예제 #1
int CamuleDaemonApp::OnRun()
	if (!thePrefs::AcceptExternalConnections()) {
		AddLogLineCS(_("ERROR: aMule daemon cannot be used when external connections are disabled. To enable External Connections, use either a normal aMule, start amuled with the option --ec-config or set the key \"AcceptExternalConnections\" to 1 in the file ~/.aMule/amule.conf"));
		return 0;
	} else if (thePrefs::ECPassword().IsEmpty()) {
		AddLogLineCS(_("ERROR: A valid password is required to use external connections, and aMule daemon cannot be used without external connections. To run aMule deamon, you must set the \"ECPassword\" field in the file ~/.aMule/amule.conf with an appropriate value. Execute amuled with the flag --ec-config to set the password. More information can be found at http://wiki.amule.org"));
		return 0;

#ifndef __WXMSW__
	// Process the return code of dead children so that we do not create 
	// zombies. wxBase does not implement wxProcess callbacks, so no one
	// actualy calls wxHandleProcessTermination() in console applications.
	// We do our best here.
	int ret = 0;
	ret = sigaction(SIGCHLD, NULL, &m_oldSignalChildAction);
	m_newSignalChildAction = m_oldSignalChildAction;
	m_newSignalChildAction.sa_sigaction = OnSignalChildHandler;
	m_newSignalChildAction.sa_flags |=  SA_SIGINFO;
	m_newSignalChildAction.sa_flags &= ~SA_RESETHAND;
	ret = sigaction(SIGCHLD, &m_newSignalChildAction, NULL);
	if (ret == -1) {
		AddDebugLogLineC(logStandard, CFormat(wxT("CamuleDaemonApp::OnRun(): Installation of SIGCHLD callback with sigaction() failed: %m.")));
	} else {
		AddDebugLogLineN(logGeneral, wxT("CamuleDaemonApp::OnRun(): Installation of SIGCHLD callback with sigaction() succeeded."));
#endif // __WXMSW__
#ifdef AMULED28

	while ( !m_Exit ) {
		((CDaemonAppTraits *)GetTraits())->DeletePending();
	// ShutDown is beeing called twice. Once here and again in OnExit().

	return 0;


	return 0;
	return wxApp::OnRun();

예제 #2
int CamuleDaemonApp::ShowAlert(wxString msg, wxString title, int flags)
	if ( flags | wxICON_ERROR ) {
		title = CFormat(_("ERROR: %s")) % title;
	AddLogLineCS(title + wxT(" ") + msg);

	return 0;	// That's neither yes nor no, ok, cancel
예제 #3
파일: amuled.cpp 프로젝트: marcoll/amule
int CamuleDaemonApp::OnRun()
	if (!thePrefs::AcceptExternalConnections()) {
		AddLogLineCS(_("ERROR: aMule daemon cannot be used when external connections are disabled. To enable External Connections, use either a normal aMule, start amuled with the option --ec-config or set the key \"AcceptExternalConnections\" to 1 in the file ~/.aMule/amule.conf"));
		return 0;
	} else if (thePrefs::ECPassword().IsEmpty()) {
		AddLogLineCS(_("ERROR: A valid password is required to use external connections, and aMule daemon cannot be used without external connections. To run aMule deamon, you must set the \"ECPassword\" field in the file ~/.aMule/amule.conf with an appropriate value. Execute amuled with the flag --ec-config to set the password. More information can be found at http://wiki.amule.org"));
		return 0;

#ifdef __WINDOWS__ 
	SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE) CtrlHandler, TRUE);
#endif // __WINDOWS__ 

	// Process the return code of dead children so that we do not create
	// zombies. wxBase does not implement wxProcess callbacks, so no one
	// actualy calls wxHandleProcessTermination() in console applications.
	// We do our best here.
	DEBUG_ONLY( int ret = 0; )
예제 #4
bool CamuleGuiApp::OnInit()
	amuledlg = NULL;

	if ( !CamuleApp::OnInit() ) {
		return false;

	// Create the Core timer
	core_timer = new CTimer(this,ID_CORE_TIMER_EVENT);
	if (!core_timer) {
		AddLogLineCS(_("Fatal Error: Failed to create Core Timer"));

	// Start the Core and Gui timers

	// Note: wxTimer can be off by more than 10% !!!
	// In addition to the systematic error introduced by wxTimer, we are losing
	// timer cycles due to high CPU load.  I've observed about 0.5% random loss of cycles under
	// low load, and more than 6% lost cycles with heavy download traffic and/or other tasks
	// in the system, such as a video player or a VMware virtual machine.
	// The upload queue process loop has now been rewritten to compensate for timer errors.
	// When adding functionality, assume that the timer is only approximately correct;
	// for measurements, always use the system clock [::GetTickCount()].

#ifdef __WXMAC__
	// This tells the OS to notice the ed2kHelperScript.app inside aMule.app.
	// ed2kHelperScript.app describes itself (Info.plist) as handling ed2k URLs.
	// So, from then on the OS will know to pass ed2k URLs to the helper app.
	CFURLRef ed2kHelperUrl = CFBundleCopyAuxiliaryExecutableURL(
		CFBundleGetMainBundle(), CFSTR("ed2kHelperScript.app"));
	if (ed2kHelperUrl) {
		LSRegisterURL(ed2kHelperUrl, true);

	return true;
예제 #5
CListenSocket::CListenSocket(wxIPaddress &addr, const CProxyData *ProxyData)
// wxSOCKET_NOWAIT    - means non-blocking i/o
// wxSOCKET_REUSEADDR - means we can reuse the socket imediately (wx-2.5.3)
CSocketServerProxy(addr, wxSOCKET_NOWAIT|wxSOCKET_REUSEADDR, ProxyData)
	// 0.42e - vars not used by us
	bListening = false;
	shutdown = false;
	m_OpenSocketsInterval = 0;
	m_nPendingConnections = 0;
	totalconnectionchecks = 0;
	averageconnections = 0.0;
	// Set the listen socket event handler -- The handler is written in amule.cpp
	if (IsOk()) {
		SetEventHandler(*theApp, ID_LISTENSOCKET_EVENT);

		AddLogLineNS(_("ListenSocket: Ok."));
	} else {
		AddLogLineCS(_("ERROR: Could not listen to TCP port.") );
예제 #6
void CDownloadQueue::LoadMetFiles(const CPath& path)
	AddLogLineNS(CFormat(_("Loading temp files from %s.")) % path.GetPrintable());
	std::vector<CPath> files;

	// Locate part-files to be loaded
	CDirIterator TempDir(path);
	CPath fileName = TempDir.GetFirstFile(CDirIterator::File, wxT("*.part.met"));
	while (fileName.IsOk()) {

		fileName = TempDir.GetNextFile();

	// Loading in order makes it easier to figure which
	// file is broken in case of crashes, or the like.
	std::sort(files.begin(), files.end());

	// Load part-files	
	for ( size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++ ) {
		AddLogLineNS(CFormat(_("Loading PartFile %u of %u")) % (i + 1) % files.size());
		fileName = files[i].GetFullName();
		CPartFile *toadd = new CPartFile();
		bool result = toadd->LoadPartFile(path, fileName) != 0;
		if (!result) {
			// Try from backup
			result = toadd->LoadPartFile(path, fileName, true) != 0;
		if (result && !IsFileExisting(toadd->GetFileHash())) {
				wxMutexLocker lock(m_mutex);
			NotifyObservers(EventType(EventType::INSERTED, toadd));
		} else {
			wxString msg;
			if (result) {
				msg << CFormat(wxT("WARNING: Duplicate partfile with hash '%s' found, skipping: %s"))
					% toadd->GetFileHash().Encode() % fileName;
			} else {
				// If result is false, then reading of both the primary and the backup .met failed
				AddLogLineN(_("ERROR: Failed to load backup file. Search http://forum.amule.org for .part.met recovery solutions."));
				msg << CFormat(wxT("ERROR: Failed to load PartFile '%s'")) % fileName;

			// Delete the partfile object in the end.
			delete toadd;
	AddLogLineNS(_("All PartFiles Loaded."));
	if ( GetFileCount() == 0 ) {
		AddLogLineN(_("No part files found"));
	} else {
		AddLogLineN(CFormat(wxPLURAL("Found %u part file", "Found %u part files", GetFileCount())) % GetFileCount());

		CheckDiskspace( path );