예제 #1
	QWidget* TodoListDelegate::createEditor (QWidget *parent,
			const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const
		switch (index.column ())
		case StorageModel::Columns::Tags:
			auto edit = new Util::TagsLineEdit (parent);
			new Util::TagsCompleter (edit);
			edit->AddSelector ();
			edit->setText (index.data (Qt::EditRole).toString ());
			edit->setFrame (false);
			return edit;
		case StorageModel::Columns::DueDate:
		case StorageModel::Columns::Created:
			auto edit = new QDateTimeEdit (parent);
			edit->setFrame (false);
			edit->setCalendarPopup (true);
			edit->setDateTime (index.data (Qt::EditRole).toDateTime ());
			return edit;
			return QStyledItemDelegate::createEditor (parent, option, index);
예제 #2
  * Add an edge with empty information associated
  * @param source is the source of the edge
  * @param target is the target of the edge
  * @param selector is the selector to be added
  * @return the created edge
 EdgeDescriptor AddEdge(const vertex source, const vertex target, const int selector)
    if(ExistsEdge(source, target))
       return AddSelector(source, target, selector);
       return InternalAddEdge(source, target, selector, EdgeInfoRef(new OpEdgeInfo()));
	QWidget* EntriesDelegate::createEditor (QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const
		switch (index.column ())
		case EntriesModel::Columns::Account:
		case EntriesModel::Columns::EntryCurrency:
			return new QComboBox (parent);
		case EntriesModel::Columns::Categories:
			auto result = new Util::TagsLineEdit (parent);
			auto completer = new Util::TagsCompleter (result, result);

			const auto& cats = Core::Instance ().GetOpsManager ()->GetKnownCategories ().toList ();
			completer->OverrideModel (new QStringListModel (cats, completer));

			result->AddSelector ();

			return result;
			return QStyledItemDelegate::createEditor (parent, option, index);