예제 #1
파일: array.cpp 프로젝트: dsgipe/array
Arr Arr::operator,(const int intval){
    double rtnArr[M*N]; 
    for (int ii = 0; ii < M*N;ii++){
   return Arr (rtnArr,M,N); 
예제 #2
파일: array.cpp 프로젝트: dsgipe/array
Arr Arr::operator*(const Arr& obj){
    // Multiple A by B
    // Inputs: 
    //    A: MxK matrix
    //    B: K+N matrix
    //    M: size of A
    //    N: size of B
    //    K: size shared by A and B
    //  Returns:
    //    C: MxN matrix
    int K = obj.M;
    int N_input = obj.N;
    int M_input = N;
    if (obj.M!=M){
        cout << "Likely problem with matrix, please check results\n";
    double A_tmp[K*M_input];for(int ii =0;ii<K*M_input;ii++){A_tmp[ii]=val[ii];}
    double B_tmp[K*N_input];for(int ii =0;ii<K*N_input;ii++){B_tmp[ii]=obj.val[ii];}
    double C_rtn[M_input*N_input];for(int ii =0;ii<<M_input*N_input;ii++){C_rtn[ii]=0;}
    char transa = 'n';
    char transb = 't';
    double alpha =1;double beta = 0;
    dgemm_(&transa, &transb, &M_input, &N_input, &K,&alpha,A_tmp,&M_input,B_tmp,&N_input,&beta,C_rtn, &K );
    return Arr (C_rtn,M_input,N_input);
예제 #3
파일: array.cpp 프로젝트: dsgipe/array
Arr times(const double intval, const Arr& obj){
    double rtnArr[obj.M*obj.N]; 
    for (int ii = 0; ii < obj.M*obj.N;ii++){
   return Arr (rtnArr,obj.M,obj.N); 
예제 #4
파일: array.cpp 프로젝트: dsgipe/array
Arr Arr::operator,(const Arr& obj){
    // muliply every element
    double rtnArr[M*N]; 
    if (M*N != obj.M*obj.N)
        cout << "Size not compatible, results are likely wrong!\n";
    for (int ii = 0; ii < M*N;ii++){
   return Arr (rtnArr,M,N); 
예제 #5
파일: array.cpp 프로젝트: dsgipe/array
Arr Arr::operator/(const Arr& obj){
    //         Matrix solution to Y=M*X
    int NRHS = obj.N;
    int NLHS = obj.M;
    int *IPIV = new int[N+1];
    int INFO;
    //Create temporary variables so the fortran code doesn't change
    //input variables
    double A_tmp[M*N];for(int ii =0;ii<M*N;ii++){A_tmp[ii]=val[ii];}
    double B_rtn[obj.N*obj.M];for(int ii =0;ii<obj.N*obj.M;ii++){B_rtn[ii]=obj.val[ii];}
    delete [] IPIV;
    return Arr (B_rtn,obj.M,obj.N);
예제 #6
파일: cmd.c 프로젝트: colomonkey/opticon
/** The get-recrod command */
int cmd_get_record (int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    if (OPTIONS.tenant[0] == 0) {
        fprintf (stderr, "%% No tenantid provided\n");
        return 1;
    if (OPTIONS.host[0] == 0) {
        fprintf (stderr, "%% No hostid provided\n");
        return 1;

    var *apires = api_get ("/%s/host/%s", OPTIONS.tenant, OPTIONS.host);
    if (OPTIONS.json) {
        var_dump (apires, stdout);
        var_free (apires);
        return 0;
    #define Arr(x) var_get_array_forkey(apires,x)
    #define Vint(x) var_get_int_forkey(apires,x)
    #define Vstr(x) var_get_str_forkey(apires,x)
    #define Vfrac(x) var_get_double_forkey(apires,x)
    #define VDint(x,y) var_get_int_forkey(var_get_dict_forkey(apires,x),y)
    #define VDstr(x,y) var_get_str_forkey(var_get_dict_forkey(apires,x),y)
    #define VDfrac(x,y) var_get_double_forkey(var_get_dict_forkey(apires,x),y)
    #define VAfrac(x,y) var_get_double_atindex(var_get_array_forkey(apires,x),y)
    #define Vdone(x) var_delete_key(apires,x)
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------*/
    print_hdr ("HOST");
    print_value ("UUID", "%s", OPTIONS.host);
    print_value ("Hostname", "%s", Vstr("hostname"));
    print_value ("Address", "%s", VDstr("agent","ip"));
    print_value ("Status", "\033[1m%s\033[0m", Vstr("status"));
    print_array ("Problems", Arr("problems"));
    char uptimestr[128];
    uint64_t uptime = Vint("uptime"); Vdone("uptime");
    uint64_t u_days = uptime / 86400ULL;
    uint64_t u_hours = (uptime - (86400 * u_days)) / 3600ULL;
    uint64_t u_mins = (uptime - (86400 * u_days) - (3600 * u_hours)) / 60ULL;
    uint64_t u_sec = uptime % 60;
    if (u_days) {
        sprintf (uptimestr, "%llu day%s, %llu:%02llu:%02llu", u_days,
                 (u_days==1)?"":"s", u_hours, u_mins, u_sec);
    else if (u_hours) {
        sprintf (uptimestr, "%llu:%02llu:%02llu", u_hours, u_mins, u_sec);
    else {
        sprintf (uptimestr, "%llu minute%s, %llu second%s",
                 u_mins, (u_mins==1)?"":"s", u_sec, (u_sec==1)?"":"s");
    print_value ("Uptime","%s",uptimestr);
    print_value ("OS/Hardware","%s %s (%s)", VDstr("os","kernel"),
                 VDstr("os","version"), VDstr("os","arch"));
    const char *dist = VDstr("os","distro");
    if (dist) print_value ("Distribution", "%s", dist);
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------*/
    print_hdr ("RESOURCES");
    print_value ("Processes","\033[1m%llu\033[0m "
                             "(\033[1m%llu\033[0m running, "
                             "\033[1m%llu\033[0m stuck)",
     print_value ("Load Average", "\033[1m%6.2f\033[0m / "
                                  "\033[1m%6.2f\033[0m / "
                 VAfrac ("loadavg",0), VAfrac ("loadavg", 1),
                 VAfrac ("loadavg",2));
    Vdone ("loadavg");

    char cpubuf[128];
    sprintf (cpubuf, "\033[1m%6.2f \033[0m%%", Vfrac("pcpu"));
    char meter[32];
    strcpy (meter, "-[                      ]+");
    double iowait = VDfrac("io","pwait");
    double pcpu = Vfrac("pcpu"); Vdone("pcpu");
    double level = 4.5;
    int pos = 2;
    while (level < 100.0 && pos < 22) {
        if (level < pcpu) meter[pos++] = '#';
        else meter[pos++] = ' ';
        level += 4.5;
    print_value ("CPU", "%-40s %s", cpubuf, meter);
    if (iowait>0.001) print_value ("CPU iowait", 
                                   "\033[1m%6.2f %%\033[0m", iowait);
    print_value ("Available RAM", "\033[1m%.2f\033[0m MB",
    print_value ("Free RAM", "\033[1m%.2f\033[0m MB",
    print_value ("Network in/out", "\033[1m%i\033[0m Kb/s "
                                   "(\033[1m%i\033[0m pps) / "
                                   "\033[1m%i\033[0m Kb/s "
                                   "(\033[1m%i\033[0m pps)",
    print_value ("Disk i/o", "\033[1m%i\033[0m rdops / "
                             "\033[1m%i\033[0m wrops",
                 VDint("io","rdops"), VDint("io","wrops"));

    print_values (apires, NULL);
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------*/
    print_hdr ("PROCESS LIST");
    const char *top_hdr[] = {"USER","PID","CPU","MEM","NAME",NULL};
    const char *top_fld[] = {"user","pid","pcpu","pmem","name",NULL};
    columnalign top_align[] = {CA_L, CA_R, CA_R, CA_R, CA_L, CA_NULL};
    vartype top_tp[] =
    int top_wid[] = {15, 7, 9, 9, 0, 0};
    int top_div[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    const char *top_suf[] = {"",""," %", " %", "", NULL};
    var *v_top = var_get_array_forkey (apires, "top");
    print_table (v_top, top_hdr, top_fld, 
                 top_align, top_tp, top_wid, top_suf, top_div);
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------*/
    print_hdr ("STORAGE");
    const char *df_hdr[] = {"DEVICE","SIZE","FS","USED","MOUNTPOINT",NULL};
    const char *df_fld[] = {"device","size","fs","pused","mount",NULL};
    columnalign df_aln[] = {CA_L,CA_R,CA_L,CA_R,CA_L,CA_NULL};
    int df_wid[] = {12, 14, 6, 8, 0};
    int df_div[] = {0, (1024), 0, 0, 0, 0};
    const char *df_suf[] = {""," GB", "", " %", "", ""};
    var *v_df = var_get_array_forkey (apires, "df");
    /*print_generic_table (v_df);*/
    print_table (v_df, df_hdr, df_fld,
                 df_aln, df_tp, df_wid, df_suf, df_div);
    /** Print any remaining table data */
    print_tables (apires);
    printf ("---------------------------------------------"

    var_free (apires);
    return 0;    
namespace Class {

struct A { constexpr A(int a, int b) : k(a + b) {} int k; };
constexpr int fn(const A &a) { return a.k; }
static_assert_fold(fn(A(4,5)) == 9, "");

struct B { int n; int m; } constexpr b = { 0, b.n }; // expected-warning {{uninitialized}}
struct C {
  constexpr C(C *this_) : m(42), n(this_->m) {} // ok
  int m, n;
struct D {
  C c;
  constexpr D() : c(&c) {}
static_assert_fold(D().c.n == 42, "");

struct E {
  constexpr E() : p(&p) {}
  void *p;
constexpr const E &e1 = E(); // expected-error {{constant expression}}
// This is a constant expression if we elide the copy constructor call, and
// is not a constant expression if we don't! But we do, so it is.
// FIXME: The move constructor is not currently implicitly defined as constexpr.
// We notice this when evaluating an expression which uses it, but not when
// checking its initializer.
constexpr E e2 = E(); // unexpected-error {{constant expression}}
static_assert_fold(e2.p == &e2.p, ""); // unexpected-error {{constant expression}}
// FIXME: We don't pass through the fact that 'this' is ::e3 when checking the
// initializer of this declaration.
constexpr E e3; // unexpected-error {{constant expression}}
static_assert_fold(e3.p == &e3.p, "");

extern const class F f;
struct F {
  constexpr F() : p(&f.p) {}
  const void *p;
constexpr F f = F();

struct G {
  struct T {
    constexpr T(T *p) : u1(), u2(p) {}
    union U1 {
      constexpr U1() {}
      int a, b = 42;
    } u1;
    union U2 {
      constexpr U2(T *p) : c(p->u1.b) {}
      int c, d;
    } u2;
  } t;
  constexpr G() : t(&t) {}
} constexpr g;

static_assert_fold(g.t.u1.a == 42, ""); // expected-error {{constant expression}}
static_assert_fold(g.t.u1.b == 42, "");
static_assert_fold(g.t.u2.c == 42, "");
static_assert_fold(g.t.u2.d == 42, ""); // expected-error {{constant expression}}

struct S {
  int a, b;
  const S *p;
  double d;
  const char *q;

  constexpr S(int n, const S *p) : a(5), b(n), p(p), d(n), q("hello") {}

S global(43, &global);

static_assert_fold(S(15, &global).b == 15, "");

constexpr bool CheckS(const S &s) {
  return s.a == 5 && s.b == 27 && s.p == &global && s.d == 27. && s.q[3] == 'l';
static_assert_fold(CheckS(S(27, &global)), "");

struct Arr {
  char arr[3];
  constexpr Arr() : arr{'x', 'y', 'z'} {}
constexpr int hash(Arr &&a) {
  return a.arr[0] + a.arr[1] * 0x100 + a.arr[2] * 0x10000;
constexpr int k = hash(Arr());
static_assert_fold(k == 0x007a7978, "");

struct AggregateInit {
  const char &c;
  int n;
  double d;
  int arr[5];
  void *p;

constexpr AggregateInit agg1 = { "hello"[0] };

static_assert_fold(strcmp_ce(&agg1.c, "hello") == 0, "");
static_assert_fold(agg1.n == 0, "");
static_assert_fold(agg1.d == 0.0, "");
static_assert_fold(agg1.arr[-1] == 0, ""); // expected-error {{constant expression}}
static_assert_fold(agg1.arr[0] == 0, "");
static_assert_fold(agg1.arr[4] == 0, "");
static_assert_fold(agg1.arr[5] == 0, ""); // expected-error {{constant expression}}
static_assert_fold(agg1.p == nullptr, "");

namespace SimpleDerivedClass {

struct B {
  constexpr B(int n) : a(n) {}
  int a;
struct D : B {
  constexpr D(int n) : B(n) {}
constexpr D d(3);
static_assert_fold(d.a == 3, "");


struct Bottom { constexpr Bottom() {} };
struct Base : Bottom {
  constexpr Base(int a = 42, const char *b = "test") : a(a), b(b) {}
  int a;
  const char *b;
struct Base2 : Bottom {
  constexpr Base2(const int &r) : r(r) {}
  int q = 123;
  // FIXME: When we track the global for which we are computing the initializer,
  // use a reference here.
  //const int &r;
  int r;
struct Derived : Base, Base2 {
  constexpr Derived() : Base(76), Base2(a) {}
  int c = r + b[1];

constexpr bool operator==(const Base &a, const Base &b) {
  return a.a == b.a && strcmp_ce(a.b, b.b) == 0;

constexpr Base base;
constexpr Base base2(76);
constexpr Derived derived;
static_assert_fold(derived.a == 76, "");
static_assert_fold(derived.b[2] == 's', "");
static_assert_fold(derived.c == 76 + 'e', "");
static_assert_fold(derived.q == 123, "");
static_assert_fold(derived.r == 76, "");
static_assert_fold(&derived.r == &derived.a, ""); // expected-error {{}}

static_assert_fold(!(derived == base), "");
static_assert_fold(derived == base2, "");

constexpr Bottom &bot1 = (Base&)derived;
constexpr Bottom &bot2 = (Base2&)derived;
static_assert_fold(&bot1 != &bot2, "");

constexpr Bottom *pb1 = (Base*)&derived;
constexpr Bottom *pb2 = (Base2*)&derived;
static_assert_fold(pb1 != pb2, "");
static_assert_fold(pb1 == &bot1, "");
static_assert_fold(pb2 == &bot2, "");

constexpr Base2 &fail = (Base2&)bot1; // expected-error {{constant expression}}
constexpr Base &fail2 = (Base&)*pb2; // expected-error {{constant expression}}
constexpr Base2 &ok2 = (Base2&)bot2;
static_assert_fold(&ok2 == &derived, "");

constexpr Base2 *pfail = (Base2*)pb1; // expected-error {{constant expression}}
constexpr Base *pfail2 = (Base*)&bot2; // expected-error {{constant expression}}
constexpr Base2 *pok2 = (Base2*)pb2;
static_assert_fold(pok2 == &derived, "");
static_assert_fold(&ok2 == pok2, "");
static_assert_fold((Base2*)(Derived*)(Base*)pb1 == pok2, "");
static_assert_fold((Derived*)(Base*)pb1 == (Derived*)pok2, "");

constexpr Base *nullB = 42 - 6 * 7;
static_assert_fold((Bottom*)nullB == 0, "");
static_assert_fold((Derived*)nullB == 0, "");
static_assert_fold((void*)(Bottom*)nullB == (void*)(Derived*)nullB, "");
