예제 #1
// Possible regions:
// - points[2]
// - edge points[0]-points[2]
// - edge points[1]-points[2]
// - inside the triangle
static int32 ProcessThree(b2Vec2* x1, b2Vec2* x2, b2Vec2* p1s, b2Vec2* p2s, b2Vec2* points)
	b2Vec2 a = points[0];
	b2Vec2 b = points[1];
	b2Vec2 c = points[2];

	b2Vec2 ab = b - a;
	b2Vec2 ac = c - a;
	b2Vec2 bc = c - b;

	float32 sn = -b2Dot(a, ab), sd = b2Dot(b, ab);
	float32 tn = -b2Dot(a, ac), td = b2Dot(c, ac);
	float32 un = -b2Dot(b, bc), ud = b2Dot(c, bc);

	// In vertex c region?
	if (td <= 0.0f && ud <= 0.0f)
		// Single point
		*x1 = p1s[2];
		*x2 = p2s[2];
		p1s[0] = p1s[2];
		p2s[0] = p2s[2];
		points[0] = points[2];
		return 1;

	// Should not be in vertex a or b region.
	b2Assert(sn > 0.0f || tn > 0.0f);
	b2Assert(sd > 0.0f || un > 0.0f);

	float32 n = b2Cross(ab, ac);

	n = (n < 0.0)? -1.0 : ((n > 0.0)? 1.0 : 0.0);

	// Should not be in edge ab region.
	float32 vc = n * b2Cross(a, b);
	b2Assert(vc > 0.0f || sn > 0.0f || sd > 0.0f);

	// In edge bc region?
	float32 va = n * b2Cross(b, c);
	if (va <= 0.0f && un >= 0.0f && ud >= 0.0f && (un+ud) > 0.0f)
		b2Assert(un + ud > 0.0f);
		float32 lambda = un / (un + ud);
		*x1 = p1s[1] + lambda * (p1s[2] - p1s[1]);
		*x2 = p2s[1] + lambda * (p2s[2] - p2s[1]);
		p1s[0] = p1s[2];
		p2s[0] = p2s[2];
		points[0] = points[2];
		return 2;

	// In edge ac region?
	float32 vb = n * b2Cross(c, a);
	if (vb <= 0.0f && tn >= 0.0f && td >= 0.0f && (tn+td) > 0.0f)
		b2Assert(tn + td > 0.0f);
		float32 lambda = tn / (tn + td);
		*x1 = p1s[0] + lambda * (p1s[2] - p1s[0]);
		*x2 = p2s[0] + lambda * (p2s[2] - p2s[0]);
		p1s[1] = p1s[2];
		p2s[1] = p2s[2];
		points[1] = points[2];
		return 2;

	// Inside the triangle, compute barycentric coordinates
	float32 denom = va + vb + vc;
	b2Assert(denom > 0.0f);
	denom = 1.0f / denom;

	*x1 = denom * (va * p1s[0] + vb * p1s[1] + vc * p1s[2]);
	*x2 = denom * (va * p2s[0] + vb * p2s[1] + vc * p2s[2]);
	float32 u = va * denom;
	float32 v = vb * denom;
	float32 w = 1.0f - u - v;
	*x1 = u * p1s[0] + v * p1s[1] + w * p1s[2];
	*x2 = u * p2s[0] + v * p2s[1] + w * p2s[2];
	return 3;
예제 #2
bool b2PulleyJoint::SolvePositionConstraints(float32 baumgarte)

	b2Body* b1 = m_bodyA;
	b2Body* b2 = m_bodyB;

	b2Vec2 s1 = m_groundAnchor1;
	b2Vec2 s2 = m_groundAnchor2;

	b2Vec2 r1 = b2Mul(b1->m_xf.R, m_localAnchor1 - b1->GetLocalCenter());
	b2Vec2 r2 = b2Mul(b2->m_xf.R, m_localAnchor2 - b2->GetLocalCenter());

	b2Vec2 p1 = b1->m_sweep.c + r1;
	b2Vec2 p2 = b2->m_sweep.c + r2;

	// Get the pulley axes.
	b2Vec2 u1 = p1 - s1;
	b2Vec2 u2 = p2 - s2;

	float32 length1 = u1.Length();
	float32 length2 = u2.Length();

	if (length1 > 10.0f * b2_linearSlop)
		u1 *= 1.0f / length1;

	if (length2 > 10.0f * b2_linearSlop)
		u2 *= 1.0f / length2;

	// Compute effective mass.
	float32 cr1u1 = b2Cross(r1, u1);
	float32 cr2u2 = b2Cross(r2, u2);

	float32 m1 = b1->m_invMass + b1->m_invI * cr1u1 * cr1u1;
	float32 m2 = b2->m_invMass + b2->m_invI * cr2u2 * cr2u2;

	float32 mass = m1 + m_ratio * m_ratio * m2;

	if (mass > 0.0f)
		mass = 1.0f / mass;

	float32 C = m_constant - length1 - m_ratio * length2;
	float32 linearError = b2Abs(C);

	float32 impulse = -mass * C;

	b2Vec2 P1 = -impulse * u1;
	b2Vec2 P2 = -m_ratio * impulse * u2;

	b1->m_sweep.c += b1->m_invMass * P1;
	b1->m_sweep.a += b1->m_invI * b2Cross(r1, P1);
	b2->m_sweep.c += b2->m_invMass * P2;
	b2->m_sweep.a += b2->m_invI * b2Cross(r2, P2);


	return linearError < b2_linearSlop;
예제 #3
// Default implementation of b2AllocFunction.
static void* b2AllocDefault(int32 size, void* callbackData)
	return malloc(size);
예제 #4
 virtual void post_solve(const b2Contact* contact, const b2ContactImpulse* impulse)
예제 #5
bool b2EdgeShape::TestPoint(const b2Transform& xf, const b2Vec2& p) const
	return false;
예제 #6
 void mouse_move(const b2Vec2& p) { B2_NOT_USED(p); }
예제 #7
 // Callbacks for derived classes.
 virtual void begin_contact(b2Contact* contact) { B2_NOT_USED(contact); }
float32 b2ElasticRopeJoint::GetReactionTorque(float32 inv_dt) const
    return 0.0f;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	QApplication a(argc, argv);
	// Set up the scene
	QGraphicsScene scene;
	QRect sceneRect(0,0,740,540);

	Team A(5,QColor(0,0,255));
	Team B(5,QColor(255,255,0),50);
	// Set up the view port
	MyGraphicsView v;
   	// Call circle advance for every time interval of 1000/33
	QTimer timer;
     	QObject::connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), &scene, SLOT(advance()));
     	timer.start(1000 / 33);

#ifndef __NO_BOX2D__

    // Define the ground body.
    b2BodyDef groundBodyDef[4];
    groundBodyDef[0].position.Set(0.0f, 2.7f);      //top
    groundBodyDef[1].position.Set(0.0f, -2.7f);     //bottom
    groundBodyDef[2].position.Set(-3.7f, 0.0f);     //left
    groundBodyDef[3].position.Set(3.7f, 0.0f);      //right

    // Call the body factory which allocates memory for the ground body
    // from a pool and creates the ground box shape (also from a pool).
    // The body is also added to the world.
    b2Body* groundBody[4];
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i += 1){
        groundBody[i] = m_world->CreateBody(&groundBodyDef[i]);

    // Define the ground box shape.
    b2PolygonShape groundBox[4];

    // The extents are the half-widths of the box.
    groundBox[0].SetAsBox(3.7f, 0.003f);
    groundBox[1].SetAsBox(3.7f, 0.003f);
    groundBox[2].SetAsBox(0.003f, 2.7f);
    groundBox[3].SetAsBox(0.003f, 2.7f);

    // Add the ground fixture to the ground body.
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i += 1){
        groundBody[i]->CreateFixture(&groundBox[i], 0.0f);

    // Define the dynamic body. We set its position and call the body factory.
    b2BodyDef bodyDef[6];
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; i += 1){
        bodyDef[i].type = b2_dynamicBody;

    bodyDef[0].position.Set(1.0f, 2.0f);
    bodyDef[1].position.Set(1.0f, 0.0f);
    bodyDef[2].position.Set(1.0f, -2.0f);
    bodyDef[3].position.Set(2.0f, 1.0f);
    bodyDef[4].position.Set(2.0f, -1.0f);
    bodyDef[5].position.Set(3.0f, 0.0f);

    b2Body* body[6];
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; i += 1){
        body[i] = m_world->CreateBody(&bodyDef[i]);
        b2Vec2 pos = body[i]->GetPosition();
        body[i]->SetTransform(pos, 90.0);

    // Define another box shape for our dynamic body.
    b2PolygonShape dynamicBox;
    dynamicBox.SetAsBox(0.09f, 0.09f);
    b2Vec2 vertices[19];
    vertices[0].Set(-0.090000f, 0.000000f);
    vertices[1].Set(-0.087385f, -0.021538f);
    vertices[2].Set(-0.079691f, -0.041825f);
    vertices[3].Set(-0.067366f, -0.059681f);
    vertices[4].Set(-0.051126f, -0.074069f);
    vertices[5].Set(-0.031914f, -0.084151f);
    vertices[6].Set(-0.010848f, -0.089344f);
    vertices[7].Set(0.010848f, -0.089344f);
    vertices[8].Set(0.031914f, -0.084151f);
    vertices[9].Set(0.051126f, -0.074069f);
    vertices[10].Set(0.067366f, -0.059681f);
    vertices[11].Set(0.079691f, -0.041825f);
    vertices[12].Set(0.087385f, -0.021538f);
    vertices[13].Set(0.087385f, 0.021538f);
    vertices[14].Set(0.079691f, 0.041825f);
    vertices[15].Set(0.067366f, 0.059681f);
    vertices[16].Set(-0.067366f, 0.059681f);
    vertices[17].Set(-0.079691f, 0.041825f);
    vertices[18].Set(-0.087385f, 0.021538f);
    int32 count = 19;

    b2PolygonShape polygon;
    polygon.Set(vertices, count);

    // Define the dynamic body fixture.
    b2FixtureDef fixtureDef;
    b2FixtureDef fixtureDefTri;
    fixtureDef.shape = &dynamicBox;
    fixtureDefTri.shape = &polygon;
    // Set the box density to be non-zero, so it will be dynamic.
    fixtureDef.density = 1.0f;
    fixtureDefTri.density = 1.0f;
    // Override the default friction.
    fixtureDef.friction = 0.3f;
    fixtureDefTri.friction = 0.3f;

    // Add the shape to the body.
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; i += 1){
	// Prepare for simulation. Typically we use a time step of 1/60 of a
	// second (60Hz) and 10 iterations. This provides a high quality simulation
	// in most game scenarios.
	float32 timeStep = 1.0f / 60.0f;
	int32 velocityIterations = 6;
	int32 positionIterations = 2;

	// This is our little game loop.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < 60; ++i)
		// Instruct the world to perform a single step of simulation.
		// It is generally best to keep the time step and iterations fixed.
		world.Step(timeStep, velocityIterations, positionIterations);

        b2Vec2 position[6];
        float32 angle[6];
		// Now print the position and angle of the body.
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; i += 1){
		    position[i] = body[i]->GetPosition();
		    angle[i] = body[i]->GetAngle();
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i += 1){
		    printf("%4.2f %4.2f\n", (position[i].x + 2.7) * 100, 540 - ((position[i].y + 3.7) * 100));
		    A.setPos(i, (position[i].x + 2.7) * 100, 540 - ((position[i].y + 3.7) * 100));

	// When the world destructor is called, all bodies and joints are freed. This can
	// create orphaned pointers, so be careful about your world management.
	return 0;
예제 #10
파일: b2RopeJoint.cpp 프로젝트: KDE/kolf
qreal b2RopeJoint::GetReactionTorque(qreal inv_dt) const
	return 0.0f;
예제 #11
bool b2RevoluteJoint::SolvePositionConstraints(float32 baumgarte)
	// TODO_ERIN block solve with limit.


	b2Body* b1 = m_bodyA;
	b2Body* b2 = m_bodyB;

	float32 angularError = 0.0f;
	float32 positionError = 0.0f;

	// Solve angular limit constraint.
	if (m_enableLimit && m_limitState != e_inactiveLimit)
		float32 angle = b2->m_sweep.a - b1->m_sweep.a - m_referenceAngle;
		float32 limitImpulse = 0.0f;

		if (m_limitState == e_equalLimits)
			// Prevent large angular corrections
			float32 C = b2Clamp(angle - m_lowerAngle, -b2_maxAngularCorrection, b2_maxAngularCorrection);
			limitImpulse = -m_motorMass * C;
			angularError = b2Abs(C);
		else if (m_limitState == e_atLowerLimit)
			float32 C = angle - m_lowerAngle;
			angularError = -C;

			// Prevent large angular corrections and allow some slop.
			C = b2Clamp(C + b2_angularSlop, -b2_maxAngularCorrection, 0.0f);
			limitImpulse = -m_motorMass * C;
		else if (m_limitState == e_atUpperLimit)
			float32 C = angle - m_upperAngle;
			angularError = C;

			// Prevent large angular corrections and allow some slop.
			C = b2Clamp(C - b2_angularSlop, 0.0f, b2_maxAngularCorrection);
			limitImpulse = -m_motorMass * C;

		b1->m_sweep.a -= b1->m_invI * limitImpulse;
		b2->m_sweep.a += b2->m_invI * limitImpulse;


	// Solve point-to-point constraint.
		b2Vec2 r1 = b2Mul(b1->GetTransform().R, m_localAnchor1 - b1->GetLocalCenter());
		b2Vec2 r2 = b2Mul(b2->GetTransform().R, m_localAnchor2 - b2->GetLocalCenter());

		b2Vec2 C = b2->m_sweep.c + r2 - b1->m_sweep.c - r1;
		positionError = C.Length();

		float32 invMass1 = b1->m_invMass, invMass2 = b2->m_invMass;
		float32 invI1 = b1->m_invI, invI2 = b2->m_invI;

		// Handle large detachment.
		const float32 k_allowedStretch = 10.0f * b2_linearSlop;
		if (C.LengthSquared() > k_allowedStretch * k_allowedStretch)
			// Use a particle solution (no rotation).
			b2Vec2 u = C; u.Normalize();
			float32 k = invMass1 + invMass2;
			b2Assert(k > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
			float32 m = 1.0f / k;
			b2Vec2 impulse = m * (-C);
			const float32 k_beta = 0.5f;
			b1->m_sweep.c -= k_beta * invMass1 * impulse;
			b2->m_sweep.c += k_beta * invMass2 * impulse;

			C = b2->m_sweep.c + r2 - b1->m_sweep.c - r1;

		b2Mat22 K1;
		K1.col1.x = invMass1 + invMass2;	K1.col2.x = 0.0f;
		K1.col1.y = 0.0f;					K1.col2.y = invMass1 + invMass2;

		b2Mat22 K2;
		K2.col1.x =  invI1 * r1.y * r1.y;	K2.col2.x = -invI1 * r1.x * r1.y;
		K2.col1.y = -invI1 * r1.x * r1.y;	K2.col2.y =  invI1 * r1.x * r1.x;

		b2Mat22 K3;
		K3.col1.x =  invI2 * r2.y * r2.y;	K3.col2.x = -invI2 * r2.x * r2.y;
		K3.col1.y = -invI2 * r2.x * r2.y;	K3.col2.y =  invI2 * r2.x * r2.x;

		b2Mat22 K = K1 + K2 + K3;
		b2Vec2 impulse = K.Solve(-C);

		b1->m_sweep.c -= b1->m_invMass * impulse;
		b1->m_sweep.a -= b1->m_invI * b2Cross(r1, impulse);

		b2->m_sweep.c += b2->m_invMass * impulse;
		b2->m_sweep.a += b2->m_invI * b2Cross(r2, impulse);

	return positionError <= b2_linearSlop && angularError <= b2_angularSlop;
	virtual void PreSolve(b2Contact *contact, const b2Manifold *oldManifold)
	virtual void EndContact(b2Contact *contact)
        //! clear list at end
예제 #14
// This is a simple example of building and running a simulation
// using Box2D. Here we create a large ground box and a small dynamic
// box.
int main(int argc, char** argv)

	// Define the size of the world. Simulation will still work
	// if bodies reach the end of the world, but it will be slower.
	b2AABB worldAABB;
	worldAABB.lowerBound.Set(-100.0f, -100.0f);
	worldAABB.upperBound.Set(100.0f, 100.0f);

	// Define the gravity vector.
	b2Vec2 gravity(0.0f, -10.0f);

	// Do we want to let bodies sleep?
	bool doSleep = true;

	// Construct a world object, which will hold and simulate the rigid bodies.
	b2World world(worldAABB, gravity, doSleep);

	// Define the ground body.
	b2BodyDef groundBodyDef;
	groundBodyDef.position.Set(0.0f, -10.0f);

	// Call the body factory which allocates memory for the ground body
	// from a pool and creates the ground box shape (also from a pool).
	// The body is also added to the world.
	b2Body* groundBody = world.CreateBody(&groundBodyDef);

	// Define the ground box shape.
	b2PolygonDef groundShapeDef;

	// The extents are the half-widths of the box.
	groundShapeDef.SetAsBox(50.0f, 10.0f);

	// Add the ground shape to the ground body.

	// Define the dynamic body. We set its position and call the body factory.
	b2BodyDef bodyDef;
	bodyDef.position.Set(0.0f, 4.0f);
	b2Body* body = world.CreateBody(&bodyDef);

	// Define another box shape for our dynamic body.
	b2PolygonDef shapeDef;
	shapeDef.SetAsBox(1.0f, 1.0f);

	// Set the box density to be non-zero, so it will be dynamic.
	shapeDef.density = 1.0f;

	// Override the default friction.
	shapeDef.friction = 0.3f;

	// Add the shape to the body.

	// Now tell the dynamic body to compute it's mass properties base
	// on its shape.

	// Prepare for simulation. Typically we use a time step of 1/60 of a
	// second (60Hz) and 10 iterations. This provides a high quality simulation
	// in most game scenarios.
	float32 timeStep = 1.0f / 60.0f;
	int32 velocityIterations = 8;
	int32 positionIterations = 1;

	// This is our little game loop.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < 60; ++i)
		// Instruct the world to perform a single step of simulation. It is
		// generally best to keep the time step and iterations fixed.
		world.Step(timeStep, velocityIterations, positionIterations);

		// Now print the position and angle of the body.
		b2Vec2 position = body->GetPosition();
		float32 angle = body->GetAngle();

		printf("%4.2f %4.2f %4.2f\n", position.x, position.y, angle);

	// When the world destructor is called, all bodies and joints are freed. This can
	// create orphaned pointers, so be careful about your world management.

	return 0;
예제 #15
 void shift_mouse_down(const b2Vec2& p) { B2_NOT_USED(p); }
예제 #16
bool b2MotorJoint::SolvePositionConstraints(const b2SolverData& data)

	return true;
예제 #17
 virtual void mouse_up(const b2Vec2& p) { B2_NOT_USED(p); }
예제 #18
bool b2PolygonShape::RayCast(b2RayCastOutput* output, const b2RayCastInput& input,
								const b2Transform& xf, int32 childIndex) const

	// Put the ray into the polygon's frame of reference.
	b2Vec2 p1 = b2MulT(xf.q, input.p1 - xf.p);
	b2Vec2 p2 = b2MulT(xf.q, input.p2 - xf.p);
	b2Vec2 d = p2 - p1;

	float32 lower = 0.0f, upper = input.maxFraction;

	int32 index = -1;

	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_vertexCount; ++i)
		// p = p1 + a * d
		// dot(normal, p - v) = 0
		// dot(normal, p1 - v) + a * dot(normal, d) = 0
		float32 numerator = b2Dot(m_normals[i], m_vertices[i] - p1);
		float32 denominator = b2Dot(m_normals[i], d);

		if (denominator == 0.0f)
			if (numerator < 0.0f)
				return false;
			// Note: we want this predicate without division:
			// lower < numerator / denominator, where denominator < 0
			// Since denominator < 0, we have to flip the inequality:
			// lower < numerator / denominator <==> denominator * lower > numerator.
			if (denominator < 0.0f && numerator < lower * denominator)
				// Increase lower.
				// The segment enters this half-space.
				lower = numerator / denominator;
				index = i;
			else if (denominator > 0.0f && numerator < upper * denominator)
				// Decrease upper.
				// The segment exits this half-space.
				upper = numerator / denominator;

		// The use of epsilon here causes the assert on lower to trip
		// in some cases. Apparently the use of epsilon was to make edge
		// shapes work, but now those are handled separately.
		//if (upper < lower - b2_epsilon)
		if (upper < lower)
			return false;

	b2Assert(0.0f <= lower && lower <= input.maxFraction);

	if (index >= 0)
		output->fraction = lower;
		output->normal = b2Mul(xf.q, m_normals[index]);
		return true;

	return false;
예제 #19
 // Let derived tests know that a joint was destroyed.
 virtual void joint_destroyed(b2Joint* joint) { B2_NOT_USED(joint); }
예제 #20
bool b2PrismaticJoint::SolvePositionConstraints(float32 baumgarte)

	b2Body* b1 = m_body1;
	b2Body* b2 = m_body2;

	b2Vec2 c1 = b1->m_sweep.c;
	float32 a1 = b1->m_sweep.a;

	b2Vec2 c2 = b2->m_sweep.c;
	float32 a2 = b2->m_sweep.a;

	// Solve linear limit constraint.
	float32 linearError = 0.0f, angularError = 0.0f;
	bool active = false;
	float32 C2 = 0.0f;

	b2Mat22 R1(a1), R2(a2);

	b2Vec2 r1 = b2Mul(R1, m_localAnchor1 - m_localCenter1);
	b2Vec2 r2 = b2Mul(R2, m_localAnchor2 - m_localCenter2);
	b2Vec2 d = c2 + r2 - c1 - r1;

	if (m_enableLimit)
		m_axis = b2Mul(R1, m_localXAxis1);

		m_a1 = b2Cross(d + r1, m_axis);
		m_a2 = b2Cross(r2, m_axis);

		float32 translation = b2Dot(m_axis, d);
		if (b2Abs(m_upperTranslation - m_lowerTranslation) < 2.0f * b2_linearSlop)
			// Prevent large angular corrections
			C2 = b2Clamp(translation, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, b2_maxLinearCorrection);
			linearError = b2Abs(translation);
			active = true;
		else if (translation <= m_lowerTranslation)
			// Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
			C2 = b2Clamp(translation - m_lowerTranslation + b2_linearSlop, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
			linearError = m_lowerTranslation - translation;
			active = true;
		else if (translation >= m_upperTranslation)
			// Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
			C2 = b2Clamp(translation - m_upperTranslation - b2_linearSlop, 0.0f, b2_maxLinearCorrection);
			linearError = translation - m_upperTranslation;
			active = true;

	m_perp = b2Mul(R1, m_localYAxis1);

	m_s1 = b2Cross(d + r1, m_perp);
	m_s2 = b2Cross(r2, m_perp);

	b2Vec3 impulse;
	b2Vec2 C1;
	C1.x = b2Dot(m_perp, d);
	C1.y = a2 - a1 - m_refAngle;

	linearError = b2Max(linearError, b2Abs(C1.x));
	angularError = b2Abs(C1.y);

	if (active)
		float32 m1 = m_invMass1, m2 = m_invMass2;
		float32 i1 = m_invI1, i2 = m_invI2;

		float32 k11 = m1 + m2 + i1 * m_s1 * m_s1 + i2 * m_s2 * m_s2;
		float32 k12 = i1 * m_s1 + i2 * m_s2;
		float32 k13 = i1 * m_s1 * m_a1 + i2 * m_s2 * m_a2;
		float32 k22 = i1 + i2;
		float32 k23 = i1 * m_a1 + i2 * m_a2;
		float32 k33 = m1 + m2 + i1 * m_a1 * m_a1 + i2 * m_a2 * m_a2;

		m_K.col1.Set(k11, k12, k13);
		m_K.col2.Set(k12, k22, k23);
		m_K.col3.Set(k13, k23, k33);

		b2Vec3 C;
		C.x = C1.x;
		C.y = C1.y;
		C.z = C2;

		impulse = m_K.Solve33(-C);
		float32 m1 = m_invMass1, m2 = m_invMass2;
		float32 i1 = m_invI1, i2 = m_invI2;

		float32 k11 = m1 + m2 + i1 * m_s1 * m_s1 + i2 * m_s2 * m_s2;
		float32 k12 = i1 * m_s1 + i2 * m_s2;
		float32 k22 = i1 + i2;

		m_K.col1.Set(k11, k12, 0.0f);
		m_K.col2.Set(k12, k22, 0.0f);

		b2Vec2 impulse1 = m_K.Solve22(-C1);
		impulse.x = impulse1.x;
		impulse.y = impulse1.y;
		impulse.z = 0.0f;

	b2Vec2 P = impulse.x * m_perp + impulse.z * m_axis;
	float32 L1 = impulse.x * m_s1 + impulse.y + impulse.z * m_a1;
	float32 L2 = impulse.x * m_s2 + impulse.y + impulse.z * m_a2;

	c1 -= m_invMass1 * P;
	a1 -= m_invI1 * L1;
	c2 += m_invMass2 * P;
	a2 += m_invI2 * L2;

	// TODO_ERIN remove need for this.
	b1->m_sweep.c = c1;
	b1->m_sweep.a = a1;
	b2->m_sweep.c = c2;
	b2->m_sweep.a = a2;
	return linearError <= b2_linearSlop && angularError <= b2_angularSlop;
예제 #21
 virtual void end_contact(b2Contact* contact) { B2_NOT_USED(contact); }
예제 #22
void b2ContactSolver::SolveVelocityConstraints()
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_count; ++i)
		b2ContactVelocityConstraint* vc = m_velocityConstraints + i;

		int32 indexA = vc->indexA;
		int32 indexB = vc->indexB;
		float32 mA = vc->invMassA;
		float32 iA = vc->invIA;
		float32 mB = vc->invMassB;
		float32 iB = vc->invIB;
		int32 pointCount = vc->pointCount;

		b2Vec2 vA = m_velocities[indexA].v;
		float32 wA = m_velocities[indexA].w;
		b2Vec2 vB = m_velocities[indexB].v;
		float32 wB = m_velocities[indexB].w;

		b2Vec2 normal = vc->normal;
		b2Vec2 tangent = b2Cross(normal, 1.0f);
		float32 friction = vc->friction;

		b2Assert(pointCount == 1 || pointCount == 2);

		// Solve tangent constraints first because non-penetration is more important
		// than friction.
		for (int32 j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
			b2VelocityConstraintPoint* vcp = vc->points + j;

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv = vB + b2Cross(wB, vcp->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, vcp->rA);

			// Compute tangent force
			float32 vt = b2Dot(dv, tangent) - vc->tangentSpeed;
			float32 lambda = vcp->tangentMass * (-vt);

			// b2Clamp the accumulated force
			float32 maxFriction = friction * vcp->normalImpulse;
			float32 newImpulse = b2Clamp(vcp->tangentImpulse + lambda, -maxFriction, maxFriction);
			lambda = newImpulse - vcp->tangentImpulse;
			vcp->tangentImpulse = newImpulse;

			// Apply contact impulse
			b2Vec2 P = lambda * tangent;

			vA -= mA * P;
			wA -= iA * b2Cross(vcp->rA, P);

			vB += mB * P;
			wB += iB * b2Cross(vcp->rB, P);

		// Solve normal constraints
		if (pointCount == 1 || g_blockSolve == false)
			for (int32 j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
				b2VelocityConstraintPoint* vcp = vc->points + j;

				// Relative velocity at contact
				b2Vec2 dv = vB + b2Cross(wB, vcp->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, vcp->rA);

				// Compute normal impulse
				float32 vn = b2Dot(dv, normal);
				float32 lambda = -vcp->normalMass * (vn - vcp->velocityBias);

				// b2Clamp the accumulated impulse
				float32 newImpulse = b2Max(vcp->normalImpulse + lambda, 0.0f);
				lambda = newImpulse - vcp->normalImpulse;
				vcp->normalImpulse = newImpulse;

				// Apply contact impulse
				b2Vec2 P = lambda * normal;
				vA -= mA * P;
				wA -= iA * b2Cross(vcp->rA, P);

				vB += mB * P;
				wB += iB * b2Cross(vcp->rB, P);
			// Block solver developed in collaboration with Dirk Gregorius (back in 01/07 on Box2D_Lite).
			// Build the mini LCP for this contact patch
			// vn = A * x + b, vn >= 0, x >= 0 and vn_i * x_i = 0 with i = 1..2
			// A = J * W * JT and J = ( -n, -r1 x n, n, r2 x n )
			// b = vn0 - velocityBias
			// The system is solved using the "Total enumeration method" (s. Murty). The complementary constraint vn_i * x_i
			// implies that we must have in any solution either vn_i = 0 or x_i = 0. So for the 2D contact problem the cases
			// vn1 = 0 and vn2 = 0, x1 = 0 and x2 = 0, x1 = 0 and vn2 = 0, x2 = 0 and vn1 = 0 need to be tested. The first valid
			// solution that satisfies the problem is chosen.
			// In order to account of the accumulated impulse 'a' (because of the iterative nature of the solver which only requires
			// that the accumulated impulse is clamped and not the incremental impulse) we change the impulse variable (x_i).
			// Substitute:
			// x = a + d
			// a := old total impulse
			// x := new total impulse
			// d := incremental impulse 
			// For the current iteration we extend the formula for the incremental impulse
			// to compute the new total impulse:
			// vn = A * d + b
			//    = A * (x - a) + b
			//    = A * x + b - A * a
			//    = A * x + b'
			// b' = b - A * a;

			b2VelocityConstraintPoint* cp1 = vc->points + 0;
			b2VelocityConstraintPoint* cp2 = vc->points + 1;

			b2Vec2 a(cp1->normalImpulse, cp2->normalImpulse);
			b2Assert(a.x >= 0.0f && a.y >= 0.0f);

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);
			b2Vec2 dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

			// Compute normal velocity
			float32 vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);
			float32 vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

			b2Vec2 b;
			b.x = vn1 - cp1->velocityBias;
			b.y = vn2 - cp2->velocityBias;

			// Compute b'
			b -= b2Mul(vc->K, a);

			const float32 k_errorTol = 1e-3f;

			for (;;)
				// Case 1: vn = 0
				// 0 = A * x + b'
				// Solve for x:
				// x = - inv(A) * b'
				b2Vec2 x = - b2Mul(vc->normalMass, b);

				if (x.x >= 0.0f && x.y >= 0.0f)
					// Get the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= mA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= iA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += mB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += iB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);
					dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);
					vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn1 - cp1->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);
					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn2 - cp2->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 2: vn1 = 0 and x2 = 0
				//   0 = a11 * x1 + a12 * 0 + b1' 
				// vn2 = a21 * x1 + a22 * 0 + b2'
				x.x = - cp1->normalMass * b.x;
				x.y = 0.0f;
				vn1 = 0.0f;
				vn2 = vc->K.ex.y * x.x + b.y;
				if (x.x >= 0.0f && vn2 >= 0.0f)
					// Get the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= mA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= iA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += mB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += iB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn1 - cp1->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 3: vn2 = 0 and x1 = 0
				// vn1 = a11 * 0 + a12 * x2 + b1' 
				//   0 = a21 * 0 + a22 * x2 + b2'
				x.x = 0.0f;
				x.y = - cp2->normalMass * b.y;
				vn1 = vc->K.ey.x * x.y + b.x;
				vn2 = 0.0f;

				if (x.y >= 0.0f && vn1 >= 0.0f)
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= mA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= iA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += mB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += iB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn2 - cp2->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 4: x1 = 0 and x2 = 0
				// vn1 = b1
				// vn2 = b2;
				x.x = 0.0f;
				x.y = 0.0f;
				vn1 = b.x;
				vn2 = b.y;

				if (vn1 >= 0.0f && vn2 >= 0.0f )
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= mA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= iA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += mB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += iB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;


				// No solution, give up. This is hit sometimes, but it doesn't seem to matter.

		m_velocities[indexA].v = vA;
		m_velocities[indexA].w = wA;
		m_velocities[indexB].v = vB;
		m_velocities[indexB].w = wB;
예제 #23
파일: Main.cpp 프로젝트: 4ian/GD
void Keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)

	switch (key)
	case 27:

		// Press 'z' to zoom out.
	case 'z':
		viewZoom = b2Min(1.1f * viewZoom, 20.0f);
		Resize(width, height);

		// Press 'x' to zoom in.
	case 'x':
		viewZoom = b2Max(0.9f * viewZoom, 0.02f);
		Resize(width, height);

		// Press 'r' to reset.
	case 'r':
		delete test;
		test = entry->createFcn();

		// Press space to launch a bomb.
	case ' ':
		if (test)
	case 'p':
		settings.pause = !settings.pause;

		// Press [ to prev test.
	case '[':
		if (testSelection < 0)
			testSelection = testCount - 1;

		// Press ] to next test.
	case ']':
		if (testSelection == testCount)
			testSelection = 0;
		if (test)
예제 #24
void b2ContactSolver::SolveVelocityConstraints()
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_constraintCount; ++i)
		b2ContactConstraint* c = m_constraints + i;
		b2Body* bodyA = c->bodyA;
		b2Body* bodyB = c->bodyB;
		float32 wA = bodyA->m_angularVelocity;
		float32 wB = bodyB->m_angularVelocity;
		b2Vec2 vA = bodyA->m_linearVelocity;
		b2Vec2 vB = bodyB->m_linearVelocity;
		float32 invMassA = bodyA->m_invMass;
		float32 invIA = bodyA->m_invI;
		float32 invMassB = bodyB->m_invMass;
		float32 invIB = bodyB->m_invI;
		b2Vec2 normal = c->normal;
		b2Vec2 tangent = b2Cross(normal, 1.0f);
		float32 convspeed1 = c->fixtureA->GetConveyorSpeed();
		float32 convspeed2 = c->fixtureB->GetConveyorSpeed();
		float32 friction = c->friction;

		b2Assert(c->pointCount == 1 || c->pointCount == 2);

		// Solve tangent constraints
		for (int32 j = 0; j < c->pointCount; ++j)
			b2ContactConstraintPoint* ccp = c->points + j;

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv = vB + b2Cross(wB, ccp->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, ccp->rA);

			// Compute tangent force
			float32 vt = b2Dot(dv, tangent);

			/// Conveyor
			int flip = (c->manifold->type == b2Manifold::e_faceB ? -1 : 1);
			vt += convspeed1 * flip;
			vt -= convspeed2 * flip;
			/// END Conveyor

			float32 lambda = ccp->tangentMass * (-vt);

			// b2Clamp the accumulated force
			float32 maxFriction = friction * ccp->normalImpulse;
			float32 newImpulse = b2Clamp(ccp->tangentImpulse + lambda, -maxFriction, maxFriction);
			lambda = newImpulse - ccp->tangentImpulse;

			// Apply contact impulse
			b2Vec2 P = lambda * tangent;

			vA -= invMassA * P;
			wA -= invIA * b2Cross(ccp->rA, P);

			vB += invMassB * P;
			wB += invIB * b2Cross(ccp->rB, P);

			ccp->tangentImpulse = newImpulse;

		// Solve normal constraints
		if (c->pointCount == 1)
			b2ContactConstraintPoint* ccp = c->points + 0;

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv = vB + b2Cross(wB, ccp->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, ccp->rA);

			// Compute normal impulse
			float32 vn = b2Dot(dv, normal);
			float32 lambda = -ccp->normalMass * (vn - ccp->velocityBias);

			// b2Clamp the accumulated impulse
			float32 newImpulse = b2Max(ccp->normalImpulse + lambda, 0.0f);
			lambda = newImpulse - ccp->normalImpulse;

			// Apply contact impulse
			b2Vec2 P = lambda * normal;
			vA -= invMassA * P;
			wA -= invIA * b2Cross(ccp->rA, P);

			vB += invMassB * P;
			wB += invIB * b2Cross(ccp->rB, P);
			ccp->normalImpulse = newImpulse;
			// Block solver developed in collaboration with Dirk Gregorius (back in 01/07 on Box2D_Lite).
			// Build the mini LCP for this contact patch
			// vn = A * x + b, vn >= 0, , vn >= 0, x >= 0 and vn_i * x_i = 0 with i = 1..2
			// A = J * W * JT and J = ( -n, -r1 x n, n, r2 x n )
			// b = vn_0 - velocityBias
			// The system is solved using the "Total enumeration method" (s. Murty). The complementary constraint vn_i * x_i
			// implies that we must have in any solution either vn_i = 0 or x_i = 0. So for the 2D contact problem the cases
			// vn1 = 0 and vn2 = 0, x1 = 0 and x2 = 0, x1 = 0 and vn2 = 0, x2 = 0 and vn1 = 0 need to be tested. The first valid
			// solution that satisfies the problem is chosen.
			// In order to account of the accumulated impulse 'a' (because of the iterative nature of the solver which only requires
			// that the accumulated impulse is clamped and not the incremental impulse) we change the impulse variable (x_i).
			// Substitute:
			// x = x' - a
			// Plug into above equation:
			// vn = A * x + b
			//    = A * (x' - a) + b
			//    = A * x' + b - A * a
			//    = A * x' + b'
			// b' = b - A * a;

			b2ContactConstraintPoint* cp1 = c->points + 0;
			b2ContactConstraintPoint* cp2 = c->points + 1;

			b2Vec2 a(cp1->normalImpulse, cp2->normalImpulse);
			b2Assert(a.x >= 0.0f && a.y >= 0.0f);

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);
			b2Vec2 dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

			// Compute normal velocity
			float32 vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);
			float32 vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

			b2Vec2 b;
			b.x = vn1 - cp1->velocityBias;
			b.y = vn2 - cp2->velocityBias;
			b -= b2Mul(c->K, a);

			const float32 k_errorTol = 1e-3f;

			for (;;)
				// Case 1: vn = 0
				// 0 = A * x' + b'
				// Solve for x':
				// x' = - inv(A) * b'
				b2Vec2 x = - b2Mul(c->normalMass, b);

				if (x.x >= 0.0f && x.y >= 0.0f)
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= invMassA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= invIA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += invMassB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += invIB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);
					dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);
					vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn1 - cp1->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);
					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn2 - cp2->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 2: vn1 = 0 and x2 = 0
				//   0 = a11 * x1' + a12 * 0 + b1' 
				// vn2 = a21 * x1' + a22 * 0 + b2'
				x.x = - cp1->normalMass * b.x;
				x.y = 0.0f;
				vn1 = 0.0f;
				vn2 = c->K.col1.y * x.x + b.y;

				if (x.x >= 0.0f && vn2 >= 0.0f)
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= invMassA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= invIA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += invMassB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += invIB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn1 - cp1->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 3: vn2 = 0 and x1 = 0
				// vn1 = a11 * 0 + a12 * x2' + b1' 
				//   0 = a21 * 0 + a22 * x2' + b2'
				x.x = 0.0f;
				x.y = - cp2->normalMass * b.y;
				vn1 = c->K.col2.x * x.y + b.x;
				vn2 = 0.0f;

				if (x.y >= 0.0f && vn1 >= 0.0f)
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= invMassA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= invIA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += invMassB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += invIB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn2 - cp2->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 4: x1 = 0 and x2 = 0
				// vn1 = b1
				// vn2 = b2;
				x.x = 0.0f;
				x.y = 0.0f;
				vn1 = b.x;
				vn2 = b.y;

				if (vn1 >= 0.0f && vn2 >= 0.0f )
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= invMassA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= invIA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += invMassB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += invIB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;


				// No solution, give up. This is hit sometimes, but it doesn't seem to matter.

		bodyA->m_linearVelocity = vA;
		bodyA->m_angularVelocity = wA;
		bodyB->m_linearVelocity = vB;
		bodyB->m_angularVelocity = wB;
예제 #25
// p = p1 + t * d
// v = v1 + s * e
// p1 + t * d = v1 + s * e
// s * e - t * d = p1 - v1
bool b2EdgeShape::RayCast(b2RayCastOutput* output, const b2RayCastInput& input,
							const b2Transform& xf, int32 childIndex) const

	// Put the ray into the edge's frame of reference.
	b2Vec2 p1 = b2MulT(xf.q, input.p1 - xf.p);
	b2Vec2 p2 = b2MulT(xf.q, input.p2 - xf.p);
	b2Vec2 d = p2 - p1;

	b2Vec2 v1 = m_vertex1;
	b2Vec2 v2 = m_vertex2;
	b2Vec2 e = v2 - v1;
	b2Vec2 normal(e.y, -e.x);

	// q = p1 + t * d
	// dot(normal, q - v1) = 0
	// dot(normal, p1 - v1) + t * dot(normal, d) = 0
	float32 numerator = b2Dot(normal, v1 - p1);
	float32 denominator = b2Dot(normal, d);

	if (denominator == 0.0f)
		return false;

	float32 t = numerator / denominator;
	if (t < 0.0f || input.maxFraction < t)
		return false;

	b2Vec2 q = p1 + t * d;

	// q = v1 + s * r
	// s = dot(q - v1, r) / dot(r, r)
	b2Vec2 r = v2 - v1;
	float32 rr = b2Dot(r, r);
	if (rr == 0.0f)
		return false;

	float32 s = b2Dot(q - v1, r) / rr;
	if (s < 0.0f || 1.0f < s)
		return false;

	output->fraction = t;
	if (numerator > 0.0f)
		output->normal = -b2Mul(xf.q, normal);
		output->normal = b2Mul(xf.q, normal);
	return true;
예제 #26
bool b2PulleyJoint::SolvePositionConstraints(float32 baumgarte)

	b2Body* b1 = m_body1;
	b2Body* b2 = m_body2;

	b2Vec2 s1 = m_ground->GetXForm().position + m_groundAnchor1;
	b2Vec2 s2 = m_ground->GetXForm().position + m_groundAnchor2;

	float32 linearError = 0.0f;

	if (m_state == e_atUpperLimit)
		b2Vec2 r1 = b2Mul(b1->GetXForm().R, m_localAnchor1 - b1->GetLocalCenter());
		b2Vec2 r2 = b2Mul(b2->GetXForm().R, m_localAnchor2 - b2->GetLocalCenter());

		b2Vec2 p1 = b1->m_sweep.c + r1;
		b2Vec2 p2 = b2->m_sweep.c + r2;

		// Get the pulley axes.
		m_u1 = p1 - s1;
		m_u2 = p2 - s2;

		float32 length1 = m_u1.Length();
		float32 length2 = m_u2.Length();

		if (length1 > b2_linearSlop)
			m_u1 *= 1.0f / length1;

		if (length2 > b2_linearSlop)
			m_u2 *= 1.0f / length2;

		float32 C = m_constant - length1 - m_ratio * length2;
		linearError = b2Max(linearError, -C);

		C = b2Clamp(C + b2_linearSlop, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
		float32 impulse = -m_pulleyMass * C;

		b2Vec2 P1 = -impulse * m_u1;
		b2Vec2 P2 = -m_ratio * impulse * m_u2;

		b1->m_sweep.c += b1->m_invMass * P1;
		b1->m_sweep.a += b1->m_invI * b2Cross(r1, P1);
		b2->m_sweep.c += b2->m_invMass * P2;
		b2->m_sweep.a += b2->m_invI * b2Cross(r2, P2);


	if (m_limitState1 == e_atUpperLimit)
		b2Vec2 r1 = b2Mul(b1->GetXForm().R, m_localAnchor1 - b1->GetLocalCenter());
		b2Vec2 p1 = b1->m_sweep.c + r1;

		m_u1 = p1 - s1;
		float32 length1 = m_u1.Length();

		if (length1 > b2_linearSlop)
			m_u1 *= 1.0f / length1;

		float32 C = m_maxLength1 - length1;
		linearError = b2Max(linearError, -C);
		C = b2Clamp(C + b2_linearSlop, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
		float32 impulse = -m_limitMass1 * C;

		b2Vec2 P1 = -impulse * m_u1;
		b1->m_sweep.c += b1->m_invMass * P1;
		b1->m_sweep.a += b1->m_invI * b2Cross(r1, P1);


	if (m_limitState2 == e_atUpperLimit)
		b2Vec2 r2 = b2Mul(b2->GetXForm().R, m_localAnchor2 - b2->GetLocalCenter());
		b2Vec2 p2 = b2->m_sweep.c + r2;

		m_u2 = p2 - s2;
		float32 length2 = m_u2.Length();

		if (length2 > b2_linearSlop)
			m_u2 *= 1.0f / length2;

		float32 C = m_maxLength2 - length2;
		linearError = b2Max(linearError, -C);
		C = b2Clamp(C + b2_linearSlop, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
		float32 impulse = -m_limitMass2 * C;

		b2Vec2 P2 = -impulse * m_u2;
		b2->m_sweep.c += b2->m_invMass * P2;
		b2->m_sweep.a += b2->m_invI * b2Cross(r2, P2);


	return linearError < b2_linearSlop;
예제 #27
float32 b2DistanceJoint::GetReactionTorque(float32 inv_dt) const
    return 0.0f;
예제 #28
 virtual void keyboard_up(unsigned char key) { B2_NOT_USED(key); }
예제 #29
// Default implementation of b2FreeFunction.
static void b2FreeDefault(void* mem, void* callbackData)
예제 #30
bool b2FrictionJoint::SolvePositionConstraints(qreal baumgarte)

	return true;