예제 #1
void TestTwine008Cast_ToXmlChar()
	BEGIN_TEST_METHOD( "TestTwine008Cast_ToXmlChar" )

	twine t1 = "12345678901234567890";
	twine t2 = "Something that will be longer than our 32 byte inner buffer size";

	// Simple assignment should work for small strings
	const char* c1 = t1();
	const xmlChar* c2 = t1;
	ASSERT_EQUALS( (xmlChar*)c1, c2, "t1() != (const xmlChar*)t1");

	// Simple assignment should work for large strings
	c1 = t2();
	c2 = t2;
	ASSERT_EQUALS( (xmlChar*)c1, c2, "t2() != (const xmlChar*)t2");

	// When small strings become large strings, everything should still work:
	t1 += "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; // 20 + 26 = 46, which is > 32.
	c1 = t1();
	c2 = t1;
	ASSERT_EQUALS( (xmlChar*)c1, c2, "t1() != (const xmlChar*)t1");

예제 #2
void TestTwine006Convert_ToFloat()
	BEGIN_TEST_METHOD( "TestTwine006Convert_ToFloat" )

	twine t1 = "1.1";
	twine t2 = "12.345";
	twine t3 = "456.789";

	ASSERT_EQUALS( (float)1.1, t1.get_float(), "1.1 != t1.get_float()" );
	ASSERT_EQUALS( (float)12.345, t2.get_float(), "12.345 != t2.get_float()" );
	ASSERT_EQUALS( (float)456.789, t3.get_float(), "456.789 != t3.get_float()" );

예제 #3
void TestTwine006Convert_ToDouble()
	BEGIN_TEST_METHOD( "TestTwine006Convert_ToDouble" )

	twine t1 = "1.1";
	twine t2 = "12.345";
	twine t3 = "456.789";

	ASSERT_EQUALS( 1.1, t1.get_double(), "1.1 != t1.get_double()" );
	ASSERT_EQUALS( 12.345, t2.get_double(), "12.345 != t2.get_double()" );
	ASSERT_EQUALS( 456.789, t3.get_double(), "456.789 != t3.get_double()" );

예제 #4
void TestTwine006Convert_ToInt()
	BEGIN_TEST_METHOD( "TestTwine006Convert_ToInt" )

	twine t1 = "1";
	twine t2 = "12345";
	twine t3 = "456789";

	ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, t1.get_int(), "1 != t1.get_int()" );
	ASSERT_EQUALS( 12345, t2.get_int(), "12345 != t2.get_int()" );
	ASSERT_EQUALS( 456789, t3.get_int(), "456789 != t3.get_int()" );

예제 #5
void TestTwine009Compare_EndsWith()
	BEGIN_TEST_METHOD( "TestTwine009Compare_EndsWith" )

	twine empty1;
	const char* empty2 = NULL;
	twine short1 = "Something Short";
	const char* short2 = "Something Short";
	twine long1 = "Something A Bit Longer that Will cause us to allocate memory";
	const char* long2 = "Something A Bit Longer that Will cause us to allocate memory";

	ASSERT_EXCEPTION( empty1.endsWith( empty2 ), "empty1.endsWith( empty2 ) should cause exception");
	ASSERT_FALSE( empty1.endsWith( short1 ), "empty1.endsWith( short1 ) == true");
	ASSERT_FALSE( empty1.endsWith( short2 ), "empty1.endsWith( short2 ) == true");
	ASSERT_FALSE( empty1.endsWith( long1 ), "empty1.endsWith( long1 ) == true");
	ASSERT_FALSE( empty1.endsWith( long2 ), "empty1.endsWith( long2 ) == true");

	ASSERT_TRUE( short1.endsWith( short2 ), "short1.endsWith( short2 ) == false");
	ASSERT_TRUE( short1.endsWith( "Short" ), "short1.endsWith( 'Short' ) == false");
	ASSERT_TRUE( short1.endsWith( "t" ), "short1.endsWith( 't' ) == false");
	ASSERT_TRUE( short1.endsWith( "hort" ), "short1.endsWith( 'hort' ) == false");
	ASSERT_EXCEPTION( short1.endsWith( (char*)NULL ), "short1.endsWith( NULL ) should cause exception");
	ASSERT_FALSE( short1.endsWith( empty1 ), "short1.endsWith( empty1 ) == true");
	ASSERT_EXCEPTION( short1.endsWith( empty2 ), "short1.endsWith( empty2 ) should cause exception");
	ASSERT_FALSE( short1.endsWith( long1 ), "short1.endsWith( long1 ) == true");
	ASSERT_FALSE( short1.endsWith( long2 ), "short1.endsWith( long2 ) == true");

	ASSERT_TRUE( long1.endsWith( long2 ), "long1.endsWith( long2 ) == false");
	ASSERT_TRUE( long1.endsWith( "allocate memory" ), "long1.endsWith( 'allocate memory' ) == false");
	ASSERT_TRUE( long1.endsWith( "memory" ), "long1.endsWith( 'memory' ) == false");
	ASSERT_TRUE( long1.endsWith( "y" ), "long1.endsWith( 'y' ) == false");
	ASSERT_EXCEPTION( long1.endsWith( (char*)NULL ), "long1.endsWith( NULL ) should cause exception");
	ASSERT_FALSE( long1.endsWith( empty1 ), "long1.endsWith( empty1 ) == true");
	ASSERT_EXCEPTION( long1.endsWith( empty2 ), "long1.endsWith( empty2 ) should cause exception");
	ASSERT_FALSE( long1.endsWith( short1 ), "long1.endsWith( short1 ) == true");
	ASSERT_FALSE( long1.endsWith( short2 ), "long1.endsWith( short2 ) == true");

예제 #6
void TestTwine009Compare_ToCharStar()
	BEGIN_TEST_METHOD( "TestTwine009Compare_ToCharStar" )

	twine empty1;
	const char* empty2 = NULL;
	twine short1 = "Something Short";
	const char* short2 = "Something Short";
	twine long1 = "Something A Bit Longer that Will cause us to allocate memory";
	const char* long2 = "Something A Bit Longer that Will cause us to allocate memory";

	// Ensure that everything has different data pointers:
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( empty1(), empty2, "empty1 and empty2 point to the same memory");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( short1(), short2, "short1 and short2 point to the same memory");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( long1(), long2, "long1 and long2 point to the same memory");

	ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, empty1.compare( empty2 ), "empty1.compare( empty2 ) != 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, empty1.compare( short1 ), "empty1.compare( short1 ) == 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, empty1.compare( short2 ), "empty1.compare( short2 ) == 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, empty1.compare( long1 ), "empty1.compare( long1) == 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, empty1.compare( long2 ), "empty1.compare( long2) == 0");

	ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, short1.compare( short2 ), "short1.compare( short2 ) != 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, short1.compare( empty1 ), "short1.compare( empty1 ) == 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, short1.compare( empty2), "short1.compare( empty2) == 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, short1.compare( long1 ), "short1.compare( long1) == 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, short1.compare( long2 ), "short1.compare( long2) == 0");
	ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, long1.compare( long2 ), "long1.compare( long2 ) != 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, long1.compare( empty1 ), "long1.compare( empty1 ) == 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, long1.compare( empty2), "long1.compare( empty2) == 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, long1.compare( short1 ), "long1.compare( short1) == 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, long1.compare( short2 ), "long1.compare( short2) == 0");

예제 #7
void TestTwine009Compare_ToTwineCount()
	BEGIN_TEST_METHOD( "TestTwine009Compare_ToTwineCount" )
	twine empty1;
	twine empty2;
	twine short1 = "Something Short";
	twine short2 = "Something Short";
	twine long1 = "Something A Bit Longer that Will cause us to allocate memory";
	twine long2 = "Something A Bit Longer that Will cause us to allocate memory";

	// Ensure that everything has different data pointers:
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( empty1(), empty2(), "empty1 and empty2 point to the same memory");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( short1(), short2(), "short1 and short2 point to the same memory");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( long1(), long2(), "long1 and long2 point to the same memory");

	ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, empty1.compare( empty2, 10 ), "empty1.compare( empty2, 10 ) != 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, empty1.compare( short1, 10 ), "empty1.compare( short1, 10 ) == 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, empty1.compare( short2, 10 ), "empty1.compare( short2, 10 ) == 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, empty1.compare( long1, 10 ), "empty1.compare( long1, 10) == 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, empty1.compare( long2, 10 ), "empty1.compare( long2, 10) == 0");

	ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, short1.compare( short2, 10 ), "short1.compare( short2, 10 ) != 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, short1.compare( empty1, 10 ), "short1.compare( empty1, 10 ) == 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, short1.compare( empty2, 10), "short1.compare( empty2, 10) == 0");
	ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, short1.compare( long1, 10 ), "short1.compare( long1, 10) != 0");
	ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, short1.compare( long2, 10 ), "short1.compare( long2, 10) != 0");
	ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, long1.compare( long2, 10 ), "long1.compare( long2, 10 ) != 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, long1.compare( empty1, 10 ), "long1.compare( empty1, 10 ) == 0");
	ASSERT_NOTEQUALS( 0, long1.compare( empty2, 10), "long1.compare( empty2, 10) == 0");
	ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, long1.compare( short1, 10 ), "long1.compare( short1, 10) != 0");
	ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, long1.compare( short2, 10 ), "long1.compare( short2, 10) != 0");

예제 #8
/* **************************************************************************** */
/* This is an SLib test that is included in our SLibTest application.  This code  */
/* is included directly in SLibTest.cpp, so there is no need for additional     */
/* headers, etc.  Refer to SLibTest.cpp for the global variables that you have  */
/* access to.                                                                   */
/* Please ensure that this test is declared properly in SLibTest.h, and invoked */
/* inside SLibTest.cpp in the RunOneTable method - or wherever appropriate.     */
/* **************************************************************************** */

void TestDate002Copying()
	BEGIN_TEST_METHOD( "TestDate002Copying" )

	// Useful macros:
	// ASSERT_EQUALS(a, b, "a is not equal to b, but it should be.")
	// ASSERT_NOTEQUALS(a, b, "a is equal to b, but it shouldn't be.")
	// ASSERT_TRUE(a, "a should be true, but it isn't.")
	// ASSERT_FALSE(a, "a should be false, but it isn't.")


예제 #9
// This class is intended to test:
// GetConsoleAlias

class AliasTests
        TEST_CLASS_PROPERTY(L"BinaryUnderTest", L"conhost.exe")
        TEST_CLASS_PROPERTY(L"ArtifactUnderTest", L"wincon.h")
        TEST_CLASS_PROPERTY(L"ArtifactUnderTest", L"winconp.h")
        TEST_CLASS_PROPERTY(L"ArtifactUnderTest", L"conmsgl1.h")
        TEST_CLASS_PROPERTY(L"ArtifactUnderTest", L"conmsgl3.h")
        TEST_CLASS_PROPERTY(L"ArtifactUnderTest", L"api-ms-win-core-console-l3-2-0.lib")

        TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:strSource", L"{g}")
        TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:strExpectedTarget", L"{cmd.exe /k echo foo}")
        TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:strExeName", L"{cmd.exe}")
        TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:dwSource", L"{0, 1}")
        TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:dwTarget", L"{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}")
        TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:dwExeName", L"{0, 1}")
        TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:bUnicode", L"{FALSE, TRUE}")
        TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:bSetFirst", L"{FALSE, TRUE}")

// Caller must free ppsz if not null.
void ConvertWToA(_In_ PCWSTR pwsz,
                 _Out_ char** ppsz)
예제 #10
/* **************************************************************************** */
/* This is an SLib test that is included in our SLibTest application.  This code  */
/* is included directly in SLibTest.cpp, so there is no need for additional     */
/* headers, etc.  Refer to SLibTest.cpp for the global variables that you have  */
/* access to.                                                                   */
/* Please ensure that this test is declared properly in SLibTest.h, and invoked */
/* inside SLibTest.cpp in the RunOneTable method - or wherever appropriate.     */
/* **************************************************************************** */

void TestDate003Updating()
	BEGIN_TEST_METHOD( "TestDate003Updating" )

	// Useful macros:
	// ASSERT_EQUALS(a, b, "a is not equal to b, but it should be.")
	// ASSERT_NOTEQUALS(a, b, "a is equal to b, but it shouldn't be.")
	// ASSERT_TRUE(a, "a should be true, but it isn't.")
	// ASSERT_FALSE(a, "a should be false, but it isn't.")
