예제 #1
void Waifu2x_Process_Base::process_core_gray()
    FLType *dstYd = nullptr, *srcYd = nullptr; // *refYd = nullptr

    // Get write/read pointer
    auto dstY = reinterpret_cast<_Ty *>(vsapi->getWritePtr(dst, 0));
    auto srcY = reinterpret_cast<const _Ty *>(vsapi->getReadPtr(src, 0));

    // Allocate memory for floating point Y data
    AlignedMalloc(dstYd, dst_pcount[0]);
    AlignedMalloc(srcYd, src_pcount[0]);

    // Convert src and ref from integer Y data to floating point Y data
    Int2Float(srcYd, srcY, src_height[0], src_width[0], src_stride[0], src_stride[0], false, d.para.full, false);

    // Execute kernel
    Kernel(dstYd, srcYd);

    // Convert dst from floating point Y data to integer Y data
    Float2Int(dstY, dstYd, dst_height[0], dst_width[0], dst_stride[0], dst_stride[0], false, d.para.full, !isFloat(_Ty));

    // Free memory for floating point Y data
예제 #2
void TriangleMesh::ReallocVertexBuffer(int numTris, int vertexSizeBytes_)
	vertexSizeBytes = vertexSizeBytes_;
	data = (float*)AlignedMalloc(numTris * 3 * vertexSizeBytes, 32);
	numTriangles = numTris;
예제 #3
HOTTILE* HotTileMgr::GetHotTileNoLoad(SWR_CONTEXT*                pContext,
                                      DRAW_CONTEXT*               pDC,
                                      uint32_t                    macroID,
                                      SWR_RENDERTARGET_ATTACHMENT attachment,
                                      bool                        create,
                                      uint32_t                    numSamples)
    uint32_t x, y;
    MacroTileMgr::getTileIndices(macroID, x, y);


    HotTileSet& tile    = mHotTiles[x][y];
    HOTTILE&    hotTile = tile.Attachment[attachment];
    if (hotTile.pBuffer == NULL)
        if (create)
            uint32_t size                  = numSamples * mHotTileSize[attachment];
            hotTile.pBuffer                = (uint8_t*)AlignedMalloc(size, 64);
            hotTile.state                  = HOTTILE_INVALID;
            hotTile.numSamples             = numSamples;
            hotTile.renderTargetArrayIndex = 0;
            return NULL;

    return &hotTile;
예제 #4
void Waifu2x_Process_Base::process_core_rgb()
    FLType *dstYd = nullptr, *dstUd = nullptr, *dstVd = nullptr;
    FLType *srcYd = nullptr, *srcUd = nullptr, *srcVd = nullptr;

    // Get write/read pointer
    auto dstR = reinterpret_cast<_Ty *>(vsapi->getWritePtr(dst, 0));
    auto dstG = reinterpret_cast<_Ty *>(vsapi->getWritePtr(dst, 1));
    auto dstB = reinterpret_cast<_Ty *>(vsapi->getWritePtr(dst, 2));

    auto srcR = reinterpret_cast<const _Ty *>(vsapi->getReadPtr(src, 0));
    auto srcG = reinterpret_cast<const _Ty *>(vsapi->getReadPtr(src, 1));
    auto srcB = reinterpret_cast<const _Ty *>(vsapi->getReadPtr(src, 2));

    // Allocate memory for floating point YUV data
    AlignedMalloc(dstYd, dst_pcount[0]);
    if (d.chroma) AlignedMalloc(dstUd, dst_pcount[1]);
    if (d.chroma) AlignedMalloc(dstVd, dst_pcount[2]);

    AlignedMalloc(srcYd, src_pcount[0]);
    AlignedMalloc(srcUd, src_pcount[1]);
    AlignedMalloc(srcVd, src_pcount[2]);

    // Convert src and ref from RGB data to floating point YUV data
    RGB2FloatYUV(srcYd, srcUd, srcVd, srcR, srcG, srcB,
        src_height[0], src_width[0], src_stride[0], src_stride[0],
        d.para.matrix, d.para.full, false);

    // Execute kernel
    if (d.chroma)
        Kernel(dstYd, dstUd, dstVd, srcYd, srcUd, srcVd);
        Kernel(dstYd, srcYd);
        dstUd = srcUd;
        dstVd = srcVd;

    // Convert dst from floating point YUV data to RGB data
    FloatYUV2RGB(dstR, dstG, dstB, dstYd, dstUd, dstVd,
        dst_height[0], dst_width[0], dst_stride[0], dst_stride[0],
        d.para.matrix, d.para.full, !isFloat(_Ty));

    // Free memory for floating point YUV data
    if (d.chroma) AlignedFree(dstUd);
    if (d.chroma) AlignedFree(dstVd);

예제 #5
	bool MultilayerPerceptron::AddLayer( Layer* in_layer)
		if(_layers.size() > 0)
			if(_layers.back()->outputs != in_layer->inputs)
				return false;

			size_t input_alloc_size = sizeof(float) * BlockCount(in_layer->inputs) * 4;
			float* buffer = (float*)AlignedMalloc(input_alloc_size, 16);
			memset(buffer, 0x00, input_alloc_size);

			_activations.back() = buffer;


		return true;
예제 #6
void Waifu2x_Process_Base::process_core_yuv()
    FLType *dstYd = nullptr, *dstUd = nullptr, *dstVd = nullptr;
    FLType *srcYd = nullptr, *srcUd = nullptr, *srcVd = nullptr;

    // Get write/read pointer
    auto dstY = reinterpret_cast<_Ty *>(vsapi->getWritePtr(dst, 0));
    auto dstU = reinterpret_cast<_Ty *>(vsapi->getWritePtr(dst, 1));
    auto dstV = reinterpret_cast<_Ty *>(vsapi->getWritePtr(dst, 2));

    auto srcY = reinterpret_cast<const _Ty *>(vsapi->getReadPtr(src, 0));
    auto srcU = reinterpret_cast<const _Ty *>(vsapi->getReadPtr(src, 1));
    auto srcV = reinterpret_cast<const _Ty *>(vsapi->getReadPtr(src, 2));

    // Allocate memory for floating point YUV data
    AlignedMalloc(dstYd, dst_pcount[0]);
    if (d.process[1]) AlignedMalloc(dstUd, dst_pcount[1]);
    if (d.process[2]) AlignedMalloc(dstVd, dst_pcount[2]);

    AlignedMalloc(srcYd, src_pcount[0]);
    if (d.process[1]) AlignedMalloc(srcUd, src_pcount[1]);
    if (d.process[2]) AlignedMalloc(srcVd, src_pcount[2]);

    // Convert src and ref from integer YUV data to floating point YUV data
    Int2Float(srcYd, srcY, src_height[0], src_width[0], src_stride[0], src_stride[0], false, d.para.full, false);
    if (d.process[1]) Int2Float(srcUd, srcU, src_height[1], src_width[1], src_stride[1], src_stride[1], true, d.para.full, false);
    if (d.process[2]) Int2Float(srcVd, srcV, src_height[2], src_width[2], src_stride[2], src_stride[2], true, d.para.full, false);

    // Execute kernel
    if (d.chroma) Kernel(dstYd, dstUd, dstVd, srcYd, srcUd, srcVd);
    else Kernel(dstYd, srcYd);

    // Convert dst from floating point YUV data to integer YUV data
    Float2Int(dstY, dstYd, dst_height[0], dst_width[0], dst_stride[0], dst_stride[0], false, d.para.full, !isFloat(_Ty));
    if (d.process[1]) Float2Int(dstU, dstUd, dst_height[1], dst_width[1], dst_stride[1], dst_stride[1], true, d.para.full, !isFloat(_Ty));
    if (d.process[2]) Float2Int(dstV, dstVd, dst_height[2], dst_width[2], dst_stride[2], dst_stride[2], true, d.para.full, !isFloat(_Ty));

    // Free memory for floating point YUV data
    if (d.process[1]) AlignedFree(dstUd);
    if (d.process[2]) AlignedFree(dstVd);

    if (d.process[1]) AlignedFree(srcUd);
    if (d.process[2]) AlignedFree(srcVd);
예제 #7
파일: swr_screen.cpp 프로젝트: skeggsb/Mesa
static boolean
swr_texture_layout(struct swr_screen *screen,
                   struct swr_resource *res,
                   boolean allocate)
   struct pipe_resource *pt = &res->base;

   pipe_format fmt = pt->format;
   const struct util_format_description *desc = util_format_description(fmt);

   res->has_depth = util_format_has_depth(desc);
   res->has_stencil = util_format_has_stencil(desc);

   if (res->has_stencil && !res->has_depth)
      fmt = PIPE_FORMAT_R8_UINT;

   res->swr.width = pt->width0;
   res->swr.height = pt->height0;
   res->swr.depth = pt->depth0;
   res->swr.type = swr_convert_target_type(pt->target);
   res->swr.tileMode = SWR_TILE_NONE;
   res->swr.format = mesa_to_swr_format(fmt);
   res->swr.numSamples = (1 << pt->nr_samples);

   SWR_FORMAT_INFO finfo = GetFormatInfo(res->swr.format);

   unsigned total_size = 0;
   unsigned width = pt->width0;
   unsigned height = pt->height0;
   unsigned depth = pt->depth0;
   unsigned layers = pt->array_size;

   for (int level = 0; level <= pt->last_level; level++) {
      unsigned alignedWidth, alignedHeight;
      unsigned num_slices;

         alignedWidth = align(width, KNOB_MACROTILE_X_DIM);
         alignedHeight = align(height, KNOB_MACROTILE_Y_DIM);
      } else {
         alignedWidth = width;
         alignedHeight = height;

      if (level == 0) {
         res->alignedWidth = alignedWidth;
         res->alignedHeight = alignedHeight;

      res->row_stride[level] = alignedWidth * finfo.Bpp;
      res->img_stride[level] = res->row_stride[level] * alignedHeight;
      res->mip_offsets[level] = total_size;

      if (pt->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_3D)
         num_slices = depth;
      else if (pt->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY
               || pt->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY
               || pt->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE
               || pt->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE_ARRAY)
         num_slices = layers;
         num_slices = 1;

      total_size += res->img_stride[level] * num_slices;
      if (total_size > SWR_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE)
         return FALSE;

      width = u_minify(width, 1);
      height = u_minify(height, 1);
      depth = u_minify(depth, 1);

   res->swr.halign = res->alignedWidth;
   res->swr.valign = res->alignedHeight;
   res->swr.pitch = res->row_stride[0];

   if (allocate) {
      res->swr.pBaseAddress = (uint8_t *)AlignedMalloc(total_size, 64);

      if (res->has_depth && res->has_stencil) {
         SWR_FORMAT_INFO finfo = GetFormatInfo(res->secondary.format);
         res->secondary.width = pt->width0;
         res->secondary.height = pt->height0;
         res->secondary.depth = pt->depth0;
         res->secondary.type = SURFACE_2D;
         res->secondary.tileMode = SWR_TILE_NONE;
         res->secondary.format = R8_UINT;
         res->secondary.numSamples = (1 << pt->nr_samples);
         res->secondary.pitch = res->alignedWidth * finfo.Bpp;

         res->secondary.pBaseAddress = (uint8_t *)AlignedMalloc(
            res->alignedHeight * res->secondary.pitch, 64);

   return TRUE;
예제 #8
struct pipe_context *
swr_create_context(struct pipe_screen *p_screen, void *priv, unsigned flags)
   struct swr_context *ctx = (struct swr_context *)
      AlignedMalloc(sizeof(struct swr_context), KNOB_SIMD_BYTES);
   memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(struct swr_context));

   ctx->swrDC.pAPI = &ctx->api;

   ctx->blendJIT =
      new std::unordered_map<BLEND_COMPILE_STATE, PFN_BLEND_JIT_FUNC>;

   ctx->max_draws_in_flight = KNOB_MAX_DRAWS_IN_FLIGHT;

   memset(&createInfo, 0, sizeof(createInfo));
   createInfo.privateStateSize = sizeof(swr_draw_context);
   createInfo.pfnLoadTile = swr_LoadHotTile;
   createInfo.pfnStoreTile = swr_StoreHotTile;
   createInfo.pfnClearTile = swr_StoreHotTileClear;
   createInfo.pfnUpdateStats = swr_UpdateStats;
   createInfo.pfnUpdateStatsFE = swr_UpdateStatsFE;

   SWR_THREADING_INFO threadingInfo {0};

   threadingInfo.MAX_NUMA_NODES            = KNOB_MAX_NUMA_NODES;
   threadingInfo.SINGLE_THREADED           = KNOB_SINGLE_THREADED;

   // Use non-standard settings for KNL
   if (swr_screen(p_screen)->is_knl)
      if (nullptr == getenv("KNOB_MAX_THREADS_PER_CORE"))
         threadingInfo.MAX_THREADS_PER_CORE  = 2;

      if (nullptr == getenv("KNOB_MAX_DRAWS_IN_FLIGHT"))
         ctx->max_draws_in_flight = 2048;
         createInfo.MAX_DRAWS_IN_FLIGHT = ctx->max_draws_in_flight;

   createInfo.pThreadInfo = &threadingInfo;

   ctx->swrContext = ctx->api.pfnSwrCreateContext(&createInfo);


   if (ctx->swrContext == NULL)
      goto fail;

   ctx->pipe.screen = p_screen;
   ctx->pipe.destroy = swr_destroy;
   ctx->pipe.priv = priv;
   ctx->pipe.create_surface = swr_create_surface;
   ctx->pipe.surface_destroy = swr_surface_destroy;
   ctx->pipe.transfer_map = swr_transfer_map;
   ctx->pipe.transfer_unmap = swr_transfer_unmap;
   ctx->pipe.transfer_flush_region = swr_transfer_flush_region;

   ctx->pipe.buffer_subdata = u_default_buffer_subdata;
   ctx->pipe.texture_subdata = u_default_texture_subdata;

   ctx->pipe.clear_texture = util_clear_texture;
   ctx->pipe.resource_copy_region = swr_resource_copy;
   ctx->pipe.render_condition = swr_render_condition;


   ctx->pipe.stream_uploader = u_upload_create_default(&ctx->pipe);
   if (!ctx->pipe.stream_uploader)
      goto fail;
   ctx->pipe.const_uploader = ctx->pipe.stream_uploader;

   ctx->pipe.blit = swr_blit;
   ctx->blitter = util_blitter_create(&ctx->pipe);
   if (!ctx->blitter)
      goto fail;


   return &ctx->pipe;

   /* Should really validate the init steps and fail gracefully */
   return NULL;
예제 #9
	T *alloc(size_t size) const
		T *p = static_cast<T*>(AlignedMalloc(size * sizeof(T), N));
		if (p == 0) throw std::bad_alloc();
		return p;
예제 #10
static bool
swr_texture_layout(struct swr_screen *screen,
                   struct swr_resource *res,
                   boolean allocate)
   struct pipe_resource *pt = &res->base;

   pipe_format fmt = pt->format;
   const struct util_format_description *desc = util_format_description(fmt);

   res->has_depth = util_format_has_depth(desc);
   res->has_stencil = util_format_has_stencil(desc);

   if (res->has_stencil && !res->has_depth)
      fmt = PIPE_FORMAT_R8_UINT;

   /* We always use the SWR layout. For 2D and 3D textures this looks like:
    * |<------- pitch ------->|
    * +=======================+-------
    * |Array 0                |   ^
    * |                       |   |
    * |        Level 0        |   |
    * |                       |   |
    * |                       | qpitch
    * +-----------+-----------+   |
    * |           | L2L2L2L2  |   |
    * |  Level 1  | L3L3      |   |
    * |           | L4        |   v
    * +===========+===========+-------
    * |Array 1                |
    * |                       |
    * |        Level 0        |
    * |                       |
    * |                       |
    * +-----------+-----------+
    * |           | L2L2L2L2  |
    * |  Level 1  | L3L3      |
    * |           | L4        |
    * +===========+===========+
    * The overall width in bytes is known as the pitch, while the overall
    * height in rows is the qpitch. Array slices are laid out logically below
    * one another, qpitch rows apart. For 3D surfaces, the "level" values are
    * just invalid for the higher array numbers (since depth is also
    * minified). 1D and 1D array surfaces are stored effectively the same way,
    * except that pitch never plays into it. All the levels are logically
    * adjacent to each other on the X axis. The qpitch becomes the number of
    * elements between array slices, while the pitch is unused.
    * Each level's sizes are subject to the valign and halign settings of the
    * surface. For compressed formats that swr is unaware of, we will use an
    * appropriately-sized uncompressed format, and scale the widths/heights.
    * This surface is stored inside res->swr. For depth/stencil textures,
    * res->secondary will have an identically-laid-out but R8_UINT-formatted
    * stencil tree. In the Z32F_S8 case, the primary surface still has 64-bpp
    * texels, to simplify map/unmap logic which copies the stencil values
    * in/out.

   res->swr.width = pt->width0;
   res->swr.height = pt->height0;
   res->swr.type = swr_convert_target_type(pt->target);
   res->swr.tileMode = SWR_TILE_NONE;
   res->swr.format = mesa_to_swr_format(fmt);
   res->swr.numSamples = std::max(1u, pt->nr_samples);

      res->swr.halign = KNOB_MACROTILE_X_DIM;
      res->swr.valign = KNOB_MACROTILE_Y_DIM;
   } else {
      res->swr.halign = 1;
      res->swr.valign = 1;

   unsigned halign = res->swr.halign * util_format_get_blockwidth(fmt);
   unsigned width = align(pt->width0, halign);
   if (pt->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_1D || pt->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY) {
      for (int level = 1; level <= pt->last_level; level++)
         width += align(u_minify(pt->width0, level), halign);
      res->swr.pitch = util_format_get_blocksize(fmt);
      res->swr.qpitch = util_format_get_nblocksx(fmt, width);
   } else {
      // The pitch is the overall width of the texture in bytes. Most of the
      // time this is the pitch of level 0 since all the other levels fit
      // underneath it. However in some degenerate situations, the width of
      // level1 + level2 may be larger. In that case, we use those
      // widths. This can happen if, e.g. halign is 32, and the width of level
      // 0 is 32 or less. In that case, the aligned levels 1 and 2 will also
      // be 32 each, adding up to 64.
      unsigned valign = res->swr.valign * util_format_get_blockheight(fmt);
      if (pt->last_level > 1) {
         width = std::max<uint32_t>(
               align(u_minify(pt->width0, 1), halign) +
               align(u_minify(pt->width0, 2), halign));
      res->swr.pitch = util_format_get_stride(fmt, width);

      // The qpitch is controlled by either the height of the second LOD, or
      // the combination of all the later LODs.
      unsigned height = align(pt->height0, valign);
      if (pt->last_level == 1) {
         height += align(u_minify(pt->height0, 1), valign);
      } else if (pt->last_level > 1) {
         unsigned level1 = align(u_minify(pt->height0, 1), valign);
         unsigned level2 = 0;
         for (int level = 2; level <= pt->last_level; level++) {
            level2 += align(u_minify(pt->height0, level), valign);
         height += std::max(level1, level2);
      res->swr.qpitch = util_format_get_nblocksy(fmt, height);

   if (pt->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_3D)
      res->swr.depth = pt->depth0;
      res->swr.depth = pt->array_size;

   // Fix up swr format if necessary so that LOD offset computation works
   if (res->swr.format == (SWR_FORMAT)-1) {
      switch (util_format_get_blocksize(fmt)) {
         unreachable("Unexpected format block size");
      case 1: res->swr.format = R8_UINT; break;
      case 2: res->swr.format = R16_UINT; break;
      case 4: res->swr.format = R32_UINT; break;
      case 8:
         if (util_format_is_compressed(fmt))
            res->swr.format = BC4_UNORM;
            res->swr.format = R32G32_UINT;
      case 16:
         if (util_format_is_compressed(fmt))
            res->swr.format = BC5_UNORM;
            res->swr.format = R32G32B32A32_UINT;

   for (int level = 0; level <= pt->last_level; level++) {
      res->mip_offsets[level] =
         ComputeSurfaceOffset<false>(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, level, &res->swr);

   size_t total_size =
      (size_t)res->swr.depth * res->swr.qpitch * res->swr.pitch;
   if (total_size > SWR_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE)
      return false;

   if (allocate) {
      res->swr.pBaseAddress = (uint8_t *)AlignedMalloc(total_size, 64);

      if (res->has_depth && res->has_stencil) {
         res->secondary = res->swr;
         res->secondary.format = R8_UINT;
         res->secondary.pitch = res->swr.pitch / util_format_get_blocksize(fmt);

         for (int level = 0; level <= pt->last_level; level++) {
            res->secondary_mip_offsets[level] =
               ComputeSurfaceOffset<false>(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, level, &res->secondary);

         res->secondary.pBaseAddress = (uint8_t *)AlignedMalloc(
            res->secondary.depth * res->secondary.qpitch *
            res->secondary.pitch, 64);

   return true;
예제 #11
void TriangleMesh::ReallocVertexBuffer(int numTris)
	data = (float*)AlignedMalloc(numTris*3*3*sizeof(float), 32);
	numTriangles = numTris;
예제 #12
struct pipe_context *
swr_create_context(struct pipe_screen *p_screen, void *priv, unsigned flags)
   struct swr_context *ctx = (struct swr_context *)
      AlignedMalloc(sizeof(struct swr_context), KNOB_SIMD_BYTES);
   memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(struct swr_context));

   ctx->swrDC.pAPI = &ctx->api;

   ctx->blendJIT =
      new std::unordered_map<BLEND_COMPILE_STATE, PFN_BLEND_JIT_FUNC>;

   memset(&createInfo, 0, sizeof(createInfo));
   createInfo.privateStateSize = sizeof(swr_draw_context);
   createInfo.pfnLoadTile = swr_LoadHotTile;
   createInfo.pfnStoreTile = swr_StoreHotTile;
   createInfo.pfnClearTile = swr_StoreHotTileClear;
   createInfo.pfnUpdateStats = swr_UpdateStats;
   createInfo.pfnUpdateStatsFE = swr_UpdateStatsFE;
   ctx->swrContext = ctx->api.pfnSwrCreateContext(&createInfo);


   if (ctx->swrContext == NULL)
      goto fail;

   ctx->pipe.screen = p_screen;
   ctx->pipe.destroy = swr_destroy;
   ctx->pipe.priv = priv;
   ctx->pipe.create_surface = swr_create_surface;
   ctx->pipe.surface_destroy = swr_surface_destroy;
   ctx->pipe.transfer_map = swr_transfer_map;
   ctx->pipe.transfer_unmap = swr_transfer_unmap;
   ctx->pipe.transfer_flush_region = swr_transfer_flush_region;

   ctx->pipe.buffer_subdata = u_default_buffer_subdata;
   ctx->pipe.texture_subdata = u_default_texture_subdata;

   ctx->pipe.clear_texture = util_clear_texture;
   ctx->pipe.resource_copy_region = swr_resource_copy;
   ctx->pipe.render_condition = swr_render_condition;


   ctx->pipe.stream_uploader = u_upload_create_default(&ctx->pipe);
   if (!ctx->pipe.stream_uploader)
      goto fail;
   ctx->pipe.const_uploader = ctx->pipe.stream_uploader;

   ctx->pipe.blit = swr_blit;
   ctx->blitter = util_blitter_create(&ctx->pipe);
   if (!ctx->blitter)
      goto fail;


   return &ctx->pipe;

   /* Should really validate the init steps and fail gracefully */
   return NULL;
예제 #13
BM3D_FilterData::BM3D_FilterData(bool wiener, double sigma, PCType GroupSize, PCType BlockSize, double lambda)
    : fp(GroupSize), bp(GroupSize), finalAMP(GroupSize), thrTable(wiener ? 0 : GroupSize),
    wienerSigmaSqr(wiener ? GroupSize : 0)
    const unsigned int flags = FFTW_PATIENT;
    const fftw::r2r_kind fkind = FFTW_REDFT10;
    const fftw::r2r_kind bkind = FFTW_REDFT01;

    FLType *temp = nullptr;

    for (PCType i = 1; i <= GroupSize; ++i)
        AlignedMalloc(temp, i * BlockSize * BlockSize);
        fp[i - 1].r2r_3d(i, BlockSize, BlockSize, temp, temp, fkind, fkind, fkind, flags);
        bp[i - 1].r2r_3d(i, BlockSize, BlockSize, temp, temp, bkind, bkind, bkind, flags);

        finalAMP[i - 1] = 2 * i * 2 * BlockSize * 2 * BlockSize;
        double forwardAMP = sqrt(finalAMP[i - 1]);

        if (wiener)
            wienerSigmaSqr[i - 1] = static_cast<FLType>(sigma * forwardAMP * sigma * forwardAMP);
            double thrBase = sigma * lambda * forwardAMP;
            std::vector<double> thr(4);
            thr[0] = thrBase;
            thr[1] = thrBase * sqrt(double(2));
            thr[2] = thrBase * double(2);
            thr[3] = thrBase * sqrt(double(8));

            FLType *thrp = nullptr;
            AlignedMalloc(thrp, i * BlockSize * BlockSize);
            thrTable[i - 1].reset(thrp, [](FLType *memory)

            for (PCType z = 0; z < i; ++z)
                for (PCType y = 0; y < BlockSize; ++y)
                    for (PCType x = 0; x < BlockSize; ++x, ++thrp)
                        int flag = 0;

                        if (x == 0)
                        if (y == 0)
                        if (z == 0)

                        *thrp = static_cast<FLType>(thr[flag]);