예제 #1
    // Randomize one more chunk if needed after the chunk cursor has been incremented.
    void SequenceRandomizer::RandomizeNextChunkIfNeeded()
        if (m_currentChunkCursor < m_randomizedWindowEnd)
            assert(m_currentChunkCursor >= m_chunkWindowBegin);
        assert(m_randomizedWindowEnd == m_currentChunkCursor);

        if (m_randomizedWindowEnd == m_randomizedChunks.size())

        // Chunk not yet randomized.
        // of the sample position we have to randomized (current + sampleCount).
        // We will randomize up to this chunk as the final position of windows end is guaranteed to have been determined
        // when all sequences up to that chunk have been randomized
        size_t nextRandomizationCursor = m_randomizedChunks[m_randomizedWindowEnd].m_randomizationWindow.m_end;
        while (nextRandomizationCursor < m_randomizedChunks.size() &&
               m_randomizedChunks[nextRandomizationCursor].m_randomizationWindow.m_begin <= m_randomizedWindowEnd)

        // Determine the end chunk that we need to load into memory.
        ChunkIdType nextChunkWindowEnd = m_randomizedChunks[nextRandomizationCursor - 1].m_randomizationWindow.m_end;

        // Lets page in everything from m_currentRangeEndChunkIndex to endChunkIdx
        for (ChunkIdType i = m_chunkWindowEnd; i < nextChunkWindowEnd; ++i)

        size_t firstSequencePositionToRandomize =
            m_randomizationCursor == 0 ? 0 : m_randomizedChunks[m_randomizationCursor - 1].SequenceEndPosition();

        size_t endSequencePosToRandomize = m_randomizedChunks[nextRandomizationCursor - 1].SequenceEndPosition();
        for (size_t t = firstSequencePositionToRandomize; t < endSequencePosToRandomize; ++t)
            // Get valid randomization range, expressed in chunks
            // TODO: This can be done more efficiently, we know the range of chunks already.
            const ChunkIdType currentChunkIdx = GetChunkIndexForSequencePosition(t);

            size_t chunkWindowBegin = m_randomizedChunks[currentChunkIdx].m_randomizationWindow.m_begin;
            size_t chunkWindowEnd = m_randomizedChunks[currentChunkIdx].m_randomizationWindow.m_end;

            // Get valid randomization range, expressed in sequence positions.
            size_t posBegin = m_randomizedChunks[chunkWindowBegin].m_sequencePositionStart;
            size_t posEnd = m_randomizedChunks[chunkWindowEnd - 1].SequenceEndPosition();

            ChunkIdType tChunkIndex = GetChunkIndexForSequencePosition(t);
            auto& tSequence = GetRandomizedSequenceDescriptionByPosition(tChunkIndex, t);

            for (;;)
                // Pick a sequence position from [posBegin, posEnd)
                const size_t j = RandMT(posBegin, posEnd, m_rng);

                // Pick up j sequence.
                ChunkIdType jChunkIndex = GetChunkIndexForSequencePosition(j);
                auto& jSequence = GetRandomizedSequenceDescriptionByPosition(jChunkIndex, j);

                // Try again if the sequence currently at j cannot be placed at position i.
                if (!IsValidForPosition(tChunkIndex, jSequence))

                // Try again if the sequence currently at i cannot be placed at position j.
                if (!IsValidForPosition(jChunkIndex, tSequence))

                // Swap and break out.
                std::swap(tSequence, jSequence);

        // Verify that we got it right
        for (size_t t = firstSequencePositionToRandomize; t < endSequencePosToRandomize; ++t)
            // TODO assert only
            ChunkIdType tChunkIndex = GetChunkIndexForSequencePosition(t);
            if (!IsValidForPosition(tChunkIndex, GetRandomizedSequenceDescriptionByPosition(tChunkIndex, t)))
                LogicError("SequenceRandomizer::RandomizeNextSequenceDescriptions: randomization logic mangled!");

        // Let's recalculate number of samples in the randomized chunks for efficient indexing in seek.
        size_t sampleCount = 0;
        size_t randomizedChunk = m_randomizedWindowEnd - m_chunkWindowBegin;
        for (size_t index = 0; index < m_sequenceWindow[randomizedChunk].size(); index++)
            sampleCount += m_sequenceWindow[randomizedChunk][index].m_numberOfSamples;

        // Save the sample information.
        ChunkInfo info;
        info.numberOfSamples = sampleCount;
        info.start = m_randomizedChunkInfo.empty() ? 0 : m_randomizedChunkInfo.back().start + m_randomizedChunkInfo.back().numberOfSamples;

        // Update the cursors.
        m_randomizationCursor = nextRandomizationCursor;
        m_chunkWindowEnd = nextChunkWindowEnd;

        if (m_verbosity)
                "SequenceRandomizer::RandomizeNextChunkIfNeeded(): "
                "chunk window [%" PRIu64 "..%u), cursor %" PRIu64 ", "
                "randomized window [%" PRIu64 "..%" PRIu64 "), randomization cursor %" PRIu64 "\n",
                m_chunkWindowBegin, m_chunkWindowEnd,
                m_chunkWindowBegin, m_randomizedWindowEnd,
예제 #2
void SequenceRandomizer::RandomizeNextSequenceDescriptions(size_t sampleCount)
    assert(m_currentSamplePosition <= m_nextSamplePositionNotYetRandomized);
    if (m_nextSamplePositionNotYetRandomized == m_randomizedChunks.back().SampleEndPosition())

    if (m_currentSamplePosition + sampleCount < m_nextSamplePositionNotYetRandomized)

    if (m_nextSequencePositionNotYetRandomized == m_randomizedChunks.back().SequenceEndPosition())

    assert(m_nextSamplePositionNotYetRandomized >= m_randomizedChunks[0].m_samplePositionStart);

    size_t firstSamplePositionToRandomize = m_nextSamplePositionNotYetRandomized;
    size_t firstSequencePositionToRandomize = m_nextSequencePositionNotYetRandomized;

    // Find the smallest chunk index whose windows begin exceeds the chunk index
    // of the sample position we have to randomized (current + sampleCount).
    // We will randomize up to this chunk as the final position of windows end is guaranteed to have been determined
    // when all sequences up to that chunk have been randomized
    size_t lastSamplePositionChunkIdx = GetChunkIndexOf(m_currentSamplePosition + sampleCount - 1);
    size_t endChunkIdxToRandomize = lastSamplePositionChunkIdx;
    while (endChunkIdxToRandomize < m_randomizedChunks.size() &&
            m_randomizedChunks[endChunkIdxToRandomize].m_randomizationWindow.m_begin <= lastSamplePositionChunkIdx)

    size_t endFramePosToRandomize = m_randomizedChunks[endChunkIdxToRandomize - 1].SampleEndPosition();
    size_t endSequencePosToRandomize = m_randomizedChunks[endChunkIdxToRandomize - 1].SequenceEndPosition();

    // Determine the range of chunks that need to be in m_sequenceWindows for us
    // to perform the necessary randomization
    size_t startChunkIdx = std::min(GetChunkIndexOf(m_currentSamplePosition), m_randomizedChunks[GetChunkIndexOf(firstSamplePositionToRandomize)].m_randomizationWindow.m_begin);
    size_t endChunkIdx = m_randomizedChunks[GetChunkIndexOf(endFramePosToRandomize - 1)].m_randomizationWindow.m_end;

    // Lets drop everything that is outside the new range [startChunkIdx, endChunkIdx)
    for (size_t i = m_currentRangeBeginChunkIndex; i < startChunkIdx; ++i)

    // Lets page in everything from m_currentRangeEndChunkIndex to endChunkIdx
    for (size_t i = m_currentRangeEndChunkIndex; i < endChunkIdx; ++i)

    for (size_t t = firstSequencePositionToRandomize; t < endSequencePosToRandomize; ++t)
        // Get valid randomization range, expressed in chunks
        const size_t currentChunkIdx = GetChunkIndexForSequencePosition(t);

        size_t chunkWindowBegin = m_randomizedChunks[currentChunkIdx].m_randomizationWindow.m_begin;
        size_t chunkWindowEnd = m_randomizedChunks[currentChunkIdx].m_randomizationWindow.m_end;

        // Get valid randomization range, expressed in sequence positions.
        size_t posBegin = m_randomizedChunks[chunkWindowBegin].m_sequencePositionStart;
        size_t posEnd = m_randomizedChunks[chunkWindowEnd - 1].SequenceEndPosition();

        for (;;)
            // Pick a sequence position from [posBegin, posEnd)
            const size_t j = rand(posBegin, posEnd);

            // Try again if the sequence currently at j cannot be placed at position i.
            if (!IsValidForPosition(t, GetRandomizedSequenceDescriptionBySequenceId(j)))

            // Try again if the sequence currently at i cannot be placed at position j.
            if (!IsValidForPosition(j, GetRandomizedSequenceDescriptionBySequenceId(t)))

            // Swap and break out.
            std::swap(GetRandomizedSequenceDescriptionBySequenceId(t), GetRandomizedSequenceDescriptionBySequenceId(j)); // TODO old swap was perhaps more efficient

    // Verify that we got it right
    for (size_t t = firstSequencePositionToRandomize; t < endSequencePosToRandomize; ++t)
        // TODO assert only
        if (!IsValidForPosition(t, GetRandomizedSequenceDescriptionBySequenceId(t)))
            LogicError("SequenceRandomizer::RandomizeNextSequenceDescriptions: randomization logic mangled!");

    m_nextSamplePositionNotYetRandomized = endFramePosToRandomize;
    m_nextSequencePositionNotYetRandomized = endSequencePosToRandomize;