예제 #1
rc_t CC
XFSOwpListKeys (
            const struct XFSOwp * self,
            const struct KNamelist ** Keys
    rc_t RCt;
    struct VNamelist * List;

    RCt = 0;

    if ( self == NULL || Keys == NULL ) {
        return XFS_RC ( rcNull );

    * Keys = NULL;

    RCt = VNamelistMake ( & List, 16 /* ?? */ );
    if ( RCt == 0 ) {
        BSTreeForEach (
                    ( BSTree * ) self,

        RCt = VNamelistToConstNamelist ( List, Keys );

        VNamelistRelease ( List );

    return RCt;
}   /* XFSOwpListKeys () */
예제 #2
static rc_t print_fragments( BSTree * fragments )
    walk_fragment_ctx wctx;
    wctx.rc = 0;
    wctx.n = 0;
    BSTreeForEach ( fragments, false, on_fragment, &wctx );
    return wctx.rc;
예제 #3
void skiplist_report( const struct skiplist * list )
    if ( list != NULL )
        KOutMsg( "\n\nstart skiplist-report:\n" );
        BSTreeForEach ( &( list->nodes ), false, skiplist_report_cb, NULL );
        KOutMsg( "\nend skiplist-report\n\n" );
예제 #4
rc_t foreach_reference( BSTree * regions,
    rc_t ( CC * on_reference ) ( const char * name, Vector *ranges, void *data ), 
    void *data )
    foreach_reference_func func;

    func.on_reference = on_reference;
    func.data = data;
    func.rc = 0;
    BSTreeForEach ( regions, false, foreach_reference_wrapper, &func );
    return func.rc;
예제 #5
struct skiplist * skiplist_make( BSTree * regions )
    struct skiplist *res = calloc( 1, sizeof *res );
    if ( res != NULL )
        BSTreeInit( &(res->nodes) );
        res->current = NULL;
        res->node_count = 0;

        /* walk the given regions-tree to generate the skip-list */
        BSTreeForEach ( regions, false, visit_region_node_for_skiplist, res );
        if ( res->node_count == 0 )
            skiplist_release( res );
            res = NULL;
    return res;
예제 #6
static rc_t print_headers_by_recalculating( const samdump_opts * opts, input_files * ifs )
    rc_t rc = KOutMsg( "@HD\tVN:1.3\n" );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        BSTree tree;

        /* collect sequenc-id's and names and their lengths, unique by sequence-id */
        BSTreeInit( &tree );
        rc = build_seq_id_tree( &tree, ifs );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            hdr_print_ctx hctx;
            hctx.rc = 0;
            hctx.use_seq_id = opts->use_seqid_as_refname;
            /* ptrint it */
            BSTreeForEach( &tree, false, print_header_callback, &hctx );
            rc = hctx.rc;
        free_seq_id_tree( &tree );

        /* collect spot-groups ( unique ) */
        if ( rc == 0 )
            VNamelist * spotgroups;
            rc = VNamelistMake( &spotgroups, 10 );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                bool from_stats = false;
                rc = extract_spotgroups( spotgroups, ifs, from_stats );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    rc = print_spotgroups( spotgroups, from_stats );
                    rc = 0; /* otherwise the tool would be not able to handle something that has no headers */
                VNamelistRelease( spotgroups );
    return rc;
예제 #7
파일: cg-load.c 프로젝트: mariux/sratoolkit
static rc_t Load( SParam* param )
    rc_t rc = 0, rc1 = 0;
    BSTree slides, evidence;

    param->map_dir = NULL;
    param->asm_dir = NULL;
    param->output_dir = ( KDirectory * )param->input_dir;
    BSTreeInit( &slides );
    BSTreeInit( &evidence );

    rc = open_dir_or_tar( param->input_dir, &param->map_dir, param->map_path );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        DirVisit_Data dv;

        dv.param = param;
        dv.tree = &slides;
        dv.dir = param->map_dir;
        rc = KDirectoryVisit( param->map_dir, true, DirVisitor, &dv, NULL );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            if ( param->asm_path != NULL )
                rc_t rc2 = open_dir_or_tar( param->input_dir, &param->asm_dir, param->asm_path );
                if ( rc2 == 0 )
                    dv.tree = &evidence;
                    dv.dir = param->asm_dir;
                    rc = KDirectoryVisit( param->asm_dir, true, DirVisitor, &dv, NULL );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                /* SHOULD HAVE A BSTreeEmpty FUNCTION OR SOMETHING...
#ifndef BSTreeEmpty
#define BSTreeEmpty( bst ) \
    ( ( bst ) -> root == NULL )
                if ( BSTreeEmpty ( & slides ) && BSTreeEmpty ( & evidence ) )
                    rc = RC( rcExe, rcFile, rcReading, rcData, rcInsufficient );
                    /* CORRECTED SETTING OF "rc" IN "FGroupMAP_Validate" */
                    assert ( rc == 0 );
                    BSTreeForEach( &slides, false, FGroupMAP_Validate, &rc );
                    BSTreeForEach( &evidence, false, FGroupMAP_Validate, &rc );

                if ( rc == 0 )
                    FGroupMAP_LoadData data;

                    PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo, "file set validation complete", "severity=status" ) );
                    memset( &data, 0, sizeof( data ) );
                    data.rc = 0;
                    data.param = param;
                    data.reads = &slides;
                    rc = DB_Init( param, &data.db );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        BSTreeDoUntil( &slides, false, FGroupMAP_LoadReads, &data );
                        rc = data.rc;
                        if ( rc == 0 )
                            PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo, "MAP loaded", "severity=status" ) );
                            BSTreeDoUntil( &evidence, false, FGroupMAP_LoadEvidence, &data );
                            rc = data.rc;
                            if ( rc == 0 )
                                PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo, "ASM loaded", "severity=status" ) );
                    rc1 = DB_Fini( param, &data.db, rc != 0 );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        rc = rc1;

        /* copy the extra library ( file or recursive directory ) */
        if ( rc == 0 && param->library != NULL )
            const KDirectory *lib_src;
            rc = open_dir_or_tar( param->input_dir, &lib_src, param->library );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                rc = copy_library( param->input_dir, param->output_dir,
                                   param->library, param->out );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    STSMSG( 0, ( "extra lib copied" ) );
                    LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "failed to copy extra library" );
                KDirectoryRelease( lib_src );
                rc = copy_library( param->input_dir, param->output_dir,
                                   ".", param->out );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    STSMSG( 0, ( "extra lib copied" ) );
                    LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "failed to copy extra library" );
        KDirectoryRelease( param->map_dir );
        KDirectoryRelease( param->asm_dir );
    BSTreeWhack( &slides, FGroupMAP_Whack, NULL );
    BSTreeWhack( &evidence, FGroupMAP_Whack, NULL );
    return rc;
예제 #8
uint32_t count_ref_regions( BSTree * regions )
    uint32_t res = 0;
    BSTreeForEach ( regions, false, count_ref_region_wrapper, &res );
    return res;
예제 #9
void check_ref_regions( BSTree * regions, uint64_t merge_diff )
    BSTreeForEach ( regions, false, check_refrange_wrapper, &merge_diff );
예제 #10
void slice_report( BSTree * regions )
    KOutMsg( "\n\nstart slice-report:\n" );
    BSTreeForEach ( regions, false, slice_report_wrapper, NULL );
    KOutMsg( "\nend slice-report\n\n" );
예제 #11
파일: trieval.c 프로젝트: ImAWolf/ncbi-vdb
/* TTransValidate
 *  recursively checks structure
int CC TTransValidate ( const TTrans *trans, const Trie *tt )
    int status = 0;

    TTValNodeCntData pb;
    unsigned int i, width;

    width = tt -> width;

    pb . depth = trans -> depth;
    pb . vcnt = pb . tcnt = 0;

    /* count transition array */
    if ( trans -> child != NULL )
        for ( i = 0; i < width; ++ i )
            if ( trans -> child [ i ] != NULL )
                ++ pb . tcnt;

    /* count value tree */
    BSTreeForEach ( & trans -> vals, 0, TTransCountTNodes, & pb );

    /* check validity */
    if ( pb . tcnt != trans -> tcnt )
        LOGERR ( status = EINVAL, "bad trans -> tcnt => %u, should be %u",
                 trans -> tcnt, pb . tcnt );

    /* should have a non-zero tcnt if has child array */
    else if ( pb . tcnt == 0 && trans -> child != NULL )
        LOGERR ( status = EINVAL, "empty trans -> child", NULL ); /* 3rd parameter is wrong so far... */

    if ( pb . vcnt != trans -> vcnt )
        LOGERR ( status = EINVAL, "bad trans -> vcnt => %u, should be %u",
                 trans -> vcnt, pb . vcnt );

    if ( trans -> child == NULL && pb . tcnt != 0 )
        if ( pb . tcnt + pb . vcnt > tt -> limit )
            LOGMSG ( "WARNING: over-limit actual value count => %u, should be %u\n",
                 pb . tcnt + pb . vcnt, tt -> limit );
            LOGMSG ( status = EINVAL, "WARNING: over-limit actual value count => %u, should be %u\n" );

    if ( status == 0 && trans -> child != NULL )
        for ( i = 0; i < width; ++ i )
            const TTrans *child = trans -> child [ i ];
            if ( child != NULL )
                if ( child -> depth != trans -> depth + 1 )
                    LOGERR ( status = EINVAL, "bad trans -> depth => %u, should be %u",
                             child -> depth, trans -> depth + 1 );
                    int err = TTransValidate ( child, tt );
                    if ( status == 0 )
                        status = err;

    return status;
예제 #12
static void check_ref_regions( BSTree * regions )
    BSTreeForEach ( regions, false, check_refrange_wrapper, NULL );
예제 #13
파일: proxy.c 프로젝트: ncbi/ncbi-vdb
KNSProxies * KNSManagerKNSProxiesMake ( struct KNSManager * mgr,
                                        const KConfig * kfg )
    rc_t rc = 0;

    int i = 0;
    int n = 2;

    typedef enum {
    } EType;

    EType type [ 2 ] = { eKfg, eEnv };

    KNSProxies * self = calloc ( 1, sizeof * self ); 
    if ( self == NULL )
        return NULL;

    assert ( self );

    BSTreeInit ( & self -> proxie_tree );

    rc = KConfigReadBool
        ( kfg, "/http/proxy/enabled", & self -> http_proxy_enabled );
    if ( rc != 0 ) {
        if ( GetRCState ( rc ) == rcNotFound )
            rc = 0;
        else {
            KNSManagerSetHTTPProxyPath ( mgr, NULL );
            assert ( self -> http_proxy_enabled == false );
    else if ( ! self -> http_proxy_enabled )
        return self;

        bool proxy_only = false;
        rc_t rc = KConfigReadBool ( kfg, "/http/proxy/only",  & proxy_only );
        if ( rc == 0 && proxy_only )
            self-> http_proxy_only = true;

        String * result = NULL;
        rc = KConfigReadString ( kfg, "/http/proxy/use", & result );
        if ( rc == 0 ) {
            if ( StringCmp ( result, "env") ) {
                n = 1;
                type [ 0 ] = eEnv;
            } else if ( StringCmp ( result, "kfg") ) {
                n = 1;
                type [ 0 ] = eKfg;
            } else if ( StringCmp ( result, "none") ) {
                n = 0;
            } else if ( StringCmp ( result, "env,kfg") ) {
                n = 2;
                type [ 0 ] = eEnv;
                type [ 1 ] = eKfg;
            } else if ( StringCmp ( result, "kfg,env") ) {
                n = 2;
                type [ 0 ] = eKfg;
                type [ 1 ] = eEnv;
        RELEASE ( String, result );

    for ( i = 0; i < n; ++ i ) {
        switch ( type [ i ] ) {
            case eEnv:
                KNSProxiesHttpProxyInitFromEnv ( self );
            case eKfg:
                KNSProxiesHttpProxyInitFromKfg ( self, kfg );
                assert ( 0 );

    BSTreeForEach ( & self -> proxie_tree, false, KNSProxiesBSTreeCount,
                    & self -> http_proxies_cnt );

    if ( self -> http_proxies_cnt > 0 ) {
        self -> http_proxies = calloc ( self -> http_proxies_cnt,
                                        sizeof * self -> http_proxies );
        if ( self -> http_proxies == NULL )
            return NULL;
            ( "Will use %zu proxy spec%s%s\n", self -> http_proxies_cnt,
              self -> http_proxies_cnt > 1 ? "s" : "",
              self -> http_proxy_only ? "" : " and direct connection") );

    self -> tmpS = 0;
    n = self -> http_proxies_cnt;
    srand ( time ( NULL ) );
    while ( n > 0 ) {
        self -> rand = rand () % n;
        self -> tmpI = 0;
        if ( ! BSTreeDoUntil ( & self -> proxie_tree, false,
                               KNSProxiesBSTreeSetRand, self ) )
            BSTreeForEach ( & self -> proxie_tree, false,
                               KNSProxiesBSTreeInit, self ) ;
            n = 0;
        else {
            const BSTItem * item = ( BSTItem * ) self -> tmpB;
            self -> http_proxies [ self -> tmpS ++ ] = item -> proxy;
            BSTreeUnlink ( & self -> proxie_tree, self -> tmpB );
            BSTItemWhack ( self -> tmpB, NULL );
            self -> tmpB = NULL;
            -- n;

/* BSTreeForEach ( & self -> proxie_tree, false, KNSProxiesBSTreeInit, self );*/

    for ( self -> tmpS = 1; self -> tmpS < self ->http_proxies_cnt;
       ++ self -> tmpS )
        self -> http_proxies [ self -> tmpS - 1 ] -> next
            = self -> http_proxies [ self -> tmpS ];

    return self;