예제 #1
파일: tls.c 프로젝트: dcatonR1/FreeRDP
int tls_write_all(rdpTls* tls, const BYTE* data, int length)
	int status;
	int offset = 0;
	BIO* bio = tls->bio;

	while (offset < length)
		status = BIO_write(bio, &data[offset], length - offset);

		if (status > 0)
			offset += status;
			if (!BIO_should_retry(bio))
				return -1;

			if (BIO_write_blocked(bio))
				status = BIO_wait_write(bio, 100);
			else if (BIO_read_blocked(bio))
				status = BIO_wait_read(bio, 100);

			if (status < 0)
				return -1;

	return length;
예제 #2
파일: transport.c 프로젝트: ilammy/FreeRDP
int transport_read_layer(rdpTransport* transport, BYTE* data, int bytes)
	int read = 0;
	int status = -1;

	if (!transport->frontBio)
		transport->layer = TRANSPORT_LAYER_CLOSED;
		return -1;

	while (read < bytes)
		status = BIO_read(transport->frontBio, data + read, bytes - read);

		if (status <= 0)
			if (!transport->frontBio || !BIO_should_retry(transport->frontBio))
				/* something unexpected happened, let's close */
				if (!transport->frontBio)
					WLog_Print(transport->log, WLOG_ERROR, "BIO_read: transport->frontBio null");
					return -1;

				WLog_ERR_BIO(transport, "BIO_read", transport->frontBio);
				transport->layer = TRANSPORT_LAYER_CLOSED;
				return -1;

			/* non blocking will survive a partial read */
			if (!transport->blocking)
				return read;

			/* blocking means that we can't continue until we have read the number of requested bytes */
			if (BIO_wait_read(transport->frontBio, 100) < 0)
				WLog_ERR_BIO(transport, "BIO_wait_read", transport->frontBio);
				return -1;


		VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(data + read, bytes - read);
		read += status;

	return read;
예제 #3
파일: rdg.c 프로젝트: bceverly/FreeRDP
static long rdg_bio_ctrl(BIO* bio, int cmd, long arg1, void* arg2)
	int status = 0;
	rdpRdg* rdg = (rdpRdg*)bio->ptr;
	rdpTls* tlsOut = rdg->tlsOut;
	rdpTls* tlsIn = rdg->tlsIn;

	if (cmd == BIO_CTRL_FLUSH)
		status = 1;
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_GET_EVENT)
		if (arg2)
			BIO_get_event(rdg->tlsOut->bio, arg2);
			status = 1;
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_SET_NONBLOCK)
		rdg->nonBlocking = arg1;
		status = 1;
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_READ_BLOCKED)
		status = 0;
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_WRITE_BLOCKED)
		status = 0;
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_WAIT_READ)
		int timeout = (int)arg1;
		return BIO_wait_read(tlsOut->bio, timeout);
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_WAIT_WRITE)
		status = 0;

	return status;
예제 #4
파일: rdg.c 프로젝트: mfleisz/FreeRDP
static long rdg_bio_ctrl(BIO* bio, int cmd, long arg1, void* arg2)
	int status = -1;
	rdpRdg* rdg = (rdpRdg*) BIO_get_data(bio);
	rdpTls* tlsOut = rdg->tlsOut;
	rdpTls* tlsIn = rdg->tlsIn;

	if (cmd == BIO_CTRL_FLUSH)
		status = 1;
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_SET_NONBLOCK)
		status = 1;
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_READ_BLOCKED)
		BIO* bio = tlsOut->bio;
		status = BIO_read_blocked(bio);
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_WRITE_BLOCKED)
		BIO* bio = tlsIn->bio;
		status = BIO_write_blocked(bio);
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_WAIT_READ)
		int timeout = (int) arg1;
		BIO* bio = tlsOut->bio;

		if (BIO_read_blocked(bio))
			return BIO_wait_read(bio, timeout);
		else if (BIO_write_blocked(bio))
			return BIO_wait_write(bio, timeout);
			status = 1;
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_WAIT_WRITE)
		int timeout = (int) arg1;
		BIO* bio = tlsIn->bio;

		if (BIO_write_blocked(bio))
			status = BIO_wait_write(bio, timeout);
		else if (BIO_read_blocked(bio))
			status = BIO_wait_read(bio, timeout);
			status = 1;
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_GET_EVENT || cmd == BIO_C_GET_FD)
		 * A note about BIO_C_GET_FD:
		 * Even if two FDs are part of RDG, only one FD can be returned here.
		 * In FreeRDP, BIO FDs are only used for polling, so it is safe to use the outgoing FD only
		 * See issue #3602
		status = BIO_ctrl(tlsOut->bio, cmd, arg1, arg2);

	return status;
예제 #5
파일: rdg.c 프로젝트: mfleisz/FreeRDP
static int rdg_read_data_packet(rdpRdg* rdg, BYTE* buffer, int size)
	RdgPacketHeader header;
	size_t readCount = 0;
	int readSize;
	int status;

	if (!rdg->packetRemainingCount)
		while (readCount < sizeof(RdgPacketHeader))
			status = BIO_read(rdg->tlsOut->bio, (BYTE*)(&header) + readCount,
			                  sizeof(RdgPacketHeader) - readCount);

			if (status <= 0)
				if (!BIO_should_retry(rdg->tlsOut->bio))
					return -1;

				if (!readCount)
					return 0;

				BIO_wait_read(rdg->tlsOut->bio, 50);

			readCount += status;

		if (header.type != PKT_TYPE_DATA)
			status = rdg_process_control_packet(rdg, header.type, header.packetLength);

			if (!status)
				return -1;

			return 0;

		readCount = 0;

		while (readCount < 2)
			status = BIO_read(rdg->tlsOut->bio, (BYTE*)(&rdg->packetRemainingCount) + readCount, 2 - readCount);

			if (status < 0)
				if (!BIO_should_retry(rdg->tlsOut->bio))
					return -1;

				BIO_wait_read(rdg->tlsOut->bio, 50);

			readCount += status;

	readSize = (rdg->packetRemainingCount < size ? rdg->packetRemainingCount : size);
	status = BIO_read(rdg->tlsOut->bio, buffer, readSize);

	if (status <= 0)
		if (!BIO_should_retry(rdg->tlsOut->bio))
			return -1;

		return 0;

	rdg->packetRemainingCount -= status;
	return status;
예제 #6
파일: rdg.c 프로젝트: dcatonR1/FreeRDP
static long rdg_bio_ctrl(BIO* bio, int cmd, long arg1, void* arg2)
	int status = 0;
	rdpRdg* rdg = (rdpRdg*) BIO_get_data(bio);
	rdpTls* tlsOut = rdg->tlsOut;
	rdpTls* tlsIn = rdg->tlsIn;

	if (cmd == BIO_CTRL_FLUSH)
		status = 1;
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_GET_EVENT)
		if (arg2)
			BIO_get_event(rdg->tlsOut->bio, arg2);
			status = 1;
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_SET_NONBLOCK)
		status = 1;
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_READ_BLOCKED)
		BIO* bio = tlsOut->bio;
		status = BIO_read_blocked(bio);
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_WRITE_BLOCKED)
		BIO* bio = tlsIn->bio;
		status = BIO_write_blocked(bio);
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_WAIT_READ)
		int timeout = (int) arg1;
		BIO* bio = tlsOut->bio;

		if (BIO_read_blocked(bio))
			return BIO_wait_read(bio, timeout);
		else if (BIO_write_blocked(bio))
			return BIO_wait_write(bio, timeout);
			status = 1;
	else if (cmd == BIO_C_WAIT_WRITE)
		int timeout = (int) arg1;
		BIO* bio = tlsIn->bio;

		if (BIO_write_blocked(bio))
			status = BIO_wait_write(bio, timeout);
		else if (BIO_read_blocked(bio))
			status = BIO_wait_read(bio, timeout);
			status = 1;

	return status;