예제 #1
void Dets
( const ElementalMatrix<Real>& xPre, 
        ElementalMatrix<Real>& dPre,
  const ElementalMatrix<Int>& ordersPre, 
  const ElementalMatrix<Int>& firstIndsPre,
  Int cutoff )
    AssertSameGrids( xPre, dPre, ordersPre, firstIndsPre );

    ElementalProxyCtrl ctrl;
    ctrl.colConstrain = true;
    ctrl.colAlign = 0;

      xProx( xPre, ctrl );
      dProx( dPre, ctrl );
      ordersProx( ordersPre, ctrl ),
      firstIndsProx( firstIndsPre, ctrl );
    auto& x = xProx.GetLocked();
    auto& d = dProx.Get();
    auto& orders = ordersProx.GetLocked();
    auto& firstInds = firstIndsProx.GetLocked();

    auto Rx = x;
    soc::Reflect( Rx, orders, firstInds );
    soc::Dots( x, Rx, d, orders, firstInds, cutoff );
예제 #2
void PartialColScatter
( T alpha,
  const ElementalMatrix<T>& A,
        ElementalMatrix<T>& B )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("axpy_contract::PartialColScatter"))
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );
    if( A.Height() != B.Height() || A.Width() != B.Width() )
        LogicError("A and B must be the same size");

    if( A.Width() != 1 && A.Grid().Rank() == 0 )
        cerr <<
          "axpy_contract::PartialColScatterUpdate potentially causes a large "
          "amount of cache-thrashing. If possible, avoid it by forming the "
          "(conjugate-)transpose of the [UGath,* ] matrix instead."
          << endl;
    if( B.ColAlign() % A.ColStride() == A.ColAlign() )
        const Int colStride = B.ColStride();
        const Int colStridePart = B.PartialColStride();
        const Int colStrideUnion = B.PartialUnionColStride();
        const Int colRankPart = B.PartialColRank();
        const Int colAlign = B.ColAlign();

        const Int height = B.Height();
        const Int width = B.Width();
        const Int localHeight = B.LocalHeight();
        const Int maxLocalHeight = MaxLength( height, colStride );
        const Int recvSize = mpi::Pad( maxLocalHeight*width );
        const Int sendSize = colStrideUnion*recvSize;

        //vector<T> buffer( sendSize );
        vector<T> buffer;
        buffer.reserve( sendSize );

        // Pack
        ( height, width,
          colAlign, colStride,
          colStrideUnion, colStridePart, colRankPart,
          A.LockedBuffer(), A.LDim(),
          buffer.data(),    recvSize );

        // Communicate
        mpi::ReduceScatter( buffer.data(), recvSize, B.PartialUnionColComm() );

        // Unpack our received data
        ( alpha, localHeight, width,
          buffer.data(), 1, localHeight,
          B.Buffer(),    1, B.LDim() );
        LogicError("Unaligned PartialColScatter not implemented");
예제 #3
파일: UPan.hpp 프로젝트: birm/Elemental
void UPan
( DistMatrix<F>& A,
  DistMatrix<F>& W,
  DistMatrix<F,MD,STAR>& t,
  DistMatrix<F,MC,STAR>& B_MC_STAR, 
  DistMatrix<F,MR,STAR>& B_MR_STAR,
  DistMatrix<F,MC,STAR>& W_MC_STAR,
  DistMatrix<F,MR,STAR>& W_MR_STAR,
  const SymvCtrl<F>& ctrl )
    const Int n = A.Height();
    const Int nW = W.Width();
        CSE cse("herm_tridiag::UPan");
        AssertSameGrids( A, W, t );
        if( n != A.Width() )
            LogicError("A must be square.");
        if( n != W.Height() )
            LogicError( "A and W must be the same height.");
        if( n <= nW )
            LogicError("W must be a column panel.");
        if( t.Height() != nW || t.Width() != 1 )
            ("t must be a column vector of the same length as W's width.");
예제 #4
void Scatter
( const DistMatrix<T,CIRC,CIRC>& A,
        DistMatrix<T,STAR,STAR>& B )
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );

    const Int height = A.Height();
    const Int width = A.Width();
    B.Resize( height, width );

    if( B.Participating() )
        const Int pkgSize = mpi::Pad( height*width );
        vector<T> buffer;
        FastResize( buffer, pkgSize );

        // Pack            
        if( A.Participating() )
            ( height, width,
              A.LockedBuffer(), 1, A.LDim(),
              buffer.data(),    1, height );

        // Broadcast from the process that packed
        mpi::Broadcast( buffer.data(), pkgSize, A.Root(), A.CrossComm() );

        // Unpack
        ( height, width,
          buffer.data(), 1, height,
          B.Buffer(),    1, B.LDim() );
예제 #5
void MinEig
( const AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& xPre,
  AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& minEigsPre,
  const AbstractDistMatrix<Int>& orders,
  const AbstractDistMatrix<Int>& firstIndsPre,
  Int cutoff )
    AssertSameGrids( xPre, minEigsPre, orders, firstIndsPre );

    ElementalProxyCtrl ctrl;
    ctrl.colConstrain = true;
    ctrl.colAlign = 0;

    xProx( xPre, ctrl );
    minEigsProx( minEigsPre, ctrl );
    firstIndsProx( firstIndsPre, ctrl );
    auto& x = xProx.GetLocked();
    auto& minEigs = minEigsProx.Get();
    auto& firstInds = firstIndsProx.GetLocked();

    const Int height = x.Height();
    const Int localHeight = x.LocalHeight();
        if( x.Width() != 1 || orders.Width() != 1 || firstInds.Width() != 1 )
        LogicError("x, orders, and firstInds should be column vectors");
        if( orders.Height() != height || firstInds.Height() != height )
            LogicError("orders and firstInds should be of the same height as x");
예제 #6
파일: LPan.hpp 프로젝트: v4m4/Elemental
void LPan
( DistMatrix<F>& A,
  DistMatrix<F>& W,
  DistMatrix<F,MD,STAR>& t,
  DistMatrix<F,MC,STAR>& APan_MC_STAR, 
  DistMatrix<F,MR,STAR>& APan_MR_STAR,
  DistMatrix<F,MC,STAR>& W_MC_STAR,
  DistMatrix<F,MR,STAR>& W_MR_STAR )
    const Int n = A.Height();
    const Int nW = W.Width();
        CallStackEntry cse("herm_tridiag::LPan");
        AssertSameGrids( A, W, t );
        if( n != A.Width() )
            LogicError("A must be square");
        if( n != W.Height() )
            LogicError("A and W must be the same height");
        if( n <= nW )
            LogicError("W must be a column panel");
        if( W.ColAlign() != A.ColAlign() || 
            W.RowAlign() != A.RowAlign() )
            LogicError("W and A must be aligned");
        if( t.Height() != nW || t.Width() != 1 )
            ("t must be a column vector of the same length as W's width");
        if( !A.DiagonalAlignedWith(t,-1) )
            LogicError("t is not aligned with A's subdiagonal.");
예제 #7
void ForceIntoSOC
(       AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& xPre, 
  const AbstractDistMatrix<Int>& ordersPre, 
  const AbstractDistMatrix<Int>& firstIndsPre,
  Real minDist, Int cutoff )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("ForceIntoSOC"))
    AssertSameGrids( xPre, ordersPre, firstIndsPre );

    ProxyCtrl ctrl;
    ctrl.colConstrain = true;
    ctrl.colAlign = 0;

    auto xPtr = ReadWriteProxy<Real,VC,STAR>(&xPre,ctrl); 
    auto ordersPtr = ReadProxy<Int,VC,STAR>(&ordersPre,ctrl); 
    auto firstIndsPtr = ReadProxy<Int,VC,STAR>(&firstIndsPre,ctrl);
    auto& x = *xPtr;
    auto& orders = *ordersPtr;
    auto& firstInds = *firstIndsPtr;

    DistMatrix<Real,VC,STAR> d(x.Grid());
    SOCLowerNorms( x, d, orders, firstInds, cutoff );

    const Int localHeight = x.LocalHeight();
    for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<localHeight; ++iLoc )
        const Int i = x.GlobalRow(iLoc);
        const Real x0 = x.GetLocal(iLoc,0);
        const Real lowerNorm = d.GetLocal(iLoc,0);
        if( i == firstInds.GetLocal(iLoc,0) && x0-lowerNorm < minDist )
            x.UpdateLocal( iLoc, 0, minDist - (x0-lowerNorm) );
예제 #8
void PushInto
(       ElementalMatrix<Real>& xPre, 
  const ElementalMatrix<Int>& ordersPre, 
  const ElementalMatrix<Int>& firstIndsPre,
  Real minDist, Int cutoff )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("soc::PushInto"))
    AssertSameGrids( xPre, ordersPre, firstIndsPre );

    ElementalProxyCtrl ctrl;
    ctrl.colConstrain = true;
    ctrl.colAlign = 0;

      xProx( xPre, ctrl );
      ordersProx( ordersPre, ctrl ),
      firstIndsProx( firstIndsPre, ctrl );
    auto& x = xProx.Get();
    auto& orders = ordersProx.GetLocked();
    auto& firstInds = firstIndsProx.GetLocked();

    DistMatrix<Real,VC,STAR> d(x.Grid());
    soc::LowerNorms( x, d, orders, firstInds, cutoff );

    const Int localHeight = x.LocalHeight();
    for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<localHeight; ++iLoc )
        const Int i = x.GlobalRow(iLoc);
        const Real x0 = x.GetLocal(iLoc,0);
        const Real lowerNorm = d.GetLocal(iLoc,0);
        if( i == firstInds.GetLocal(iLoc,0) && x0-lowerNorm < minDist )
            x.UpdateLocal( iLoc, 0, minDist - (x0-lowerNorm) );
예제 #9
void LowerPanel
( DistMatrix<F>& A,
  DistMatrix<F>& W,
  DistMatrix<F,MD,STAR>& t,
  DistMatrix<F,MC,STAR>& B_MC_STAR, 
  DistMatrix<F,MR,STAR>& B_MR_STAR,
  DistMatrix<F,MC,STAR>& W_MC_STAR,
  DistMatrix<F,MR,STAR>& W_MR_STAR,
  const SymvCtrl<F>& ctrl )
    const Int n = A.Height();
    const Int nW = W.Width();
      AssertSameGrids( A, W, t );
      if( n != A.Width() )
          LogicError("A must be square");
      if( n != W.Height() )
          LogicError("A and W must be the same height");
      if( n <= nW )
          LogicError("W must be a column panel");
      if( W.ColAlign() != A.ColAlign() || 
          W.RowAlign() != A.RowAlign() )
          LogicError("W and A must be aligned");
      if( t.Height() != nW || t.Width() != 1 )
          ("t must be a column vector of the same length as W's width");
      if( !A.DiagonalAlignedWith(t,-1) )
          LogicError("t is not aligned with A's subdiagonal.");
예제 #10
void ColAllToAllPromote
( const DistMatrix<T,        U,                     V   ,BLOCK>& A,
        DistMatrix<T,Partial<U>(),PartialUnionRow<U,V>(),BLOCK>& B )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("copy::ColAllToAllPromote"))
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );
    LogicError("This routine is not yet written");
예제 #11
void CheckInput
( const DistMatrix<T,UA,VA>& A, const DistMatrix<T,UB,VB>& B,
  const DistMatrix<T>& C )
    AssertSameGrids( A, B, C );
    EnsureConformal( A, C, "A" );
    EnsureConformal( B, C, "B" );
예제 #12
inline void AssertSameGrids
( const AbstractDistMatrix<T1>& A1, const AbstractDistMatrix<T2>& A2,
  Args&... args )
    if( A1.Grid() != A2.Grid() )
        LogicError("Grids did not match");
    AssertSameGrids( A2, args... );
예제 #13
void Scatter
( const DistMatrix<T,CIRC,CIRC,BLOCK_CYCLIC>& A,
        BlockCyclicMatrix<T>& B )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("copy::Scatter"))
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );
    LogicError("This routine is not yet written");
예제 #14
void ColAllToAllPromote
( const BlockDistMatrix<T,        U,                     V   >& A,
        BlockDistMatrix<T,Partial<U>(),PartialUnionRow<U,V>()>& B )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("copy::ColAllToAllPromote"))
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );
    LogicError("This routine is not yet written");
예제 #15
void AllGather
( const DistMatrix<T,        U,           V   ,BLOCK_CYCLIC>& A, 
        DistMatrix<T,Collect<U>(),Collect<V>(),BLOCK_CYCLIC>& B ) 
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("copy::AllGather"))
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );
    LogicError("This routine is not yet written");
예제 #16
void AllGather
( const DistMatrix<T,        U,           V   ,BLOCK>& A, 
        DistMatrix<T,Collect<U>(),Collect<V>(),BLOCK>& B ) 
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("copy::AllGather"))
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );
    // TODO: More efficient implementation
    GeneralPurpose( A, B );
예제 #17
void Scatter
( const DistMatrix<T,CIRC,CIRC,BLOCK>& A,
        BlockMatrix<T>& B )
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );
    // TODO: More efficient implementation
    GeneralPurpose( A, B );
예제 #18
void AllGather
( const DistMatrix<T,        U,           V   ,BLOCK>& A,
        DistMatrix<T,Collect<U>(),Collect<V>(),BLOCK>& B )
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );
    // TODO(poulson): More efficient implementation
    GeneralPurpose( A, B );
예제 #19
void Scatter
( const DistMatrix<T,CIRC,CIRC,BLOCK>& A,
        DistMatrix<T,STAR,STAR,BLOCK>& B )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("copy::Scatter"))
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );
    // TODO: More efficient implementation
    GeneralPurpose( A, B );
예제 #20
void ColAllToAllPromote
( const DistMatrix<T,        U,                     V   ,BLOCK>& A,
        DistMatrix<T,Partial<U>(),PartialUnionRow<U,V>(),BLOCK>& B )
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );
    // TODO: More efficient implementation
    GeneralPurpose( A, B );
예제 #21
void RowAllToAllPromote
( const DistMatrix<T,                U,             V   ,BLOCK>& A,
        DistMatrix<T,PartialUnionCol<U,V>(),Partial<V>(),BLOCK>& B )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("copy::RowAllToAllPromote"))
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );
    // TODO: More efficient implementation
    GeneralPurpose( A, B );
예제 #22
void Contract
( const BlockMatrix<T>& A,
        BlockMatrix<T>& B )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("Contract"))
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );
    const Dist U = B.ColDist();
    const Dist V = B.RowDist();
    // TODO: Shorten this implementation?
    if( A.ColDist() == U && A.RowDist() == V )
        Copy( A, B );
    else if( A.ColDist() == U && A.RowDist() == Partial(V) )
        ( A.BlockHeight(), A.BlockWidth(),
          A.ColAlign(), A.RowAlign(), A.ColCut(), A.RowCut(),
          A.Height(), A.Width(), false, false );
        Zeros( B.Matrix(), B.LocalHeight(), B.LocalWidth() );
        AxpyContract( T(1), A, B );
    else if( A.ColDist() == Partial(U) && A.RowDist() == V )
        ( A.BlockHeight(), A.BlockWidth(),
          A.ColAlign(), A.RowAlign(), A.ColCut(), A.RowCut(),
          A.Height(), A.Width(), false, false );
        Zeros( B.Matrix(), B.LocalHeight(), B.LocalWidth() );
        AxpyContract( T(1), A, B );
    else if( A.ColDist() == U && A.RowDist() == Collect(V) )
        ( A.BlockHeight(), A.ColAlign(), A.ColCut(), A.Height(), A.Width(),
          false, false );
        Zeros( B.Matrix(), B.LocalHeight(), B.LocalWidth() );
        AxpyContract( T(1), A, B );
    else if( A.ColDist() == Collect(U) && A.RowDist() == V )
        ( A.BlockWidth(), A.RowAlign(), A.RowCut(), A.Height(), A.Width(),
          false, false );
        Zeros( B.Matrix(), B.LocalHeight(), B.LocalWidth() );
        AxpyContract( T(1), A, B );
    else if( A.ColDist() == Collect(U) && A.RowDist() == Collect(V) )
        Zeros( B, A.Height(), A.Width() );
        AxpyContract( T(1), A, B );
        LogicError("Incompatible distributions");
예제 #23
void AllGather
( const DistMatrix<T,        U,           V   >& A,
        DistMatrix<T,Collect<U>(),Collect<V>()>& B )
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );

    const Int height = A.Height();
    const Int width = A.Width();
    B.SetGrid( A.Grid() );
    B.Resize( height, width );

    if( A.Participating() )
        if( A.DistSize() == 1 )
            Copy( A.LockedMatrix(), B.Matrix() );
            const Int colStride = A.ColStride();
            const Int rowStride = A.RowStride();
            const Int distStride = colStride*rowStride;
            const Int maxLocalHeight = MaxLength(height,colStride);
            const Int maxLocalWidth = MaxLength(width,rowStride);
            const Int portionSize = mpi::Pad( maxLocalHeight*maxLocalWidth );
            vector<T> buf;
            FastResize( buf, (distStride+1)*portionSize );
            T* sendBuf = &buf[0];
            T* recvBuf = &buf[portionSize];

            // Pack
            ( A.LocalHeight(), A.LocalWidth(),
              A.LockedBuffer(), 1, A.LDim(),
              sendBuf,          1, A.LocalHeight() );

            // Communicate
            ( sendBuf, portionSize, recvBuf, portionSize, A.DistComm() );

            // Unpack
            ( height, width,
              A.ColAlign(), colStride,
              A.RowAlign(), rowStride,
              recvBuf, portionSize,
              B.Buffer(), B.LDim() );
    if( A.Grid().InGrid() && A.CrossComm() != mpi::COMM_SELF )
        El::Broadcast( B, A.CrossComm(), A.Root() );
예제 #24
파일: Apply.cpp 프로젝트: restrin/Elemental
void Apply
( const ElementalMatrix<Real>& xPre, 
  const ElementalMatrix<Real>& yPre,
        ElementalMatrix<Real>& zPre,
  const ElementalMatrix<Int>& ordersPre, 
  const ElementalMatrix<Int>& firstIndsPre,
  Int cutoff )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("soc::Apply"))
    AssertSameGrids( xPre, yPre, zPre, ordersPre, firstIndsPre );

    ElementalProxyCtrl ctrl;
    ctrl.colConstrain = true;
    ctrl.colAlign = 0;

      xProx( xPre, ctrl ),
      yProx( yPre, ctrl );
      zProx( zPre, ctrl );
      ordersProx( ordersPre, ctrl ),
      firstIndsProx( firstIndsPre, ctrl );
    auto& x = xProx.GetLocked();
    auto& y = yProx.GetLocked();
    auto& z = zProx.Get();
    auto& orders = ordersProx.GetLocked();
    auto& firstInds = firstIndsProx.GetLocked();

    soc::Dots( x, y, z, orders, firstInds );
    auto xRoots = x;
    auto yRoots = y;
    cone::Broadcast( xRoots, orders, firstInds );
    cone::Broadcast( yRoots, orders, firstInds );

    const Int localHeight = x.LocalHeight();
    const Real* xBuf     = x.LockedBuffer();
    const Real* xRootBuf = xRoots.LockedBuffer();
    const Real* yBuf     = y.LockedBuffer();
    const Real* yRootBuf = yRoots.LockedBuffer();
          Real* zBuf     = z.Buffer();
    const Int* firstIndBuf = firstInds.LockedBuffer();

    for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<localHeight; ++iLoc )
        const Int i = x.GlobalRow(iLoc);
        const Int firstInd = firstIndBuf[iLoc];
        if( i != firstInd )
            zBuf[iLoc] += xRootBuf[iLoc]*yBuf[iLoc] + yRootBuf[iLoc]*xBuf[iLoc];
예제 #25
void PartialRowScatter
( T alpha,
  const ElementalMatrix<T>& A,
        ElementalMatrix<T>& B )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("axpy_contract::PartialRowScatter"))
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );
    if( A.Height() != B.Height() || A.Width() != B.Width() )
        LogicError("Matrix sizes did not match");
    if( !B.Participating() )

    if( B.RowAlign() % A.RowStride() == A.RowAlign() )
        const Int rowStride = B.RowStride();
        const Int rowStridePart = B.PartialRowStride();
        const Int rowStrideUnion = B.PartialUnionRowStride();
        const Int rowRankPart = B.PartialRowRank();

        const Int height = B.Height();
        const Int width = B.Width();
        const Int maxLocalWidth = MaxLength( width, rowStride );
        const Int recvSize = mpi::Pad( height*maxLocalWidth );
        const Int sendSize = rowStrideUnion*recvSize;

        //vector<T> buffer( sendSize );
        vector<T> buffer;
        buffer.reserve( sendSize );

        // Pack
        ( height, width,
          B.RowAlign(), rowStride,
          rowStrideUnion, rowStridePart, rowRankPart,
          A.LockedBuffer(), A.LDim(),
          buffer.data(),    recvSize );

        // Communicate
        mpi::ReduceScatter( buffer.data(), recvSize, B.PartialUnionRowComm() );

        // Unpack our received data
        ( alpha, height, B.LocalWidth(),
          buffer.data(), 1, height,
          B.Buffer(),    1, B.LDim() );
        LogicError("Unaligned PartialRowScatter not implemented");
예제 #26
void Scatter
( T alpha,
  const ElementalMatrix<T>& A,
        ElementalMatrix<T>& B )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("axpy_contract::Scatter"))
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );
    if( A.Height() != B.Height() || A.Width() != B.Width() )
        LogicError("Sizes of A and B must match");
    if( !B.Participating() )

    const Int colStride = B.ColStride();
    const Int rowStride = B.RowStride();
    const Int colAlign = B.ColAlign();
    const Int rowAlign = B.RowAlign();

    const Int height = B.Height();
    const Int width = B.Width();
    const Int localHeight = B.LocalHeight();
    const Int localWidth = B.LocalWidth();
    const Int maxLocalHeight = MaxLength(height,colStride);
    const Int maxLocalWidth = MaxLength(width,rowStride);

    const Int recvSize = mpi::Pad( maxLocalHeight*maxLocalWidth );
    const Int sendSize = colStride*rowStride*recvSize;

    //vector<T> buffer( sendSize );
    vector<T> buffer;
    buffer.reserve( sendSize );

    // Pack 
    ( height, width,
      colAlign, colStride,
      rowAlign, rowStride,
      A.LockedBuffer(), A.LDim(),
      buffer.data(),    recvSize );

    // Communicate
    mpi::ReduceScatter( buffer.data(), recvSize, B.DistComm() );

    // Unpack our received data
    ( alpha, localHeight, localWidth,
      buffer.data(), 1, localHeight,
      B.Buffer(),    1, B.LDim() );
예제 #27
void PushPairInto
(       ElementalMatrix<Real>& sPre, 
        ElementalMatrix<Real>& zPre,
  const ElementalMatrix<Real>& wPre,
  const ElementalMatrix<Int>& ordersPre, 
  const ElementalMatrix<Int>& firstIndsPre,
  Real wMaxNormLimit, Int cutoff )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("soc::PushPairInto"))
    AssertSameGrids( sPre, zPre, wPre, ordersPre, firstIndsPre );

    ElementalProxyCtrl ctrl;
    ctrl.colConstrain = true;
    ctrl.colAlign = 0;

      sProx( sPre, ctrl ),
      zProx( zPre, ctrl );
      wProx( wPre, ctrl );
      ordersProx( ordersPre, ctrl ),
      firstIndsProx( firstIndsPre, ctrl );
    auto& s = sProx.Get();
    auto& z = zProx.Get();
    auto& w = wProx.GetLocked();
    auto& orders = ordersProx.GetLocked();
    auto& firstInds = firstIndsProx.GetLocked();

    DistMatrix<Real,VC,STAR> sLower(s.Grid()), zLower(z.Grid());
    soc::LowerNorms( s, sLower, orders, firstInds, cutoff );
    soc::LowerNorms( z, zLower, orders, firstInds, cutoff );

    const Int localHeight = s.LocalHeight();
    for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<localHeight; ++iLoc )
        const Int i = s.GlobalRow(iLoc);
        const Real w0 = w.GetLocal(iLoc,0);
        if( i == firstInds.GetLocal(iLoc,0) && w0 > wMaxNormLimit )
            // TODO: Switch to a non-adhoc modification     
            s.UpdateLocal( iLoc, 0, Real(1)/wMaxNormLimit );
            z.UpdateLocal( iLoc, 0, Real(1)/wMaxNormLimit );
예제 #28
void SOCSquareRoot
( const ElementalMatrix<Real>& xPre, 
        ElementalMatrix<Real>& xRootPre,
  const ElementalMatrix<Int>& ordersPre, 
  const ElementalMatrix<Int>& firstIndsPre,
  Int cutoff )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("SOCSquareRoot"))
    AssertSameGrids( xPre, xRootPre, ordersPre, firstIndsPre );

    ProxyCtrl ctrl;
    ctrl.colConstrain = true;
    ctrl.colAlign = 0;

    auto xPtr = ReadProxy<Real,VC,STAR>(&xPre,ctrl); 
    auto xRootPtr = WriteProxy<Real,VC,STAR>(&xRootPre,ctrl);
    auto ordersPtr = ReadProxy<Int,VC,STAR>(&ordersPre,ctrl); 
    auto firstIndsPtr = ReadProxy<Int,VC,STAR>(&firstIndsPre,ctrl);
    auto& x = *xPtr;
    auto& xRoot = *xRootPtr;
    auto& orders = *ordersPtr;
    auto& firstInds = *firstIndsPtr;

    DistMatrix<Real,VC,STAR> d(x.Grid());
    SOCDets( x, d, orders, firstInds );
    ConeBroadcast( d, orders, firstInds );

    auto roots = x;
    ConeBroadcast( roots, orders, firstInds );

    const Int localHeight = x.LocalHeight();
    xRoot.SetGrid( x.Grid() );
    Zeros( xRoot, x.Height(), 1 );
    for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<localHeight; ++iLoc )
        const Int i = x.GlobalRow(iLoc);
        const Real x0 = roots.GetLocal(iLoc,0);
        const Real det = d.GetLocal(iLoc,0);
        const Real eta0 = Sqrt(x0+Sqrt(det))/Sqrt(Real(2));
        if( i == firstInds.GetLocal(iLoc,0) )
            xRoot.SetLocal( iLoc, 0, eta0 );
            xRoot.SetLocal( iLoc, 0, x.GetLocal(iLoc,0)/(2*eta0) );
예제 #29
void Filter
( const DistMatrix<T,Collect<U>(),Collect<V>()>& A,
        DistMatrix<T,        U,           V   >& B )
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );

    B.Resize( A.Height(), A.Width() );
    if( !B.Participating() )

    const Int colShift = B.ColShift();
    const Int rowShift = B.RowShift();
    ( B.LocalHeight(), B.LocalWidth(),
      A.LockedBuffer(colShift,rowShift), B.ColStride(), B.RowStride()*A.LDim(),
      B.Buffer(),                        1,             B.LDim() );
예제 #30
void GetMappedDiagonal
( const DistMatrix<T,U,V>& A,
        AbstractDistMatrix<S>& dPre,
        function<S(const T&)> func,
        Int offset )
    EL_DEBUG_ONLY(AssertSameGrids( A, dPre ))
    ElementalProxyCtrl ctrl;
    ctrl.colConstrain = true;
    ctrl.colAlign = A.DiagonalAlign(offset);
    ctrl.rootConstrain = true;
    ctrl.root = A.DiagonalRoot(offset);

    DistMatrixWriteProxy<S,S,DiagCol<U,V>(),DiagRow<U,V>()> dProx( dPre, ctrl );
    auto& d = dProx.Get();

    d.Resize( A.DiagonalLength(offset), 1 );
    if( d.Participating() )
        const Int diagShift = d.ColShift();
        const Int iStart = diagShift + Max(-offset,0);
        const Int jStart = diagShift + Max( offset,0);

        const Int colStride = A.ColStride();
        const Int rowStride = A.RowStride();
        const Int iLocStart = (iStart-A.ColShift()) / colStride;
        const Int jLocStart = (jStart-A.RowShift()) / rowStride;
        const Int iLocStride = d.ColStride() / colStride;
        const Int jLocStride = d.ColStride() / rowStride;

        const Int localDiagLength = d.LocalHeight();
        S* dBuf = d.Buffer();
        const T* ABuf = A.LockedBuffer();
        const Int ldim = A.LDim();
        for( Int k=0; k<localDiagLength; ++k )
            const Int iLoc = iLocStart + k*iLocStride;
            const Int jLoc = jLocStart + k*jLocStride;
            dBuf[k] = func(ABuf[iLoc+jLoc*ldim]);