예제 #1
void Kruskal(Graph& G, Edge* &MST)  {
	ParTree<int> A(G.verticesNum());           //等价类
	minHeap<Edge> H(G.edgesNum());        //最小值堆(minheap)    
	MST=new Edge[G.verticesNum()-1];      //最小支撑树
	int MSTtag=0;                         //最小支撑树边的标号
	for(int i=0; i<G.verticesNum(); i++)  //将图的所有边插入最小值堆H中
		for(Edge e= G. firstEdge(i); G.isEdge(e);e=G. nextEdge(e))
			if(G.fromVertex(e)< G.toVertex(e))  //因为是无向图,所以应防止重复插入
	int EquNum=G.verticesNum();              //开始时有|V|个等价类
	while(EquNum>1)  {                     //合并等价类
		Edge e=H.removeMin();               //获得下一条权最小的边
		if(e.weight==INFINITE)  {
			std::cout << "不存在最小支撑树." <<std::endl;
			delete [] MST;                     //释放空间
			MST=NULL;                   //MST是空数组
		int from=G.fromVertex(e);            //记录该条边的信息
		int to= G.toVertex(e);
		if(A.Different(from,to))  {            //如果边e的两个顶点不在一个等价类
			A.Union(from,to);     //将边e的两个顶点所在的两个等价类合并为一个
			AddEdgetoMST(e,MST,MSTtag++); //将边e加到MST
			EquNum--;                     //将等价类的个数减1
예제 #2
// Prim's MST algorithm: priority queue version
void Prim(Graph* G, int* D, int s) {
  int i, v, w;           // "v" is current vertex
  int V[G->n()];         // V[I] stores I's closest neighbor
  DijkElem temp;
  DijkElem E[G->e()];    // Heap array with lots of space
  temp.distance = 0; temp.vertex = s;
  E[0] = temp;           // Initialize heap array
  heap<DijkElem, DDComp> H(E, 1, G->e()); // Create heap
  for (i=0; i<G->n(); i++) {           // Now build MST
    do {
      if(H.size() == 0) return; // Nothing to remove
      temp = H.removefirst();
      v = temp.vertex;
    } while (G->getMark(v) == VISITED);
    G->setMark(v, VISITED);
    if (v != s) AddEdgetoMST(V[v], v); // Add edge to MST
    if (D[v] == INFINITY) return;      // Ureachable vertex
    for (w=G->first(v); w<G->n(); w = G->next(v,w))
      if (D[w] > G->weight(v, w)) {    // Update D
        D[w] = G->weight(v, w);
        V[w] = v;        // Update who it came from
        temp.distance = D[w]; temp.vertex = w;
        H.insert(temp);  // Insert new distance in heap
예제 #3
void Kruskel(Graph* G) {   // Kruskal's MST algorithm
  ParPtrTree A(G->n());    // Equivalence class array
  KruskElem E[G->e()];     // Array of edges for min-heap
  int i;
  int edgecnt = 0;
  for (i=0; i<G->n(); i++) // Put the edges on the array
    for (int w=G->first(i); w<G->n(); w = G->next(i,w)) {
      E[edgecnt].distance = G->weight(i, w);
      E[edgecnt].from = i;
      E[edgecnt++].to = w;
  // Heapify the edges
  heap<KruskElem, Comp> H(E, edgecnt, edgecnt);
  int numMST = G->n();       // Initially n equiv classes
  for (i=0; numMST>1; i++) { // Combine equiv classes
    KruskElem temp;
    temp = H.removefirst(); // Get next cheapest edge
    int v = temp.from;  int u = temp.to;
    if (A.differ(v, u)) {  // If in different equiv classes
      A.UNION(v, u);       // Combine equiv classes
      AddEdgetoMST(temp.from, temp.to);  // Add edge to MST
      numMST--;            // One less MST