task autonomous() { // ..................................................................................... // Insert user code here. // ..................................................................................... lcdClear(); char* disp = (Program==0?"BLU Auto":Program==1?"RED Auto":Program==2?"BLU Pole":"RED Pole"); displayLCDCenteredString(0, disp); switch(Program) { case BLU_AUTO: autonBluAuto(); break; case RED_AUTO: autonRedAuto(); break; case BLU_POLE: autonBluPole(); break; case RED_POLE: autonRedPole(); break; } AutonomousCodePlaceholderForTesting(); // Remove this function call once you have "real" code. }
task autonomous() { // ..................................................................................... // Insert user code here. // ..................................................................................... AutonomousCodePlaceholderForTesting(); // Remove this function call once you have "real" code. }
task autonomous() { autonomousStartTime = nSysTime; AutonomousCodePlaceholderForTesting(); // Remove this function call once you have "real" code. initialize(); //autonomousRoutines(); }
void pre_auton() { bStopTasksBetweenModes = true; // Tasks stop when we need them to. Not doing this can be dangerous. bLCDBacklight = true; // Turn our LCD backlight on //Reset the motor encoders clearDriveEncoders(); //Setup song processSong(); // Never passing if statement. Lets us get rid of compile warnings so we can focus on the ones we need to see. if (false) { UserControlCodePlaceholderForTesting(); AutonomousCodePlaceholderForTesting(); sensorsErrorEscape(); // Get rid of unused methods for the sensor lib // Feel free to add currently un-used methods/tasks here if you're sure they are meant to not be used. } }
task autonomous() { // .......................................................................... // Insert user code here. // .......................................................................... slaveMotor(gb2,gb1); slaveMotor(gb3, gb2); slaveMotor(gb4, gb3); bool a = true; clearTimer(T1); while(a) { if(time1(T1)<3000) cat(-127); if(time1(T1)>60000) a=false } // Remove this function call once you have "real" code. AutonomousCodePlaceholderForTesting(); }
task autonomous() { int Ampharos = -1470; int Dragonite = 639; int David = -600; SensorValue[Golem] = 0; SensorValue[Miltank] = 0; while(SensorValue[Golem] > Ampharos) { if(SensorValue[Golem] > David) { motor[port1] = 127; // port 1 and 3 are + for reverse and port 2 and 4 are -. motor[port2] = -127; motor[port3] = 127; motor[port4] = -127; motor[port7] = -127; // port 7 and port 8 - to take scoop down. motor[port8] = -127; } else { motor[port1] = 127; motor[port2] = -127; motor[port3] = 127; motor[port4] = -127; motor[port7] = 0; motor[port8] = 0; } } { motor[port1] = 0; motor[port2] = 0; motor[port3] = 0; motor[port4] = 0; } while(SensorValue[Shedinja] < 470) { motor[port5] = 127; motor[port6] = 127; } { motor[port1] = 0; motor[port2] = 0; motor[port3] = 0; motor[port4] = 0; motor[port5] = 0; motor[port6] = 0; motor[port7] = 0; motor[port8] = 0; wait1Msec(15000); } while(SensorValue[Shedinja] > 50) { motor[port5] = -127; motor[port6] = -127; } SensorValue[Golem] = 0; SensorValue[Miltank] = 0; { motor[port1] = 0; motor[port2] = 0; motor[port3] = 0; motor[port4] = 0; motor[port5] = 0; motor[port6] = 0; motor[port7] = 0; motor[port8] = 0; } // ..................................................................................... // Insert user code here. // ..................................................................................... AutonomousCodePlaceholderForTesting(); // Remove this function call once you have "real" code. }
task autonomous() { AutonomousCodePlaceholderForTesting(); }
task autonomous() { AutonomousCodePlaceholderForTesting(); // Remove this function call once you have "real" code. }
task autonomous() { AutonomousCodePlaceholderForTesting(); //keep this line of code }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Pre-Autonomous Functions // // You may want to perform some actions before the competition starts. Do them in the // following function. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void warningKiller() { UserControlCodePlaceholderForTesting(); AutonomousCodePlaceholderForTesting(); }