예제 #1
	MusicPlaying( RageSound *Music )
		m_Timing.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(0,120) );
		m_NewTiming.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(0,120) );
		m_HasTiming = false;
		m_TimingDelayed = false;
		m_Music = Music;
예제 #2
void SSCLoader::ProcessBPMs( TimingData &out, const RString sParam )
	vector<RString> arrayBPMExpressions;
	split( sParam, ",", arrayBPMExpressions );
	for( unsigned b=0; b<arrayBPMExpressions.size(); b++ )
		vector<RString> arrayBPMValues;
		split( arrayBPMExpressions[b], "=", arrayBPMValues );
		if( arrayBPMValues.size() != 2 )
			LOG->UserLog("Song file",
				     "has an invalid #BPMS value \"%s\" (must have exactly one '='), ignored.",
				     arrayBPMExpressions[b].c_str() );
		const float fBeat = StringToFloat( arrayBPMValues[0] );
		const float fNewBPM = StringToFloat( arrayBPMValues[1] );
		if( fBeat >= 0 && fNewBPM > 0 )
			out.AddSegment( BPMSegment(BeatToNoteRow(fBeat), fNewBPM) );
			LOG->UserLog("Song file",
				     "has an invalid BPM at beat %f, BPM %f.",
				     fBeat, fNewBPM );
예제 #3
static void HandleBunki( TimingData &timing, const float fEarlyBPM, 
			const float fCurBPM, const float fGap, 
			const float fPos )
	const float BeatsPerSecond = fEarlyBPM / 60.0f;
	const float beat = (fPos + fGap) * BeatsPerSecond;
	LOG->Trace( "BPM %f, BPS %f, BPMPos %f, beat %f",
		   fEarlyBPM, BeatsPerSecond, fPos, beat );
	timing.AddSegment( BPMSegment(BeatToNoteRow(beat), fCurBPM) );
예제 #4
bool KSFLoader::LoadGlobalData( const CString &sPath, Song &out )
    MsdFile msd;
    if( !msd.ReadFile( sPath ) )
        RageException::Throw( "Error opening file \"%s\": %s", sPath.c_str(), msd.GetError().c_str() );

    float BPMPos2 = -1, BPM2 = -1, BPMPos3 = -1, BPM3 = -1;;

    for( unsigned i=0; i < msd.GetNumValues(); i++ )
        const MsdFile::value_t &sParams = msd.GetValue(i);
        CString sValueName = sParams[0];

        // handle the data
        if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"TITLE") )
            LoadTags(sParams[1], out);
        else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"BPM") )
            out.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(0, strtof(sParams[1], NULL)) );
        else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"BPM2") )
            BPM2 = strtof( sParams[1], NULL );
        else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"BPM3") )
            BPM3 = strtof( sParams[1], NULL );
        else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"BUNKI") )
            BPMPos2 = strtof( sParams[1], NULL ) / 100.0f;
        else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"BUNKI2") )
            BPMPos3 = strtof( sParams[1], NULL ) / 100.0f;
        else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"STARTTIME") )
            out.m_Timing.m_fBeat0OffsetInSeconds = -strtof( sParams[1], NULL )/100;
        else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"TICKCOUNT") ||
                 0==stricmp(sValueName,"STEP") ||
            ; /* Handled in LoadFromKSFFile; don't warn. */
            LOG->Trace( "Unexpected value named '%s'", sValueName.c_str() );

    /* This doesn't work yet: we also need to move the data around, I think, and
     * we should handle more than one BPM change. */
    if( BPM2 > 0 && BPMPos2 > 0 )
        const float BeatsPerSecond = out.GetBPMAtBeat(0) / 60.0f;
        const float beat = BPMPos2 * BeatsPerSecond;
        LOG->Trace("BPM %f, BPS %f, BPMPos2 %f, beat %f",
                   out.GetBPMAtBeat(0), BeatsPerSecond, BPMPos2, beat);
        out.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(beat, BPM2) );

    if( BPM3 > 0 && BPMPos3 > 0 )
        const float BeatsPerSecond = out.GetBPMAtBeat(0) / 60.0f;
        const float beat = BPMPos3 * BeatsPerSecond;
        LOG->Trace("BPM %f, BPS %f, BPMPos3 %f, beat %f",
                   out.GetBPMAtBeat(0), BeatsPerSecond, BPMPos3, beat);
        out.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(beat, BPM3) );

    /* Try to fill in missing bits of information from the pathname. */
        CStringArray asBits;
        split( sPath, "/", asBits, true);

        ASSERT(asBits.size() > 1);
        LoadTags(asBits[asBits.size()-2], out);

    // search for music with song in the file name
    CStringArray arrayPossibleMusic;
    GetDirListing( out.GetSongDir() + CString("song.mp3"), arrayPossibleMusic );
    GetDirListing( out.GetSongDir() + CString("song.ogg"), arrayPossibleMusic );
    GetDirListing( out.GetSongDir() + CString("song.wav"), arrayPossibleMusic );

    if( !arrayPossibleMusic.empty() )		// we found a match
        out.m_sMusicFile = arrayPossibleMusic[0];

    return true;
예제 #5
void run()
#define CHECK(call, exp) \
{ \
	float ret = call; \
	if( call != exp ) { \
		LOG->Warn( "Line %i: Got %f, expected %f", __LINE__, ret, exp); \
		return; \
	} \

	TimingData test;
	test.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(0, 60) );
	/* First, trivial sanity checks. */
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(60), 60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(60), 60.0f );

	/* The first BPM segment extends backwards in time. */
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(-60), -60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(-60), -60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(100000), 100000.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(100000), 100000.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(-100000), -100000.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(-100000), -100000.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(0), 60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(100000), 60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(-100000), 60.0f );

	/* 120BPM at beat 10: */
	test.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(10, 120) );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(9.99), 60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(10), 120.0f );

	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(9), 9.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(10), 10.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(10.5), 11.0f );

	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(9), 9.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(10), 10.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(11), 10.5f );

	/* Add a 5-second stop at beat 10. */
	test.AddStopSegment( StopSegment(10, 5) );

	/* The stop shouldn't affect GetBPMAtBeat at all. */
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(9.99), 60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(10), 120.0f );

	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(9), 9.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(10), 10.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(12), 10.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(14), 10.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(15), 10.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(15.5), 11.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(9), 9.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(10), 10.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(11), 15.5f );

	/* Add a 2-second stop at beat 5 and a 5-second stop at beat 15. */
	test.AddStopSegment( StopSegment(5, 2) );
	test.AddStopSegment( StopSegment(15, 5) );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(9.99), 60.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBPMAtBeat(10), 120.0f );

	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(1), 1.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(2), 2.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(5), 5.0f ); // stopped
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(6), 5.0f ); // stopped
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(7), 5.0f ); // stop finished
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(8), 6.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(12), 10.0f ); // bpm changes to 120
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(13), 12.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(14), 14.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(14.5f), 15.0f ); // stopped
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(15), 15.0f ); // stopped
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(17), 15.0f ); // stopped
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(19.5f), 15.0f ); // stop finished
	CHECK( test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(20), 16.0f );

	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(1), 1.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(2), 2.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(5), 5.0f ); // stopped
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(6), 8.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(10), 12.0f ); // bpm changes to 120
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(12), 13.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(14), 14.0f );
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(15.0f), 14.5f ); // stopped
	CHECK( test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(16), 20.0f );

RageTimer foobar;
	/* We can look up the time of any given beat, then look up the beat of that
	 * time and get the original value.  (We can't do this in reverse; the beat
	 * doesn't move during stop segments.) */
int q = 0;
	for( float f = -10; f < 250; f += 0.002 )
//		const float t = test.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat( f );
		const float b = test.GetBeatFromElapsedTime( f );

		/* b == f */
//		if( fabsf(b-f) > 0.001 )
//		{
//			LOG->Warn( "%f != %f", b, f );
//			return;
//		}
LOG->Trace("... %i in %f", q, foobar.GetDeltaTime());

	TimingData test2;
	test2.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(0, 60) );
	test2.AddStopSegment( StopSegment(0, 1) );
	CHECK( test2.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(-1), -1.0f );
	CHECK( test2.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(0), 0.0f );
	CHECK( test2.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(1), 0.0f );
	CHECK( test2.GetBeatFromElapsedTime(2), 1.0f );
	CHECK( test2.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(-1), -1.0f );
	CHECK( test2.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(0), 0.0f );
	CHECK( test2.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(1), 2.0f );
	CHECK( test2.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(2), 3.0f );
예제 #6
static bool LoadGlobalData( const RString &sPath, Song &out, bool &bKIUCompliant )
	MsdFile msd;
	if( !msd.ReadFile( sPath, false ) )  // don't unescape
		LOG->UserLog( "Song file", sPath, "couldn't be opened: %s", msd.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	// changed up there in case of something is found inside the SONGFILE tag in the head ksf -DaisuMaster
	// search for music with song in the file name
	vector<RString> arrayPossibleMusic;
	GetDirListing( out.GetSongDir() + RString("song.mp3"), arrayPossibleMusic );
	GetDirListing( out.GetSongDir() + RString("song.oga"), arrayPossibleMusic );
	GetDirListing( out.GetSongDir() + RString("song.ogg"), arrayPossibleMusic );
	GetDirListing( out.GetSongDir() + RString("song.wav"), arrayPossibleMusic );

	if( !arrayPossibleMusic.empty() )		// we found a match
		out.m_sMusicFile = arrayPossibleMusic[0];
	// ^this was below, at the end

	float SMGap1 = 0, SMGap2 = 0, BPM1 = -1, BPMPos2 = -1, BPM2 = -1, BPMPos3 = -1, BPM3 = -1;
	int iTickCount = -1;
	bKIUCompliant = false;
	vector<RString> vNoteRows;

	for( unsigned i=0; i < msd.GetNumValues(); i++ )
		const MsdFile::value_t &sParams = msd.GetValue(i);
		RString sValueName = sParams[0];

		// handle the data
		if( sValueName=="TITLE" )
			LoadTags(sParams[1], out);
		else if( sValueName=="BPM" )
			BPM1 = StringToFloat(sParams[1]);
			out.m_SongTiming.AddSegment( BPMSegment(0, BPM1) );
		else if( sValueName=="BPM2" )
			bKIUCompliant = true;
			BPM2 = StringToFloat( sParams[1] );
		else if( sValueName=="BPM3" )
			bKIUCompliant = true;
			BPM3 = StringToFloat( sParams[1] );
		else if( sValueName=="BUNKI" )
			bKIUCompliant = true;
			BPMPos2 = StringToFloat( sParams[1] ) / 100.0f;
		else if( sValueName=="BUNKI2" )
			bKIUCompliant = true;
			BPMPos3 = StringToFloat( sParams[1] ) / 100.0f;
		else if( sValueName=="STARTTIME" )
			SMGap1 = -StringToFloat( sParams[1] )/100;
			out.m_SongTiming.m_fBeat0OffsetInSeconds = SMGap1;
		// This is currently required for more accurate KIU BPM changes.
		else if( sValueName=="STARTTIME2" )
			bKIUCompliant = true;
			SMGap2 = -StringToFloat( sParams[1] )/100;
		else if ( sValueName=="STARTTIME3" )
			// STARTTIME3 only ensures this is a KIU compliant simfile.
			//bKIUCompliant = true;
		else if ( sValueName=="TICKCOUNT" )
			ProcessTickcounts(sParams[1], iTickCount, out.m_SongTiming);
		else if ( sValueName=="STEP" )
			/* STEP will always be the last header in a KSF file by design. Due to
			 * the Direct Move syntax, it is best to get the rows of notes here. */
			RString theSteps = sParams[1];
			TrimLeft( theSteps );
			split( theSteps, "\n", vNoteRows, true );
		else if( sValueName=="DIFFICULTY" || sValueName=="PLAYER" )
			/* DIFFICULTY and PLAYER are handled only in LoadFromKSFFile.
			Ignore those here. */
		// New cases noted in Aldo_MX's code:
		else if( sValueName=="MUSICINTRO" || sValueName=="INTRO" )
			out.m_fMusicSampleStartSeconds = HHMMSSToSeconds( sParams[1] );
		else if( sValueName=="TITLEFILE" )
			out.m_sBackgroundFile = sParams[1];
		else if( sValueName=="DISCFILE" )
			out.m_sBannerFile = sParams[1];
		else if( sValueName=="SONGFILE" )
			out.m_sMusicFile = sParams[1];
		//else if( sValueName=="INTROFILE" )
		//	nothing to add...
		// end new cases
			LOG->UserLog( "Song file", sPath, "has an unexpected value named \"%s\".",
				      sValueName.c_str() );

	//intro length in piu mixes is generally 7 seconds
	out.m_fMusicSampleLengthSeconds = 7.0f;

	/* BPM Change checks are done here.  If bKIUCompliant, it's short and sweet.
	 * Otherwise, the whole file has to be processed.  Right now, this is only 
	 * called once, for the initial file (often the Crazy steps).  Hopefully that
	 * will end up changing soon. */
	if( bKIUCompliant )
		if( BPM2 > 0 && BPMPos2 > 0 )
			HandleBunki( out.m_SongTiming, BPM1, BPM2, SMGap1, BPMPos2 );

		if( BPM3 > 0 && BPMPos3 > 0 )
			HandleBunki( out.m_SongTiming, BPM2, BPM3, SMGap2, BPMPos3 );
		float fCurBeat = 0.0f;
		bool bDMRequired = false;

		for( unsigned i=0; i < vNoteRows.size(); ++i )
			RString& NoteRowString = vNoteRows[i];
			StripCrnl( NoteRowString );

			if( NoteRowString == "" )
				continue; // ignore empty rows.

			if( NoteRowString == "2222222222222" ) // Row of 2s = end. Confirm KIUCompliency here.
				if (!bDMRequired)
					bKIUCompliant = true;

			// This is where the DMRequired test will take place.
			if ( BeginsWith( NoteRowString, "|" ) )
				// have a static timing for everything
				bDMRequired = true;
				// ignore whatever else...
			fCurBeat += 1.0f / iTickCount;

	// Try to fill in missing bits of information from the pathname.
		vector<RString> asBits;
		split( sPath, "/", asBits, true);

		ASSERT( asBits.size() > 1 );
		LoadTags( asBits[asBits.size()-2], out );

	return true;
예제 #7
static bool LoadFromKSFFile( const RString &sPath, Steps &out, Song &song, bool bKIUCompliant )
	LOG->Trace( "Steps::LoadFromKSFFile( '%s' )", sPath.c_str() );

	MsdFile msd;
	if( !msd.ReadFile( sPath, false ) )  // don't unescape
		LOG->UserLog( "Song file", sPath, "couldn't be opened: %s", msd.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	// this is the value we read for TICKCOUNT
	int iTickCount = -1;
	// used to adapt weird tickcounts
	//float fScrollRatio = 1.0f; -- uncomment when ready to use.
	vector<RString> vNoteRows;

	// According to Aldo_MX, there is a default BPM and it's 60. -aj
	bool bDoublesChart = false;
	TimingData stepsTiming;
	float SMGap1 = 0, SMGap2 = 0, BPM1 = -1, BPMPos2 = -1, BPM2 = -1, BPMPos3 = -1, BPM3 = -1;

	for( unsigned i=0; i<msd.GetNumValues(); i++ )
		const MsdFile::value_t &sParams = msd.GetValue( i );
		RString sValueName = sParams[0];

		/* handle the data...well, not this data: not related to steps.
		if (sValueName=="TITLE" || EndsWith(sValueName, "INTRO")
		    || EndsWith(sValueName, "FILE") )

		else if( sValueName=="BPM" )
			BPM1 = StringToFloat(sParams[1]);
			stepsTiming.AddSegment( BPMSegment(0, BPM1) );
		else if( sValueName=="BPM2" )
			if (bKIUCompliant)
				BPM2 = StringToFloat( sParams[1] );
				// LOG an error.
		else if( sValueName=="BPM3" )
			if (bKIUCompliant)
				BPM3 = StringToFloat( sParams[1] );
				// LOG an error.
		else if( sValueName=="BUNKI" )
			if (bKIUCompliant)
				BPMPos2 = StringToFloat( sParams[1] ) / 100.0f;
				// LOG an error.
		else if( sValueName=="BUNKI2" )
			if (bKIUCompliant)
				BPMPos3 = StringToFloat( sParams[1] ) / 100.0f;
				// LOG an error.
		else if( sValueName=="STARTTIME" )
			SMGap1 = -StringToFloat( sParams[1] )/100;
			stepsTiming.m_fBeat0OffsetInSeconds = SMGap1;
		// This is currently required for more accurate KIU BPM changes.  
		else if( sValueName=="STARTTIME2" )
			if (bKIUCompliant)
				SMGap2 = -StringToFloat( sParams[1] )/100;
				// LOG an error.
		else if ( sValueName=="STARTTIME3" )
			// STARTTIME3 only ensures this is a KIU compliant simfile.
			bKIUCompliant = true;
		else if( sValueName=="TICKCOUNT" )
			iTickCount = StringToInt( sParams[1] );
			if( iTickCount <= 0 )
				LOG->UserLog( "Song file", sPath, "has an invalid tick count: %d.", iTickCount );
				return false;
			stepsTiming.AddSegment( TickcountSegment(0, iTickCount));
		else if( sValueName=="DIFFICULTY" )
			out.SetMeter( max(StringToInt(sParams[1]), 1) );
		// new cases from Aldo_MX's fork:
		else if( sValueName=="PLAYER" )
			RString sPlayer = sParams[1];
			if( sPlayer.find( "double" ) != string::npos )
				bDoublesChart = true;
		// This should always be last.
		else if( sValueName=="STEP" )
			RString theSteps = sParams[1];
			TrimLeft( theSteps );
			split( theSteps, "\n", vNoteRows, true );

	if( iTickCount == -1 )
		iTickCount = 4;
		LOG->UserLog( "Song file", sPath, "doesn't have a TICKCOUNT. Defaulting to %i.", iTickCount );
	// Prepare BPM stuff already if the file uses KSF syntax.
	if( bKIUCompliant )
		if( BPM2 > 0 && BPMPos2 > 0 )
			HandleBunki( stepsTiming, BPM1, BPM2, SMGap1, BPMPos2 );
		if( BPM3 > 0 && BPMPos3 > 0 )
			HandleBunki( stepsTiming, BPM2, BPM3, SMGap2, BPMPos3 );

	NoteData notedata;	// read it into here

		RString sDir, sFName, sExt;
		splitpath( sPath, sDir, sFName, sExt );

		// Check another before anything else... is this okay? -DaisuMaster
		if( sFName.find("another") != string::npos )
			out.SetDifficulty( Difficulty_Edit );
			if( !out.GetMeter() ) out.SetMeter( 25 );
		else if(sFName.find("wild") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("wd") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("crazy+") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("cz+") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("hardcore") != string::npos )
			out.SetDifficulty( Difficulty_Challenge );
			if( !out.GetMeter() ) out.SetMeter( 20 );
		else if(sFName.find("crazy") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("cz") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("nightmare") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("nm") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("crazydouble") != string::npos )
			out.SetDifficulty( Difficulty_Hard );
			if( !out.GetMeter() ) out.SetMeter( 14 ); // Set the meters to the Pump scale, not DDR.
		else if(sFName.find("hard") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("hd") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("freestyle") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("fs") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("double") != string::npos )
			out.SetDifficulty( Difficulty_Medium );
			if( !out.GetMeter() ) out.SetMeter( 8 );
		else if(sFName.find("easy") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("ez") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("normal") != string::npos )
			// I wonder if I should leave easy fall into the Beginner difficulty... -DaisuMaster
			out.SetDifficulty( Difficulty_Easy );
			if( !out.GetMeter() ) out.SetMeter( 4 );
		else if(sFName.find("beginner") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("practice") != string::npos || sFName.find("pr") != string::npos  )
			out.SetDifficulty( Difficulty_Beginner );
			if( !out.GetMeter() ) out.SetMeter( 4 );
			out.SetDifficulty( Difficulty_Hard );
			if( !out.GetMeter() ) out.SetMeter( 10 );

		out.m_StepsType = StepsType_pump_single;

		// Check for "halfdouble" before "double".
		if(sFName.find("halfdouble") != string::npos || 
		   sFName.find("half-double") != string::npos || 
		   sFName.find("h_double") != string::npos || 
		   sFName.find("hdb") != string::npos )
			out.m_StepsType = StepsType_pump_halfdouble;
		// Handle bDoublesChart from above as well. -aj
		else if(sFName.find("double") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("nightmare") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("freestyle") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("db") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("nm") != string::npos || 
			sFName.find("fs") != string::npos || bDoublesChart )
			out.m_StepsType = StepsType_pump_double;
		else if( sFName.find("_1") != string::npos )
			out.m_StepsType = StepsType_pump_single;
		else if( sFName.find("_2") != string::npos )
			out.m_StepsType = StepsType_pump_couple;

	switch( out.m_StepsType )
	case StepsType_pump_single: notedata.SetNumTracks( 5 ); break;
	case StepsType_pump_couple: notedata.SetNumTracks( 10 ); break;
	case StepsType_pump_double: notedata.SetNumTracks( 10 ); break;
	case StepsType_pump_routine: notedata.SetNumTracks( 10 ); break; // future files may have this?
	case StepsType_pump_halfdouble: notedata.SetNumTracks( 6 ); break;
	default: FAIL_M( ssprintf("%i", out.m_StepsType) );

	int t = 0;
	int iHoldStartRow[13];
	for( t=0; t<13; t++ )
		iHoldStartRow[t] = -1;

	bool bTickChangeNeeded = false;
	int newTick = -1;
	float fCurBeat = 0.0f;
	float prevBeat = 0.0f; // Used for hold tails.

	for( unsigned r=0; r<vNoteRows.size(); r++ )
		RString& sRowString = vNoteRows[r];
		StripCrnl( sRowString );

		if( sRowString == "" )
			continue;	// skip

		// All 2s indicates the end of the song.
		else if( sRowString == "2222222222222" )
			// Finish any holds that didn't get...well, finished.
			for( t=0; t < notedata.GetNumTracks(); t++ )
				if( iHoldStartRow[t] != -1 )	// this ends the hold
					if( iHoldStartRow[t] == BeatToNoteRow(prevBeat) )
						notedata.SetTapNote( t, iHoldStartRow[t], TAP_ORIGINAL_TAP );
								     TAP_ORIGINAL_HOLD_HEAD );
			/* have this row be the last moment in the song, unless
			 * a future step ends later. */
			//float curTime = stepsTiming.GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(fCurBeat);
			//if (curTime > song.GetSpecifiedLastSecond())
			//	song.SetSpecifiedLastSecond(curTime);

			song.SetSpecifiedLastSecond( song.GetSpecifiedLastSecond() + 4 );


		else if( BeginsWith(sRowString, "|") )
			if (bKIUCompliant)
				// Log an error, ignore the line.
			// gotta do something tricky here: if the bpm is below one then a couple of calculations
			// for scrollsegments will be made, example, bpm 0.2, tick 4000, the scrollsegment will
			// be 0. if the tickcount is non a stepmania standard then it will be adapted, a scroll
			// segment will then be added based on approximations. -DaisuMaster
			// eh better do it considering the tickcount (high tickcounts)

			// I'm making some experiments, please spare me...

			RString temp = sRowString.substr(2,sRowString.size()-3);
			float numTemp = StringToFloat(temp);
			if (BeginsWith(sRowString, "|T")) 
				// duh
				iTickCount = static_cast<int>(numTemp);
				// I have been owned by the man -DaisuMaster
				stepsTiming.SetTickcountAtBeat( fCurBeat, clamp(iTickCount, 0, ROWS_PER_BEAT) );
			else if (BeginsWith(sRowString, "|B")) 
				// BPM
				stepsTiming.SetBPMAtBeat( fCurBeat, numTemp );
			else if (BeginsWith(sRowString, "|E"))
				// DelayBeat
				float fCurDelay = 60 / stepsTiming.GetBPMAtBeat(fCurBeat) * numTemp / iTickCount;
				fCurDelay += stepsTiming.GetDelayAtRow(BeatToNoteRow(fCurBeat) );
				stepsTiming.SetDelayAtBeat( fCurBeat, fCurDelay );
			else if (BeginsWith(sRowString, "|D"))
				// Delays
				float fCurDelay = stepsTiming.GetStopAtRow(BeatToNoteRow(fCurBeat) );
				fCurDelay += numTemp / 1000;
				stepsTiming.SetDelayAtBeat( fCurBeat, fCurDelay );
			else if (BeginsWith(sRowString, "|M") || BeginsWith(sRowString, "|C"))
				// multipliers/combo
				ComboSegment seg( BeatToNoteRow(fCurBeat), int(numTemp) );
				stepsTiming.AddSegment( seg );
			else if (BeginsWith(sRowString, "|S"))
				// speed segments
			else if (BeginsWith(sRowString, "|F"))
				// fakes
			else if (BeginsWith(sRowString, "|X"))
				// scroll segments
				ScrollSegment seg = ScrollSegment( BeatToNoteRow(fCurBeat), numTemp );
				stepsTiming.AddSegment( seg );
				//return true;


		// Half-doubles is offset; "0011111100000".
		if( out.m_StepsType == StepsType_pump_halfdouble )
			sRowString.erase( 0, 2 );

		// Update TICKCOUNT for Direct Move files.
		if( bTickChangeNeeded )
			iTickCount = newTick;
			bTickChangeNeeded = false;

		for( t=0; t < notedata.GetNumTracks(); t++ )
			if( sRowString[t] == '4' )
				/* Remember when each hold starts; ignore the middle. */
				if( iHoldStartRow[t] == -1 )
					iHoldStartRow[t] = BeatToNoteRow(fCurBeat);

			if( iHoldStartRow[t] != -1 )	// this ends the hold
				int iEndRow = BeatToNoteRow(prevBeat);
				if( iHoldStartRow[t] == iEndRow )
					notedata.SetTapNote( t, iHoldStartRow[t], TAP_ORIGINAL_TAP );
					//notedata.AddHoldNote( t, iHoldStartRow[t], iEndRow , TAP_ORIGINAL_PUMP_HEAD );
					notedata.AddHoldNote( t, iHoldStartRow[t], iEndRow , TAP_ORIGINAL_HOLD_HEAD );
				iHoldStartRow[t] = -1;

			TapNote tap;
			switch( sRowString[t] )
			case '0':	tap = TAP_EMPTY;		break;
			case '1':	tap = TAP_ORIGINAL_TAP;		break;
				//allow setting more notetypes on ksf files, this may come in handy (it should) -DaisuMaster
			case 'M':
			case 'm':
						tap = TAP_ORIGINAL_MINE;
			case 'F':
			case 'f':
						tap = TAP_ORIGINAL_FAKE;
			case 'L':
			case 'l':
						tap = TAP_ORIGINAL_LIFT;
				LOG->UserLog( "Song file", sPath, "has an invalid row \"%s\"; corrupt notes ignored.",
					      sRowString.c_str() );
				//return false;
				tap = TAP_EMPTY;

			notedata.SetTapNote(t, BeatToNoteRow(fCurBeat), tap);
		prevBeat = fCurBeat;
		fCurBeat = prevBeat + 1.0f / iTickCount;

	out.SetNoteData( notedata );
	out.m_Timing = stepsTiming;


	out.SetSavedToDisk( true );	// we're loading from disk, so this is by definintion already saved

	return true;