예제 #1
void GetURLHandler::ReadBody() {
  // Note that you specifically want an "optional" callback here. This will
  // allow ReadBody() to return synchronously, ignoring your completion
  // callback, if data is available. For fast connections and large files,
  // reading as fast as we can will make a large performance difference
  // However, in the case of a synchronous return, we need to be sure to run
  // the callback we created since the loader won't do anything with it.
  pp::CompletionCallback cc =
  int32_t result = PP_OK;
  do {
    result = url_loader_.ReadResponseBody(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), cc);
    // Handle streaming data directly. Note that we *don't* want to call
    // OnRead here, since in the case of result > 0 it will schedule
    // another call to this function. If the network is very fast, we could
    // end up with a deeply recursive stack.
    if (result > 0) {
      AppendDataBytes(buffer_, result);
  } while (result > 0);

  if (result != PP_OK_COMPLETIONPENDING) {
    // Either we reached the end of the stream (result == PP_OK) or there was
    // an error. We want OnRead to get called no matter what to handle
    // that case, whether the error is synchronous or asynchronous. If the
    // result code *is* COMPLETIONPENDING, our callback will be called
    // asynchronously.
예제 #2
 * Thread function to read Vertica data per Vertica socket connection
 * - Reads metadata and raw data bytes as received from Vertica
 * - Appends data bytes to Buffer
void DataLoader::ReadFromVertica(int32_t connection_fd) { 

  struct Metadata metadata;
  int n = recv(connection_fd, &metadata, sizeof(metadata), 0);
  if(n == 0) 
    LOG_ERROR("No Metadata received from Vertica");
  else if (n<0)
    LOG_ERROR("Error in receiving Metadata from Vertica");
  uint64_t data_size = metadata.size;
  uint32_t nrows = metadata.nrows;
  bool is_eof = metadata.isEOF;
  if(!is_eof) {
    ostringstream shm_file;

    char data_buffer[data_size];
    //size_t b_read = atomicio(read, connection_fd, data_buffer, data_size); 
    while((errno = 0, (n = recv(connection_fd, data_buffer, sizeof(data_buffer), 0))>0) || errno == EINTR) {
      if(n == 0) {
       LOG_ERROR("No data bytes received from Vertica");
      } else if (n<0){
       LOG_ERROR("Error in receiving Metadata from Vertica");
      } else {
       shm_file << data_buffer;

    AppendDataBytes(shm_file.str().c_str(), data_size, nrows);
  } else {
    unique_lock<recursive_mutex> lock(metadata_mutex_);
    if(vnode_EOFs.find(metadata.vNode_name) == vnode_EOFs.end()) {
      vnode_EOFs[metadata.vNode_name] = 1;
    } else {
예제 #3
void GetURLHandler::OnRead(int32_t result) {
  if (result == PP_OK) {
    // Streaming the file is complete.
  } else if (result > 0) {
    // The URLLoader just filled "result" number of bytes into our buffer.
    // Save them and perform another read.
    AppendDataBytes(buffer_, result);
  } else {
    // A read error occurred.
	status = STATUS_ERROR;
	ERR_FAIL_COND(result < 0);
예제 #4
void URLLoaderHandler::OnRead(int32_t result) {
  if (result == PP_OK) {
    // Streaming the file is complete, delete the read buffer since it is
    // no longer needed.
    delete[] buffer_;
    buffer_ = NULL;
    ReportResultAndDie(url_, url_response_body_, true);
  } else if (result > 0) {
    // The URLLoader just filled "result" number of bytes into our buffer.
    // Save them and perform another read.
    AppendDataBytes(buffer_, result);
  } else {
    // A read error occurred.
        url_, "pp::URLLoader::ReadResponseBody() result<0", false);