static void rna_Mask_update_parent(Main *bmain, Scene *scene, PointerRNA *ptr) { MaskParent *parent = ptr->data; if (parent->id) { if (GS(parent->id->name) == ID_MC) { MovieClip *clip = (MovieClip *) parent->id; MovieTracking *tracking = &clip->tracking; MovieTrackingObject *object = BKE_tracking_object_get_named(tracking, parent->parent); if (object) { MovieTrackingTrack *track = BKE_tracking_track_get_named(tracking, object, parent->sub_parent); if (track) { int clip_framenr = BKE_movieclip_remap_scene_to_clip_frame(clip, scene->r.cfra); MovieTrackingMarker *marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, clip_framenr); float marker_pos_ofs[2], parmask_pos[2]; MovieClipUser user = {0}; BKE_movieclip_user_set_frame(&user, scene->r.cfra); add_v2_v2v2(marker_pos_ofs, marker->pos, track->offset); BKE_mask_coord_from_movieclip(clip, &user, parmask_pos, marker_pos_ofs); copy_v2_v2(parent->parent_orig, parmask_pos); } } } } rna_Mask_update_data(bmain, scene, ptr); }
void PlaneTrackCommonOperation::initExecution() { MovieTracking *tracking; MovieTrackingObject *object; memset(this->m_corners, 0, sizeof(this->m_corners)); memset(this->m_frameSpaceCorners, 0, sizeof(this->m_frameSpaceCorners)); if (!this->m_movieClip) return; tracking = &this->m_movieClip->tracking; object = BKE_tracking_object_get_named(tracking, this->m_trackingObjectName); if (object) { MovieTrackingPlaneTrack *plane_track; plane_track = BKE_tracking_plane_track_get_named(tracking, object, this->m_planeTrackName); if (plane_track) { MovieTrackingPlaneMarker *plane_marker; int clip_framenr = BKE_movieclip_remap_scene_to_clip_frame(this->m_movieClip, this->m_framenumber); plane_marker = BKE_tracking_plane_marker_get(plane_track, clip_framenr); memcpy(this->m_corners, plane_marker->corners, sizeof(this->m_corners)); } } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this->m_frameSpaceCorners[i][0] = this->m_corners[i][0] * this->getWidth(); this->m_frameSpaceCorners[i][1] = this->m_corners[i][1] * this->getHeight(); } }
/* Finish reconstruction process by copying reconstructed data * to an actual movie clip datablock. */ bool BKE_tracking_reconstruction_finish(MovieReconstructContext *context, MovieTracking *tracking) { MovieTrackingReconstruction *reconstruction; MovieTrackingObject *object; tracks_map_merge(context->tracks_map, tracking); BKE_tracking_dopesheet_tag_update(tracking); object = BKE_tracking_object_get_named(tracking, context->object_name); if (context->is_camera) reconstruction = &tracking->reconstruction; else reconstruction = &object->reconstruction; /* update keyframe in the interface */ if (context->select_keyframes) { object->keyframe1 = context->keyframe1; object->keyframe2 = context->keyframe2; } reconstruction->error = context->reprojection_error; reconstruction->flag |= TRACKING_RECONSTRUCTED; if (!reconstruct_retrieve_libmv(context, tracking)) return false; return true; }
void TrackPositionOperation::initExecution() { MovieTracking *tracking = NULL; MovieClipUser user = {0}; MovieTrackingObject *object; zero_v2(this->m_markerPos); zero_v2(this->m_relativePos); if (!this->m_movieClip) return; tracking = &this->m_movieClip->tracking; BKE_movieclip_user_set_frame(&user, this->m_framenumber); BKE_movieclip_get_size(this->m_movieClip, &user, &this->m_width, &this->m_height); object = BKE_tracking_object_get_named(tracking, this->m_trackingObjectName); if (object) { MovieTrackingTrack *track; track = BKE_tracking_track_get_named(tracking, object, this->m_trackName); if (track) { MovieTrackingMarker *marker; int clip_framenr = BKE_movieclip_remap_scene_to_clip_frame(this->m_movieClip, this->m_framenumber); marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, clip_framenr); copy_v2_v2(this->m_markerPos, marker->pos); if (this->m_position == CMP_TRACKPOS_RELATIVE_START) { int i; for (i = 0; i < track->markersnr; i++) { marker = &track->markers[i]; if ((marker->flag & MARKER_DISABLED) == 0) { copy_v2_v2(this->m_relativePos, marker->pos); break; } } } else if (this->m_position == CMP_TRACKPOS_RELATIVE_FRAME) { int relative_clip_framenr = BKE_movieclip_remap_scene_to_clip_frame(this->m_movieClip, this->m_relativeFrame); marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, relative_clip_framenr); copy_v2_v2(this->m_relativePos, marker->pos); } } } }
void TrackPositionOperation::executePixel(float *outputValue, float x, float y, PixelSampler sampler) { MovieClipUser user = {0}; MovieTracking *tracking = &movieClip->tracking; MovieTrackingObject *object = BKE_tracking_object_get_named(tracking, this->trackingObject); MovieTrackingTrack *track; MovieTrackingMarker *marker; int width, height; outputValue[0] = 0.0f; if (!object) return; track = BKE_tracking_track_get_named(tracking, object, this->trackName); if (!track) return; BKE_movieclip_user_set_frame(&user, this->framenumber); BKE_movieclip_get_size(this->movieClip, &user, &width, &height); marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, this->framenumber); outputValue[0] = marker->pos[this->axis]; if (this->relative) { int i; for (i = 0; i < track->markersnr; i++) { marker = &track->markers[i]; if ((marker->flag & MARKER_DISABLED) == 0) { outputValue[0] -= marker->pos[this->axis]; break; } } } if (this->axis == 0) outputValue[0] *= width; else outputValue[0] *= height; }
void tracks_map_merge(TracksMap *map, MovieTracking *tracking) { MovieTrackingTrack *track; ListBase tracks = {NULL, NULL}, new_tracks = {NULL, NULL}; ListBase *old_tracks; int a; if (map->is_camera) { old_tracks = &tracking->tracks; } else { MovieTrackingObject *object = BKE_tracking_object_get_named(tracking, map->object_name); if (!object) { /* object was deleted by user, create new one */ object = BKE_tracking_object_add(tracking, map->object_name); } old_tracks = &object->tracks; } /* duplicate currently operating tracks to temporary list. * this is needed to keep names in unique state and it's faster to change names * of currently operating tracks (if needed) */ for (a = 0; a < map->num_tracks; a++) { MovieTrackingTrack *old_track; bool mapped_to_old = false; track = &map->tracks[a]; /* find original of operating track in list of previously displayed tracks */ old_track = BLI_ghash_lookup(map->hash, track); if (old_track) { if (BLI_findindex(old_tracks, old_track) != -1) { BLI_remlink(old_tracks, old_track); BLI_spin_lock(&map->spin_lock); /* Copy flags like selection back to the track map. */ track->flag = old_track->flag; track->pat_flag = old_track->pat_flag; track->search_flag = old_track->search_flag; /* Copy all the rest settings back from the map to the actual tracks. */ MEM_freeN(old_track->markers); *old_track = *track; old_track->markers = MEM_dupallocN(old_track->markers); BLI_spin_unlock(&map->spin_lock); BLI_addtail(&tracks, old_track); mapped_to_old = true; } } if (mapped_to_old == false) { MovieTrackingTrack *new_track = BKE_tracking_track_duplicate(track); /* Update old-new track mapping */ BLI_ghash_reinsert(map->hash, track, new_track, NULL, NULL); BLI_addtail(&tracks, new_track); } } /* move all tracks, which aren't operating */ track = old_tracks->first; while (track) { MovieTrackingTrack *next = track->next; BLI_addtail(&new_tracks, track); track = next; } /* now move all tracks which are currently operating and keep their names unique */ track = tracks.first; while (track) { MovieTrackingTrack *next = track->next; BLI_remlink(&tracks, track); track->next = track->prev = NULL; BLI_addtail(&new_tracks, track); BLI_uniquename(&new_tracks, track, CTX_DATA_(BLF_I18NCONTEXT_ID_MOVIECLIP, "Track"), '.', offsetof(MovieTrackingTrack, name), sizeof(track->name)); track = next; } *old_tracks = new_tracks; }
static void compute_gradient_screen(RenderData *rd, NodeKeyingScreenData *keyingscreen_data, MovieClip *clip, CompBuf *screenbuf) { MovieClipUser user = {0}; MovieTracking *tracking = &clip->tracking; MovieTrackingTrack *track; VoronoiTriangulationPoint *triangulated_points; VoronoiSite *sites; ImBuf *ibuf; ListBase *tracksbase; ListBase edges = {NULL, NULL}; int sites_total, triangulated_points_total, triangles_total; int (*triangles)[3]; int i, x, y; float *rect = screenbuf->rect; if (keyingscreen_data->tracking_object[0]) { MovieTrackingObject *object = BKE_tracking_object_get_named(tracking, keyingscreen_data->tracking_object); if (!object) return; tracksbase = BKE_tracking_object_get_tracks(tracking, object); } else tracksbase = BKE_tracking_get_active_tracks(tracking); sites_total = BLI_countlist(tracksbase); if (!sites_total) return; BKE_movieclip_user_set_frame(&user, rd->cfra); ibuf = BKE_movieclip_get_ibuf(clip, &user); sites = MEM_callocN(sizeof(VoronoiSite) * sites_total, "keyingscreen voronoi sites"); track = tracksbase->first; i = 0; while (track) { VoronoiSite *site = &sites[i]; MovieTrackingMarker *marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, rd->cfra); ImBuf *pattern_ibuf = BKE_tracking_get_pattern_imbuf(ibuf, track, marker, TRUE, FALSE); int j; zero_v3(site->color); if (pattern_ibuf) { for (j = 0; j < pattern_ibuf->x * pattern_ibuf->y; j++) { if (pattern_ibuf->rect_float) { add_v3_v3(site->color, &pattern_ibuf->rect_float[4 * j]); } else { unsigned char *rrgb = (unsigned char *)pattern_ibuf->rect; site->color[0] += srgb_to_linearrgb((float)rrgb[4 * j + 0] / 255.0f); site->color[1] += srgb_to_linearrgb((float)rrgb[4 * j + 1] / 255.0f); site->color[2] += srgb_to_linearrgb((float)rrgb[4 * j + 2] / 255.0f); } } mul_v3_fl(site->color, 1.0f / (pattern_ibuf->x * pattern_ibuf->y)); IMB_freeImBuf(pattern_ibuf); } site->co[0] = marker->pos[0] * screenbuf->x; site->co[1] = marker->pos[1] * screenbuf->y; track = track->next; i++; } IMB_freeImBuf(ibuf); BLI_voronoi_compute(sites, sites_total, screenbuf->x, screenbuf->y, &edges); BLI_voronoi_triangulate(sites, sites_total, &edges, screenbuf->x, screenbuf->y, &triangulated_points, &triangulated_points_total, &triangles, &triangles_total); for (y = 0; y < screenbuf->y; y++) { for (x = 0; x < screenbuf->x; x++) { int index = 4 * (y * screenbuf->x + x); rect[index + 0] = rect[index + 1] = rect[index + 2] = 0.0f; rect[index + 3] = 1.0f; for (i = 0; i < triangles_total; i++) { int *triangle = triangles[i]; VoronoiTriangulationPoint *a = &triangulated_points[triangle[0]], *b = &triangulated_points[triangle[1]], *c = &triangulated_points[triangle[2]]; float co[2] = {x, y}, w[3]; if (barycentric_coords_v2(a->co, b->co, c->co, co, w)) { if (barycentric_inside_triangle_v2(w)) { rect[index + 0] += a->color[0] * w[0] + b->color[0] * w[1] + c->color[0] * w[2]; rect[index + 1] += a->color[1] * w[0] + b->color[1] * w[1] + c->color[1] * w[2]; rect[index + 2] += a->color[2] * w[0] + b->color[2] * w[1] + c->color[2] * w[2]; } } } } } MEM_freeN(triangulated_points); MEM_freeN(triangles); MEM_freeN(sites); BLI_freelistN(&edges); }
/* Retrieve reconstructed tracks from libmv to blender. * Actually, this also copies reconstructed cameras * from libmv to movie clip datablock. */ static bool reconstruct_retrieve_libmv_tracks(MovieReconstructContext *context, MovieTracking *tracking) { struct libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_reconstruction = context->reconstruction; MovieTrackingReconstruction *reconstruction = NULL; MovieReconstructedCamera *reconstructed; MovieTrackingTrack *track; ListBase *tracksbase = NULL; int tracknr = 0, a; bool ok = true; bool origin_set = false; int sfra = context->sfra, efra = context->efra; float imat[4][4]; if (context->is_camera) { tracksbase = &tracking->tracks; reconstruction = &tracking->reconstruction; } else { MovieTrackingObject *object = BKE_tracking_object_get_named(tracking, context->object_name); tracksbase = &object->tracks; reconstruction = &object->reconstruction; } unit_m4(imat); track = tracksbase->first; while (track) { double pos[3]; if (libmv_reprojectionPointForTrack(libmv_reconstruction, tracknr, pos)) { track->bundle_pos[0] = pos[0]; track->bundle_pos[1] = pos[1]; track->bundle_pos[2] = pos[2]; track->flag |= TRACK_HAS_BUNDLE; track->error = libmv_reprojectionErrorForTrack(libmv_reconstruction, tracknr); } else { track->flag &= ~TRACK_HAS_BUNDLE; ok = false; printf("Unable to reconstruct position for track #%d '%s'\n", tracknr, track->name); } track = track->next; tracknr++; } if (reconstruction->cameras) MEM_freeN(reconstruction->cameras); reconstruction->camnr = 0; reconstruction->cameras = NULL; reconstructed = MEM_callocN((efra - sfra + 1) * sizeof(MovieReconstructedCamera), "temp reconstructed camera"); for (a = sfra; a <= efra; a++) { double matd[4][4]; if (libmv_reprojectionCameraForImage(libmv_reconstruction, a, matd)) { int i, j; float mat[4][4]; float error = libmv_reprojectionErrorForImage(libmv_reconstruction, a); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) mat[i][j] = matd[i][j]; } /* Ensure first camera has got zero rotation and transform. * This is essential for object tracking to work -- this way * we'll always know object and environment are properly * oriented. * * There's one weak part tho, which is requirement object * motion starts at the same frame as camera motion does, * otherwise that;' be a russian roulette whether object is * aligned correct or not. */ if (!origin_set) { invert_m4_m4(imat, mat); unit_m4(mat); origin_set = true; } else { mul_m4_m4m4(mat, imat, mat); } copy_m4_m4(reconstructed[reconstruction->camnr].mat, mat); reconstructed[reconstruction->camnr].framenr = a; reconstructed[reconstruction->camnr].error = error; reconstruction->camnr++; } else { ok = false; printf("No camera for frame %d\n", a); } } if (reconstruction->camnr) { int size = reconstruction->camnr * sizeof(MovieReconstructedCamera); reconstruction->cameras = MEM_callocN(size, "reconstructed camera"); memcpy(reconstruction->cameras, reconstructed, size); } if (origin_set) { track = tracksbase->first; while (track) { if (track->flag & TRACK_HAS_BUNDLE) mul_v3_m4v3(track->bundle_pos, imat, track->bundle_pos); track = track->next; } } MEM_freeN(reconstructed); return ok; }
KeyingScreenOperation::TriangulationData *KeyingScreenOperation::buildVoronoiTriangulation() { MovieClipUser user = {0}; TriangulationData *triangulation; MovieTracking *tracking = &this->m_movieClip->tracking; MovieTrackingTrack *track; VoronoiSite *sites, *site; ImBuf *ibuf; ListBase *tracksbase; ListBase edges = {NULL, NULL}; int sites_total; int i; int width = this->getWidth(); int height = this->getHeight(); int clip_frame = BKE_movieclip_remap_scene_to_clip_frame(this->m_movieClip, this->m_framenumber); if (this->m_trackingObject[0]) { MovieTrackingObject *object = BKE_tracking_object_get_named(tracking, this->m_trackingObject); if (!object) return NULL; tracksbase = BKE_tracking_object_get_tracks(tracking, object); } else tracksbase = BKE_tracking_get_active_tracks(tracking); /* count sites */ for (track = (MovieTrackingTrack *) tracksbase->first, sites_total = 0; track; track = track->next) { MovieTrackingMarker *marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, clip_frame); float pos[2]; if (marker->flag & MARKER_DISABLED) continue; add_v2_v2v2(pos, marker->pos, track->offset); if (!IN_RANGE_INCL(pos[0], 0.0f, 1.0f) || !IN_RANGE_INCL(pos[1], 0.0f, 1.0f)) { continue; } sites_total++; } if (!sites_total) return NULL; BKE_movieclip_user_set_frame(&user, clip_frame); ibuf = BKE_movieclip_get_ibuf(this->m_movieClip, &user); if (!ibuf) return NULL; triangulation = (TriangulationData *) MEM_callocN(sizeof(TriangulationData), "keying screen triangulation data"); sites = (VoronoiSite *) MEM_callocN(sizeof(VoronoiSite) * sites_total, "keyingscreen voronoi sites"); track = (MovieTrackingTrack *) tracksbase->first; for (track = (MovieTrackingTrack *) tracksbase->first, site = sites; track; track = track->next) { MovieTrackingMarker *marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, clip_frame); ImBuf *pattern_ibuf; int j; float pos[2]; if (marker->flag & MARKER_DISABLED) continue; add_v2_v2v2(pos, marker->pos, track->offset); if (!IN_RANGE_INCL(pos[0], 0.0f, 1.0f) || !IN_RANGE_INCL(pos[1], 0.0f, 1.0f)) { continue; } pattern_ibuf = BKE_tracking_get_pattern_imbuf(ibuf, track, marker, TRUE, FALSE); zero_v3(site->color); if (pattern_ibuf) { for (j = 0; j < pattern_ibuf->x * pattern_ibuf->y; j++) { if (pattern_ibuf->rect_float) { add_v3_v3(site->color, &pattern_ibuf->rect_float[4 * j]); } else { unsigned char *rrgb = (unsigned char *)pattern_ibuf->rect; site->color[0] += srgb_to_linearrgb((float)rrgb[4 * j + 0] / 255.0f); site->color[1] += srgb_to_linearrgb((float)rrgb[4 * j + 1] / 255.0f); site->color[2] += srgb_to_linearrgb((float)rrgb[4 * j + 2] / 255.0f); } } mul_v3_fl(site->color, 1.0f / (pattern_ibuf->x * pattern_ibuf->y)); IMB_freeImBuf(pattern_ibuf); } site->co[0] = pos[0] * width; site->co[1] = pos[1] * height; site++; } IMB_freeImBuf(ibuf); BLI_voronoi_compute(sites, sites_total, width, height, &edges); BLI_voronoi_triangulate(sites, sites_total, &edges, width, height, &triangulation->triangulated_points, &triangulation->triangulated_points_total, &triangulation->triangles, &triangulation->triangles_total); MEM_freeN(sites); BLI_freelistN(&edges); if (triangulation->triangles_total) { rctf *rect; rect = triangulation->triangles_AABB = (rctf *) MEM_callocN(sizeof(rctf) * triangulation->triangles_total, "voronoi triangulation AABB"); for (i = 0; i < triangulation->triangles_total; i++, rect++) { int *triangle = triangulation->triangles[i]; VoronoiTriangulationPoint *a = &triangulation->triangulated_points[triangle[0]], *b = &triangulation->triangulated_points[triangle[1]], *c = &triangulation->triangulated_points[triangle[2]]; float min[2], max[2]; INIT_MINMAX2(min, max); minmax_v2v2_v2(min, max, a->co); minmax_v2v2_v2(min, max, b->co); minmax_v2v2_v2(min, max, c->co); rect->xmin = min[0]; rect->ymin = min[1]; rect->xmax = max[0]; rect->ymax = max[1]; } } return triangulation; }