예제 #1
HRESULT ACD3D::Init(HWND hWnd, BOOL enableVSync, BOOL log)

	if (log)
		mpLOG = fopen("RenderLOG.txt", "w");

	Log("Begin Init");

	GeometryShaderSupport = true;

	//cria o retangulo para renderizacao
	RECT rc;
	GetClientRect( hWnd, &rc );
	UINT width = rc.right - rc.left;
	UINT height = rc.bottom - rc.top;

	if (FAILED(CreateGraphicsDevice(width, height)))
		return AC_FAIL;

	if (FAILED(CreateConstantBuffers()))
		return AC_FAIL;

	if (FAILED(AddViewport(hWnd, enableVSync)))
		return AC_FAIL;

	//inicializa os estados
	mCurrentShadeMode			= ACSHADEMODE::ACSM_TriangleList;
	//inicializa com o blend padrao
	mCurrentBlendState			= ACBLENDSTATE::ACBS_Default;	

	//inicializa escrevendo no zbuffer
	mCurrentDepthBufferState	= ACDEPTHBUFFERSTATE::ACDBS_WriteEnable;	

	//inicializa como solido anti-horario
	mCurrentRasterizationState	= ACRASTERIZESTATE::ACRS_SolidCullCCW;

	//inicializa todos os samplers states 16 o caso do d3d10
	for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
		mCurrentSamplerState[i] = ACSAMPLERSTATE::ACSS_Bilinear_Wrap;

	//cria o vertexmanager
	mpVManager = new ACD3DVertexManager(this, ACD3DGlobals::G_pD3dDevice, ACConfigurations::Instance()->GetMaxVerticesInBuffer(), ACConfigurations::Instance()->GetMaxIndicesInBuffer(), mpLOG);
	ACD3DGlobals::G_pVertexManager = static_cast<ACD3DVertexManager*>(mpVManager);
	Log("Init Success");

    return hr;
예제 #2
bool DisplayManager::RegisterCamera(CameraComponent* camera_component) {
    std::string name = camera_component->GetName();

    // Do not add if a CameraComponent of the same name already exists.
    if(mCameras.count(name) != 0)
        return false;

    int start_size = mCameras.size();

    // Create the render window if this is the first CameraComponent.
    if(mCameras.size() == 0 && (mOgreRoot == nullptr || !mOgreRoot->isInitialised()))

    mCameras[name] = camera_component;

    if(start_size == 0) {
        AddViewport("main", name, true);

    return true;
예제 #3
bool DisplayManager::ActivateCamera(const std::string& name, const std::string& viewport_name) {
	// Do not change if the requested CameraComponent hasn't been registered.
    if(mCameras.count(name) == 0)
        return false;

    std::string change_viewport_name;

    //if there is no name of Viewport given
    if(viewport_name == "") {
        //if there is no main Viewport made
        if(mMainViewport == "") {
            //if we can create one
            if(AddViewport("main", name, true))
                //set it as Viewport for camera
                change_viewport_name = mMainViewport;
            } else {
                //if we cannot set just return false
                return false;
        //if there is main Viewport set
        } else {
            //just use it to activate camera with it
            change_viewport_name = mMainViewport;
    //if someone gave name of Viewport to use
    } else {
        //then use it
        change_viewport_name = viewport_name;

    // Do not activate if the requested Viewport hasn't been created.
    if(mViewports.count(change_viewport_name) == 0)
        return false;

    mViewportsCameras[change_viewport_name] = name;

    return true;