예제 #1
	_name = "maploader";

	AddFunc("ldmap", &MapLoader::LoadMap);
	AddFunc("setwkdir", &MapLoader::SetWordDir);
	AddFunc("ldxml", &MapLoader::LoadXML);
예제 #2
/* 模組初始化 */
	_name = "ANN";
	_desc = "Artifical Neural Network prac.";
	AddFunc("anntrain", &AnnMind::Trainning);
예제 #3
파일: gnuplot.cpp 프로젝트: mkrnc/snap
int TGnuPlot::AddLogFit(const int& PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy, const TStr& Style) {
  const TGpSeries& Plot = SeriesV[PlotId];
  if(Plot.XYValV.Empty()) return -1;
  const TFltKdV& XY = Plot.XYValV;
  double A, B, R2, SigA, SigB, Chi2;
  // power fit
  TFltPrV XYPr;
  int s;
  for (s = 0; s < XY.Len(); s++) {
    if (XY[s].Key > 0) {
      XYPr.Add(TFltPr(XY[s].Key, XY[s].Dat)); } //!!! skip zero values
  TSpecFunc::LogFit(XYPr, A, B, SigA, SigB, Chi2, R2);
  TStr StyleStr=Style;
  if (StyleStr.Empty()) { StyleStr = "linewidth 3"; }
  const int FitId = AddFunc(TStr::Fmt("%f+%f*log(x)", A, B),
    SeriesTy, TStr::Fmt("%.4g + %.4g log(x)  R^2:%.2g", A, B, R2), StyleStr);
  return FitId;
  TGpSeries& NewPlot = SeriesV.Last();
  TFltKdV& EstXY = NewPlot.XYValV;
  for (s = 0; s < XYPr.Len(); s++) {
    EstXY.Add(TFltKd(XYPr[s].Val1, A+B*log((double)XYPr[s].Val1)));
  NewPlot.Label = TStr::Fmt("%.4g + %.4g log(x)  R^2:%.2g", A, B, R2);
  NewPlot.SeriesTy = SeriesTy;
  if (Style.Empty()) { NewPlot.WithStyle = "linewidth 3"; }
  else { NewPlot.WithStyle = Style; }
  return SeriesV.Len() - 1;*/
예제 #4
파일: gnuplot.cpp 프로젝트: mkrnc/snap
int TGnuPlot::AddExpFit(const int& PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy, const double& FitXOffset, const TStr& Style) {
  const TGpSeries& Plot = SeriesV[PlotId];
  if(Plot.XYValV.Empty()) return -1;
  const TFltKdV& XY = Plot.XYValV;
  double A, B, R2, SigA, SigB, Chi2;
  // power fit
  TFltPrV XYPr;
  int s;
  for (s = 0; s < XY.Len(); s++) {
    if (XY[s].Key-FitXOffset > 0) {
      XYPr.Add(TFltPr(XY[s].Key-FitXOffset, XY[s].Dat)); } //!!! skip zero values
  TSpecFunc::ExpFit(XYPr, A, B, SigA, SigB, Chi2, R2);
  TStr Label, StyleStr=Style;
  if (FitXOffset == 0) { Label = TStr::Fmt("%.4g exp(%.4g x)  R^2:%.2g", A, B, R2); }
  else { Label = TStr::Fmt("%.4g exp(%.4g x - %g)  R^2:%.2g", A, B, FitXOffset, R2); }
  if (StyleStr.Empty()) { StyleStr = "linewidth 3"; }
  const int FitId = AddFunc(TStr::Fmt("%f*exp(%f*x-%f)", A, B, FitXOffset),
    SeriesTy, Label, StyleStr);
  return FitId;
  TGpSeries& NewPlot = SeriesV.Last();
  TFltKdV& EstXY = NewPlot.XYValV;
  for (s = 0; s < XYPr.Len(); s++) {
    EstXY.Add(TFltKd(XYPr[s].Val1+FitXOffset, A*exp(B*XYPr[s].Val1)));
  NewPlot.SeriesTy = SeriesTy;
  if (Style.Empty()) { NewPlot.WithStyle = "linewidth 3"; }
  else { NewPlot.WithStyle = Style; }
  return SeriesV.Len() - 1;*/
예제 #5
void CRecentFuncList::UpdateMenu(CCmdUI* pCmdUI, CVector* pVec, BOOL bEnable)
   CMruMenu menu(8,_T("Recent Function"));
   pMruVec = pVec;
   if (GetCount() == 0) {
      CFunc func = DEMO_APP->GetDirector()->GetProcess()->GetCurrentFunction();
      if (!func.IsEmpty()) AddFunc(func);
   menu.UpdateMenu(pCmdUI, bEnable ? ValidMru : InvalidMru);
예제 #6
	_name = "mapcreater";

	AddFunc("newmap", &MapCreater::NewMap);
	AddFunc("newarea", &MapCreater::NewArea);
	AddFunc("mfmap", &MapCreater::ModifyMap);
	AddFunc("mfarea", &MapCreater::ModifyArea);
	AddFunc("delmap", &MapCreater::DeleteMap);
	AddFunc("delarea", &MapCreater::DeleteArea);
	AddFunc("setwkdir", &MapCreater::SetWordDir);
예제 #7
파일: gnuplot.cpp 프로젝트: mkrnc/snap
// MLE power-coefficient
int TGnuPlot::AddPwrFit2(const int& PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy, const double& MinX, const TStr& Style) {
  const TGpSeries& Plot = SeriesV[PlotId];
  if(Plot.XYValV.Empty()) return -1;
  const TFltKdV& XY = Plot.XYValV;
  // power fit
  TFltPrV XYPr;
  double MinY = TFlt::Mx;
  for (int s = 0; s < XY.Len(); s++) {
    if (XY[s].Key > 0.0) {
      XYPr.Add(TFltPr(XY[s].Key, XY[s].Dat));
      MinY = TMath::Mn(MinY, XY[s].Dat());
  if (XYPr.Empty()) return -1;
  MinY = TMath::Mn(1.0, MinY);
  // determine the sign of power coefficient
  double CoefSign = 0.0;
  { double A, B, R2, SigA, SigB, Chi2;
  TSpecFunc::PowerFit(XYPr, A, B, SigA, SigB, Chi2, R2);
  CoefSign = B > 0.0 ? +1.0 : -1.0; }
  const double PowerCf = CoefSign * TSpecFunc::GetPowerCoef(XYPr, MinX);
  int Mid = (int) exp(log((double)XYPr.Len())/2.0);
  if (Mid >= XYPr.Len()) { Mid = XYPr.Len()-1; }
  const double MidX = XYPr[Mid].Val1();
  const double MidY = XYPr[Mid].Val2();
  const double B = MidY / pow(MidX, PowerCf);
  TStr StyleStr=Style;
  if (StyleStr.Empty()) { StyleStr = "linewidth 3"; }
  const int FitId = AddFunc(TStr::Fmt("%f*x**%f", B, PowerCf),
    SeriesTy, TStr::Fmt("MLE = x^{%.4g}", PowerCf), StyleStr);
  return FitId;
  TGpSeries& NewPlot = SeriesV.Last();
  TFltKdV& XYFit = NewPlot.XYValV;
  XYFit.Gen(XYPr.Len(), 0);
  for (int s = 0; s < XYPr.Len(); s++) {
    const double XVal = XYPr[s].Val1;
    const double YVal = B * pow(XYPr[s].Val1(), PowerCf);
    if (YVal < MinY || XVal < MinX) continue;
    XYFit.Add(TFltKd(XVal, YVal));
  NewPlot.Label = TStr::Fmt("PowerFit: %g", PowerCf);
  NewPlot.SeriesTy = SeriesTy;
  if (Style.Empty()) { NewPlot.WithStyle = "linewidth 3"; }
  else { NewPlot.WithStyle = Style; }
  return SeriesV.Len() - 1;*/
예제 #8
파일: server.cpp 프로젝트: ShirleyChung/src
	_name = "server";
	AddFunc("ss", &Server::ServerStart);
	AddFunc("startserver", &Server::ServerStart);
	AddFunc("stopserver", &Server::ServerStop);
	AddFunc("closes", &Server::StopSession);
	AddFunc("si", &Server::DispSession);
	AddFunc("sesinfo", &Server::DispSession);
예제 #9
파일: gnuplot.cpp 프로젝트: mkrnc/snap
// some kind of least squares power-law fitting that cutts the tail until the fit is good
int TGnuPlot::AddPwrFit3(const int& PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy, const double& MinX, const TStr& Style, double& Intercept, double& Slope, double& R2) {
  if (PlotId < 0 || PlotId >= SeriesV.Len()) return -1;
  const TGpSeries& Plot = SeriesV[PlotId];
  if(Plot.XYValV.Empty()) return -1;
  double A, B, SigA, SigB, Chi2, MinY=TFlt::Mx;
  const TFltKdV& XY = Plot.XYValV;
  //TGpSeries& NewPlot = SeriesV.Last();
  //TFltKdV& EstXY = NewPlot.XYValV;
  TFltPrV FitXY, NewFitXY;
  for (int s = 0; s < XY.Len(); s++) {
    if (XY[s].Key > 0 && XY[s].Key >= MinX) {
      FitXY.Add(TFltPr(XY[s].Key, XY[s].Dat)); //!!! skip zero values
      MinY = TMath::Mn(MinY, XY[s].Dat());
  MinY = TMath::Mn(1.0, MinY);
  // power fit (if tail is too fat, cut everything where
  // extrapolation sets the value < MinY
  while (true) {
    TSpecFunc::PowerFit(FitXY, A, B, SigA, SigB, Chi2, R2);
    for (int s = 0; s < FitXY.Len(); s++) {
      const double YVal = A*pow(FitXY[s].Val1(), B);
      if (YVal < MinY) continue;
      //EstXY.Add(TFltKd(FitXY[s].Val1, YVal));
      NewFitXY.Add(TFltPr(FitXY[s].Val1, FitXY[s].Val2));
    if (NewFitXY.Len() < 10 || FitXY.Last().Val1 < 1.2 * NewFitXY.Last().Val1) { break; }
    else { FitXY.Swap(NewFitXY); }
  TStr StyleStr=Style;
  if (StyleStr.Empty()) { StyleStr = "linewidth 3"; }
  const int FitId = AddFunc(TStr::Fmt("%f*x**%f", A, B),
    SeriesTy, TStr::Fmt("%.1g * x^{%.4g}  R^2:%.2g", A, B, R2), StyleStr);
  return FitId;
  /*NewPlot.Label = TStr::Fmt("%.1g * x^{%.4g}  R^2:%.2g", A, B, R2);
  Intercept = A;
  Slope = B;
  NewPlot.SeriesTy = SeriesTy;
  if (Style.Empty()) { NewPlot.WithStyle = "linewidth 3"; }
  else { NewPlot.WithStyle = Style; }
  return SeriesV.Len() - 1;*/
예제 #10
파일: LuaParser.cpp 프로젝트: Dmytry/spring
void LuaParser::SetupEnv()
	LUA_OPEN_LIB(L, luaopen_base);
	LUA_OPEN_LIB(L, luaopen_math);
	LUA_OPEN_LIB(L, luaopen_table);
	LUA_OPEN_LIB(L, luaopen_string);
	//LUA_OPEN_LIB(L, luaopen_io);
	//LUA_OPEN_LIB(L, luaopen_os);
	//LUA_OPEN_LIB(L, luaopen_package);
	//LUA_OPEN_LIB(L, luaopen_debug);

	// delete some dangerous/unsynced functions
	lua_pushnil(L); lua_setglobal(L, "dofile");
	lua_pushnil(L); lua_setglobal(L, "loadfile");
	lua_pushnil(L); lua_setglobal(L, "loadlib");
	lua_pushnil(L); lua_setglobal(L, "require");
	lua_pushnil(L); lua_setglobal(L, "gcinfo");
	lua_pushnil(L); lua_setglobal(L, "collectgarbage");

	// FIXME: replace "random" as in LuaHandleSynced (can write your own for now)
	lua_getglobal(L, "math");
	lua_pushstring(L, "random");     lua_pushnil(L); lua_rawset(L, -3);
	lua_pushstring(L, "randomseed"); lua_pushnil(L); lua_rawset(L, -3);
	lua_pop(L, 1); // pop "math"

	AddFunc("DontMessWithMyCase", DontMessWithMyCase);

	AddFunc("Echo", Echo);
	AddFunc("TimeCheck", TimeCheck);

	AddFunc("DirList",    DirList);
	AddFunc("SubDirs",    SubDirs);
	AddFunc("Include",    Include);
	AddFunc("LoadFile",   LoadFile);
	AddFunc("FileExists", FileExists);
예제 #11
파일: gnuplot.cpp 프로젝트: mkrnc/snap
// linear fit on log-log scales{%
int TGnuPlot::AddPwrFit1(const int& PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy, const TStr& Style) {
  if (PlotId < 0 || PlotId >= SeriesV.Len()) return -1;
  const TGpSeries& Plot = SeriesV[PlotId];
  if(Plot.XYValV.Empty()) return -1;
  const TFltKdV& XY = Plot.XYValV;
  double A, B, R2, SigA, SigB, Chi2, MinY = TFlt::Mx, MinX = TFlt::Mx;
  // power fit
  TFltPrV XYPr;
  int s;
  for (s = 0; s < XY.Len(); s++) {
    if (XY[s].Key > 0) {
      XYPr.Add(TFltPr(XY[s].Key, XY[s].Dat)); //!!! skip zero values
      MinX = TMath::Mn(MinX, XY[s].Key());
      MinY = TMath::Mn(MinY, XY[s].Dat());
  MinY = TMath::Mn(1.0, MinY);
  TSpecFunc::PowerFit(XYPr, A, B, SigA, SigB, Chi2, R2);
  TStr StyleStr=Style;
  if (StyleStr.Empty()) { StyleStr = "linewidth 3"; }
  const int FitId = AddFunc(TStr::Fmt("%f*x**%f", A, B),
    SeriesTy, TStr::Fmt("%.1g * x^{%.4g}  R^2:%.2g", A, B, R2), StyleStr);
  return FitId;
  TGpSeries& NewPlot = SeriesV.Last();
  const int FitId = SeriesV.Len() - 1;
  NewPlot.DataFNm = ;
  TFltKdV& EstXY = NewPlot.XYValV;
  for (s = 0; s < XYPr.Len(); s++) {
    const double YVal = A*pow(XYPr[s].Val1(), B);
    if (YVal < MinY) continue;
    EstXY.Add(TFltKd(XYPr[s].Val1, YVal));
  NewPlot.Label = ;
  NewPlot.SeriesTy = SeriesTy;
  if (Style.Empty()) { NewPlot.WithStyle = "linewidth 3"; }
  else { NewPlot.WithStyle = Style; }
  //if (MinX < 5.0) MinX = 5.0;
  //AddPwrFit2(PlotId, SeriesTy, MinX);*/
예제 #12
파일: shell_setup.c 프로젝트: PNCG/genesis
void SetUpFuncTable()
	AddFunc("debug",			do_debug	,"int");
	AddFunc("debugfunc",			do_debug_func	,"int");
	AddFunc("h",				ShowHistory	,"void");
	AddFunc("cd",				do_cd		,"int");
	AddFunc("mkdir",			do_mkdir	,"int");
	AddFunc("echo",				do_echo		,"void");
	AddFunc("setprompt",			do_set_prompt	,"void");
	AddFunc("where",			do_where	,"void");
	AddFunc("exit",				do_exit		,"void");
	AddFunc("quit",				do_exit		,"void");
	AddFunc("tset",				tset		,"void");
	AddFunc("listcommands",			ShowFuncNames	,"void");
	AddFunc("printargs",			do_printargs	,"void");
	AddFunc("silent",			do_silent	,"int");
	AddFunc("setenv",			do_setenv	,"void");
	AddFunc("getenv",			do_getenv	,"char*");
	AddFunc("printenv",			do_printenv	,"void");