예제 #1
void CWizardView::OnBtnopenstrategy() 
	// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
	CStkUIApp * pApp = AfxGetStkUIApp();
	if( pApp )
		pApp->OnFileOpen( );
예제 #2
LRESULT CStrategyView::OnRemoveStrategy(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	CStkUIApp	* pApp	=	AfxGetStkUIApp( );
	if( ! pApp )
		return -1;

	CTreeCtrl &treectrl = GetTreeCtrl();
	HTREEITEM hWorksp = treectrl.GetRootItem( );
	if( NULL == hWorksp )
		return -1;
	if( treectrl.ItemHasChildren( hWorksp ) )
		HTREEITEM hStrategy = treectrl.GetChildItem( hWorksp );
		while( NULL != hStrategy )
			CStrategy * pStrategy = (CStrategy *)treectrl.GetItemData( hStrategy );
			HTREEITEM	hStrategyNext = treectrl.GetNextSiblingItem( hStrategy );
			if( !pApp->ExistStrategy( pStrategy ) )
				treectrl.DeleteItem( hStrategy );
				if( m_pActiveStrategy == pStrategy )
					m_pActiveStrategy	=	NULL;
			hStrategy	=	hStrategyNext;

	ActivateStrategy( m_pActiveStrategy );	//default activate the first one

	return 0;
예제 #3
LRESULT CStrategyView::OnAddStrategy(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	CStkUIApp	* pApp	=	AfxGetStkUIApp( );
	if( ! pApp )
		return -1;

	CTreeCtrl &treectrl = GetTreeCtrl();

	CString	strWorksp;
	HTREEITEM hWorksp = treectrl.GetRootItem( );
	if( NULL == hWorksp )
		VERIFY( hWorksp = treectrl.InsertItem(strWorksp,IMG_WORKSP,IMG_WORKSP_SEL) );
	if( NULL == hWorksp )
		return -1;

	POSITION pos = pApp->GetFirstStrategyPosition();
	while( NULL != pos )
		CStrategy * pCurStrategy = pApp->GetNextStrategy( pos );
		BOOL	bExist	=	FALSE;
		if( NULL == GetItemByStrategy( pCurStrategy ) )
			HTREEITEM hStrategy = AddStrategy( pCurStrategy );
			ActivateStrategy( pCurStrategy, hStrategy );

	treectrl.Expand (hWorksp, TVE_EXPAND);

	return 0;
예제 #4
void CWizardView::OnDblclkStrategylist(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 
	// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
	for( int i=0; i<m_listRecent.GetItemCount( ); i++ )
		if( LVIS_SELECTED == m_listRecent.GetItemState(i,LVIS_SELECTED) )
			CString strPath = m_listRecent.GetItemText( i, 1 );
			if( NULL != AfxGetStkUIApp()->OpenStrategyFile( strPath ) )
				AfxSwitchToStaticView( RUNTIME_CLASS(CSimuView) );
	*pResult = 0;
예제 #5
void CDownloadDlg::OnCancel() 
	// TODO: Add extra cleanup here
	m_btnCancel.EnableWindow( FALSE );
	AfxGetStkReceiver().RemoveRcvDataWnd( GetSafeHwnd() );

	char	szErr[1024];
	if( !AfxInitializeDB( szErr, sizeof(szErr) ) )	AfxMessageBox( szErr, MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION );

	CDialog::OnCancel( );

	if( m_bDBModified )
		BOOL	bRecalculate	=	FALSE;
		CSPTime	tmLatest	=	0;
		if( ( m_netdb.SetRootPath( AfxGetProfile().GetSelfDBPath(), IStStore::dbtypeSelfDB )
			&& m_netdb.GetTimeLocalRange( &tmLatest, NULL, NULL )
			&& tmLatest.GetTime() > m_tmLatestOld.GetTime() ) )
			bRecalculate	=	TRUE;
		if( m_bAutoRun )
			bRecalculate	=	FALSE;
		AfxGetStkUIApp()->OnDBChanged( FALSE /*bRecalculate*/ );

	if( !m_bAutoRun )
		CNetInfoDlg	dlg;
		dlg.DoModal( );

		if( AfxGetProfile().HasNewVersion()
			CUpgradeDlg	dlg;
			dlg.SetAutoRun( TRUE );

예제 #6
void CInstallPacDlg::OnCompleted( )
	char	szErr[1024];
	if( !AfxInitializeDB( szErr, sizeof(szErr) ) )	AfxMessageBox( szErr, MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION );

	if( m_bDBModified )
		BOOL	bRecalculate	=	FALSE;
		CSPTime	tmLatest	=	0;
		if( m_bCodetableInstalled ||
			( m_netdb.SetRootPath( AfxGetProfile().GetSelfDBPath(), IStStore::dbtypeSelfDB )
			&& m_netdb.GetTimeLocalRange( &tmLatest, NULL, NULL )
			&& tmLatest.GetTime() > m_tmLatestOld.GetTime() ) )
			bRecalculate	=	TRUE;
		AfxGetStkUIApp()->OnDBChanged( FALSE /*bRecalculate*/ );
		m_bDBModified	=	FALSE;
예제 #7
void CWizardView::OnUpdate(CView* pSender, LPARAM lHint, CObject* pHint) 
	// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
		if( ::IsWindow( m_listRecent.GetSafeHwnd() ) )
			m_listRecent.Invalidate( );
	if( IsWindowVisible() )
		SetFocus( );

	m_listRecent.DeleteAllItems( );

	//	insert items
	CStkUIApp * pApp = AfxGetStkUIApp();
	CRecentFileList * pRecent = NULL;
	if( pApp )
		pRecent = pApp->GetRecentFileList( );

	CString	strOpened;
	strOpened.LoadString( IDS_STRATEGYOPENED );

	CStringArray	astrAdded;

	int	count	=	0;
	if( pRecent )
		for( int i=pRecent->GetSize()-1; i>=0; i-- )
			CString strPath = (*pRecent)[i];
			if( strPath.IsEmpty() )
			if( 0 != access(strPath,0) )

			TCHAR	szFullPath[_MAX_PATH];
			AfxFullPath( szFullPath, strPath );
			strPath	=	szFullPath;

			CString strName	=	CStrategy::GetName( strPath );
			BOOL	bOpened	=	pApp->IsFileOpened( strPath );
			int nItem = m_listRecent.InsertItem( count, strPath, bOpened ? 1 : 0 );
			m_listRecent.SetItemText( nItem, 0, strName );
			m_listRecent.SetItemText( nItem, 1, strPath );
			if( bOpened )
				m_listRecent.SetItemText( nItem, 3, strOpened );
			astrAdded.Add( strPath );
			CString	strTime;
			CFileStatus	status;
			if( CFile::GetStatus( strPath, status ) )
				strTime = status.m_mtime.Format( "%Y-%m-%d" );
				m_listRecent.SetItemText( nItem, 2, strTime );
			count ++;

	CString strExt	=	AfxGetStrategyFileExt( );
	if( !strExt.IsEmpty())
		CFileFind finder;
		BOOL	bWorking	=	finder.FindFile( AfxGetFilePath( (LPCTSTR)AfxGetProfile().GetProjectPath(), LPCTSTR("*" + strExt) ) );
		while( bWorking )
			bWorking	=	finder.FindNextFile();
			CString	strPath	=	finder.GetFilePath();

			int i;
			for( i=0; i<astrAdded.GetSize(); i++ )
				if( 0 == strPath.CompareNoCase( astrAdded.ElementAt(i) ) )
			if( i < astrAdded.GetSize() )

			CString strName	=	CStrategy::GetName( strPath );
			BOOL	bOpened	=	pApp->IsFileOpened( strPath );
			int nItem = m_listRecent.InsertItem( count, strPath, bOpened ? 1 : 0 );
			m_listRecent.SetItemText( nItem, 0, strName );
			m_listRecent.SetItemText( nItem, 1, strPath );
			if( bOpened )
				m_listRecent.SetItemText( nItem, 3, strOpened );

			CString	strTime;
			CFileStatus	status;
			if( CFile::GetStatus( strPath, status ) )
				strTime = status.m_mtime.Format( "%Y-%m-%d" );
				m_listRecent.SetItemText( nItem, 2, strTime );
			count ++;

			if( count >= 256 )

	m_listRecent.Invalidate( );
예제 #8
BOOL CALLBACK LoadProgram( HWND hWnd, int nMinProgress, int nMaxProgress )
	int nMin = nMinProgress;
	int nMax = nMaxProgress;
	int nRange = nMaxProgress-nMinProgress;
	CStkUIApp * pApp = AfxGetStkUIApp();
	if( NULL == pApp )
		return FALSE;

	CStaticDoc * pStaticDoc = pApp->GetStaticDoc();
	CMainFrame * pMainFrame = AfxGetMainFrame();

	HINSTANCE hInstanceOld = AfxGetResourceHandle();
	AfxSetResourceHandle( AfxGetInstanceHandle() );

	SendMessage( hWnd, WM_USER_STARTUP_PROGRESS, nMin, 0 );

	AfxGetStockContainer().Load( &AfxGetDB(), NULL, NULL );
	AfxGetDomainContainer().Load( AfxGetProfile().GetDomainFile() );
	AfxGetGroupContainer().Load( AfxGetProfile().GetGroupFile() );
	SendMessage( hWnd, WM_USER_STARTUP_PROGRESS, nMin+nRange*4/30, 0 );

	pMainFrame->m_SearchBox.InitStocks( TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
	//pMainFrame->m_DateBox.InitDates( );
	SendMessage( hWnd, WM_USER_STARTUP_PROGRESS, nMin+nRange*8/30, 0 );

	// Open Simulation Strategy
	if( NULL == pApp->GetFirstStrategyPosition() )
		if( 0 == pApp->OpenLastOpenedStrategy( ) )
			pApp->OpenDefaultStrategy( );
	SendMessage( hWnd, WM_USER_STARTUP_PROGRESS, nMin+nRange*12/30, 0 );

	// Show Views
	//if( !pStaticDoc->GetViewIfExist( RUNTIME_CLASS(CWizardView) ) )
	//	pStaticDoc->ShowStaticView( RUNTIME_CLASS(CWizardView), TRUE );
	//SendMessage( hWnd, WM_USER_STARTUP_PROGRESS, nMin+nRange*14/30, 0 );
	//if( !pStaticDoc->GetViewIfExist( RUNTIME_CLASS(CSimuView) ) )
	//	pStaticDoc->ShowStaticView( RUNTIME_CLASS(CSimuView), TRUE );
	//SendMessage( hWnd, WM_USER_STARTUP_PROGRESS, nMin+nRange*16/30, 0 );
	if( !pStaticDoc->GetViewIfExist( RUNTIME_CLASS(CSListView) ) )
		pStaticDoc->ShowStaticView( RUNTIME_CLASS(CSListView), TRUE );
	SendMessage( hWnd, WM_USER_STARTUP_PROGRESS, nMin+nRange*18/30, 0 );
	//if( !pStaticDoc->GetViewIfExist( RUNTIME_CLASS(CRealTimeView) ) )
	//	pStaticDoc->ShowStaticView( RUNTIME_CLASS(CRealTimeView), TRUE );
	//SendMessage( hWnd, WM_USER_STARTUP_PROGRESS, nMin+nRange*20/30, 0 );
	//if( !pStaticDoc->GetViewIfExist( RUNTIME_CLASS(CMultiSortView) ) )
	//	pStaticDoc->ShowStaticView( RUNTIME_CLASS(CMultiSortView), TRUE );
	//SendMessage( hWnd, WM_USER_STARTUP_PROGRESS, nMin+nRange*22/30, 0 );
	//if( !pStaticDoc->GetViewIfExist( RUNTIME_CLASS(CGraphView) ) )
	//	pStaticDoc->ShowStaticView( RUNTIME_CLASS(CGraphView), TRUE );
	//SendMessage( hWnd, WM_USER_STARTUP_PROGRESS, nMin+nRange*24/30, 0 );
	//if( !pStaticDoc->GetViewIfExist( RUNTIME_CLASS(CBaseView) ) )
	//	pStaticDoc->ShowStaticView( RUNTIME_CLASS(CBaseView), TRUE );
	//SendMessage( hWnd, WM_USER_STARTUP_PROGRESS, nMin+nRange*26/30, 0 );
	//if( !pStaticDoc->GetViewIfExist( RUNTIME_CLASS(CInfoView) ) )
	//	pStaticDoc->ShowStaticView( RUNTIME_CLASS(CInfoView), TRUE );
	//SendMessage( hWnd, WM_USER_STARTUP_PROGRESS, nMin+nRange*28/30, 0 );
	//if( !pStaticDoc->GetViewIfExist( RUNTIME_CLASS(CSelectorView) ) )
	//	pStaticDoc->ShowStaticView( RUNTIME_CLASS(CSelectorView), TRUE );

	AfxSwitchToStaticView( RUNTIME_CLASS(CSListView) );

	AfxGetProfile().SetCurrentStock( STKLIB_CODE_SZZS, FALSE );
	pMainFrame->m_SearchBox.SetCurrentWindowText( );

	AfxBeginThread( LoadKDataCacheMain, NULL, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL);

	SendMessage( hWnd, WM_USER_STARTUP_PROGRESS, nMax, 0 );

	AfxSetResourceHandle( hInstanceOld );

	return TRUE;