예제 #1
// Spawn an entity and fill in all of the level fields from level.spawnVars[], then call the class specfic spawn function
gentity_t *G_SpawnGEntityFromSpawnVars( qboolean inSubBSP ) {
	int i;
	gentity_t *ent;
	char *s, *value;
	const char *gametypeName;
	static const char *gametypeNames[] = { "ffa", "holocron", "jedimaster", "duel", "powerduel", "single", "team", "siege", "ctf", "cty" };

	// get the next free entity
	ent = G_Spawn();

	for ( i = 0; i < level.numSpawnVars; i++ ) {
		BG_ParseField( fields, ARRAY_LEN( fields ), level.spawnVars[i][0], level.spawnVars[i][1], (byte *)ent );

	// check for "notsingle" flag
	if ( level.gametype == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) {
		G_SpawnInt( "notsingle", "0", &i );
		if ( i ) {
			G_FreeEntity( ent );
			return NULL;
	// check for "notteam" flag (GT_FFA, GT_DUEL, GT_SINGLE_PLAYER)
	if ( level.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) {
		G_SpawnInt( "notteam", "0", &i );
		if ( i ) {
			G_FreeEntity( ent );
			return NULL;
	else {
		G_SpawnInt( "notfree", "0", &i );
		if ( i ) {
			G_FreeEntity( ent );
			return NULL;

	G_SpawnInt( "notta", "0", &i );
	if ( i ) {
		G_FreeEntity( ent );
		return NULL;

	if ( G_SpawnString( "gametype", NULL, &value ) ) {
		if ( level.gametype >= GT_FFA && level.gametype < GT_MAX_GAME_TYPE ) {
			gametypeName = gametypeNames[level.gametype];

			s = strstr( value, gametypeName );
			if ( !s ) {
				G_FreeEntity( ent );
				return NULL;

	// move editor origin to pos
	VectorCopy( &ent->s.origin, &ent->s.pos.trBase );
	VectorCopy( &ent->s.origin, &ent->r.currentOrigin );

	// if we didn't get a classname, don't bother spawning anything
	if ( !G_CallSpawn( ent ) ) {
		G_FreeEntity( ent );
		return NULL;

	//Tag on the ICARUS scripting information only to valid recipients
	if ( trap->ICARUS_ValidEnt( (sharedEntity_t *)ent ) ) {
		trap->ICARUS_InitEnt( (sharedEntity_t *)ent );

		if ( ent->classname && ent->classname[0] ) {
			if ( Q_strncmp( "NPC_", ent->classname, 4 ) != 0 ) {//Not an NPC_spawner (rww - probably don't even care for MP, but whatever)
				G_ActivateBehavior( ent, BSET_SPAWN );

	if ( level.manualSpawning ) {
		ent->jpSpawned = qtrue;
	return ent;
예제 #2
void G_SpawnGEntityFromSpawnVars( qboolean inSubBSP ) {
	int			i;
	gentity_t	*ent;
	char		*s, *value, *gametypeName;
	static char *gametypeNames[] = {"ffa", "holocron", "jedimaster", "duel", "powerduel", "single", "team", "siege", "ctf", "cty"};

	// get the next free entity
	if ( level.entCount > (MAX_GENTITIES - g_objectMargin.integer))
		G_Printf("ERROR :Run out of entities\n");
	ent = G_Spawn();

	for ( i = 0 ; i < level.numSpawnVars ; i++ ) {
		BG_ParseField( fields, level.spawnVars[i][0], level.spawnVars[i][1], (byte *)ent );

	if ( level.stripping == qtrue )
		// strip out any undesirable object classes.
		if( Q_stricmpn( "item_", ent->classname, 5 ) == 0  ||
			Q_stricmpn( "trigger_", ent->classname, 8 ) == 0 ||
			Q_stricmpn( "target_", ent->classname, 7 ) == 0 ||
			Q_stricmpn( "NPC_", ent->classname, 4 ) == 0 )	
			G_FreeEntity( ent );


	// check for "notsingle" flag
	if ( g_gametype.integer == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) {
		G_SpawnInt( "notsingle", "0", &i );
		if ( i ) {
			G_FreeEntity( ent );
	// check for "notteam" flag (GT_FFA, GT_DUEL, GT_SINGLE_PLAYER)
	if ( g_gametype.integer >= GT_TEAM ) {
		G_SpawnInt( "notteam", "0", &i );
		if ( i ) {
			G_FreeEntity( ent );
	} else {
		G_SpawnInt( "notfree", "0", &i );
		if ( i ) {
			G_FreeEntity( ent );

	G_SpawnInt( "notta", "0", &i );
	if ( i ) {
		G_FreeEntity( ent );

	if( G_SpawnString( "gametype", NULL, &value ) ) {
		if( g_gametype.integer >= GT_FFA && g_gametype.integer < GT_MAX_GAME_TYPE ) {
			gametypeName = gametypeNames[g_gametype.integer];

			s = strstr( value, gametypeName );
			if( !s ) {
				G_FreeEntity( ent );

	// move editor origin to pos
	VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, ent->s.pos.trBase );
	VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin );

	// if we didn't get a classname, don't bother spawning anything
	if ( !G_CallSpawn( ent ) ) {
		G_FreeEntity( ent );

	//Tag on the ICARUS scripting information only to valid recipients
	if ( trap_ICARUS_ValidEnt( ent ) )
		trap_ICARUS_InitEnt( ent );

		if ( ent->classname && ent->classname[0] )
			if ( Q_strncmp( "NPC_", ent->classname, 4 ) != 0 )
			{//Not an NPC_spawner (rww - probably don't even care for MP, but whatever)
				G_ActivateBehavior( ent, BSET_SPAWN );
예제 #3
void SP_worldspawn( void ) {
	char		*text, temp[32];
	int			i;
	int			lengthRed, lengthBlue, lengthGreen;

	//I want to "cull" entities out of net sends to clients to reduce
	//net traffic on our larger open maps -rww
	G_SpawnFloat( "distanceCull", "6000.0", &g_cullDistance );
	trap->SetServerCull( g_cullDistance );

	G_SpawnString( "classname", "", &text );
	if ( Q_stricmp( text, "worldspawn" ) ) {
		trap->Error( ERR_DROP, "SP_worldspawn: The first entity isn't 'worldspawn'" );

	for ( i = 0; i < level.numSpawnVars; i++ ) {
		if ( Q_stricmp( "spawnscript", level.spawnVars[i][0] ) == 0 ) {//ONly let them set spawnscript, we don't want them setting an angle or something on the world.
			BG_ParseField( fields, ARRAY_LEN( fields ), level.spawnVars[i][0], level.spawnVars[i][1], (byte *)&g_entities[ENTITYNUM_WORLD] );
	//The server will precache the standard model and animations, so that there is no hit
	//when the first client connnects.
	if ( !BGPAFtextLoaded ) {
		BG_ParseAnimationFile( "models/players/_humanoid/animation.cfg", bgHumanoidAnimations, qtrue );

	if ( !precachedKyle ) {
		int defSkin;

		trap->G2API_InitGhoul2Model( &precachedKyle, "models/players/kyle/model.glm", 0, 0, -20, 0, 0 );

		if ( precachedKyle ) {
			defSkin = trap->R_RegisterSkin( "models/players/kyle/model_default.skin" );
			trap->G2API_SetSkin( precachedKyle, 0, defSkin, defSkin );

	if ( !g2SaberInstance ) {
		trap->G2API_InitGhoul2Model( &g2SaberInstance, "models/weapons2/saber/saber_w.glm", 0, 0, -20, 0, 0 );

		if ( g2SaberInstance ) {
			// indicate we will be bolted to model 0 (ie the player) on bolt 0 (always the right hand) when we get copied
			trap->G2API_SetBoltInfo( g2SaberInstance, 0, 0 );
			// now set up the gun bolt on it
			trap->G2API_AddBolt( g2SaberInstance, 0, "*blade1" );

	if ( level.gametype == GT_SIEGE ) { //a tad bit of a hack, but..

	// make some data visible to connecting client
	trap->SetConfigstring( CS_GAME_VERSION, GAME_VERSION );

	trap->SetConfigstring( CS_LEVEL_START_TIME, va( "%i", level.startTime ) );

	G_SpawnString( "music", "", &text );
	trap->SetConfigstring( CS_MUSIC, text );

	G_SpawnString( "message", "", &text );
	trap->SetConfigstring( CS_MESSAGE, text );				// map specific message

	trap->SetConfigstring( CS_MOTD, g_motd.string );		// message of the day

	G_SpawnString( "gravity", "800", &text );
	trap->Cvar_Set( "g_gravity", text );

	G_SpawnString( "enableBreath", "0", &text );
	trap->Cvar_Set( "g_enableBreath", text );

	G_SpawnString( "soundSet", "default", &text );
	trap->SetConfigstring( CS_GLOBAL_AMBIENT_SET, text );

	g_entities[ENTITYNUM_WORLD].s.number = ENTITYNUM_WORLD;
	g_entities[ENTITYNUM_WORLD].classname = "worldspawn";

	// see if we want a warmup time
	trap->SetConfigstring( CS_WARMUP, "" );
	if ( g_restarted.integer ) {
		trap->Cvar_Set( "g_restarted", "0" );
		level.warmupTime = 0;

	//Raz: Fix warmup
	else if ( g_doWarmup.integer && level.gametype != GT_DUEL && level.gametype != GT_POWERDUEL && level.gametype != GT_SIEGE ) { // Turn it on
		level.warmupTime = -1;
		trap->SetConfigstring( CS_WARMUP, va( "%i", level.warmupTime ) );
		G_LogPrintf( level.log.console, "Warmup:\n" );

	trap->SetConfigstring( CS_LIGHT_STYLES + (LS_STYLES_START * 3) + 0, defaultStyles[0][0] );
	trap->SetConfigstring( CS_LIGHT_STYLES + (LS_STYLES_START * 3) + 1, defaultStyles[0][1] );
	trap->SetConfigstring( CS_LIGHT_STYLES + (LS_STYLES_START * 3) + 2, defaultStyles[0][2] );

	for ( i = 1; i < LS_NUM_STYLES; i++ ) {
		Com_sprintf( temp, sizeof(temp), "ls_%dr", i );
		G_SpawnString( temp, defaultStyles[i][0], &text );
		lengthRed = strlen( text );
		trap->SetConfigstring( CS_LIGHT_STYLES + ((i + LS_STYLES_START) * 3) + 0, text );

		Com_sprintf( temp, sizeof(temp), "ls_%dg", i );
		G_SpawnString( temp, defaultStyles[i][1], &text );
		lengthGreen = strlen( text );
		trap->SetConfigstring( CS_LIGHT_STYLES + ((i + LS_STYLES_START) * 3) + 1, text );

		Com_sprintf( temp, sizeof(temp), "ls_%db", i );
		G_SpawnString( temp, defaultStyles[i][2], &text );
		lengthBlue = strlen( text );
		trap->SetConfigstring( CS_LIGHT_STYLES + ((i + LS_STYLES_START) * 3) + 2, text );

		if ( lengthRed != lengthGreen || lengthGreen != lengthBlue ) {
			Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Style %d has inconsistent lengths: R %d, G %d, B %d",
				i, lengthRed, lengthGreen, lengthBlue );
예제 #4
// For Maker Mod objects
// combine the two sets of spawnVars. newVars overwrite spawnVars
// we end up with level.spawnVars setup with our final values, the values applied to our ent, 
// and the appropriate spawn function executed.
void G_ApplySpawnVars( gentity_t *ent, char *spawnVars, char *newVars ) {
	int			i;
	char		*token;
	//static char *gametypeNames[] = {"ffa", "holocron", "jedimaster", "duel", "powerduel", "single", "team", "siege", "ctf", "cty"};
	char* p;
	char field[MAX_FIELDNAME_LENGTH + 1];

	level.numSpawnVars = 0;
	level.numSpawnVarChars = 0;
	level.spawnVarChars[0] = '/0';

	p = spawnVars;

	while ( p )
		token = ParseExt( &p, qfalse );  // TODO : make sure it's safe to use this function
		if ( token[0] == 0 )

		strncpy( field, token, MAX_FIELDNAME_LENGTH  );

		token = ParseExt( &p, qfalse );
		if ( token[0] == 0 )

		AddSpawnField( field, token );

	p = newVars;

	while ( p )
		token = ParseExt( &p, qfalse );  // TODO : make sure it's safe to use this function
		if ( token[0] == 0 )

		strncpy( field, token, MAX_FIELDNAME_LENGTH  );

		token = ParseExt( &p, qfalse );
		if ( token[0] == 0 )

		AddSpawnField( field, token );

	for ( i = 0 ; i < level.numSpawnVars ; i++ ) {
		BG_ParseField( fields, level.spawnVars[i][0], level.spawnVars[i][1], (byte *)ent );

	// move editor origin to pos
	VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, ent->s.pos.trBase );
	VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin );

	// if we didn't get a classname, don't bother spawning anything
	if ( !G_CallSpawn( ent ) ) {
		//G_FreeEntity( ent );

	//Tag on the ICARUS scripting information only to valid recipients
	if ( trap_ICARUS_ValidEnt( ent ) )
		trap_ICARUS_InitEnt( ent );

		if ( ent->classname && ent->classname[0] )
			if ( Q_strncmp( "NPC_", ent->classname, 4 ) != 0 )
			{//Not an NPC_spawner (rww - probably don't even care for MP, but whatever)
				G_ActivateBehavior( ent, BSET_SPAWN );