예제 #1
/*!\brief Execution function for threads in a thread pool.
// This function is executed by any thread managed by a thread pool.
void Thread::run()
   // Checking the thread pool handle
   BLAZE_INTERNAL_ASSERT( pool_, "Uninitialized pool handle detected" );

   // Executing scheduled tasks
   while( pool_->executeTask() ) {}

   // Setting the termination flag
   terminated_ = true;
예제 #2
/*!\brief Commits the current log message to the log file.
// \return void
// This function commits the current log message to the log file. The function is automatically
// called at the end of a log section, but can also be used manually in order to intermediately
// commit log messages, for instance in the case of nested log sections.
void LogSection::commit()
   // Early exit in case the log message is empty
   if( message_.str().empty() ) return;

   std::string line;
   std::ostringstream oss;

   // Writing the log level information
   switch( level_ )
      case inactive: oss << "[INACTIVE]"; break;
      case error   : oss << "[ERROR   ]"; break;
      case warning : oss << "[WARNING ]"; break;
      case info    : oss << "[INFO    ]"; break;
      case progress: oss << "[PROGRESS]"; break;
      case debug   : oss << "[DEBUG   ]"; break;
      case detail  : oss << "[DETAIL  ]"; break;
      default: BLAZE_INTERNAL_ASSERT( false, "Unknown logging level" ); break;

   // Writing the elapsed time
   const time_t elapsed( theSystemClock()->elapsed() );
   const time_t hours  ( elapsed / time_t( 3600 ) );
   const time_t minutes( ( elapsed % time_t( 3600 ) ) / time_t( 60 ) );
   const time_t seconds( elapsed % time_t( 60 ) );
   oss << boost::format( "[%03d:%02d:%02d] " ) % hours % minutes % seconds;

   // Commiting the log message
   std::getline( message_, line );
   oss << line << "\n";

   while( std::getline( message_, line ) ) {
      if( !line.empty() )
         oss << "                      " << line << "\n";

   // Adding an additional spacing line
   if( spacing )
      oss << "\n";

   // Logging the formated log message
   boost::shared_ptr<Logger> logger( Logger::instance() );
   logger->log( oss.str() );

   // Resetting the message buffer
   message_.str( "" );
예제 #3
/*!\brief TODO
// \param A TODO
// \param b TODO
// \param x TODO
// \return TODO
// \exception std::invalid_argument Invalid matrix size.
// \exception std::invalid_argument Invalid right-hand side vector size.
// TODO: description
// TODO: problem formulation \f$ A \cdot x + b = 0 \f$ !!
bool GaussianElimination::solve( const CMatMxN& A, const VecN& b, VecN& x )
   if( A.rows() != A.columns() )
      throw std::invalid_argument( "Invalid matrix size" );

   if( A.rows() != b.size() )
      throw std::invalid_argument( "Invalid right-hand side vector size" );

   const size_t n( b.size() );

   // Allocating helper data
   A_ =  A;
   b_ = -b;
   x.resize( n, false );

   size_t pi, pj;
   lastPrecision_ = real(0);

   // Initializing the pivot vector
   DynamicVector<size_t> p( n );
   for( size_t j=0; j<n; ++j ) {
      p[j] = j;

   // Performing the Gaussian elimination
   for( size_t j=0; j<n; ++j )
      size_t max( j );
      real max_val( std::fabs( A_(p[max],j) ) );

      // Partial search for pivot
      for( size_t i=j+1; i<n; ++i ) {
         if( std::fabs( A_(p[i],j) ) > max_val ) {
            max = i;
            max_val = std::fabs( A_(p[max],j) );

      // Swapping rows such the pivot lies on the diagonal
      std::swap( p[max], p[j] );
      pj = p[j];

      if( !isDefault( A_(pj,j) ) )
         // Eliminating the column below the diagonal
         for( size_t i=j+1; i<n; ++i )
            pi = p[i];
            const real f = A_(pi,j) / A_(pj,j);

            reset( A_(pi,j) );

            for( size_t k=j+1; k<n; ++k ) {
               A_(pi,k) -= A_(pj,k) * f;

            b_[pi] -= b_[pj] * f;
      else {
         // Asserting that the column is zero below the diagonal
         for( size_t i=j+1; i<n; ++i ) {
            BLAZE_INTERNAL_ASSERT( isDefault( A_(p[i],j) ), "Fatal error in Gaussian elimination" );

   // Performing the backward substitution
   for( size_t i=n-1; i<n; --i )
      pi = p[i];
      real rhs = b_[pi];

      for( size_t j=i+1; j<n; ++j ) {
         rhs -= x[j] * A_(pi,j);

      if( std::fabs( A_(pi,i) ) > accuracy ) {
         x[i] = rhs / A_(pi,i);
      else {
         // This will introduce errors in the solution
         reset( x[i] );
         lastPrecision_ = max( lastPrecision_, std::fabs( rhs ) );

      if( lastPrecision_ < threshold_ )
         log << "      Solved the linear system using Gaussian elimination.";
         log << BLAZE_YELLOW << "      WARNING: Did not solve the linear system within accuracy. (" << lastPrecision_ << ")" << BLAZE_OLDCOLOR;

   lastIterations_ = 1;

   return lastPrecision_ < threshold_;