예제 #1
/** solving process initialization method of variable pricer (called when branch and bound process is about to begin) */
   SCIP_PRICERDATA* pricerdata;
   SCIPdebugPrintf("pricerinitsol \n");
   assert(scip != NULL);
   assert(pricer != NULL);

   pricerdata = SCIPpricerGetData(pricer);
   assert(pricerdata != NULL);

   /* allocate memory */
   if( !pricerdata->bigt )
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &(pricerdata->pi), SCIPprobdataGetNEdges(scip) * SCIPprobdataGetRNTerms(scip)) );
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &(pricerdata->pi), SCIPprobdataGetNEdges(scip)) );

   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &(pricerdata->mi), SCIPprobdataGetRNTerms(scip)) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &pricerdata->ncreatedvars, SCIPprobdataGetRNTerms(scip)) );
   BMSclearMemoryArray(pricerdata->ncreatedvars, SCIPprobdataGetRNTerms(scip));

   return SCIP_OKAY;
예제 #2
/** reads the next line from the input file into the line buffer; skips comments;
 *  returns whether a line could be read
SCIP_Bool getNextLine(
    BLKINPUT*             blkinput            /**< BLK reading data */
    int i;

    assert(blkinput != NULL);

    /* clear the line */
    BMSclearMemoryArray(blkinput->linebuf, BLK_MAX_LINELEN);

    /* read next line */
    blkinput->linepos = 0;
    blkinput->linebuf[BLK_MAX_LINELEN-2] = '\0';
    if( SCIPfgets(blkinput->linebuf, sizeof(blkinput->linebuf), blkinput->file) == NULL )
        return FALSE;
    if( blkinput->linebuf[BLK_MAX_LINELEN-2] != '\0' )
        SCIPerrorMessage("Error: line %d exceeds %d characters\n", blkinput->linenumber, BLK_MAX_LINELEN-2);
        blkinput->haserror = TRUE;
        return FALSE;
    blkinput->linebuf[BLK_MAX_LINELEN-1] = '\0';
    blkinput->linebuf[BLK_MAX_LINELEN-2] = '\0'; /* we want to use lookahead of one char -> we need two \0 at the end */

    /* skip characters after comment symbol */
    for( i = 0; commentchars[i] != '\0'; ++i )
        char* commentstart;

        commentstart = strchr(blkinput->linebuf, commentchars[i]);
        if( commentstart != NULL )
            *commentstart = '\0';
            *(commentstart+1) = '\0'; /* we want to use lookahead of one char -> we need two \0 at the end */

    return TRUE;
예제 #3
파일: heur_mutation.c 프로젝트: hhexiy/scip
/** creates a subproblem for subscip by fixing a number of variables */
SCIP_RETCODE createSubproblem(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< original SCIP data structure                                  */
   SCIP*                 subscip,            /**< SCIP data structure for the subproblem                        */
   SCIP_VAR**            subvars,            /**< the variables of the subproblem                               */
   SCIP_Real             minfixingrate,      /**< percentage of integer variables that have to be fixed         */
   unsigned int*         randseed,           /**< a seed value for the random number generator                  */
   SCIP_Bool             uselprows           /**< should subproblem be created out of the rows in the LP rows?   */
   SCIP_VAR** vars;                          /* original scip variables                    */
   SCIP_SOL* sol;                            /* pool of solutions                          */
   SCIP_Bool* marked;                        /* array of markers, which variables to fixed */
   SCIP_Bool fixingmarker;                   /* which flag should label a fixed variable?  */

   int nvars;
   int nbinvars;
   int nintvars;
   int i;
   int j;
   int nmarkers;

   /* get required data of the original problem */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetVarsData(scip, &vars, &nvars, &nbinvars, &nintvars, NULL, NULL) );
   sol = SCIPgetBestSol(scip);
   assert(sol != NULL);

   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &marked, nbinvars+nintvars) );

   if( minfixingrate > 0.5 )
      nmarkers = nbinvars + nintvars - (int) SCIPfloor(scip, minfixingrate*(nbinvars+nintvars));
      fixingmarker = FALSE;
      nmarkers = (int) SCIPceil(scip, minfixingrate*(nbinvars+nintvars));
      fixingmarker = TRUE;
   assert( 0 <= nmarkers && nmarkers <=  SCIPceil(scip,(nbinvars+nintvars)/2.0 ) );

   j = 0;
   BMSclearMemoryArray(marked, nbinvars+nintvars);
   while( j < nmarkers )
         i = SCIPgetRandomInt(0, nbinvars+nintvars-1, randseed);
      while( marked[i] );
      marked[i] = TRUE;
   assert( j == nmarkers );

   /* change bounds of variables of the subproblem */
   for( i = 0; i < nbinvars + nintvars; i++ )
      /* fix all randomly marked variables */
      if( marked[i] == fixingmarker )
         SCIP_Real solval;
         SCIP_Real lb;
         SCIP_Real ub;

         solval = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, vars[i]);
         lb = SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(subvars[i]);
         ub = SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(subvars[i]);
         assert(SCIPisLE(scip, lb, ub));
         /* due to dual reductions, it may happen that the solution value is not in
            the variable's domain anymore */
         if( SCIPisLT(scip, solval, lb) )
            solval = lb;
         else if( SCIPisGT(scip, solval, ub) )
            solval = ub;
         /* perform the bound change */
         if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, solval) && !SCIPisInfinity(scip, -solval) )
            SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarLbGlobal(subscip, subvars[i], solval) );
            SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarUbGlobal(subscip, subvars[i], solval) );

   if( uselprows )
      SCIP_ROW** rows;   /* original scip rows */
      int nrows;

      /* get the rows and their number */
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPRowsData(scip, &rows, &nrows) );

      /* copy all rows to linear constraints */
      for( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ )
         SCIP_CONS* cons;
         SCIP_VAR** consvars;
         SCIP_COL** cols;
         SCIP_Real constant;
         SCIP_Real lhs;
         SCIP_Real rhs;
         SCIP_Real* vals;
         int nnonz;

         /* ignore rows that are only locally valid */
         if( SCIProwIsLocal(rows[i]) )

         /* get the row's data */
         constant = SCIProwGetConstant(rows[i]);
         lhs = SCIProwGetLhs(rows[i]) - constant;
         rhs = SCIProwGetRhs(rows[i]) - constant;
         vals = SCIProwGetVals(rows[i]);
         nnonz = SCIProwGetNNonz(rows[i]);
         cols = SCIProwGetCols(rows[i]);

         assert( lhs <= rhs );

         /* allocate memory array to be filled with the corresponding subproblem variables */
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &consvars, nnonz) );
         for( j = 0; j < nnonz; j++ )
            consvars[j] = subvars[SCIPvarGetProbindex(SCIPcolGetVar(cols[j]))];

         /* create a new linear constraint and add it to the subproblem */
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateConsLinear(subscip, &cons, SCIProwGetName(rows[i]), nnonz, consvars, vals, lhs, rhs,
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddCons(subscip, cons) );
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseCons(subscip, &cons) );

         /* free temporary memory */
         SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &consvars);

   SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &marked);
   return SCIP_OKAY;
예제 #4
/** branches the searching tree, branching nodes are selected in decreasing order of their apriori bound,
 *  returns the level to which we should backtrack, or INT_MAX for continuing normally
int branch(
   TCLIQUE_GETNNODES((*getnnodes)),     /**< user function to get the number of nodes */
   TCLIQUE_GETWEIGHTS((*getweights)),   /**< user function to get the node weights */
   TCLIQUE_ISEDGE   ((*isedge)),        /**< user function to check for existence of an edge */
   TCLIQUE_SELECTADJNODES((*selectadjnodes)), /**< user function to select adjacent edges */
   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*   tcliquegraph,       /**< pointer to graph data structure */
   TCLIQUE_NEWSOL   ((*newsol)),        /**< user function to call on every new solution */
   TCLIQUE_DATA*    tcliquedata,        /**< user data to pass to user callback function */
   BMS_CHKMEM*      mem,                /**< block memory */
   CLIQUEHASH*      cliquehash,         /**< clique hash table */
   int*             buffer,             /**< buffer of size nnodes */
   int              level,		/**< level of b&b tree */
   int*             V,                  /**< non-zero weighted nodes for branching */
   int              nV,                 /**< number of non-zero weighted nodes for branching */
   int*             Vzero,              /**< zero weighted nodes */
   int              nVzero,             /**< number of zero weighted nodes */
   NBC*             gsd,                /**< neighbour color information of all nodes */
   TCLIQUE_Bool*    iscolored,          /**< coloring status of all nodes */
   int*             K,                  /**< nodes from the b&b tree */
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT   weightK,            /**< weight of the nodes from b&b tree */
   int*             maxcliquenodes,     /**< pointer to store nodes of the maximum weight clique */
   int*             nmaxcliquenodes,    /**< pointer to store number of nodes in the maximum weight clique */
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT*  maxcliqueweight,    /**< pointer to store weight of the maximum weight clique */
   int*             curcliquenodes,     /**< pointer to store nodes of currenct clique */
   int*             ncurcliquenodes,    /**< pointer to store number of nodes in current clique */
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT*  curcliqueweight,    /**< pointer to store weight of current clique */
   int*             tmpcliquenodes,     /**< buffer for storing the temporary clique */
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT   maxfirstnodeweight, /**< maximum weight of branching nodes in level 0; 0 if not used
                                         **  (for cliques with at least one fractional node) */
   int*             ntreenodes,         /**< pointer to store number of nodes of b&b tree */
   int              maxntreenodes,	/**< maximal number of nodes of b&b tree */
   int              backtrackfreq,      /**< frequency to backtrack to first level of tree (0: no premature backtracking) */
   int              maxnzeroextensions, /**< maximal number of zero-valued variables extending the clique */
   int              fixednode,          /**< node that is forced to be in the clique, or -1; must have positive weight */
   TCLIQUE_STATUS*  status              /**< pointer to store the status of the solving call */
   TCLIQUE_Bool isleaf;
   const TCLIQUE_WEIGHT* weights;
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT* apbound;
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT subgraphweight;
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT weightKold;
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT tmpcliqueweight;
   int backtracklevel;
   int ntmpcliquenodes;
   int i;

   assert(getnnodes != NULL);
   assert(getweights != NULL);
   assert(selectadjnodes != NULL);
   assert(mem != NULL);
   assert(V != NULL);
   assert(gsd != NULL);
   assert(iscolored != NULL);
   assert(K != NULL);
   assert(maxcliqueweight != NULL);
   assert(curcliquenodes != NULL);
   assert(ncurcliquenodes != NULL);
   assert(curcliqueweight != NULL);
   assert(ntreenodes != NULL);
   assert(maxfirstnodeweight >= 0);
   assert(*ntreenodes >= 0);
   assert(maxntreenodes >= 0);
   assert(status != NULL);

   /* increase the number of nodes, and stop solving, if the node limit is exceeded */
   debugMessage("(level %d, treenode %d) maxclique = %d, curclique = %d [mem=%lld (%lld), cliques=%d]\n",
      level, *ntreenodes, *maxcliqueweight, *curcliqueweight,
      BMSgetChunkMemoryUsed(mem), BMSgetMemoryUsed(), cliquehash == NULL ? 0 : cliquehash->ncliques);

   debugMessage(" -> current branching (weight %d):", weightK);
   for( i = 0; i < level; ++i )
      debugPrintf(" %d", K[i]);
   debugMessage(" -> branching candidates:");
   for( i = 0; i < nV; ++i )
      debugPrintf(" %d", V[i]);
   if( *ntreenodes > maxntreenodes )
      *status = TCLIQUE_NODELIMIT;
      return TRUE;

   weights = getweights(tcliquegraph);
   backtracklevel = INT_MAX;
   isleaf = TRUE;

   /* allocate temporary memory for a priori bounds */
   ALLOC_ABORT( BMSallocMemoryArray(&apbound, nV) );
   BMSclearMemoryArray(apbound, nV);

   /* use coloring relaxation to generate an upper bound for the current subtree and a heuristic solution */
   subgraphweight = boundSubgraph(getnnodes, getweights, isedge, selectadjnodes, tcliquegraph,
      mem, buffer, V, nV, gsd, iscolored, apbound,
      tmpcliquenodes, &ntmpcliquenodes, &tmpcliqueweight);

#ifndef NDEBUG
   /* check correctness of V and apbound arrays */
   for( i = 0; i < nV; ++i )
      assert(0 <= V[i] && V[i] < getnnodes(tcliquegraph));
      assert(i == 0 || V[i-1] < V[i]);
      assert(apbound[i] >= 0);
      assert((apbound[i] == 0) == (weights[V[i]] == 0));

   /* check, whether the heuristic solution is better than the current subtree's solution;
    * if the user wanted to have a fixed variable inside the clique and we are in level 0, we first have to
    * fix this variable in this level (the current clique might not contain the fixed node)
   if( weightK + tmpcliqueweight > *curcliqueweight && (level > 0 || fixednode == -1) )
      /* install the newly generated clique as current clique */
      for( i = 0; i < level; ++i )
         curcliquenodes[i] = K[i];
      for( i = 0; i < ntmpcliquenodes; ++i )
         curcliquenodes[level+i] = tmpcliquenodes[i];
      *ncurcliquenodes = level + ntmpcliquenodes;
      *curcliqueweight = weightK + tmpcliqueweight;

      debugMessage(" -> new current clique with weight %d at node %d in level %d:",
         *curcliqueweight, *ntreenodes, level);
      for( i = 0; i < *ncurcliquenodes; ++i )
         debugPrintf(" %d", curcliquenodes[i]);

   /* discard subtree, if the upper bound is not better than the weight of the currently best clique;
    * if only 2 nodes are left, the maximal weighted clique was already calculated in boundSubgraph() and nothing
    * more has to be done;
    * however, if the user wanted to have a fixed node and we are in the first decision level, we have to continue
   if( weightK + subgraphweight > *maxcliqueweight && (nV > 2 || (fixednode >= 0 && level == 0)) )
      int* Vcurrent;
      int nVcurrent;
      int nValive;
      int branchingnode;

      assert(nV > 0);

      /* process current subtree */

      /* set up data structures */
      ALLOC_ABORT( BMSallocMemoryArray(&Vcurrent, nV-1) );

      nValive = nV;
      weightKold = weightK;

      debugMessage("============================ branching level %d ===============================\n", level);

      /* branch on the nodes of V by decreasing order of their apriori bound */
      while( backtracklevel >= level && nValive > 0 )
         int branchidx;

         /* check if we meet the backtracking frequency - in this case abort the search until we have reached first level */
         if( level > 1 && backtrackfreq > 0 && (*ntreenodes) % backtrackfreq == 0 )
            backtracklevel = 1;

         /* get next branching node */
	 if( level == 1 && fixednode >= 0 )
	    /* select the fixed node as first "branching" candidate */
	    for( branchidx = 0; branchidx < nValive && V[branchidx] != fixednode; branchidx++ )
	    assert(branchidx < nValive);
	    assert(V[branchidx] == fixednode);
         else if( level == 1 && maxfirstnodeweight > 0 )
            branchidx = getMaxApBoundIndexNotMaxWeight(V, nValive, apbound, weights, maxfirstnodeweight);
            branchidx = getMaxApBoundIndex(nValive, apbound);
         if( branchidx < 0 )
         assert(0 <= branchidx && branchidx < nValive && nValive <= nV);
         assert(apbound[branchidx] > 0);
         assert(weights[V[branchidx]] > 0);

         /* test a priori bound */
         if( (weightKold + apbound[branchidx]) <= *maxcliqueweight )

         debugMessage("%d. branching in level %d (treenode %d): bidx=%d, node %d, weight %d, upperbound: %d+%d = %d, maxclique=%d\n",
            nV-nValive+1, level, *ntreenodes, branchidx, V[branchidx], weights[V[branchidx]], weightKold,
            apbound[branchidx], weightKold + apbound[branchidx], *maxcliqueweight);

         /* because we branch on this node, the node is no leaf in the tree */
         isleaf = FALSE;

         /* update the set of nodes from the b&b tree
          *   K = K & {branchingnode}
         branchingnode = V[branchidx];
         K[level-1] = branchingnode;
         weightK = weightKold + weights[branchingnode];

         /* update the set of nodes for branching
          *   V = V \ {branchingnode}
         for( i = branchidx; i < nValive; ++i )
            V[i] = V[i+1];
            apbound[i] = apbound[i+1];

         /* set the nodes for the next level of b&b tree
          *   Vcurrent = nodes of V, that are adjacent to branchingnode
         nVcurrent = selectadjnodes(tcliquegraph, branchingnode, V, nValive, Vcurrent);

         /* process the selected subtree */
         backtracklevel = branch(getnnodes, getweights, isedge, selectadjnodes, tcliquegraph, newsol, tcliquedata,
            mem, cliquehash, buffer,
            level, Vcurrent, nVcurrent, Vzero, nVzero, gsd, iscolored, K, weightK,
            maxcliquenodes, nmaxcliquenodes, maxcliqueweight,
            curcliquenodes, ncurcliquenodes, curcliqueweight, tmpcliquenodes,
            maxfirstnodeweight, ntreenodes, maxntreenodes, backtrackfreq, maxnzeroextensions, -1, status);

         /* if all other candidates stayed in the candidate list, the current branching was optimal and
          * there is no need to try the remaining ones
         if( nVcurrent == nValive )
            debugMessage("branching on node %d was optimal - ignoring remaining candidates\n", branchingnode);
            nValive = 0;

	 /* if we had a fixed node, ignore all other nodes */
	 if( fixednode >= 0 )
            nValive = 0;

      debugMessage("========================== branching level %d end =============================\n\n", level);

      /* free data structures */

   /* check, whether any branchings have been applied, or if this node is a leaf of the branching tree */
   if( isleaf )
      /* the current clique is the best clique found on the path to this leaf
       * -> check, whether it is an improvement to the currently best clique
      if( *curcliqueweight > *maxcliqueweight )
         TCLIQUE_Bool stopsolving;

         debugMessage("found clique of weight %d at node %d in level %d\n", *curcliqueweight, *ntreenodes, level);
         newSolution(selectadjnodes, tcliquegraph, newsol, tcliquedata, cliquehash, buffer, Vzero, nVzero,
            maxnzeroextensions, curcliquenodes, *ncurcliquenodes, *curcliqueweight,
            maxcliquenodes, nmaxcliquenodes, maxcliqueweight, &stopsolving);

         if( stopsolving )
            debugMessage(" -> solving terminated by callback method\n");
            backtracklevel = 0;

      /* discard the current clique */
      *ncurcliquenodes = 0;
      *curcliqueweight = 0;

   if( level > backtracklevel )
      debugMessage("premature backtracking after %d nodes - level %d\n", *ntreenodes, level);

   /* free data structures */

   return backtracklevel;
예제 #5
/** execution method of primal heuristic */
SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(heurExecObjpscostdiving) /*lint --e{715}*/
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   SCIP_HEURDATA* heurdata;
   SCIP_LPSOLSTAT lpsolstat;
   SCIP_VAR* var;
   SCIP_VAR** lpcands;
   SCIP_Real* lpcandssol;
   SCIP_Real* lpcandsfrac;
   SCIP_Real primsol;
   SCIP_Real frac;
   SCIP_Real pscostquot;
   SCIP_Real bestpscostquot;
   SCIP_Real oldobj;
   SCIP_Real newobj;
   SCIP_Real objscale;
   SCIP_Bool bestcandmayrounddown;
   SCIP_Bool bestcandmayroundup;
   SCIP_Bool bestcandroundup;
   SCIP_Bool mayrounddown;
   SCIP_Bool mayroundup;
   SCIP_Bool roundup;
   SCIP_Bool lperror;
   SCIP_Longint ncalls;
   SCIP_Longint nsolsfound;
   SCIP_Longint nlpiterations;
   SCIP_Longint maxnlpiterations;
   int* roundings;
   int nvars;
   int varidx;
   int nlpcands;
   int startnlpcands;
   int depth;
   int maxdepth;
   int maxdivedepth;
   int divedepth;
   int bestcand;
   int c;

   assert(heur != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPheurGetName(heur), HEUR_NAME) == 0);
   assert(scip != NULL);
   assert(result != NULL);

   *result = SCIP_DELAYED;

   /* do not call heuristic of node was already detected to be infeasible */
   if( nodeinfeasible )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* only call heuristic, if an optimal LP solution is at hand */
   if( SCIPgetLPSolstat(scip) != SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* only call heuristic, if the LP objective value is smaller than the cutoff bound */
   if( SCIPisGE(scip, SCIPgetLPObjval(scip), SCIPgetCutoffbound(scip)) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* only call heuristic, if the LP solution is basic (which allows fast resolve in diving) */
   if( !SCIPisLPSolBasic(scip) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* don't dive two times at the same node */
   if( SCIPgetLastDivenode(scip) == SCIPgetNNodes(scip) && SCIPgetDepth(scip) > 0 )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;

   /* get heuristic's data */
   heurdata = SCIPheurGetData(heur);
   assert(heurdata != NULL);

   /* only apply heuristic, if only a few solutions have been found */
   if( heurdata->maxsols >= 0 && SCIPgetNSolsFound(scip) >= heurdata->maxsols )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* only try to dive, if we are in the correct part of the tree, given by minreldepth and maxreldepth */
   depth = SCIPgetDepth(scip);
   maxdepth = SCIPgetMaxDepth(scip);
   maxdepth = MAX(maxdepth, 30);
   if( depth < heurdata->minreldepth*maxdepth || depth > heurdata->maxreldepth*maxdepth )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* calculate the maximal number of LP iterations until heuristic is aborted */
   nlpiterations = SCIPgetNNodeLPIterations(scip);
   ncalls = SCIPheurGetNCalls(heur);
   nsolsfound = 10*SCIPheurGetNBestSolsFound(heur) + heurdata->nsuccess;
   maxnlpiterations = (SCIP_Longint)((1.0 + 10.0*(nsolsfound+1.0)/(ncalls+1.0)) * heurdata->maxlpiterquot * nlpiterations);
   maxnlpiterations += heurdata->maxlpiterofs;

   /* don't try to dive, if we took too many LP iterations during diving */
   if( heurdata->nlpiterations >= maxnlpiterations )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* allow at least a certain number of LP iterations in this dive */
   maxnlpiterations = MAX(maxnlpiterations, heurdata->nlpiterations + MINLPITER);

   /* get fractional variables that should be integral */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPBranchCands(scip, &lpcands, &lpcandssol, &lpcandsfrac, &nlpcands, NULL, NULL) );

   /* don't try to dive, if there are no fractional variables */
   if( nlpcands == 0 )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* calculate the maximal diving depth */
   nvars = SCIPgetNBinVars(scip) + SCIPgetNIntVars(scip);
   if( SCIPgetNSolsFound(scip) == 0 )
      maxdivedepth = (int)(heurdata->depthfacnosol * nvars);
      maxdivedepth = (int)(heurdata->depthfac * nvars);
   maxdivedepth = MIN(maxdivedepth, 10*maxdepth);

   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTFIND;

   /* get temporary memory for remembering the current soft roundings */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &roundings, nvars) );
   BMSclearMemoryArray(roundings, nvars);

   /* start diving */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPstartDive(scip) );

   SCIPdebugMessage("(node %"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT") executing objpscostdiving heuristic: depth=%d, %d fractionals, dualbound=%g, maxnlpiterations=%"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT", maxdivedepth=%d\n",
      SCIPgetNNodes(scip), SCIPgetDepth(scip), nlpcands, SCIPgetDualbound(scip), maxnlpiterations, maxdivedepth);

   /* dive as long we are in the given diving depth and iteration limits and fractional variables exist, but
    * - if the last objective change was in a direction, that corresponds to a feasible rounding, we continue in any case
    * - if possible, we dive at least with the depth 10
    * - if the number of fractional variables decreased at least with 1 variable per 2 dive depths, we continue diving
   lperror = FALSE;
   divedepth = 0;
   bestcandmayrounddown = FALSE;
   bestcandmayroundup = FALSE;
   startnlpcands = nlpcands;
   while( !lperror && lpsolstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL && nlpcands > 0
      && (divedepth < 10
         || nlpcands <= startnlpcands - divedepth/2
         || (divedepth < maxdivedepth && nlpcands <= startnlpcands - divedepth/10
            && heurdata->nlpiterations < maxnlpiterations)) && !SCIPisStopped(scip) )
      SCIP_RETCODE retcode;


      /* choose variable for objective change:
       * - prefer variables that may not be rounded without destroying LP feasibility:
       *   - of these variables, change objective value of variable with largest rel. difference of pseudo cost values
       * - if all remaining fractional variables may be rounded without destroying LP feasibility:
       *   - change objective value of variable with largest rel. difference of pseudo cost values
      bestcand = -1;
      bestpscostquot = -1.0;
      bestcandmayrounddown = TRUE;
      bestcandmayroundup = TRUE;
      bestcandroundup = FALSE;
      for( c = 0; c < nlpcands; ++c )
         var = lpcands[c];
         mayrounddown = SCIPvarMayRoundDown(var);
         mayroundup = SCIPvarMayRoundUp(var);
         primsol = lpcandssol[c];
         frac = lpcandsfrac[c];
         if( mayrounddown || mayroundup )
            /* the candidate may be rounded: choose this candidate only, if the best candidate may also be rounded */
            if( bestcandmayrounddown || bestcandmayroundup )
               /* choose rounding direction:
                * - if variable may be rounded in both directions, round corresponding to the pseudo cost values
                * - otherwise, round in the infeasible direction, because feasible direction is tried by rounding
                *   the current fractional solution
               roundup = FALSE;
               if( mayrounddown && mayroundup )
                  calcPscostQuot(scip, var, primsol, frac, 0, &pscostquot, &roundup);
               else if( mayrounddown )
                  calcPscostQuot(scip, var, primsol, frac, +1, &pscostquot, &roundup);
                  calcPscostQuot(scip, var, primsol, frac, -1, &pscostquot, &roundup);

               /* prefer variables, that have already been soft rounded but failed to get integral */
               varidx = SCIPvarGetProbindex(var);
               assert(0 <= varidx && varidx < nvars);
               if( roundings[varidx] != 0 )
                  pscostquot *= 1000.0;

               /* check, if candidate is new best candidate */
               if( pscostquot > bestpscostquot )
                  bestcand = c;
                  bestpscostquot = pscostquot;
                  bestcandmayrounddown = mayrounddown;
                  bestcandmayroundup = mayroundup;
                  bestcandroundup = roundup;
            /* the candidate may not be rounded: calculate pseudo cost quotient and preferred direction */
            calcPscostQuot(scip, var, primsol, frac, 0, &pscostquot, &roundup);

            /* prefer variables, that have already been soft rounded but failed to get integral */
            varidx = SCIPvarGetProbindex(var);
            assert(0 <= varidx && varidx < nvars);
            if( roundings[varidx] != 0 )
               pscostquot *= 1000.0;

            /* check, if candidate is new best candidate: prefer unroundable candidates in any case */
            if( bestcandmayrounddown || bestcandmayroundup || pscostquot > bestpscostquot )
               bestcand = c;
               bestpscostquot = pscostquot;
               bestcandmayrounddown = FALSE;
               bestcandmayroundup = FALSE;
               bestcandroundup = roundup;
      assert(bestcand != -1);

      /* if all candidates are roundable, try to round the solution */
      if( bestcandmayrounddown || bestcandmayroundup )
         SCIP_Bool success;

         /* create solution from diving LP and try to round it */
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPlinkLPSol(scip, heurdata->sol) );
         SCIP_CALL( SCIProundSol(scip, heurdata->sol, &success) );

         if( success )
            SCIPdebugMessage("objpscostdiving found roundable primal solution: obj=%g\n",
               SCIPgetSolOrigObj(scip, heurdata->sol));

            /* try to add solution to SCIP */
            SCIP_CALL( SCIPtrySol(scip, heurdata->sol, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, &success) );

            /* check, if solution was feasible and good enough */
            if( success )
               SCIPdebugMessage(" -> solution was feasible and good enough\n");
               *result = SCIP_FOUNDSOL;

      var = lpcands[bestcand];

      /* check, if the best candidate was already subject to soft rounding */
      varidx = SCIPvarGetProbindex(var);
      assert(0 <= varidx && varidx < nvars);
      if( roundings[varidx] == +1 )
         /* variable was already soft rounded upwards: hard round it downwards */
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarUbDive(scip, var, SCIPfeasFloor(scip, lpcandssol[bestcand])) );
         SCIPdebugMessage("  dive %d/%d: var <%s>, round=%u/%u, sol=%g, was already soft rounded upwards -> bounds=[%g,%g]\n",
            divedepth, maxdivedepth, SCIPvarGetName(var), bestcandmayrounddown, bestcandmayroundup,
            lpcandssol[bestcand], SCIPgetVarLbDive(scip, var), SCIPgetVarUbDive(scip, var));
      else if( roundings[varidx] == -1 )
         /* variable was already soft rounded downwards: hard round it upwards */
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarLbDive(scip, var, SCIPfeasCeil(scip, lpcandssol[bestcand])) );
         SCIPdebugMessage("  dive %d/%d: var <%s>, round=%u/%u, sol=%g, was already soft rounded downwards -> bounds=[%g,%g]\n",
            divedepth, maxdivedepth, SCIPvarGetName(var), bestcandmayrounddown, bestcandmayroundup,
            lpcandssol[bestcand], SCIPgetVarLbDive(scip, var), SCIPgetVarUbDive(scip, var));
         assert(roundings[varidx] == 0);

         /* apply soft rounding of best candidate via a change in the objective value */
         objscale = divedepth * 1000.0;
         oldobj = SCIPgetVarObjDive(scip, var);
         if( bestcandroundup )
            /* soft round variable up: make objective value (more) negative */
            if( oldobj < 0.0 )
               newobj = objscale * oldobj;
               newobj = -objscale * oldobj;
            newobj = MIN(newobj, -objscale);

            /* remember, that this variable was soft rounded upwards */
            roundings[varidx] = +1;
            /* soft round variable down: make objective value (more) positive */
            if( oldobj > 0.0 )
               newobj = objscale * oldobj;
               newobj = -objscale * oldobj;
            newobj = MAX(newobj, objscale);

            /* remember, that this variable was soft rounded downwards */
            roundings[varidx] = -1;
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarObjDive(scip, var, newobj) );
         SCIPdebugMessage("  dive %d/%d, LP iter %"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT"/%"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT": var <%s>, round=%u/%u, sol=%g, bounds=[%g,%g], obj=%g, newobj=%g\n",
            divedepth, maxdivedepth, heurdata->nlpiterations, maxnlpiterations,
            SCIPvarGetName(var), bestcandmayrounddown, bestcandmayroundup,
            lpcandssol[bestcand], SCIPgetVarLbDive(scip, var), SCIPgetVarUbDive(scip, var), oldobj, newobj);

      /* resolve the diving LP */
      nlpiterations = SCIPgetNLPIterations(scip);
      retcode =  SCIPsolveDiveLP(scip, MAX((int)(maxnlpiterations - heurdata->nlpiterations), MINLPITER), &lperror, NULL);
      lpsolstat = SCIPgetLPSolstat(scip);

      /* Errors in the LP solver should not kill the overall solving process, if the LP is just needed for a heuristic.
       * Hence in optimized mode, the return code is caught and a warning is printed, only in debug mode, SCIP will stop.
      if( retcode != SCIP_OKAY )
#ifndef NDEBUG
         if( lpsolstat != SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_UNBOUNDEDRAY )
            SCIP_CALL( retcode );
         SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "Error while solving LP in Objpscostdiving heuristic; LP solve terminated with code <%d>\n", retcode);
         SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "This does not affect the remaining solution procedure --> continue\n");

      if( lperror )

      /* update iteration count */
      heurdata->nlpiterations += SCIPgetNLPIterations(scip) - nlpiterations;

      /* get LP solution status  and fractional variables, that should be integral */
      if( lpsolstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL )
         /* get new fractional variables */
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPBranchCands(scip, &lpcands, &lpcandssol, &lpcandsfrac, &nlpcands, NULL, NULL) );
      SCIPdebugMessage("   -> lpsolstat=%d, nfrac=%d\n", lpsolstat, nlpcands);

   /* check if a solution has been found */
   if( nlpcands == 0 && !lperror && lpsolstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL )
      SCIP_Bool success;

      /* create solution from diving LP */
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPlinkLPSol(scip, heurdata->sol) );
      SCIPdebugMessage("objpscostdiving found primal solution: obj=%g\n", SCIPgetSolOrigObj(scip, heurdata->sol));

      /* try to add solution to SCIP */
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPtrySol(scip, heurdata->sol, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, &success) );

      /* check, if solution was feasible and good enough */
      if( success )
         SCIPdebugMessage(" -> solution was feasible and good enough\n");
         *result = SCIP_FOUNDSOL;

   /* end diving */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPendDive(scip) );

   if( *result == SCIP_FOUNDSOL )

   /* free temporary memory for remembering the current soft roundings */
   SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &roundings);

   SCIPdebugMessage("objpscostdiving heuristic finished\n");

   return SCIP_OKAY;
예제 #6
/** execution method of primal heuristic */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   SCIP_HEURDATA*     heurdata;
   SCIP_SOL*          sol;
   SCIP_VAR**         lpcands;
   SCIP_VAR**         zilpcands;

   SCIP_VAR**         slackvars;
   SCIP_Real*         upslacks;
   SCIP_Real*         downslacks;
   SCIP_Real*         activities;
   SCIP_Real*         slackvarcoeffs;
   SCIP_Bool*         rowneedsslackvar;

   SCIP_ROW**         rows;
   SCIP_Real*         lpcandssol;
   SCIP_Real*         solarray;

   SCIP_Longint       nlps;
   int                currentlpcands;
   int                nlpcands;
   int                nimplfracs;
   int                i;
   int                c;
   int                nslacks;
   int                nroundings;

   SCIP_RETCODE       retcode;

   SCIP_Bool          improvementfound;
   SCIP_Bool          numericalerror;

   assert(strcmp(SCIPheurGetName(heur), HEUR_NAME) == 0);
   assert(result != NULL);

   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;

   /* do not call heuristic of node was already detected to be infeasible */
   if( nodeinfeasible )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* only call heuristic if an optimal LP-solution is at hand */
   if( SCIPgetLPSolstat(scip) != SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* only call heuristic, if the LP objective value is smaller than the cutoff bound */
   if( SCIPisGE(scip, SCIPgetLPObjval(scip), SCIPgetCutoffbound(scip)) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* get heuristic data */
   heurdata = SCIPheurGetData(heur);
   assert(heurdata != NULL);

   /* Do not call heuristic if deactivation check is enabled and percentage of found solutions in relation
    * to number of calls falls below heurdata->stoppercentage */
   if( heurdata->stopziround && SCIPheurGetNCalls(heur) >= heurdata->minstopncalls
      && SCIPheurGetNSolsFound(heur)/(SCIP_Real)SCIPheurGetNCalls(heur) < heurdata->stoppercentage )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* assure that heuristic has not already been called after the last LP had been solved */
   nlps = SCIPgetNLPs(scip);
   if( nlps == heurdata->lastlp )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   heurdata->lastlp = nlps;

   /* get fractional variables */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPBranchCands(scip, &lpcands, &lpcandssol, NULL, &nlpcands, NULL, &nimplfracs) );
   nlpcands = nlpcands + nimplfracs;
   /* make sure that there is at least one fractional variable that should be integral */
   if( nlpcands == 0 )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   assert(nlpcands > 0);
   assert(lpcands != NULL);
   assert(lpcandssol != NULL);

   /* get LP rows data */
   rows    = SCIPgetLPRows(scip);
   nslacks = SCIPgetNLPRows(scip);

   /* cannot do anything if LP is empty */
   if( nslacks == 0 )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   assert(rows != NULL);
   assert(nslacks > 0);

   /* get the working solution from heuristic's local data */
   sol = heurdata->sol;
   assert(sol != NULL);

   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTFIND;

   solarray = NULL;
   zilpcands = NULL;

   retcode = SCIP_OKAY;
   /* copy the current LP solution to the working solution and allocate memory for local data */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPlinkLPSol(scip, sol) );
   SCIP_CALL_TERMINATE(retcode, SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &solarray, nlpcands), TERMINATE);
   SCIP_CALL_TERMINATE(retcode, SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &zilpcands, nlpcands), TERMINATE);

   /* copy necessary data to local arrays */
   BMScopyMemoryArray(solarray, lpcandssol, nlpcands);
   BMScopyMemoryArray(zilpcands, lpcands, nlpcands);

   /* allocate buffer data arrays */
   SCIP_CALL_TERMINATE(retcode, SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &slackvars, nslacks), TERMINATE);
   SCIP_CALL_TERMINATE(retcode, SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &upslacks, nslacks), TERMINATE);
   SCIP_CALL_TERMINATE(retcode, SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &downslacks, nslacks), TERMINATE);
   SCIP_CALL_TERMINATE(retcode, SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &slackvarcoeffs, nslacks), TERMINATE);
   SCIP_CALL_TERMINATE(retcode, SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &rowneedsslackvar, nslacks), TERMINATE);
   SCIP_CALL_TERMINATE(retcode, SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &activities, nslacks), TERMINATE);

   BMSclearMemoryArray(slackvars, nslacks);
   BMSclearMemoryArray(slackvarcoeffs, nslacks);
   BMSclearMemoryArray(rowneedsslackvar, nslacks);

   numericalerror = FALSE;
   nroundings = 0;

   /* loop over fractional variables and involved LP rows to find all rows which require a slack variable */
   for( c = 0; c < nlpcands; ++c )
      SCIP_VAR* cand;
      SCIP_ROW** candrows;
      int r;
      int ncandrows;

      cand = zilpcands[c];
      assert(cand != NULL);
      assert(SCIPcolGetLPPos(SCIPvarGetCol(cand)) >= 0);

      candrows = SCIPcolGetRows(SCIPvarGetCol(cand));
      ncandrows = SCIPcolGetNLPNonz(SCIPvarGetCol(cand));

      assert(candrows == NULL || ncandrows > 0);

      for( r = 0; r < ncandrows; ++r )
         int rowpos;

         assert(candrows != NULL); /* to please flexelint */
         assert(candrows[r] != NULL);
         rowpos = SCIProwGetLPPos(candrows[r]);

         if( rowpos >= 0 && SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, SCIProwGetLhs(candrows[r]), SCIProwGetRhs(candrows[r])) )
            rowneedsslackvar[rowpos] = TRUE;
            SCIPdebugMessage("  Row %s needs slack variable for variable %s\n", SCIProwGetName(candrows[r]), SCIPvarGetName(cand));

   /* calculate row slacks for every every row that belongs to the current LP and ensure, that the current solution
    * has no violated constraint -- if any constraint is violated, i.e. a slack is significantly smaller than zero,
    * this will cause the termination of the heuristic because Zirounding does not provide feasibility recovering
   for( i = 0; i < nslacks; ++i )
      SCIP_ROW*          row;
      SCIP_Real          lhs;
      SCIP_Real          rhs;

      row = rows[i];

      assert(row != NULL);

      lhs = SCIProwGetLhs(row);
      rhs = SCIProwGetRhs(row);

      /* get row activity */
      activities[i] = SCIPgetRowActivity(scip, row);
      assert(SCIPisFeasLE(scip, lhs, activities[i]) && SCIPisFeasLE(scip, activities[i], rhs));

      /* in special case if LHS or RHS is (-)infinity slacks have to be initialized as infinity */
      if( SCIPisInfinity(scip, -lhs) )
         downslacks[i] = SCIPinfinity(scip);
         downslacks[i] = activities[i] - lhs;

      if( SCIPisInfinity(scip, rhs) )
         upslacks[i] = SCIPinfinity(scip);
         upslacks[i] = rhs - activities[i];

      SCIPdebugMessage("lhs:%5.2f <= act:%5.2g <= rhs:%5.2g --> down: %5.2g, up:%5.2g\n", lhs, activities[i], rhs, downslacks[i], upslacks[i]);

      /* row is an equation. Try to find a slack variable in the row, i.e.,
       * a continuous variable which occurs only in this row. If no such variable exists,
       * there is no hope for an IP-feasible solution in this round
      if( SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, lhs, rhs) && rowneedsslackvar[i] )
         /* @todo: This is only necessary for rows containing fractional variables. */
         rowFindSlackVar(scip, row, &(slackvars[i]), &(slackvarcoeffs[i]));

         if( slackvars[i] == NULL )
            SCIPdebugMessage("No slack variable found for equation %s, terminating ZI Round heuristic\n", SCIProwGetName(row));
            goto TERMINATE;
            SCIP_Real ubslackvar;
            SCIP_Real lbslackvar;
            SCIP_Real solvalslackvar;
            SCIP_Real coeffslackvar;
            SCIP_Real ubgap;
            SCIP_Real lbgap;

            assert(SCIPvarGetType(slackvars[i]) == SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS);
            solvalslackvar = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, slackvars[i]);
            ubslackvar = SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(slackvars[i]);
            lbslackvar = SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(slackvars[i]);

            coeffslackvar = slackvarcoeffs[i];
            assert(!SCIPisFeasZero(scip, coeffslackvar));

            ubgap = ubslackvar - solvalslackvar;
            lbgap = solvalslackvar - lbslackvar;

            if( SCIPisFeasZero(scip, ubgap) )
              ubgap = 0.0;
            if( SCIPisFeasZero(scip, lbgap) )
              lbgap = 0.0;

            if( SCIPisFeasPositive(scip, coeffslackvar) )
              if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, lbslackvar) )
                upslacks[i] += coeffslackvar * lbgap;
                upslacks[i] = SCIPinfinity(scip);
              if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, ubslackvar) )
                downslacks[i] += coeffslackvar * ubgap;
                downslacks[i] = SCIPinfinity(scip);
               if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, ubslackvar) )
                  upslacks[i] -= coeffslackvar * ubgap;
                  upslacks[i] = SCIPinfinity(scip);
               if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, lbslackvar) )
                  downslacks[i] -= coeffslackvar * lbgap;
                  downslacks[i] = SCIPinfinity(scip);
            SCIPdebugMessage("  Slack variable for row %s at pos %d: %g <= %s = %g <= %g; Coeff %g, upslack = %g, downslack = %g  \n",
               SCIProwGetName(row), SCIProwGetLPPos(row), lbslackvar, SCIPvarGetName(slackvars[i]), solvalslackvar, ubslackvar, coeffslackvar,
               upslacks[i], downslacks[i]);
      /* due to numerical inaccuracies, the rows might be feasible, even if the slacks are
       * significantly smaller than zero -> terminate
      if( SCIPisFeasLT(scip, upslacks[i], 0.0) || SCIPisFeasLT(scip, downslacks[i], 0.0) )
         goto TERMINATE;

   assert(nslacks == 0 || (upslacks != NULL && downslacks != NULL && activities != NULL));

   /* initialize number of remaining variables and flag to enter the main loop */
   currentlpcands = nlpcands;
   improvementfound = TRUE;

   /* iterate over variables as long as there are fractional variables left */
   while( currentlpcands > 0 && improvementfound && (heurdata->maxroundingloops == -1 || nroundings < heurdata->maxroundingloops) )
   {  /*lint --e{850}*/
      improvementfound = FALSE;
      SCIPdebugMessage("zirounding enters while loop for %d time with %d candidates left. \n", nroundings, currentlpcands);

      /* check for every remaining fractional variable if a shifting decreases ZI-value of the variable */
      for( c = 0; c < currentlpcands; ++c )
         SCIP_VAR* var;
         SCIP_Real oldsolval;
         SCIP_Real upperbound;
         SCIP_Real lowerbound;
         SCIP_Real up;
         SCIP_Real down;
         SCIP_Real ziup;
         SCIP_Real zidown;
         SCIP_Real zicurrent;
         SCIP_Real shiftval;

         DIRECTION direction;

         /* get values from local data */
         oldsolval = solarray[c];
         var = zilpcands[c];

         assert(!SCIPisFeasIntegral(scip, oldsolval));
         assert(SCIPvarGetStatus(var) == SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN);

         /* calculate bounds for variable and make sure that there are no numerical inconsistencies */
         upperbound = SCIPinfinity(scip);
         lowerbound = SCIPinfinity(scip);
         calculateBounds(scip, var, oldsolval, &upperbound, &lowerbound, upslacks, downslacks, nslacks, &numericalerror);

         if( numericalerror )
            goto TERMINATE;

         /* calculate the possible values after shifting */
         up   = oldsolval + upperbound;
         down = oldsolval - lowerbound;

         /* if the variable is integer or implicit binary, do not shift further than the nearest integer */
         if( SCIPvarGetType(var) != SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY)
            SCIP_Real ceilx;
            SCIP_Real floorx;

            ceilx = SCIPfeasCeil(scip, oldsolval);
            floorx = SCIPfeasFloor(scip, oldsolval);
            up   = MIN(up, ceilx);
            down = MAX(down, floorx);

         /* calculate necessary values */
         ziup      = getZiValue(scip, up);
         zidown    = getZiValue(scip, down);
         zicurrent = getZiValue(scip, oldsolval);

         /* calculate the shifting direction that reduces ZI-value the most,
          * if both directions improve ZI-value equally, take the direction which improves the objective
         if( SCIPisFeasLT(scip, zidown, zicurrent) || SCIPisFeasLT(scip, ziup, zicurrent) )
            if( SCIPisFeasEQ(scip,ziup, zidown) )
               direction  = SCIPisFeasGE(scip, SCIPvarGetObj(var), 0.0) ? DIRECTION_DOWN : DIRECTION_UP;
            else if( SCIPisFeasLT(scip, zidown, ziup) )
               direction = DIRECTION_DOWN;
               direction = DIRECTION_UP;

            /* once a possible shifting direction and value have been found, variable value is updated */
            shiftval = (direction == DIRECTION_UP ? up - oldsolval : down - oldsolval);

            /* this improves numerical stability in some cases */
            if( direction == DIRECTION_UP )
               shiftval = MIN(shiftval, upperbound);
               shiftval = MIN(shiftval, lowerbound);
            /* update the solution */
            solarray[c] = direction == DIRECTION_UP ? up : down;
            SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetSolVal(scip, sol, var, solarray[c]) );

            /* update the rows activities and slacks */
            SCIP_CALL( updateSlacks(scip, sol, var, shiftval, upslacks,
                  downslacks, activities, slackvars, slackvarcoeffs, nslacks) );

            SCIPdebugMessage("zirounding update step : %d var index, oldsolval=%g, shiftval=%g\n",
               SCIPvarGetIndex(var), oldsolval, shiftval);
            /* since at least one improvement has been found, heuristic will enter main loop for another time because the improvement
             * might affect many LP rows and their current slacks and thus make further rounding steps possible */
            improvementfound = TRUE;

         /* if solution value of variable has become feasibly integral due to rounding step,
          * variable is put at the end of remaining candidates array so as not to be considered in future loops
         if( SCIPisFeasIntegral(scip, solarray[c]) )
            zilpcands[c] = zilpcands[currentlpcands - 1];
            solarray[c] = solarray[currentlpcands - 1];

            /* counter is decreased if end of candidates array has not been reached yet */
            if( c < currentlpcands )
         else if( nroundings == heurdata->maxroundingloops - 1 )
            goto TERMINATE;

   /* in case that no candidate is left for rounding after the final main loop
    * the found solution has to be checked for feasibility in the original problem
   if( currentlpcands == 0 )
      SCIP_Bool stored;
      SCIP_CALL(SCIPtrySol(scip, sol, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, &stored));
      if( stored )
         SCIPdebugMessage("found feasible rounded solution:\n");
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPprintSol(scip, sol, NULL, FALSE) );
         SCIPstatisticMessage("  ZI Round solution value: %g \n", SCIPgetSolOrigObj(scip, sol));

         *result = SCIP_FOUNDSOL;

   /* free memory for all locally allocated data */
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &activities);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &rowneedsslackvar);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &slackvarcoeffs);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &downslacks);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &upslacks);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &slackvars);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &zilpcands);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &solarray);

   return retcode;
예제 #7
/** reads an BLK file */
    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
    SCIP_READER*          reader,             /**< reader data structure */
    BLKINPUT*             blkinput,           /**< BLK reading data */
    const char*           filename            /**< name of the input file */
    DEC_DECOMP *decdecomp;
    int i;
    int nconss;
    int nblocksread;
    int nvars;
    SCIP_READERDATA* readerdata;
    SCIP_CONS** conss;
    nblocksread = FALSE;

    assert(scip != NULL);
    assert(reader != NULL);
    assert(blkinput != NULL);

    if( SCIPgetStage(scip) < SCIP_STAGE_TRANSFORMED )
        SCIP_CALL( SCIPtransformProb(scip) );

    readerdata = SCIPreaderGetData(reader);
    assert(readerdata != NULL);

    readerdata->nlinkingcons = SCIPgetNConss(scip);
    readerdata->nlinkingvars = 0;
    nvars = SCIPgetNVars(scip);
    conss = SCIPgetConss(scip);
    nconss = SCIPgetNConss(scip);

    /* alloc: var -> block mapping */
    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &readerdata->varstoblock, nvars) );
    for( i = 0; i < nvars; i ++ )
        readerdata->varstoblock[i] = NOVALUE;

    /* alloc: linkingvar -> blocks mapping */
    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &readerdata->linkingvarsblocks, nvars) );
    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &readerdata->nlinkingvarsblocks, nvars) );
    BMSclearMemoryArray(readerdata->linkingvarsblocks, nvars);
    BMSclearMemoryArray(readerdata->nlinkingvarsblocks, nvars);

    /* cons -> block mapping */
    SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapCreate(&readerdata->constoblock, SCIPblkmem(scip), nconss) );
    for( i = 0; i < SCIPgetNConss(scip); i ++ )
        SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashmapInsert(readerdata->constoblock, conss[i], (void*)(size_t) NOVALUE) );

    /* open file */
    blkinput->file = SCIPfopen(filename, "r");
    if( blkinput->file == NULL )
        SCIPerrorMessage("cannot open file <%s> for reading\n", filename);
        return SCIP_NOFILE;

    /* parse the file */
    blkinput->section = BLK_START;
    while( blkinput->section != BLK_END && !hasError(blkinput) )
        switch( blkinput->section )
        case BLK_START:
            SCIP_CALL( readStart(scip, blkinput) );

        case BLK_PRESOLVED:
            SCIP_CALL( readPresolved(scip, blkinput) );
            if( blkinput->presolved && SCIPgetStage(scip) < SCIP_STAGE_PRESOLVED )
                /** @bug GCG should be able to presolve the problem first */
                SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_MINIMAL, NULL, "decomposition belongs to the presolved problem, please presolve the problem first.\n");
                goto TERMINATE;

        case BLK_NBLOCKS:
            SCIP_CALL( readNBlocks(scip, blkinput) );
            if( blkinput->haspresolvesection && !blkinput->presolved && SCIPgetStage(scip) >= SCIP_STAGE_PRESOLVED )
                SCIPverbMessage(scip, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_MINIMAL, NULL, "decomposition belongs to the unpresolved problem, please re-read the problem and read the decomposition without presolving.\n");
                goto TERMINATE;
            if( !blkinput->haspresolvesection )
                SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "decomposition has no presolve section at beginning. The behaviour is undefined. See the FAQ for further information.\n");

        case BLK_BLOCK:
            if( nblocksread == FALSE )
                /* alloc n vars per block */
                SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &readerdata->nblockvars, blkinput->nblocks) );
                SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &readerdata->nblockcons, blkinput->nblocks) );
                SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &readerdata->blockcons, blkinput->nblocks) );
                for( i = 0; i < blkinput->nblocks; ++i )
                    readerdata->nblockvars[i] = 0;
                    readerdata->nblockcons[i] = 0;
                    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &(readerdata->blockcons[i]), nconss) ); /*lint !e866*/
                nblocksread = TRUE;
            SCIP_CALL( readBlock(scip, blkinput, readerdata) );

        case BLK_MASTERCONSS:
            SCIP_CALL( readMasterconss(scip, blkinput, readerdata) );

        case BLK_END: /* this is already handled in the while() loop */
            SCIPerrorMessage("invalid BLK file section <%d>\n", blkinput->section);
            return SCIP_INVALIDDATA;

    SCIP_CALL( DECdecompCreate(scip, &decdecomp) );

    /* fill decomp */
    SCIP_CALL( fillDecompStruct(scip, blkinput, decdecomp, readerdata) );

    /* add decomp to cons_decomp */
    SCIP_CALL( SCIPconshdlrDecompAddDecdecomp(scip, decdecomp) );

    for( i = 0; i < nvars; ++i )
        assert(readerdata->linkingvarsblocks[i] != NULL || readerdata->nlinkingvarsblocks[i] == 0);
        if( readerdata->nlinkingvarsblocks[i] > 0 )
            SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &readerdata->linkingvarsblocks[i]);

    if( nblocksread )
        for( i = blkinput->nblocks - 1; i >= 0; --i )
            SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &(readerdata->blockcons[i]));
        SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &readerdata->blockcons);
        SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &readerdata->nblockcons);
        SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &readerdata->nblockvars);


    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &readerdata->nlinkingvarsblocks);
    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &readerdata->linkingvarsblocks);
    SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &readerdata->varstoblock);

    /* close file */

    return SCIP_OKAY;
예제 #8
파일: reader_cip.c 프로젝트: gorhan/LFOS
/** get next input line; this are all characters until the next semicolon */
SCIP_RETCODE getInputString(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   CIPINPUT*             cipinput            /**< CIP parsing data */
   char* endline;
   char* endcharacter;
   char* windowsendlinechar;

   assert(cipinput != NULL);

   /* read next line */
   cipinput->endfile = (SCIPfgets(cipinput->strbuf, cipinput->len, cipinput->file) == NULL);

   if( cipinput->endfile )
      /* clear the line for safety reason */
      BMSclearMemoryArray(cipinput->strbuf, cipinput->len);
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   endline = strchr(cipinput->strbuf, '\n');

   endcharacter = strchr(cipinput->strbuf, ';');
   while( endline == NULL || (endcharacter == NULL && cipinput->section == CIP_CONSTRAINTS && strncmp(cipinput->strbuf, "END", 3) != 0 ) )
      int pos;

      /* we refill the buffer from the '\n' character */
      if( endline == NULL )
         pos = cipinput->len - 1;
         pos = (int) (endline - cipinput->strbuf);

      /* don't erase the '\n' from all buffers for constraints */
      if( endline != NULL && cipinput->section == CIP_CONSTRAINTS )

      /* if necessary reallocate memory */
      if( pos + cipinput->readingsize >= cipinput->len )
         cipinput->len = SCIPcalcMemGrowSize(scip, pos + cipinput->readingsize);
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBufferArray(scip, &(cipinput->strbuf), cipinput->len) );

      /* read next line */
      cipinput->endfile = (SCIPfgets(&(cipinput->strbuf[pos]), cipinput->len - pos, cipinput->file) == NULL);

      if( cipinput->endfile )
	 /* clear the line for safety reason */
	 BMSclearMemoryArray(cipinput->strbuf, cipinput->len);
         return SCIP_OKAY;

      endline = strrchr(cipinput->strbuf, '\n');
      endcharacter = strchr(cipinput->strbuf, ';');
   assert(endline != NULL);

   /*SCIPdebugMessage("read line: %s\n", cipinput->strbuf);*/

   /* check for windows "carriage return" endline character */
   windowsendlinechar = strrchr(cipinput->strbuf, '\r');
   if( windowsendlinechar != NULL && windowsendlinechar + 1 == endline )
      /* if the assert should not hold we found a windows "carriage return" which was not at the end of the line */
      assert(windowsendlinechar == NULL);

   if( cipinput->section == CIP_CONSTRAINTS && endcharacter != NULL && endline - endcharacter != 1 )
      SCIPerrorMessage("Constraint line has to end with ';\\n' (line: %d).\n", cipinput->linenumber);
      cipinput->haserror = TRUE;
      return SCIP_OKAY; /* return error at hightest level */

   *endline = '\0';

   return SCIP_OKAY;
예제 #9
/** execution method of presolver */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   SCIP_Bool initialized;
   SCIP_Bool complete;

   assert(result != NULL);
   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;

   if( (SCIPgetStage(scip) != SCIP_STAGE_PRESOLVING) || SCIPinProbing(scip) || SCIPisNLPEnabled(scip) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   if( SCIPisStopped(scip) || SCIPgetNActivePricers(scip) > 0 )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   if( SCIPgetNBinVars(scip) == 0 )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   if( !SCIPallowDualReds(scip) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTFIND;

   matrix = NULL;
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPmatrixCreate(scip, &matrix, &initialized, &complete) );

   /* we only work on pure MIPs currently */
   if( initialized && complete )
      AGGRTYPE* aggtypes;
      SCIP_VAR** binvars;
      int nvaragg;
      int ncols;

      ncols = SCIPmatrixGetNColumns(matrix);
      nvaragg = 0;

      SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &aggtypes, ncols) );
      BMSclearMemoryArray(aggtypes, ncols);

      SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &binvars, ncols) );
      SCIPdebug( BMSclearMemoryArray(binvars, ncols) );

      /* search for aggregations */
      SCIP_CALL( findUplockAggregations(scip, matrix, &nvaragg, aggtypes, binvars) );
      SCIP_CALL( findDownlockAggregations(scip, matrix, &nvaragg, aggtypes, binvars) );

      /* apply aggregations, if we found any */
      if( nvaragg > 0 )
         int v;

         for( v = 0; v < ncols; v++ )
            if( aggtypes[v] != NOAGG )
               SCIP_Bool infeasible;
               SCIP_Bool redundant;
               SCIP_Bool aggregated;
               SCIP_Real ub;
               SCIP_Real lb;

               ub = SCIPmatrixGetColUb(matrix, v);
               lb = SCIPmatrixGetColLb(matrix, v);

               /* aggregate variable */
               assert(binvars[v] != NULL);
               if( aggtypes[v] == BIN0UBOUND )
                  SCIP_CALL( SCIPaggregateVars(scip, SCIPmatrixGetVar(matrix, v), binvars[v], 1.0, ub-lb,
                        ub, &infeasible, &redundant, &aggregated) );
                  assert(aggtypes[v] == BIN0LBOUND);
                  SCIP_CALL( SCIPaggregateVars(scip, SCIPmatrixGetVar(matrix, v), binvars[v], 1.0, lb-ub,
                        lb, &infeasible, &redundant, &aggregated) );

               /* infeasible aggregation */
               if( infeasible )
                  SCIPdebugMessage(" -> infeasible aggregation\n");
                  *result = SCIP_CUTOFF;
                  return SCIP_OKAY;

               if( aggregated )

         /* set result pointer */
         if( (*naggrvars) > 0 )
            *result = SCIP_SUCCESS;

      SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &binvars);
      SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &aggtypes);

   SCIPmatrixFree(scip, &matrix);

   return SCIP_OKAY;
예제 #10
/** colors the positive weighted nodes of a given set of nodes V with the lowest possible number of colors and 
 *  finds a clique in the graph induced by V, an upper bound and an apriori bound for further branching steps
TCLIQUE_WEIGHT tcliqueColoring( 
   TCLIQUE_GETNNODES((*getnnodes)),     /**< user function to get the number of nodes */
   TCLIQUE_GETWEIGHTS((*getweights)),   /**< user function to get the node weights */
   TCLIQUE_SELECTADJNODES((*selectadjnodes)), /**< user function to select adjacent edges */
   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*   tcliquegraph,       /**< pointer to graph data structure */
   BMS_CHKMEM*      mem,                /**< block memory */
   int*             buffer,             /**< buffer of size nnodes */
   int*             V,                  /**< non-zero weighted nodes for branching */
   int              nV,                 /**< number of non-zero weighted nodes for branching */
   NBC*             gsd,                /**< neighbor color information of all nodes */
   TCLIQUE_Bool*    iscolored,          /**< coloring status of all nodes */
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT*  apbound,            /**< pointer to store apriori bound of nodes for branching */ 
   int*             clique,             /**< buffer for storing the clique */
   int*             nclique,            /**< pointer to store number of nodes in the clique */
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT*  weightclique        /**< pointer to store the weight of the clique */
   const TCLIQUE_WEIGHT* weights;
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT maxsatdegree; 
   TCLIQUE_Bool growclique; 
   int node; 
   int nodeVindex;
   int i;     
   int j;
   LIST_ITV* colorinterval;
   LIST_ITV nwcitv;
   LIST_ITV* pnc;
   LIST_ITV* lcitv;
   LIST_ITV* item;
   LIST_ITV* tmpitem;
   int* workclique;
   int* currentclique;
   int ncurrentclique;
   int weightcurrentclique;
   int* Vadj;
   int nVadj;
   int adjidx;

   assert(getnnodes != NULL);
   assert(getweights != NULL);
   assert(selectadjnodes != NULL);
   assert(buffer != NULL);
   assert(V != NULL);
   assert(nV > 0);
   assert(clique != NULL);
   assert(nclique != NULL);
   assert(weightclique != NULL);
   assert(gsd != NULL);
   assert(iscolored != NULL);

   weights = getweights(tcliquegraph);
   assert(weights != NULL);

   /* initialize maximum weight clique found so far */
   growclique = TRUE;
   *nclique = 0;
   *weightclique = 0;

   /* get node of V with maximum weight */
   nodeVindex = getMaxWeightIndex(getnnodes, getweights, tcliquegraph, V, nV);
   node = V[nodeVindex];
   assert(0 <= node && node < getnnodes(tcliquegraph));
   range = weights[node];
   assert(range > 0);

   /* set up data structures for coloring */
   BMSclearMemoryArray(iscolored, nV); /* new-memory */
   BMSclearMemoryArray(gsd, nV); /* new-memory */
   iscolored[nodeVindex] = TRUE;

   /* color the first node */
   debugMessage("1. node choosen: vindex=%d, vertex=%d, satdeg=%d, range=%d)\n",
      nodeVindex, node, gsd[nodeVindex].satdeg, range);

   /* set apriori bound: apbound(v_i) = satdeg(v_i) + weight(v_i) */
   apbound[nodeVindex] = range;
   assert(apbound[nodeVindex] > 0);

   /* update maximum saturation degree: maxsatdeg = max { satdeg(v_i) + weight(v_i) | v_i in V } */
   maxsatdegree = range;

   debugMessage("-> updated neighbors:\n");

   /* set neighbor color of the adjacent nodes of node */
   Vadj = buffer;
   nVadj = selectadjnodes(tcliquegraph, node, V, nV, Vadj);
   for( i = 0, adjidx = 0; i < nV && adjidx < nVadj; ++i )
      assert(V[i] <= Vadj[adjidx]); /* Vadj is a subset of V */
      if( V[i] == Vadj[adjidx] )
         /* node is adjacent to itself, but we do not need to color it again */
         if( i == nodeVindex )
            /* go to the next node in Vadj */

         debugMessage("     nodeVindex=%d, node=%d, weight=%d, satdegold=%d  ->  ", 
            i, V[i], weights[V[i]], gsd[i].satdeg); 
         /* sets satdeg for adjacent node */
         gsd[i].satdeg = range;
         /* creates new color interval [1,range] */
         ALLOC_ABORT( BMSallocChunkMemory(mem, &colorinterval) );
         colorinterval->next = NULL;
         colorinterval->itv.inf = 1;
         colorinterval->itv.sup = range;
         /* colorinterval is the first added element of the list of neighborcolors of the adjacent node  */ 
         gsd[i].lcitv = colorinterval;

         /* go to the next node in Vadj */

         debugPrintf("satdegnew=%d, nbc=[%d,%d]\n", gsd[i].satdeg, gsd[i].lcitv->itv.inf, gsd[i].lcitv->itv.sup);

   /* set up data structures for the current clique */
   ALLOC_ABORT( BMSallocMemoryArray(&currentclique, nV) );
   workclique = clique;

   /* add node to the current clique */ 
   currentclique[0] = node; 
   ncurrentclique = 1; 
   weightcurrentclique = range; 
   /* color all other nodes of V */
   for( i = 0 ; i < nV-1; i++ )
      assert((workclique == clique) != (currentclique == clique));

      /* selects the next uncolored node to color */
      nodeVindex = getMaxSatdegIndex(V, nV, gsd, iscolored, weights);
      if( nodeVindex == -1 ) /* no uncolored nodes left */

      node = V[nodeVindex];
      assert(0 <= node && node < getnnodes(tcliquegraph));
      range = weights[node];
      assert(range > 0);
      iscolored[nodeVindex] = TRUE;	

      debugMessage("%d. node choosen: vindex=%d, vertex=%d, satdeg=%d, range=%d, growclique=%u, weight=%d)\n",
         i+2, nodeVindex, node, gsd[nodeVindex].satdeg, range, growclique, weightcurrentclique);

      /* set apriori bound: apbound(v_i) = satdeg(v_i) + weight(v_i) */
      apbound[nodeVindex] = gsd[nodeVindex].satdeg + range;
      assert(apbound[nodeVindex] > 0);

      /* update maximum saturation degree: maxsatdeg = max { satdeg(v_i) + weight(v_i) | v_i in V } */
      if( maxsatdegree < apbound[nodeVindex] )
         maxsatdegree = apbound[nodeVindex];
      /* update clique */
      if( gsd[nodeVindex].satdeg == 0 )
         /* current node is not adjacent to nodes of current clique, 
          * i.e. current clique can not be increased
         debugMessage("current node not adjacend to current clique (weight:%d) -> starting new clique\n", 

         /* check, if weight of current clique is larger than weight of maximum weight clique found so far */ 
         if( weightcurrentclique > *weightclique )
            int* tmp;

            /* update maximum weight clique found so far */
            assert((workclique == clique) != (currentclique == clique));
            tmp = workclique;
            *weightclique = weightcurrentclique;
            *nclique = ncurrentclique;
            workclique = currentclique;
            currentclique = tmp;
            assert((workclique == clique) != (currentclique == clique));
         weightcurrentclique = 0;
         ncurrentclique = 0;
         growclique = TRUE;
      if( growclique )
         /* check, if the current node is still adjacent to all nodes in the clique */
         if( gsd[nodeVindex].satdeg == weightcurrentclique )
            assert(ncurrentclique < nV);
            currentclique[ncurrentclique] = node;
            weightcurrentclique += range;
               int k;
               debugMessage("current clique (size:%d, weight:%d):", ncurrentclique, weightcurrentclique);
               for( k = 0; k < ncurrentclique; ++k )
                  debugPrintf(" %d", currentclique[k]);
            debugMessage("node satdeg: %d, clique weight: %d -> stop growing clique\n", 
               gsd[nodeVindex].satdeg, weightcurrentclique);
            growclique = FALSE;

      /* search for fitting color intervals for current node */
      pnc = &nwcitv;
      if( gsd[nodeVindex].lcitv == NULL )
         /* current node has no colored neighbors yet: create new color interval [1,range] */
         ALLOC_ABORT( BMSallocChunkMemory(mem, &colorinterval) );
         colorinterval->next = NULL;
         colorinterval->itv.inf = 1;
         colorinterval->itv.sup = range;
         /* add the new colorinterval [1, range] to the list of chosen colorintervals for node */
         pnc->next = colorinterval;
         pnc = colorinterval;
         int tocolor;
         int dif;
         /* current node has colored neighbors */
         tocolor = range;
         lcitv = gsd[nodeVindex].lcitv;
         /* check, if first neighbor color interval [inf, sup] has inf > 1 */
         if( lcitv->itv.inf != 1 )
            /* create new interval [1, min{range, inf}] */ 
            dif =  lcitv->itv.inf - 1 ;
            if( dif > tocolor )
               dif = tocolor;
            ALLOC_ABORT( BMSallocChunkMemory(mem, &colorinterval) );
            colorinterval->next = NULL;
            colorinterval->itv.inf = 1;
            colorinterval->itv.sup = dif;

            tocolor -= dif;
            pnc->next = colorinterval;
            pnc = colorinterval;

         /* as long as node is not colored with all colors, create new color interval by filling 
          * the gaps in the existing neighbor color intervals of the neighbors of node
         while( tocolor > 0 )
            dif = tocolor;	
            ALLOC_ABORT( BMSallocChunkMemory(mem, &colorinterval) );
            colorinterval->next = NULL;
            colorinterval->itv.inf = lcitv->itv.sup+1;			
            if( lcitv->next != NULL )
               int min;

               min = lcitv->next->itv.inf - lcitv->itv.sup - 1;
               if( dif > min )  
                  dif = min;	
               lcitv = lcitv->next;
            colorinterval->itv.sup = colorinterval->itv.inf + dif - 1;
            tocolor -= dif;
            pnc->next = colorinterval;
            pnc = colorinterval;
      debugMessage("-> updated neighbors:\n"); 

      /* update saturation degree and neighbor colorintervals of all neighbors of node */
      Vadj = buffer;
      nVadj = selectadjnodes(tcliquegraph, node, V, nV, Vadj);
      for( j = 0, adjidx = 0; j < nV && adjidx < nVadj; ++j )
         assert(V[j] <= Vadj[adjidx]); /* Vadj is a subset of V */
         if( V[j] == Vadj[adjidx] )
            if( !iscolored[j] )
               debugMessage("     nodeVindex=%d, node=%d, weight=%d, satdegold=%d  ->  ", 
                  j, V[j], weights[V[j]], gsd[j].satdeg); 
               updateNeighbor(mem, &gsd[j], nwcitv.next);
               debugPrintf("satdegnew=%d, nbc=[%d,%d]\n", gsd[j].satdeg, gsd[j].lcitv->itv.inf, gsd[j].lcitv->itv.sup);

            /* go to the next node in Vadj */

      /* free data structure of created colorintervals */
      item = nwcitv.next;
      while( item != NULL )
         tmpitem = item->next;                  
         BMSfreeChunkMemory(mem, &item);       
         item = tmpitem;                        

      /* free data structure of neighbor colorinterval of node just colored */
      item = gsd[nodeVindex].lcitv;
      while( item != NULL )
         tmpitem = item->next;                  
         BMSfreeChunkMemory(mem, &item);       
         item = tmpitem;                        
   assert((workclique == clique) != (currentclique == clique));

   /* update maximum weight clique found so far */
   if( weightcurrentclique > *weightclique )
      int* tmp;
      tmp = workclique;
      *weightclique = weightcurrentclique;
      *nclique = ncurrentclique;
      workclique = currentclique;
      currentclique = tmp;
   assert((workclique == clique) != (currentclique == clique));

   /* move the found clique to the provided clique pointer, if it is not the memory array */
   if( workclique != clique )
      assert(clique == currentclique);
      assert(*nclique <= nV);
      BMScopyMemoryArray(clique, workclique, *nclique);
      currentclique = workclique;

   /* free data structures */

   /* clear chunk memory */


   return maxsatdegree;
예제 #11
/** performs the all fullstrong branching */
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_BRANCHRULE*      branchrule,         /**< branching rule */
   SCIP_Bool             allowaddcons,       /**< should adding constraints be allowed to avoid a branching? */
   SCIP_RESULT*          result              /**< pointer to store the result of the callback method */
   SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA* branchruledata;
   SCIP_VAR** pseudocands;
   SCIP_Real bestdown;
   SCIP_Real bestup;
   SCIP_Real bestscore;
   SCIP_Real provedbound;
   SCIP_Bool exactsolve;
   SCIP_Bool allcolsinlp;
   SCIP_Bool bestdownvalid;
   SCIP_Bool bestupvalid;
   int npseudocands;
   int npriopseudocands;
   int bestpseudocand;
#ifndef NDEBUG
   SCIP_Real cutoffbound;
   cutoffbound = SCIPgetCutoffbound(scip);

   assert(branchrule != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPbranchruleGetName(branchrule), BRANCHRULE_NAME) == 0);
   assert(scip != NULL);
   assert(result != NULL);

   /* check, if all existing columns are in LP, and thus the strong branching results give lower bounds */
   allcolsinlp = SCIPallColsInLP(scip);

   /* check, if we want to solve the problem exactly, meaning that strong branching information is not useful
    * for cutting off sub problems and improving lower bounds of children
   exactsolve = SCIPisExactSolve(scip);

   /* get branching rule data */
   branchruledata = SCIPbranchruleGetData(branchrule);
   assert(branchruledata != NULL);

   if( branchruledata->skipdown == NULL )
      int nvars;
      nvars = SCIPgetNVars(scip);

      assert(branchruledata->skipup == NULL);

      SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->skipdown, nvars) );
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &branchruledata->skipup, nvars) );
      BMSclearMemoryArray(branchruledata->skipdown, nvars);
      BMSclearMemoryArray(branchruledata->skipup, nvars);

   /* get all non-fixed variables (not only the fractional ones) */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetPseudoBranchCands(scip, &pseudocands, &npseudocands, &npriopseudocands) );
   assert(npseudocands > 0);
   assert(npriopseudocands > 0);

   SCIP_CALL( SCIPselectVarPseudoStrongBranching(scip, pseudocands, branchruledata->skipdown, branchruledata->skipup, npseudocands, npriopseudocands,
      allowaddcons, &bestpseudocand, &bestdown, &bestup, &bestscore, &bestdownvalid, &bestupvalid, &provedbound, result) );

   if( *result != SCIP_CUTOFF && *result != SCIP_REDUCEDDOM && *result != SCIP_CONSADDED )
      SCIP_NODE* downchild;
      SCIP_NODE* eqchild;
      SCIP_NODE* upchild;
      SCIP_VAR* var;

      assert(*result == SCIP_DIDNOTRUN);
      assert(0 <= bestpseudocand && bestpseudocand < npseudocands);
      assert(SCIPisLT(scip, provedbound, cutoffbound));

      var = pseudocands[bestpseudocand];

      /* perform the branching */
      SCIPdebugMessage(" -> %d candidates, selected candidate %d: variable <%s>[%g,%g] (solval=%g, down=%g, up=%g, score=%g)\n",
         npseudocands, bestpseudocand, SCIPvarGetName(var), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var), SCIPvarGetLPSol(var),
         bestdown, bestup, bestscore);
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPbranchVarVal(scip, var, SCIPvarGetLPSol(var), &downchild, &eqchild, &upchild) );

      /* update the lower bounds in the children */
      if( allcolsinlp && !exactsolve )
         if( downchild != NULL )
            SCIP_CALL( SCIPupdateNodeLowerbound(scip, downchild, bestdownvalid ? MAX(bestdown, provedbound) : provedbound) );
            SCIPdebugMessage(" -> down child's lowerbound: %g\n", SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(downchild));
         if( eqchild != NULL )
            SCIP_CALL( SCIPupdateNodeLowerbound(scip, eqchild, provedbound) );
            SCIPdebugMessage(" -> eq child's lowerbound:   %g\n", SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(eqchild));
         if( upchild != NULL )
            SCIP_CALL( SCIPupdateNodeLowerbound(scip, upchild, bestupvalid ? MAX(bestup, provedbound) : provedbound) );
            SCIPdebugMessage(" -> up child's lowerbound:   %g\n", SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(upchild));

      *result = SCIP_BRANCHED;

   return SCIP_OKAY;
예제 #12
파일: heur_shifting.c 프로젝트: hhexiy/scip
/** execution method of primal heuristic */
SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(heurExecShifting) /*lint --e{715}*/
{   /*lint --e{715}*/
    SCIP_HEURDATA* heurdata;
    SCIP_SOL* sol;
    SCIP_VAR** lpcands;
    SCIP_Real* lpcandssol;
    SCIP_ROW** lprows;
    SCIP_Real* activities;
    SCIP_ROW** violrows;
    SCIP_Real* nincreases;
    SCIP_Real* ndecreases;
    int* violrowpos;
    int* nfracsinrow;
    SCIP_Real increaseweight;
    SCIP_Real obj;
    SCIP_Real bestshiftval;
    SCIP_Real minobj;
    int nlpcands;
    int nlprows;
    int nvars;
    int nfrac;
    int nviolrows;
    int nprevviolrows;
    int minnviolrows;
    int nnonimprovingshifts;
    int c;
    int r;
    SCIP_Longint nlps;
    SCIP_Longint ncalls;
    SCIP_Longint nsolsfound;
    SCIP_Longint nnodes;

    assert(strcmp(SCIPheurGetName(heur), HEUR_NAME) == 0);
    assert(scip != NULL);
    assert(result != NULL);

    *result = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;

    /* only call heuristic, if an optimal LP solution is at hand */
    if( SCIPgetLPSolstat(scip) != SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL )
        return SCIP_OKAY;

    /* only call heuristic, if the LP objective value is smaller than the cutoff bound */
    if( SCIPisGE(scip, SCIPgetLPObjval(scip), SCIPgetCutoffbound(scip)) )
        return SCIP_OKAY;

    /* get heuristic data */
    heurdata = SCIPheurGetData(heur);
    assert(heurdata != NULL);

    /* don't call heuristic, if we have already processed the current LP solution */
    nlps = SCIPgetNLPs(scip);
    if( nlps == heurdata->lastlp )
        return SCIP_OKAY;
    heurdata->lastlp = nlps;

    /* don't call heuristic, if it was not successful enough in the past */
    ncalls = SCIPheurGetNCalls(heur);
    nsolsfound = 10*SCIPheurGetNBestSolsFound(heur) + SCIPheurGetNSolsFound(heur);
    nnodes = SCIPgetNNodes(scip);
    if( nnodes % ((ncalls/100)/(nsolsfound+1)+1) != 0 )
        return SCIP_OKAY;

    /* get fractional variables, that should be integral */
    /* todo check if heuristic should include implicit integer variables for its calculations */
    SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPBranchCands(scip, &lpcands, &lpcandssol, NULL, &nlpcands, NULL, NULL) );
    nfrac = nlpcands;

    /* only call heuristic, if LP solution is fractional */
    if( nfrac == 0 )
        return SCIP_OKAY;

    *result = SCIP_DIDNOTFIND;

    /* get LP rows */
    SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPRowsData(scip, &lprows, &nlprows) );

    SCIPdebugMessage("executing shifting heuristic: %d LP rows, %d fractionals\n", nlprows, nfrac);

    /* get memory for activities, violated rows, and row violation positions */
    nvars = SCIPgetNVars(scip);
    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &activities, nlprows) );
    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &violrows, nlprows) );
    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &violrowpos, nlprows) );
    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &nfracsinrow, nlprows) );
    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &nincreases, nvars) );
    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &ndecreases, nvars) );
    BMSclearMemoryArray(nfracsinrow, nlprows);
    BMSclearMemoryArray(nincreases, nvars);
    BMSclearMemoryArray(ndecreases, nvars);

    /* get the activities for all globally valid rows;
     * the rows should be feasible, but due to numerical inaccuracies in the LP solver, they can be violated
    nviolrows = 0;
    for( r = 0; r < nlprows; ++r )
        SCIP_ROW* row;

        row = lprows[r];
        assert(SCIProwGetLPPos(row) == r);

        if( !SCIProwIsLocal(row) )
            activities[r] = SCIPgetRowActivity(scip, row);
            if( SCIPisFeasLT(scip, activities[r], SCIProwGetLhs(row))
                    || SCIPisFeasGT(scip, activities[r], SCIProwGetRhs(row)) )
                violrows[nviolrows] = row;
                violrowpos[r] = nviolrows;
                violrowpos[r] = -1;

    /* calc the current number of fractional variables in rows */
    for( c = 0; c < nlpcands; ++c )
        addFracCounter(nfracsinrow, nlprows, lpcands[c], +1);

    /* get the working solution from heuristic's local data */
    sol = heurdata->sol;
    assert(sol != NULL);

    /* copy the current LP solution to the working solution */
    SCIP_CALL( SCIPlinkLPSol(scip, sol) );

    /* calculate the minimal objective value possible after rounding fractional variables */
    minobj = SCIPgetSolTransObj(scip, sol);
    assert(minobj < SCIPgetCutoffbound(scip));
    for( c = 0; c < nlpcands; ++c )
        obj = SCIPvarGetObj(lpcands[c]);
        bestshiftval = obj > 0.0 ? SCIPfeasFloor(scip, lpcandssol[c]) : SCIPfeasCeil(scip, lpcandssol[c]);
        minobj += obj * (bestshiftval - lpcandssol[c]);

    /* try to shift remaining variables in order to become/stay feasible */
    nnonimprovingshifts = 0;
    minnviolrows = INT_MAX;
    increaseweight = 1.0;
    while( (nfrac > 0 || nviolrows > 0) && nnonimprovingshifts < MAXSHIFTINGS )
        SCIP_VAR* shiftvar;
        SCIP_Real oldsolval;
        SCIP_Real newsolval;
        SCIP_Bool oldsolvalisfrac;
        int probindex;

        SCIPdebugMessage("shifting heuristic: nfrac=%d, nviolrows=%d, obj=%g (best possible obj: %g), cutoff=%g\n",
                         nfrac, nviolrows, SCIPgetSolOrigObj(scip, sol), SCIPretransformObj(scip, minobj),
                         SCIPretransformObj(scip, SCIPgetCutoffbound(scip)));

        nprevviolrows = nviolrows;

        /* choose next variable to process:
         *  - if a violated row exists, shift a variable decreasing the violation, that has least impact on other rows
         *  - otherwise, shift a variable, that has strongest devastating impact on rows in opposite direction
        shiftvar = NULL;
        oldsolval = 0.0;
        newsolval = 0.0;
        if( nviolrows > 0 && (nfrac == 0 || nnonimprovingshifts < MAXSHIFTINGS-1) )
            SCIP_ROW* row;
            int rowidx;
            int rowpos;
            int direction;

            rowidx = -1;
            rowpos = -1;
            row = NULL;
            if( nfrac > 0 )
                for( rowidx = nviolrows-1; rowidx >= 0; --rowidx )
                    row = violrows[rowidx];
                    rowpos = SCIProwGetLPPos(row);
                    assert(violrowpos[rowpos] == rowidx);
                    if( nfracsinrow[rowpos] > 0 )
            if( rowidx == -1 )
                rowidx = SCIPgetRandomInt(0, nviolrows-1, &heurdata->randseed);
                row = violrows[rowidx];
                rowpos = SCIProwGetLPPos(row);
                assert(0 <= rowpos && rowpos < nlprows);
                assert(violrowpos[rowpos] == rowidx);
                assert(nfracsinrow[rowpos] == 0);
            assert(violrowpos[rowpos] == rowidx);

            SCIPdebugMessage("shifting heuristic: try to fix violated row <%s>: %g <= %g <= %g\n",
                             SCIProwGetName(row), SCIProwGetLhs(row), activities[rowpos], SCIProwGetRhs(row));
            SCIPdebug( SCIP_CALL( SCIPprintRow(scip, row, NULL) ) );

            /* get direction in which activity must be shifted */
            assert(SCIPisFeasLT(scip, activities[rowpos], SCIProwGetLhs(row))
                   || SCIPisFeasGT(scip, activities[rowpos], SCIProwGetRhs(row)));
            direction = SCIPisFeasLT(scip, activities[rowpos], SCIProwGetLhs(row)) ? +1 : -1;

            /* search a variable that can shift the activity in the necessary direction */
            SCIP_CALL( selectShifting(scip, sol, row, activities[rowpos], direction,
                                      nincreases, ndecreases, increaseweight, &shiftvar, &oldsolval, &newsolval) );

        if( shiftvar == NULL && nfrac > 0 )
            SCIPdebugMessage("shifting heuristic: search rounding variable and try to stay feasible\n");
            SCIP_CALL( selectEssentialRounding(scip, sol, minobj, lpcands, nlpcands, &shiftvar, &oldsolval, &newsolval) );

        /* check, whether shifting was possible */
        if( shiftvar == NULL || SCIPisEQ(scip, oldsolval, newsolval) )
            SCIPdebugMessage("shifting heuristic:  -> didn't find a shifting variable\n");

        SCIPdebugMessage("shifting heuristic:  -> shift var <%s>[%g,%g], type=%d, oldval=%g, newval=%g, obj=%g\n",
                         SCIPvarGetName(shiftvar), SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(shiftvar), SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(shiftvar), SCIPvarGetType(shiftvar),
                         oldsolval, newsolval, SCIPvarGetObj(shiftvar));

        /* update row activities of globally valid rows */
        SCIP_CALL( updateActivities(scip, activities, violrows, violrowpos, &nviolrows, nlprows,
                                    shiftvar, oldsolval, newsolval) );
        if( nviolrows >= nprevviolrows )
        else if( nviolrows < minnviolrows )
            minnviolrows = nviolrows;
            nnonimprovingshifts = 0;

        /* store new solution value and decrease fractionality counter */
        SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetSolVal(scip, sol, shiftvar, newsolval) );

        /* update fractionality counter and minimal objective value possible after shifting remaining variables */
        oldsolvalisfrac = !SCIPisFeasIntegral(scip, oldsolval)
                          && (SCIPvarGetType(shiftvar) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY || SCIPvarGetType(shiftvar) == SCIP_VARTYPE_INTEGER);
        obj = SCIPvarGetObj(shiftvar);
        if( (SCIPvarGetType(shiftvar) == SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY || SCIPvarGetType(shiftvar) == SCIP_VARTYPE_INTEGER)
                && oldsolvalisfrac )
            assert(SCIPisFeasIntegral(scip, newsolval));
            nnonimprovingshifts = 0;
            minnviolrows = INT_MAX;
            addFracCounter(nfracsinrow, nlprows, shiftvar, -1);

            /* the rounding was already calculated into the minobj -> update only if rounding in "wrong" direction */
            if( obj > 0.0 && newsolval > oldsolval )
                minobj += obj;
            else if( obj < 0.0 && newsolval < oldsolval )
                minobj -= obj;
            /* update minimal possible objective value */
            minobj += obj * (newsolval - oldsolval);

        /* update increase/decrease arrays */
        if( !oldsolvalisfrac )
            probindex = SCIPvarGetProbindex(shiftvar);
            assert(0 <= probindex && probindex < nvars);
            increaseweight *= WEIGHTFACTOR;
            if( newsolval < oldsolval )
                ndecreases[probindex] += increaseweight;
                nincreases[probindex] += increaseweight;
            if( increaseweight >= 1e+09 )
                int i;

                for( i = 0; i < nvars; ++i )
                    nincreases[i] /= increaseweight;
                    ndecreases[i] /= increaseweight;
                increaseweight = 1.0;

        SCIPdebugMessage("shifting heuristic:  -> nfrac=%d, nviolrows=%d, obj=%g (best possible obj: %g)\n",
                         nfrac, nviolrows, SCIPgetSolOrigObj(scip, sol), SCIPretransformObj(scip, minobj));

    /* check, if the new solution is feasible */
    if( nfrac == 0 && nviolrows == 0 )
        SCIP_Bool stored;

        /* check solution for feasibility, and add it to solution store if possible
         * neither integrality nor feasibility of LP rows has to be checked, because this is already
         * done in the shifting heuristic itself; however, we better check feasibility of LP rows,
         * because of numerical problems with activity updating
        SCIP_CALL( SCIPtrySol(scip, sol, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, &stored) );

        if( stored )
            SCIPdebugMessage("found feasible shifted solution:\n");
            SCIPdebug( SCIP_CALL( SCIPprintSol(scip, sol, NULL, FALSE) ) );
            *result = SCIP_FOUNDSOL;

    /* free memory buffers */
    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &ndecreases);
    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &nincreases);
    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &nfracsinrow);
    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &violrowpos);
    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &violrows);
    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &activities);

    return SCIP_OKAY;
예제 #13
/** reads the next line from the input file into the line buffer; skips comments;
 *  returns whether a line could be read
SCIP_Bool getNextLine(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   LPINPUT*              lpinput             /**< LP reading data */
   int i;

   assert(lpinput != NULL);

   /* if we previously detected a comment we have to parse the remaining line away if there is something left */
   if( !lpinput->endline && lpinput->comment )
      SCIPdebugMessage("Throwing rest of comment away.\n");

         lpinput->linebuf[LP_MAX_LINELEN-2] = '\0';
         (void)SCIPfgets(lpinput->linebuf, (int) sizeof(lpinput->linebuf), lpinput->file);
      while( lpinput->linebuf[LP_MAX_LINELEN-2] != '\0' );

      lpinput->comment = FALSE;
      lpinput->endline = TRUE;

   /* read next line */
   lpinput->linepos = 0;
   lpinput->linebuf[LP_MAX_LINELEN-2] = '\0';

   if( SCIPfgets(lpinput->linebuf, (int) sizeof(lpinput->linebuf), lpinput->file) == NULL )
      /* clear the line, this is really necessary here! */
      BMSclearMemoryArray(lpinput->linebuf, LP_MAX_LINELEN);

      return FALSE;


   /* if line is too long for our buffer correct the buffer and correct position in file */
   if( lpinput->linebuf[LP_MAX_LINELEN-2] != '\0' )
      char* last;

      /* buffer is full; erase last token since it might be incomplete */
      lpinput->endline = FALSE;
      last = strrchr(lpinput->linebuf, ' ');

      if( last == NULL )
         SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "we read %d characters from the file; this might indicate a corrupted input file!",
            LP_MAX_LINELEN - 2);
         lpinput->linebuf[LP_MAX_LINELEN-2] = '\0';
         SCIPdebugMessage("the buffer might be corrupted\n");
         SCIPfseek(lpinput->file, -(long) strlen(last) - 1, SEEK_CUR);
         SCIPdebugMessage("correct buffer, reread the last %ld characters\n", (long) strlen(last) + 1);
         *last = '\0';
      /* found end of line */
      lpinput->endline = TRUE;
   lpinput->linebuf[LP_MAX_LINELEN-1] = '\0'; /* we want to use lookahead of one char -> we need two \0 at the end */
   lpinput->comment = FALSE;

   /* skip characters after comment symbol */
   for( i = 0; commentchars[i] != '\0'; ++i )
      char* commentstart;

      commentstart = strchr(lpinput->linebuf, commentchars[i]);
      if( commentstart != NULL )
         *commentstart = '\0';
         *(commentstart+1) = '\0'; /* we want to use lookahead of one char -> we need two \0 at the end */

         lpinput->comment = TRUE;

   return TRUE;
/** execution method of primal heuristic */
SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(heurExecRootsoldiving) /*lint --e{715}*/
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   SCIP_HEURDATA* heurdata;
   SCIP_VAR** vars;
   SCIP_Real* rootsol;
   SCIP_Real* objchgvals;
   int* softroundings;
   int* intvalrounds;
   int nvars;
   int nbinvars;
   int nintvars;
   int nlpcands;
   SCIP_LPSOLSTAT lpsolstat;
   SCIP_Real absstartobjval;
   SCIP_Real objstep;
   SCIP_Real alpha;
   SCIP_Real oldobj;
   SCIP_Real newobj;
   SCIP_Bool lperror;
   SCIP_Bool lpsolchanged;
   SCIP_Longint nsolsfound;
   SCIP_Longint ncalls;
   SCIP_Longint nlpiterations;
   SCIP_Longint maxnlpiterations;
   int depth;
   int maxdepth;
   int maxdivedepth;
   int divedepth;
   int startnlpcands;
   int ncycles;
   int i;

   assert(heur != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPheurGetName(heur), HEUR_NAME) == 0);
   assert(scip != NULL);
   assert(result != NULL);

   *result = SCIP_DELAYED;

   /* only call heuristic, if an optimal LP solution is at hand */
   if( SCIPgetLPSolstat(scip) != SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* only call heuristic, if the LP solution is basic (which allows fast resolve in diving) */
   if( !SCIPisLPSolBasic(scip) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* don't dive two times at the same node */
   if( SCIPgetLastDivenode(scip) == SCIPgetNNodes(scip) && SCIPgetDepth(scip) > 0 )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;

   /* get heuristic's data */
   heurdata = SCIPheurGetData(heur);
   assert(heurdata != NULL);

   /* only apply heuristic, if only a few solutions have been found */
   if( heurdata->maxsols >= 0 && SCIPgetNSolsFound(scip) >= heurdata->maxsols )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* only try to dive, if we are in the correct part of the tree, given by minreldepth and maxreldepth */
   depth = SCIPgetDepth(scip);
   maxdepth = SCIPgetMaxDepth(scip);
   maxdepth = MAX(maxdepth, 30);
   if( depth < heurdata->minreldepth*maxdepth || depth > heurdata->maxreldepth*maxdepth )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* calculate the maximal number of LP iterations until heuristic is aborted */
   nlpiterations = SCIPgetNNodeLPIterations(scip);
   ncalls = SCIPheurGetNCalls(heur);
   nsolsfound = 10*SCIPheurGetNBestSolsFound(heur) + heurdata->nsuccess;
   maxnlpiterations = (SCIP_Longint)((1.0 + 10.0*(nsolsfound+1.0)/(ncalls+1.0)) * heurdata->maxlpiterquot * nlpiterations);
   maxnlpiterations += heurdata->maxlpiterofs;

   /* don't try to dive, if we took too many LP iterations during diving */
   if( heurdata->nlpiterations >= maxnlpiterations )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* allow at least a certain number of LP iterations in this dive */
   maxnlpiterations = MAX(maxnlpiterations, heurdata->nlpiterations + MINLPITER);

   /* get number of fractional variables, that should be integral */
   nlpcands = SCIPgetNLPBranchCands(scip);

   /* don't try to dive, if there are no fractional variables */
   if( nlpcands == 0 )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* calculate the maximal diving depth */
   nvars = SCIPgetNBinVars(scip) + SCIPgetNIntVars(scip);
   if( SCIPgetNSolsFound(scip) == 0 )
      maxdivedepth = (int)(heurdata->depthfacnosol * nvars);
      maxdivedepth = (int)(heurdata->depthfac * nvars);
   maxdivedepth = MAX(maxdivedepth, 10);

   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTFIND;

   /* get all variables of LP */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetVarsData(scip, &vars, &nvars, &nbinvars, &nintvars, NULL, NULL) );

   /* get root solution value of all binary and integer variables */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &rootsol, nbinvars + nintvars) );
   for( i = 0; i < nbinvars + nintvars; i++ )
      rootsol[i] = SCIPvarGetRootSol(vars[i]);

   /* get current LP objective value, and calculate length of a single step in an objective coefficient */
   absstartobjval = SCIPgetLPObjval(scip);
   absstartobjval = ABS(absstartobjval);
   absstartobjval = MAX(absstartobjval, 1.0);
   objstep = absstartobjval / 10.0;

   /* initialize array storing the preferred soft rounding directions and counting the integral value rounds */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &softroundings, nbinvars + nintvars) );
   BMSclearMemoryArray(softroundings, nbinvars + nintvars);
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &intvalrounds, nbinvars + nintvars) );
   BMSclearMemoryArray(intvalrounds, nbinvars + nintvars);

   /* allocate temporary memory for buffering objective changes */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &objchgvals, nbinvars + nintvars) );

   /* start diving */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPstartDive(scip) );

   SCIPdebugMessage("(node %"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT") executing rootsoldiving heuristic: depth=%d, %d fractionals, dualbound=%g, maxnlpiterations=%"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT", maxdivedepth=%d, LPobj=%g, objstep=%g\n",
      SCIPgetNNodes(scip), SCIPgetDepth(scip), nlpcands, SCIPgetDualbound(scip), maxnlpiterations, maxdivedepth,
      SCIPgetLPObjval(scip), objstep);

   lperror = FALSE;
   divedepth = 0;
   alpha = heurdata->alpha;
   ncycles = 0;
   lpsolchanged = TRUE;
   startnlpcands = nlpcands;
   while( !lperror && lpsolstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL && nlpcands > 0 && ncycles < 10
      && (divedepth < 10
         || nlpcands <= startnlpcands - divedepth/2
         || (divedepth < maxdivedepth && heurdata->nlpiterations < maxnlpiterations))
      && !SCIPisStopped(scip) )
      SCIP_Bool success;
      int hardroundingidx;
      int hardroundingdir;
      SCIP_Real hardroundingoldbd;
      SCIP_Real hardroundingnewbd;
      SCIP_Bool boundschanged;

      SCIP_RETCODE retcode;

      /* create solution from diving LP and try to round it */
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPlinkLPSol(scip, heurdata->sol) );
      SCIP_CALL( SCIProundSol(scip, heurdata->sol, &success) );

      if( success )
         SCIPdebugMessage("rootsoldiving found roundable primal solution: obj=%g\n", SCIPgetSolOrigObj(scip, heurdata->sol));

         /* try to add solution to SCIP */
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPtrySol(scip, heurdata->sol, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, &success) );

         /* check, if solution was feasible and good enough */
         if( success )
            SCIPdebugMessage(" -> solution was feasible and good enough\n");
            *result = SCIP_FOUNDSOL;

      hardroundingidx = -1;
      hardroundingdir = 0;
      hardroundingoldbd = 0.0;
      hardroundingnewbd = 0.0;
      boundschanged = FALSE;

      SCIPdebugMessage("dive %d/%d, LP iter %"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT"/%"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT":\n", divedepth, maxdivedepth, heurdata->nlpiterations, maxnlpiterations);

      /* round solution x* from diving LP:
       *   - x~_j = down(x*_j)    if x*_j is integer or binary variable and x*_j <= root solution_j
       *   - x~_j = up(x*_j)      if x*_j is integer or binary variable and x*_j  > root solution_j
       *   - x~_j = x*_j          if x*_j is continuous variable
       * change objective function in diving LP:
       *   - if x*_j is integral, or j is a continuous variable, set obj'_j = alpha * obj_j
       *   - otherwise, set obj'_j = alpha * obj_j + sign(x*_j - x~_j)
      for( i = 0; i < nbinvars + nintvars; i++ )
         SCIP_VAR* var;
         SCIP_Real solval;

         var = vars[i];
         oldobj = SCIPgetVarObjDive(scip, var);
         newobj = oldobj;

         solval =  SCIPvarGetLPSol(var);
         if( SCIPisFeasIntegral(scip, solval) )
            /* if the variable became integral after a soft rounding, count the rounds; after a while, fix it to its
             * current integral value;
             * otherwise, fade out the objective value
            if( softroundings[i] != 0 && lpsolchanged )
               if( intvalrounds[i] == 5 && SCIPgetVarLbDive(scip, var) < SCIPgetVarUbDive(scip, var) - 0.5 )
                  /* use exact integral value, if the variable is only integral within numerical tolerances */
                  solval = SCIPfloor(scip, solval+0.5);
                  SCIPdebugMessage(" -> fixing <%s> = %g\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), solval);
                  SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarLbDive(scip, var, solval) );
                  SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarUbDive(scip, var, solval) );
                  boundschanged = TRUE;
               newobj = alpha * oldobj;
         else if( solval <= rootsol[i] )
            /* if the variable was soft rounded most of the time downwards, round it downwards by changing the bounds;
             * otherwise, apply soft rounding by changing the objective value
            if( softroundings[i] <= -10 && hardroundingidx == -1 )
               SCIPdebugMessage(" -> hard rounding <%s>[%g] <= %g\n",
                  SCIPvarGetName(var), solval, SCIPfeasFloor(scip, solval));
               hardroundingidx = i;
               hardroundingdir = -1;
               hardroundingoldbd = SCIPgetVarUbDive(scip, var);
               hardroundingnewbd = SCIPfeasFloor(scip, solval);
               SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarUbDive(scip, var, hardroundingnewbd) );
               boundschanged = TRUE;
               newobj = alpha * oldobj + objstep;
            /* if the variable was soft rounded most of the time upwards, round it upwards by changing the bounds;
             * otherwise, apply soft rounding by changing the objective value
            if( softroundings[i] >= +10 && hardroundingidx == -1 )
               SCIPdebugMessage(" -> hard rounding <%s>[%g] >= %g\n",
                  SCIPvarGetName(var), solval, SCIPfeasCeil(scip, solval));
               hardroundingidx = i;
               hardroundingdir = +1;
               hardroundingoldbd = SCIPgetVarLbDive(scip, var);
               hardroundingnewbd = SCIPfeasCeil(scip, solval);
               SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarLbDive(scip, var, hardroundingnewbd) );
               boundschanged = TRUE;
               newobj = alpha * oldobj - objstep;

         /* remember the objective change */
         objchgvals[i] = newobj;

      /* apply objective changes if there was no bound change */
      if( !boundschanged )
         /* apply cached changes on integer variables */
         for( i = 0; i < nbinvars + nintvars; ++i )
            SCIP_VAR* var;

            var = vars[i];
            SCIPdebugMessage(" -> i=%d  var <%s>, solval=%g, rootsol=%g, oldobj=%g, newobj=%g\n",
               i, SCIPvarGetName(var), SCIPvarGetLPSol(var), rootsol[i], SCIPgetVarObjDive(scip, var), objchgvals[i]);

            SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarObjDive(scip, var, objchgvals[i]) );

         /* fade out the objective values of the continuous variables */
         for( i = nbinvars + nintvars; i < nvars; i++ )
            SCIP_VAR* var;

            var = vars[i];
            oldobj = SCIPgetVarObjDive(scip, var);
            newobj = alpha * oldobj;

            SCIPdebugMessage(" -> i=%d  var <%s>, solval=%g, oldobj=%g, newobj=%g\n",
               i, SCIPvarGetName(var), SCIPvarGetLPSol(var), oldobj, newobj);

            SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarObjDive(scip, var, newobj) );

      /* resolve the diving LP */
      nlpiterations = SCIPgetNLPIterations(scip);

      retcode = SCIPsolveDiveLP(scip,  MAX((int)(maxnlpiterations - heurdata->nlpiterations), MINLPITER), &lperror);
      lpsolstat = SCIPgetLPSolstat(scip);

      /* Errors in the LP solver should not kill the overall solving process, if the LP is just needed for a heuristic.
       * Hence in optimized mode, the return code is caught and a warning is printed, only in debug mode, SCIP will stop.
      if( retcode != SCIP_OKAY )
#ifndef NDEBUG
         if( lpsolstat != SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_UNBOUNDEDRAY )
            SCIP_CALL( retcode );
         SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "Error while solving LP in Rootsoldiving heuristic; LP solve terminated with code <%d>\n", retcode);
         SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "This does not affect the remaining solution procedure --> continue\n");

      if( lperror )

      /* update iteration count */
      heurdata->nlpiterations += SCIPgetNLPIterations(scip) - nlpiterations;

      /* if no LP iterations were performed, we stayed at the same solution -> count this cycling */
      lpsolchanged = (SCIPgetNLPIterations(scip) != nlpiterations);
      if( lpsolchanged )
         ncycles = 0;
      else if( !boundschanged ) /* do not count if integral variables have been fixed */

      /* get LP solution status and number of fractional variables, that should be integral */
      if( lpsolstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_INFEASIBLE && hardroundingidx != -1 )
         SCIP_VAR* var;

         var = vars[hardroundingidx];

         /* round the hard rounded variable to the opposite direction and resolve the LP */
         if( hardroundingdir == -1 )
            SCIPdebugMessage(" -> opposite hard rounding <%s> >= %g\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), hardroundingnewbd + 1.0);
            SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarUbDive(scip, var, hardroundingoldbd) );
            SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarLbDive(scip, var, hardroundingnewbd + 1.0) );
            SCIPdebugMessage(" -> opposite hard rounding <%s> <= %g\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), hardroundingnewbd - 1.0);
            SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarLbDive(scip, var, hardroundingoldbd) );
            SCIP_CALL( SCIPchgVarUbDive(scip, var, hardroundingnewbd - 1.0) );
         hardroundingidx = -1;
         goto SOLVEAGAIN;
      if( lpsolstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL )
         nlpcands = SCIPgetNLPBranchCands(scip);
      SCIPdebugMessage("   -> lpsolstat=%d, nfrac=%d\n", lpsolstat, nlpcands);

   SCIPdebugMessage("---> diving finished: lpsolstat = %d, depth %d/%d, LP iter %"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT"/%"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT"\n",
      lpsolstat, divedepth, maxdivedepth, heurdata->nlpiterations, maxnlpiterations);

   /* check if a solution has been found */
   if( nlpcands == 0 && !lperror && lpsolstat == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL )
      SCIP_Bool success;

      /* create solution from diving LP */
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPlinkLPSol(scip, heurdata->sol) );
      SCIPdebugMessage("rootsoldiving found primal solution: obj=%g\n", SCIPgetSolOrigObj(scip, heurdata->sol));

      /* try to add solution to SCIP */
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPtrySol(scip, heurdata->sol, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, &success) );

      /* check, if solution was feasible and good enough */
      if( success )
         SCIPdebugMessage(" -> solution was feasible and good enough\n");
         *result = SCIP_FOUNDSOL;

   /* end diving */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPendDive(scip) );

   if( *result == SCIP_FOUNDSOL )

   /* free temporary memory */
   SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &objchgvals);
   SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &intvalrounds);
   SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &softroundings);
   SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &rootsol);

   SCIPdebugMessage("rootsoldiving heuristic finished\n");

   return SCIP_OKAY;