예제 #1
 * Recurssive k-ing algorithm
 * Example k=3 n=9
 * Number of Exchange steps = log (basek) n
 * Number of steps in exchange step = k (radix)
int bcol_basesmuma_k_nomial_allgather_init(bcol_function_args_t *input_args,
                                           struct mca_bcol_base_function_t *const_args)
    /* local variables */
    int8_t  flag_offset;
    volatile int8_t ready_flag;
    mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t *bcol_module = (mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t *) const_args->bcol_module;
    netpatterns_k_exchange_node_t *exchange_node = &bcol_module->knomial_allgather_tree;
    int group_size = bcol_module->colls_no_user_data.size_of_group;
    int *list_connected = bcol_module->super.list_n_connected; /* critical for hierarchical colls */
    int bcol_id = (int) bcol_module->super.bcol_id;
    mca_bcol_basesmuma_component_t *cm = &mca_bcol_basesmuma_component;
    uint32_t buffer_index = input_args->buffer_index;
    int *active_requests =

    int *iteration = &bcol_module->ml_mem.nb_coll_desc[buffer_index].iteration;
    int *status = &bcol_module->ml_mem.nb_coll_desc[buffer_index].status;
    int leading_dim, buff_idx, idx;

    int i, j, probe;
    int knt;
    int src;
    int recv_offset, recv_len;

    int pow_k, tree_order;
    int max_requests = 0; /* important to initialize this */

    int matched = 0;
    int64_t sequence_number=input_args->sequence_num;
    int my_rank = bcol_module->super.sbgp_partner_module->my_index;
    int buff_offset = bcol_module->super.hier_scather_offset;

    int pack_len = input_args->count * input_args->dtype->super.size;

    void *data_addr = (void*)(
        (unsigned char *) input_args->sbuf +
        (size_t) input_args->sbuf_offset);
    volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_payload_t *data_buffs;
    volatile char *peer_data_pointer;

    /* control structures */
    volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_header_t *my_ctl_pointer;
    volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_header_t *peer_ctl_pointer;

#if 0
    fprintf(stderr,"entering p2p allgather pack_len %d\n",pack_len);
    /* initialize the iteration counter */
    buff_idx = input_args->src_desc->buffer_index;
    leading_dim = bcol_module->colls_no_user_data.size_of_group;
    data_buffs=(volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_payload_t *)

    /* Set pointer to current proc ctrl region */
    my_ctl_pointer = data_buffs[my_rank].ctl_struct;
    /* NTH: copied from progress */
    flag_offset = my_ctl_pointer->starting_flag_value[bcol_id];

    /* initialize headers and ready flag */
    BASESMUMA_HEADER_INIT(my_ctl_pointer, ready_flag, sequence_number, bcol_id);

    /* initialize these */
    *iteration = 0;
    *active_requests = 0;
    *status = 0;

    /* k-nomial parameters */
    tree_order = exchange_node->tree_order;
    pow_k = exchange_node->log_tree_order;

    /* calculate the maximum number of requests
     * at each level each rank communicates with
     * at most (k - 1) peers
     * so if we set k - 1 bit fields in "max_requests", then
     * we have max_request  == 2^(k - 1) -1
    for(i = 0; i < (tree_order - 1); i++){
        max_requests ^=  (1<<i);
    /* let's begin the collective, starting with extra ranks and their
     * respective proxies

    if( EXTRA_NODE == exchange_node->node_type ) {

        /* then I will signal to my proxy rank*/
        my_ctl_pointer->flags[ALLGATHER_FLAG][bcol_id] = ready_flag;
        ready_flag = flag_offset + 1 + pow_k + 2;
        /* now, poll for completion */
        src = exchange_node->rank_extra_sources_array[0];
        peer_data_pointer = data_buffs[src].payload;
        peer_ctl_pointer = data_buffs[src].ctl_struct;

        /* calculate the offset */
        knt = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < group_size; i++){
            knt += list_connected[i];
        for( i = 0; i < cm->num_to_probe && (0 == matched); i++ ) {
            if(IS_PEER_READY(peer_ctl_pointer, ready_flag, sequence_number, ALLGATHER_FLAG, bcol_id)){
                matched = 1;
                /* we receive the entire message */
                memcpy((void *)((unsigned char *) data_addr + buff_offset),
                       (void *) ((unsigned char *) peer_data_pointer + buff_offset),
                       knt * pack_len);

                goto FINISHED;


        /* save state and bail */
        *iteration = -1;
        return BCOL_FN_STARTED;

    }else if ( 0 < exchange_node->n_extra_sources ) {

        /* I am a proxy for someone */
        src = exchange_node->rank_extra_sources_array[0];
        peer_data_pointer = data_buffs[src].payload;
        peer_ctl_pointer = data_buffs[src].ctl_struct;

        knt = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < src; i++){
            knt += list_connected[i];

        /* probe for extra rank's arrival */
        for( i = 0; i < cm->num_to_probe && ( 0 == matched); i++) {
            if(IS_PEER_READY(peer_ctl_pointer,ready_flag, sequence_number, ALLGATHER_FLAG, bcol_id)){
                matched = 1;
                /* copy it in */
                memcpy((void *)((unsigned char *) data_addr + knt*pack_len),
                       (void *) ((unsigned char *) peer_data_pointer + knt*pack_len),
                       pack_len * list_connected[src]);
                goto MAIN_PHASE;
        *status = ready_flag;
        *iteration = -1;
        return BCOL_FN_STARTED;


    /* bump the ready flag */

    /* we start the recursive k - ing phase */
    for( *iteration = 0; *iteration < pow_k; (*iteration)++) {
        /* announce my arrival */
        opal_atomic_wmb ();
        my_ctl_pointer->flags[ALLGATHER_FLAG][bcol_id] = ready_flag;
        /* calculate the number of active requests */
        /* Now post the recv's */
        for( j = 0; j < (tree_order - 1); j++ ) {

            /* recv phase */
            src = exchange_node->rank_exchanges[*iteration][j];

            if( src < 0 ) {
                /* then not a valid rank, continue */


            peer_data_pointer = data_buffs[src].payload;
            peer_ctl_pointer = data_buffs[src].ctl_struct;
            if( !(*active_requests&(1<<j))) {
                /* then the bit hasn't been set, thus this peer
                 * hasn't been processed at this level
                recv_offset = exchange_node->payload_info[*iteration][j].r_offset * pack_len;
                recv_len = exchange_node->payload_info[*iteration][j].r_len * pack_len;
                /* post the receive */
                /* I am putting the probe loop as the inner most loop to achieve
                 * better temporal locality
                matched = 0;
                for( probe = 0; probe < cm->num_to_probe && (0 == matched); probe++){
                    if(IS_PEER_READY(peer_ctl_pointer,ready_flag, sequence_number, ALLGATHER_FLAG, bcol_id)){
                        matched = 1;
                        /* set this request's bit */
                        *active_requests ^= (1<<j);
                        /* get the data */
                        memcpy((void *)((unsigned char *) data_addr + recv_offset),
                               (void *)((unsigned char *) peer_data_pointer + recv_offset),

        if( max_requests == *active_requests ){
            /* bump the ready flag */
            /*reset the active requests */
            *active_requests = 0;
        } else {
            /* save state and hop out
             * only the iteration needs to be tracked
            *status = my_ctl_pointer->flags[ALLGATHER_FLAG][bcol_id];
            return BCOL_FN_STARTED;

    /* bump the flag one more time for the extra rank */
    ready_flag = flag_offset + 1 + pow_k + 2;

    /* finish off the last piece, send the data back to the extra  */
    if( 0 < exchange_node->n_extra_sources ) {
        /* simply announce my arrival */
        opal_atomic_wmb ();
        my_ctl_pointer->flags[ALLGATHER_FLAG][bcol_id] = ready_flag;


    /* bump this up */
    return BCOL_FN_COMPLETE;
static int bcol_basesmuma_fanout_new(
                bcol_function_args_t *input_args,
                mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args)
    /* local variables */
    int64_t sequence_number;

    mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t* bcol_module =
        (mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t *) c_input_args->bcol_module;

    int idx, probe, 
        my_rank = bcol_module->super.sbgp_partner_module->my_index,
        leading_dim = bcol_module->colls_no_user_data.size_of_group;
    int8_t  ready_flag;
    int8_t bcol_id = (int8_t) bcol_module->super.bcol_id;
    int buff_index = input_args->buffer_index;
    mca_bcol_basesmuma_component_t *cm = &mca_bcol_basesmuma_component;

    volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_payload_t *ctl_structs;

    /* control structures */
    volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_header_t *my_ctl;
    volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_header_t *parent_ctl;

    netpatterns_tree_node_t *my_tree_node = &(bcol_module->fanin_node);

    /* Figure out - what instance of the basesmuma bcol I am */
    sequence_number = input_args->sequence_num;

    idx = SM_ARRAY_INDEX(leading_dim, buff_index, 0);
    ctl_structs = (volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_payload_t *)
                        bcol_module->colls_with_user_data.data_buffs + idx;
    my_ctl = ctl_structs[my_rank].ctl_struct;

    /* init the header */
    BASESMUMA_HEADER_INIT(my_ctl, ready_flag, sequence_number, bcol_id);
    /* Wait on my parent to arrive */
    if (my_tree_node->n_parents) {
        parent_ctl = ctl_structs[my_tree_node->parent_rank].ctl_struct;
        for( probe = 0; probe < cm->num_to_probe; probe++){
           if (IS_PEER_READY(parent_ctl, ready_flag, sequence_number, BARRIER_FANOUT_FLAG, bcol_id)) {
              /* signal my children */
               my_ctl->flags[BARRIER_FANOUT_FLAG][bcol_id] = ready_flag;
               /* bump the starting flag */
               return BCOL_FN_COMPLETE;


    } else {
        /* I am the root of the fanout */
        my_ctl->flags[BARRIER_FANOUT_FLAG][bcol_id] = ready_flag;
        /* bump the starting flag */
        return BCOL_FN_COMPLETE;

    return BCOL_FN_STARTED;
 * Shared memory blocking Broadcast - fanin, for small data buffers.
 * This routine assumes that buf (the input buffer) is a single writer
 * multi reader (SWMR) shared memory buffer owned by the calling rank
 * which is the only rank that can write to this buffers. 
 * It is also assumed that the buffers are registered and fragmented
 * at the ML level and that buf is sufficiently large to hold the data.
 * @param buf - SWMR shared buffer within a sbgp that the 
 * executing rank can write to.
 * @param count - the number of elements in the shared buffer.
 * @param dtype - the datatype of a shared buffer element.
 * @param root - the index within the sbgp of the root.
 * @param module - basesmuma module.
int bcol_basesmuma_bcast(bcol_function_args_t *input_args,
    coll_ml_function_t *c_input_args)
    /* local variables */
    int group_size, process_shift, my_node_index;
    int my_rank; 
    int rc = OMPI_SUCCESS;
    int my_fanout_parent;
    int leading_dim, buff_idx, idx;
	volatile int8_t ready_flag;
    int count=input_args->count;
    struct ompi_datatype_t* dtype=input_args->dtype;
    int root=input_args->root;
    int64_t sequence_number=input_args->sequence_num;
    mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t* bcol_module=
        (mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t *)c_input_args->bcol_module;
    int bcol_id = (int) bcol_module->super.bcol_id;
    volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_payload_t *data_buffs;
    volatile char* parent_data_pointer;
    mca_bcol_basesmuma_header_t *my_ctl_pointer;
    volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_header_t *parent_ctl_pointer;
    netpatterns_tree_node_t* my_fanout_read_tree;
    size_t pack_len = 0, dt_size;

    void *data_addr = (void *)((unsigned char *)input_args->src_desc->data_addr );

#if 0 
    fprintf(stderr,"Entering sm broadcast input_args->sbuf_offset %d \n",input_args->sbuf_offset);

    /* we will work only on packed data - so compute the length*/
    ompi_datatype_type_size(dtype, &dt_size);

    buff_idx = input_args->src_desc->buffer_index;

    /* Get addressing information */ 
    my_rank = bcol_module->super.sbgp_partner_module->my_index;
    group_size = bcol_module->colls_no_user_data.size_of_group;
    data_buffs=(volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_payload_t *)

    /* Align node index to around sbgp root */
    process_shift = root;
    my_node_index = my_rank - root;
    if(0 > my_node_index ) {
        my_node_index += group_size;

    /* get my node for the bcast tree */
    my_fanout_read_tree = &(bcol_module->fanout_read_tree[my_node_index]); 
    my_fanout_parent = my_fanout_read_tree->parent_rank + process_shift;
    if(group_size <= my_fanout_parent){
        my_fanout_parent -= group_size;

    /* Set pointer to current proc ctrl region */
    /*my_ctl_pointer = ctl_structs[my_rank]; */
    my_ctl_pointer = data_buffs[my_rank].ctl_struct; 
    /* setup resource recycling */
    BASESMUMA_HEADER_INIT(my_ctl_pointer, ready_flag, sequence_number, bcol_id);
     * Fan out from root
    if(ROOT_NODE == my_fanout_read_tree->my_node_type) {
        input_args->result_in_rbuf = false;
        /* Root should only signal it is ready */
        my_ctl_pointer->flags[BCAST_FLAG][bcol_id] = ready_flag;

    }else if(LEAF_NODE == my_fanout_read_tree->my_node_type) {
        input_args->result_in_rbuf = false;
         * Get parent payload data and control data.
         * Get the pointer to the base address of the parent's payload buffer.
         * Get the parent's control buffer.
        parent_data_pointer = data_buffs[my_fanout_parent].payload;
        parent_ctl_pointer = data_buffs[my_fanout_parent].ctl_struct; 

        /* Wait until parent signals that data is ready */
		/* The order of conditions checked in this loop is important, as it can 
		 * result in a race condition. 
		while (!IS_PEER_READY(parent_ctl_pointer, ready_flag, sequence_number, BCAST_FLAG, bcol_id)){
		/* Copy the rank to a shared buffer writable by the current rank */
        memcpy(data_addr, (void *)parent_data_pointer, pack_len);

		if( 0 != rc ) {
            return OMPI_ERROR;
        input_args->result_in_rbuf = false;
        /* Interior node */

        /* Get parent payload data and control data */
        parent_data_pointer = data_buffs[my_fanout_parent].payload;
        parent_ctl_pointer =  data_buffs[my_fanout_parent].ctl_struct;

        /* Wait until parent signals that data is ready */
		/* The order of conditions checked in this loop is important, as it can 
		 * result in a race condition. 
		while (!IS_PEER_READY(parent_ctl_pointer, ready_flag, sequence_number, BCAST_FLAG, bcol_id)){
        /* Copy the rank to a shared buffer writable by the current rank */
        memcpy(data_addr, (void *)parent_data_pointer,pack_len);
        /* Signal to children that they may read the data from my shared buffer */
        my_ctl_pointer->flags[BCAST_FLAG][bcol_id] = ready_flag;

    /* if I am the last instance of a basesmuma function in this collectie,
     *   release the resrouces */


    return rc;