extern void BGRetInline( an addr, type_def *tipe ) { /********************************************************/ an tempaddr; if( NotEquiv( tipe, InlineStack->tipe ) ) { _Zoiks( ZOIKS_070 ); } if( addr == NULL ) { InlineStack->addr = MakeTempAddr( BGNewTemp(TypeInteger) ); } else { tempaddr = MakeTempAddr( BGNewTemp( tipe ) ); InlineStack->addr = BGCopy( tempaddr ); BGDone( BGAssign( tempaddr, addr, tipe ) ); } }
name *BGGlobalTemp( type_def *tipe ) /*****************************************/ { name *temp; temp = BGNewTemp( tipe ); temp->v.usage |= USE_IN_ANOTHER_BLOCK; return( temp ); }
extern an BGCall( cn call, bool use_return, bool in_line ) /********************************************************/ { instruction *call_ins; instruction *conv_ins; call_state *state; name *result; hw_reg_set ret_addr; instruction *ins; call_ins = call->ins; state = call->state; if( state->attr & ROUTINE_MODIFIES_NO_MEMORY ) { call_ins->flags.call_flags |= CALL_WRITES_NO_MEMORY; } if( state->attr & ROUTINE_READS_NO_MEMORY ) { call_ins->flags.call_flags |= CALL_READS_NO_MEMORY; } if( state->attr & ROUTINE_IS_SETJMP ) { call_ins->flags.call_flags |= CALL_IS_SETJMP; } if( use_return == FALSE ) { call_ins->flags.call_flags |= CALL_IGNORES_RETURN; } result = BGNewTemp( call->tipe ); if( call_ins->type_class == XX ) { call_ins->result = result; ret_addr = ParmReg( CP, 4, 8, state ); ins = MakeUnary( OP_LA, result, AllocRegName( ret_addr ), CP ); AddIns( ins ); } else { call_ins->result = AllocRegName( state->return_reg ); } AssgnParms( call, in_line ); AddCallIns( call_ins, call ); if( use_return ) { if( call_ins->type_class != XX ) { conv_ins = MakeConvert( call_ins->result, result, TypeClass( call->tipe ), ReturnClass( call->tipe, call->state->attr ) ); AddIns( conv_ins ); } else { // conv_ins = MakeMove( call_result, result, XX ); } } return( MakeTempAddr( result ) ); }
an BGCall( cn call, bool use_return, bool in_line ) /******************************************************/ { instruction *call_ins; call_state *state; name *ret_ptr = NULL; name *result; name *temp; name *reg_name; instruction *ret_ins = NULL; hw_reg_set return_reg; hw_reg_set zap_reg; if( call->name->tipe == TypeProcParm ) { SaveDisplay( OP_PUSH ); } state = call->state; result = BGNewTemp( call->tipe ); call_ins = call->ins; /* If we have a return value that won't fit in a register*/ /* pass a pointer to result as the first parm*/ if( call_ins->type_class == XX ) { if( _RoutineIsFar16( state->attr ) ) { if( state->attr & ROUTINE_ALLOCS_RETURN ) { HW_CAsgn( state->return_reg, HW_EAX ); } else { HW_CAsgn( state->return_reg, HW_EBX ); } } if( ( state->attr & ROUTINE_ALLOCS_RETURN ) == 0 ) { if( HW_CEqual( state->return_reg, HW_EMPTY ) ) { ret_ptr = AllocTemp( WD ); } else { ret_ptr = AllocRegName( state->return_reg ); } ret_ins = MakeUnary( OP_LA, result, ret_ptr, WD ); HW_TurnOn( state->parm.used, state->return_reg ); call_ins->flags.call_flags |= CALL_RETURNS_STRUCT; } } if( _IsTargetModel(FLOATING_DS) && (state->attr&ROUTINE_NEEDS_DS_LOADED) ) { HW_CTurnOn( state->parm.used, HW_DS ); } if( _RoutineIsFar16( state->attr ) ) { #if _TARGET & _TARG_80386 Far16Parms( call ); #endif } else { if( AssgnParms( call, in_line ) ) { if( state->attr & ROUTINE_REMOVES_PARMS ) { call_ins->flags.call_flags |= CALL_POPS_PARMS; } } } if( state->attr & (ROUTINE_MODIFIES_NO_MEMORY | ROUTINE_NEVER_RETURNS) ) { /* a routine that never returns can not write any memory as far as this routine is concerned */ call_ins->flags.call_flags |= CALL_WRITES_NO_MEMORY; } if( state->attr & ROUTINE_READS_NO_MEMORY ) { call_ins->flags.call_flags |= CALL_READS_NO_MEMORY; } if( state->attr & ROUTINE_NEVER_RETURNS ) { call_ins->flags.call_flags |= CALL_ABORTS; } if( _RoutineIsInterrupt( state->attr ) ) { call_ins->flags.call_flags |= CALL_INTERRUPT | CALL_POPS_PARMS; } if( !use_return ) { call_ins->flags.call_flags |= CALL_IGNORES_RETURN; } if( call_ins->type_class == XX ) { reg_name = AllocRegName( state->return_reg ); if( state->attr & ROUTINE_ALLOCS_RETURN ) { call_ins->result = reg_name; AddCall( call_ins, call ); if( use_return ) { temp = AllocTemp( WD ); /* assume near pointer*/ AddIns( MakeMove( reg_name, temp, WD ) ); temp = SAllocIndex( temp, NULL, 0, result->n.type_class, call->tipe->length ); AddIns( MakeMove( temp, result, result->n.type_class ) ); } } else { call_ins->result = result; AddIns( ret_ins ); if( HW_CEqual( state->return_reg, HW_EMPTY ) ) { AddIns( MakeUnary( OP_PUSH, ret_ptr, NULL, WD ) ); state->parm.offset += TypeClassSize[WD]; call_ins->operands[CALL_OP_POPS] = AllocS32Const( call_ins->operands[CALL_OP_POPS]->c.lo.int_value + TypeClassSize[WD] ); if( state->attr & ROUTINE_REMOVES_PARMS ) { call_ins->flags.call_flags |= CALL_POPS_PARMS; } } AddCall( call_ins, call ); } } else { return_reg = state->return_reg; zap_reg = call_ins->zap->reg; HW_CTurnOn( zap_reg, HW_FLTS ); HW_OnlyOn( return_reg, zap_reg ); call_ins->result = AllocRegName( return_reg ); reg_name = AllocRegName( state->return_reg ); AddCall( call_ins, call ); if( use_return ) { ret_ins = MakeMove( reg_name, result, result->n.type_class ); if( HW_COvlap( reg_name->r.reg, HW_FLTS ) ) { ret_ins->stk_entry = 1; ret_ins->stk_exit = 0; } AddIns( ret_ins ); } } if( state->parm.offset != 0 && ( state->attr & ROUTINE_REMOVES_PARMS ) == 0 ) { reg_name = AllocRegName( HW_SP ); AddIns( MakeBinary( OP_ADD, reg_name, AllocS32Const( state->parm.offset ), reg_name, WD ) ); } return( MakeTempAddr( result ) ); }