예제 #1
// XIDamageEffect::evolve
// Damage utilizes both motors to do effects that decay at different rates.
void XIDamageEffect::evolve(XINPUT_VIBRATION &xvib, uint32_t curTime)
      delete this;

   // Do left motor processing
   DWORD endStrength   = strength * 40 / 64;
   DWORD deltaStrength = (strength - endStrength);
   DWORD curStrength   = strength - deltaStrength * (curTime - startTime) / duration;
   AddClamped(xvib, MOTOR_LEFT, static_cast<WORD>(curStrength));

   // Do right motor processing
   if(curTime - startTime < duration / 2)
      // Right motor is constant during first half of effect
      AddClamped(xvib, MOTOR_RIGHT, strength / 2);
      // Linear descent to zero
      curStrength = strength / 2;
      curStrength -= curStrength * (curTime - startTime) / duration;
      AddClamped(xvib, MOTOR_RIGHT, static_cast<WORD>(curStrength));
예제 #2
// XILinearEffect::evolve
// A linear effect ramps up or down from the initial value to the end value
// over a set course of time.
void XILinearEffect::evolve(XINPUT_VIBRATION &xvib, uint32_t curTime)
      delete this;

   WORD curStrength;

   if(direction < 0)
      // slope down
      WORD deltaStrength = (initStrength - endStrength);
      curStrength = initStrength - deltaStrength * (curTime - startTime) / duration;
      // slope up
      WORD deltaStrength = (endStrength - initStrength);
      curStrength = initStrength + deltaStrength * (curTime - startTime) / duration;
   AddClamped(xvib, which, curStrength);   
예제 #3
// XIConstantEffect::evolve
// Pulse the motor at a constant strength. Due to the behavior of the XBox360
// controller's non-solenoid motors however, there's a bit of "catch" which 
// adds some unavoidable pseudo-random variance into the mix. Depending on 
// where it stopped last time, you get no response at all until it seems to 
// "roll over" the catch, at which point you get more than you asked for.
void XIConstantEffect::evolve(XINPUT_VIBRATION &xvib, uint32_t curTime)
      delete this;
   AddClamped(xvib, which, strength);
예제 #4
// XIRumbleEffect::evolve
// The rumble effect is entirely chaotic within a given min to max range.
void XIRumbleEffect::evolve(XINPUT_VIBRATION &xvib, uint32_t curTime)
      delete this;

   int minStr = minStrength;
   int rndStr = abs(rand()) % (maxStrength - minStrength);

   WORD totStr = static_cast<WORD>(minStr + rndStr);
   AddClamped(xvib, which, totStr);
예제 #5
bool idLCP_Square::Solve(const idMatX &o_m, idVecX &o_x, const idVecX &o_b, const idVecX &o_lo, const idVecX &o_hi, const int *o_boxIndex)
	int i, j, n, limit, limitSide, boxStartIndex;
	float dir, maxStep, dot, s;
	char *failed;

	// true when the matrix rows are 16 byte padded
	padded = ((o_m.GetNumRows()+3)&~3) == o_m.GetNumColumns();

	assert(padded || o_m.GetNumRows() == o_m.GetNumColumns());
	assert(o_x.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows());
	assert(o_b.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows());
	assert(o_lo.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows());
	assert(o_hi.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows());

	// allocate memory for permuted input
	f.SetData(o_m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA(o_m.GetNumRows()));
	a.SetData(o_b.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA(o_b.GetSize()));
	b.SetData(o_b.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA(o_b.GetSize()));
	lo.SetData(o_lo.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA(o_lo.GetSize()));
	hi.SetData(o_hi.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA(o_hi.GetSize()));

	if (o_boxIndex) {
		boxIndex = (int *)_alloca16(o_x.GetSize() * sizeof(int));
		memcpy(boxIndex, o_boxIndex, o_x.GetSize() * sizeof(int));
	} else {
		boxIndex = NULL;

	// we override the const on o_m here but on exit the matrix is unchanged
	m.SetData(o_m.GetNumRows(), o_m.GetNumColumns(), const_cast<float *>(o_m[0]));
	b = o_b;
	lo = o_lo;
	hi = o_hi;

	// pointers to the rows of m
	rowPtrs = (float **) _alloca16(m.GetNumRows() * sizeof(float *));

	for (i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++) {
		rowPtrs[i] = m[i];

	// tells if a variable is at the low boundary, high boundary or inbetween
	side = (int *) _alloca16(m.GetNumRows() * sizeof(int));

	// index to keep track of the permutation
	permuted = (int *) _alloca16(m.GetNumRows() * sizeof(int));

	for (i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++) {
		permuted[i] = i;

	// permute input so all unbounded variables come first
	numUnbounded = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++) {
		if (lo[i] == -idMath::INFINITY && hi[i] == idMath::INFINITY) {
			if (numUnbounded != i) {
				Swap(numUnbounded, i);


	// permute input so all variables using the boxIndex come last
	boxStartIndex = m.GetNumRows();

	if (boxIndex) {
		for (i = m.GetNumRows() - 1; i >= numUnbounded; i--) {
			if (boxIndex[i] >= 0 && (lo[i] != -idMath::INFINITY || hi[i] != idMath::INFINITY)) {

				if (boxStartIndex != i) {
					Swap(boxStartIndex, i);

	// sub matrix for factorization
	clamped.SetData(m.GetNumRows(), m.GetNumColumns(), MATX_ALLOCA(m.GetNumRows() * m.GetNumColumns()));
	diagonal.SetData(m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA(m.GetNumRows()));

	// all unbounded variables are clamped
	numClamped = numUnbounded;

	// if there are unbounded variables
	if (numUnbounded) {

		// factor and solve for unbounded variables
		if (!FactorClamped()) {
			idLib::common->Printf("idLCP_Square::Solve: unbounded factorization failed\n");
			return false;

		SolveClamped(f, b.ToFloatPtr());

		// if there are no bounded variables we are done
		if (numUnbounded == m.GetNumRows()) {
			o_x = f;	// the vector is not permuted
			return true;

	int numIgnored = 0;

	// allocate for delta force and delta acceleration
	delta_f.SetData(m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA(m.GetNumRows()));
	delta_a.SetData(m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA(m.GetNumRows()));

	// solve for bounded variables
	failed = NULL;

	for (i = numUnbounded; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++) {

		// once we hit the box start index we can initialize the low and high boundaries of the variables using the box index
		if (i == boxStartIndex) {
			for (j = 0; j < boxStartIndex; j++) {
				o_x[permuted[j]] = f[j];

			for (j = boxStartIndex; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++) {
				s = o_x[boxIndex[j]];

				if (lo[j] != -idMath::INFINITY) {
					lo[j] = - idMath::Fabs(lo[j] * s);

				if (hi[j] != idMath::INFINITY) {
					hi[j] = idMath::Fabs(hi[j] * s);

		// calculate acceleration for current variable
		SIMDProcessor->Dot(dot, rowPtrs[i], f.ToFloatPtr(), i);
		a[i] = dot - b[i];

		// if already at the low boundary
		if (lo[i] >= -LCP_BOUND_EPSILON && a[i] >= -LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON) {
			side[i] = -1;

		// if already at the high boundary
		if (hi[i] <= LCP_BOUND_EPSILON && a[i] <= LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON) {
			side[i] = 1;

		// if inside the clamped region
		if (idMath::Fabs(a[i]) <= LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON) {
			side[i] = 0;

		// drive the current variable into a valid region
		for (n = 0; n < maxIterations; n++) {

			// direction to move
			if (a[i] <= 0.0f) {
				dir = 1.0f;
			} else {
				dir = -1.0f;

			// calculate force delta
			CalcForceDelta(i, dir);

			// calculate acceleration delta: delta_a = m * delta_f;

			// maximum step we can take
			GetMaxStep(i, dir, maxStep, limit, limitSide);

			if (maxStep <= 0.0f) {
				// ignore the current variable completely
				lo[i] = hi[i] = 0.0f;
				f[i] = 0.0f;
				side[i] = -1;
				failed = va("invalid step size %.4f", maxStep);

			// change force
			ChangeForce(i, maxStep);

			// change acceleration
			ChangeAccel(i, maxStep);

			// clamp/unclamp the variable that limited this step
			side[limit] = limitSide;

			switch (limitSide) {
				case 0: {
					a[limit] = 0.0f;
				case -1: {
					f[limit] = lo[limit];

					if (limit != i) {

				case 1: {
					f[limit] = hi[limit];

					if (limit != i) {


			// if the current variable limited the step we can continue with the next variable
			if (limit == i) {

		if (n >= maxIterations) {
			failed = va("max iterations %d", maxIterations);

		if (failed) {


	if (numIgnored) {
		if (lcp_showFailures.GetBool()) {
			idLib::common->Printf("idLCP_Symmetric::Solve: %d of %d bounded variables ignored\n", numIgnored, m.GetNumRows() - numUnbounded);


	// if failed clear remaining forces
	if (failed) {
		if (lcp_showFailures.GetBool()) {
			idLib::common->Printf("idLCP_Square::Solve: %s (%d of %d bounded variables ignored)\n", failed, m.GetNumRows() - i, m.GetNumRows() - numUnbounded);

		for (j = i; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++) {
			f[j] = 0.0f;

#if defined(_DEBUG) && 0

	if (!failed) {
		// test whether or not the solution satisfies the complementarity conditions
		for (i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++) {
			a[i] = -b[i];

			for (j = 0; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++) {
				a[i] += rowPtrs[i][j] * f[j];

			if (f[i] == lo[i]) {
				if (lo[i] != hi[i] && a[i] < -LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON) {
					int bah1 = 1;
			} else if (f[i] == hi[i]) {
				if (lo[i] != hi[i] && a[i] > LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON) {
					int bah2 = 1;
			} else if (f[i] < lo[i] || f[i] > hi[i] || idMath::Fabs(a[i]) > 1.0f) {
				int bah3 = 1;


	// unpermute result
	for (i = 0; i < f.GetSize(); i++) {
		o_x[permuted[i]] = f[i];

	// unpermute original matrix
	for (i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++) {
			if (permuted[j] == i) {

		if (i != j) {
			m.SwapColumns(i, j);
			idSwap(permuted[i], permuted[j]);

	return true;