예제 #1
CStringz & CStringz::Upper(void) {
//	char *p=str;
//	for ( ; *p ; p++) *p=toupper(*p);
	return *this;
예제 #2
/* ------------------------------------------------------------    */
int _export PASCAL FAR FtpSyst (LPCSTR FAR * szSystStr)
LPProcData pProcData;
int        Rc;
char       szBuffer[128];  /* chaine retournee par le serveur */

  Rc= FtpAutomate (_S_SYST, NULL);
  if (Rc!=FTPERR_OK)  return Rc;
  pProcData = ToolsLocateProcData ();
  AnsiUpper (pProcData->ftp.szInBuf);
  for ( Rc=0 ; szSystStr[Rc]!=NULL ; Rc++)
     /* copier la chaine pour la comparaison en majuscules */
     lstrcpyn (szBuffer, szSystStr[Rc], sizeof szBuffer);
     AnsiUpper (szBuffer);
     if (strstr (pProcData->ftp.szInBuf, szBuffer)!=NULL) return Rc;
return FTPERR_SYSTUNKNOWN;  /* chaine non trouvee */
} /* FtpSyst */
예제 #3
// turn a file, relative path or other into an absolute path
// This function copied from MFC 1.52
BOOL PASCAL _AfxFullPath(LPSTR lpszPathOut, LPCSTR lpszFileIn)
        // lpszPathOut = buffer of _MAX_PATH
        // lpszFileIn = file, relative path or absolute path
        // (both in ANSI character set)
        OFSTRUCT of;
        if (OpenFile(lpszFileIn, &of, OF_PARSE) != HFILE_ERROR)
                // of.szPathName is in the OEM character set
                OemToAnsi(of.szPathName, lpszPathOut);
                AnsiUpper(lpszPathOut); // paths in upper case just to be sure
                return TRUE;
                TRACE1("Warning: could not parse the path %Fs\n", lpszFileIn);
                lstrcpy(lpszPathOut, lpszFileIn);  // take it literally
                AnsiUpper(lpszPathOut); // paths in upper case just to be sure
                return FALSE;
예제 #4
파일: ACLStr.cpp 프로젝트: Fahrni/ACLLib
VOID ACLStr::_UpperCase
	IN LPCTSTR		strToFind,
	IN OUT LPTSTR	upperFind,
	IN const int	sizeUpperFind,
	IN OUT LPTSTR	internalBuff,
	IN const int	sizeInternalBuff
	//	First copy the buffer sent to us to the new
	//	uppercase buffer.
	STRCPY_S(upperFind, sizeUpperFind, strToFind);

	//	Now copy the internal ACLStr buffer to the new
	//	tempory Upper case version.
	if (_string)
		STRCPY_S(internalBuff, sizeInternalBuff, _string);
} // _UpperCase
예제 #5
파일: ACLStr.cpp 프로젝트: Fahrni/ACLLib
// P R I V A T E   M E T H O D S
int ACLStr::_FindCh
	IN const TCHAR	charToFind,
	IN BOOL			caseSensitive	/*=TRUE*/,
	IN BOOL			reverseFind		/*=FALSE*/
	LPTSTR	string	= NULL;
	//	Initialize this to the
	//	internal buffer.
	LPTSTR	ibPtr		= _string;
	TCHAR	chToFind	= charToFind;

	//	If the internal string is NULL or the lenght is
	//	zero then we will just bail and say we couldn't
	//	find the string we were searching for.
	if (ibPtr != NULL || 0 != _length)
		if (caseSensitive == TRUE)
			chToFind = TOUPPER(charToFind);

			//	Now copy the internal ACLStr buffer to the new
			//	tempory Upper case version.
			if (_string)
				// NOTE: STRCPY_S(target, length, source) - The length parameter is for
				// the length of the target string, not the source string. 
				STRCPY_S(ib, MAX_STRING, _string); 
				ibPtr = ib;
		}	//	case sensitive search?

		//	Go look for the starting point of the string.
		//	if we do NOT find it return STR_NOTFOUND
		if (reverseFind == TRUE)
			string = STRRCHR(ibPtr, chToFind);
			string = STRCHR(ibPtr, chToFind);
	}	//	 search string NULL?

	return (string == NULL) ? STR_NOTFOUND : (int)(string - ibPtr);
	}	//	::_FindCh
예제 #6
int FAR PASCAL Soundex(char *in_pntr,LPSTR out_pntr)
 char ch,last_ch;
 int count = 0;
 last_ch = get_scode(*in_pntr);
 while((ch = get_scode(*(++in_pntr)) ) && (count < 3) )
  if( (ch != '0') && (ch != last_ch) ) 
  *(out_pntr+(++count)) = ch;     
  last_ch = ch;                  
예제 #7
파일: wfinit.c 프로젝트: mingpen/OpenNT
VOID  APIENTRY GetInternational()


  GetProfileString(szInternational, "sShortDate", szShortDate, szShortDate, 11);
  GetProfileString(szInternational, "sTime", szTime, szTime, 2);
  GetProfileString(szInternational, "s1159", sz1159, sz1159, 9);
  GetProfileString(szInternational, "s2359", sz2359, sz2359, 9);
  GetProfileString(szInternational, "sThousand", szComma, szComma, sizeof(szComma));
  iTime   = GetProfileInt(szInternational, "iTime", iTime);
  iTLZero = GetProfileInt(szInternational, "iTLZero", iTLZero);

예제 #8
파일: wtdinit.c 프로젝트: mingpen/OpenNT
// ParseCommandLine
// This routine parses the command line given.  If the command line is valid,
// then it is assumed that the user's intention is to execute the test given
// and then exit -- without using the UI for anything.  Else, we display the
// usage message box (if the cmdline wasn't valid), and return.
// RETURNS:     NULL if cmdline was valid (script run made, or attempted),
//                   or if command line was invalid and usage was given,
//              OR pointer to script to load if /RUN not present given.
//              NOTE:   If no script was given, this function returns a ptr
//                      to a null string.
HANDLE *ParseCommandLine (LPSTR cmdline)
    CHAR    *tok, *scr;
    INT     doit = 0, scriptfound = 0;

#ifdef DEBUG
    fDiags = 0;
    // We always return at least one file name, so allocate it now
    listflag = 0;
    if (!(hScr[0] = LocalAlloc (LHND, 128)))
        return (NULL);
    scr = LocalLock (hScr[0]);

    // Return now if no cmdline args given
    scr[0] = 0;
    tok = GetCmdToken(cmdline);
    if (!tok)
        return (hScr);

        // Check here for the /T (testmode) switch and get its parameter
        if (!_stricmp (tok, "/T") || !_stricmp (tok, "-T"))
            tok = GetCmdToken(cmdline);
            if (!tok)
                return (NULL);
            lstrcpy (tmbuf, tok);

        // Here we check for /C (command) switch
        else if (!_stricmp (tok, "/C") || !_stricmp (tok, "-C"))
            tok = GetCmdToken(cmdline);
            if (!tok)
                return (NULL);
            lstrcpy (cmdbuf, tok);

        // /NOE (no error dialog)
        else if (!_stricmp (tok, "/NOE") || !_stricmp (tok, "-NOE"))
            NOERRDLG = 1;

        // /A (filename) switch (produce assembly listing/diagnostics)
        else if (!_stricmp (tok, "/A") || !_stricmp (tok, "-A"))
            tok = GetCmdToken (cmdline);
            if (!tok)
                return (NULL);
            SetAssemblyListFile (tok);

        // /RUN switch
        else if (!_stricmp (tok, "/RUN") || !_stricmp (tok, "-RUN"))
            doit = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
        else if (!_stricmp (tok, "/DIAG") || !_stricmp (tok, "-DIAG"))
            fDiags = 1;

        // /D (define) switch
        else if (!_stricmp (tok, "/D") || !_stricmp (tok, "-D"))
            tok = GetCmdToken(cmdline);
            if (!tok)
                return (NULL);
            if (SymCount == 16)
                return (NULL);
            _fstrncpy (DefSym[SymCount], tok, MAXSYMLEN);
            DefSym[SymCount++][MAXSYMLEN] = 0;

        // If this was nothing above, we assume it's a script name
        else if (scriptfound < 8)
            if (!hScr[scriptfound])
                if (!(hScr[scriptfound] = LocalAlloc (LHND, 128)))
                    return (NULL);
                scr = LocalLock (hScr[scriptfound]);
            lstrcpy (scr, tok);
            LocalUnlock (hScr[scriptfound]);
            scriptfound += 1;

        // Must have given too many script names
            Usage ();
            return (NULL);
    while (tok = GetCmdToken(cmdline));

    // No error dialog gets nullified if we're running the environment
    if (NOERRDLG && (!doit))
        NOERRDLG = 0;

    // Return a pointer to the scripts given if no /RUN switch given
    if (!doit)
        return (hScr);

    // Give an error if no script name found, or more than one
    if (scriptfound != 1)
        Usage ();
        return (NULL);

    // Okay, we got a valid cmdline and we need to run.  Send the script to
    // the parsing engine.
    // NEW:  Create a simple window which stays minimized and behind every
    // NEW:  other window.  The window text for this will contain the name
    // NEW:  of the script running.
    EnsureExt (scr, 80);
    AnsiUpper (scr);
    Command = cmdbuf;
    TestMode = tmbuf;

    // KLUDGE:  Call peekmessage to yield once...
    MSG     msg;
    CHAR    buf[256], fmt[40];

    PeekMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE);

    // Change the window text of the viewport for this guy...
    if (LoadString (hInst, IDS_VPRUNTITLE, fmt, sizeof(fmt)))
        wsprintf (buf, fmt, (LPSTR)scr);
        SetWindowText (hwndViewPort, buf);

    // Here's where we create the dummy window
    hwndDummy = CreateWindow (szRBRun, (LPSTR)scr,
                              0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, hInst, NULL);
    SetWindowPos (hwndDummy, (HWND)1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    ShowWindow (hwndDummy, SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE);

    // Okay, here we go.
    if (InitParser ())
	// HACKHACK: ntbldrus (kenhia) - on x86, complains about uninit var
	//	     41 lines below (in final else WITHIN this if block)
	HCURSOR hOld = 0;

        // Initialize the scanner
        if (BeginScan (scr, CBLoaderImmediate, SymCount, DefPtrs))
#ifdef DEBUG
            if (fDiags)
                OpenDiagFile (scr);
            hOld = SetCursor (LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_WAIT));
            if (!PcodeCompile())
                if (PcodeFixup(0))
                    SetCursor (hOld);
                    PcodeExecute(PE_RUN, NULL);
                    DestroyWindow (hwndDummy);
                    DestroyWindow (hwndViewPort);
                    exit (ExitVal);
                    SetCursor (hOld);
                    DestroyWindow (hwndDummy);
                    DestroyWindow (hwndViewPort);
                    exit (1);
                SetCursor (hOld);
                DestroyWindow (hwndDummy);
                DestroyWindow (hwndViewPort);
                exit (1);
            EndScan ();
            SetCursor (hOld);
            MPError (NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, IDS_CANTREAD, (LPSTR)scr);
            DestroyWindow (hwndDummy);
            DestroyWindow (hwndViewPort);
            exit (1);

    DestroyWindow (hwndViewPort);
    DestroyWindow (hwndDummy);
    exit (1);
예제 #9
파일: sig.c 프로젝트: cixonline/ameol
/* This function handles the WM_COMMAND message.
void FASTCALL CmdSignatureDlg_OnCommand( HWND hwnd, int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify )
   switch( id )
      case IDD_LIST:
         if( codeNotify == CBN_SELCHANGE )
            HWND hwndList;
            HWND hwndEdit;
            int index;

            index = (int)GetWindowLong( hwnd, DWL_USER );
            hwndEdit = GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDD_EDIT );
            if( EditMap_GetModified( hwndEdit ) )
               if( !CmdSignatureDlg_SaveSig( hwnd, index ) )
               fCancelToClose( hwnd, IDCANCEL );

            hwndList = GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDD_LIST );
            index = ComboBox_GetCurSel( hwndList );
            CmdSignatureDlg_DisplaySig( hwnd, index );

      case IDD_NEW: {
         char sz[ 9 ];

         if( Adm_Dialog( hRscLib, hwnd, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDDLG_NEWSIG ), NewSig, (LPARAM)(LPSTR)sz ) )
            HWND hwndList;
            HWND hwndEdit;
            int index;

            index = (int)GetWindowLong( hwnd, DWL_USER );
            hwndEdit = GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDD_EDIT );
            hwndList = GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDD_LIST );
            if( EditMap_GetModified( hwndEdit ) && ComboBox_GetCount( hwndList ) > 0 )
               if( !CmdSignatureDlg_SaveSig( hwnd, index ) )

            AnsiUpper( sz );
            if( ( index = ComboBox_FindStringExact( hwndList, -1, sz ) ) == LB_ERR )
               index = ComboBox_AddString( hwndList, sz );
            EnableControl( hwnd, IDOK, TRUE );
            EnableControl( hwnd, IDD_DELETE, TRUE );
            ComboBox_SetCurSel( hwndList, index );
            CmdSignatureDlg_DisplaySig( hwnd, index );
            fCancelToClose( hwnd, IDCANCEL );
            SetFocus( hwndEdit );

      case IDD_DELETE: {
         HWND hwndList;
         int index;

         hwndList = GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDD_LIST );
         if( ( index = ComboBox_GetCurSel( hwndList ) ) != CB_ERR )
            char sz[ _MAX_FNAME ];
            PCAT pcat;
            PCL pcl;
            PTL ptl;

            /* Get confirmation first.
            if( IDNO == fMessageBox( hwnd, 0, GS(IDS_STR975), MB_YESNO|MB_ICONINFORMATION ) )

            /* Get the signature and delete the signature
             * file itself.
            ComboBox_GetLBText( hwndList, index, sz );
            lstrcat( sz, ".sig" );
            Ameol2_DeleteFile( sz, DSD_SIG );

            /* Remove the signature from the listbox and display the
             * next one, if there is one.
            if( ComboBox_DeleteString( hwndList, index ) == index )
            if( index != CB_ERR )
               ComboBox_SetCurSel( hwndList, index );
               CmdSignatureDlg_DisplaySig( hwnd, index );
               InvalidateRect( hwndList, NULL, FALSE );
               UpdateWindow( hwndList );
               EnableControl( hwnd, IDD_DELETE, FALSE );
               EnableControl( hwnd, IDOK, FALSE );
               Edit_SetText( GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDD_EDIT ), "" );

            /* For every topic which used the signature just deleted,
             * change it to the global signature.
            ComboBox_GetLBText( hwndList, index, sz );
            for( pcat = Amdb_GetFirstCategory(); pcat; pcat = Amdb_GetNextCategory( pcat ) )
               for( pcl = Amdb_GetFirstFolder( pcat ); pcl; pcl = Amdb_GetNextFolder( pcl ) )
                  for( ptl = Amdb_GetFirstTopic( pcl ); ptl; ptl = Amdb_GetNextTopic( ptl ) )
                     TOPICINFO topicinfo;
                     Amdb_GetTopicInfo( ptl, &topicinfo );
                     if( lstrcmp( topicinfo.szSigFile, sz ) == 0 )
                        Amdb_SetTopicSignature( ptl, szGlobalSig );
            fCancelToClose( hwnd, IDCANCEL );

      case IDOK: {
         HWND hwndEdit;
         int index;

         index = (int)GetWindowLong( hwnd, DWL_USER );
         hwndEdit = GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDD_EDIT );
         if( EditMap_GetModified( hwndEdit ) )
            if( !CmdSignatureDlg_SaveSig( hwnd, index ) )
         EndDialog( hwnd, TRUE );

      case IDCANCEL: {
         HWND hwndEdit;

         hwndEdit = GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDD_EDIT );
         if( EditMap_GetModified( hwndEdit ) )
            register int r;

            r = fMessageBox( hwnd, 0, GS(IDS_STR516), MB_YESNOCANCEL|MB_ICONINFORMATION );
            if( r == IDCANCEL )
            if( r == IDYES )
               int index;
               index = (int)GetWindowLong( hwnd, DWL_USER );
               if( !CmdSignatureDlg_SaveSig( hwnd, index ) )
         EndDialog( hwnd, FALSE );
예제 #10
파일: chgdir.c 프로젝트: cixonline/ameol
/* Resets and fills the given combobox with a list of current
 * drives.  The type of drive is stored with the item data.
void FASTCALL DriveListInitialize(HWND hList, HWND hTempList, UINT iCurDrive )
   UINT i, iItem;
   UINT cch;
   UINT cItems;
   UINT iDrive, iType;
   char szDrive[ 10 ];
   char szNet[ 64 ];
   char szItem[ 68 ];

   if( NULL == hList )

   /* Clear out all the lists. */
   ComboBox_ResetContent( hList );
   ListBox_ResetContent( hTempList );

   /* Get available drive letters in the temp list */
   ListBox_Dir( hTempList, DDL_DRIVES | DDL_EXCLUSIVE, "*" );
   iCurDrive -= 1;       /* Fix for zero-based drive indexing */

   /* Walk through the list of drives, parsing off the "[-" and "-]"
    * For each drive letter parsed, add a string to the combobox
    * composed of the drive letter and the volume label.  We then
    * determine the drive type and add that information as the item data.
   cItems = ListBox_GetCount( hTempList );
   for( i = 0; i < cItems; i++ )
      ListBox_GetText( hTempList, i, szDrive );

      /* Ensure lowercase drive letters */
      iDrive = szDrive[ 2 ] - 'a';
      iType = AmDriveType( szDrive );        /* See Below */
      if( iType < 2 )                  /* Skip non-existent drive B's */

      /* Start the item string with the drive letter, color, and two spaces */
      wsprintf( szItem, "%c%s", szDrive[ 2 ], (LPSTR)":  " );

      /* For fixed or ram disks, append the volume label which we find
       * using _dos_findfirst and attribute _A_VOLID.
      if( DRIVE_FIXED == iType || DRIVE_RAMDISK == iType )
      #ifdef WIN32
         wsprintf( szDrive, "%c:\\", szDrive[ 2 ] );
         GetVolumeInformation( szDrive, szItem + strlen( szItem ), 20, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 );
         FINDDATA fi;
         HFIND hFind;
         char ch;

         wsprintf( szDrive, "%c:\\*.*", szDrive[ 2 ] );
         if( ( hFind = Amuser_FindFirst( szDrive, _A_VOLID, &fi ) ) != -1 )
            /* Convert volume to lowercase and strip any '.' in the name. */
            AnsiLower( fi.name );

            /* If a period exists, it has to be in position 8, so clear it. */
            ch = fi.name[ 8 ];
            fi.name[ 8 ] = 0;
            strcat( szItem, fi.name );

            /* If we did have a broken volume name, append the last 3 chars */
            if( '.' == ch )
               strcat( szItem, &fi.name[ 9 ] );
         Amuser_FindClose( hFind );

      /* For network drives, go grab the \\server\share for it. */
      if( DRIVE_REMOTE == iType )
         szNet[ 0 ] = 0;
         cch = sizeof( szNet );

         wsprintf( szDrive, "%c:", szDrive[ 2 ] );

//       if( WNetGetConnection( (LPSTR)szDrive, (LPSTR)szNet, &cch ) == NO_ERROR )
//          {
//          AnsiLower(szNet);
//          strcat( szItem, szNet );
//          }
      iItem = ComboBox_AddString( hList, szItem );
      ComboBox_SetItemData( hList, iItem, MAKELONG( iDrive, iType ) );
      if( iDrive == iCurDrive )
         ComboBox_SetCurSel( hList, iItem );