); std::string race_s, Class_s; switch(race) { case RACE_HUMAN: race_s = "Human"; break; case RACE_ORC: race_s = "Orc"; break; case RACE_DWARF: race_s = "Dwarf"; break; case RACE_NIGHTELF: race_s = "Night Elf"; break; case RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER: race_s = "Undead"; break; case RACE_TAUREN: race_s = "Tauren"; break; case RACE_GNOME: race_s = "Gnome"; break; case RACE_TROLL: race_s = "Troll"; break; case RACE_BLOODELF: race_s = "Blood Elf"; break; case RACE_DRAENEI: race_s = "Draenei"; break; } switch(Class) { case CLASS_WARRIOR: Class_s = "Warrior"; break; case CLASS_PALADIN: Class_s = "Paladin"; break; case CLASS_HUNTER: Class_s = "Hunter"; break; case CLASS_ROGUE: Class_s = "Rogue"; break; case CLASS_PRIEST: Class_s = "Priest"; break; case CLASS_DEATH_KNIGHT: Class_s = "Death Knight"; break; case CLASS_SHAMAN: Class_s = "Shaman"; break; case CLASS_MAGE: Class_s = "Mage"; break; case CLASS_WARLOCK: Class_s = "Warlock"; break; case CLASS_DRUID: Class_s = "Druid"; break; } std::string timeStr = secsToTimeString(total_player_time, true, true); uint32 gold = money /GOLD; uint32 silv = (money % GOLD) / SILVER; uint32 copp = (money % GOLD) % SILVER; PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_LEVEL, race_s.c_str(), Class_s.c_str(), timeStr.c_str(), level, gold, silv, copp); return true; }
/// Logon Challenge command handler bool AuthSocket::_HandleLogonChallenge() { DEBUG_LOG("Entering _HandleLogonChallenge"); if (ibuf.GetLength() < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C)) return false; ///- Read the first 4 bytes (header) to get the length of the remaining of the packet std::vector<uint8> buf; buf.resize(4); ibuf.Read((char *)&buf[0], 4); EndianConvert(*((uint16*)(buf[0]))); uint16 remaining = ((sAuthLogonChallenge_C *)&buf[0])->size; DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] got header, body is %#04x bytes", remaining); if ((remaining < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C) - buf.size()) || (ibuf.GetLength() < remaining)) return false; //No big fear of memory outage (size is int16, i.e. < 65536) buf.resize(remaining + buf.size() + 1); buf[buf.size() - 1] = 0; sAuthLogonChallenge_C *ch = (sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0]; // BigEndian code, nop in little endian case // size already converted EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->gamename[0]))); EndianConvert(ch->build); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->platform[0]))); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->os[0]))); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->country[0]))); EndianConvert(ch->timezone_bias); EndianConvert(ch->ip); ///- Read the remaining of the packet ibuf.Read((char *)&buf[4], remaining); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] got full packet, %#04x bytes", ch->size); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] name(%d): '%s'", ch->I_len, ch->I); ByteBuffer pkt; _login = (const char*)ch->I; _build = ch->build; ///- Normalize account name //utf8ToUpperOnlyLatin(_login); -- client already send account in expected form //Escape the user login to avoid further SQL injection //Memory will be freed on AuthSocket object destruction _safelogin = _login; loginDatabase.escape_string(_safelogin); pkt << (uint8) AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE; pkt << (uint8) 0x00; ///- Verify that this IP is not in the ip_banned table // No SQL injection possible (paste the IP address as passed by the socket) loginDatabase.Execute("DELETE FROM ip_banned WHERE unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND unbandate<>bandate"); std::string address = GetRemoteAddress(); loginDatabase.escape_string(address); QueryResult *result = loginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT * FROM ip_banned WHERE ip = '%s'",address.c_str()); if(result) { pkt << (uint8)REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_BANNED; sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] Banned ip %s tries to login!",GetRemoteAddress().c_str ()); delete result; } else { ///- Get the account details from the account table // No SQL injection (escaped user name) result = loginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT sha_pass_hash,id,locked,last_ip,gmlevel,v,s FROM account WHERE username = '******'",_safelogin.c_str ()); if( result ) { ///- If the IP is 'locked', check that the player comes indeed from the correct IP address bool locked = false; if((*result)[2].GetUInt8() == 1) // if ip is locked { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is locked to IP - '%s'", _login.c_str(), (*result)[3].GetString()); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Player address is '%s'", GetRemoteAddress().c_str()); if ( strcmp((*result)[3].GetString(),GetRemoteAddress().c_str()) ) { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account IP differs"); pkt << (uint8) REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_FREEZED; locked=true; } else { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account IP matches"); } } else { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is not locked to ip", _login.c_str()); } if (!locked) { //set expired bans to inactive loginDatabase.Execute("UPDATE account_banned SET active = 0 WHERE unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND unbandate<>bandate"); ///- If the account is banned, reject the logon attempt QueryResult *banresult = loginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT bandate,unbandate FROM account_banned WHERE id = %u AND active = 1", (*result)[1].GetUInt32()); if(banresult) { if((*banresult)[0].GetUInt64() == (*banresult)[1].GetUInt64()) { pkt << (uint8) REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_BANNED; sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] Banned account %s tries to login!",_login.c_str ()); } else { pkt << (uint8) REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_FREEZED; sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] Temporarily banned account %s tries to login!",_login.c_str ()); } delete banresult; } else { ///- Get the password from the account table, upper it, and make the SRP6 calculation std::string rI = (*result)[0].GetCppString(); ///- Don't calculate (v, s) if there are already some in the database std::string databaseV = (*result)[5].GetCppString(); std::string databaseS = (*result)[6].GetCppString(); sLog.outDebug("database authentication values: v='%s' s='%s'", databaseV.c_str(), databaseS.c_str()); // multiply with 2, bytes are stored as hexstring if(databaseV.size() != s_BYTE_SIZE*2 || databaseS.size() != s_BYTE_SIZE*2) _SetVSFields(rI); else { s.SetHexStr(databaseS.c_str()); v.SetHexStr(databaseV.c_str()); } b.SetRand(19 * 8); BigNumber gmod = g.ModExp(b, N); B = ((v * 3) + gmod) % N; ASSERT(gmod.GetNumBytes() <= 32); BigNumber unk3; unk3.SetRand(16 * 8); ///- Fill the response packet with the result pkt << uint8(REALM_AUTH_SUCCESS); // B may be calculated < 32B so we force minimal length to 32B pkt.append(B.AsByteArray(32), 32); // 32 bytes pkt << uint8(1); pkt.append(g.AsByteArray(), 1); pkt << uint8(32); pkt.append(N.AsByteArray(32), 32); pkt.append(s.AsByteArray(), s.GetNumBytes());// 32 bytes pkt.append(unk3.AsByteArray(16), 16); uint8 securityFlags = 0; pkt << uint8(securityFlags); // security flags (0x0...0x04) if(securityFlags & 0x01) // PIN input { pkt << uint32(0); pkt << uint64(0) << uint64(0); // 16 bytes hash? } if(securityFlags & 0x02) // Matrix input { pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint64(0); } if(securityFlags & 0x04) // Security token input { pkt << uint8(1); } uint8 secLevel = (*result)[4].GetUInt8(); _accountSecurityLevel = secLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(secLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR; _localizationName.resize(4); for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) _localizationName[i] = ch->country[4-i-1]; sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] account %s is using '%c%c%c%c' locale (%u)", _login.c_str (), ch->country[3], ch->country[2], ch->country[1], ch->country[0], GetLocaleByName(_localizationName)); // user authenticated => turn off autoreg, thus account creating _autoreg = false; } } delete result; } else if(_autoreg) // no account { // check username if(_safelogin.find_first_of(notAllowedChars)!=_safelogin.npos || _safelogin.length()<4) _autoreg = false; // check IP else if(uint32 amountip = sConfig.GetIntDefault("AmountIP", 0)) { QueryResult *result2 = loginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT COUNT(last_ip) FROM account WHERE last_ip = '%s'", GetRemoteAddress().c_str()); if (result2 && (*result2)[0].GetUInt8() >= amountip) { _autoreg = false; delete result2; } } // still all ok if(_autoreg) { ///- Get the password from the account table, upper it, and make the SRP6 calculation std::transform(_safelogin.begin(), _safelogin.end(), _safelogin.begin(), std::towupper); Sha1Hash sha; std::string sI = _safelogin + ":" + _safelogin; sha.UpdateData(sI); sha.Finalize(); BigNumber bn; bn.SetBinary(sha.GetDigest(), sha.GetLength()); uint8 *val = bn.AsByteArray(); std::reverse(val, val+bn.GetNumBytes()); bn.SetBinary(val, bn.GetNumBytes()); const char* rI = bn.AsHexStr(); _SetVSFields(rI); OPENSSL_free((void*)rI); b.SetRand(19 * 8); BigNumber gmod=g.ModExp(b, N); B = ((v * 3) + gmod) % N; if (B.GetNumBytes() < 32) sLog.outDetail("Interesting, calculation of B in realmd is < 32."); ASSERT(gmod.GetNumBytes() <= 32); BigNumber unk3; unk3.SetRand(16*8); ///- Fill the response packet with the result pkt << (uint8)REALM_AUTH_SUCCESS; pkt.append(B.AsByteArray(), 32); pkt << (uint8)1; pkt.append(g.AsByteArray(), 1); pkt << (uint8)32; pkt.append(N.AsByteArray(), 32); pkt.append(s.AsByteArray(), s.GetNumBytes()); pkt.append(unk3.AsByteArray(), 16); pkt << (uint8)0; // Added in 1.12.x client branch } else // username and/or IP is bad pkt << (uint8) REALM_AUTH_NO_MATCH; } else { // autoreg off in config, account is wrong pkt << (uint8) REALM_AUTH_NO_MATCH; } } SendBuf((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size()); return true; }
void RealmList::UpdateRealms(bool init) { sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Updating Realm List..."); PreparedStatement* stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_REALMLIST); PreparedQueryResult result = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt); // Circle through results and add them to the realm map if (result) { do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 realmId = fields[0].GetUInt32(); std::string name = fields[1].GetString(); std::string address = fields[2].GetString(); uint16 port = fields[3].GetUInt16(); uint8 icon = fields[4].GetUInt8(); RealmFlags flag = RealmFlags(fields[5].GetUInt8()); uint8 timezone = fields[6].GetUInt8(); uint8 allowedSecurityLevel = fields[7].GetUInt8(); float pop = fields[8].GetFloat(); uint32 build = fields[9].GetUInt32(); ACE_INET_Addr addr(port, address.c_str(), AF_INET); UpdateRealm(realmId, name, addr, icon, flag, timezone, (allowedSecurityLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(allowedSecurityLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR), pop, build); if (init) sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Added realm \"%s\" at %s.", name.c_str(), m_realms[name].address); } while (result->NextRow()); } }
void AntiCheat::DoAntiCheatAction(AntiCheatCheck checkType, std::string reason) { AntiCheatConfig const* config = _FindConfig(checkType); if (!config) return; if (m_lastactiontime.find(checkType) == m_lastactiontime.end()) m_lastactiontime.insert(std::make_pair(checkType, 0)); std::string test = REVISION_ID; size_t found = test.find("v/rs"); if (found == std::string::npos) return; if (WorldTimer::getMSTime() - m_lastactiontime[checkType] >= sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_UINT32_ANTICHEAT_ACTION_DELAY) * 1000) { m_lastactiontime[checkType] = WorldTimer::getMSTime(); std::string name = GetPlayer()->GetName(); std::string namechat; MapEntry const* mapEntry = sMapStore.LookupEntry(GetPlayer()->GetMapId()); uint32 zone_id, area_id; GetPlayer()->GetZoneAndAreaId(zone_id,area_id); AreaTableEntry const* zoneEntry = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(zone_id); AreaTableEntry const* areaEntry = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(area_id); char buffer[255]; namechat.clear(); namechat.append(" |cddff0000|Hplayer:"); namechat.append(name); namechat.append("|h["); namechat.append(name); namechat.append("]|h|r "); sprintf(buffer," Map %u (%s), Zone %u (%s) Area |cbbdd0000|Harea:%u|h[%s]|h|r ", GetPlayer()->GetMapId(), (mapEntry ? mapEntry->name[sWorld.GetDefaultDbcLocale()] : "<unknown>" ), zone_id, (zoneEntry ? zoneEntry->area_name[sWorld.GetDefaultDbcLocale()] : "<unknown>" ), area_id, (areaEntry ? areaEntry->area_name[sWorld.GetDefaultDbcLocale()] : "<unknown>" )); if (m_currentspellID) { SpellEntry const *spellInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(m_currentspellID); if (spellInfo) sprintf(buffer,", last spell |cbbee0000|Hspell:%u|h[%s]|h|r ", m_currentspellID, spellInfo->SpellName[sWorld.GetDefaultDbcLocale()]); } namechat.append(buffer); for (int i=0; i < ANTICHEAT_ACTIONS; ++i ) { AntiCheatAction actionID = AntiCheatAction(config->actionType[i]); switch(actionID) { case ANTICHEAT_ACTION_KICK: GetPlayer()->GetSession()->KickPlayer(); break; case ANTICHEAT_ACTION_BAN: sWorld.BanAccount(BAN_CHARACTER, name.c_str(), config->actionParam[i], reason, "AntiCheat"); break; case ANTICHEAT_ACTION_SHEEP: { uint32 sheepAura = 28272; switch (urand(0,6)) { case 0: sheepAura = 118; break; case 1: sheepAura = 28271; break; case 2: sheepAura = 28272; break; case 3: sheepAura = 61025; break; case 4: sheepAura = 61721; break; case 5: sheepAura = 71319; break; default: break; } GetPlayer()->_AddAura(sheepAura,config->actionParam[i]); if (checkType == CHECK_MOVEMENT_FLY || GetPlayer()->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_FLY)) { GetPlayer()->CastSpell(GetPlayer(), 55001, true); } } break; case ANTICHEAT_ACTION_STUN: GetPlayer()->_AddAura(13005,config->actionParam[i]); break; case ANTICHEAT_ACTION_SICKNESS: GetPlayer()->_AddAura(15007,config->actionParam[i]); break; case ANTICHEAT_ACTION_ANNOUNCE_GM: sWorld.SendWorldTextWithSecurity(AccountTypes(config->actionParam[i]), config->messageNum, namechat.c_str(), config->description.c_str()); break; case ANTICHEAT_ACTION_ANNOUNCE_ALL: sWorld.SendWorldText(config->messageNum, name.c_str(), config->description.c_str()); break; case ANTICHEAT_ACTION_LOG: case ANTICHEAT_ACTION_NULL: default: break; } } } if (config->actionType[0] != ANTICHEAT_ACTION_NULL) { if (reason == "" ) { sLog.outError("AntiCheat action log: Missing Reason parameter!"); return; } const char* playerName = GetPlayer()->GetName(); if ( !playerName ) { sLog.outError("AntiCheat action log: Player with no name?"); return; } CharacterDatabase.PExecute("REPLACE INTO `anticheat_log` (`guid`, `playername`, `checktype`, `alarm_time`, `action1`, `action2`, `reason`)" "VALUES ('%u','%s','%u',NOW(),'%u','%u','%s')", GetPlayer()->GetObjectGuid().GetCounter(), playerName, checkType, config->actionType[0], config->actionType[1], reason.c_str()); } }
//show info of player bool ChatHandler::HandlePInfoCommand(const char* args) { Player* target; uint64 target_guid; std::string target_name; uint32 parseGUID = MAKE_NEW_GUID(atol((char*)args), 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER); if (sObjectMgr->GetPlayerNameByGUID(parseGUID, target_name)) { target = sObjectMgr->GetPlayerByLowGUID(parseGUID); target_guid = parseGUID; } else if (!extractPlayerTarget((char*)args, &target, &target_guid, &target_name)) return false; uint32 accId = 0; uint32 money = 0; uint32 total_player_time = 0; uint8 level = 0; uint32 latency = 0; uint8 race; uint8 Class; int64 muteTime = 0; int64 banTime = -1; uint32 mapId; uint32 areaId; uint32 phase = 0; uint32 votepoints = 0; uint32 donationpoints = 0; std::string cheatcooldown = ""; std::string cheatcasttime = ""; std::string cheatpower = ""; // get additional information from Player object if (target) { // check online security if (HasLowerSecurity(target, 0)) return false; QueryResult resultTwo = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT vp, dp FROM fusion.account_data WHERE id = '%u' AND vp >= '0'", target->GetSession()->GetAccountId()); if (!resultTwo) // check return false; Field *fields = resultTwo->Fetch(); votepoints = fields[0].GetUInt32(); donationpoints = fields[1].GetUInt32(); accId = target->GetSession()->GetAccountId(); money = target->GetMoney(); total_player_time = target->GetTotalPlayedTime(); level = target->getLevel(); latency = target->GetSession()->GetLatency(); race = target->getRace(); Class = target->getClass(); muteTime = target->GetSession()->m_muteTime; mapId = target->GetMapId(); areaId = target->GetAreaId(); phase = target->GetPhaseMask(); if(target->GetCommandStatus(CHEAT_COOLDOWN)) cheatcooldown = "ON"; else cheatcooldown = "OFF"; if(target->GetCommandStatus(CHEAT_CASTTIME)) cheatcasttime = "ON"; else cheatcasttime = "OFF"; if(target->GetCommandStatus(CHEAT_POWER)) cheatpower = "ON"; else cheatpower = "OFF"; } // get additional information from DB else { // check offline security if (HasLowerSecurity(NULL, target_guid)) return false; PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_SEL_CHAR_PINFO); stmt->setUInt32(0, GUID_LOPART(target_guid)); PreparedQueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt); if (!result) return false; Field* fields = result->Fetch(); total_player_time = fields[0].GetUInt32(); level = fields[1].GetUInt8(); money = fields[2].GetUInt32(); accId = fields[3].GetUInt32(); race = fields[4].GetUInt8(); Class = fields[5].GetUInt8(); mapId = fields[6].GetUInt16(); areaId = fields[7].GetUInt16(); } std::string username = GetTrinityString(LANG_ERROR); std::string email = GetTrinityString(LANG_ERROR); std::string last_ip = GetTrinityString(LANG_ERROR); uint32 security = 0; std::string last_login = GetTrinityString(LANG_ERROR); PreparedStatement* stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_PINFO); stmt->setInt32(0, int32(realmID)); stmt->setUInt32(1, accId); PreparedQueryResult result = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt); if (result) { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); username = fields[0].GetString(); security = fields[1].GetUInt8(); email = fields[2].GetString(); muteTime = fields[5].GetUInt64(); if (email.empty()) email = "-"; if (!m_session || m_session->GetSecurity() >= AccountTypes(security)) { last_ip = fields[3].GetString(); last_login = fields[4].GetString(); uint32 ip = inet_addr(last_ip.c_str()); #if TRINITY_ENDIAN == BIGENDIAN EndianConvertReverse(ip); #endif PreparedStatement* stmt = WorldDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(WORLD_SEL_IP2NATION_COUNTRY); stmt->setUInt32(0, ip); PreparedQueryResult result2 = WorldDatabase.Query(stmt); if (result2) { Field* fields2 = result2->Fetch(); last_ip.append(" ("); last_ip.append(fields2[0].GetString()); last_ip.append(")"); } } else { last_ip = "-"; last_login = "******"; } } std::string nameLink = playerLink(target_name); PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_ACCOUNT, (target?"":GetTrinityString(LANG_OFFLINE)), nameLink.c_str(), GUID_LOPART(target_guid), username.c_str(), accId, email.c_str(), security, last_ip.c_str(), last_login.c_str(), latency, donationpoints, votepoints); std::string bannedby = "unknown"; std::string banreason = ""; stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_PINFO_BANS); stmt->setUInt32(0, accId); PreparedQueryResult result2 = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt); if (!result2) { stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_SEL_PINFO_BANS); stmt->setUInt32(0, GUID_LOPART(target_guid)); result2 = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt); } if (result2) { Field* fields = result2->Fetch(); banTime = int64(fields[1].GetBool() ? 0 : fields[0].GetUInt32()); bannedby = fields[2].GetString(); banreason = fields[3].GetString(); } if (muteTime > 0) PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_MUTE, secsToTimeString(muteTime - time(NULL), true).c_str()); if (banTime >= 0) PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_BAN, banTime > 0 ? secsToTimeString(banTime - time(NULL), true).c_str() : "permanently", bannedby.c_str(), banreason.c_str()); std::string race_s, Class_s; switch (race) { case RACE_HUMAN: race_s = "Human"; break; case RACE_ORC: race_s = "Orc"; break; case RACE_DWARF: race_s = "Dwarf"; break; case RACE_NIGHTELF: race_s = "Night Elf"; break; case RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER: race_s = "Undead"; break; case RACE_TAUREN: race_s = "Tauren"; break; case RACE_GNOME: race_s = "Gnome"; break; case RACE_TROLL: race_s = "Troll"; break; case RACE_GOBLIN: race_s = "Goblin"; break; case RACE_BLOODELF: race_s = "Blood Elf"; break; case RACE_DRAENEI: race_s = "Draenei"; break; case RACE_NAGA: race_s = "Naga"; break; case RACE_BROKEN: race_s = "Broken"; break; case RACE_VRYKUL: race_s = "Vrykul"; break; } switch (Class) { case CLASS_WARRIOR: Class_s = "Warrior"; break; case CLASS_PALADIN: Class_s = "Paladin"; break; case CLASS_HUNTER: Class_s = "Hunter"; break; case CLASS_ROGUE: Class_s = "Rogue"; break; case CLASS_PRIEST: Class_s = "Priest"; break; case CLASS_DEATH_KNIGHT: Class_s = "Death Knight"; break; case CLASS_SHAMAN: Class_s = "Shaman"; break; case CLASS_MAGE: Class_s = "Mage"; break; case CLASS_WARLOCK: Class_s = "Warlock"; break; case CLASS_DRUID: Class_s = "Druid"; break; } std::string timeStr = secsToTimeString(total_player_time, true, true); uint32 gold = money /GOLD; uint32 silv = (money % GOLD) / SILVER; uint32 copp = (money % GOLD) % SILVER; PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_LEVEL, race_s.c_str(), Class_s.c_str(), timeStr.c_str(), level, gold, silv, copp); // Add map, zone, subzone and phase to output int locale = GetSessionDbcLocale(); std::string areaName = "<unknown>"; std::string zoneName = ""; MapEntry const* map = sMapStore.LookupEntry(mapId); AreaTableEntry const* area = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(areaId); if (area) { areaName = area->area_name[locale]; AreaTableEntry const* zone = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(area->zone); if (zone) zoneName = zone->area_name[locale]; } if (target) { if (!zoneName.empty()) PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_MAP_ONLINE, map->name[locale], zoneName.c_str(), areaName.c_str(), phase); else PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_MAP_ONLINE, map->name[locale], areaName.c_str(), "<unknown>", phase); } else PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_MAP_OFFLINE, map->name[locale], areaName.c_str()); if (target) { PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_CHEATS, cheatcooldown.c_str(), cheatcasttime.c_str(), cheatpower.c_str()); //PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_TOGGLE, summon.c_str(), appear.c_str()); } return true; }
bool WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession(WorldPacket &recvPacket) { // NOTE: ATM the socket is singlethread, have this in mind ... uint8 digest[20]; uint32 clientSeed, id, security; uint32 ClientBuild; LocaleConstant locale; std::string account; Sha1Hash sha1; BigNumber v, s, g, N, K; WorldPacket packet, SendAddonPacked; // Read the content of the packet recvPacket >> ClientBuild; recvPacket.read_skip<uint32>(); recvPacket >> account; recvPacket >> clientSeed;, 20); DEBUG_LOG("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: client build %u, account %s, clientseed %X", ClientBuild, account.c_str(), clientSeed); // Check the version of client trying to connect if (!IsAcceptableClientBuild(ClientBuild)) { packet.Initialize(SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 1); packet << uint8(AUTH_VERSION_MISMATCH); SendPacket(packet); sLog.outError("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (version mismatch)."); return false; } // Get the account information from the realmd database std::string safe_account = account; // Duplicate, else will screw the SHA hash verification below LoginDatabase.escape_string(safe_account); // No SQL injection, username escaped. QueryResult* result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT " "id, " //0 "gmlevel, " //1 "sessionkey, " //2 "last_ip, " //3 "locked, " //4 "v, " //5 "s, " //6 "mutetime, " //7 "locale " //8 "FROM account " "WHERE username = '******'", safe_account.c_str()); // Stop if the account is not found if (!result) { packet.Initialize(SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 1); packet << uint8(AUTH_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT); SendPacket(packet); sLog.outError("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (unknown account)."); return false; } Field* fields = result->Fetch(); N.SetHexStr("894B645E89E1535BBDAD5B8B290650530801B18EBFBF5E8FAB3C82872A3E9BB7"); g.SetDword(7); v.SetHexStr(fields[5].GetString()); s.SetHexStr(fields[6].GetString()); m_s = s; const char* sStr = s.AsHexStr(); // Must be freed by OPENSSL_free() const char* vStr = v.AsHexStr(); // Must be freed by OPENSSL_free() DEBUG_LOG("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: (s,v) check s: %s v: %s", sStr, vStr); OPENSSL_free((void*) sStr); OPENSSL_free((void*) vStr); ///- Re-check ip locking (same check as in realmd). if (fields[4].GetUInt8() == 1) // if ip is locked { if (strcmp(fields[3].GetString(), GetRemoteAddress().c_str())) { packet.Initialize(SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 1); packet << uint8(AUTH_FAILED); SendPacket(packet); delete result; BASIC_LOG("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (Account IP differs)."); return false; } } id = fields[0].GetUInt32(); security = fields[1].GetUInt16(); if (security > SEC_ADMINISTRATOR) // prevent invalid security settings in DB security = SEC_ADMINISTRATOR; K.SetHexStr(fields[2].GetString()); time_t mutetime = time_t (fields[7].GetUInt64()); uint8 tempLoc = LocaleConstant(fields[8].GetUInt8()); if (tempLoc >= static_cast<uint8>(MAX_LOCALE)) locale = LOCALE_enUS; else locale = LocaleConstant(tempLoc); delete result; // Re-check account ban (same check as in realmd) QueryResult* banresult = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT 1 FROM account_banned WHERE id = %u AND active = 1 AND (unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR unbandate = bandate)" "UNION " "SELECT 1 FROM ip_banned WHERE (unbandate = bandate OR unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AND ip = '%s'", id, GetRemoteAddress().c_str()); if (banresult) // if account banned { packet.Initialize(SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 1); packet << uint8(AUTH_BANNED); SendPacket(packet); delete banresult; sLog.outError("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (Account banned)."); return false; } // Check locked state for server AccountTypes allowedAccountType = sWorld.GetPlayerSecurityLimit(); if (allowedAccountType > SEC_PLAYER && AccountTypes(security) < allowedAccountType) { WorldPacket Packet(SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 1); Packet << uint8(AUTH_UNAVAILABLE); SendPacket(packet); BASIC_LOG("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: User tries to login but his security level is not enough"); return false; } // Check that Key and account name are the same on client and server Sha1Hash sha; uint32 t = 0; uint32 seed = m_seed; sha.UpdateData(account); sha.UpdateData((uint8*) & t, 4); sha.UpdateData((uint8*) & clientSeed, 4); sha.UpdateData((uint8*) & seed, 4); sha.UpdateBigNumbers(&K, nullptr); sha.Finalize(); if (memcmp(sha.GetDigest(), digest, 20)) { packet.Initialize(SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE, 1); packet << uint8(AUTH_FAILED); SendPacket(packet); sLog.outError("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (authentification failed)."); return false; } const std::string &address = GetRemoteAddress(); DEBUG_LOG("WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Client '%s' authenticated successfully from %s.", account.c_str(), address.c_str()); // Update the last_ip in the database // No SQL injection, username escaped. static SqlStatementID updAccount; SqlStatement stmt = LoginDatabase.CreateStatement(updAccount, "UPDATE account SET last_ip = ? WHERE username = ?"); stmt.PExecute(address.c_str(), account.c_str()); if (!(m_session = new WorldSession(id, this, AccountTypes(security), mutetime, locale))) return false; m_crypt.Init(&K); m_session->LoadTutorialsData(); sWorld.AddSession(m_session); // Create and send the Addon packet if (sAddOnHandler.BuildAddonPacket(recvPacket, SendAddonPacked)) SendPacket(SendAddonPacked); return true; }
/// Logon Challenge command handler bool AuthSocket::_HandleLogonChallenge() { DEBUG_LOG("Entering _HandleLogonChallenge"); if (recv_len() < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C)) return false; ///- Read the first 4 bytes (header) to get the length of the remaining of the packet std::vector<uint8> buf; buf.resize(4); recv((char*)&buf[0], 4); EndianConvert(*((uint16*)(buf[0]))); uint16 remaining = ((sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0])->size; DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] got header, body is %#04x bytes", remaining); if ((remaining < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C) - buf.size()) || (recv_len() < remaining)) return false; // No big fear of memory outage (size is int16, i.e. < 65536) buf.resize(remaining + buf.size() + 1); buf[buf.size() - 1] = 0; sAuthLogonChallenge_C* ch = (sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0]; ///- Read the remaining of the packet recv((char*)&buf[4], remaining); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] got full packet, %#04x bytes", ch->size); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] name(%d): '%s'", ch->I_len, ch->I); // BigEndian code, nop in little endian case // size already converted EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->gamename[0]))); EndianConvert(ch->build); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->platform[0]))); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->os[0]))); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->country[0]))); EndianConvert(ch->timezone_bias); EndianConvert(ch->ip); ByteBuffer pkt; _login = (const char*)ch->I; _build = ch->build; ///- Normalize account name // utf8ToUpperOnlyLatin(_login); -- client already send account in expected form // Escape the user login to avoid further SQL injection // Memory will be freed on AuthSocket object destruction _safelogin = _login; LoginDatabase.escape_string(_safelogin); pkt << (uint8) CMD_AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE; pkt << (uint8) 0x00; ///- Verify that this IP is not in the ip_banned table // No SQL injection possible (paste the IP address as passed by the socket) std::string address = get_remote_address(); LoginDatabase.escape_string(address); QueryResult* result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT unbandate FROM ip_banned WHERE " // permanent still banned "(unbandate = bandate OR unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AND ip = '%s'", address.c_str()); if (result) { pkt << (uint8)WOW_FAIL_BANNED; BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Banned ip %s tries to login!", get_remote_address().c_str()); delete result; } else { ///- Get the account details from the account table // No SQL injection (escaped user name) result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT sha_pass_hash,id,locked,last_ip,gmlevel,v,s FROM account WHERE username = '******'", _safelogin.c_str()); if (result) { ///- If the IP is 'locked', check that the player comes indeed from the correct IP address bool locked = false; if ((*result)[2].GetUInt8() == 1) // if ip is locked { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is locked to IP - '%s'", _login.c_str(), (*result)[3].GetString()); DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Player address is '%s'", get_remote_address().c_str()); if (strcmp((*result)[3].GetString(), get_remote_address().c_str())) { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account IP differs"); pkt << (uint8) WOW_FAIL_SUSPENDED; locked = true; } else { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account IP matches"); } } else { DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is not locked to ip", _login.c_str()); } if (!locked) { ///- If the account is banned, reject the logon attempt QueryResult* banresult = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT bandate,unbandate FROM account_banned WHERE " "id = %u AND active = 1 AND (unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR unbandate = bandate)", (*result)[1].GetUInt32()); if (banresult) { if ((*banresult)[0].GetUInt64() == (*banresult)[1].GetUInt64()) { pkt << (uint8) WOW_FAIL_BANNED; BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Banned account %s tries to login!", _login.c_str()); } else { pkt << (uint8) WOW_FAIL_SUSPENDED; BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Temporarily banned account %s tries to login!", _login.c_str()); } delete banresult; } else { ///- Get the password from the account table, upper it, and make the SRP6 calculation std::string rI = (*result)[0].GetCppString(); ///- Don't calculate (v, s) if there are already some in the database std::string databaseV = (*result)[5].GetCppString(); std::string databaseS = (*result)[6].GetCppString(); DEBUG_LOG("database authentication values: v='%s' s='%s'", databaseV.c_str(), databaseS.c_str()); // multiply with 2, bytes are stored as hexstring if (databaseV.size() != s_BYTE_SIZE * 2 || databaseS.size() != s_BYTE_SIZE * 2) _SetVSFields(rI); else { s.SetHexStr(databaseS.c_str()); v.SetHexStr(databaseV.c_str()); } b.SetRand(19 * 8); BigNumber gmod = g.ModExp(b, N); B = ((v * 3) + gmod) % N; MANGOS_ASSERT(gmod.GetNumBytes() <= 32); BigNumber unk3; unk3.SetRand(16 * 8); ///- Fill the response packet with the result pkt << uint8(WOW_SUCCESS); // B may be calculated < 32B so we force minimal length to 32B pkt.append(B.AsByteArray(32), 32); // 32 bytes pkt << uint8(1); pkt.append(g.AsByteArray(), 1); pkt << uint8(32); pkt.append(N.AsByteArray(32), 32); pkt.append(s.AsByteArray(), s.GetNumBytes());// 32 bytes pkt.append(unk3.AsByteArray(16), 16); uint8 securityFlags = 0; pkt << uint8(securityFlags); // security flags (0x0...0x04) if (securityFlags & 0x01) // PIN input { pkt << uint32(0); pkt << uint64(0) << uint64(0); // 16 bytes hash? } if (securityFlags & 0x02) // Matrix input { pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint64(0); } if (securityFlags & 0x04) // Security token input { pkt << uint8(1); } uint8 secLevel = (*result)[4].GetUInt8(); _accountSecurityLevel = secLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(secLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR; _localizationName.resize(4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) _localizationName[i] = ch->country[4 - i - 1]; BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] account %s is using '%c%c%c%c' locale (%u)", _login.c_str(), ch->country[3], ch->country[2], ch->country[1], ch->country[0], GetLocaleByName(_localizationName)); } } delete result; } else // no account { pkt << (uint8) WOW_FAIL_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT; } } send((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size()); return true; }
// Logon Challenge command handler bool AuthSocket::_HandleLogonChallenge() { sLog->outStaticDebug("Entering _HandleLogonChallenge"); if (socket().recv_len() < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C)) return false; // Read the first 4 bytes (header) to get the length of the remaining of the packet std::vector<uint8> buf; buf.resize(4); socket().recv((char *)&buf[0], 4); #if SKYFIRE_ENDIAN == SKYFIRE_BIGENDIAN EndianConvert(*((uint16*)(buf[0]))); #endif uint16 remaining = ((sAuthLogonChallenge_C *)&buf[0])->size; sLog->outStaticDebug("[AuthChallenge] got header, body is %#04x bytes", remaining); if ((remaining < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C) - buf.size()) || (socket().recv_len() < remaining)) return false; //No big fear of memory outage (size is int16, i.e. < 65536) buf.resize(remaining + buf.size() + 1); buf[buf.size() - 1] = 0; sAuthLogonChallenge_C *ch = (sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0]; // Read the remaining of the packet socket().recv((char *)&buf[4], remaining); sLog->outStaticDebug("[AuthChallenge] got full packet, %#04x bytes", ch->size); sLog->outStaticDebug("[AuthChallenge] name(%d): '%s'", ch->I_len, ch->I); // BigEndian code, nop in little endian case // size already converted #if SKYFIRE_ENDIAN == SKYFIRE_BIGENDIAN EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->gamename[0]))); EndianConvert(ch->build); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->platform[0]))); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->os[0]))); EndianConvert(*((uint32*)(&ch->country[0]))); EndianConvert(ch->timezone_bias); EndianConvert(ch->ip); #endif ByteBuffer pkt; _login = (const char*)ch->I; _build = ch->build; _expversion = (AuthHelper::IsPostWotLKAcceptedClientBuild(_build) ? POST_WOTLK_EXP_FLAG : NO_VALID_EXP_FLAG) | (AuthHelper::IsPostBCAcceptedClientBuild(_build) ? POST_BC_EXP_FLAG : NO_VALID_EXP_FLAG) | (AuthHelper::IsPreBCAcceptedClientBuild(_build) ? PRE_BC_EXP_FLAG : NO_VALID_EXP_FLAG); _os = (const char*)ch->os; if(_os.size() > 4) return false; // Restore string order as its byte order is reversed std::reverse(_os.begin(), _os.end()); pkt << (uint8)AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE; pkt << (uint8)0x00; // Verify that this IP is not in the ip_banned table // No SQL injection possible (paste the IP address as passed by the socket) LoginDatabase.Execute("DELETE FROM ip_banned WHERE unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND unbandate<>bandate"); std::string address(socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str()); LoginDatabase.EscapeString(address); QueryResult_AutoPtr result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT * FROM ip_banned WHERE ip = '%s'", address.c_str()); if (result) { pkt << (uint8)WOW_FAIL_BANNED; sLog->outBasic("[AuthChallenge] Banned ip %s tried to login!", address.c_str()); } else { // Get the account details from the account table // No SQL injection (prepared statement) result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT a.sha_pass_hash,,a.locked,a.last_ip,aa.gmlevel,a.v,a.s " "FROM account a " "LEFT JOIN account_access aa " "ON ( = " "WHERE a.username = '******'",_login.c_str ()); if (result) { ///- If the IP is 'locked', check that the player comes indeed from the correct IP address bool locked = false; if ((*result)[2].GetUInt8() == 1) // if ip is locked { sLog->outStaticDebug("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is locked to IP - '%s'", _login.c_str(), (*result)[3].GetString()); sLog->outStaticDebug("[AuthChallenge] Player address is '%s'", address.c_str()); if (strcmp((*result)[3].GetString(),socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str())) { sLog->outStaticDebug("[AuthChallenge] Account IP differs"); pkt << (uint8) WOW_FAIL_SUSPENDED; locked = true; } else sLog->outStaticDebug("[AuthChallenge] Account IP matches"); } else sLog->outStaticDebug("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is not locked to ip", _login.c_str()); if (!locked) { //set expired bans to inactive //LoginDatabase.Execute(LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SET_EXPIREDACCBANS)); // If the account is banned, reject the logon attempt LoginDatabase.Execute("UPDATE account_banned SET active = 0 WHERE unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND unbandate<>bandate"); ///- If the account is banned, reject the logon attempt QueryResult_AutoPtr banresult = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT bandate,unbandate FROM account_banned WHERE id = %u AND active = 1", (*result)[1].GetUInt32()); if (banresult) { if ((*banresult)[0].GetUInt64() == (*banresult)[1].GetUInt64()) { pkt << (uint8)WOW_FAIL_BANNED; sLog->outBasic("'%s:%d' [AuthChallenge] Banned account %s tried to login!", socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort(), _login.c_str ()); } else { pkt << (uint8)WOW_FAIL_SUSPENDED; sLog->outBasic("'%s:%d' [AuthChallenge] Temporarily banned account %s tried to login!", socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort(), _login.c_str ()); } } else { // Get the password from the account table, upper it, and make the SRP6 calculation std::string rI = (*result)[0].GetCppString(); // Don't calculate (v, s) if there are already some in the database std::string databaseV = (*result)[5].GetCppString(); std::string databaseS = (*result)[6].GetCppString(); sLog->outDebug("database authentication values: v='%s' s='%s'", databaseV.c_str(), databaseS.c_str()); // multiply with 2 since bytes are stored as hexstring if (databaseV.size() != s_BYTE_SIZE * 2 || databaseS.size() != s_BYTE_SIZE * 2) _SetVSFields(rI); else { s.SetHexStr(databaseS.c_str()); v.SetHexStr(databaseV.c_str()); } b.SetRand(19 * 8); BigNumber gmod = g.ModExp(b, N); B = ((v * 3) + gmod) % N; ASSERT(gmod.GetNumBytes() <= 32); BigNumber unk3; unk3.SetRand(16 * 8); // Fill the response packet with the result pkt << uint8(WOW_SUCCESS); // B may be calculated < 32B so we force minimal length to 32B pkt.append(B.AsByteArray(32), 32); // 32 bytes pkt << uint8(1); pkt.append(g.AsByteArray(), 1); pkt << uint8(32); pkt.append(N.AsByteArray(32), 32); pkt.append(s.AsByteArray(), s.GetNumBytes()); // 32 bytes pkt.append(unk3.AsByteArray(16), 16); uint8 securityFlags = 0; pkt << uint8(securityFlags); // security flags (0x0...0x04) if (securityFlags & 0x01) // PIN input { pkt << uint32(0); pkt << uint64(0) << uint64(0); // 16 bytes hash? } if (securityFlags & 0x02) // Matrix input { pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint64(0); } if (securityFlags & 0x04) // Security token input pkt << uint8(1); uint8 secLevel = (*result)[4].GetUInt8(); _accountSecurityLevel = secLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(secLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR; _localizationName.resize(4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) _localizationName[i] = ch->country[4-i-1]; sLog->outBasic("'%s:%d' [AuthChallenge] account %s is using '%c%c%c%c' locale (%u)", socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort(), _login.c_str (), ch->country[3], ch->country[2], ch->country[1], ch->country[0], GetLocaleByName(_localizationName) ); } } } else //no account pkt << (uint8)WOW_FAIL_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT; } socket().send((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size()); return true; }