예제 #1
int CNNFilter::Compress(int nInput)
    // convert the input to a short and store it
    m_rbInput[0] = GetSaturatedShortFromInt(nInput);

    // figure a dot product
    int nDotProduct;
    if (m_bMMXAvailable)
        nDotProduct = CalculateDotProduct(&m_rbInput[-m_nOrder], &m_paryM[0], m_nOrder);
        nDotProduct = CalculateDotProductNoMMX(&m_rbInput[-m_nOrder], &m_paryM[0], m_nOrder);

    // calculate the output
    int nOutput = nInput - ((nDotProduct + (1 << (m_nShift - 1))) >> m_nShift);

    // adapt
    if (m_bMMXAvailable)
        Adapt(&m_paryM[0], &m_rbDeltaM[-m_nOrder], -nOutput, m_nOrder);
        AdaptNoMMX(&m_paryM[0], &m_rbDeltaM[-m_nOrder], nOutput, m_nOrder);

    int nTempABS = abs(nInput);

    if (nTempABS > (m_nRunningAverage * 3))
        m_rbDeltaM[0] = ((nInput >> 25) & 64) - 32;
    else if (nTempABS > (m_nRunningAverage * 4) / 3)
예제 #2
	static inline void compute(BM& A, BM& B,
			const typename BM::value_type& ts = 0.) {
		BoostMatrixTraits<int>::BoostVecType ipiv(A.size1()); //pivoting
		//! use adaptor
		boost::numeric::ublas::symmetric_adaptor<BM, UL> Adapt(A);
		//std::cout << Adapt.size1() << "\t" << Adapt.size2() << std::endl;
		boost::numeric::bindings::lapack::sysv(Adapt, ipiv, B);
int Tracker::Ini(void)
	int iResult = 0;

	bool TransmitMulticast = false;
	std::string HostName = "";//"localhost:801";

  // Connect to a server
  std::cout << "Connecting to " << HostName << " ..." << std::flush;
  while( !MyClient.IsConnected().Connected )
    // Direct connection
    MyClient.Connect( HostName );
    std::cout << ".";
    Sleep( 200 );

  std::cout << "Segment Data Enabled: "          << Adapt( MyClient.IsSegmentDataEnabled().Enabled )         << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Marker Data Enabled: "           << Adapt( MyClient.IsMarkerDataEnabled().Enabled )          << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Unlabeled Marker Data Enabled: " << Adapt( MyClient.IsUnlabeledMarkerDataEnabled().Enabled ) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Device Data Enabled: "           << Adapt( MyClient.IsDeviceDataEnabled().Enabled )          << std::endl;

  // Set the streaming mode
  MyClient.SetStreamMode( ViconDataStreamSDK::CPP::StreamMode::ClientPull );
  MyClient.SetAxisMapping(	Direction::Forward, 
							Direction::Down ); // Z-down
  Output_GetAxisMapping _Output_GetAxisMapping = MyClient.GetAxisMapping();
  std::cout << "Axis Mapping: X-" << Adapt( _Output_GetAxisMapping.XAxis ) 
                         << " Y-" << Adapt( _Output_GetAxisMapping.YAxis ) 
                         << " Z-" << Adapt( _Output_GetAxisMapping.ZAxis ) << std::endl;

  // Discover the version number
  Output_GetVersion _Output_GetVersion = MyClient.GetVersion();
  std::cout << "Version: " << _Output_GetVersion.Major << "." 
                           << _Output_GetVersion.Minor << "." 
                           << _Output_GetVersion.Point << std::endl;

  if( TransmitMulticast )
    MyClient.StartTransmittingMulticast( "localhost", "" );

  // Here Start the Polling loop
	hTrackerPollingThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, TrackerPollingThreadFunc, this, 0, NULL);
  return iResult;
예제 #4
  static inline void compute(
			BM& A,
			BM& B,
			const typename BM::value_type& ts = 10 * std::numeric_limits<
					typename BM::value_type>::epsilon()) {
		//! use adaptor
		typedef Norm<Constants<value_type>::NORMRCOND, value_type>

		boost::numeric::ublas::symmetric_adaptor<BM, UL> Adapt(A);
		//value_type rcond = -1; //up to machine precision
		value_type anorm = RCondNormType::norm(Adapt);

		boost::numeric::bindings::lapack::pocon(Adapt, anorm, rcond);//!calc. rcond
		boost::numeric::bindings::lapack::potrs(Adapt, B);

		//!robustification: see RIPPA [1], p. 206., mid of page
		//!if the reciprocal cond. number <I>rcond</I> is near 1.0 the matrix is well-conditioned. Else if \f$ rcond \approx 0.0\f$ then the matrix is ill-conditioned. Despite its computational efficiency, rcond isn't much reliable.
		//std::cout << "rcond = "<<rcond << "    eps = "<< std::numeric_limits<value_type>::epsilon()<< std::endl;
예제 #5
	static inline void compute(BM& A, BM& B,
			const typename BM::value_type& ts = 0.) {
		//! use adaptor
		boost::numeric::ublas::symmetric_adaptor<BM, UL> Adapt(A);
		boost::numeric::bindings::lapack::posv(Adapt, B);