void AddArbitraryStringGeomParam( ICompoundProperty & parent,
                            const PropertyHeader &propHeader,
                            ISampleSelector &sampleSelector,
                            AtNode * primNode)
    IStringGeomParam param( parent, propHeader.getName() );
    if ( !param.valid() )
        //TODO error message?
    std::string declStr = GetArnoldTypeString( param.getScope(),
            AI_TYPE_STRING );
    if ( declStr.empty() )
    // TODO, remove this restriction and support arrays for constant values
    if ( param.getArrayExtent() > 1 )
    if ( !AiNodeDeclare( primNode, param.getName().c_str(), declStr.c_str() ) )
        //TODO, AiWarning
    IStringGeomParam::prop_type::sample_ptr_type valueSample =
                param.getExpandedValue( sampleSelector ).getVals();
    if ( param.getScope() == kConstantScope ||
            param.getScope() == kUnknownScope)
        AiNodeSetStr( primNode, param.getName().c_str(),
                        reinterpret_cast<const std::string *>(
                                valueSample->get() )[0].c_str() );
        std::vector<const char *> strPtrs;
        strPtrs.reserve( valueSample->size() );
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < valueSample->size(); ++i )
            strPtrs.push_back( valueSample->get()[i].c_str() );
        AiNodeSetArray( primNode, param.getName().c_str(),
                AiArrayConvert( valueSample->size(), 1, AI_TYPE_STRING,
                        (void *) &strPtrs[0] ) );
예제 #2
void setParameter( AtNode *node, const char *name, const IECore::Data *value )
	const AtParamEntry *parameter = AiNodeEntryLookUpParameter( AiNodeGetNodeEntry( node ), name );
	if( parameter )
		setParameter( node, parameter, value );
		bool array = false;
		int type = parameterType( value->typeId(), array );
		if( type != AI_TYPE_NONE )
			std::string typeString = "constant ";
			if( array )
				typeString += "ARRAY ";
			typeString += AiParamGetTypeName( type );
			AiNodeDeclare( node, name, typeString.c_str() );
			setParameterInternal( node, name, type, array, value );
				boost::format( "Unsupported data type \"%s\" for name \"%s\"" ) % value->typeName() % name
void AddUserGeomParams( AtNode * primNode, const char * attribute, int arnoldAPIType)

    std::string declStr = GetArnoldTypeString( kConstantScope,
            arnoldAPIType );
    if ( declStr.empty() )
        AiMsgWarning ( "[ABC] Cannot add user attribute %s for node \"%s\" with declStr empty", attribute, AiNodeGetName(primNode));
    if ( !AiNodeDeclare( primNode, attribute, declStr.c_str() ) )
        AiMsgWarning ( "[ABC] Cannot add user attribute %s for node \"%s\" with declStr %s", attribute, AiNodeGetName(primNode),declStr.c_str());

예제 #4
AtNode * ProcessPolyMeshBase(
        primT & prim, ProcArgs & args,
        SampleTimeSet & sampleTimes,
        std::vector<AtUInt32> & vidxs,
        int subdiv_iterations,
        MatrixSampleMap * xformSamples, 
        const std::string & facesetName = "" )
    if ( !prim.valid() )
        return NULL;
    typename primT::schema_type  &ps = prim.getSchema();
    TimeSamplingPtr ts = ps.getTimeSampling();
    if ( ps.getTopologyVariance() != kHeterogenousTopology )
        GetRelevantSampleTimes( args, ts, ps.getNumSamples(), sampleTimes );
        sampleTimes.insert( args.frame / args.fps );
    std::string name = args.nameprefix + prim.getFullName();
    AtNode * instanceNode = NULL;
    std::string cacheId;
    if ( args.makeInstance )
        std::ostringstream buffer;
        AbcA::ArraySampleKey sampleKey;
        for ( SampleTimeSet::iterator I = sampleTimes.begin();
                I != sampleTimes.end(); ++I )
            ISampleSelector sampleSelector( *I );
            ps.getPositionsProperty().getKey(sampleKey, sampleSelector);
            buffer << GetRelativeSampleTime( args, (*I) ) << ":";
            buffer << ":";
        buffer << "@" << subdiv_iterations;
        buffer << "@" << facesetName;
        cacheId = buffer.str();
        instanceNode = AiNode( "ginstance" );
        AiNodeSetStr( instanceNode, "name", name.c_str() );
        if ( args.proceduralNode )
            AiNodeSetInt( instanceNode, "visibility",
                    AiNodeGetInt( args.proceduralNode, "visibility" ) );
            AiNodeSetInt( instanceNode, "visibility", AI_RAY_ALL );
        ApplyTransformation( instanceNode, xformSamples, args );
        NodeCache::iterator I = g_meshCache.find(cacheId);
        if ( I != g_meshCache.end() )
            AiNodeSetPtr(instanceNode, "node", (*I).second );
            return NULL;
    SampleTimeSet singleSampleTimes;
    singleSampleTimes.insert( args.frame / args.fps );
    std::vector<AtByte> nsides;
    std::vector<float> vlist;
    std::vector<float> uvlist;
    std::vector<AtUInt32> uvidxs;
    // 1) vlist needn't be copied if it's a single sample
    bool isFirstSample = true;
    for ( SampleTimeSet::iterator I = sampleTimes.begin();
          I != sampleTimes.end(); ++I, isFirstSample = false)
        ISampleSelector sampleSelector( *I );
        typename primT::schema_type::Sample sample = ps.getValue( sampleSelector );
        if ( isFirstSample )
            size_t numPolys = sample.getFaceCounts()->size();
            nsides.reserve( sample.getFaceCounts()->size() );
            for ( size_t i = 0; i < numPolys; ++i ) 
                int32_t n = sample.getFaceCounts()->get()[i];
                if ( n > 255 )
                    // TODO, warning about unsupported face
                    return NULL;
                nsides.push_back( (AtByte) n );
            size_t vidxSize = sample.getFaceIndices()->size();
            vidxs.reserve( vidxSize );
            vidxs.insert( vidxs.end(), sample.getFaceIndices()->get(),
                    sample.getFaceIndices()->get() + vidxSize );
        vlist.reserve( vlist.size() + sample.getPositions()->size() * 3);
        vlist.insert( vlist.end(),
                (const float32_t*) sample.getPositions()->get(),
                ((const float32_t*) sample.getPositions()->get()) +
                        sample.getPositions()->size() * 3 );
    AtNode* meshNode = AiNode( "polymesh" );
    if (!meshNode)
        AiMsgError("Failed to make polymesh node for %s",
        return NULL;
    if ( instanceNode != NULL)
        AiNodeSetStr( meshNode, "name", (name + ":src").c_str() );
        AiNodeSetStr( meshNode, "name", name.c_str() );
    AiNodeSetArray(meshNode, "vidxs", 
            ArrayConvert(vidxs.size(), 1, AI_TYPE_UINT,
    AiNodeSetArray(meshNode, "nsides",
            ArrayConvert(nsides.size(), 1, AI_TYPE_BYTE,
    AiNodeSetArray(meshNode, "vlist",
            ArrayConvert( vlist.size() / sampleTimes.size(), 
                    sampleTimes.size(), AI_TYPE_FLOAT, (void*)(&(vlist[0]))));
    if ( !uvlist.empty() )
        //TODO, option to disable v flipping
        for (size_t i = 1, e = uvlist.size(); i < e; i += 2)
            uvlist[i] = 1.0 - uvlist[i];
        AiNodeSetArray(meshNode, "uvlist",
            ArrayConvert( uvlist.size(), 1, AI_TYPE_FLOAT,
        if ( !uvidxs.empty() )
            AiNodeSetArray(meshNode, "uvidxs",
                    ArrayConvert(uvidxs.size(), 1, AI_TYPE_UINT,
            AiNodeSetArray(meshNode, "uvidxs",
                    ArrayConvert(vidxs.size(), 1, AI_TYPE_UINT,
    if ( sampleTimes.size() > 1 )
        std::vector<float> relativeSampleTimes;
        relativeSampleTimes.reserve( sampleTimes.size() );
        for (SampleTimeSet::const_iterator I = sampleTimes.begin();
                I != sampleTimes.end(); ++I )
                    GetRelativeSampleTime( args, (*I) ) );
        AiNodeSetArray( meshNode, "deform_time_samples",
                ArrayConvert(relativeSampleTimes.size(), 1,
                        AI_TYPE_FLOAT, &relativeSampleTimes[0]));
    // faceset visibility array
    if ( !facesetName.empty() )
        if ( ps.hasFaceSet( facesetName ) )
            ISampleSelector frameSelector( *singleSampleTimes.begin() );
            IFaceSet faceSet = ps.getFaceSet( facesetName );
            IFaceSetSchema::Sample faceSetSample = 
                    faceSet.getSchema().getValue( frameSelector );
            std::set<int> facesToKeep;
            facesToKeep.insert( faceSetSample.getFaces()->get(),
                    faceSetSample.getFaces()->get() +
                            faceSetSample.getFaces()->size() );
            bool *faceVisArray = new bool(nsides.size());
            for ( int i = 0; i < (int) nsides.size(); ++i )
                faceVisArray[i] = facesToKeep.find( i ) != facesToKeep.end();
            if ( AiNodeDeclare( meshNode, "face_visibility", "uniform BOOL" ) )
                AiNodeSetArray( meshNode, "face_visibility",
                        ArrayConvert( nsides.size(), 1, AI_TYPE_BOOLEAN,
                                faceVisArray ) );
            delete[] faceVisArray;
        ICompoundProperty arbGeomParams = ps.getArbGeomParams();
        ISampleSelector frameSelector( *singleSampleTimes.begin() );
        AddArbitraryGeomParams( arbGeomParams, frameSelector, meshNode );
    if ( instanceNode == NULL )
        if ( xformSamples )
            ApplyTransformation( meshNode, xformSamples, args );
        return meshNode;
        AiNodeSetInt( meshNode, "visibility", 0 );
        AiNodeSetPtr(instanceNode, "node", meshNode );
        g_meshCache[cacheId] = meshNode;
        return meshNode;
void AddArbitraryGeomParam( ICompoundProperty & parent,
                            const PropertyHeader &propHeader,
                            ISampleSelector &sampleSelector,
                            AtNode * primNode,
                            int arnoldAPIType)
    T param( parent, propHeader.getName() );
    if ( !param.valid() )
        //TODO error message?
    std::string declStr = GetArnoldTypeString( param.getScope(),
            arnoldAPIType );
    if ( declStr.empty() )
    // TODO For now, don't support user-defined arrays.
    // It's reasonable to support these for kConstantScope
    if ( param.getArrayExtent() > 1 )
    if ( !AiNodeDeclare( primNode, param.getName().c_str(), declStr.c_str() ) )
        //TODO, AiWarning
    if ( param.getScope() == kConstantScope ||
            param.getScope() == kUnknownScope)
        //Set scalars directly based on arnoldAPIType since we're
        //not yet support array types here
        typename T::prop_type::sample_ptr_type valueSample =
                param.getExpandedValue( sampleSelector ).getVals();
        switch ( arnoldAPIType )
            case AI_TYPE_INT:
                AiNodeSetInt( primNode, param.getName().c_str(),
                        reinterpret_cast<const int32_t *>(
                                valueSample->get() )[0] );
            case AI_TYPE_FLOAT:
                AiNodeSetFlt( primNode, param.getName().c_str(),
                        reinterpret_cast<const float32_t *>(
                                valueSample->get() )[0] );
            case AI_TYPE_STRING:
                AiNodeSetStr( primNode, param.getName().c_str(),
                        reinterpret_cast<const std::string *>(
                                valueSample->get() )[0].c_str() );
            case AI_TYPE_RGB:
                const float32_t * data = 
                        reinterpret_cast<const float32_t *>(
                                valueSample->get() );
                AiNodeSetRGB( primNode, param.getName().c_str(),
                        data[0], data[1], data[2]);
            case AI_TYPE_RGBA:
                const float32_t * data = 
                        reinterpret_cast<const float32_t *>(
                                valueSample->get() );
                AiNodeSetRGBA( primNode, param.getName().c_str(),
                        data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]);
            case AI_TYPE_VECTOR:
                const float32_t * data = 
                        reinterpret_cast<const float32_t *>(
                                valueSample->get() );
                AiNodeSetVec( primNode, param.getName().c_str(),
                        data[0], data[1], data[2] );
            case AI_TYPE_VECTOR2:
                const float32_t * data = 
                        reinterpret_cast<const float32_t *>(
                                valueSample->get() );
                AiNodeSetVec2( primNode, param.getName().c_str(),
                        data[0], data[1] );
            case AI_TYPE_MATRIX:
                const float32_t * data = 
                        reinterpret_cast<const float32_t *>(
                                valueSample->get() );
                AtMatrix m;
                for ( size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i )
                    *((&m[0][0])+i) = data[i];
                AiNodeSetMatrix( primNode, param.getName().c_str(), m);
                // For now, only support the above types
        // Always set arrays for other scopes
        typename T::prop_type::sample_ptr_type valueSample =
                param.getExpandedValue( sampleSelector ).getVals();
        AiNodeSetArray( primNode, param.getName().c_str(),
                AiArrayConvert( valueSample->size(), 1, arnoldAPIType,
                        (void *) valueSample->get() ) );
예제 #6
AtNode *createInstanceNode(nodeData &nodata, userData * ud, int i)
  Alembic::AbcGeom::IPoints typedObject(ud->gIObjects[i].abc, Alembic::Abc::kWrapExisting);

  instanceCloudInfo * info = ud->gIObjects[i].instanceCloud;

  // check that we have the masternode
  size_t id = (size_t)ud->gIObjects[i].ID;
  size_t instanceID = (size_t)ud->gIObjects[i].instanceID;
  if(instanceID >= info->groupInfos.size())
    AiMsgError("[ExocortexAlembicArnold] Instance '%s.%d' has an invalid instanceID  . Aborting.",ud->gIObjects[i].abc.getFullName().c_str(),(int)id);
    return NULL;
  size_t groupID = (size_t)ud->gIObjects[i].instanceGroupID;
  if(groupID >= info->groupInfos[instanceID].identifiers.size())
    AiMsgError("[ExocortexAlembicArnold] Instance '%s.%d' has an invalid instanceGroupID. Aborting.",ud->gIObjects[i].abc.getFullName().c_str(),(int)id);
    return NULL;

  instanceGroupInfo * group = &info->groupInfos[instanceID];

  // get the right centroidTime
  float centroidTime = ud->gCentroidTime;
  if(info->time.size() > 0)
    centroidTime = info->time[0]->get()[id < info->time[0]->size() ? id : info->time[0]->size() - 1];
    if(info->time.size() > 1)
      centroidTime = (1.0f - info->timeAlpha) * centroidTime + info->timeAlpha * info->time[1]->get()[id < info->time[1]->size() ? id : info->time[1]->size() - 1];
    centroidTime = roundCentroid(centroidTime);

  std::map<float,AtNode*>::iterator it = group->nodes[groupID].find(centroidTime);
  if(it == group->nodes[groupID].end())
    AiMsgError("[ExocortexAlembicArnold] Cannot find masterNode '%s' for centroidTime '%f'. Aborting.",group->identifiers[groupID].c_str(),centroidTime);
    return NULL;
  AtNode *usedMasterNode = it->second;

  AtNode *shapeNode = AiNode("ginstance");

  // setup name, id and the master node
  AiNodeSetStr(shapeNode, "name", getNameFromIdentifier(ud->gIObjects[i].abc.getFullName(),ud->gIObjects[i].ID,(long)groupID).c_str());
  AiNodeSetInt(shapeNode, "id", ud->gIObjects[i].instanceID); 
  AiNodeSetPtr(shapeNode, "node", usedMasterNode);

  // declare color on the ginstance
  if(info->color.size() > 0 && AiNodeDeclare(shapeNode, "Color", "constant RGBA"))
    Alembic::Abc::C4f color = info->color[0]->get()[id < info->color[0]->size() ? id : info->color[0]->size() - 1];
    AiNodeSetRGBA(shapeNode, "Color", color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);

  // now let's take care of the transform
  AtArray * matrices = AiArrayAllocate(1,(AtInt)ud->gMbKeys.size(),AI_TYPE_MATRIX);
  for(size_t j=0;j<ud->gMbKeys.size(); ++j)
    SampleInfo sampleInfo = getSampleInfo(

    Alembic::Abc::M44f matrixAbc;
    const size_t floorIndex = j << 1;
    const size_t ceilIndex =  floorIndex + 1;

    // apply translation
    if(info->pos[floorIndex]->size() == info->pos[ceilIndex]->size())
      matrixAbc.setTranslation(float(1.0 - sampleInfo.alpha) * info->pos[floorIndex]->get()[id < info->pos[floorIndex]->size() ? id : info->pos[floorIndex]->size() - 1] + 
                               float(sampleInfo.alpha) * info->pos[ceilIndex]->get()[id < info->pos[ceilIndex]->size() ? id : info->pos[ceilIndex]->size() - 1]);
      const float timeAlpha = getTimeOffsetFromObject( typedObject, sampleInfo );

      matrixAbc.setTranslation(info->pos[floorIndex]->get()[id < info->pos[floorIndex]->size() ? id : info->pos[floorIndex]->size() - 1] + 
                               info->vel[floorIndex]->get()[id < info->vel[floorIndex]->size() ? id : info->vel[floorIndex]->size() - 1] * timeAlpha);

    // now take care of rotation
    if(info->rot.size() == ud->gMbKeys.size())
      Alembic::Abc::Quatf rotAbc = info->rot[j]->get()[id < info->rot[j]->size() ? id : info->rot[j]->size() - 1];
      if(info->ang.size() == ud->gMbKeys.size() && sampleInfo.alpha > 0.0)
        Alembic::Abc::Quatf angAbc = info->ang[j]->get()[id < info->ang[j]->size() ? id : info->ang[j]->size() -1] * (float)sampleInfo.alpha;
        if(angAbc.axis().length2() != 0.0f && angAbc.r != 0.0f)
          rotAbc = angAbc * rotAbc;
      Alembic::Abc::M44f matrixAbcRot;
      matrixAbc = matrixAbcRot * matrixAbc;

    // and finally scaling
    if(info->scale.size() == ud->gMbKeys.size() * 2)
      const Alembic::Abc::V3f scalingAbc = info->scale[floorIndex]->get()[id < info->scale[floorIndex]->size() ? id : info->scale[floorIndex]->size() - 1] * 
                                           info->width[floorIndex]->get()[id < info->width[floorIndex]->size() ? id : info->width[floorIndex]->size() - 1] * float(1.0 - sampleInfo.alpha) + 
                                           info->scale[ceilIndex]->get()[id < info->scale[ceilIndex]->size() ? id : info->scale[ceilIndex]->size() - 1] * 
                                           info->width[ceilIndex]->get()[id < info->width[ceilIndex]->size() ? id : info->width[ceilIndex]->size() - 1] * float(sampleInfo.alpha);
      const float width = info->width[floorIndex]->get()[id < info->width[floorIndex]->size() ? id : info->width[floorIndex]->size() - 1] * float(1.0 - sampleInfo.alpha) + 
                          info->width[ceilIndex]->get()[id < info->width[ceilIndex]->size() ? id : info->width[ceilIndex]->size() - 1] * float(sampleInfo.alpha);

    // if we have offset matrices
    if(group->parents.size() > groupID && group->matrices.size() > groupID)
      if(group->objects[groupID].valid() && group->parents[groupID].valid())
        // we have a matrix map and a parent.
        // now we need to check if we already exported the matrices
        std::map<float,std::vector<Alembic::Abc::M44f> >::iterator it;
        std::vector<Alembic::Abc::M44f> offsets;
        it = group->matrices[groupID].find(centroidTime);
        if(it == group->matrices[groupID].end())
          std::vector<float> samples(ud->gMbKeys.size());
          for(AtInt sampleIndex=0;sampleIndex<(AtInt)ud->gMbKeys.size(); ++sampleIndex)
            // centralize the time once more
            samples[sampleIndex] = centroidTime + ud->gMbKeys[sampleIndex] - ud->gCentroidTime;

          // if the transform differs, we need to compute the offset matrices
          // get the parent, which should be a transform
          Alembic::Abc::IObject parent = group->parents[groupID];
          Alembic::Abc::IObject xform = group->objects[groupID].getParent();
          while(Alembic::AbcGeom::IXform::matches(xform.getMetaData()) && xform.getFullName() != parent.getFullName())
            // cast to a xform
            Alembic::AbcGeom::IXform parentXform(xform,Alembic::Abc::kWrapExisting);
            if(parentXform.getSchema().getNumSamples() == 0)

            // loop over all samples
            for(size_t sampleIndex=0;sampleIndex<ud->gMbKeys.size(); ++sampleIndex)
              SampleInfo sampleInfo = getSampleInfo(

              // get the data and blend it if necessary
              Alembic::AbcGeom::XformSample sample;
              Alembic::Abc::M44f abcMatrix;
              Alembic::Abc::M44d abcMatrixd = sample.getMatrix();
              for(int x=0;x<4;x++)
                 for(int y=0;y<4;y++)
                    abcMatrix[x][y] = (float)abcMatrixd[x][y];
              if(sampleInfo.alpha >= sampleTolerance)
                Alembic::Abc::M44d ceilAbcMatrixd = sample.getMatrix();
                Alembic::Abc::M44f ceilAbcMatrix;
                for(int x=0;x<4;x++)
                  for(int y=0;y<4;y++)
                     ceilAbcMatrix[x][y] = (float)ceilAbcMatrixd[x][y];
                abcMatrix = float(1.0 - sampleInfo.alpha) * abcMatrix + float(sampleInfo.alpha) * ceilAbcMatrix;

              offsets[sampleIndex] = abcMatrix * offsets[sampleIndex];

            // go upwards
            xform = xform.getParent();
          group->matrices[groupID].insert(std::pair<float,std::vector<Alembic::Abc::M44f> >(centroidTime,offsets));
          offsets = it->second;

        // this means we have the right amount of matrices to blend against
        if(offsets.size() > j)
          matrixAbc = offsets[j] * matrixAbc;

    // store it to the array

  AiNodeSetBool(shapeNode, "inherit_xform", FALSE);

  return shapeNode;
예제 #7
		virtual void ExportProcedural( AtNode *node )
			// do basic node export
			ExportMatrix( node, 0 );
			AtNode *shader = arnoldShader();
			if( shader )
				AiNodeSetPtr( node, "shader", shader );
			AiNodeSetInt( node, "visibility", ComputeVisibility() );
			MPlug plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "receiveShadows" );
			if( !plug.isNull() )
				AiNodeSetBool( node, "receive_shadows", plug.asBool() );
			plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "aiSelfShadows" );
			if( !plug.isNull() )
				AiNodeSetBool( node, "self_shadows", plug.asBool() );
			plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "aiOpaque" );
			if( !plug.isNull() )
				AiNodeSetBool( node, "opaque", plug.asBool() );
			// export any shading groups or displacement shaders which look like they
			// may be connected to procedural parameters. this ensures that maya shaders
			// the procedural will expect to find at rendertime will be exported to the
			// ass file (they otherwise might not be if they're not assigned to any objects).
			// now set the procedural-specific parameters
			MFnDagNode fnDagNode( m_dagPath );
			MBoundingBox bound = fnDagNode.boundingBox();
			AiNodeSetPnt( node, "min", bound.min().x, bound.min().y, bound.min().z );
			AiNodeSetPnt( node, "max", bound.max().x, bound.max().y, bound.max().z );
			const char *dsoPath = getenv( "IECOREARNOLD_PROCEDURAL_PATH" );
			AiNodeSetStr( node, "dso", dsoPath ? dsoPath : "ieProcedural.so" );
			AiNodeDeclare( node, "className", "constant STRING" );
			AiNodeDeclare( node, "classVersion", "constant INT" );
			AiNodeDeclare( node, "parameterValues", "constant ARRAY STRING" );
			// cast should be ok as we're registered to only work on procedural holders
			IECoreMaya::ProceduralHolder *pHolder = static_cast<IECoreMaya::ProceduralHolder *>( fnDagNode.userNode() );
			std::string className;
			int classVersion;
			IECore::ParameterisedProceduralPtr procedural = pHolder->getProcedural( &className, &classVersion );
			AiNodeSetStr( node, "className", className.c_str() );
			AiNodeSetInt( node, "classVersion", classVersion );
			IECorePython::ScopedGILLock gilLock;
				boost::python::object parser = IECoreMaya::PythonCmd::globalContext()["IECore"].attr( "ParameterParser" )();
				boost::python::object serialised = parser.attr( "serialise" )( procedural->parameters() );
				size_t numStrings = IECorePython::len( serialised );
				AtArray *stringArray = AiArrayAllocate( numStrings, 1, AI_TYPE_STRING );
				for( size_t i=0; i<numStrings; i++ )
					std::string s = boost::python::extract<std::string>( serialised[i] );
					// hack to workaround ass parsing errors
					/// \todo Remove when we get the Arnold version that fixes this
					for( size_t c = 0; c<s.size(); c++ )
						if( s[c] == '#' )
							s[c] = '@';
					AiArraySetStr( stringArray, i, s.c_str() );
				AiNodeSetArray( node, "parameterValues", stringArray );
			catch( boost::python::error_already_set )
void CScriptedShapeTranslator::RunScripts(AtNode *atNode, unsigned int step, bool update)
   std::map<std::string, CScriptedTranslator>::iterator translatorIt;
   MFnDependencyNode fnNode(GetMayaObject());
   translatorIt = gTranslators.find(fnNode.typeName().asChar());
   if (translatorIt == gTranslators.end())
      AiMsgError("[mtoa.scriptedTranslators] No command to export node \"%s\" of type %s.", fnNode.name().asChar(), fnNode.typeName().asChar());
   MString exportCmd = translatorIt->second.exportCmd;
   MString cleanupCmd = translatorIt->second.cleanupCmd;
   MFnDagNode node(m_dagPath.node());
   bool isMasterDag = false;
   bool transformBlur = IsMotionBlurEnabled(MTOA_MBLUR_OBJECT) && IsLocalMotionBlurEnabled();
   bool deformBlur = IsMotionBlurEnabled(MTOA_MBLUR_DEFORM) && IsLocalMotionBlurEnabled();
   char buffer[64];
   MString command = exportCmd;
   command += "(";
   sprintf(buffer, "%f", GetExportFrame());
   command += buffer;
   command += ", ";
   sprintf(buffer, "%d", step);
   command += buffer;
   command += ", ";
   // current sample frame
   sprintf(buffer, "%f", GetSampleFrame(m_session, step));
   command += buffer;
   command += ", ";
   // List of arnold attributes the custom shape export command has overriden
   MStringArray attrs;
   if (!m_masterNode)
      command += "(\"" + m_dagPath.partialPathName() + "\", \"";
      command += AiNodeGetName(atNode);
      command += "\"), None)";
      isMasterDag = true;
      command += "(\"" + m_dagPath.partialPathName() + "\", \"";
      command += AiNodeGetName(atNode);
      command += "\"), (\"" + GetMasterInstance().partialPathName() + "\", \"";
      command += AiNodeGetName(m_masterNode);
      command += "\"))";
   MStatus status = MGlobal::executePythonCommand(command, attrs);
   if (!status)
      AiMsgError("[mtoa.scriptedTranslators] Failed to export node \"%s\".", node.name().asChar());
   // Build set of attributes already processed
   std::set<std::string> attrsSet;
   for (unsigned int i=0; i<attrs.length(); ++i)
   std::set<std::string>::iterator attrsEnd = attrsSet.end();
   // Should be getting displacement shader from master instance only
   //   as arnold do not support displacement shader overrides for ginstance
   MFnDependencyNode masterShadingEngine;
   MFnDependencyNode shadingEngine;
   float dispPadding = -AI_BIG;
   float dispHeight = 1.0f;
   float dispZeroValue = 0.0f;
   bool dispAutobump = false;
   bool outputDispPadding = false;
   bool outputDispHeight = false;
   bool outputDispZeroValue = false;
   bool outputDispAutobump = false;
   const AtNodeEntry *anodeEntry = AiNodeGetNodeEntry(atNode);
   GetShapeInstanceShader(m_dagPath, shadingEngine);
   if (!IsMasterInstance())
      GetShapeInstanceShader(GetMasterInstance(), masterShadingEngine);
   AtMatrix matrix;
   MMatrix mmatrix = m_dagPath.inclusiveMatrix();
   ConvertMatrix(matrix, mmatrix);
   // Set transformation matrix
   if (attrsSet.find("matrix") == attrsEnd)
      if (HasParameter(anodeEntry, "matrix"))
         if (transformBlur)
            if (step == 0)
               AtArray* matrices = AiArrayAllocate(1, GetNumMotionSteps(), AI_TYPE_MATRIX);
               AiArraySetMtx(matrices, step, matrix);
               AiNodeSetArray(atNode, "matrix", matrices);
               AtArray* matrices = AiNodeGetArray(atNode, "matrix");
               AiArraySetMtx(matrices, step, matrix);
            AiNodeSetMatrix(atNode, "matrix", matrix);
   // Set bounding box
   if (attrsSet.find("min") == attrsEnd && attrsSet.find("max") == attrsEnd)
      // Now check if min and max parameters are valid parameter names on arnold node
      if (HasParameter(anodeEntry, "min") != 0 && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "max") != 0)
         if (step == 0)
            MBoundingBox bbox = node.boundingBox();
            MPoint bmin = bbox.min();
            MPoint bmax = bbox.max();
            AiNodeSetPnt(atNode, "min", static_cast<float>(bmin.x), static_cast<float>(bmin.y), static_cast<float>(bmin.z));
            AiNodeSetPnt(atNode, "max", static_cast<float>(bmax.x), static_cast<float>(bmax.y), static_cast<float>(bmax.z));
            if (transformBlur || deformBlur)
               AtPoint cmin = AiNodeGetPnt(atNode, "min");
               AtPoint cmax = AiNodeGetPnt(atNode, "max");
               MBoundingBox bbox = node.boundingBox();
               MPoint bmin = bbox.min();
               MPoint bmax = bbox.max();
               if (bmin.x < cmin.x)
                  cmin.x = static_cast<float>(bmin.x);
               if (bmin.y < cmin.y)
                  cmin.y = static_cast<float>(bmin.y);
               if (bmin.z < cmin.z)
                  cmin.z = static_cast<float>(bmin.z);
               if (bmax.x > cmax.x)
                  cmax.x = static_cast<float>(bmax.x);
               if (bmax.y > cmax.y)
                  cmax.y = static_cast<float>(bmax.y);
               if (bmax.z > cmax.z)
                  cmax.z = static_cast<float>(bmax.z);
               AiNodeSetPnt(atNode, "min", cmin.x, cmin.y, cmin.z);
               AiNodeSetPnt(atNode, "max", cmax.x, cmax.y, cmax.z);
   if (step == 0)
      // Set common attributes
      MPlug plug;
      if (AiNodeIs(atNode, "procedural"))
         // Note: it is up to the procedural to properly forward (or not) those parameters to the node
         //       it creates
         if (attrsSet.find("subdiv_type") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("subdiv_type");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSubdivType");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "subdiv_type", atNode, "constant INT"))
               AiNodeSetInt(atNode, "subdiv_type", plug.asInt());
         if (attrsSet.find("subdiv_iterations") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("subdiv_iterations");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSubdivIterations");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "subdiv_iterations", atNode, "constant BYTE"))
               AiNodeSetByte(atNode, "subdiv_iterations", plug.asInt());
         if (attrsSet.find("subdiv_adaptive_metric") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("subdiv_adaptive_metric");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSubdivAdaptiveMetric");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "subdiv_adaptive_metric", atNode, "constant INT"))
               AiNodeSetInt(atNode, "subdiv_adaptive_metric", plug.asInt());
         if (attrsSet.find("subdiv_pixel_error") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("subdiv_pixel_error");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSubdivPixelError");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "subdiv_pixel_error", atNode, "constant FLOAT"))
               AiNodeSetFlt(atNode, "subdiv_pixel_error", plug.asFloat());
         if (attrsSet.find("subdiv_dicing_camera") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("subdiv_dicing_camera");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSubdivDicingCamera");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "subdiv_dicing_camera", atNode, "constant NODE"))
               AtNode *cameraNode = NULL;
               MPlugArray plugs;
               plug.connectedTo(plugs, true, false);
               if (plugs.length() == 1)
                  MFnDagNode camDag(plugs[0].node());
                  MDagPath camPath;
                  if (camDag.getPath(camPath) == MS::kSuccess)
                     cameraNode = ExportDagPath(camPath);
               AiNodeSetPtr(atNode, "subdiv_dicing_camera", cameraNode);
         if (attrsSet.find("subdiv_uv_smoothing") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("subdiv_uv_smoothing");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSubdivUvSmoothing");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "subdiv_uv_smoothing", atNode, "constant INT"))
               AiNodeSetInt(atNode, "subdiv_uv_smoothing", plug.asInt());
         if (attrsSet.find("subdiv_smooth_derivs") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSubdivSmoothDerivs");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "subdiv_smooth_derivs", atNode, "constant BOOL"))
               AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "subdiv_smooth_derivs", plug.asBool());
         if (attrsSet.find("smoothing") == attrsEnd)
            // Use maya shape built-in attribute
            plug = FindMayaPlug("smoothShading");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "smoothing", atNode, "constant BOOL"))
               AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "smoothing", plug.asBool());
         if (attrsSet.find("disp_height") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiDispHeight");
            if (!plug.isNull())
               outputDispHeight = true;
               dispHeight = plug.asFloat();
         if (attrsSet.find("disp_zero_value") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiDispZeroValue");
            if (!plug.isNull())
               outputDispZeroValue = true;
               dispZeroValue = plug.asFloat();
         if (attrsSet.find("disp_autobump") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiDispAutobump");
            if (!plug.isNull())
               outputDispAutobump = true;
               dispAutobump = plug.asBool();
         if (attrsSet.find("disp_padding") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiDispPadding");
            if (!plug.isNull())
               outputDispPadding = true;
               dispPadding = MAX(dispPadding, plug.asFloat());
         // Set diplacement shader
         if (attrsSet.find("disp_map") == attrsEnd)
            if (masterShadingEngine.object() != MObject::kNullObj)
               MPlugArray shaderConns;
               MPlug shaderPlug = masterShadingEngine.findPlug("displacementShader");
               shaderPlug.connectedTo(shaderConns, true, false);
               if (shaderConns.length() > 0)
                  MFnDependencyNode dispNode(shaderConns[0].node());
                  plug = dispNode.findPlug("aiDisplacementPadding");
                  if (!plug.isNull())
                     outputDispPadding = true;
                     dispPadding = MAX(dispPadding, plug.asFloat());
                  plug = dispNode.findPlug("aiDisplacementAutoBump");
                  if (!plug.isNull())
                     outputDispAutobump = true;
                     dispAutobump = dispAutobump || plug.asBool();
                  if (HasParameter(anodeEntry, "disp_map", atNode, "constant ARRAY NODE"))
                     AtNode *dispImage = ExportNode(shaderConns[0]);
                     AiNodeSetArray(atNode, "disp_map", AiArrayConvert(1, 1, AI_TYPE_NODE, &dispImage));
         if (outputDispHeight && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "disp_height", atNode, "constant FLOAT"))
            AiNodeSetFlt(atNode, "disp_height", dispHeight);
         if (outputDispZeroValue && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "disp_zero_value", atNode, "constant FLOAT"))
            AiNodeSetFlt(atNode, "disp_zero_value", dispZeroValue);
         if (outputDispPadding && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "disp_padding", atNode, "constant FLOAT"))
            AiNodeSetFlt(atNode, "disp_padding", dispPadding);
         if (outputDispAutobump && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "disp_autobump", atNode, "constant BOOL"))
            AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "disp_autobump", dispAutobump);
         // Old point based SSS parameter
         if (attrsSet.find("sss_sample_distribution") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("sss_sample_distribution");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSssSampleDistribution");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "sss_sample_distribution", atNode, "constant INT"))
               AiNodeSetInt(atNode, "sss_sample_distribution", plug.asInt());
         // Old point based SSS parameter
         if (attrsSet.find("sss_sample_spacing") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("sss_sample_spacing");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSssSampleSpacing");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "sss_sample_spacing", atNode, "constant FLOAT"))
               AiNodeSetFlt(atNode, "sss_sample_spacing", plug.asFloat());
         if (attrsSet.find("min_pixel_width") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiMinPixelWidth");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "min_pixel_width", atNode, "constant FLOAT"))
               AiNodeSetFlt(atNode, "min_pixel_width", plug.asFloat());
         if (attrsSet.find("mode") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiMode");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "mode", atNode, "constant INT"))
               AiNodeSetInt(atNode, "mode", plug.asShort());
         if (attrsSet.find("basis") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiBasis");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "basis", atNode, "constant INT"))
               AiNodeSetInt(atNode, "basis", plug.asShort());
      if (AiNodeIs(atNode, "ginstance"))
         if (attrsSet.find("node") == attrsEnd)
            AiNodeSetPtr(atNode, "node", m_masterNode);
         if (attrsSet.find("inherit_xform") == attrsEnd)
            AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "inherit_xform", false);
         // box or procedural
         if (attrsSet.find("step_size") == attrsEnd)
            plug = FindMayaPlug("step_size");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiStepSize");
            if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "step_size", atNode, "constant FLOAT"))
               AiNodeSetFlt(atNode, "step_size", plug.asFloat());
      if (attrsSet.find("sidedness") == attrsEnd)
         // Use maya shape built-in attribute
         plug = FindMayaPlug("doubleSided");
         if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "sidedness", atNode, "constant BYTE"))
            AiNodeSetByte(atNode, "sidedness", plug.asBool() ? AI_RAY_ALL : 0);
            // Only set invert_normals if doubleSided attribute could be found
            if (!plug.asBool() && attrsSet.find("invert_normals") == attrsEnd)
               // Use maya shape built-in attribute
               plug = FindMayaPlug("opposite");
               if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "invert_normals", atNode, "constant BOOL"))
                  AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "invert_normals", plug.asBool());
      if (attrsSet.find("receive_shadows") == attrsEnd)
         // Use maya shape built-in attribute
         plug = FindMayaPlug("receiveShadows");
         if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "receive_shadows", atNode, "constant BOOL"))
            AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "receive_shadows", plug.asBool());
      if (attrsSet.find("self_shadows") == attrsEnd)
         plug = FindMayaPlug("self_shadows");
         if (plug.isNull())
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSelfShadows");
         if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "self_shadows", atNode, "constant BOOL"))
            AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "self_shadows", plug.asBool());
      if (attrsSet.find("opaque") == attrsEnd)
         plug = FindMayaPlug("opaque");
         if (plug.isNull())
            plug = FindMayaPlug("aiOpaque");
         if (!plug.isNull() && HasParameter(anodeEntry, "opaque", atNode, "constant BOOL"))
            AiNodeSetBool(atNode, "opaque", plug.asBool());
      if (attrsSet.find("visibility") == attrsEnd)
         if (HasParameter(anodeEntry, "visibility", atNode, "constant BYTE"))
            int visibility = AI_RAY_ALL;
            // Use maya shape built-in attribute
            plug = FindMayaPlug("castsShadows");
            if (!plug.isNull() && !plug.asBool())
               visibility &= ~AI_RAY_SHADOW;
            // Use maya shape built-in attribute
            plug = FindMayaPlug("primaryVisibility");
            if (!plug.isNull() && !plug.asBool())
               visibility &= ~AI_RAY_CAMERA;
            // Use maya shape built-in attribute
            plug = FindMayaPlug("visibleInReflections");
            if (!plug.isNull() && !plug.asBool())
               visibility &= ~AI_RAY_REFLECTED;
            // Use maya shape built-in attribute
            plug = FindMayaPlug("visibleInRefractions");
            if (!plug.isNull() && !plug.asBool())
               visibility &= ~AI_RAY_REFRACTED;
            plug = FindMayaPlug("diffuse_visibility");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiVisibleInDiffuse");
            if (!plug.isNull() && !plug.asBool())
               visibility &= ~AI_RAY_DIFFUSE;
            plug = FindMayaPlug("glossy_visibility");
            if (plug.isNull())
               plug = FindMayaPlug("aiVisibleInGlossy");
            if (!plug.isNull() && !plug.asBool())
               visibility &= ~AI_RAY_GLOSSY;
            AiNodeSetByte(atNode, "visibility", visibility & 0xFF);
      if (attrsSet.find("sss_setname") == attrsEnd)
         plug = FindMayaPlug("aiSssSetname");
         if (!plug.isNull() && plug.asString().length() > 0)
            if (HasParameter(anodeEntry, "sss_setname", atNode, "constant STRING"))
               AiNodeSetStr(atNode, "sss_setname", plug.asString().asChar());
      // Set surface shader
      if (HasParameter(anodeEntry, "shader", atNode, "constant NODE"))
         if (attrsSet.find("shader") == attrsEnd)
            if (shadingEngine.object() != MObject::kNullObj)
               AtNode *shader = ExportNode(shadingEngine.findPlug("message"));
               if (shader != NULL)
                  const AtNodeEntry *entry = AiNodeGetNodeEntry(shader);
                  if (AiNodeEntryGetType(entry) != AI_NODE_SHADER)
                     MGlobal::displayWarning("[mtoaScriptedTranslators] Node generated from \"" + shadingEngine.name() +
                                             "\" of type " + shadingEngine.typeName() + " for shader is not a shader but a " +
                     AiNodeSetPtr(atNode, "shader", shader);
                     if (AiNodeLookUpUserParameter(atNode, "mtoa_shading_groups") == 0)
                        AiNodeDeclare(atNode, "mtoa_shading_groups", "constant ARRAY NODE");
                        AiNodeSetArray(atNode, "mtoa_shading_groups", AiArrayConvert(1, 1, AI_TYPE_NODE, &shader));
   MPlug plug = FindMayaPlug("aiTraceSets");
   if (!plug.isNull())
      ExportTraceSets(atNode, plug);
   // Call cleanup command on last export step
   if (!IsMotionBlurEnabled() || !IsLocalMotionBlurEnabled() || int(step) >= (int(GetNumMotionSteps()) - 1))
      if (HasParameter(anodeEntry, "disp_padding", atNode))
         float padding = AiNodeGetFlt(atNode, "disp_padding");
         AtPoint cmin = AiNodeGetPnt(atNode, "min");
         AtPoint cmax = AiNodeGetPnt(atNode, "max");
         cmin.x -= padding;
         cmin.y -= padding;
         cmin.z -= padding;
         cmax.x += padding;
         cmax.y += padding;
         cmax.z += padding;
         AiNodeSetPnt(atNode, "min", cmin.x, cmin.y, cmin.z);
         AiNodeSetPnt(atNode, "max", cmax.x, cmax.y, cmax.z);
      if (cleanupCmd != "")
         command = cleanupCmd += "((\"" + m_dagPath.partialPathName() + "\", \"";
         command += AiNodeGetName(atNode);
         command += "\"), ";
         if (!m_masterNode)
            command += "None)";
            command += "(\"" + GetMasterInstance().partialPathName() + "\", \"";
            command += AiNodeGetName(m_masterNode);
            command += "\"))";
         status = MGlobal::executePythonCommand(command);
         if (!status)
            AiMsgError("[mtoa.scriptedTranslators] Failed to cleanup node \"%s\".", node.name().asChar());
예제 #9
AtNode *createCurvesNode(nodeData &nodata, userData * ud, std::vector<float> &samples, int i)
  Alembic::AbcGeom::ICurves typedObject(nodata.object, Alembic::Abc::kWrapExisting);
  size_t minNumSamples = typedObject.getSchema().getNumSamples() == 1 ? typedObject.getSchema().getNumSamples() : samples.size();

  shiftedProcessing(nodata, ud);

  AtNode *shapeNode = AiNode("curves");
  nodata.createdShifted = false;

  // create arrays to hold the data
  AtArray *pos = NULL;

  // loop over all samples
  AtULong posOffset = 0;
  size_t totalNumPoints =  0;
  size_t totalNumPositions = 0;
  for(size_t sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < minNumSamples; ++sampleIndex)
    SampleInfo sampleInfo = getSampleInfo(

    // get the floor sample
    Alembic::AbcGeom::ICurvesSchema::Sample sample;

    // access the num points
    Alembic::Abc::Int32ArraySamplePtr abcNumPoints = sample.getCurvesNumVertices();

    // take care of the topology
    if(sampleIndex == 0)
      // hard coded pixel width, basis and mode
      AiNodeSetFlt(shapeNode, "min_pixel_width", 0.25f);
      AiNodeSetStr(shapeNode, "basis", "catmull-rom");
      AiNodeSetStr(shapeNode, "mode", ud->gCurvesMode.c_str());

      // setup the num_points
      AtArray * numPoints = AiArrayAllocate((AtInt)abcNumPoints->size(),1,AI_TYPE_UINT);
      for(size_t i=0;i<abcNumPoints->size();i++)
        totalNumPoints += abcNumPoints->get()[i];
        totalNumPositions += abcNumPoints->get()[i] + 2;

      // check if we have a radius
      Alembic::Abc::IFloatArrayProperty propRadius;
			if( getArbGeomParamPropertyAlembic( typedObject, "radius", propRadius ) )
        Alembic::Abc::FloatArraySamplePtr abcRadius = propRadius.getValue(sampleInfo.floorIndex);

        AtArray * radius = AiArrayAllocate((AtInt)abcRadius->size(),1,AI_TYPE_FLOAT);
        for(size_t i=0; i < abcRadius->size(); ++i)

      // check if we have uvs
      Alembic::AbcGeom::IV2fGeomParam uvsParam = typedObject.getSchema().getUVsParam();
        Alembic::Abc::V2fArraySamplePtr abcUvs = uvsParam.getExpandedValue(sampleInfo.floorIndex).getVals();
        if(AiNodeDeclare(shapeNode, "Texture_Projection", "uniform POINT2"))
          AtArray* uvs = AiArrayAllocate((AtInt)abcUvs->size(), 1, AI_TYPE_POINT2);
          AtPoint2 uv;
          for(size_t i=0; i<abcUvs->size(); i++)
            uv.x = abcUvs->get()[i].x;
            uv.y = abcUvs->get()[i].y;
            AiArraySetPnt2(uvs, (AtULong)i, uv);
          AiNodeSetArray(shapeNode, "Texture_Projection", uvs);

      // check if we have colors
      Alembic::Abc::IC4fArrayProperty propColor;
			if( getArbGeomParamPropertyAlembic( typedObject, "color", propColor ) )
        Alembic::Abc::C4fArraySamplePtr abcColors = propColor.getValue(sampleInfo.floorIndex);
        AtBoolean result = false;
        if(abcColors->size() == 1)
          result = AiNodeDeclare(shapeNode, "Color", "constant RGBA");
        else if(abcColors->size() == abcNumPoints->size())
          result = AiNodeDeclare(shapeNode, "Color", "uniform RGBA");
          result = AiNodeDeclare(shapeNode, "Color", "varying RGBA");

          AtArray * colors = AiArrayAllocate((AtInt)abcColors->size(), 1, AI_TYPE_RGBA);
          AtRGBA color;
          for(size_t i=0; i<abcColors->size(); ++i)
            color.r = abcColors->get()[i].r;
            color.g = abcColors->get()[i].g;
            color.b = abcColors->get()[i].b;
            color.a = abcColors->get()[i].a;
            AiArraySetRGBA(colors, (AtULong)i, color);
          AiNodeSetArray(shapeNode, "Color", colors);

    // access the positions
    Alembic::Abc::P3fArraySamplePtr abcPos = sample.getPositions();
    if(pos == NULL)
      pos = AiArrayAllocate((AtInt)(totalNumPositions * 3),(AtInt)minNumSamples,AI_TYPE_FLOAT);

    // if we have to interpolate
    bool done = false;
    if(sampleInfo.alpha > sampleTolerance)
      Alembic::AbcGeom::ICurvesSchema::Sample sample2;
      Alembic::Abc::P3fArraySamplePtr abcPos2 = sample2.getPositions();
      float alpha = (float)sampleInfo.alpha;
      float ialpha = 1.0f - alpha;
      size_t offset = 0;
      if(abcPos2->size() == abcPos->size())
        for(size_t i=0; i<abcNumPoints->size(); ++i)
          // add the first and last point manually (catmull clark)
          for(size_t j=0; j<abcNumPoints->get()[i]; ++j)
            AiArraySetFlt(pos,posOffset++,abcPos->get()[offset].x * ialpha + abcPos2->get()[offset].x * alpha);
            AiArraySetFlt(pos,posOffset++,abcPos->get()[offset].y * ialpha + abcPos2->get()[offset].y * alpha);
            AiArraySetFlt(pos,posOffset++,abcPos->get()[offset].z * ialpha + abcPos2->get()[offset].z * alpha);
            if(j==0 || j == abcNumPoints->get()[i]-1)
              AiArraySetFlt(pos,posOffset++,abcPos->get()[offset].x * ialpha + abcPos2->get()[offset].x * alpha);
              AiArraySetFlt(pos,posOffset++,abcPos->get()[offset].y * ialpha + abcPos2->get()[offset].y * alpha);
              AiArraySetFlt(pos,posOffset++,abcPos->get()[offset].z * ialpha + abcPos2->get()[offset].z * alpha);
        done = true;
        Alembic::Abc::P3fArraySamplePtr abcVel = sample.getPositions();
          if(abcVel->size() == abcPos->size())
            for(size_t i=0; i<abcNumPoints->size(); ++i)
              // add the first and last point manually (catmull clark)
              for(size_t j=0; j<abcNumPoints->get()[i]; ++j)
                AiArraySetFlt(pos,posOffset++,abcPos->get()[offset].x + abcVel->get()[offset].x * alpha);
                AiArraySetFlt(pos,posOffset++,abcPos->get()[offset].y + abcVel->get()[offset].y * alpha);
                AiArraySetFlt(pos,posOffset++,abcPos->get()[offset].z + abcVel->get()[offset].z * alpha);
                if(j==0 || j == abcNumPoints->get()[i]-1)
                  AiArraySetFlt(pos,posOffset++,abcPos->get()[offset].x + abcVel->get()[offset].x * alpha);
                  AiArraySetFlt(pos,posOffset++,abcPos->get()[offset].y + abcVel->get()[offset].y * alpha);
                  AiArraySetFlt(pos,posOffset++,abcPos->get()[offset].z + abcVel->get()[offset].z * alpha);
            done = true;

      size_t offset = 0;
      for(size_t i=0; i<abcNumPoints->size(); ++i)
        // add the first and last point manually (catmull clark)
        for(size_t j=0; j<abcNumPoints->get()[i]; ++j)
          if(j==0 || j == abcNumPoints->get()[i]-1)

  AiNodeSetArray(shapeNode, "points", pos);
  return shapeNode;
                virtual void ExportUserAttrs( AtNode *node )
                        // Get the optional attributes and export them as user vars

                        MPlug plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "shaderAssignation" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "shaderAssignation", "constant STRING" );
                                AiNodeSetStr( node, "shaderAssignation", plug.asString().asChar() );

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "displacementAssignation" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "displacementAssignation", "constant STRING" );
                                AiNodeSetStr( node, "displacementAssignation", plug.asString().asChar() );

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "shaderAssignmentfile" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "shaderAssignmentfile", "constant STRING" );
                                AiNodeSetStr( node, "shaderAssignmentfile", plug.asString().asChar() );

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "overrides" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "overrides", "constant STRING" );
                                AiNodeSetStr( node, "overrides", plug.asString().asChar() );

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "overridefile" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "overridefile", "constant STRING" );
                                AiNodeSetStr( node, "overridefile", plug.asString().asChar() );

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "userAttributes" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "userAttributes", "constant STRING" );
                                AiNodeSetStr( node, "userAttributes", plug.asString().asChar() );

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "userAttributesfile" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "userAttributesfile", "constant STRING" );
                                AiNodeSetStr( node, "userAttributesfile", plug.asString().asChar() );

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "skipJson" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "skipJson", "constant BOOL" );   
                                AiNodeSetBool( node, "skipJson", plug.asBool() );

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "skipShaders" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "skipShaders", "constant BOOL" );   
                                AiNodeSetBool( node, "skipShaders", plug.asBool() );

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "skipOverrides" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "skipOverrides", "constant BOOL" );   
                                AiNodeSetBool( node, "skipOverrides", plug.asBool() );

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "skipUserAttributes" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "skipUserAttributes", "constant BOOL" );   
                                AiNodeSetBool( node, "skipUserAttributes", plug.asBool() );

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "skipDisplacements" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "skipDisplacements", "constant BOOL" );                          
                                AiNodeSetBool( node, "skipDisplacements", plug.asBool() );

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "objectPattern" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "objectPattern", "constant STRING" );
                                AiNodeSetStr( node, "objectPattern", plug.asString().asChar() );
                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "assShaders" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "assShaders", "constant STRING" );
                                AiNodeSetStr( node, "assShaders", plug.asString().asChar() );

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "radiusPoint" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "radiusPoint", "constant FLOAT" );
                                AiNodeSetFlt( node, "radiusPoint", plug.asFloat() );

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "radiusCurve" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "radiusCurve", "constant FLOAT" );
                                AiNodeSetFlt( node, "radiusCurve", plug.asFloat() );

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "modeCurve" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "modeCurve", "constant STRING" );

                                int modeCurveInt = plug.asInt();

                                if (modeCurveInt == 1)
                                   AiNodeSetStr(node, "modeCurve", "thick");
                                else if (modeCurveInt == 2)
                                   AiNodeSetStr(node, "modeCurve", "oriented");
                                   AiNodeSetStr(node, "modeCurve", "ribbon");                               

                        plug = FindMayaObjectPlug( "scaleVelocity" );
                        if( !plug.isNull() )
                                AiNodeDeclare( node, "scaleVelocity", "constant FLOAT" );
                                AiNodeSetFlt( node, "scaleVelocity", plug.asFloat() );
